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Monday, October 19, 2020

How to Beat Your Shoulder Pain in 2 Easy Steps


The best way to beat your shoulder pain is through rehabilitation and physiotherapy. You can do simple stretches and exercises at home to relieve the pain and strengthen your joint to stop the shoulder pain from happening.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

Shoulder pain is a terrible, terrible condition. Sometimes the pain is only minor, but sometimes the pain can be unbearable. It might even be keeping you up during the night and stopping you from getting a full night's sleep. I used to suffer from shoulder pain too, after I tore my rotator cuff in the gym. I'm not sure how it happened, but something went wrong and I heard it "snap" while I was lifting.


My shoulder began to hurt. The pain started off only slight, but got worse, and worse, and worse. It was a stinging sensation, but there was also a background dull ache "inside" my shoulder. I tried resting for a few weeks, but that didn't really make much of a difference. I couldn't get comfortable whenever I sat down anywhere, sleeping was a nightmare, and I couldn't use my arm to lift, reach or carry anything.


I went to see my doctor and he diagnosed my shoulder pain as a minor strain. He suggested taking anti-inflammatory medication which works well for very minor injuries which don't require any active treatment. Usually you can simply rest and wait it out while your body does the hard work and sorts out whatever the shoulder pain is being caused by.


But, while that works in most cases (which is why most doctors will prescribe exactly that when you go and see them), there are a huge number of cases where that treatment is just not good enough. Instead, you have to take a more active approach to treating your shoulder pain.


The best way to do that in my experience is through rehabilitation and physiotherapy. You can do simple stretches and exercises at home to relieve the pain and strengthen your joint to stop the shoulder pain from happening.


I spent ages researching these stretches and exercises, compiled my own rehabilitation program and put it into practice. In a few weeks, my pain was gone and I was back to normal.


Shoulder pain exercises are easy to do, don't require any special equipment and are a fantastic way of solving your pain quickly.


I wrote a book about my experiences, and documented everything I learned about treating shoulder pain with the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research.


For more ideas to beat your shoulder pain, watch this video - Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain Stretch routine


Click here to get that book and use the same techniques to beat your shoulder pain today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Shoulder Pain Cure - The Best Way to Cure Shoulder Pain


Shoulder Pain Cure – Here are 2 tips to share with you. The 1st is Stretch your shoulder regularly. The 2nd tip is to exercise your shoulder to strengthen and repair damaged muscles and tendons in the joint.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

The shoulder is the most complex joint in the body, and so is naturally susceptible to injury from time to time. And injury means - shoulder pain.


Shoulder pain is terrible because we use our shoulders for so much without even realising it. I injured my shoulder a while ago, and almost immediately began suffering from excruciating constant shoulder pain. I tried asking my friends, I tried visiting the doctor, but all they said was "rest".


Luckily, I didn't give up. I was not content to live with my shoulder pain forever, and you shouldn't be either.


I did a ton of research, on the internet, in libraries, talking to doctors, physical therapists, athletes, professional trainers and anyone else who knew anything about shoulder injuries, and all of them listed one thing as their top tip for treating shoulder pain effectively.


That one thing is: physiotherapy. Now unfortunately, a professional physiotherapist might charge $100 or more per hour for treatment sessions, but you can actually learn a lot of these techniques and do them yourself at home. Which is what I did, and I want to share some tips with you.


1. Stretch your shoulder regularly. Simple, basic stretches help to loosen the shoulder joint, prevent it from stiffening up, calm swelling, improve mobility and flexibility, and ultimately - relieves shoulder pain.


2. Exercise your shoulder to strengthen and repair damaged muscles and tendons in the joint, which will reduce and eliminate shoulder pain because once the injury is healed, there's no damage for the pain to come from. No injury = no symptoms = no pain.


The second top tip was using ice on your shoulder. This has two effects - first it cools the shoulder and numbs any pain you might be feeling, without needing drugs.

Second, it reduces swelling, which in turn reduces pain and helps the body do its job of healing any damage.


I used both these techniques with great success, and now my shoulder doesn't hurt a bit.


Watch these 2 videos to get more shoulder pain cure techniques –


How To ELIMINATE Shoulder Pain - ShoulderImpingement Exercises


Best Shoulder Pain Relief Exercises |Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy


I wrote a book about my experiences, and documented everything I learned about treating shoulder pain with the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research.


