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Monday, November 1, 2021

What is the Easiest and Best Way to Break Free from Anxiety Disorders?

Are you looking for the easiest and best way to break free from anxiety disorders? Do you know that anxiety disorder can trigger stroke and heart attack? If you have vertigo and anxiety, do you know you can eliminate them in one shot? Are you obese –this can be the cause of your anxiety? Read on to find out more.


How to Overcome Anxiety Disorder & Start Living Life Again?

Easiest and Best Way to Break Free from Anxiety Disorders – This Anxiety Disorder Causes Stroke and Heart Attack

Anxiety feels horrible in every way possible. But in most cases, it’s not considered dangerous to your physical health.

Except it is, according to a new study published in the journal Sleep.

A specific type of anxiety disorder causes high blood pressurestroke and heart attack.

Psychologists call frequent nightmares that cause distress, prevent a quick return to sleep, and create a fear of going to sleep a nightmare disorder.

It is an anxiety disorder because nightmares are usually related to threats to your safety or survival.

It often, but not always, co-occurs with PTSD, and approximately four percent of Americans are thought to suffer from it.

The researchers recruited 3,876 military veterans who have served since September 2001. 73 percent of them had one or two tours of duty, and their average age by the time of the study was 38. Men made up 78 percent, while 48 percent of them were African American and 48 percent of them were white.

31 percent of the subjects met the conditions for PTSD as diagnosed by the clinical interview designed by the American Psychological Association.

33 percent of the participants reported frequent distressing nightmares, defined as two to three times a week.

29 percent of them had high blood pressure, 6.6 percent had diabetes, six percent had heart problems, 1.2 percent had had heart attacks, 0.7 percent had had strokes, 0.5 percent had atherosclerosis.

When they crunched the numbers, they established that those with frequent nightmares were more likely to have high blood pressureheart attacks, and heart problems than those without frequent nightmares.

These relationships held even when they excluded PTSD from the results, meaning that frequent nightmares alone without PTSD put the veterans at risk of heart disease.

The reason why frequent distressing nightmares place people at risk of heart disease is unknown, but the researchers did speculate:

1. Such nightmares cause extreme anxiety, with sweats and pounding heartbeats that can contribute to heart disease.

2. When the nightmares are very distressing, they cause anxiety during the day with obsessive thoughts about images from the dreams. This can cause chronic anxiety and thereby heart disease.

3. Such nightmares disrupt sleep and often prevent a quick return to sleep. Many previous studies have linked poor sleep with heart disease.

4. They may cause sufferers to be afraid of going to bed, which leads to sleep deprivation. This has also been linked with heart disease.

Fortunately, we have a way to eliminate all types of anxiety disorders in only a few simple steps. I explain this in detail here…

But if you have high blood pressure, for whatever reason, do these three exercises to drop it below 120/80 today…

And if high cholesterol is an issue, learn how cutting out one ingredient (which you didn’t even know you were consuming) will bring it back to normal in no time…

Easiest and Best Way to Break Free from Anxiety Disorders – Vertigo and Anxiety Both Eliminated in One Blow

Over half of people suffering vertigo also experience anxiety or panic attacks, and researchers started to wonder if one leads to the other.

In a new study published in the International Journal of Research Science and Management, a team of scientists used a simple method to eliminate one condition, and the other disappeared with it.

According to one of the studies cited in the literature review of the new paper, around 45 percent of people with vertigo have anxiety disorder, while 15 percent tend to have panic disorder. The concern exists that these problems may become worse and even permanent if the vertigo is not treated quickly.

For this reason, two Indonesian researchers decided to examine whether anxiety and agoraphobia scores improved after treatment of vertigo patients with the canalith repositioning procedure (also called the Epley maneuver).

The researchers recruited 38 people who had been diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) through a physical examination of the years and through eye-movement tests during head movements.

All participants were all 18 years or older. Those who were on medication, who suffered from any other ear or balance disorder, and who were known to suffer from anxiety or agoraphobia before the study were excluded.

After the BPPV diagnoses, the subjects were given questionnaires to complete for assessment of their anxiety and agoraphobia scores.

They then underwent the canalith repositioning procedure and were told to return for re-evaluation 7 and 14 days after the procedure.

Those who benefited from the treatment, which was pretty much all of them, also experienced a reduction in agoraphobia and anxiety.

