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Showing posts with label get rid of acid reflux in your throat fast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get rid of acid reflux in your throat fast. Show all posts

Sunday, January 24, 2021

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Your Throat Fast?


What does acid reflux do to your throat? How long does it take for throat to heal from acid reflux? What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Your Throat Fast?

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Your Throat Fast - These Acid Reflux Drugs Lead to Untreatable and Dangerous Diseases

These acid reflux drugs are some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the world.

But medical practitioners haven’t been revealing the whole story.

They have kept some information to themselves, or at least did not publicize it.

These drugs, according to a new study in the Journal JAMA Internal Medicine, lead to other diseases, more serious ones.

Deadly and untreatable ones.

Gastric acid suppression drugs are used to treat acid reflux because they suppress the production of stomach acids.

If stomach acid escapes from your stomach and washes back up into your esophagus and your mouth, the simplest solution for doctors is to prescribe a drug that blocks the enzymes that produce stomach acid.

The scientists wanted to explore the relationship between gastric acid suppressants and multidrug-resistant bacteria.

They looked at a number of past studies that compared the occurrence of multi-drug resistance between acid suppressants users and non-users, which included a total of 22,305 subjects.

From these, they found that people on acid suppressants were 75 percent more likely than non-users to develop multi-drug resistant gut bacteria.

The presence of one drug resistant bacterium can lead to the occurrence of drug resistant infections that involve other bacteria.

Furthermore, while bacteria that are in our digestive tracts are usually not harmful while they stay there, they can become extremely harmful when they escape through perforations in your intestines.

If they cause infections elsewhere in your body and they are multidrug-resistant, you might never be able to remove them.

Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Your Throat Fast - But multi-drug resistant gut bacteria aren’t the only, or even the most dangerous consequences of acid reflux drugs. Fortunately, it’s easy to cure acid reflux – as soon as today – using a safe natural method. I’ll explain this here

Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Your Throat Fast - FDA Warning on Acid Reflux Medications

If you’re one of millions of people who suffer acid reflux and use – even if it’s only occasionally – medications to manage your heartburn, you’ll really want to pay attention to today’s short article.

Americans spend more than $10 billion on prescription drugs for heartburn. That’s on top of billions spent on over-the-counter solutions.

The most common drugs for heartburn are Proton Pump Inhibitors, or PPIs. These drugs stop small pumps lining the stomach wall that secrete acid to break down food for digestion. They’re approved by FDA for chronic, long term heartburn (GERD) but doctors are giving them out for a much wider range of conditions (surprise, surprise).

Recently the FDA has been issuing a series of warnings regarding long-term risk associated with PPIs, linking them to increased risk of infection with the diarrhea-causing superbug Clostridium difficile. Taking it for as little as a year increases the risk of hip fracture and causes vitamin B-12 deficiency. The worst part may be severe withdrawal symptoms when discontinuing use.

The good news is there is a simple, cheap home remedy you can make that instantly eliminates acid reflux for most people. And following a small plan, you can be permanently heartburn free for life. Learn more about this acid reflux approach here…

To tackle IBS naturally, click here…

Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Your Throat Fast - Asthma- Milk Irritates More Than Reflux

A reader commented on the last milk article that he developed asthma as a result of his body’s intolerance to dairy.

Understanding how this is possible means first understanding that there are different types of asthma, and thus the triggers for attacks will differ.

For the reader whose asthma trigger is dairy, this suggests that his asthma is “non-allergic.” This basically means that his inflammation is caused by irritants outside the allergy world, such as pollen, dander, and dust.

Keep in mind that an intolerance to something is much different than an allergy.

While different types of inflammation occur with both allergies and intolerances, as evidenced in the differing kinds of asthma, the physiology behind the inflammation differs.

Asthma is an inflammation and constriction of the airways, causing the sufferer to not be able to breathe easily. This can range in severity from mildly irritating to life-threatening. People who are no strangers to asthma likely are well-familiar with not only what type of asthma they have, but also what triggers their inflammation.

Ironically, it is known that Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease also causes asthma attacks. This is particularly important to people who have an intolerance to dairy who also have a history of GERD, asthma, lactose intolerance, or any other dairy-related problems.

The point here isn’t so much to teach asthma sufferers about what causes their problems. Rather, it is more of an awareness issue for the rest of us who are not as sensitive to dairy.

It seems anymore that there are warnings popping up all over packages, menus, and even outside certain buildings of the presence of certain food ingredients. I have heard a lot of people complain about these warnings, saying it seems to be going overboard.

