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Showing posts with label remedy for acid reflux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label remedy for acid reflux. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

What are the Best Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux?


Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux - If you have been suffering from acid reflux for some time, it’s likely that you’ve developed a sense of which foods make the problem worse. A new study published in the Journal of the Formosan Medical Association pinpoints how cutting out just one specific food item can drastically reduce, even eliminate, heartburn. And you probably didn’t expect it to be this particular item. Read on to find out more.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux – One Item Cures Acid Reflux

If you have been suffering from acid reflux for some time, it’s likely that you’ve developed a sense of which foods make the problem worse.

A new study published in the Journal of the Formosan Medical Association pinpoints how cutting out just one specific food item can drastically reduce, even eliminate, heartburn.

And you probably didn’t expect it to be this particular item.

12 people with gastroesophageal reflux disease, an average age of 52 years, and a healthy body weight were given two liquid meals, one for lunch and one for dinner.

Meal A consisted of 500 ml of liquid containing 474.4 calories with 10.4 grams protein, 10.4 grams fat, and 84.8 grams carbohydrate.

Meal B also consisted of 500 ml of liquid but contained 850.4 calories with 10.4 grams protein, 10.4 grams fat, and 178.8 grams carbohydrate.

Three days before the study, the participants were given an endoscopy to examine their esophaguses and their esophageal sphincters (the valve that is meant to prevent reflux of stomach acid into your esophagus).

Throughout the study, they wore a pH probe with pH sensors connected to a digital recorder to test the level of acid in their esophaguses.

With all this information available, they could see that, compared with the lower-carbohydrate meal, the higher-carbohydrate meal caused:

1. A longer total reflux time

2. More periods of constant reflux

3. More reflux periods longer than five minutes, and

4. More heartburn sensation and acid regurgitation.

Therefore, to relieve your symptoms, you should eat lower quantities of carbohydrates.

But there is a simpler way to eliminate acid reflux—and, using this method, you can eat almost anything without experiencing pain. I’ll explain this simple method in detail here…

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux – 5 Things That Eliminate Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a serious condition that can cause numerous lethal diseases.

That’s probably the reason that many doctors jump to immediately prescribing medications. Unfortunately, these medications have proven to be more dangerous than the acid reflux itself.

So, we welcome a new study from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

These researchers identify five simple lifestyle changes you can make to drastically reduce or even eliminate acid reflux.

The five lifestyle factors they identified were normal weight, no smoking, moderate-to-vigorous daily physical exercise for at least 30 minutes, no more than two daily cups of coffee, tea, or soda, and a prudent diet.

If you think about it, with the exception of the 30 minutes of daily exercise, these guidelines are not too difficult to follow. For example, they don’t tell you to follow a Mediterranean or a DASH diet, just any carefully thought-through sensible diet. You are even allowed two cups of coffee or soda per day.

They obtained their data from the Nurses’ Health Study II, a large nation-wide study that asked its participants to return detailed health and lifestyle questionnaires twice a year from 1989 onwards.

For this study, the researchers used data from 42,955 women aged 42–62. From 2005 to 2017, their questionnaires included questions about acid reflux and heartburn.

Those women who followed all five of these lifestyle guidelines managed to reduce their acid reflux symptoms by 37%. Some of them managed to reduce it by almost half.

To ensure that acid reflux medications did not interfere with their results, they separately examined the data for women on these medications, establishing that these lifestyle factors worked in their cases too, by approximately the same amount.

Therefore, whether or not you are on some unhealthy medication, these lifestyle factors work to reduce symptoms.

One of the most effective of these lifestyle factors was physical exercise, which the scientists speculated probably worked by promoting movement in the digestive tract that, in turn, cleared away the excess stomach acid.

Another factor was normal weight. Obesity puts pressure on your stomach that then compromises the functioning of the sphincter between your stomach and esophagus, where the acid then escapes.

Therefore, if you want to reduce your acid reflux by 37%, follow these guidelines.

Stop smoking, keep your body weight normal, exercise for at least 30 minutes daily, eat a sensible diet, and drink only two cups of coffee, tea, or soda per day.

But if you want to completely eliminate acid reflux in as little as five minutes, then just follow the one little tip explained here…

Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux – Cause and Cure for Acid Reflux Discovered

Around 20% of the population suffers from acid reflux.

The traditional medical system has no solution except popping PPI pills, which can cause serious side effects—from stomach cancer to depression.

This is a shame, because a new study published in in the journal Digestive and Liver Disease reveals a shocking discovery.

Apparently, most cases of acid reflux are caused by easily identifiable and avoidable lifestyle factors. So there’s no need for PPIs anymore.

Scientists from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine identified 23 studies investigating environmental factors that contribute to acid reflux.