If you’re suffering vertigo, learn the simple exercises to eliminate it here…

And if you feel anxious, try the easy way to eliminate anxiety for good here…

Easiest and Best Way to Break Free from Anxiety Disorders – Obesity and Anxiety Connection

In many places, the majority of people are obese.

And it seems like almost everyone is suffering some level of anxiety these days.

But until now, no connection has been made between the two.

A new study published in the journal BMC Medicine found that those who were obese were more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety – a dangerous and potentially lethal combination.

The study was performed on Swedish children and teenagers. The researchers first identified those who had received treatment for obesity between the ages of 6-17.

Subsequently they checked how many of them were treated for depression or anxiety.

They compared depression and anxiety treatments between obese and normal-weight children. They established that people who were obese as children were more likely to suffer from depression or anxiety disorders later.

Another research team conducted a review of all the scientific literature on the relationship between obesity and anxiety – this included 16 studies, 14 observational studies, and 2 longitudinal studies.

Overall, the observational studies showed that people who were obese were 40 percent more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders.

Obesity causes anxiety because it is socially undesirable and leads to criticism, because it interferes with hormones and neurotransmitters that cause anxiety, and because it interferes with one’s career and economic status.

Anxiety can also cause obesity because people with anxiety disorders spend more time at home without exercise and they engage in overeating to make themselves feel better.

So, to fight both anxiety and obesity, we need to fight these two conditions on two fronts.

Still looking for the easiest and best way to break free from anxiety disorder? Watch this video – Break Free From Anxiety and Fear

If you suffer anxiety, you should follow these simple steps that have helped hundreds of people to gain freedom from their anxiety…

And if you’re overweight and all diet and exercises plans have failed, click here to discover “the third element of weight loss” …

This post is from the Overthrowing Anxiety Program created by Christian Goodman. This program teaches you natural ways to manage your anxiety, clear the root cause of your anxiety and to create a calmer lifestyle. It provides you with an abundance of valuable information about your anxiety, what it is, where it came from, the triggers, the treatment, and so much more.

It talks about alternative therapies, healthy habits to form, thought patterns to look at and the system even has self-assessment tests you can take to help you determine which type of anxiety disorder you’re experiencing if you have not been diagnosed, as well as at home exercises and activities you can do to begin clearing the root cause and limiting beliefs that have manifested into anxiety.

The entire program is 100% safe and natural. The regime focuses on making simple changes each day that allow you to gradually and confidently work towards a life that is free of anxiety. In other words, it is not a quick fix option (those don’t exist). Instead, Overthrowing Anxiety is a program that allows you to slowly and gradually work towards clearing the root cause of your anxiety to create a calmer life and healthier mental state.

To find out more about this program, click on Easiest and Best Way to Break Free from Anxiety Disorders

How to Restore Your Thyroid to Full Function and Reverse the Damage Cause by Hypothyroidism?


IntechOpen has just published an article showing that two plants can restore your thyroid to full function and reverse the damage cause by hypothyroidism. The best part is that you can buy these two plants in all supermarkets. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Treat Hypothyroidism by Addressing Its Root Causes

Restore Your Thyroid to Full Function and Reverse the Damage Cause by Hypothyroidism – To Prevent Hypothyroidism, Consume More of this Mineral

One common cause of hypothyroidism is an iodine deficiency, as iodine is essential for your body’s ability to produce the thyroid hormone.

But because of rapid fetal development and the increased energy requirements for pregnant women, they are more vulnerable to iodine deficiency than the rest of the population.

A new study in the journal Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism is a useful guide for pregnant women to help them through this potential problem.

Brazilian researchers conducted a literature review of previously published studies on the relationship between iodine deficiency, hypothyroidism, and the health of both the expectant mother and the fetus.

The reason why this is important is because pregnant women are vulnerable to an iodine deficiency precisely because so much of their iodine is transferred to their fetuses and because much of it is excreted in their urine.

Our bodies do not make iodine, so to avoid hypothyroidism they must consume enough iodine in their diet.

Moreover, a third of the world population is at risk of iodine deficiency because of low iodine in the soil (including most of Asia and Europe), and because of an excess of highly processed nutritionally poor foods in our diets.

Researchers have known for some time that expectant mothers with an iodine deficiency and hypothyroidism are at risk of miscarriage and that their babies have an increased likelihood of stunted growth or slow neurological development.

