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Thursday, November 3, 2022

How to Start Healing for the Different Types of Depression?


How to Start Healing for the Different Types of Depression? We talk a lot about physical health here at Paleohacks, but getting your mental health on point is just as important. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of confusion about what depression looks like, how it might affect you, and what you can do about it.

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The Different Types of Depression and How to Start Healing

We talk a lot about physical health here at Paleohacks, but getting your mental health on point is just as important. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of confusion about what depression looks like, how it might affect you, and what you can do about it.

Let’s tackle those now. With the right information at hand, it’s easier to pinpoint the issues and find a way to overcome them.

What Is Depression?

People throw around the word a lot. You’ll hear it often after breakups, stressful periods at work, the loss of a loved one, and various other negative situations.

These natural lows aren’t always synonymous with depression. While the symptoms – sadness, fatigue, etc. – can often overlap, there are important differences between being upset or down and being truly depressed.

Depression is common and often debilitating. Sadness and fatigue can really take a toll on your health.

Depression is a mood disorder that is often debilitating. It’s extremely common, affecting around 350 million people around the world at any given moment. The percentage of Americans who take antidepressants is skyrocketing.

The extent of the problem is probably even larger than the statistics suggest. Sometimes we don’t recognize depression symptoms, or we write them off as just being sad or down in the dumps. And although the stigma surrounding mental health has eased over the years, it still persists.

Symptoms of Depression

The first step to improved mental health is getting an accurate assessment of the issue at hand.

Depression can be tricky because it affects individuals differently. While we all experience similar sensations when we’re hungry, for instance, things are more nuanced with mental health.

While there are a few “classic” depression symptoms, there’s no guarantee you’ll experience them in your own struggle. The last thing you want to do is overlook the problem just because you don’t see the stereotypical warning signs.

With that in mind, here’s a list of common and uncommon depression symptoms. Some of them might surprise you.

1. Chronic Disruptions in Sleep Patterns and Fatigue

Tossing and turning for a few nights is one thing. But if you notice long-term changes in your sleep patterns (whether it’s a lot more or a lot less sleep than normal), you might be depressed.

One study found that about three-quarters of depressed people have insomnia symptoms, which is troubling because insomnia even in non-depressed persons is a risk factor for developing depression later on. In other words, it can become a vicious cycle.

2. Neglected Hygiene and Personal Appearance

Depression can translate into neglected hygiene and personal appearance. You might stop showering, getting haircuts, and shaving as often as you used to. When you’re exhausted and at your limit just trying to cope with the day, concerns about things like wearing wrinkled or stained clothing can fall by the wayside.

Have you stopped bothering to shower or brush your teeth? You might be dealing with depression.

Data from over 10,000 health and nutrition surveys revealed a connection between depression and poor dental health. This connection was also “dose dependent,” which means the severity of the dental problems increased with the severity of the depression.

A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry tracked over 2,000 elderly participants for nine years and found that depressive symptoms were “significant predictors” of self-neglect.

3. Chronic Aches and Pains

The mental anguish of depression often coincides with physical pain. If you find yourself in pain regularly, whether it’s headaches, cramps, or even digestive problems, depression might be a factor. According to the World Health Organization, a staggering 75 percent of depressed people suffer from chronic pain.

You can’t base a depression analysis on physical pain alone, but that’s what often gets people off the couch and into their doctor’s office. Many depressed people see general practitioners with complaints of physical pain alone. Because the mental symptoms can be more subtle, physical pain is a good starting point for a more thorough medical diagnosis.

A big thing to watch out for is a decreased ability to cope with pain. If you’ve dealt with chronic pain in the past, but now you’re suddenly much less able to bear it, that could indicate depression. One study even found that depressed people’s brains indicated more emotion and less coping response than normal as they anticipated pain.

4. Apathy

It’s easy to associate “depression” with sadness, helplessness, and despair. But it can also manifest in an entirely different outlook: apathy.

You might find yourself not getting excited about things like you used to, or coming across as cold or aloof in your relationships. Persistent apathy is especially troublesome.

A study published in the Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology measured the apathy and depression of 266 people aged 60 and up. After two years of follow-up, the researchers concluded that participants with persistent apathy were less likely to recover from depression than those who had short periods of apathy or weren’t apathetic.

5. Anger, Short Tempers, and Foul Moods

Depression can drive people to lash out irrationally. They aren’t happy anymore. They find themselves getting furious over the smallest slights, or displacing their anger on innocent loved ones.