However, this is more than the drive to try and be sensitive or politically correct.

Have you ever tried to breathe through a small straw? If you don’t have asthma or allergies, you likely have not had the displeasure of this experience.

If you have ever wondered why there is such a push to disclose the presence of these food items, I would invite you, to give this exercise a try. Take a drinking straw, place it in your mouth, and go up and down your stairs (at a safe pace as to not trip and choke on your straw) at least once. Breathe only through your straw…not your nose.

Don’t overdo it, but just try to get a sense of what this feels like.

This is similar to what people who have antihistamine reactions go through when they are having an anaphylactic or asthmatic reaction to certain triggers, of which dairy is a big one.

The difference is, they can’t take the straw out of their mouths. During an attack, frequently a rescue inhaler, or trip to the ER is all that can turn the situation around.

For people with severe food allergies, an Epi-pen is their constant companion.

Trying to imagine the feeling of GERD at its worst is a little harder to do (safely). But these attacks are easily triggered by dairy, soy, red meat, and other foods- even when eaten in moderation.

Suffice it to say that if you really wanted a sensitivity training kind of exercise here, just imagine the feeling of trying to swallow a 5-pound barbell. The heavy, anxious, painful feeling along the esophagus and near the stomach’s opening isn’t just awful to experience; it can lead to long-term damage.

So I would invite you to try and notice on the packages, menus and buildings the different safety notices that are posted and what kinds of foods are listed. This will help you be a better friend to the people in your lives who suffer from food-related problems such as asthma, GERD and allergies.

For more ideas to get rid of acid reflux in your throat fast, watch this video - How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux

To better plan your meals, or to learn more about Acid Reflux, have a look at my natural Acid Reflux guide today.

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Get Rid of Acid Reflux in Your Throat Fast

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

What is the Best Way to Overcome Acid Reflux Naturally?


Fatal Acid Reflux – Thousands Die Every Year. The good news is that my friend and senior writer here at Blue Heron Health News, Scott Davis, has discovered an extremely simple method that works for pretty much everybody to overcome acid reflux naturally. Read on to find out more.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Overcome Acid Reflux Naturally - Fatal Acid Reflux – Thousands Die Every Year


We often ignore acid reflux as an innocent annoyance.


Yes, it’s painful, it can keep you up at night and it can ruin a good meal.


But we seldom give attention to just how widespread and dangerous acid reflux is.


Using app-based technology, researchers asked 71,812 respondents to report which acid reflux symptoms they have experienced and had experienced in the last week. Some of the symptoms included heartburn, acid reflux, regurgitation, abdominal pain, constipation, and nausea.


44.1 percent of the respondents reported having had experienced acid reflux symptoms at some point in their lives, and 30.9 percent reported experiencing them in the past week.


Furthermore, 35.1 percent of respondents reported being on some form of drug for their condition, but more than half the drug takers stated they still experienced frequent reflux symptoms, showing that the condition is also unlikely to be successfully treated with the best drugs currently available.


Overcome Acid Reflux Naturally - But if acid reflux was just common, it wouldn’t be so serious. The real shock is the six deadly diseases it causes – as I’ll explain here…


Overcome Acid Reflux Naturally - Heartburn and High Blood Pressure – The Connection


Sometimes the connection between two health problems isn’t so obvious. It’s a fact, however, that majority of those suffering frequent heartburn (acid reflux / GERD) also have high blood pressure.


And it’s also a fact that treating one condition (either heartburn or high blood pressure) helps with both conditions.


But what is the connection between the two conditions and how can you kill two flies (high blood pressure and acid reflux) with one swing. That’s the subject of today’s feature article.


At first glance, hypertension and heartburn seem to be completely unrelated health problems. Hypertension is the condition of the heart and arteries; heartburn comes from our stomach and digestive system, right?


To understand the connection, you have to widen your horizon and both look at your body as whole as well as considering the underlying cause for both conditions.


First let’s look at acid reflux. It happens when the muscles above your stomach (sphincters) can’t stop the acidic fluid in your stomach from flowing up into your esophagus. The acid then irritates the esophagus causing the horrible pain.


Although you may be well aware that some food triggers heartburn and therefore consider it purely a digestive problem, over 80% of those with acid reflux report their acid reflux is worse when they’re under a lot of stress and consider that one of the main causes for their condition- and for good reason.


Here are two ways acid reflux is triggered by stress:


The First issue is blood flow. When you experience stress, your body directs the largest portion of its blood supplies for the skeletal muscles such as arms and legs.


