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Monday, January 13, 2020

Try These Home Remedies to Flush off Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are hard, solid wastes that build up in the kidneys leading to crystal formation. There are four types such as calcium oxalate stones, struvite, uric acid, and crystalline stones. Amongst all most existing type and 80% of all stones are calcium oxalates. To treat this severe condition, here are best 8 home remedies to flush off kidney stones.

One of the most common problems amongst people is Kidney stones. The crucial problem with the kidney stones is that it will reappear causing pain. Kidney stones are also known as renal stones or nephrolithiasis.

Kidney stones are hard, solid wastes that build up in the kidneys leading to crystal formation. There are four types such as calcium oxalate stones, struvite, uric acid, and crystalline stones. Amongst all most existing type and 80% of all stones are calcium oxalates.

To treat this severe condition, there are best home remedies to cure kidney stones.

1.                  Stay Hydrated:
In general, to treat this worst condition, it is always recommended to drink plenty of fluids. When one drinks plenty of fluids, this will help to increase the volume and dilute the stones formed in the urine resulting in less crystalline in nature. Some of the beverages like coffee, tea, beer, wine, and orange juice will also have a lower risk of increasing this serious issue. Also, the intake of a lot of soda will result in stone formation in kidneys. This fact is applicable for both types of sodas such as sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened sodas. In sugar-sweetened soft drinks contain a lot of calcium, oxalate and uric acid, which will lead to the stones formation in kidneys.

2.                  Increase your Citric Acid Intake:
Citric acid is an organic acid present naturally in fruits and vegetables especially citrus fruits. Such citrus fruits include lemon, orange, and lime, etc. When you intake citrus fruits, they will reduce the calcium oxalate in two ways:
·         Prevents Stone Formation:  Citric acid bind with calcium in the urine, and thus there is no risk of kidney stones formation.
·    Prevents Stone Enlargement: If citric acid binds with the existing calcium oxalate crystals, then it will reduce the risk of kidney stones becoming larger.
When you consume more citrus fruits, they will help you the risk of forming stones or risk of growing larger stones in your kidney.

3.                  Limit Foods High in Oxalates:
Oxalates or Oxalic acid is an anti-nutrient that is naturally present in many leafy vegetables, fruits, and cocoa. Such acid will be produced in your body naturally in considerable amounts. So, when you take a large amount of oxalate, it will result in increasing oxalate excretion in urine. Oxalate can bind with calcium and other minerals, leading to stone formation. In general, foods that are rich in oxalate are suggested to stay healthy however, those patients who suffer from kidney stones are suggested to have a low-oxalate diet.

4.                  Don’t take High Doses of Vitamin C:
According to research, the intake of Vitamin C supplements also increases the risk of kidney stones. When one consumes a lot of Vitamin C supplements, it will result in increasing the excretion of oxalate in the urine. This is because Vitamin C gets converted into the oxalate inside your body. When one consumes Vitamin C supplements, it will have the risk of developing kidney stones much in your body.

5.      Get Enough Calcium:
People will consider the wrong fact which is not true. This means the intake of calcium will increase the risk of kidney stones. But quite opposite to this fact, the intake of calcium will reduce the risk of kidney stones. According to a study, if one consumes a diet containing 1200 mg of calcium per day, it will help to treat this condition. One can consume dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt which are rich in calcium. For most adults, it is recommended to consume 1000 mg of calcium per day.

6.                  Cut Back on Salt:
One should also reduce the intake of a diet with high salt content, as it will increase the calcium excretion through urine. It is better to avoid consuming packaged and processed foods to decrease sodium intake to prevent this condition.

7.                  Increase your Magnesium Intake:
Magnesium is another important mineral used to treat this condition. It is recommended to consider a diet rich in magnesium such as avocados, legumes, and tofu, etc. which will reduce the oxalate absorption, thus reduces the risk of stones formation.

8.                  Eat Less Animal Protein:
In general, animal proteins are rich in purines. Such a compound will break down into uric acid inside the body resulting in stones formation. Kidney, liver and other organ meats are rich in purines. One should avoid consuming such animal proteins much to treat this condition.

