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Showing posts with label causes of erectile dysfunction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label causes of erectile dysfunction. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – What is the Best Natural Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction?

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – ED Caused by the Internet. If you struggle with ED, it is possible that some of your Internet activities are responsible for it. Don’t worry, your news-reading and most social media use are probably completely safe. It’s another type of Internet use that causes this condition. And the good news is that his type of ED is fortunately easy to reverse.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – How ED Destroys Your Career

We usually think of ED as a bedroom problem. It has definitely been the final blow to many relationships.

But a new study in the International Journal of Clinical Practice now shows that it is a major problem for your career as well.

A research team composed of scientists from healthcare research firm Kantar Health, Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, and pharmaceutical company Pfizer collected National Health and Wellness Surveys from eight countries, including the US, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, China, and Brazil.

They were specifically interested in the ways in which erectile dysfunction affected their 52,697 subject’s self-reported ability to work and engage in non-work activities. All their subjects were between 40 and 70 years old.

Erectile dysfunction was measured through their subject’s self-reported problems with  achieving or maintaining an erection.

In general, 24.8 percent of the subjects with erectile dysfunction reported work productivity impairment, while only 11.2 percent of those without erectile dysfunction struggled with the same issue.

During other, non-work-related activities, 24.8 percent of men with erectile dysfunction versus 14.5 percent of men without erectile dysfunction reported productivity difficulties.

While men without erectile dysfunction reported having missed three percent of their work time in the previous week because of absenteeism, men with erectile dysfunction had been absent for seven percent of the time.

Reporting to work while being sick had led to impaired performance of more than 22 percent of men with erectile dysfunction and 10 percent of men without erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction sufferers also experienced a significantly lower health-related quality of life. This was assessed via two questionnaires, called the Mental Component Summary and the Physical Component Summary.

Men with erectile dysfunction scored around five points lower than men without erectile dysfunction on both these questionnaires.

Those with the most severe erectile dysfunction were the most likely to be unproductive, absent from work, and struggling with a poor quality of life.

Predictably, men with erectile dysfunction were also more likely to be older, obese, physically inactive, smokers, and heavy drinkers.

So, to save your career as well as your love life, click here to learn easy home erectile dysfunction exercises that will get you rock hard tonight…

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – ED Unexpectedly Causes Blindness

This is not the first line of a joke.

As dissimilar as these two conditions seem to be, men suffering ED genuinely are more likely to become blind than men without ED, as discovered by a new study from the University of Colombia.

And it’s not by any small margin. Men with ED are 258% more likely to develop this disease that almost unavoidably leads to blindness.

The good news is that a simple test can reveal the eye problem years ahead and prevent it from progressing.

The study was published in the Journal of Glaucoma.

Researchers used 167 male patients over the age of 40 who visited ophthalmology clinics in Vancouver. Of these, 61 had glaucoma, and 67 did not.

They gave them a range of questionnaires and vision tests to measure the severity of their glaucoma and ED.

After crunching the numbers, they concluded that men suffering erectile dysfunction were 2.58 times more likely to have glaucoma than men without ED.

Those with the least severe erectile dysfunction also had the least severe glaucoma, and that those with the worst ED also had the worst glaucoma.

Glaucoma is a condition that develops slowly whereby the optic nerve is damaged, compromising the transfer of images from your eye to your brain.

It normally manifests in a loss of your peripheral vision followed by your central vision. Once the vision is lost, it cannot be restored, but it is possible to halt the disease’s progress once you have it.

The scientists did not study the mechanism behind the link, but speculated that changes to blood vessels caused by inflammation could be a causal factor in both conditions.

Because glaucoma develops so gradually, most people who contract it only realize it when it is already too late. A simple eye examination can reveal it easily, so if you have ED, an eye check-up is worth your time, even if your eyesight is okay.

But you probably want to get rid of your erectile dysfunction before you do anything. Here is a set of easy home erectile dysfunction exercises that’s even more effective than Viagra to give you a strong, hard erection tonight…

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – ED Caused by the Internet

If you struggle with ED, it is possible that some of your Internet activities are responsible for it.

Don’t worry, your news-reading and most social media use are probably completely safe.

It’s another type of Internet use that causes this condition. And the good news is that his type of ED is fortunately easy to reverse.

The BBC recently ran a documentary called “Brought up on Porn” interviewing men who complained the large amounts of pornography available on the Internet got them hooked to increasingly extreme images that rendered real life sex a bit underwhelming.

They complained that, because of all the pornography they watched online, they could no longer get an erection when with their partners, even when they were sexually attracted to them and wanted to have sex.