A 2013 study published in the journal JAMA Psychiatry systematically tracked the same group of depressed people for decades and found that about 55 percent of them reported feeling angry, hostile, grumpy, and foul-tempered.

This hostility manifested in poor impulse control (expressing anger over minor slights, like getting cut off in traffic) as well as an increased severity of hostile responses (breaking a dish or screaming during a minor argument, for instance).

6. Internet, Gambling, Shopping, or Other Addictions

Depression can drive numerous addictions as people try to escape from reality and chase short-term highs.

Internet addiction can be especially troubling because it’s so easy to surf through endless content and substitute virtual interactions for real ones. It’s a separate issue from depression, though studies have found a significant correlation between depression, low self-esteem, and Internet addiction.

Psychologists from Leeds University in the U.K. also found that Internet addicts (only about 1.2 percent of the people they surveyed) had a higher incidence of moderate to severe depression than normal users.

7. Increased Alcohol Use

Having a glass of wine with dinner is one thing, but it might turn into three or four if you’re depressed. People often turn to alcohol (or other drugs) in an effort to boost their mood and address depressive symptoms. But this can backfire.

While alcohol might help you “loosen up” and feel happier for a few hours, the escape is temporary. The terrible health consequences of excessive drinking, on the other hand, are all too real.

One longitudinal study with around 10 years of follow-up found that poor mental health fueled increases in alcohol consumption. Another study found that comorbidity of alcohol use disorders and major depression is “pervasive” in the general population.

8. Significant Weight and Appetite Fluctuations

Not everyone who experiences changes in weight and appetite is depressed, but for those who are, the effects can be dramatic.

Depression affects people in different ways, either skyrocketing your appetite and weight gain or dwindling it to a fraction of its former self.

Depression can show itself in the form of either overeating OR undereating.

You might also find yourself facing stronger cravings for unhealthy comfort foods for their short-term boost or succumbing to emotional eating.

9. Thoughts of Suicide and/or Suicide Attempts

In the most serious cases, depression can lead to thoughts of suicide or even suicide attempts. Numerous studies have explored just how severe a risk factor depression is in suicide and suicide attempts.

One even found it was the “most significant psychiatric risk factor” associated with adolescent suicide. It’s also a serious issue for the elderly. Fortunately, clinical intervention can significantly reduce suicidal ideation in depressed geriatric patients in primary care.

If you think you or someone you know is at this point, pick up the phone right away and call a suicide prevention hotlines to get the free, confidential help you need. You can explore numerous options by location here.

Different Types of Depression

We’ve just seen how differently depression can affect us. Your depression won’t look or feel exactly like anyone else’s.

Depression is an umbrella term for a host of different mood disorders, and some are more serious than others. Here’s a quick rundown of the different types of depression from the National Institute of Mental Health – and how they might affect you.

  • Major Depression (also called Major Depressive Disorder, Chronic Major Depression, or Unipolar Depression). This is a serious form of depression that can interfere with your ability to work, sleep, eat, and enjoy life. Some people just experience one Major Depressive episode while others experience ongoing problems.
  • Persistent Depressive Disorder (also called Dysthymia). This is a depressed mood that lasts for two years or more. There might be sporadic periods of Major Depressive episodes mixed in with less severe periods. The key is chronic, consistent symptoms.
  • Perinatal Depression. Women with perinatal depression experience Major Depressive episodes during pregnancy, after giving birth, or both. The symptoms can be serious enough to interfere with their ability to care for themselves and/or their newborns.
  • Psychotic Depression. This is essentially depression plus a form of psychosis, such as having delusions or experiencing hallucinations. The nature of the psychosis is usually depressive in nature, leading to feelings of guilt, fear, and shame.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a seasonal depression that typically strikes in the winter, when the days are short and sunlight exposure scarce. Sufferers can use light therapy to elevate their moods until the seasons change.

Causes of Depression

Depression is more complicated than most other conditions because so many elements are involved. Its roots can usually be traced to a mixture of these three things:

  • Brain chemistry. There is still a ton of research to be done here, but researchers believe numerous factors within certain people’s brains (nerve cell connections, hippocampus size, etc.) leave them susceptible to depression.
  • Genetics. A family history of depression increases the likelihood of experiencing depression.
  • Stressful events. Things like financial troubles, divorce, or the loss of a loved one can potentially trigger depression.

Natural Treatments for Depression


Believe it or not, a pen and paper (or a computer document) is one of the most powerful tools in your depression-busting toolbox.