Click here to get that book and use the same techniques to cure your shoulder pain today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Do You Really Need Surgery to Treat Your Shoulder Pain?


Do you really need surgery to treat your shoulder pain? The short answer is, "not always". Although in some cases of severe injury and damage surgery is unavoidable, the huge majority of cases of shoulder pain are for often trivial reasons which are easily fixed at home.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

Do I really need surgery to treat my shoulder pain? The short answer is, "not always".


Although in some cases of severe injury and damage surgery is unavoidable, the huge majority of cases of shoulder pain are for often trivial reasons which are easily fixed at home.


I hurt my shoulder a while ago, and even after enduring months of constant shoulder pain,


I've successfully treated it at home without any special equipment - just a few simple techniques and the pain disappeared.


Some cases where you might need surgery: very severe impingement, separated acromio-clavicular (AC) joint, severe full thickness rotator cuff tears, broken bones and drastic dislocations.


But as I said before, the chances of you having such a serious injury is very small. If you did have something like that, it is likely you'd know about it already because you would've been to hospital and had it diagnosed as such.


You don't have to have surgery, but it's always wise to check with your doctor and get his or her professional medical opinion.


For general shoulder pain caused by minor things such as - rotator cuff strains or micro-tears, muscle imbalances, poor posture, minor impingement, muscular strains, or just general aches and pains in the shoulder joint, you can do something about it at home.


Physiotherapy is the answer to most shoulder pain. Most professional physios will charge $100 or more per hour of treatment, but if you could learn a few simple stretches and techniques to do at home, and spend a few minutes every day doing them, there's a strong chance you can beat your shoulder pain.


That's what I did. I researched shoulder injuries on the internet, in the library, and by talking to past sufferers and medical professionals, and I discovered a few techniques which I put to good use and cured my own shoulder pain in a few weeks.


I wrote a book about my experiences with shoulder pain, and documented everything I learned about treating it with the special physiotherapy stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research.


For more ideas to treat your shoulder pain, watch this video - 3 Gentle Stretches to Reduce Shoulder Pain


Click here to get that book and treat your shoulder pain with the same techniques.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.


Friday, October 16, 2020

Shoulder Pain Treatment - Where it Comes from and How to Resolve It


Shoulder Pain Treatment - A simple combination of stretches and basic exercises strengthen and heal the shoulder back to normal, and the pain disappears. The key is to use the right stretches and exercises for your particular type of injury. If you don't get the right ones, you might end up doing more damage than good - that's why most people go to professional physiotherapists for help with their shoulder pain.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

Shoulder pain can occur for many different reasons. It could be because of a rotator cuff tear or strain, impingement, tendonitis, muscle imbalances or poor posture, amongst other things.

It's easy to injure your shoulder at home, playing sports, weight training in the gym or just by accident if you fall.


My own shoulder pain (which I've completely eliminated now) happened because of a rotator cuff injury which happened while I was at the gym. I was lifting weights, and must've got something wrong because I felt it "snap". It didn't hurt immediately, but over the next few hours and days, it developed into a stinging, sharp sensation in the front of my shoulder, and a dull ache on the back.


It hurt a lot, so I obviously wanted to resolve it so I could get back to training, and get back to normal life! I tried asking around my friends to see what their experiences were with shoulder pain, but they didn't really have any better suggestions than, "rest it".


So, I went to see a doctor. He also prescribed rest and some anti-inflammatory medication, and while that did help ease the pain a little, as soon as I stopped taking the pills the pain came right back, so they didn't really solve the core reason for my shoulder pain.


I did some research on the internet, and discovered that you can do physiotherapy at home to treat shoulder pain. A simple combination of stretches and basic exercises strengthen and heal the shoulder back to normal, and the pain disappears.


The key is to use the right stretches and exercises for your particular type of injury. If you don't get the right ones, you might end up doing more damage than good - that's why most people go to professional physiotherapists for help with their shoulder pain.


I wrote a book about my experiences with shoulder pain, and documented everything I learned about treating it with the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research. These simple techniques worked wonderfully for me - now I'm pain free!


