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Thursday, June 27, 2019

What is the Best Way to Completely Heal Erectile Dysfunction?

Why This Side Effect Could Completely Heal Erectile Dysfunction? If you’re a man who suffers from ED in addition to having high blood pressure, high cholesterol or any other cardiovascular diseases, a new study reveals some promising results.

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Why This Side Effect Could Completely Heal Erectile Dysfunction?

If you’re a man who suffers from ED in addition to having high blood pressure, high cholesterol or any other cardiovascular diseases, a new study reveals some promising results.

Making some very simple lifestyle changes will not only improve your heart but also boost your stamina and vigour in the bedroom.

A study that has been published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology examines whether cardiac rehabilitation program attendance could help with sexual function too.

They consulted electronic journal databases and identified 14 studies that have already addressed this question.

Of the eight studies that drew definite conclusions, seven found that cardiac rehabilitation program attendance improved the sexual function of the attendees.

In addition, it also increased the frequency of their sexual activity, which is not surprising, as men with ED tend to avoid sex.

They found that the programs that included a sexual activity component were more effective than those who did not.

All the programs in the studies included an exercise-based component.
So, if cardiac rehabilitation programs work, what on earth were they?

The American Heart Association defines it as a medically supervised program to improve your cardiovascular health in cases where you have had a heart attack, heart failure, angioplasty, or other heart surgery previously.

According to them, it should have at least three important components:

1. It should teach you to exercise and ideally supervise your physical training.

2. It should educate you to reduce your risk factors. This includes information regarding healthy dieting, how to quit smoking, and so forth.

3. It should help you identify sources of stress in your life and teach you psychological strategies to avoid or overcome them.

Fortunately, there is a simpler way to completely heal erectile dysfunction – just use the easy home exercises found here…

Completely Heal Erectile Dysfunction - Does ED Stem Cell Treatment Work?

Stem cell treatment has become a modern trend for almost any medical condition, including ED, and increasing amounts of doctors are now offering it as a treatment.

But does it actually work?

Many animal studies have been quite promising, but at this stage, studies on humans with strong scientific controls in place have been lacking.

In the latest edition of the journal Urologia, researchers attempted to get to the truth behind this matter.

The principle of stem cell treatment is to extract stem cells from your abdominal fat cells or from your bone marrow and to inject them into the erectile tissue of your penis. It renews and repairs your own penile tissue and is supposedly a method to remedy ED permanently.

Researchers tested it on four diabetic patients with ED, using stem cells derived from their bone marrow.

After two years, their subjects experienced no negative effects and reported an improvement in erectile function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, and overall satisfaction.

However, a study with four participants and the lack of a control group is not going to convince many scientists, as it is scientifically too weak to be established as a fact.

To get some ideas to completely heal erectile dysfunction, watch this video - How stem cell treatments can improve your sex life

If you want to prove that your treatment works, you must apply that treatment to one group, and a sham treatment (placebo) to another group, and then compare both groups.

You can then claim that your treatment works only if the treatment group alone experiences an improvement, while the placebo group remains relatively unchanged.

Moreover, neither the research volunteers nor the researchers themselves should know who received the real treatment and who received the sham treatment. This would be called the double-blind effect.

Otherwise, the volunteers might imagine having an improvement where none exists just because they believe that they have received a treatment, and researchers could also influence the volunteers if they knew.

At this stage, no similar studies on stem cell treatment for ED have been performed.

Furthermore, your erectile dysfunction is most likely not to be caused by damage in the tissues of the penis. It just needs a little boost of blood pressure.

Our simple erectile dysfunction exercises work for almost everyone. And they require no medical interference. Check them out and try them for yourself here…

Hidden Cause of ED and How Men Can Completely Heal Erectile Dysfunction

The numbers of men suffering ED is spiking, with no stopping in sight.
Some of the underlying causes for this are obvious, such as rise in high blood pressure, cholesterol and, worst of all, type 2 diabetes cases.

But there is one sneaky disease that most men are not aware of. One that will lay your willy limp and kick your testosterone levels to the ground.

Pre-diabetes is an increasingly common condition, where blood sugar level and resistance to insulin is too high but not bad enough to be considered type 2 diabetes.

Depending on the strictness of the measurements, anywhere between 33% to 58% of adults are estimated to suffer from prediabetes.

It’s well established that full blown diabetes causes erectile dysfunction. Till now, however, little attention has been paid to prediabetes.

But that all changed with a new study published in the International Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism.

The scientist performed their study on 200 men; of those, 100 were diagnosed with prediabetes and 100 were confirmed to be free of it.

The participants had to complete the Androgen Deficiency in Ageing Males Questionnaire and the International Index of Erectile Function Questionnaire to test their Erectile Dysfunction and testosterone levels.

While 58% of men without prediabetes had Erectile Dysfunction, a full 79% of men with prediabetes suffered from Erectile Dysfunction.

Even more shocking was that twice as many prediabetic men had testosterone deficiency compared to their healthy counterparts; 34% versus 16%.

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to cure your erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get a powerful erection and maintain it for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques.

Erection Master will teach you steps that can help you to completely heal erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on How to Completely Heal Erectile Dysfunction

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