It takes a little while to build the journaling habit, but it can be an amazingly cathartic experience. Sometimes just writing down your thoughts – then closing the page – can help ease the burden of carrying them around all day.

There aren’t any rigid rules to follow. Just spend a few minutes each day writing down your experiences. What did you do? How did you feel? What did you eat? Did you exercise? Journaling your thoughts every day can help gain insight into your depression – and boost your mood.

One study used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and found that simply writing down negative emotional images diminished the response of the amygdala and other limbic regions.

Your journal is also an incredibly useful tool you can flip through to identify patterns of behavior that might be making your depression better or worse. And you can empower your doctor with more information to devise the best possible treatment.


Your diet has a huge effect on your mental health. It can be tempting to reach for the unhealthy foods when you’re already feeling blue. But that just makes the problems even worse.

Start with a healthy Paleo foundation of quality produce, animal protein, and seeds and nuts.

Avoid sugars at all costs. Consistent sugar consumption creates insulin resistance in the body, which can lead to a host of serious health problems.

One study even found a positive connection between increased insulin resistance and depression symptoms! Avoid sugar and take probiotics or vitamin D supplements when you’re feeling depressed.

Stay away from processed hydrogenated fats and focus on healthy fats instead.

Studies have found depressed patients tend to have much higher omega-6 fatty acid (often found in processed foods) to omega-3 fatty acid ratios. You can get your fill of healthy omega-3s by eating more wild-caught seafood. If you don’t like the taste of seafood, consider taking fish oil supplements.

Pay more attention to probiotics. Only now are scientists truly starting to grasp the connections between a healthy gut and a healthy mind. You can increase your amount of healthy gut bacteria by consuming more probiotic foods, like sauerkraut and microalgae, as well as taking daily probiotic supplements.

Last but not least, vitamin D levels have a big impact on your mood. Most of us are deficient because we work indoors and don’t see much of the sun. Consider picking up a high-quality vitamin D supplement. One study found that supplements could play a pivotal role as a “simple and cost-effective solution” for people at risk for depression.


It’s hard to beat the feeling of a runner’s high, but the idea of committing to a strenuous exercise program can be overwhelming for people with depression. Many of them are exhausted, sedentary, and have little motivation to meet recommended exercise guidelines.

Fortunately, it only takes a minimal amount of activity to experience significant mood improvements. A meta-analysis (review of numerous scientific studies) found that just walking at a moderate pace for 20 minutes three times a week is enough to “significantly reduce symptoms of depression”.

The key is to start slowly and not bite off more than you can chew. You could start walking for 10 minutes three times weekly, and bump up the time once you have the frequency down.

Stress Management

Even as we try to fight our depression, we inevitably face more pressure from our jobs, relationships, and other obligations.

We might not feel stressed out. But that doesn’t mean the daily grind isn’t affecting our bodies and minds. Left unchecked, this kind of chronic stress can lead to more serious depressive episodes.

Many of us don’t give stress management its fair due. And that’s a shame, when it’s been proven that things as straightforward as yoga, meditation, and cognitive therapy boost our moods.

How you do this is completely up to you. There are so many things that can reduce stress. The best thing you can do is pick something you love and stick to regularly – even if it’s just a few minutes.


Feeling fatigued all the time is one of the most unbearable things about depression. Fortunately, if you take care of your diet, exercise, and stress, you’ll make it easier to get the shuteye you need.

Two of the biggest sleep disruptors are caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine affects your body for longer than you might feel it.

One study found just a moderate coffee dose six hours before bedtime still had “important disruptive effects” on sleep. So it’s definitely something to consider cutting out completely – or at least limiting your caffeine intake to the morning hours.

Alcohol can also decrease sleep quality. One study used an EEG to measure participants’ sleeping brainwave patterns. The researchers found that just a single nightcap increased delta and alpha brain activity. Those dual-activity patterns have been linked to daytime drowsiness, waking up tired, and increased headaches and irritability.

Sleep quality is also hugely important. What can you do to create a better sleep environment? Think about getting some blackout curtains for your bedroom windows, and don’t interact with screens for at least an hour or two before bed to avoid exposure to blue light. You can even try a simple bedtime ritual. Reading a few pages of fiction with a cup of herbal tea eases my stress and makes it easier to fall asleep.

Your Mental Health Is Worth It

The first step to beating depression is to recognize that you are not alone. Far from it. Millions of people are coping with it as you read this post.

