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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Tackle the Real Underlying Cause of Gout - Key to Curing Gout Lies in One Fruit Juice


While you should not use artificial drug treatments to drop your uric acid levels too low (as this would compromise brain function) in order to cure gout, you should not allow them to skyrocket either. Here is a way you can do to eliminate gout which needs you to tackle the real underlying cause of gout.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Eliminate the Pain and Discomfort of Gout Naturally

This tasty fruit has captured the attention of medical researchers for some time now.


Not because it makes a delicious juice, but because of all the anthocyanins it contains, which are believed to fight damage caused by oxidation and inflammation with a vengeance.


And now a recent study in the Journal of Functional Foods also revealed that this so-called “wonder fruit” is amazing when it comes to curing gout.


Because gout is usually the consequence of uric acid crystals deposited in our joints, the best way to prevent or treat it is to stop your uric acid level shooting through the roof, and apparently Montmorency tart cherries could hold the key to the cure (or part of it).


A research team from Northumbria University studied 12 healthy subjects to see whether these cherries could keep uric acid and inflammation levels under control.


They split the subjects into two groups – one received 30 ml of Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate blended with 100 ml of water and the other received 60 ml of concentrate in the same amount of water.


All the subjects drank the juice for twice a day for two days.


The researchers took blood and urine samples before, during and after the study.


For the next 10 days, the subjects continued their normal diets without any juice before they swapped the two groups so that those who had previously taken the larger dose were now taking the smaller one and vice versa.


They again measured blood and urine and discovered that the subjects had lower uric acid and C-reactive protein in their blood when they consumed the cherry concentrates.


Since the study did not include people with gout, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions, we cannot assume that these cherries will work for everyone, but at least we know that relatively healthy people can reduce the uric acid and inflammation in their bodies by consuming it, and since these are the primary contributors to gout, it might be a good prevention strategy.


You can buy montmorency tart cherries as a dried powder, in frozen form, or as a juice or concentrate.


But juice alone won’t get rid of your gout completely, for that you need to tackle the real underlaying cause of gout (which is probably different from what you think)…


Tackle the Real Underlying Cause of Gout - When Gout Becomes Lethal


As if suffering from gout wasn’t bad enough, new research published in the journal BMC Geriatrics reveals it causes an even more serious age-related condition.


One that many people would even choose death over.


Gout is usually brought on by extremely high uric acid levels. So, you’d think lowering uric acid would avoid this dire condition.


Wrong…there’s a problem with the above seemingly logical solution…


The problem is that previous studies have found low uric acid levels can lead to brain damage, as uric acid is an antioxidant that protects neurons from damage.


There have been numerous studies carried out – one found that mice with higher uric acid levels had more endurance and were less likely to suffer brain damage from strokes. Another study found people with higher levels had a lower chance of getting dementia later on. And one study found it could be responsible for higher cognitive processes – setting us apart from other mammals.


So, people with gout should then fall into the low-risk category of developing dementia, right?


The researchers decided to find out…


They analyzed records of 1.71 million Medicare beneficiaries, 111,656 of whom had dementia.


They reported gout was substantially higher in the dementia group. In fact, those with gout were 15 percent more likely to suffer from dementia later on. People between 75 and 85 were 3.5 times more likely to have dementia and those older than 85 were 7.8 times more likely to suffer from it.


Women and those with black ethnicity were the most affected. People with other medical conditions like high cholesterol, heart disease, and diabetes were also at a higher risk.


This does not necessarily mean that uric acid is responsible. It could also be related to the high levels of inflammation.


But it probably does suggest that, while you should not use artificial drug treatments to drop your uric acid levels too low (as this would compromise brain function), you should not allow them to skyrocket either.


Fortunately, there is an easy way to eliminate GOUT naturally for that you need to tackle the real underlaying cause of gout. Learn the details here


Tackle the Real Underlying Cause of Gout - Gout’s Deadly Consequences


Historically, gout was known as “the king of diseases and the disease of kings” or “the rich man’s disease”.


There may be no pain worse than GOUT. But it’s usually not considered to be life threatening.


A new study from the University of Limerick changes that.


Because if you suffer from GOUT, you’re at great risk of developing one of the most dangerous disease in today’s modern world.


The good news is that curing GOUT naturally is pretty easy and straightforward, and it will counteract the deadly disease as well.


The researchers identified 68,897 patients with gout and 554,964 with no such diagnosis.


They found people with gout were twice as likely to develop advanced kidney disease.


After adjusting their results to exclude all other possible kidney disease risks like high blood pressure and diabetes, gout sufferers still had a 29 percent higher risk.


They defined advanced kidney disease as one or more of the following:


·         Kidney function deteriorating to less than 10 percent of normal.

·         Need for dialysis or kidney transplant.

·         Twice as high blood creatinine as normal.

·         Kidney disease related death.


People with gout had more than twice the risk of developing end-stage kidney disease, which is almost complete kidney failure; this can potentially lead to fatal consequences.


Since the kidney disease risk is much higher for people with gout, it is important that you keep your uric acid levels under control to save your kidneys.


For more ideas to tackle the real underlying cause of gout, watch this video - How To Prevent Gout Naturally | How To Prevent Gout Attacks Without Medication | Gout Flare Ups


Fortunately, you can treat your gout, for that you need to tackle the real underlying cause of gout, as I’ll explain here…


The post is from the End of Gout Program created by Shelly Manning. She is an accomplished natural health researcher and writer. She began her work on natural health remedies after suffering years of very painful arthritis.


The End of Gout  program offers natural ways to eliminate the pain and discomfort of gout. Unlike many conventional treatments, this program takes the main contributing factors, such as diet, stress, sleep and lifestyle, and teaches you natural ways to remove them from your life so you can begin to heal your gout from the inside out.


It’s 100% safe and natural and is highly based around science. It even comes with quick relief options for those days when you want to take the risk and cheat. So, if you’re ready to end your gout without having to restrict your diet and spend hours working out every day, here’s what you can expect from The End of Gout.


To find out more about this program, click on Tackle the Real Underlying Cause of Gout


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