When there are larger stones formed in your kidney and they will try to leave the body causing such a painful sensation along with vomiting and bleeding, in this case, it is recommended to visit your doctor.

For more ideas to flush off kidney stones, watch this video - 10 Home Remedies for Kidney Stones - Home Remedies

Author Bio:
Henna is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts and personal experiences
related to natural remedies, yoga and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.

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Sunday, January 12, 2020

What is the Best Way for Cutting Down Your Cholesterol Level?

Cutting Down Your Cholesterol Level - Drink This Juice to Lower Cholesterol. Many studies agree that this juice is fabulous stuff. The science says it bestows such great cardiovascular benefits because it’s packed with carotenoids, calcium, and it also delivers a thunderbolt’s worth of vitamin A.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Cutting Down Your Cholesterol Level - Sitting and Heart Health

There are lots of good reasons to sit down these days, and unfortunately for our hearts one of them is good television. There’s just so much of it!
But if you’re also sitting for hours at a desk job too then you’re getting a double dose of badness.

Sitting down for too long has been shown by many studies to be bad for your heart health, but the latest one on the subject now reveals that one of these reasons to sit is worse for you than the other.

The new study appears in the Journal of the American Heart Association and it was authored by researchers from the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University in New York City.

They were curious about how sitting affects our hearts. Were couch potatoes going to have more heart problems than desk jockeys at work or fewer?

Luckily, they didn’t have to set up a study of their own because the information they were after was already available.

The Jackson Heart Study had previously looked at a whole host of health issues in 3,592 African American people from Jackson, Mississippi.

Participants had filled in questionnaires that told researchers about how much or how little physical activity they generally did.

As part of this they kept a record of their television viewing time, and also time spent sitting at work, two figures which were gold for the present researchers.

They were able to divide the television viewers into five groups, on a scale that went from least to most time spent watching. Some people watched less than one hour per week while at the other extreme some of them watched more than four hours every day.

The researchers also did the same for the workers. They divided them into those who said that they sat down “never”, “seldom”, “sometimes”, “often”, or “always”.

Their physical activity was measured in terms of how much exercise they got each week and how intense it was.

It’s worth noting that the study didn’t just take a snapshot. It ran for 8.5 years, so we can be pretty sure that all the data gathered is a true representation of these people’s behavior.

The findings were interesting. People who sat watching television for four or more hours per day had a 49 percent higher risk of cardiovascular disease and early death than folks who watched for two or fewer hours per day. So, no big surprise there then.

What did come as a surprise was that the people who sat at work showed quite different results. Those who reported that they sat “always” or “often” at work were no more likely to have cardiovascular problems or die prematurely than those were who reported “never” sitting at work or “seldom” sitting.

So why was sitting down to watch TV worse for their health than sitting down at work? The thinking is that television watchers might be more likely to sit for long periods without being interrupted, while some desk workers may get more opportunities to move around, like when they visit a co-worker or fetch files, for example.

It’s also more likely that television watchers will eat a big meal before they sit down and once they’ve put their feet up the potato chips and other unhealthy snacks often come out too.

That’s not something that office workers would generally be doing, so perhaps the food component helps to explain why there wasn’t any variation in consequences between the different frequencies of workplace sitting.

Not all sit-down jobs are healthy, of course. Truck drivers can’t move around and may end up eating more than they should just to relieve the boredom of the road.

But the good news from the study is that moderate or vigorous physical activity for 150 minutes per week eliminated the heart disease risk for everyone. Even the people who watched television for four or more hours per week cut their chances of heart trouble to zero if they also exercised for those three and a half hours a week.

The chief takeaway from this is that moderate or vigorous exercise can take away a lot of the health risks from your next box set binge.

Cutting Down Your Cholesterol Level - 3 Powerful Foods That Dissolve Blood Clots

Drug companies have come up with a whole host of medications meant to dissolve blood clots, because it’s one of the major keys to preventing heart attacks and strokes.

These blood thinners are often advertised as life-enhancing, but the side-effects they come with can be the exact opposite.