This is nature’s way of getting ready to either fly or fight once attacked by the enemy. This limits the blood flow to the intestines (including the stomach) and slows down the digestion. Your body also sends clear messages to the digestive system to slow down the digestion so no energy will be wasted on that when it’s needed for flight or fight.


Once your digestion slows down, food remains longer in the stomach and begins fermenting, causing excessive gas. The pressure pushes the undigested food as well as the stomach acid up into the esophagus.


The lack of internal blood flow also causes a weakening of the muscles that are supposed to protect the esophagus, adding to the acid flowing up more easily.


The Second way stress causes acid reflux comes down to our human nature of bad habits. When we’re experiencing a great deal of stress, people tend to increase their consumption of alcohol, tobacco and comfort food (such as fatty or sugared foods and heavily processed foods like those using white flour).


These types of foods are guaranteed triggers of acid reflux. Even people who normally do not have acid reflux can trigger a bout of reflux by eating a few slices of pizza.


And as chance will have it, one of the major causes for high blood pressure is stress as well.


There are many types of stress that can cause high blood pressure: emotional, mental, sensual, physical, etc. And all these same types of stress can also cause heartburn.


One of the types of stress that’s often ignored by people is physical stress caused by health problems or pain.


It takes a tremendous amount of energy, for example, for your body to fight off the common flu. While white blood cells fight against the invading bacteria, your body releases truckloads of stress hormones into your system.


The constant pain of acid reflux will also trigger an intense release of stress hormones. Your body doesn’t care where the pain comes from. It doesn’t matter if you were hit in the head with a bottle or if acid is flowing into your esophagus. Pain is pain- and to conquer the pain your body enters the same fight or flight reaction described above. A natural result is that your body must be loaded with stress hormones.


And one of the first automatic responses from your body when loaded with stress hormones is to raise the blood pressure. Therefore, long lasting stress of any kind causes chronic high blood pressure, which triggers more stress hormones to be released that then cause higher blood pressure as well as increased acid reflux. A chronic health circle has been created.


So there you have it, black and white. Acid reflux can worsen high blood pressure and hypertension can worsen acid reflux.


Applying just a little bit of common sense tells us that if we manage to improve our acid reflux, our high blood pressure should go down as well and the other way around.


The good news is that my friend and senior writer here at Blue Heron Health News, Scott Davis, has discovered an extremely simple method that works for pretty much everybody to overcome acid reflux

naturally. You can learn more about his method here


And if you want to lower your blood pressure down to normal as soon as today, you should definitely check out my simple, easy blood pressure exercises here


Since the two conditions are so connected, dealing with one condition will improve both. But dealing with both conditions together will increase the success of correcting both conditions. So I urge you to check this out.


Overcome Acid Reflux Naturally - Heartburn Causes Serious Disease


New study reveals how heartburn, condition that most people consider annoying but not really dangerous, can lead to cancer.


What’s more, relying on drugs for acid reflux to prevent complications from chronic heartburn is futile, reports a recent study.


A condition that people with frequent, uncontrolled heartburn are developing more and more is Barrett’s esophagus, and it is marked by an alarming change in the cellular structure of the lining of the esophagus.

Untreated, it can lead to adenocarcinoma, a form of esophageal cancer.


What’s more frustrating, is that drugs commonly prescribed to stop reflux don’t seem to have any effect in preventing Barrett’s Esophagus or the resulting adenocarcinoma.


The only way to eliminate the damage that is done to the esophagus is to eliminate the reflux in the first place, which proton pump inhibitors don’t always do. They do help with symptom control, but not the underlying cause.


Scientists urge that to prevent the complications, eliminating the cause in the first place will be critical.


For more ideas to overcome acid reflux naturally, watch this video - How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux


An all-natural way to overcome acid reflux naturally is to eliminate the underlying cause of acid reflux today


If you suffer IBS, check this out


This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.


To find out more about the program, go to Overcome Acid Reflux Naturally


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

What is the Best Way to End Acid Reflux Forever?


End Acid Reflux Forever - Medical journals and research studies abound with data showing which efforts are better than others at eliminating heartburn, reflux, and other digestive woes. Today, we’ll give you the quick-and-dirty for the top 6 that show up again and again as some easy things that you can do as soon as today to eliminate your tummy troubles.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

End Acid Reflux Forever - These Acid Reflux Drugs Destroy Your Bones


One of the most frequent health problems for elderly are broken bones. As we age, our bones become weaker and we are at greater risk of falling.


