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Sunday, May 10, 2020

What is the Best Way to Eliminate Heartburn Naturally Fast?

Eliminate Heartburn Naturally Fast - Here is a simple, 10 second trick. It’s so simple you wouldn’t usually think of it as cure or solution. But it can completely eliminate acid reflux on the spot. And it won’t cost you a dime.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW,Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Eliminate Heartburn Naturally Fast - Heartburn Drugs Cause This Allergy (Study)

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have been proven to cause several types of fatal diseases, including cancer.

A new study, published in the journal Nature Communications, reveals yet another dangerous disease. Allergic reactions!

And the danger gets stronger as we get older.

The researchers consulted the health insurance records of 8.2 million people, covering around 97 percent of the Austrian population.

They evaluated drug prescriptions between 2009 and 2013 to see which drug was most commonly prescribed after the prescription for a stomach acid suppression drug.

Shockingly, people who had received an acid suppression drug were two to three times more likely to receive a subsequent prescription for anti-allergy medication than they were to receive a prescription for any other medication type.

This is too high to be coincidental.

In fact, the likelihood of receiving anti-allergy medication after an acid suppression drug increased with age, with people over the age of 60 being five times more likely to receive an anti-allergy drug than any other drug.

Stomach acid is vital for several reasons: it enables your body to successfully digest proteins, and it kills organisms and other substances that may otherwise enter your digestive tract.

When you take drugs that suppress the production of stomach acid, you make it more likely that organisms and substances can enter your digestive tract to cause irritation and infections.

In addition, such drugs change the makeup of the bacterial colonies inside your intestines, which, in turn, causes changes in your immune system. It is possible that these immune system changes can make your body inappropriately sensitive to harmless substances, which is basically the definition of an allergy.

This may be the reason why acid reflux drugs have been proven to cause many lethal diseases, including a few types of cancer.

Eliminate Heartburn Naturally Fast - 8 Things That Cause Heartburn and Acid Reflux (avoid these)

What does curry and hot peppers have in common?

Well, clearly they’re both spicy. Which also means that they could give you heartburn so awful that you’ll never want to visit that restaurant again.

But tread carefully as you sit down to enjoy a delicious dish – it might end up in heartburn, even if you don’t think it will.

Here are some foods that cause heartburn:

Citrus fruits:

Oranges, orange juice, grapefruit and most citrus fruits are classic examples of heartburn triggers. They are highly acidic in nature and increase the acidity in the stomach and cause heartburn.


While tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and other beneficial nutrients, they are acidic fruits which when consumed often or in large quantities can cause acidity problems. This is particularly true for those who are already prone to heartburn.


Onion is a great flavoring agent and is indispensable in most cuisines. However, onions can trigger heartburn in certain individuals.


Like onions, garlic is also a very good flavoring agent that adds taste to the food. But unfortunately it comes with certain undesirable side effects, and we’re not just talking about the smell it leaves in the mouth. It can cause heartburn in certain people.

Mexican food:

Mexican food is known to be spicy and while it is really tasty and filling, it can have some unpleasant side effects an hour or so afterwards and the major problem is usually acidity.


All spicy foods are well known agents of heartburn and chili is no exception. It can be particularly problematic if you consume it in large quantities.

Food with spices:

Spices like cloves, oregano and cinnamon are used as flavoring agents in many foods, especially spicy and savory food. While it enhances the taste considerably, it can also cause heartburn.


Pepper can trigger heartburn/acidity in a few people and should be avoided. Even if you need to use it in any food, use in moderation instead of the usual quantity.

When you get heartburn, try sucking on a sour ball. It produces a lot of saliva, and saliva is good for neutralizing acids. Some safe foods/snack options that doesn’t trigger heartburn include baked sweet potatoes, cottage cheese, broiled chicken and plain toast.

Eliminate Heartburn Naturally Fast - 10 Second Trick to Eliminate Acid Reflux

A burning sensation in the throat and chest and indigestion… sounds familiar? But you don’t have to reach out for antacids every time.

No… instead there is a simple, 10 second trick. It’s so simple you wouldn’t usually think of it as cure or solution. But it can completely eliminate acid reflux on the spot. And it won’t cost you a dime.

What would you say if a glass of cold water was all it takes to cut down indigestion?

Heartburn is caused by many things – eating oily foods, overeating, not getting enough physical exercise and unhealthy lifestyle or bacterial infection. The excess production of gastric juices is the culprit, but it is quite simple to treat heartburn.

The simplest and easiest way is to drink a glass of cold water. It stabilizes the body fluids and soothes the burning sensation in the throat and chest.

