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Thursday, March 30, 2023

What to Consider Before Going on a Ketogenic Diet


For a variety of reasons, the ketogenic diet has gained a large amount of popularity in recent years. That being said, there are many misconceptions about this approach to eating, and many questions for which even scientific experts still do not have all the answers. Here is what to consider before going on a ketogenic diet.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

For a variety of reasons, the ketogenic diet has gained a large amount of popularity in recent years.

From Dr. Perlmutter’s best-selling Grain Brain, to Bulletproof Coffee, to the emergence of the bodybuilding community widely using ketogenic diets to help attain very low levels of body fat before physique competitions, the diet’s visibility has never been higher.

That being said, there are many misconceptions about this approach to eating, and many questions for which even scientific experts still do not have all the answers.

What Is the Ketogenic Diet?

High in saturated fat, nearly devoid of carbohydrates, and limitless in bacon, the ketogenic diet defies conventional wisdom. Interestingly, the ketogenic diet has many scientific benefits in neurological health.

Researchers find that the ketogenic diet provides disease-modifying effects in a large range of neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Furthermore, patients with brain injuries or stroke history have seen benefits from adopting the keto approach.

But what exactly is the ketogenic diet? To answer that question, we need to cover the basics of what a regular, standard American diet consists of.

High in carbohydrates, the traditional Western diet provides lots of glucose, which your body uses as its go-to source of fuel. This type of eating approach is high in carbohydrates, low to moderate in protein, and fairly low in fat.

The ketogenic diet, in essence, flips this approach on its head. The ketogenic approach was originally developed for those suffering from epilepsy 

By removing most (if not all) sources of glucose, the ketogenic approach teaches your body to run more effectively on fatty acids.

This approach elevates circulating levels of the ketone bodies acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate and acetone – which the liver produces. Additionally, the brain and other tissues may run more efficiently on these sources when compared to glucose.

How to Start a Ketogenic Diet

So if you are ready to try this approach, there are a few things you’ll want to consider before starting:

Enlist the Help of a Certified Professional

It’s important that you work with a qualified professional if you’re looking to adopt this diet. There are many things that can go wrong with this approach, which can throw your body into shock as a result.

Micronutrient deficiencies are commonly cited issues, along with trying to over-exercise, and burning oneself out. Endurance activities or glycogen-demanding exercise must be removed from one’s routine if you’re truly looking to utilize the ketogenic approach.

Stock Up on High-Quality Ingredients

If you’re ready to begin, you’ll want to load up on a few items at the grocery store. Grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and grass-fed beef are great ingredients to keep stocked. Again, get the highest quality you can afford.

If you’re really serious about the ketogenic approach, you’ll can opt for MCT oil, which has been shown to be better for the ketogenic approach. Don’t forget to fill your cart with plenty of green veggies like kale, spinach or broccoli – nothing too starchy.

Anticipate Low-Energy Activity

Depending on how many carbohydrates you cut out, you may not feel very energetic or happy during the first few days. Think about social situations, food shopping, and variety in your diet. Plan accordingly if your profession or schedule requires high-energy output.

It’s important to realize that a more realistic approach would be to moderately and slowly reduce your carbohydrate intake over a period of days or weeks. Ideally, you’ll want to be consuming between 30-80 grams of carbohydrates per day. This can vary from person to person, but you’ll be eating a large amount of meat, fat, and very little else.

Health Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

As mentioned earlier, there are numerous benefits to adopting the ketogenic diet.

The best benefits may be neurological, but there’s also reports of weight loss that has become popular within the bodybuilding community. By keeping your protein intake fairly high (but not too high), you will spare your muscles and lose only the fat – the holy grail of every diet.

Despite the positive benefits of a ketogenic diet, there are a few downsides to discuss:

Difficult Long-term Compliance

For starters, it’s fairly hard to stick to this approach long term. The limited amount of foods, lack of glucose, social pressures, and diet compliance are much more difficult than with any other diet.

Limited Exercise Regimens

Another big downside is the lack of endurance or glycogen-demanding workouts one can participate in. If adopting this approach, one should basically walk, lift heavy weights, and sleep. This can again be very limiting when attempting to be social or participate in group activities like being on a sports team.

Depending on your stress level at your job and other lifestyle factors, you may feel low on energy compared with consuming moderate levels of carbohydrates.

Yo-Yo Dieting

Another problem associated with the ketogenic diet is yo-yo dieting. Because sugar is so omnipresent in society, it can be very difficult to abstain from it completely.