From these studies, they identified seven primary risk factors for acid reflux: being overweight or obese, having fat deposited around the abdomen, smoking, consuming alcohol, using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), drinking coffee, and have a stomach bacterium called Helicobacter pylori.

The most serious of these risk factors are the ones that cause both gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and erosive esophagitis together. The latter is a symptom of GERD. It involves serious inflammation of the esophagus that eventually causes esophageal cancer.

The risk factors that cause both GERD and erosive esophagitis together are being overweight or obese, having abdominal fat, drinking alcohol and coffee, and having Helicobacter pylori. These are especially important to avoid.

Smoking and NSAID use tend to cause GERD alone, without erosive esophagitis.

Watch this video to learn about the natural remedies for acid reflux – How to treat ACID REFLUX AT HOME – HEARTBURN TREATMENT(GERD)

Now, you may not be able to cut out all these lifestyle factors causing acid reflux. Or maybe you already have, but you still suffer. But don’t despair, because here is an even easier natural way to eliminate acid reflux—starting today…

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Best Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Treating Acid Reflux Naturally – How to Improve Your Digestive Health


Treating Acid Reflux Naturally – This involves making positive changes in the lifestyle, adopting a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. The natural remedies address the root cause of acid reflux, and are thus often found to be very effective in treating this condition.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Treating Acid Reflux Naturally –  What Is Acid Reflux Without a Cause?

Acid reflux is bad enough if you know exactly what causes it, such as a hernia in your esophagus or a weak valve at the top of your stomach, but many people suffer from reflux or excess acidity without medical science being able to find any reason for it.

The journal Gastroenterology has now published a study of these cases to see how common they are.

The authors of this study investigated what they called functional gastrointestinal disorders, which they define as symptoms in the esophagus, stomach, abdomen, or bowels that have no obvious cause.

The researchers surveyed 33 countries across continents. Participants completed an internet survey of symptoms in 24 countries while face-to-face interviews were conducted in a further seven. Two countries did both.

Approximately 2,000-2,500 people were surveyed in each country with an overall sample of 73,076 respondents; men and women were equally represented.

The participants reported their symptoms, their quality of life, the use of health services in general and doctor’s visits per year, their diets, their living conditions, their socio-economic statuses, co-occurring conditions, and so forth.

People with diagnosed gastrointestinal disorders were excluded

Depending on age and sex, they found that:

1. between 1.4 and 1.5 percent of participants reported chest pain,

2. 1.1 to 1.3 percent reported heartburn,

3. 0.8 to one percent reported reflux hypersensitivity,

4. 0.8 to 0.9 percent reported globus (lump in the throat),

5. 2.7 to 3.5 percent reported difficulty swallowing,

6. 4.6 to six percent reported other symptoms in the upper digestive tract,

7. 3.8 to 9.2 percent reported indigestion,

8. 3.3 to 7.8 percent reported postprandial distress syndrome (meal-related symptoms like extreme fullness),

9. 1.2 to 2.9 percent reported epigastric pain (pain below the ribs),

10. 0.7 to 1.1 percent reported frequent belching,

11. 2.4 to 3.1 percent reported regurgitation/reflux, and

12. smaller percentages complained of chronic or occasional nausea or vomiting.

Problems in the lower half of the digestive tract were even more common, with up to 15 percent complaining of constipation, up to 5.3 percent having irritable bowel syndrome, 5.3 percent having diarrhea, and 9.5 percent having unspecified bowel symptoms.

The percentages of women who suffered from these symptoms were higher than men across the board, and more young people suffered than older people did.

Those with symptoms visited their doctors more often and were more likely to live unhealthy lifestyles.

There was almost no difference between different countries.

The most incredible thing about this study is that they call this “acid reflux without a cause”, which shows that the traditional medical system is completely blind when it comes to treating acid reflux.

Treating Acid Reflux Naturally –  But as a natural health researcher, I know exactly what causes acid reflux and how to cure it—and it needs to be done before it kills you, as I’ll explain here…

Treating Acid Reflux Naturally –  What Is the Perfect Cure for Acid Reflux?

Poor lifestyle and eating habits over a period of time can lead to serious ailments like acid reflux. In acid reflux, the stomach acids regurgitate toward the esophagus.

The most common symptom of this ailment is heartburn, which occurs due to inflammation in the esophagus. Acid reflux, if not treated properly and on time, can cause severe damage to the esophagus and digestive system.

The most common treatments of acid reflux are: antacids and surgery.

Medication or surgery- which is more effective in acid reflux treatment?

Dr. Las conducted a study in Sweden to determine which conventional acid reflux treatment is better. The size of the group involved in this study was 255. While 122 patients underwent surgery to treat acid reflux, the rest were given Omeprazole (Prilosec).