For more ideas on shoulder pain treatment, watch this video - Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain Stretch routine


Click here to get that book and use the same shoulder pain treatment techniques today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Simple Shoulder Pain Relief Strategies that Work to Stop Your Painful Shoulder


What is good for shoulder pain relief? It is a combination of stretches and exercises you can do at home and can be done in a few minutes a day. They also don't need any special equipment, and people of all ages can use them to combat their shoulder pain. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

If you suffer from shoulder pain, it can ruin your life. It can affect your mood because you can't do all the things you want to do, even if those things are as simple as carrying the shopping home without screwing up your face in pain.


I used to suffer from shoulder pain, just like you. I spent weeks in pain, struggling through every day with poor mobility, flexibility and severely limited use of my arm. Luckily, I discovered some simple strategies for treating shoulder pain which I'm going to share with you.


First of all - what's NOT good.


* Rest - generally prescribed by your doctor, it can have some beneficial effects for very minor injuries with low levels of pain. But generally, rest can affect negatively on your injury, allowing the joint to stiffen up causing more pain.


* Anti-inflammatories - also usually prescribed by doctors, anti-inflammatory drugs lower swelling in the joint which reduces pain and allows the injury to heal. BUT.. you must be careful not to become dependent on these drugs for pain relief. If you stop taking them and your shoulder pain is still there, you need something better.


* Electronic gadgets - There are various gadgets designed to relieve shoulder pain through infra-red, ultra-sound and other hi-tech means. Really, the only hi-tech solution you should consider is surgery, but with any luck you can avoid that with my special techniques.

So, what is good?


* Stretches - Designed to loosen the shoulder joint, relax tendons and muscles, improve mobility and flexibility and reduce shoulder pain.


* Exercises - Designed to strengthen inner shoulder muscles, promote healing and rebuild any damage caused through injury, and ultimately cure shoulder pain completely.


These techniques are very simple to do at home, and can be done in a few minutes a day. They also don't need any special equipment, and people of all ages can use them to combat their shoulder pain.


I wrote a book about my experiences with these techniques, and documented everything I learned about treating shoulder pain with the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research.


For more ideas on shoulder pain relief, watch this video - Instant Relief for Upper Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Shoulder Pain (Knots and Tight Muscles)


Click here to get that book and use the same techniques to get your shoulder pain relief today. It worked for me, and it can work for you too.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.


Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Effective Strategies for Curing Shoulder Pain


I used home physiotherapy techniques for curing shoulder pain. In a few weeks of using this system every day or two, I was back to normal with a healthy, supple, flexible and pain-free shoulder joint. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

Shoulder pain is a very common condition which affects millions of people around the world for various reasons. However, if your injury is not severe enough to warrant surgery, or if you've already undergone surgery and want to kickstart your post-surgical shoulder rehab, this article is for you.


I used to suffer from shoulder pain, after I injured it weight training in the gym. I tore my rotator cuff and ended up with severe pain on the front of my shoulder, and a dull ache in the back. It was terrible to live with, as I'm sure you're aware. I visited a doctor, but he just told me to rest.


Instead, I started researching shoulder injuries and shoulder pain in libraries, on the web, by talking to physiotherapists, personal trainers, doctors and anyone who'd had any experience of shoulder pain before.


They all told me one thing: shoulder pain usually comes because of damage which can be easily repaired at home with the following techniques:


* Stretching - used to gently and gradually improve mobility and flexibility in your shoulder, and to extend your range of motion and relieve stiffness and pain.


* Exercises - used to encourage regrowth of damaged tissue in the shoulder, strengthen the internal core muscles of the shoulder joint (the rotator cuff) and relieve pain.


* Hot/cold - use heat pads before stretching and exercising to warm up your muscles and prepare them for movement. It also draws blood into the area which promotes and stimulates the healing process. Ice is used after exercise to reduce swelling and numb any immediate pain. Less swelling means the body can do it's work of healing more effectively.


I used these home physiotherapy techniques myself to overcome my shoulder pain. In a few weeks of using this system every day or two, I was back to normal with a healthy, supple, flexible and pain-free shoulder joint. At last! I basically became my own physiotherapist, treated my injury and so the pain disappeared.


I wrote a book about my experiences, and documented everything I learned about treating shoulder pain with descriptions and photos of the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research.


For more ideas on curing shoulder pain, watch this video - Yin Yoga for Neck & Back Pain Relief, Tense Shoulders, Gentle Beginners Yoga Stretch, YogaPlus App


Click here to get that book and use the same techniques for curing shoulder pain today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.