So, it doesn’t help that one of the most frequently prescribed acid reflux drugs directly weakens our bones as well as our sense of balance.


And taking it with two other common drugs makes things even worse.


This is according to a new study published in JAMA Network Open.


The researchers analyzed the information of 2.6 million Medicare beneficiaries and the drug prescriptions they received between 2004 and 2014. They placed emphasis on drugs linked to bone fractures either because they weakened bones or caused dizziness and promoted falls.


They identified hip fracture diagnoses from Medicare claims to see which drugs put them at a higher risk – those who took one drug had twice as high a risk of hip fractures. Taking two almost tripled their hip fracture risk and taking three quadrupled it.


Opioids (taken by 55 percent), diuretics (40 percent), and proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux (35 percent) were the most common drugs.


Incredibly, the scientists found that the average elderly person consumed five drugs simultaneously.

The most harmful combinations were opioids with sedatives, opioids with diuretics, and opioids with acid reflux proton pump inhibitors.


Women who took opioids and sedatives were five times more likely to suffer hip fractures than women who took none.


But this is not the only risk of acid reflux drugs. They actually cause 6 types of cancer.


End Acid Reflux Forever - The good news is that you can eliminate acid reflux TODAY using three ingredients you already have in your kitchen…


End Acid Reflux Forever - Heart Attack or Heartburn? Detect the Difference in Symptoms


People can very often write off the first signs of heart attack as nothing more than acid reflux. But as you know, waiting too long to act may cost you your life.


At the same time, you don’t want to ‘cry wolf’ every time you experience minor chest pain (although it’s always better to be too cautious than to risk death).


That’s why in today’s feature article I’m going to tell you about three clear symptoms that differentiate heartburn from heart attack.


1) When Does the Pain Hit?


We’ve all experienced this at some point: You have a big meal, you lie down and all of a sudden this burning sensation hits you. This is most likely heartburn rather than heart attack.


Opposite to heartburn, heart attack usually happens during some kind of physical activity and rarely while resting. As well, suffering from a heart attack rarely has anything to do with the meal you had that day, while acid reflux often happens shortly after consuming trigger foods (or quantities).


2) Where Does the Pain Hit?


Burning sensation in the throat, often with a bitter taste in the back of the mouth is a clear sign of acid reflux. Whereas pain in the chest, neck, shoulders and jaw is a sign of heart attack.


3) How Does the Pain Hit?


Are you experiencing sweating, feeling of faintness, lightheadedness and shortness of breath? These symptoms, especially when associated with any kind of chest pain are red flags; don’t wait, call 911 now! These are not  symptoms of heartburn but much more likely the beginning of a heart attack.


These three guidelines are, of course, nothing more than general tips and should not be used as a diagnostic tool. You should always lean towards the side of caution – if in doubt, call the ambulance or at least your family doctor’s urgent care line.


Don’t drive yourself because if you’re actually having heart attack, you can get the necessary first aid in the ambulance- and you shouldn’t put others at risk since loss of consciousness frequently accompanies heart attack.


You may also take into consideration your personal history. If you’ve suffered a heart attack before, are over the age of 50 or have a family history of heart attack or stroke, you’ll want to be even more aware or your risk.


However, if you suffer heartburn regularly, you know the feeling. But you definitely also want to treat that problem.


Because what the big drug companies don’t want you to know is that it’s very easy to permanently cure Acid Reflux naturally as soon as today.


End Acid Reflux Forever - Learn about the 5 minutes cure of Acid Reflux…


Regarding stroke and heart attack, there are of course two major factors that lead up to heart attack:


Chronic, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and Unhealthy cholesterol levels:


Discover 3 easy exercises that drop blood pressure below 12/80 as soon as today…


Learn how to naturally get your cholesterol under control in 30 days or less here…


End Acid Reflux Forever - 6 Things That Prevent Heartburn


Medical journals and research studies abound with data showing which efforts are better than others at eliminating heartburn, reflux, and other digestive woes.


Today, we’ll give you the quick-and-dirty for the top 6 that show up again and again as some easy things that you can do as soon as today to eliminate your tummy troubles.


These tips will helps eliminate IBS as well.


1) Put down the soda can. Aside from forcing into your system a ton of sodium and potentially a lot of sugar, most sodas are packed with caffeine. This is a known trigger of not only IBS symptoms, but also reflux and other types of heartburn. Start by replacing 12 ounces at a time of that soda habit with water and see how much better you’ll feel in a week.