Researchers stayed in contact with a large number of initial patients, but failed to pinpoint which of the two is the perfect cure for acid reflux.

Approximately 53% of the patients that underwent surgery reported low intensity of acid reflux. Additionally, many of the 123 patients who were given Omeprazole also reported low intensity of acid reflux; 45% of these patients needed dose adjustments during the study period.

Though the verdict slightly tilts towards surgery as a better treatment for acid reflux, some post-operative issues were also reported.

Natural way of treating acid reflux involves making positive changes in the lifestyle, adopting a balanced diet, and exercising regularly. The natural remedies address the root cause of acid reflux, and are thus often found to be very effective in treating this condition.

Here are some tips that help you in alleviating the symptoms of acid reflux.

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Do not eat before going to sleep
  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid excessive alcohol
  • Exercise daily

In addition to the above tips, various herbs are also available that help you win the battle against acid reflux naturally.

If you are interested in knowing more about how to deal with acid reflux naturally, click here.

Treating Acid Reflux Naturally –  Acid Reflux Drugs Increase the Risk of Pneumonia

A study conducted at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine on acid reflux drugs and pneumonia has come up with a startling fact- that acid reflux drugs increase the chances of contracting pneumonia in critically ill patients by a factor of three.

David L. Bowton, who is a senior researcher at the university, has stated that approximately 25% of the patients who contract hospital-acquired pneumonia or ventilator-acquired pneumonia die because of this condition. It is understood that the biggest cause of infection-related death among patients who are critically ill is hospital-acquired pneumonia.

The researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine also studied the two popular acid reflux drugs- Zantac TM (Ranitidine) and Prilosec TM (Pantoprazole), and how these drugs increase the chances of contracting pneumonia. The research concluded that Prilosec TM, which is a more preferred acid reflux drug than Zantac TM, puts critically ill patients at a greater risk of developing pneumonia.

834 hospitalized surgery patients who were treated with Prilosec TM were analyzed, and it was found that these patients were three times more likely to catch the pneumonia bug. For this reason, researchers believe that if an acid reflux drug is need to be given to critically ill patients, Zantac TM should be given, as it is relatively safer.

Why acid reflux drugs increase the chances of acquiring pneumonia

Acid reflux drugs are given to patients to reduce the acid in their stomachs. However, when the acid in the stomach is reduced, it becomes more receptive to bacteria. As a result, the chances of developing pneumonia increase, especially among those critically ill patients who are on breathing machines when the stomach acids regurgitate toward the lungs.

Is the danger of acid reflux drugs limited to only critically-ill patients?

No, most acid reflux drugs have certain side effects from which even normal patients can’t escape. For instance, Prilosec TM, which is the preferred drug for the treatment of acid reflux, generally causes diarrhea and headache. As a matter of fact, certain acid reflux medicines may worsen the condition if used for a long period of time.

As conventional treatments are not free from side-effects, natural health remedies should be chosen for acid refluxAcid reflux is a health condition that generally occurs due to poor lifestyle and eating habits. By making positive changes in one’s lifestyle and eating a balanced diet, acid reflux can be dealt with effectively.

Still keen on treating acid reflux naturally? Watch this video – How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux

To learn more on how to treat acid reflux naturally, check out our all new Cure Acid Reflux Naturally guide.

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Treating Acid Reflux  Naturally

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

How to Effectively Manage Acid Reflux Using Natural Remedies


You can effectively manage acid reflux using natural health remedies. A balanced diet and regular exercise are two natural remedies that help not only in curbing the pain and symptoms of acid reflux, but also in dealing with the underlying causes of the condition.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Effectively Manage Acid Reflux Using Natural Remedies – Acid Reflux and Constipation, (Chicken or the Egg?)

Those suffering acid reflux often tend to also suffer constipation.

Researchers have often written this off as the side effects of acid reflux medications, specifically PPIs.

A new study published in journal Esophagus put this theory to a test and the results were quite surprising.

The Japanese scientists identified 179 people who had all been on PPIs or other acid-suppressive therapy for more than a year.

118 of these had been diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): 83 with inflammatory erosive acid reflux and 35 with non-erosive reflux disease, with the regurgitated stomach contents being mostly nonacidic.

The remaining 61 subjects had been prescribed acid-suppressive treatment for conditions other than gastroesophageal reflux disease; we’ll call them the non-GERD group.

The subjects’ average age was around 69 years and the researchers excluded age, sex, and body mass index from affecting their results.

They found that laxative use for constipation was much higher in the GERD than in the non-GERD group, with 38.1 percent of the former group versus 21.3 percent of the latter group using them.

As they were all on PPIs and other acid-suppressive drugs, it was clearly not the PPIs that caused the constipation, and sex, age, and body mass index were also irrelevant.