They also interviewed a psychosexual therapist who claimed she suddenly had to consult with lots of younger, healthy men who had developed ED after habitual Internet pornography viewing.

At this stage the research is thoroughly mixed, with some studies finding heavy pornography use to contribute to ED, while others find no such link.

The fact that they cannot agree may mean different types of pornography use should be separated, and tested separately. For example, people who are addicted should be tested separately from people who are not, and people who watch straight vaginal intercourse should be tested separately from those who watch specialist fetish films like ones based on BDSM themes.

As such, it is possible some types of pornography contribute to ED, while others do not, and some people are vulnerable to pornography-induced ED while others are not.

But instead of reviewing these inconsistent studies, which will be rather dull, let’s rather consider why many scientists think pornography may cause ED.

A Harvard psychologist called Deirdre Barrett has written a book in which she explains it in terms of a concept called supernormal stimulus.

According to biologists, a supernormal stimulus is one in which an object that naturally arouses us has been enhanced. For example, pleasant sweetness no longer means fruit, it means sugar and chocolate, while guns and death have replaced fists and black eyes as the satisfying way to get back at the school bully.

Eventually, we can get aroused only by the supernormal stimulus and no longer by the normal stimulus. They override our natural instincts.

This concept explains why scientists can get birds to reject their own eggs by giving them eggs that are larger and more heavily speckled than their own natural eggs. They even managed to get geese to prefer sitting on soccer balls rather than on their own eggs.

Similarly, watching abnormally perfect and/or unusually well-endowed bodies having super active sex may dampen our arousal when confronted by the more ordinary and natural stimuli that used to arouse us.

Furthermore, when watching porn, we can skip past the foreplay and dive straight into the sex, even rewinding and replaying as we wish. This is a highly artificial exaggeration of an experience that used to be good enough to get us aroused.

Luckily, this effect is reversible, as scientists discovered when they withdrew the large density speckled eggs and soccer balls. The birds happily returned to their own eggs. A boy on the BBC documentary also stated that 100 days without Internet porn restored his sexual function.

To learn some easy home erectile dysfunction exercises, watch these 2 videos below

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

What is the Best Way to Get You Rock Hard as Soon as Tonight?

Get You Rock Hard as Soon as Tonight - One of the best ways to overcome ED and boost testosterone levels is to work out and get into good physical shape. So, it might come as a surprise that a new study in JAMA Neurology reveals one specific sport as a cause for ED.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Get You Rock Hard as Soon as Tonight - Is Your ED Caused by This Sport?

One of the best ways to overcome ED and boost testosterone levels is to work out and get into good physical shape.

So, it might come as a surprise that a new study in JAMA Neurology reveals one specific sport as a cause for ED.

The Harvard University scientists sent surveys to 13,720 former football players, to which 3,506 responded.

The surveys asked them about their football injuries, their demographic details, and their current health conditions.

Their concussion symptom scores were calculated by counting the occasions where they reported any of 10 symptoms at the time of a football-related head injury. These symptoms included things like loss of consciousness, disorientation, dizziness, nausea, headaches, vision disturbances, and memory problems.

They were asked whether they were self-prescribing or had been medically prescribed medication for either testosterone insufficiency or ED.

Unsurprisingly, former players suffering from conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or sleep apnea were more likely than non-sufferers to suffer from ED, as were those who used prescription pain medication.

But even when these conditions and drugs were excluded from the analysis, those who had experienced concussions during their playing years were more likely to suffer from testosterone insufficiency and ED.

To be precise, those with the highest concussion scores were 2.39 times more likely to have low testosterone and 72 percent more likely to have ED than those who reported the fewest concussion symptoms.

Those who reported a loss of consciousness around the time of their head injury were most at risk, even in the absence of other concussion symptoms.

The ED was found in both young and middle-aged former players and among both those who had stopped playing 20 years ago and those who had quit recently.

With the help of previously published studies, the researchers speculated that a concussion might involve an injury to the pituitary gland in the brain. Your pituitary gland is one of the most active regions in your brain for the regulation of hormones.

But why you suffer erectile dysfunction is not as important a question as how to cure it.

Get You Rock Hard as Soon as Tonight - These Popular ED Meds Proven Useless for Men

A recently discovered medical therapy for low libido and ED has been quite a hype lately.

Ton of doctors swear by it, even if it hasn’t been studied a lot. And if you complain about these conditions, your doctor has most definitely mentioned it.

But a new study of this therapy shows it not just completely useless, it also reveals serious side effects such as prostate cancer, stroke and heart attack.