Additionally, when ketogenic dieters get a little taste, they tend to have a tough time not binging on the stuff completely. This gives credence to the fact that it may be better to go for a more moderate level of carbohydrate intake, occasionally dipping into ketosis, via intermittent fasting.

Pending Science Results

Then, there’s the lack of available, reliable, long-term data on what kind of effect this approach to eating has on our body. It may not be so great to be pounding our bodies with saturated fat, all day, every day.

Certainly, a Paleo approach, which is lower in saturated fat, seems much safer for the long term. That is not to say that the ketogenic diet could end up being totally safe; it just means that the jury (and scientific data) is still out on this particular point.

Watch this video –A Keto Diet for Beginners

The Bottom Line

I hope I have provided an in-depth guide for you on exactly what the ketogenic diet is about, how to implement it and what pitfalls you’ll want to expect and avoid.

As the scientific community rapidly gains more knowledge around nutrition, it’s interesting to see what data comes out.

Ten or twenty years from now, we may find that the ketogenic diet is the optimal way to eat – we simply do not have all the data yet.

Conversely, we may find that this approach is less than ideal for most people. More than any other diet, the ketogenic blueprint is very individualistic, meaning that some may find it works great, while others feel dismal.

You really won’t know if this approach is right for you until you try it for yourself. So if you are interested, make sure you enlist the help of a qualified professional, and get to work buying lots of butter and grass-fed meat!

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

The 3 Main Benefits of Combining Keto and Paleo


The 3 Main Benefits of Combining Keto and Paleo

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Should You Combine A Ketogenic Diet With Paleo?

Have you noticed that you feel better after adopting a Paleo diet?

There’s actually one more tweak to your diet that you can make to feel more energized, lose weight faster, and become mentally clearer. That tweak is to convert your Paleo diet to a Paleo / ketogenic (Keto) diet.

Fair warning, a Keto diet isn’t appropriate for all people, but by the end of this article you will know if giving it a try is worth it.

A Crash Course in Keto

Glycolysis and ketogenesis are the two processes that the body uses to produce usable energy for your cells.

Glycolysis is dominant when carbohydrates are available. It involves converting glucose into pyruvate, which produces a net gain of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, the basic unit of cellular energy).

But when your carbohydrate stores run out, that’s when it’s ketogenesis’ time to shine. Compared to the small amount of carbohydrate stores you have at any time, you have a massive reserve of fat that can be used for energy.

Through ketogenesis, stored fat is broken down and converted to ketone bodies (a type of molecule) which can then be used to create ATP. When your body is relying on ketone bodies for energy, it is said to be in a state of ketosis.

What is a Ketogenic Diet?

Remember that ketosis only occurs when you are more or less out of carbs. A ketogenic diet is designed to keep you in ketosis, mainly by limiting how many carbohydrates you eat during a day. The typical starting guideline is 50 grams per day, but some people need to restrict further than that, while others can eat more and still remain in ketosis.

It’s important to understand that the body takes time to adjust to using fats as the primary energy source. Depending on your current diet and health, if you switched to a ketogenic diet, it could take anywhere from one to four weeks to become fully adapted.

Take a look at the following plot from a study where blood glucose and beta hydroxybutyrate (considered a ketone body) concentrations were tracked:

Keto-adaptation was fully reached around day 24 when the beta hydroxybutyrate concentration plateaued.

The concentration of ketones can be measured by testing urine with Ketostix, or by using certain diabetic blood meters.

The big reason that interest in ketogenic diets peaked was the apparent neuroprotective effects that it can have. It’s typically prescribed to patients suffering with epilepsy, greatly reducing seizure frequency, and also might be part of an effective treatment against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

A Match Made In History

Look around for more information about Keto and Paleo, and you’ll see that they are often compared to each other. This makes no sense, because Paleo and Keto diets are not exclusive to each other.

Some (but not all) Paleo diets are Keto diets, and some (but not all) Keto diets are Paleo diets.

Looking at the diets of current tribes, which we believe have similar diets to their Paleolithic ancestors, we can see that some tribes, like the Inuit, live the vast majority of their lives on a ketogenic diet. They have a diet that consists almost entirely of fish and meat.

That image also shows that other tribes likely don’t eat ketogenic diets, with fruits and vegetables (carbohydrate-rich) making up about 15% of the Hadza diet, and about 20% of the Kung diet.

