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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

What is the Best Way to Drop My Blood Pressure Down to Normal?


Drop My Blood Pressure Down to Normal - If we told you that one small vegetable could prevent over a million deaths a year in the US alone, you’d likely think we were off our rockers, right? Well, the truth is this little root vegetable has the power to reduce blood pressure by almost 10 points within the first 15 minutes of drinking its fresh juice.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally

od Pressure Down to Normal - New Devastating Effects of Blood Pressure Medication Discovered


It’s a well-known fact that blood pressure medications come with a ton of both minor and major side effects.


But now researchers from the University of Glasgow have discovered that one of the most commonly prescribed blood pressure drugs has now been proven to double your risk of serious mental disorders, such as depression and bipolar disorder.


It doesn’t get much more serious than this!


Scientists have understood for years that there is some kind of relationship between cardiovascular disease and mood disorders like depression and anxiety disorder.


Following this lead, scientists from the University of Glasgow wondered whether some of the most commonly prescribed drugs for high blood pressure could have effects on mental health too. They conducted an investigation, publishing it in the journal Hypertension earlier this year.


First, they collected the medical records of 144,066 people between 40 and 80 years of age.


After observing them for five years, the researchers noticed devastating effects of those taking one of the most commonly prescribed blood pressure medications.


Patients on beta blockers were more than twice as likely to have been hospitalized with mental disorders compared to those that didn’t take the drug.


The most common mental conditions for which the study’s subjects were hospitalized were major depression and bipolar disorder.


Ironically, our blood pressure exercises have exactly the opposite effect. They’re relaxing and calming, and our readers often report just how happy and great they feel when they use them.


Drop My Blood Pressure Down to Normal - Best of all, they’ll drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…


Drop My Blood Pressure Down to Normal - This Vegetable Lowers High Blood Pressure By 10 Points


If we told you that one small vegetable could prevent over a million deaths a year in the US alone, you’d likely think we were off our rockers, right?


Well, the truth is this little root vegetable has the power to reduce blood pressure by almost 10 points within the first 15 minutes of drinking its fresh juice.


Study after study has extolled its virtues, and a new one from the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia, has once again proven this vegetable’s effectiveness when it comes to lowering high blood pressure.


Yes, scientists have once again proven that beet juice is one powerful weapon when it comes to the war against high blood pressure.


They observed participants that either drank a mixture of beet juice (12oz) and apple juice (4oz) or drank a placebo. They found what dozens of other researchers have already shown us…so it came as no surprise that the beet juice group had significantly lower blood pressure after the 3-week study.


Beet juice is packed with antioxidants – more so than many other fruits or vegetables. But it can be really potent when taken alone, so it is almost always mixed with juice from other fresh produce, such as apples, blueberries, cucumber, and/or carrots.


If you have a juicer, wash these ingredients and run them through it in the morning, twice a week (a blender will work just as efficiently):


– 1 large red apple (any variety, but Red Delicious is great)
– 4 stalks celery
– ½ fresh beet, peeled
– 3 medium carrots
– 1 cup fresh spinach


The carrots and apple help to temper the bite of the beet juice without adding too many extra calories. The celery and spinach help temper the color (beet and carrot juice both stain and can deposit pigment in the skin – too much carrot juice will turn your palms orange and too much beet juice will flush your cheeks). Another healthy and sweet addition is half a cucumber.


When beet juice is consumed in moderation with other healthy vegetables, you are practically insulating your body from almost every disease.


Drop My Blood Pressure Down to Normal - Discover an even more powerful way to lower your blood pressure. Learn how these 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 as quickly as today…


Drop My Blood Pressure Down to Normal - How High Blood Pressure Causes Alcohol-Related Embarrassment


Liver damage, injury causing falls, and chronic headaches (more commonly known as the hangover from hell) are not the only side effects from knocking back your favorite tipple.


Some people aren’t affected whilst others face riskier problems. Some people just get silly while others find their tempers getting hotter.


But then there are those that display more obvious physical side effects from alcohol, which researchers at Chungnam National University School of Medicine in South Korea believe are warning signs of alcohol-related high blood pressure.


Whether a person drinks a little or a lot, sometimes it is easy to see if he or she has an intolerance to alcohol.


The dead giveaway – a red face.


Doctors have known for a long time that people who get red-faced after drinking even small amounts of alcohol have a difficult time metabolizing a chemical in alcohol called acetaldehyde.


This difficulty is what defines the intolerance. However, there is more going on than just a flushed face.


Doctors at Chungnam National University School of Medicine conducted a study to see if there might be a possible blood pressure risk involved with alcohol-related flushing. Turns out, there is!


In the study involving more than 1,700 people, researchers found that those who turned red after drinking (any amount of alcohol) had the highest incidences of high blood pressure.


Those who drank the most, or more than 4 drinks per week, were at a much higher risk for alcohol-related high blood pressure.


Doctors encourage those who get a red face after booze to consider phasing out alcohol, as over time the intolerance and high blood pressure could lead to dangerous long-term health problems.


For more ideas to drop my blood pressure down to normal, watch this video - Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure


But if you have high blood pressure, there are several things you can do. Here is how I dropped my blood pressure down to normal – without changing a thing – with 3 simple exercises that anyone can do…


This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 


This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.


To find out more about this program, click on How to Drop My Blood Pressure Down to Normal

How to Easily Eliminate Menopause Symptoms?


Do you want to easily eliminate menopause symptoms without the need for hormone replacement therapy, drugs, doctor’s visits and useless supplements? Read on here to find out more about Julissa Clay’s Natural Menopause Solution.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Get Fast and Permanent Relief for Menopause

Easily Eliminate Menopause Symptoms - When Rushing Menopause Causes Death


Periods are great, said no woman in history ever!