How to Treat Your Shoulder Pain at Home in a Few Minutes


Shoulder pain is not permanent, can be treated and cured without surgery, and it is perfectly possible to get your shoulder back to how it used to be. Here is how to treat your shoulder pain at home in a few minutes. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

You might've been told that shoulder pain will "never really go away", or that it "always requires surgery", or that "your shoulder will never be the same again". Well, whoever said that was most definitely wrong. Shoulder pain is not permanent, can be treated and cured without surgery, and it is perfectly possible to get your shoulder back to how it used to be.


I know this to be true, because that's what I did when I hurt my shoulder. I used to suffer from extreme shoulder pain throughout the day and night. Sometimes it would keep me awake because I couldn't get comfortable. Worse, it would bother me while I was at work (I sit at a desk for most of the day), and I couldn't get comfortable there either.


My friends told me to visit the doctor, so I did. He prescribed rest and anti-inflammatory medications, which worked OK for a while but as soon as I stopped taking the drugs the pain came right back. I couldn't believe it.


Why had my shoulder pain come back? Really, the answer is clear: by taking the medication, I wasn't treating the source of the pain, I was just covering it up.


Instead, I learned about an alternative treatment to surgery for my shoulder pain: physiotherapy. Not being able to afford an expensive professional physio, I had to learn the techniques for myself. Luckily for me (and you), they're very easy to do.


I learned a few simple stretches and used them to keep my shoulder loose, regain flexibility and mobility and reduce pain. I also learned a few basic exercises for strengthening the shoulder's inner muscles and tendons (the rotator cuff), stimulating the healing process and relieving pain.


By combining these techniques, I became my own physiotherapist, and my shoulder pain disappeared completely. Whatever the reason for your shoulder pain, it is very likely that some simple home physio can have a dramatic impact on your pain, curing it completely in most cases.


I wrote a book about my experiences, and documented everything I learned about treating shoulder pain with the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research.


For more ideas on how to treat your shoulder pain at home, watch this video - 5 Proven Yoga Stretches For Neck & Shoulder Pain Relief! with Lindsey Samper


Click here to get that book and use the same techniques to treat your shoulder pain at home today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

My Number 1 Tip for Stopping Your Shoulder Pain


My number one top tip, as a previous shoulder pain sufferer for stopping your shoulder pain is to learn about physiotherapy you can do on your own in your own home. It only takes a few minutes a day, doesn't require any special equipment and is easy to do.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

I used to suffer from severe shoulder pain. You probably know what it's like - stinging, nagging, sharp and sore, it is constantly on your mind throughout the day, and can keep you up all throughout the night, not letting you have a wink of sleep because it hurts too bad.


After visiting the doctor, I was told I should rest, and take anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling and numb my body to the pain. I thought that would work well, and for a few weeks it did. However, as soon as I stopped taking the drugs, the pain came right back.


The shoulder pain came back because I hadn't treated the cause and source of the pain. I'd just covered it up with pain blocking pills. If you don't cure the cause of the pain, the pain (which is a symptom of the cause) will persist. Treating the source is absolutely essential to stopping shoulder pain.


After much research, I discovered that physiotherapy is an excellent and effective treatment for shoulder pain. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford a professional, since they can charge as much as $100 per hour, and pretty much every shoulder injury is going to require at least 5-10 hours of treatment over the course of a few weeks.


So instead, I learned how to use physiotherapy myself. That might sound complicated, but it's actually very easy. A few simple stretches and exercises at home. After putting them into practice for a few weeks, my shoulder pain had completely disappeared, and I could get back to normal life.


So that's my number one top tip, as a previous shoulder pain sufferer - learn about physiotherapy you can do on your own in your own home. It only takes a few minutes a day, doesn't require any special equipment and is easy to do. And best of all, it's very effective at treating shoulder pain.


For more ideas for stopping your shoulder pain, watch this video - How To ELIMINATE Shoulder Pain - Shoulder Impingement Exercises


I wrote a book about how to cure shoulder pain with home physiotherapy, based on my experiences. I included everything I learned about the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my extensive research. Click here to get that book and use the same techniques for stopping your shoulder pain today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.


What is the Best Way to Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today?


Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today - How does one tiny grain manage to do so much in such a small amount? There’s one “miracle” grain that lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and according to a study published in the Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology journal, it even cures type-2 diabetes.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today - Miracle Grain Lowers Blood Pressure & Cholesterol, and Even Cures Type 2 Diabetes


How does one tiny grain manage to do so much in such a small amount?


