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Showing posts with label treat shoulder pain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treat shoulder pain. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2020

Shoulder Pain Treatment - Where it Comes from and How to Resolve It


Shoulder Pain Treatment - A simple combination of stretches and basic exercises strengthen and heal the shoulder back to normal, and the pain disappears. The key is to use the right stretches and exercises for your particular type of injury. If you don't get the right ones, you might end up doing more damage than good - that's why most people go to professional physiotherapists for help with their shoulder pain.

Click HERE to Learn the Simple Techniques You Can Use to Eliminate Shoulder Pain for Good

Shoulder pain can occur for many different reasons. It could be because of a rotator cuff tear or strain, impingement, tendonitis, muscle imbalances or poor posture, amongst other things.

It's easy to injure your shoulder at home, playing sports, weight training in the gym or just by accident if you fall.


My own shoulder pain (which I've completely eliminated now) happened because of a rotator cuff injury which happened while I was at the gym. I was lifting weights, and must've got something wrong because I felt it "snap". It didn't hurt immediately, but over the next few hours and days, it developed into a stinging, sharp sensation in the front of my shoulder, and a dull ache on the back.


It hurt a lot, so I obviously wanted to resolve it so I could get back to training, and get back to normal life! I tried asking around my friends to see what their experiences were with shoulder pain, but they didn't really have any better suggestions than, "rest it".


So, I went to see a doctor. He also prescribed rest and some anti-inflammatory medication, and while that did help ease the pain a little, as soon as I stopped taking the pills the pain came right back, so they didn't really solve the core reason for my shoulder pain.


I did some research on the internet, and discovered that you can do physiotherapy at home to treat shoulder pain. A simple combination of stretches and basic exercises strengthen and heal the shoulder back to normal, and the pain disappears.


The key is to use the right stretches and exercises for your particular type of injury. If you don't get the right ones, you might end up doing more damage than good - that's why most people go to professional physiotherapists for help with their shoulder pain.


I wrote a book about my experiences with shoulder pain, and documented everything I learned about treating it with the special stretches and exercises I'd uncovered during my research. These simple techniques worked wonderfully for me - now I'm pain free!


For more ideas on shoulder pain treatment, watch this video - Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain Stretch routine


Click here to get that book and use the same shoulder pain treatment techniques today.


Author Bio:


Joe Brent is a former chronic should pain sufferer. He beat his shoulder pain for good without surgery and completely rehabilitated himself from the comfort of his own home.


When Joe injured his shoulder from a combination of working out incorrectly and bad posture, he spent hours every day digging through medical and sports literature, talking to medical experts, professional athletes and anyone he could find that had any experience of shoulder and rotator cuff injuries.  He realized that it was possible to skip the surgery and the physical therapy appointments and do all the stretches and exercises on his own.


In just a few weeks, Joe was able to heal his own shoulder pain.  He wanted to share his successful experiences with others and show them how to quickly rehab their shoulder injuries and that’s how he came up with his shoulder pain relief guide called Shoulder Pain No More.

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