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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

What is the Best Way to Clean Out Your Fatty Liver for Good?


Clean Out Your Fatty Liver for Good - Almost one quarter of all adults suffer from some degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver. This can be fatal if left untreated. 25 percent is huge, which is why it’s imperative we get to the bottom of it and find out why. A study in the latest edition of the journal Cell Reports offers a simple solution.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Melt Away Your Liver Fat & Restore Your Liver to Its Full Health & Vitality

Clean Out Your Fatty Liver for Good - Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Cured with This Protein


Almost one quarter of all adults suffer from some degree of non-alcoholic fatty liver. This can be fatal if left untreated.


25 percent is huge, which is why it’s imperative we get to the bottom of it and find out why.


A study in the latest edition of the journal Cell Reports offers a simple solution.


Non-fatty liver disease happens when our bodies don’t metabolize enough fat and all the excess fat is stored in our livers.


SIRT6 is a protein and has been found to be involved in metabolic and other fat-related conditions like obesity, insulin resistance, and inflammation, so a team of Israeli researchers decided to find out whether it contributed to fatty liver disease as well.


Researchers examined the livers of mice with and without fatty livers and with and without active SIRT6 proteins to try to discover whether it contributed to fatty liver disease and to establish the mechanism through which SIRT6 contributes to this condition.


Their suspicions were right – mice that had active SIRT6 protein were less likely to have fatty livers.


They also noticed that SIRT6 activated another protein called peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR-alpha). PPAR-alpha promotes the burning of fat in our livers.


Therefore, the cooperation between PPAR-alpha and SIRT6 tells your body to burn fat so that it can either be used as energy or excreted.


When they compared mice during different metabolic stages, such as starvation, overeating, and normal dieting, they ascertained that mice with active SIRT6 proteins also helped to burn fat in tissue outside the liver.


Unfortunately, we do not yet know how to modify the activity levels of our SIRT6 proteins. They are normally activated by genes.


So, since we obviously do not want to genetically engineer humans to have higher SIRT6 activity, we need to find another solution.


Fortunately, you can clean out your fatty liver for good by applying these simple lifestyle changes explained here…


Clean Out Your Fatty Liver for Good - How Fatty Liver Disease Stops You from Exercising (and what to do about it)


A whopping 80 percent of all obese adults also suffer from non-fatty liver disease.


While it might be easy to tell them to get off the couch and exercise, a new study published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology it’s not as easy as it sounds.


If you are obese and you are sick of hearing that you need to exercise to lose weight, you might be in good company.


Actually, you might even have a legitimate excuse not to work out – you are too tired!


OK, so it’s not usually a great excuse, but according to a research team from Western Australia’s Edith Cowan University your tiredness could be down to you having this one mineral deficiency, which is available in many common foods as well as supplements.


The team looked at previous research that showed people with an iron deficiency were physically less capable of exercising than people with enough iron. Iron is essential for many reasons – in this case, it helps convert food to energy.


The scientists wondered whether this could explain the exhaustion reported by obese people and by those with fatty liver disease when doctors told them to exercise.


They collected information regarding physical work capacity, fatty livers, iron bioavailability, and other metabolic measurements from 390 female and 458 male subjects.


Consistent with their hypothesis, they found that their subjects had enough iron, but that the bodies of those with fatty liver disease simply could not use this iron to help with energy production because it never reached their blood streams in sufficient amounts. The adolescents with healthy livers had no such problem.


They concluded that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease somehow impedes our bodies’ ability to make this iron available.


This scientific explanation doesn’t give people with fatty liver disease even more of an excuse to stay in and not exercise. Regardless of their tiredness, they should still try to be more active and eat healthy diets to combat liver disease.


Clean Out Your Fatty Liver for Good - But you may first want to address your Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease head on.       Fortunately, you can reverse this disease in a few days (and get your energy back) using these simple lifestyle changes…


Clean Out Your Fatty Liver for Good - Fatty Liver Caused by This Everyday Mineral (cut it out)


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is on a steep rise, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.


Which makes it clear it’s caused by something we’re doing differently now than what was done 20-30 years ago.


A new study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine now reveals that this something is a common mineral that most people consume on a daily basis.


A team from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands analyzed previously collected data of 6,132 subjects.


Firstly, they looked at results of sodium urine tests that were carried out periodically for 48 hours over two consecutive 24-hour periods. From this, they were able to analyze the subject’s sodium intake.


They also used the Fatty Liver Index and Hepatic Steatosis Index for reference. 31.6 percent of the participants had a score of 60 or higher on the Fatty Liver Index.


People with scores higher than 60 were more likely to have metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a history of cardiovascular disease.


They also had higher amounts of sodium in their urine at 163.63 Mmol (millimoles) per 24 hours versus the 136.76 Mmol in people whose fatty liver index scores were below 60.


And people with non-alcoholic liver disease were 54 percent more likely to be high sodium consumers compared to those with healthy livers.

So why do people who consume a lot of sodium have this fatty liver risk?

Two words – insulin resistance!


Sodium is hard to avoid these days, and it exists in so many manufactured foods to preserve shelf life. Therefore, it’s best to stick to fresh organic foods and avoid foods such as canned items, deli meats, bottled sauces, and pre-prepared meals.


The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults consume 1.5 grams of salt per day. Very active athletes or outdoor workers who lose a lot of salt through sweat can consume more.


For more ideas to clean out your fatty liver for good, watch this video - A Surprising Way to Cleanse a Fatty Liver


Cutting out salt helps, but it’s not enough to reverse NAFLD and clean out your fatty liver for good; to do so, you need to get to the root cause of the problem, which I will explain here


This post is from the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Strategy created by Julissa Clay. She is well renowned within the natural health industry and has produced many effective strategies for people looking for healthier ways to improve their health. 


The Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Strategy is your guide to detoxifying and repairing your liver in four weeks. It’s a 100% safe and natural system that focuses on detoxing your liver, correcting your diet and exercises to burn more fat to begin treating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


The Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Strategy is designed for the everyday person – the person who doesn’t have the time to spend hours at the gym or cooking up elaborate meals. It’s practical and reasonable, offering a natural treatment plan that you can continue with moving forward so you can maintain your new liver health.


To find out more about this program, go to Clean Out Your Fatty Liver for Good

How to normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries?

Normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries - Green vegetables have always been the underdogs when it comes to vegetable consumption, and they’re typically pushed to the side of the plate, but there’s a new green in town that is gaining popularity. Scientists from the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Maryland recently published a study showing how powerful these tasty greens are – especially for your cholesterol level – and the best time to eat them.

Normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries - The Surprising Greens That Lower Bad Cholesterol


Green vegetables have always been the underdogs when it comes to vegetable consumption, and they’re typically pushed to the side of the plate, but there’s a new green in town that is gaining popularity.


Scientists from the Department of Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Maryland recently published a study showing how powerful these tasty greens are – especially for your cholesterol level – and the best time to eat them.


Microgreens are green vegetables or herbs that are harvested just a week or two after they start growing, making them even smaller than baby greens.


Scientists have found microgreens to be a whopping five times higher in vitamins and carotenoids than their more mature versions.


After eight weeks on a diet of microgreens, the scientists observed microgreen-eating rats gained less weight on high-fat diets than their non-microgreen counterparts.


In addition, their LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in their livers were lower and there were also fewer inflammatory cytokines.


If you want to harvest them at home, start with red cabbage, and harvest when they have only one stem, one or more cotyledon leaves, and just one or two pairs of real leaves.


Not into farming? That’s okay. I’m not either and I STILL managed to normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries. All you have to do is cut out this one ingredient you didn’t know you were consuming to start seeing results in 21 days or less…


Normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries - 4 Heart Attack Indicators – You Didn’t Know About


Many people consider having a heart attack as easy to spot – pain in the chest, left arm and jaw, and all the sweaty drama that goes with it – it’s the stuff TV medical dramas are made of…


…but the reality is heart attacks are much more subtle!


It is estimated that as many as 1 in 4 heart attacks are considered “silent,” meaning they appear out of the blue, with no clear warning signs preceding the event.


Heart disease causes more deaths than cancer each year, but researchers have pinpointed 4 more “warning” signs a heart attack could be pending, which you need to be aware of, even if you don’t smoke and lead a healthy life.


– Dull, coming-and-going pain – It’s not just the sudden sharp pains you should be worried about. ANY discomfort in the upper body and extremities can be cause for concern.


– Nausea and vomiting – if you are going about your day, feeling generally well and suddenly start vomiting, it’s time to pay heed. Note how many times this occurs and contact your doctor.


– Sweating – (when you normally don’t). People usually sweat when they vomit or experience pain. But if you have pain, nausea, and sweating all lumped together, get to the doctor immediately.


– Shortness of breath – If you haven’t been working out, or sitting down doesn’t bring any relief, go to the ER. If it hurts to inhale or exhale, or you feel as if you are breathing through a straw, it’s time to get help.


Many times, a general feeling of malaise or lethargy can happen for days or even weeks leading up to a heart attack, so if you have been feeling under the weather and these other symptoms start to appear, seek medical help.


High Blood Pressure is the #1 cause of heart attacks. I dropped my blood pressure to below 120/80 in less than a week by following these 3 simple exercises…


Normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries - High cholesterol causes strokes and heart attacks. Discover the ONE food you’re consuming that’s responsible for ALL cholesterol buildup in your arteries here…


Normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries - Previous Cholesterol Dietary Recommendations Debunked


In the past, doctors used to warn us against certain foods. High cholesterol foods like eggs and red meat were considered a no-no, which did cause some angst amongst meat lovers.


But there’s some good news.


The American Heart Foundation has just reported in the journal Circulation that these foods may not be bad for our hearts after all.


But there is a little twist to this still.


Previously, governments and health organizations recommended a daily cholesterol intake of no more than 300 mg, but it seems that cholesterol ain’t that bad after all.


It’s important to note that there are some dietary factors that affect dietary cholesterol.


Fiber, for example, lessens the risk of heart disease amongst people who consume a lot of cholesterol. Another example showed that foods that were high in cholesterol were also typically high in saturated fat – think whole-fat milk and red meat, meaning that studies that previously found dietary cholesterol to be harmful, can’t totally point the finger at cholesterol. Finally, it was found that cholesterol wasn’t so much of a problem if you consumed a reasonable number of calories a day – it was overeating that caused the problems.


Eggs are another example. They contain a quarter of our dietary cholesterol in the US, so why don’t egg eaters have an increased risk of coronary heart disease or have more strokes?


This goes to show that the old daily recommended cholesterol intake of 300mg can be binned.


Instead, the authors recommend following healthy diets like the Mediterranean diet, as these tend to contain healthy grains and fiber that can keep cholesterol in check.


For more ideas to normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries, watch this video - A CUP A DAY...CLEAR CLOGGED ARTERIES AND HEART - Dr Alan Mandell, DC


Following a healthy diet is a must to achieve optimum health, which can help to normalize my cholesterol and unblock my arteries, but to drop your cholesterol levels to normal, starting today, you need to cut out this one ingredient you probably had no idea you were consuming…


This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.


To find out more about this program, go to Normalize My Cholesterol and Unblock My  Arteries.

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