Be sure not to drink water that is too cold, and also make sure that you go for a walk after drinking water. It really helps!

Another good idea is to make it a regular habit to drink a glass of cold water just before you go to sleep. This helps in the digestion process and controls the production of acid in the stomach.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is to avoid acidic food, oily and spicy food. All of these food types can cause acidity problems.

Do you have the habit of drinking a glass of milk or any other cold beverage just before you sleep? Actually, it might not be a good idea. A glass of milk might provide short term relief but what actually happens is that the fat content in the milk increases heartburn instead of controlling it.

If you have severe heartburn, another solution is to add a spoon of baking soda to a glass of cold water and drink it. The alkali in the soda neutralizes the acids and controls heartburn.

However, this remedy is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or pregnant women. Soda tends to cause water retention in the body and this is not advisable in these circumstances.

For more ideas to eliminate heartburn naturally fast, watch this video - What Triggers Your Acid Reflux, and What Solutions Will Work

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Eliminate Heartburn Naturally Fast

Friday, May 8, 2020

What is the Best Way to Completely Overcome My Arthritis in 28 Days?

Completely Overcome My Arthritis in 28 Days - There is a common habit that doubles your risk of arthritis. Surprisingly, even doing this habit “moderately” creates the same risk. This is according to a new study from Karolinska Institute in Sweden, published in the Arthritis Journal and Therapy. The good news is if you change this one habit, you can drastically improve your arthritis, and you may feel the difference within a matter of days.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Completely Heal Any Type of Arthritis In 21 Days or Less

Completely Overcome My Arthritis in 28 Days - Drop This to Reverse Arthritis

There is a common habit that doubles your risk of arthritis. Surprisingly, even doing this habit “moderately” creates the same risk.

This is according to a new study from Karolinska Institute in Sweden, published in the Arthritis Journal and Therapy.

The good news is if you change this one habit, you can drastically improve your arthritis, and you may feel the difference within a matter of days.

A recent study published in the Arthritis Journal and Therapy reveals that smoking significantly increases the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Researchers clarify that many previous studies showed the direct link between heavy smoking and the increased risk of this autoimmune disorder.

However, this is the first study ever conducted to observe if light smoking has the same effect of inducing the development of arthritis.

This mega-study was conducted by following 30,000 women (aged 54 to 89) throughout a period of seven years. During this long-lasting research study, participants were asked various questions about their diet, lifestyle, and smoking habits, including frequency and history of smoking.

After summarizing the study results, the researchers discovered that as few as just one to seven cigarettes per day more than doubled (2.31 times) the chance of developing rheumatoid arthritis, compared to the study participants who never engaged in this unhealthy habit.

Completely Overcome My Arthritis in 28 Days - The Arthritis Warning Sound

If you hear this sound, you had better run for shelter. Because a new study published in the journal Arthritis Care and Research reveals it’s a clear sign of arthritis in the making.

Most of us ignore this sound as something normal or unimportant, but nothing is further from the truth.

Crepitus is when you hear grating, cracking, or popping sounds around your joints. It is something that most of us consider unimportant, but as this study shows, when it happens frequently, it can be problematic.

The scientists analyzed the data of 3,495 people collected by the Osteoarthritis Initiative study.

None of them had symptoms of knee osteoarthritis at the beginning of the study.

The scientists looked at knee radiographs and pain questionnaires taken on commencement of the study and several times thereafter up to 48 months later.

In addition, they asked the participants about the frequency and severity of crepitus at the beginning of the study, and again after 12, 24, and 36 months.

With all this information at hand, the researchers could compare the crepitus scores with the radiographs and pain scores to see whether the former were meaningless or whether they predicted arthritis.

The chance that the subjects developed symptomatic arthritis increased along with an increase in the frequency of their crepitus.

This was especially true for those whose radiographs showed osteoarthritis at the beginning of the study, even while they were in no pain at all.

This means that you should not wait until the pain starts if you experience frequent cracking or grinding sounds in your knees.

You can ask your doctor to take a radiograph to establish whether or not you have arthritis, and then start treating it immediately before the pain even kicks in.

Immediate weight loss, healthy dieting, and gentle joint exercises work best if they are started before arthritis takes hold.

Completely Overcome My Arthritis in 28 Days - Important Arthritis Factor Discovered

When treating arthritis, we most often focus on inflammation and cartilage buildup. Maybe you’d think of relaxing the muscles or adjusting the bones.

But a study recently published in Arthritis Care Research reveals a new factor. One that most doctors don’t ever think about when it comes to arthritis.

