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Thursday, September 30, 2021

How to Create Exciting Healthy Tasty Desserts with Raw Unprocessed Honey?


Why you should consider raw unprocessed honey if you want to create exciting healthy tasty desserts? Honey contains a wide variety of trace minerals. Iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, chromium, copper, manganese, and selenium are critical for insulin sensitivity and, blood sugar balance. Because it is easily digestible, it offers a huge energy boost for the body.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Raw Honey is a Super-Food Favorite

Anyone that is truly seeking health pays attention to what goes into their bodies in regards to nutrients.

White sugar quickly becomes a no-no and satisfying their sweet tooth can be a challenge.

However, there are a few great sugar substitutes available and raw honey is one of those – it’s a long time family favorite.

Humans have enjoyed and indulged in honey for thousands of years. Its consumption dates back to prehistoric cave paintings found in Spain over 8,000 years ago. Recorded in Egyptian, Chinese and Biblical texts, honey was also enjoyed and used medicinally by Native Americans.

Used in beverages and foods of all types for its nutritional value, honey has been used as a remedy for everything from burns to intestinal problems.

Of course, like other foods, honey comes in differing grades. If you’re really after the super-food nutrient value of honey, steer clear of the processed “heated” kind.

Choose high quality raw honey that still retains all of its nutrients, enzymes and medicinal properties. When honey is in this state, it is still a living food offering enzymes that can boost the immune system and digestive functions.

Honey contains a wide variety of trace minerals. Iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, chromium, copper, manganese, and selenium are critical for insulin sensitivity and, blood sugar balance. Because it is easily digestible, it offers a huge energy boost for the body.

Raw honey is a perfect alternative sweetener but should be used in moderation because of its high glycemic sugar content. Often prescribed at bedtime, raw honey helps promote the release of melatonin, the hormone responsible for the recover and rebuilding of tissue when the body is at rest.

Benefits you’ll derive from honey include:

In order for honey to be considered real honey by the Food and Drug Administration, it must contain pollen.  Unfortunately, in the U.S. has a lot of honey being sold that is not real honey. For the most part, honey is not checked so many people buy and consume nutrient-depleted honey. 

The best thing to do is to buy organic, raw honey from your favorite health food store or health food aisle in your grocers. If there is a local beekeeper in your area that would be the best place by far to purchase your honey.

Raw unprocessed honey comes straight from the beehive. It is a potent superfood that provide us with healing enzymes that make us mentally alert and sharpen our IQ. 

Raw honey or real honey is usually labeled according to the flowers it was obtained from – each offering their own array of nutrients. Flower sources can include wildflowers, clover, buckwheat, alfalfa and or other specialty types.

Want to create exciting healthy tasty desserts with raw unprocessed honey? Watch this video – No Bake Honey Cheesecake

Isn’t it time you began introducing much ignored nutrient-dense super-star ingredients into all your dishes…including your desserts?

For more delicious, nutritious desserts and treats – “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies.” Inside  you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes…

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

What Can Happen If You Can’t Curb Your Addiction for Sugary Foods?


What can happen if you can’t curb your addiction for sugary foods? When you eat sugary types of foods a cascade of chemical and hormonal reactions are set off in the body. This will create havoc to your body and health. Sugar will make you feel hungry, causing you to overeat and getting fat. This opens the door to developing insulin resistance which is the precursor to not only diabetes, heart disease and cancer, but a long list of other chronic disease.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Sugar Turns on Your Fat-Storing Switch

Nutrigenomics is a blossoming new field that studies the genes associated with health and disease as well as obesity.

It is the study of how nutrients interact with our human genes.

We’re already aware that certain foods contain information and instructions for cells and hormones along with nutrients and calories. Now they are trying to find out how this information can turn on or off the expression of certain genes.

For example –

When you eat sugary types of foods a cascade of chemical and hormonal reactions are set off in the body. One of the side effects of this is it turns up the dial on your hunger thermostat which reprograms your level of hunger upwards. You not only experience increased hunger, you now experience increased cravings as well.

It’s a known fact that fructose (sugar) stimulates and turns on a gene-mediated “fat-storing switch.”

The results are…

A cascade of chemical reactions that play havoc with our bodies and health. Decreased HDL (good cholesterol) levels and increased LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, elevated blood fats (triglycerides), higher blood sugar levels and high blood pressure – all thing that lead to the condition known as metabolic syndrome.

Dietary carbohydrates, especially fructose, are also the primary source of a substance called glycerol-3-posphate (g-3-p), which causes fat to become fixed in fat tissue. At the same time, high carbohydrates raise insulin levels, which prevent fat from being released from the body’s cells.

Fructose further tricks your body, turning off your body’s appetite control/regulation system which results in feeling hungry all the time, even though you have eaten. You continue to overeat which causes you to not only gain excess body fat and weight but now you’ve opened the door to developing insulin resistance which is the precursor to not only diabetes, heart disease and cancer, but a long list of other chronic disease.

When we eat the wrong foods, particularly the wrong carbohydrates and turn on this “fat storing switch” it leads to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. But the damage doesn’t stop there. It goes on to affect your health in other negative ways and can eventually lead to serious disease. Unfortunately, no amount of exercise or physical activity alone can compensate for this type of damage to the body cells and systems.

Fructose and the wrong types of carbohydrates, for example grains that break down into sugar in the body, lead to weight gain, obesity, weight loss resistance and on to other more serious health issues.

Becoming and staying overweight is not necessarily the result of eating too much food and calories but rather eating the wrong types of foods and getting calories from the wrong sources.

The truth is, the foods that are now making us unhealthy and overweight were not part of the diets of our ancient ancestors. These are modern varieties. They activate and program our bodies to continue to store fat rather than burn it and the only way off the merry-go-round is to get them out of our diets.

Isn’t it time you began introducing much ignored nutrient-dense super-star ingredients into all your dishes…including desserts?

Want to curb your addiction for sugary foods? Watch this video – 3 Easy No Bake Low Carb Dessert Recipes | Quick Sugar Free Desserts

To enjoy delicious, nutritious desserts and treats that contribute to your health – “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies.” Inside  you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes…

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

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