There’s one “miracle” grain that lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, and according to a study published in the Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology journal, it even cures type-2 diabetes.


Oats are amazing! They’re packed with the very nutritive benefits that are effective in eliminating some of the most devastating and stubborn diseases.


Oats are an excellent source of magnesium, which is critical for vascular, muscle, and digestive health. Studies also show that a deficiency in magnesium can cause high blood pressure and even irritable bowel syndrome.


They’re also packed with zinc, which helps improve heart and vascular health.


To drop your blood pressure starting today, follow these simple exercises…


Oats are also an incredible source of dietary fiber, which is critical for the metabolism of fats in the diet and are one of the best weapons in the fight against plaque-causing cholesterol.


To take control of your cholesterol in as little as 21 days, you need to follow this step-by-step plan…


Oats also help eliminate inflammation, in the pancreas and insulin resistance – the two things directly linked with diabetes.


Oats also increase Peptide Y-Y, a powerful appetite control hormone, which helps eliminate a massive diabetes risk factorobesity.


Oats are also very high in vitamin B1, a vitamin critical in the metabolism of carbohydrates for energy.


Gluten free varieties help celiac disease sufferers get necessary grain-based fiber and other nutrients they can’t get because of eliminating other whole grains.


Avoid ‘quick oats’, as these are highly processed and full of sodium.


Whole, un-kilned versions are the best – who knew the humble oat was so powerful?


Here are the exact 3 steps my mother took to completely reverse her type 2 diabetes in 28 days…


Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today - A Blood Pressure Lowering Tea That Even Helps You Sleep


“You might benefit from a diuretic for blood pressure, and a sedative for anxiety”, your doctor says. But instead of being happy with their “remedy”, you’re frustrated their answer is limited to conventional drugs and nothing else.


But the good news is there’s a solution, and it involves a nightly cup of hot delicious tea.


Linden tea…sound familiar?


Probably not!


Linden tea doesn’t only fight inflammation, it’s also a powerful diuretic, has calming powers, and can even thin mucous enough to help out with a cough or cold.


Although it’s gaining popularity, it’s still not readily found in stores, but it can be bought in supplement form.


Containing a powerful chemical called farnesol, which is known to be a vasodilator, Linden tea prevents edema and water retention in our sleep by relaxing blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and calming the mind and body, which in turn helps you get that quality sleep you need each night to remain healthy.


Want to learn even more powerful methods to defeat sleeplessness? Check out this simple audio that will knock you out in 10 minutes…


Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today - AND to lower your blood pressure, discover how 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 starting today…


Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today - Tracking High Blood Pressure – Have We Got It All Wrong?


More evidence is emerging that highlights a common but critical mistake people make when tracking their blood pressure.


And this mistake is even causing patients and doctors alike to miss key warning signs for strokes


Because it’s not the high blood pressure that is the biggest problem.


One of the most common mistakes in managing high blood pressure is to only take a reading once a day or only at the doctor’s office. The problem with this is that these infrequent readings don’t give a clear picture of what is happening with your blood pressure throughout the day.


So, what you miss is the fluctuation from your lowest reading to your highest. Blood pressure fluctuates slightly during waking hours, but not drastically. However, if you have hypertension and experience frequent spikes in blood pressure, damage is being done that can and does lead to stroke.


New research shows people that regularly experience large fluctuations in their blood pressure are most at risk of a stroke.


A lot of times this happens when a person is under high stress, exerting oneself, or in pain, and likely already having problems with high blood pressure. These factors contribute to the spikes. But valleys and hypotension can occur right after taking the maintenance medication. It might not be so low as to cause fainting, but this frequently occurs, especially in seniors.


So, we come back to the original problem – if periodic readings during the day are not taken to get the full picture of how your blood pressure is fluctuating, you could be missing critical data that would be important for you and your doctor to consider when creating your treatment plan.


For more ideas to drop your blood pressure starting today, watch this video - Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure


Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today - The good news is these simple blood pressure exercises don’t just lower overall blood pressure, they’ve also been proven to balance the fluctuation of blood pressure throughout the day…


This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites. 


This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.


To find out more about this program, click on Drop Your Blood Pressure Starting Today


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