The truth is quite different. So many women get sick of that time of the month and/or taking the contraceptive pill, leading them to take drastic measures – the surgical removal of their ovaries being the most severe.


But according to new research from the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions, they’re putting themselves at serious risk by doing so, which could potentially result in their untimely death.


Researchers have recently discovered a link between premature forced menopause and heart disease.


Scientists studied 144,000 postmenopausal women with the average age of 60. The women had gone through menopause at different ages, including women who went through early menopause before 40. It also included women who had hastened their menopause by removing their ovaries surgically before age 40.


The results were shocking.


They found that the earlier a woman went through menopause, the more likely they were to develop heart disease, and related conditions such as high blood pressure, high LDL (bad cholesterol), and type 2 diabetes.


Even with the exclusion of other possible heart disease risks, such as unhealthy dieting, obesity, lack of physical exercise, and smoking, women that went through early menopause were still more likely to struggle with high cholesterol, blood clots, irregular heart beat (atrial fibrillation), heart failure, and harmful alterations in the aortic valve.


Those women who artificially hastened their menopause by ovary removal had an even higher risk.


Given these risks, it is all the more important for women who experience an early menopause to adopt a healthy diet and regular exercise program. In addition, the unnecessary hastening of menopause through surgery to get rid of the nuisance of menstruation is not worth it.


Reduce the risks of heart disease, cut out this ONE ingredient – you didn’t even know you were consuming – to normalize it in 28 days or less, starting now…

And if you are going through menopause (early or not), here are some tips to easily eliminate menopause symptoms on how in order to help you ease the journey…


Easily Eliminate Menopause Symptoms - The Link Between Menopause, Diabetes and Poor Sleep


The 10 to 15 years of the menopause are a critical time for women’s health because they are more likely to develop diabetes and substantial sleep disturbances in that period than at any other time in their lives.

Both can be ticking health time bombs.


Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society, has just published a study showing that middle-aged women with diabetes are more likely than middle-aged women without it to suffer from poor sleep at night.


This happens because estrogen and progesterone fluctuate wildly during menopause. Both of these hormones are known to affect cell’s responses to insulin, causing fluctuations in blood sugar that put women at greater risk of diabetes.


Good-quality sleep can help to keep diabetes at bay and moderate it if it’s already begun. But the night sweats and hot flashes that come with the menopause are real sleep killers, so they show up at the worst possible time.


Given all these known relationships between menopause, diabetes, and sleep disturbances, the authors of the new study set out to discover whether middle-aged women with diabetes get worse sleep than those without it.


For study subjects, they looked at a sub sample of women who’d participated in two large internet surveys. It had collected their background characteristics, their health conditions, their menopause status, and it had also measured their sleep quality and quantity.


They identified 164 subjects, 62 with diabetes and 102 without any metabolic problems.


On average, the diabetic women reported more sleep-related symptoms than their non-diabetic peers did: 9.95 on the index scale versus 7.25.


The diabetic women also had more severe sleep disturbances: 33.42 against 21.87.


In other words, diabetic middle-aged women have more sleep disturbances and more severe sleep disturbances than women without diabetes.


This was true for women of all four of the races that they tested in the United States, but especially so for Asian American women.


A literature review that appeared in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism in 2017 suggests that it’s not only middle-aged female diabetics who have these sleep problems.


According to the literature, it’s common for diabetes to cause nerve damage, along with discomfort or pain. Hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic episodes also happen throughout the night, then there’s restless legs syndrome, the need to urinate, and depression too.


No one is going to get a good night’s sleep with all of that going on, and since diabetics are more likely to be overweight, and since obesity itself causes a lot of sleep disorders like sleep apnea, there’s a lot to deal with there.


But the good news is that despite this cascade of problems you can easily eliminate menopause symptoms with this all-natural approach, and it works in just days…


There’s also a natural strategy to heal diabetes in less than 28 days too…


And finally, a scientifically-based approach to curing your insomnia…


Easily Eliminate Menopause Symptoms - The Female Condition That Causes Sleep Apnoea


Sleep apnoea is much more common among men than women.


But there is one thing that occurs among women that directly leads to sleep apnoea. By tackling this condition, women can reverse sleep apnoea.


Some women get through menopause without severe symptoms, but many others struggle with extreme hot flashes and night sweats.


According to a new study in Menopause, the journal of the North American Menopause Society, the latter group may be at serious risk of sleep apnoea.


They asked 1,691 women who visited the Women’s Health Clinic at Mayo Clinic in Rochester to complete questionnaires to assess the severity of their sleep apnoea and their menopause symptoms.


Because it is not ideal to test sleep apnoea via a questionnaire, women were asked about their sleep quality, sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, weight, blood pressure, age, and other factors that indicate that they are at risk of sleep apnoea.


The researchers then ranked the women according to the likelihood that they had sleep apnoea.


Those who were the most likely to have sleep apnoea were also the ones suffering from the worst hot flashes.


For more ideas to easily eliminate menopause symptoms, watch this video - How to Get Rid of Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Naturally! | REDUCE Menopause Symptoms


Easily Eliminate Menopause Symptoms - The good news is that the symptoms of menopause can be drastically improved and most often completely avoided by the simple lifestyle changes explained here…


If you’re suffering from sleep apnoea (or snoring), try out the simple breathing exercises found here…


This post is from Julissa Clay’s - The Menopause Solution. This program helps you to reduce menopause symptoms naturally and put you back to good health, without the need for hormone replacement therapy, drugs, doctor’s visits and useless supplements.


The Natural Menopause Solution Program comes with an ebook, a Natural Menopause Solution 21-Day Plan, video presentations, an audio book and personalised consultation from Julissa Clay.


To find out more about the program, go to Get Fast and Permanent Relief for Menopause.


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