From the literature review, the scientists found that iodine-deficient women in their first trimester were at risk of diabetes, placental abruption (when the placenta that feeds the baby partly or completely detaches from the wall of the uterus), oxidative stress, and high blood pressure. Their children were also at risk of slow cognitive development and below average intelligence.

Women who were iodine deficient in their second and third trimesters were at higher risk of producing premature babies and babies with low birth weight. They also carry the same risks to their own health as those with an iodine deficiency in the first trimester.

The most important and promising finding was that the negative consequences of first trimester iodine deficiency can be reversed by increasing iodine intake. The consequences of second trimester iodine deficiency were partly reversible, while those of third trimester deficiency were found to be irreversible.

Luckily, it is not difficult to prevent an iodine deficiency and the consequent hypothyroidism and other health problems. All you need to do is to consume enough of this mineral in your diet.

1. Eat lots of shrimp, tuna, and cod. If you are vegan or vegetarian, seaweeds like wakame, nori, and kombu are equally good.

2. Milk, yogurt, and eggs are not only tasty, but iodine rich.

3. Stack your diet with fruits like prunes, bananas, and strawberries.

4. Iodized salt is probably the main source of iodine in most people’s diet.

Therefore, to stay healthy throughout pregnancy and produce a healthy baby, or if you are past childbearing age and you simply want to avoid hypothyroidism, you should follow these guidelines for the best results.

Restore Your Thyroid to Full Function and Reverse the Damage Cause by Hypothyroidism – But iodine is only one piece of the puzzle. If you want to completely reverse your hypothyroidism, then follow the simple steps explained here…

Restore Your Thyroid to Full Function and Reverse the Damage Cause by Hypothyroidism – Two Plants Undo Hypothyroidism

 Because the thyroid hormone is so important for regulating energy, the symptoms of hypothyroidism are varied and leave very few of your body’s functions unaffected.

IntechOpen has just published an article showing that two plants can restore thyroid hormone, as well as undo some of the antioxidant damage in the brain that results from hypothyroidism.

The best part is that you can buy these two plants in all supermarkets.

The researchers first induced hypothyroidism in female adult rats through a combination of injecting an anti-hyperthyroidism drug and some carefully selected hormones that interfere with the function of the thyroid gland.

They then divided the rats into several groups that received either a placebo (fake treatment), no treatment, or different doses of ginseng and barley supplements.

The ginseng was acquired as a dried root, after which the powder was dissolved in water. The barley was also soaked in water. The rats remained on these treatments for four weeks.

The poor rats were sacrificed after the study so that the researchers could examine their brains to compare the supplement treatment groups with the placebo and no-treatment groups to determine the differences in thyroid and brain function.

The barley increased the amount of thyroid hormone and the transporting proteins in the bodies of the rats, primarily through its high iron and phytosterol contents. It was also able to restore estradiol levels in these female rats.

Through its high tryptophan, phenylalanine, and folic acid contents, and again through the phytosterol it contains, barley could also reactivate some of the neurotransmitters that had become inactive in the brain because of the hypothyroidism, such as NE, DA, and 5-HT. These neurotransmitters are responsible for relieving stress and improving mood and depression.

Ginseng also improved levels of thyroid hormone and their carrying proteins, reduced some harmful hormones responsible for hypothyroidism, reduced some antioxidant chemicals in the blood and brain, and reactivated neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for mood and cognitive function.

As such, it seems that barley and ginseng can both help reverse the damage brought on by hypothyroidism.

But rats are not humans, and barley and ginseng are not enough to completely cure hypothyroidism.

Want to reverse your thyroid to full function and reverse damage cause by hypothyroidism? Watch this video –Cure Thyroid Problem Permanently in 4 Steps (100% Guaranteed)

To restore your thyroid to full function and reverse damage cause by hypothyroidism, you need to make the simple lifestyle changes explained here…

This post is from the Hypothyroidism Solution Program created by Julissa Clay. She provides you with tips and techniques which she used while struggling with hypothyroidism. Julissa is a natural health researcher and has written many health program e-books and digital guides. She spent all her life to the service of all the people and helped them to recover from various health issues naturally. You can easily avoid the side effects of the medications by following her.

To find out more about this program, click on Restore Your Thyroid to Full Function and Reverse the Damage Cause by Hypothyroidism

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