You can track how your feel and take action to improve your symptoms naturally. Supplementing with other treatment options, like psychotherapy or antidepressant medication, might be the best move for you. But you have the power to lay a solid foundation through diet and lifestyle.

Don’t be afraid to speak to a doctor or reach out to your family and friends for support. Your mental health is worth it.

Watch this video – Depression Treatment Options: A Quickstart Guide-What to do if you’re diagnosed with Depression

Written by Corey Pemberton

Author Bio:

Corey Pemberton is a freelance writer, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu practitioner, and Paleo health enthusiast. Ever since he discovered the ancestral health movement five years ago, he has explored different ways to incorporate ancestral wisdom into his nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle at large. One of his favorite topics is challenging long-held nutrition myths. Feel free to stop by his website or say hello on Twitter.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

5 Key Benefits of Biotin for Hair, Skin and Health


Hair and skin feeling lackluster? Biotin, a little known B vitamin, might be your secret weapon to restoring their natural glow. Here are the 5 key benefits of biotin for hair, skin ad health.

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Hair and skin feeling lackluster? Biotin, a little known B vitamin, might be your secret weapon to restoring their natural glow.

Previously known as “vitamin H” due to its powerful influence on hair and scalp health, biotin has since been renamed vitamin B7.

This B vitamin sends energy to cells and has some pretty amazing benefits for your health. Biotin influences the nervous system, and might soon be used as a progressive method to treat multiple sclerosis.

The impressive benefits of this nutrient might be enough to convince you to add it to your shelf of supplements.

What is Biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin, also referred to as B7. Since water-soluble vitamins do not get stored in fat tissues, they get depleted quickly and must be regularly supplied through dietary sources.

This B vitamin hasn’t been researched as much as B12, riboflavin, and thiamine.

This is because symptoms of biotin deficiency result in more frustratingly subtle issues, like lackluster hair, skin, and nails, along with nerve irritation and mood problems. While these might not seem extreme, low levels can have a dramatic impact on our personal appearance and how we feel in our own skin.

Symptoms of Low Biotin

The average recommended daily intake for biotin is 5 micrograms for infants and small children, 30 micrograms for adults, and 35 micrograms in pregnant and breastfeeding women. While true deficiency is rare, it’s possible to be low on the daily intake and still notice symptoms.

Common symptoms of low biotin levels might include: 

5 Key Benefits of Biotin

Without enough biotin, the body is short on energy. Here are five of the biggest benefits of making sure you get enough.

1. Healthy Hair, Nails, and Skin

The quality of your hair, skin, and nails are a direct reflection of the body’s internal health. If your hair feels dry, your skin is dull, and your nails are brittle, you can help correct them with biotin. In particular, supplementation can improve nail thickness and reduce flimsy, peeling problems.

Research also shows that preventing deficiency in biotin can help protect against hair loss.  Make sure you’re getting enough to keep your hair healthy.

2. Helps Manage Type 2 Diabetes

While type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune driven attack of the pancreas, type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease where insulin and blood sugar regulation cease to function effectively.

Biotin is studied as a way to help control blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. It’s been theorized that people with type 2 diabetes have lower levels initially, which might contribute to metabolic dysfunction in the first place.

While biotin alone can’t improve glucose levels, compelling research shows that when paired with another supplement – chromium – the combination can work to reduce blood glucose levels.

3. Better Digestion and Nutrient Absorption

Biotin is part of a group of enzymes that help the digestive system do its job – basically, it helps the body make glucose (blood sugar) and digestible fat from the foods that you eat.

Without enough biotin, your body won’t be able to fully break down fats, carbs, and proteins during digestion, which can set off a chain reaction that leads to other nutrient problems because the body can’t use the vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat.

Biotin helps pull glucose from non-carb foods, like meats and other proteins, in a process known as gluconeogenesis. This is important for the body to be able to make the most out of the food that it takes in while also being able to supply a constant stream of blood sugar to keep the body in balance.

4. Boosts Thyroid Health

Thyroid disease causes a host of body-wide symptoms that can become a full-time job to manage. Between body aches and low energy levels, the final straw for most thyroid patients is the hair loss.

In addition to encouraging hair growth, biotin gives the body healthy hemoglobin and blood. Because the thyroid requires iron to make hormones, if the body is inefficient at transporting nutrients through the body or low in critical nutrients, like iron, thyroid hormones will be too low. This is why biotin is a vital part of supporting a healthy thyroid at a cellular level.