2) Drop a little weight. Carrying more than 30 pounds compresses internal organs. Carrying more than that compresses them even more. Being overweight or obese also slows digestion, which is then going to lead to stomachache, heartburn…even certain food intolerances. Get off the couch and head for the treadmill. You can watch your news programs or crime dramas from there.


3) Find clothes that fit. Just because you can get them on, doesn’t mean they fit. Make sure that your pants, belts, skirts, or other clothing that comes around the stomach or gut is appropriately fitted. Clothing that’s too tight doesn’t just create a muffin top, it constricts those organs causing pain.


4) Make those meals smaller, and just eat more of them. Speaking of loosening the belt…if you eat enough in one sitting to have to do this, you’re doing it wrong. If your reflux or heartburn is severe, you need to limit what you eat to 8 ounces per meal- total, and just eat them more frequently. Give your stomach a break and put at least half that meal in a box as soon as you get it.


5) Limit alcohol, especially before bedtime. Alcohol is hard on the stomach, especially if you have food intolerances creeping up on you.


Gluten intolerances mean no beer. Hard liquor likes to attack the lining of the stomach and lead to ulcers. Limit your drinks to one or two, and only with a meal.


6) Stop Smoking– period.


For more ideas to end acid reflux forever, watch this video - What Triggers Your Acid Reflux, and What Solutions Will Work


Want even more powerful heartburn cure? Check out a simple approach to end acid reflux forever – effective in 5 minutes….


Step-by-step plan to heal IBS beginning today


This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.


To find out more about the program, go to End Acid Reflux Forever

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What is the Best Way to Cure GERD Permanently?


Do you want to cure GERD permanently? If you do, here are the 6 common mistakes you should avoid. Read on to find out more.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Cure GERD Permanently -Weird Acid Reflux and TMJ Connection Discovered


Acid reflux is unpleasant at the best of times, but new studies reveal that it could be even worse than once thought.


Acid reflux is the regurgitation of stomach acid in your esophagus.


Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) involves pain in the joint and muscles that control movement of your jaw.


So, what do the two have to do with each other? The Canadian Medical Association Journal has just reported that one might lead to the other.


A team of American and Chinese scientists collected information from 1,522 patients with chronic TMD. 1,522 healthy people provided the same information to act as a control group.


Patients were classified as having gastroesophageal reflux disease if they suffered from at least two days of mild symptoms per week or at least one day of moderate or severe symptoms per week.


They observed that 132 of the TMJ (TMD) patients had acid reflux compared to 61 of the people without it.


This led them to the conclusion that people with acid reflux were 2.74 times more likely than people without acid reflux to suffer from TMJ.

This is not the whole story, however.


Other evidence shows people who suffered from acid reflux were more likely to experience poor sleep, anxiety, and somatization; the latter refers to a condition where people’s psychological distress manifests in the form of physical symptoms like pain without there.


It was also confirmed that people with TMJ were more likely to struggle with poor sleep, anxiety, and somatization.


Although the mechanisms behind the relationship still remain unknown, the researchers believe people could get stuck in a cycle where poor sleep, somatization, and anxiety could exacerbate the pain, thus causing sleep problems and psychological disorders.


Cure GERD Permanently - You’re probably suffering from acid reflux because you’re not including these few vital ingredients in your everyday diet…


And for TMJ – fortunately there are some easy jaw exercises that can completely eliminate it as soon as today…


Cure GERD Permanently - Acid Reflux (Heartburn) Stopped Using This Bracelet


Many patients who suffer from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, have been prescribed acid-reducing medications with mixed results.


While some find a small measure of relief, they are finding increasingly that between the side effects and the limited benefits, drugs are just not a viable long-term solution.


As well, drugs don’t tackle the real problem with GERD, which is acid washing up into the esophagus, usually due to a faulty sphincter or valve at the top of the stomach.


But advancements in treatments are finding inspiration in unlikely places-like the jewelry cabinet.


Drugs for acid reflux are far from an ideal fix. They cause thinning of the bone and can also cause fatigue, depression, and arthritis. But not treating GERD is not an option, considering how disruptive it can be and the long-term risks associated with untreated symptoms.


For many people, though, medications either don’t work, cause too many side effects, or are simply not tolerated by the body. A last resort for many patients is a surgical procedure called a Nissen fundoplication (or fundo for short). This is where a section of stomach is surgically repositioned around the base of the esophagus where the faulty sphincter is.


