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Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Facial Veins Treatments – Facial Spider Veins & Varicose Veins Removal


Facial varicose veins are a cosmetic nightmare for sufferers and can be difficult to cope with, as in contrast to varicose veins elsewhere, these cannot be covered up with clothing. What are the facial veins treatments you can consider to remove varicose veins now? Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

Facial varicose veins are a cosmetic nightmare for sufferers and can be difficult to cope with, as in contrast to varicose veins elsewhere, these cannot be covered up with clothing.

Even spider veins and thread veins can be covered with special high density make up, however the problem with facial varicose veins is that they present as a bump on the skin.

Unfortunately, this type of varicose vein seems to mainly affect post-menopausal women and facial varicose veins generally develop as a consequence of the aging process. That said, they can also develop as a result of physical trauma, skin damage due to working outside and sun damage, a family history of varicose veins and the use of steroids, all things that it can be quite difficult to avoid.

While make-up may provide a temporary solution to the problem, there are a couple of medical techniques that are used for varicose veins elsewhere in the body that can be used to successfully treat facial varicose veins.

Because the presence of varicose veins on the face is considered to be a cosmetic issue, and unlikely to cause the physical problems that arise as a result of varicose veins in the legs, this will need to be performed by a cosmetic surgeon and may involve several sessions to completely resolve the problem, so it is worthwhile remembering that there may be some significant costs involved in treating the condition.

There are two main treatments advertised by cosmetic therapy providers that are often used to treat varicose veins elsewhere in the body. The first is sclerotherapy, guided by ultrasound the medical practitioner injects a liquid chemical or chemical laden foam into the affected vein which causes it to scar and close. This is a relatively non-invasive treatment and is performed under a local anaesthetic so the patient is able to return to work almost immediately.

If this procedure is performed on the facial area, it might be advantageous to not return to work afterwards as there is likely to be some localised swelling and redness around the injection sites.

If the patient chooses to undergo foam sclerotherapy, it is advisable to ensure that any residual sight disturbances or dizziness has passed before leaving the clinic. Likewise, there will be soreness, redness and swelling so returning to work immediately may not be an option when having this treatment on the face.

Another more recent innovation in the field of varicose vein treatment has been Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT or ELT). An optical fibre is directed into the vein and moved into the correct position. The laser pulses, burning the inside of the vein, causing it to scar and seal.

While there is good patient feedback because the veins actually do fade significantly in a couple of weeks, the newness of this procedure and the technology lead it to be more expensive than sclerotherapy, and inevitably there will be some puffiness and marking of the skin immediately after the treatment.

One key thing to remember is that these treatments do not treat the underlying causes of facial varicose veins so it pays to take good care of your skin and look after yourself.

For more ideas about facial veins treatments, watch this video – How to Remove Face Veins

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

Creams for Dealing with Troublesome and Unsightly Varicose & Spider Veins


Another popular method of dealing with troublesome and unsightly varicose & spider veins at home is using creams. These products claim to be able to reduce the appearance and unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins and often contain extracts of horse chestnut (which is also recommended as a dietary supplement for the treatment of the condition), calendula, gingko biloba, rosehip oil and arnica, all of which are believed to improve the skin and support skin cell and capillary renewal.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

Another popular method of dealing with varicose veins at home is using varicose vein creams. These products claim to be able to reduce the appearance and unpleasant symptoms of varicose veins and often contain extracts of horse chestnut (which is also recommended as a dietary supplement for the treatment of the condition), calendula, gingko biloba, rosehip oil and arnica, all of which are believed to improve the skin and support skin cell and capillary renewal.

One aspect of these creams that has definitely been proven to work is in maintaining external skin health. In certain circumstances, anecdotal evidence suggests that the application of a varicose vein can significantly help arrest the development of venous eczema and alleviate the dry skin problems that can result from wearing compression stockings all day, every day.

That said, without a proper study comparing varicose creams with normal moisturising creams, the positive reports may have little or nothing to do with the inclusion of the active ingredients. The massaging effect of applying the cream will also have a positive effect on the circulation so any perceived positive results may also be down to this.

As with the other dietary supplements and holistic therapies that are suggested as remedies for varicose veins, results are often dependent on what works best for you personally as the presence or absence of curative effects can differ wildly from person to person.

Also one of the downsides of using a cream to treat any condition is that any positive effects that the product is having may not become visible for a significant period of time, so in effect, you have to be willing to stick with the treatment with a significant amount of time to determine whether it has worked or not.

One of the ingredients that feature in varicose vein creams on a regular basis is Arnica. This plant has been clinically proven to be an effective vasodilator of the capillaries under the skin and is most commonly used to speed the healing of bruises and strains. It is often used in preparations used by professional athletes in liniments and ointments.

Arnica works by improving the circulation and aiding the healing process by dilating the capillaries which means that fluid and damaged cells are carried away from the affected area. This herb also has an anti-inflammatory action.

Horse Chestnut extract is also an ingredient that we see regularly in varicose vein creams sometimes in combination with witch hazel. Horse Chestnut has been thoroughly researched and blind trials have concluded that this ingredient works very effectively to reduce the leg pain associated with varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency as it seems to block the enzymes that cause the venous walls to break down.

It is best to stick to medical manufactured versions of horse chestnut as the manufacturing process removes the compound in Horse Chestnut that is toxic, and it should also be noted that people with kidney or liver disease, or are medications that thin the blood like Aspirin and Wafarin should not take horse chestnut without strict medical supervision.

For more ideas in dealing with troublesome and unsightly varicose & spider veins, watch this video – Prevent Varicose Veins & Spider Veins – Ask Doctor Jo

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

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