5. Nervous System Support

One of the major diseases that affect the nervous system is multiple sclerosis or MS. It’s driven by an autoimmune attack of the myelin sheath, which covers and protects nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord, and eyes.

Biotin is an essential element for producing the myelin sheath and is currently being researched as a treatment for progressive MS.

Even if you don’t have MS, ensuring you’re not deficient in this crucial nutrient is a great way to protect your neurological health.

How to Safely Supplement with Biotin

Since deficiencies are not common, do you really need to take it as a supplement?

In short, supplementing should be at the discretion of your doctor. If you regularly get lab tests to monitor certain chronic conditions, like thyroid disease, speak to your doctor before starting a supplement.

Too much of it can falsely elevate thyroid test results, so even if you are taking a supplement, you may need to take a break for a few days before a doctor’s visit.

Like most B vitamins, biotin works best with the total B-complex family and shouldn’t be supplemented on its own without a doctor’s direction.

Natural Sources of Biotin

Your microbiome creates a small amount of biotin itself, though not enough to supply the body with its optimal amount. Here are the top Paleo sources:

Offal, especially liver and kidney


Nuts and nut butters

Egg yolks

Leafy green vegetables



Watch this video – The Benefits & Side Effects of Biotin for Hair Growth, Skin & Nails

Bottom Line

It’s not common to be completely deficient in biotin, but many people do run low on this vital nutrient. Biotin supports energy levels, healthy blood, and can even help balance glucose levels. If you don’t regularly eat foods rich in this vitamin, ask your doctor whether supplementation might be right for you.

Written by Aimee McNew

Author Bio:

Aimee McNew is a Certified Nutritionist who specializes in women’s health, thyroid problems, infertility, and digestive wellness. She ate her way back to health using a Paleo diet, lost 80 pounds, and had a healthy baby after numerous miscarriages. She focuses on simple nutrition practices that promote long-lasting results.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

The Superior Nutritional Benefits of Ghee Vs Coconut Oil


The Superior Nutritional Benefits of Ghee Vs Coconut Oil - Fats have made a recent comeback, and we have options. Among the many healthy fats, coconut oil and ghee have gained some of the most popularity, but which is the superior fat? Get the scoop in this article and decide for yourself.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Fats have made a recent comeback, and we have options. Among the many healthy fats, coconut oil and ghee have gained some of the most popularity, but which is the superior fat? Get the scoop in this article and decide for yourself.

For years now I have been consuming both high-quality coconut oil and ghee, as well as many other nourishing fats. Of the many healthy fats I enjoy, coconut oil and ghee are the two most common I recommend to friends and clients.

While both of these elite foods provide incredible health benefits, there are definite differences between them, so let’s take a look at exactly what those differences are.

Then from there, you can decide for yourself which is the best choice for you – or, why choose when you can have both?

The Benefits of Coconut Oil

One of the reasons coconut is so great is that we are very accustomed to it.

Coconuts are a very old food that we have been consuming for ages. Often, food allergies are a result of us not having enough of a particular food, so the immune system is not used to it and therefore has no immunity to it. This is probably why most people digest coconut well.

Coconut is a survival food and everything about it is good: the meat, the fat, the water, and even the husks, which can be used for charcoal or fires!

Not only is this functional food a source of calories, it has many healing and medicinal properties:

Just to name a few…

Aside from its many positive influences on our health, coconut oil is excellent for cooking. It tolerates high heat much better than butter, olive oil and other low-smoke point oils. This is great because the fat in coconut oil is much less likely to go rancid.

Coconut oil is also very digestible. It’s primarily composed of medium-chain triglycerides, whereas most other saturated fats are long-chain triglycerides. 

MCTs require little to no work from the digestive system to break down into energy. Just a small bit of bile from the gallbladder and a tiny amount of digestive enzymes are all it takes to break down these fats for energy.

This makes coconut oil a fantastic source of fat for those with no gallbladder, poor digestion or who are intentionally keeping their digestive load light to reserve energy.

Reasons to Avoid Coconut Oil

Perhaps the only real downside to coconut oil is that it is not very rich in fat-soluble Vitamins AD and K that we will find in ghee.

Also, for some, the taste of fresh coconut oil might take a bit of getting used to.

Coconut oil has a bit of a natural sweetness, which might not pair with some foods according to some people’s palates.

While coconut oil is a perfectly healthy fat, each individual has a unique metabolism.