This surgery is extremely invasive, and brings with it a host of downsides. But scientists now think they may have found a less invasive surgical fix for GERD in a device that is basically a magnetic bracelet for the esophagus.


It is placed during a less invasive laparoscopic surgery. The way it works is that the magnets hold the esophagus shut like the sphincter would have, and when they detect swallowing or food present, the bracelet, called a LINX device, opens to let the material pass. It closes up again after the food goes by.


It was approved in the US by the FDA in 2012 and is already being used with some noticeable success, but doctors warn caution for 2 reasons.


First, any surgery is risky, even laparoscopic. Second, the long-term effects and success of the LINX bracelet have yet to be studied. Some people have had bad reactions to it and it doesn’t work for everyone.


The real frustrating thing for me is that I know from my own experience and from the feedback of hundreds of clients that Acid Reflux (heartburn/GERD) can be completely cured using nothing but ingredients you already have in your home, but people just don’t know how easy it can be.


Want to cure GERD permanently? Get rid of your acid reflux in 5 minutes using this simple recipe…


Cure GERD Permanently - Acid Reflux? 6 Things Never to Eat


Now that we’re past the worst of the holiday food-binge season, it’s time to re-focus and get serious about solving some of our food-related issues.


Many people find that during the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, they abandon many (or all) of the good habits that keep their digestion healthy.


If that’s you, then you’ll likely benefit from this list of six acid reflux no-no foods that will get you back on track.


If you have found yourself back on the over-the-counter reflux medications because of the holiday season, never fear. Changing just a few or even all of these mistakes can set you right again, so you can leave the drugs at the pharmacy and out of your body.


If you have acid reflux, remember to avoid these common mistakes:


1 – Very large meals- It can be tempting at holiday time to indulge all night long at various parties and family gatherings. It’s part of the practice of celebration. But now that the freezer is stocked with leftovers, try to limit the volume of how much you are eating.


Instead of 3 huge meals, which causes nothing but pain and digestive problems…reduce the amount of food by ¾ and eat more frequently during the day. Snack on fresh fruit and fiber-packed vegees.


2 – Caffeinated beverages- Unless your drink is a cup of green tea, whatever beverage you are consuming that has caffeine needs to go. Caffeine is a known trigger for reflux, migraine, and high blood pressure. Go green or lay off and switch to water.


3 – Sugared soft drinks- This class of drinks is caffeine’s evil twin. There is simply no nutritional benefit to sodas, sports drinks, or juice cocktails with HFCS. The sugar content and the fizzy nature of the soda causes more harm than any benefit you’d ever see, so switch out all those calorie bombs for some cold, purified water.


4 – Too much alcohol- It is true that a glass of red wine with dinner aids in digestion, helps fight high blood pressure, and provides a host of anti-oxidant chemicals, but it is also true that alcohol in excess breaks down the mucous in the stomach.


This precious substance is what protects your stomach from digesting itself as it wards off the damaging effects of the acid. With reflux, you don’t need any help with the acid part. Put down the wine glass after 1 serving and steer completely clear of hard liquors like scotch, tequila, rum, and bourbon.


5 – Milk Chocolate- You’re not out of the woods yet, holiday-wise. Valentine’s Day is on its way and whatever confections you were able to avoid during the Christmas season might be waiting for you in a different package in February. Chocolate is packed with sugar and fat, not to mention caffeine, and all 3 are on the frequent offender’s list for acid reflux flare-ups.


6 – Animal product overload- From turkey to ham to crown roast, and everything in between (like eggnog and whipped cream topping), meats and dairy products are a one-way ticket to reflux misery.


We overdo it during the holidays anyway, where balance should be in the front of our plate-loading strategy, but that frequently takes a back seat to the merry-making.


If you are suffering the flare-ups, remember that your meat servings should never be larger than a deck of cards- at ANY meal. Dairy is the same way. Switch out these high-fat, high calorie foods for plant-based foods like quinoa and legumes that are also very high in protein. These plant proteins are also great for digestion because of their very high soluble fiber content.


A little better planning and a re-commitment to valuing the peace of your stomach over the short-term pleasure of the taste buds will pay off enormously after only a few days of smarter eating.


For more ideas to cure GERD permanently, watch this video - Ask the Expert: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


Suffering acid reflux? Want to cure GERD permanently? Learn how to permanently get rid of it acid reflux as little as 5 minutes here


Or, if you have IBS, discover step-by-step plan to eliminate IBS for good here


This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.


To find out more about the program, go to Cure GERD Permanently


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