If your testosterone level goes down as you age, and erectile dysfunction and lack of libido increases as you age, wouldn’t increase testosterone help?

Not so, says actual science.

In a review study, published in the Journal PLOS, of 47 previously published studies that examined the ability of testosterone supplements to remedy ED, Dr Huo S, Scialli and his associates concluded that it is not effective for this purpose.

Of the 47 studies that examined men’s subjective perception of their sexual function, 24 showed that testosterone did not work at all to improve sexual function or satisfaction.

The other 23 were a bit more mixed. Their subjects reported some improvement of at least one measure of sexual function or satisfaction which, if you think about it, is quite unsatisfactory for men who want to perform and enjoy sex as before.

Of the 12 studies that actually studied men with medically diagnosed ED, eight showed that the testosterone supplementation was completely ineffective.

The conclusions regarding libido were somewhat more positive, with more studies finding testosterone to be effective than ineffective.

If physical function, mood, or cognitive abilities, is your focus… Sorry other non-ED related studies showed that it did not work for any of these conditions either.

The main problem with testosterone supplementation is the it’s serious side effects:

Acne, Fluid retention
Increased urination symptoms such as a decreased stream or frequency,
– Increased prostate cancer risk
Breast enlargement
Sleep apnea
Decreased testicular size
Aggression and mood swings
Blood clots
Worst of all, stroke and heart attack

The reason why testosterone is so effective to cure erectile dysfunction is simply because it’s not the cause of this disease.

The real cause of erectile dysfunction is the lack of blood flow into the genitals. And the only way to cure it is by increase the blood flow to this area.

I designed a specific technique that has worked magic for men to overcome their erectile dysfunction. They are nothing like the penis pump or other gimmicks you have probably heard of. In fact, you can practice them anywhere and nobody will even know.

Get You Rock Hard as Soon as Tonight - ED Linked to These 6 Dangerous Diseases in Men

ED is not something that necessarily happens to all men as they get older.

In many cases, ED is a sign that there is a more serious underlying disease present that can ruin your health if you ignore it.

Sometimes we’re talking life-threatening diseases.

And in this way, ED can be a helpful diagnostic tool that can save you from suffering these diseases full blown. But you absolutely cannot ignore this.

Here are six conditions that often cause ED or occur along with it:

1. Type 2 Diabetes. In a study published in Diabetes Care in 2002, scientists examined the medical records of 31,027 men and gave them questionnaires to test the severity of their ED and diabetes. Those with diabetes were 32 percent more likely to have ED than those without diabetes.

2. Coronary artery disease (CAD). A 2003 edition of the journal European Urology printed an article by scientists who concluded that men with CAD had a higher risk of developing ED than those with healthy arteries. Even better, in 70 percent of these cases, the ED arrived before the chest pain, which means that you can prevent your CAD from worsening by changing your lifestyle immediately when you start experiencing ED. When your arteries are damaged by CAD, you cannot have an erection because your arteries cannot relax enough to let blood flow into your penis.

3. Heart attack and stroke. These are unsurprising, as they are the two most serious medical consequences of CAD. They happen when the blood vessels to your heart or brain are blocked and cut off the blood supply to these important organs. In a large Taiwanese study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2010, researchers demonstrated that stroke was 29 percent more likely in ED sufferers than in their sexually functional peers in the first five years after the study.

4. Dementia. In 2015, scientists demonstrated in the journal Medicine (Baltimore) that men with ED were 1.68 times more likely than men without ED to develop dementia, even if they did not have the other dementia risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and so on. In the same way as ED is caused by lack of blood flow to the genitals, dementia is caused by lack of blood flow to the brain. Learn to load your brain with oxygen and nutrients filled blood and overcome dementia here…

5. Liver disease. Liver disease comes in various types: hepatitis, fatty liver disease, scarring, cirrhosis, and more. But the one thing they have in common is their contribution to ED. In a study on 117 Japanese patients with either chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis, published in the Journal of Gastroenterology, scientists found that a massive 78 percent of people with chronic hepatitis and 92 percent of people with psoriasis experienced ED. this is almost 3 times more common than in the general population.

6. Chronic kidney disease. Because damaged or diseased kidneys cannot clear toxins from your body, chronic kidney disease reaps havoc with the system that secretes your hormones (your endocrine system.) In a recent review article in the journal Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease, scientists said this could cause ED, decreased libido, infertility, anemia, hyperparathyroidism, impaired mineral absorption, and menstrual disturbances in women.