This factor can however make or break your arthritis recovery as well as the rest of your life.

Researchers identified 2,287 people with knee osteoarthritis of approximately the same severity (Kellgren/Lawrence grade two or three).

They used the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale to assess depressive symptoms in each of the patients at their annual doctor’s visit.

They then used the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) pain scale to measure the amount of pain from which they suffered in the year after their depression test.

The study ran for four years during which these tests were carried out four times each.

Once the study was completed, they found that the existence or severity of depression symptoms did not influence the amount of pain from which the patients suffered in the subsequent year.

Depressed and non-depressed patients, and severely depressed and mildly depressed patients, experienced roughly the same amount of pain.

But those who had struggled with depression for the longest period suffered the most, while those whose depression was intermittent or recent suffered the least.

Based on these findings, the authors recommend that depression be treated as a part of routine clinical practice for arthritis patients, as their experience of their condition is so strongly influenced by it.

Interestingly, it seems that the arthritis pain actually causes the depression and people who manage to reverse their arthritis most often experience great mood-uplifting in the process (not so surprising).

For more ideas to completely overcome my arthritis in 28 days, watch this video - Arthritis Pain Relief - Arthritis Exercises - Joint Pain Relief

This post is from the Arthritis Strategy Program. It was created by Shelly Manning, a former arthritis sufferer and a health consultant.

A Brief Background on the Author

Like you, Shelly Manning also suffered from arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This was due to her weight and desk job. Her condition eventually took a toll on her relationship with her (former) husband.

It was when she went to Hong Kong that she met Janerdquo, an old woman who owned the restaurant where she ate. Janerdquo supposedly offered her a bowl of a weird-smelling soup, which helped ease her joint pain. She ate there each day for 10 days until she was completely healed from arthritis.

Shelly Manning decided to research this natural remedy and to create a step-by-step treatment plan to others who are suffering from different types of arthritis, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and psoriatic arthritis.

That’s why she created “The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy.” According to her claims, this unique strategy will get rid of joint pain and stiffness, repair your damaged joints, and treat the underlying cause of your arthritis.

Shelly teamed up with Christian Goodman, the owner of Blue Heron Health News, a publishing company that aims to help people to take responsibility for their own health by using natural health alternatives for preventing arthritis in fingers and knees naturally.

To find out more about this program, go to Completely Overcome My Arthritis in 28 Days at Home

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – What is the Best Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction?

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – ED Caused by the Internet. If you struggle with ED, it is possible that some of your Internet activities are responsible for it. Don’t worry, your news-reading and most social media use are probably completely safe. It’s another type of Internet use that causes this condition. And the good news is that his type of ED is fortunately easy to reverse.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – How ED Destroys Your Career

We usually think of ED as a bedroom problem. It has definitely been the final blow to many relationships.

But a new study in the International Journal of Clinical Practice now shows that it is a major problem for your career as well.

A research team composed of scientists from healthcare research firm Kantar Health, Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, and pharmaceutical company Pfizer collected National Health and Wellness Surveys from eight countries, including the US, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, China, and Brazil.

They were specifically interested in the ways in which erectile dysfunction affected their 52,697 subject’s self-reported ability to work and engage in non-work activities. All their subjects were between 40 and 70 years old.

Erectile dysfunction was measured through their subject’s self-reported problems with  achieving or maintaining an erection.

In general, 24.8 percent of the subjects with erectile dysfunction reported work productivity impairment, while only 11.2 percent of those without erectile dysfunction struggled with the same issue.

During other, non-work-related activities, 24.8 percent of men with erectile dysfunction versus 14.5 percent of men without erectile dysfunction reported productivity difficulties.

While men without erectile dysfunction reported having missed three percent of their work time in the previous week because of absenteeism, men with erectile dysfunction had been absent for seven percent of the time.

Reporting to work while being sick had led to impaired performance of more than 22 percent of men with erectile dysfunction and 10 percent of men without erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction sufferers also experienced a significantly lower health-related quality of life. This was assessed via two questionnaires, called the Mental Component Summary and the Physical Component Summary.

Men with erectile dysfunction scored around five points lower than men without erectile dysfunction on both these questionnaires.

Those with the most severe erectile dysfunction were the most likely to be unproductive, absent from work, and struggling with a poor quality of life.

Predictably, men with erectile dysfunction were also more likely to be older, obese, physically inactive, smokers, and heavy drinkers.

So, to save your career as well as your love life, click here to learn easy home erectile dysfunction exercises that will get you rock hard tonight…

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – ED Unexpectedly Causes Blindness

This is not the first line of a joke.