The main takeaway: If you eat a Paleo diet, you have the option to also eat a ketogenic diet if you choose to.

The Main Benefits of Combining Keto and Paleo

The real question is: Is a Keto-Paleo diet better than just a non-Keto Paleo diet?

The simple answer is that it is for some, but not for others. In addition, sometimes a Keto diet won’t be better or worse, but just different.

We’ll look at who a Keto diet is right for soon enough, but first let’s look at the main benefits that might be reason enough to give it a try.

1. Simple Weight Loss and Appetite Control

Ketosis often has a great effect on hormone control, particularly those related to blood glucose, like insulin, and those related to appetite, like ghrelin. This is especially important for overweight people, who typically have worse hormone control than those of a healthy weight.

Overall, a lower appetite will lead to a smaller caloric intake in most cases, which will lead to fairly easy weight loss. If weight loss is a current goal of yours, Keto may be a great option to try.

If you’d like to learn more about losing weight with a ketogenic diet, check out HOW TO START KETO | lose weight with the ketogenic diet.

2. Lower Chance of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Even though some markers of CVD are debatable, others have been firmly established after rigorous evaluation, like triglyceride levels and HDL cholesterol.

In short, high triglyceride levels are bad, and the lower you can get them, the lower your chance of disease.

Triglycerides are fat molecules, so you might expect that they will rise on a ketogenic diet. However, despite the fact that it might seem strange, eating excess fat actually lowers your triglycerides and raises your HDL (the “good” cholesterol). Eating excessive carbohydrates happens to lead to high triglycerides.

3. Mental Clarity, Better Sleep, and a Stronger Immune System

In addition to those 2 main benefits, there’s a whole host of potential benefits. Here’s the thing though, these haven’t been studied much, so most claims of these benefits are anecdotal. That doesn’t mean that they may not happen, just don’t bank on them if you decide to try Keto.

First off is mental clarity. Although there is often a “Keto flu”, much like the “Paleo flu” while the body is first adjusting (although it might be possible to avoid it), many claim that they think clearer and can focus better once fully adapted.

One study looked at how a ketogenic diet affected elderly people with slight mental impairment, and saw that memory was improved after 6 weeks. It’s a limited finding, but interesting nonetheless.

Other studies have shown that going Keto reduces sleep irregularities in obese and epileptic patients. On the anecdotal side, many have claimed that going Keto has allowed them to sleep less without feeling tired.

Finally, there are concerns over Keto diets and the immune system. Some are worried that a Keto diet will starve gut bacteria that depend on carbohydrates, which it probably does.

Gut flora is tied to the immune system and much more that we are only beginning to understand. I was unable to find any relevant studies here, so we have to rely on anecdotes for now.

What I’ve seen are many cases of people getting sick less often on Keto, and very few cases of people having issues. Obviously this isn’t conclusive, but I also don’t think you need to be too concerned about this.

Is a Ketogenic Diet Right for You?

There’s one major potential drawback that a Keto diet can present!

Strength athletes require carbohydrates for short term energy. Even if you aren’t a competitive athlete, you will suffer a large performance decrease if you play any sports with a lot of quick movement (soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.), like to sprint, or lift weights.

However, endurance athletes can actually thrive on a ketogenic diet. How come? Because fats can produce energy more efficiently than carbohydrates, but they take longer to do so. As long as you don’t require an excessive amount of energy in a short time period, a body that is adapted to use fats will perform excellently during endurance activities.

Also, on an unrelated note, if you are diabetic, read up on ketoacidosis and consult your doctor before attempting a Keto diet.

Where Do You Go From Here? – Resources for a Keto-Paleo Diet

Now that you have a good idea of what a ketogenic diet is, how it fits in with Paleo, and the potential benefits, you can decide if you’re interested in learning more or not.

Here are some of the best reasons to try Keto:

  • You want to lose weight but have plateaued with non-Keto Paleo
  • You are worried about CVD for one of many reasons
  • You have issues with concentrating
  • You just don’t like carbs

If you are interested in learning more, consider:

visiting the Eating Academy for more in-depth science behind Keto learning from Jimmy Moore’s experience with Keto and browsing some great Keto recipes

Watch this video – Jimmy Moore – ‘Keto And Paleo Are A Match Made In Heaven’

Written by Dale Cudmore

Author Bio:

Dale is a nutrition writer, chemical engineer & professional soccer player who sees the results of proper nutrition every day in training and games. Connect with him at

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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