This suggests that there is a relationship between GERD and constipation, but it doesn’t establish whether the former causes the latter, whether the latter causes the former, or whether they are both produced by some third factor.

There are some good reasons to suspect that the two may be brought on by the same unhealthy eating habits and that typical remedies for constipation can clear up both.

In fact, our simple solution for acid reflux has been found to relieve both acid reflux and constipation. Plus, it avoids the six deadly consequences of acid reflux, as explained here…

Effectively Manage Acid Reflux Using Natural Remedies – For Acid Reflux, No One is Too Young

Is it true or just plain misconception that acid reflux affects only stressed out adults and not youngsters?

Studies show that the above statement is just a misconception, and that more than 5% of youngsters in the age bracket of 10 to 17 years suffer from acid reflux. And the figure continues to increase in the age bracket of 18-25 years.

The ‘Ashlee Simpson incident’

Doctors knew all along that kids too can suffer from acid reflux, but the general public became aware of this fact only when pop star Ashlee Simpson was reported to be suffering from acid reflux. While performing on Saturday Night Live in October 2004, her condition became so bad that she had to lip-sync her own song on live TV. Ashlee’s representatives claimed that acid reflux had caused damage to her vocal cards. She was all of twenty years old at the time.

While Simpson’s detractors naturally rebuked the claim and said that this was just an excuse, the incident drove home one important message: acid reflux doesn’t discriminate, at least not on the basis of age, and strikes youngsters and adults alike.

What causes acid reflux in young adults?

Research points out that the exact cause of acid reflux is not the same for everyone. Generally, in young adults, the cause of acid reflux is not based on some physical conditions such as a poorly functioning stomach valve or hiatal hernia.

Some causes of acid reflux in youngsters are:

  • Allergies
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Poor diet
  • Excessive exercise or lack of exercise
  • Digestive problems
  • Obesity

The condition of acid reflux can be controlled and treated. The key is to recognize the condition before it is too late. If you are careless in recognizing the condition, acid reflux can cause permanent damage to your esophagus and may also lead to other serious ailments such as respiratory problems.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux

To recognize the condition, you need to be aware of its symptoms. It is a cause of worry if your kid shows any of the following early symptoms of acid reflux:

  • Pain or burning sensation in the chest
  • Problem in swallowing food
  • Regurgitation of gastric acid
  • Vomiting

Acid Reflux and natural health remedies

Acid reflux is one of many health conditions that can often be effectively managed using natural health remedies. A balanced diet and regular exercise are two natural remedies that help not only in curbing the pain and symptoms of acid reflux, but also in dealing with the underlying causes of the condition.

If you wish to know more about how to help deal with acid reflux naturally, refer to our guide on Acid Reflux.

Effectively Manage Acid Reflux Using Natural Remedies – Research Shows Acid Reflux Treatment with PPI drugs Has Side Effects

Those who suffer from acid reflux know that this health condition typically reoccurs time and again if the root problem is not addressed. Acid reflux is a health condition in which the gastric acid produced by our body regurgitates upwards.

The most common symptoms of this health condition include: heartburn, pain in the chest or neck, and vomiting.

Allopathic treatment for Acid Reflux

The stages of acid reflux can be broadly divided into two categories: mild and severe.

While mild acid reflux is treated with antacids, in severe cases, the patients are given PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitors) drugs. PPI drugs make sure the body produces a lesser quantity of gastric acids. When less stomach acid is produced, the chances of stomach acid regurgitating towards the esophagus also reduces.

PPI drugs are used extensively to treat acid reflux. However, the latest studies show that these drugs are not free of side effects.

Side effects associated with PPI drugs

The two most common side effects associated with PPI drugs are:

  • Continuous use of PPI may adversely affect the body’s capability to absorb calcium. This in turn can lead to weaker bones and put the acid reflux patients at an increased risk to hip fractures and broken bones.
  • Reduces the body’s capability to absorb iron and vitamin B12, putting the patients at an increased risk to diarrhea and pneumonia.

The conventional treatments for acid reflux have some side effects associated with them and also deny patients the knowledge that this condition can be prevented, as well as controlled, by making smart lifestyle choices and adopting a healthy diet.

A holistic approach is productive for acid reflux patients

To treat acid reflux, adopt a balanced diet, and more importantly- adhere to it. Also, follow a healthy lifestyle and spend some time exercising or doing some other physical activity.

A balanced diet and regular physical activity go a long way in effectively tackling the condition of acid reflux, minus the side effects.

To learn how to effectively manage acid reflux using natural remedies, watch this video – How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux

Refer to our acid reflux guide to learn more on how to treat acid reflux naturally.

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Effectively Manage Acid Reflux Using Natural Remedies

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