As dissimilar as these two conditions seem to be, men suffering ED genuinely are more likely to become blind than men without ED, as discovered by a new study from the University of Colombia.

And it’s not by any small margin. Men with ED are 258% more likely to develop this disease that almost unavoidably leads to blindness.

The good news is that a simple test can reveal the eye problem years ahead and prevent it from progressing.

The study was published in the Journal of Glaucoma.

Researchers used 167 male patients over the age of 40 who visited ophthalmology clinics in Vancouver. Of these, 61 had glaucoma, and 67 did not.

They gave them a range of questionnaires and vision tests to measure the severity of their glaucoma and ED.

After crunching the numbers, they concluded that men suffering erectile dysfunction were 2.58 times more likely to have glaucoma than men without ED.

Those with the least severe erectile dysfunction also had the least severe glaucoma, and that those with the worst ED also had the worst glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a condition that develops slowly whereby the optic nerve is damaged, compromising the transfer of images from your eye to your brain.

It normally manifests in a loss of your peripheral vision followed by your central vision. Once the vision is lost, it cannot be restored, but it is possible to halt the disease’s progress once you have it.

The scientists did not study the mechanism behind the link, but speculated that changes to blood vessels caused by inflammation could be a causal factor in both conditions.

Because glaucoma develops so gradually, most people who contract it only realize it when it is already too late. A simple eye examination can reveal it easily, so if you have ED, an eye check-up is worth your time, even if your eyesight is okay.

But you probably want to get rid of your erectile dysfunction before you do anything. Here is a set of easy home erectile dysfunction exercises that’s even more effective than Viagra to give you a strong, hard erection tonight…

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – ED Caused by the Internet

If you struggle with ED, it is possible that some of your Internet activities are responsible for it.

Don’t worry, your news-reading and most social media use are probably completely safe.

It’s another type of Internet use that causes this condition. And the good news is that his type of ED is fortunately easy to reverse.

The BBC recently ran a documentary called “Brought up on Porn” interviewing men who complained the large amounts of pornography available on the Internet got them hooked to increasingly extreme images that rendered real life sex a bit underwhelming.

They complained that, because of all the pornography they watched online, they could no longer get an erection when with their partners, even when they were sexually attracted to them and wanted to have sex.

They also interviewed a psychosexual therapist who claimed she suddenly had to consult with lots of younger, healthy men who had developed ED after habitual Internet pornography viewing.

At this stage the research is thoroughly mixed, with some studies finding heavy pornography use to contribute to ED, while others find no such link.

The fact that they cannot agree may mean different types of pornography use should be separated, and tested separately. For example, people who are addicted should be tested separately from people who are not, and people who watch straight vaginal intercourse should be tested separately from those who watch specialist fetish films like ones based on BDSM themes.

As such, it is possible some types of pornography contribute to ED, while others do not, and some people are vulnerable to pornography-induced ED while others are not.

But instead of reviewing these inconsistent studies, which will be rather dull, let’s rather consider why many scientists think pornography may cause ED.

A Harvard psychologist called Deirdre Barrett has written a book in which she explains it in terms of a concept called supernormal stimulus.

According to biologists, a supernormal stimulus is one in which an object that naturally arouses us has been enhanced. For example, pleasant sweetness no longer means fruit, it means sugar and chocolate, while guns and death have replaced fists and black eyes as the satisfying way to get back at the school bully.

Eventually, we can get aroused only by the supernormal stimulus and no longer by the normal stimulus. They override our natural instincts.

This concept explains why scientists can get birds to reject their own eggs by giving them eggs that are larger and more heavily speckled than their own natural eggs. They even managed to get geese to prefer sitting on soccer balls rather than on their own eggs.

Similarly, watching abnormally perfect and/or unusually well-endowed bodies having super active sex may dampen our arousal when confronted by the more ordinary and natural stimuli that used to arouse us.

Furthermore, when watching porn, we can skip past the foreplay and dive straight into the sex, even rewinding and replaying as we wish. This is a highly artificial exaggeration of an experience that used to be good enough to get us aroused.

Luckily, this effect is reversible, as scientists discovered when they withdrew the large density speckled eggs and soccer balls. The birds happily returned to their own eggs. A boy on the BBC documentary also stated that 100 days without Internet porn restored his sexual function.

To learn some easy home erectile dysfunction exercises, watch these 2 videos below

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Prevent Cold Sores – How Do You Stop a Cold Sore from Forming?