In the case you tend to be underweight or anxious, experiment with removing coconut oil from your diet. It is digested and absorbed quickly and might further speed up an already fast metabolism, making you a bit more energetic than you’d like.

While it is good to have abundant energy, remember that health is a balance and too much stimulation can over-activate our sympathetic nervous system, leading to imbalances.

The Benefits of Ghee

The reason so many are intolerant to dairy is because it’s a relatively new food compared to coconut oil – our systems simply aren’t used to it. Humans did not start consuming dairy until the domestication of animals. Through the process, people soon learned that fresh milk from sheep, goats, and yaks had some benefits.

There is even speculation that the consumption of raw, fermented milk dates back to biblical times. The fermentation of milk makes it easier to digest, and still to this day, it is ideal to consume fermented dairy.

In the big picture of human evolution, 13,000 years isn’t much time at all. Milk and other dairy products still aren’t very popular in some parts of the globe. This would explain why many people are still intolerant to it.

Studies show that throughout the world, dairy is more or less tolerable. It is said that dairy intolerance is most common in Finland where 1 in 60,000 new-borns are dairy intolerant. However, in Northern Europe only 5% of people are intolerant.

While the ability to digest dairy fluctuates due to genetics and other factors, it is common for 65% of people to lose their ability to digest dairy after infancy.

However, a good portion of people (such as Northern Europeans) are able to digest dairy just fine. When it comes to dairy, it’s best to see how your body responds to it and go from there.

The Demand for Fat

You might be wondering, if dairy is not well-tolerated by humans, why would we go out of our way to produce ghee? There are many reasons, actually. It turns out that butter fat is exceptionally rich in Vitamins A, D and K (IF pasture-raised). If it’s high-quality butter you’re getting, then you’ll be getting a party of brilliant nutritional goodness.

What’s great about ghee is that it is pure butter fat. All of the sugar and proteins are cooked out, leaving behind an easy-to-digest liquid gold that is grass-fed butter fat.

Essentially, ghee is just butter that has had the moisture, proteins and sugars cooked out.

Aside from ghee’s delicious creaminess and subtle sweetness, ghee makes an exceptional cooking fat. Because it lacks any water, it doesn’t spatter when used for pan cooking. Also, because it lacks any sugar and protein, it has a very high smoke point.

For these reasons alone, ghee is superior to butter. The only time I would say butter has the upper hand is if it were of outstanding quality and also raw and cultured.

Raw butter is also very easy to digest, since it contains the enzymes to aid the digestive process. In addition, raw butter contains healthy bacteria to support gut health. If you do not have access to raw, cultured butter, though, ghee is comparable if not just as good.

One job of the immune system is to identify foreign proteins, like viruses and bacteria, and remove them from the body. However, it will also attack any protein in food it considers an invader. This is what happens when we eat a protein our body doesn’t agree with (like casein from dairy) and there is an immune response.

Here’s the deal: the immune system will not attack fat. Because ghee has no casein and is pure fat, typically people who are very dairy sensitive can consume ghee liberally and have no symptoms or immune response.

Which Is Better?

Looking at the details, it’s easy to see that both coconut oil and ghee are wonderful foods. When deciding between the two, the choice would ultimately boil down to what you are looking for in a food. While they have their differences, the main deciding factors would be:

  • Weight: If you’re trying to lose weight, then go for coconut oil. If you’re looking to add some weight, then ghee is your best bet!
  • Nutrition: Ghee is more nutritious according to the nutritional analysis. If you are trying to get a healthy dose of fat-soluble vitamins, then ghee is going to provide more nutrition. If you want something strictly anti-fungal, then coconut oil may be better.
  • Taste: Coconut oil tends to have a somewhat strong taste; some people may dislike that about coconut oil. On the other hand, ghee is more neutral and versatile in its application to dishes.

Aside from these few details, I say they’re both keepers. The best decision would be to first know what function you are looking in the fat. Then, rotate them to meet those specific needs.

You could even make a mixture of half ghee, half coconut oil and experience the best of both worlds. This is a great combo in coffee, as well. I also recommend trying different brands, as I have noticed that some are tastier.

Watch this video – Ghee vs coconut oil everything you need to know

Written by Nick Kowalski

Author Bio:

Nick Kowalski is a Transformational Coach, fitness model and unconditional lover. You can find more of his writing on his blog NicksFit. His mission is to inspire the transformation toward love consciousness. Follow him on Instagram for more living in love inspiration and transformational mindset motivation!

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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