Fortunately, erectile dysfunction is most often just isolated issue. And even better, it can be completely cured by training the muscles around your genitals to pump more blood into that area.

For more ideas to get you rock hard as soon as tonight, watch this video - 7 Natural Ways to Raise Testosterone Levels (Raise Your T for FREE)

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Get You Rock Hard As Soon As Tonight

Monday, March 30, 2020

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – Is Erectile Dysfunction Curable?

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - Research from the University of Copenhagen published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has come as a shock to some. It originally set out to look at the effects of a very popular type of soda on the sperm health of 2,554 young Danish men.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - ED Caused By This Every Day Drink

Research from the University of Copenhagen published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has come as a shock to some.

It originally set out to look at the effects of a very popular type of soda on the sperm health of 2,554 young Danish men.

But it ended up revealing one of the most devastating cause of ED.

Researchers weren’t looking for ED, but they did choose to speculate about it. When they found that men who drank one liter of cola each day had a greatly reduced sperm count compared to non-drinkers, this led them to think that something else might be going on too.

They suggested that soft drinks might contain so much sugar that it could potentially damage the blood vessels responsible for an erection, causing erectile dysfunction.

British tabloids love to misunderstand science if it gets in the way of a good story, so they pointed to the study as proof that drinking cola caused erectile dysfunction. But the research didn’t even look at ED so they’re way off beam. It merely raised the question of whether there was a link between high sugar consumption and erectile dysfunction.

Since then, no one has chosen to take up the question in a research setting. But Polish scientists did look at previous research in 2011 and put together reasons why consuming sugary soft drinks could be a cause of erectile dysfunction.

So, even though it’s not conclusive, if you experience erectile dysfunction then avoiding these types of drinks might be a good idea for you. And even if there is no direct link, your body will thank you for not filling it with sugar anyway.

Stopping drinking sugary drinks won’t cure erectile dysfunction on its own, but our easy home erectile dysfunction exercises will, and you can find them here…

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - ED Cured with this Simple Activity

What if one simple activity could cure ED better than medications?

What if it was completely free, caused no side effects and was actually also quite fun?

And what if the results were permanent? You didn’t have to take a pill every time you wanted to be intimate.

The best thing is that you already know how to do it, so all you have to do is apply yourself a little and your little friend will regain his youth in a few days.

In October 2016, Portuguese researchers published a review of the existing scientific literature related to exercise and ED in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

They wanted to know whether exercise could improve the sexual function of men who complained of an inability to get or maintain an erection for long enough for satisfactory sexual activity.

They found seven studies published between January 1990 and July 2016 that matched their search criteria.

Altogether, they had 478 study participants.

Of these, the majority showed that exercise could improve ED by 3.85 points when measured on the International Index of Erectile Function.

Reuters quoted a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota as saying that this is the same benefit men can expect from medication.

Even better, the effects of exercise are permanent, while the medication works only in the hours after you take it.

Men doing regular aerobic exercise with moderate-to-vigorous intensity showed the biggest improvement.

But some exercises are better than other and best of all for erectile dysfunction are the ones found here – specifically designed to cure erectile dysfunction permanently… 

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - Common Drink Causes ED in Men

There is a common drink that has often been blamed for ED. And according to a new study, rightfully so.

But you can actually consume quite a lot of this drink before it begins to affect your bedroom performance.

And I think the majority of men are going to be happy to learn just how much.

In a 2016 study on men, Japanese researchers found out exactly how much alcohol men can drink safely without compromising their sexual function.

They published their study in the journal Alcohol.

The study made use of 340 men between 19 and 70 years of age, all of them having undergone blood tests to exclude other medical conditions.

They tested men’s level of sexual function through a questionnaire called the Sexual Health Inventory. The lower your score, the worse your ED is.

Unsurprisingly, both the heavy drinkers and those who drank the most regularly received the lowest scores on this inventory, meaning that they suffered the worst ED.

But what counted as heavy drinking?

Those men who consumed 60 or more grams of daily alcohol were the most likely to suffer from ED; the more alcohol, the worse the ED.

A 12 oz (350 ml) beer, 5 oz (150 ml) of wine, and 1.5 oz (45 ml) of distilled spirits all contain 14 grams of pure alcohol. The Japanese study measured its permissible grams as pure alcohol.

So less than four drinks of the examples above shouldn’t hurt your erection too much.

However, when calculating weekly alcohol consumption, researchers found that the best results came from staying away from alcohol altogether.

Now regardless of alcohol consumption, erectile function can be completely cured using the simple, home technique found here. . .

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises

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