Prevent Cold Sores – To combat cold sore virus effectively we need to increase the level of oxygen in our body which will improve the functioning of the human body. This improved functioning of the human body will maintain a balanced pH level. There are oxygen supplements available which can increase the nascent oxygen levels in your human body. Water Oz is of the highest quality, strongest and most stable of all the electrolytes present in the market.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Your Cold Sores Once and For ALL … Within 3 Days … Never to Come Back Again

Prevent Cold Sores - Understanding pH Levels and Why We Have Cold Sores

The cold sore is a contagious disease. In Australia almost 70% of the population suffers from the cold sore virus. This virus is called as HSV - 1 and it is commonly known as a fever blister or cold sore. Generally, this disease spreads to others either through physical contact or through mediums such as utensils, saliva, oral contact, etc.

Failing to take adequate care may result in the formation of swelling blisters which swell and grow red in colour. Ironically there is no permanent cure for this disease but there is a temporary cure. This disease is much more prevalent in developed countries and percentage of people affected by this disease in Asia is proportionally lower.

It is also important to note that the herpes simplex virus requires an acidic state to survive. Our body will be normal if our pH levels are at seven, but it is reported that this virus can survive in pH levels of up to 7.3. Changing diet and opting for a healthy lifestyle should be your prime goal.

If tour pH level decreases below 7.0 then your system goes into an acidic state where dormant viruses get activated. Adequate care should be taken to maintain pH levels of 7.0 and above which is generally called as alkaline state.

pH stands for potential hydrogen and it describes the hydrogen ion concentration of any aqueous (water) solution. Oxygen content is higher in fluids where the pH reading is higher. A pH level of 7.0 is considered to be neutral and anything below that level is said to be acidic.

Human blood maintains a very precise range of 7.365 and anything below 6.8 or above 7.8 will make cells inactive thus killing the patient. Optimal levels of saliva and urine are 7.45 and 7.1 which describe the condition of the patient. The body needs to be alkaline for healing.

Research has shown that viruses (cold sore), yeast, fungus, cancer cells, etc thrive in low oxygen and low pH environment. This low oxygen and low pH environment is ideal for diseases.

Viruses and diseases (cancer) cannot survive if the pH level of the body is in a stable alkaline state, so maintaining this environment should be your first course of action to prevent further cold sore outbreaks and promote overall health.

Prevent Cold Sores - Using WaterOz OxyDrops to Cure Cold Sores

There are huge numbers of people afflicted by cold sores throughout the world. It is estimated that almost 90% of the world suffers from cold sore. People in North America, Europe, Australia, African countries are much more affected than people in other continents. This virus is not so threatening but when it finds your system comfortable and has its environment suitable for it to thrive then it is dangerous.

There are various conditions associated with this virus such as Herpes labialise this condition occurs when someone carrying this virus comes into contact with others either through mucosa or abraded skin. When herpes labialise attacks it generally selects sensitive parts of the human body such as lips, nostrils, eye lids, etc.

Humans fail to understand that it is their unhealthy lifestyle which is the root cause for diseases. Habits such as eating junk food, excessive smoking, drinking (Alcohol), etc are the primary causes for diseases.

The herpes simplex virus attacks the human body because their immune system failed to protect them. It is logical to assume that creating unfavourable circumstances for the herpes simplex virus will make the virus go into remission.

The herpes simplex virus is anaerobic in nature which means that it doesn`t need any air to survive and it thrives in acidic climates. To combat this virus effectively we need to increase the level of oxygen in our body which will improve the functioning of the human body. This improved functioning of the human body will maintain a balanced pH level.

There are oxygen supplements available which can increase the nascent oxygen levels in your human body. Water Oz is of the highest quality, strongest and most stable of all the electrolytes present in the market.

Water Oz releases oxygen into the blood stream when in contact with stomach acid. It is possible for this molecular oxygen to kill harmful anaerobic bacteria upon contact. Water Oz helps you to increase the cellular oxidation which literally means improved functioning of the cells in your body.

Degeneration, fatigue and sickness are attributed to lower levels of cell oxidation. If we dilute water Oz stabilized oxygen in water, you will notice that the alkalinity of the water is reduced from pH 12 - 13 to pH 8.6. Water Oz generates molecular oxygen, chlorite ions and chlorine dioxide when in contact with stomach acid.

For more ideas to prevent cold sores, watch this video - HOW TO PREVENT/GET RID OF COLD SORES

This post is from the Cold Sore Free Forever Program. It is created by Derek Shepton. A 12-year cold sore sufferer herself, she will show you how she cured her cold sores permanently for life and threw away ALL those worthless and expensive creams and over-the-counter drugs!

To find out more about this program, visit her website – Prevent Cold Sores

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