Pharmaceutical corporations will always try their best, but they can’t really compete with nature, whose laboratory has been perfecting cheap, safe, and effective blood thinners for millions of years.

The three best natural alternatives to dangerous drugs can thin your blood and dissolve clots. We know that they work and we know that they don’t have side-effects because they’ve been used all over the world for centuries.

Apple- it turns out that the saying is true – one a day really does keep the doctor away, or at least clots away, because there’s a compound found only in apples which fights their formation. It’s called quercetin-3-rutinoside, or rutin for short, and clinical studies have shown that it stops the formation of fibrinogen, which helps to form fibrin, and fibrin helps to form clots.

Mice studies have also suggested that rutin can combat thrombosis too, which is good news for those at risk of deep vein thrombosis, where blood clots form in the lower leg. If the clots break free and reach the lungs, they can cause a potentially deadly pulmonary thrombosis, so make sure you’re adding apples to your weekly grocery list.

Papaya and pineapple- These tropical fruits contain protein-digesting enzyme called bromelain. It’s great at reducing high blood pressure, lowering bad cholesterol, and combating inflammation. It’s a good clot buster too because it attacks the fibrin in blood clots with fibrin’s natural enemy, a substance called plasmin. Bromelain stimulates plasmin production, and it also helps stop platelets from sticking together, although it’s not known why yet.

Natto- this fermented soybean derivative puts a lot of people off. It’s gooey stuff that packs a punch with its strong odor, but generations of Japanese have relied on it in their cooking. But it’s a good thing they have because it contains nattokinase, an enzyme that dissolves existing clots and prevents new ones from getting started. This alone should convince you to give noxious Natto a second chance.

Cutting Down Your Cholesterol Level - Drink This Juice to Lower Cholesterol

Many studies agree that this juice is fabulous stuff.

The science says it bestows such great cardiovascular benefits because it’s packed with carotenoids, calcium, and it also delivers a thunderbolt’s worth of vitamin A.

Tomato juice is great at reducing both cholesterol and blood pressure, so researchers wanted to test how great.

Researchers recruited 184 men and 297 women. A few suffered from high cholesterol and 94 had hypertension or pre-hypertension. Their average ages were 56.3 and 58.4 years respectively.

For a year, these participants were given as much unsalted tomato juice to drink as they wanted, but it doesn’t look like they were exactly clamoring for the stuff, because the average participant only got through about one cup a day.

But maybe they should have been guzzling it, because after one year of chugging tomato juice, their systolic blood pressure had dropped from 141.2 to 137.0 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) and their diastolic pressure from 83.3 to 80.9 mmHg. Those are averages, so they don’t show the even better news – that the people who started out with the highest blood pressure saw the biggest reductions.

125 of the participants had high cholesterol or high blood fats. Their LDL cholesterol, which is the bad stuff that poses the greatest heart disease risk, dropped from 155 to 149.9 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter).

You might be thinking that these reductions don’t seem very impressive, but they are when you remember what caused them: drinking just one cup of tomato juice every day.

Also, they didn’t find any reduction in blood glucose, nor changes in HDL cholesterol (the good type) and triglycerides (blood fats), so it seems the effects were limited to reducing bad cholesterol.

To be sure that tomato juice alone was the cause of their dramatic drop, the scientists had them fill out a questionnaire at the beginning and end of the study to make sure that nothing else about their lifestyles could have affected the outcome, so we know that the results are watertight.

This was the second time that this research team had looked at the effects of tomato juice. They also performed a 2015 study to see tomato juice might affect menopausal symptoms in middle-aged women, and they also happened to test their cholesterol as part of that.

In this one, they asked their 93 subjects to drink 200ml of tomato juice twice a day for eight weeks. This is a bit less than two cups per day.
Afterwards, 22 of the women with high triglycerides saw them drop substantially, and the ones with the highest scores at the start enjoyed the biggest falls.

Before you get too excited, the one big limitation in this study is that they didn’t gather enough detailed information about what the participants ate. This means we can’t know if the tomato juice was used to replace something unhealthy. If it replaced something sugary then that change alone might have been responsible for the health benefits, and not the tomato juice itself, but let’s not forget that the results are consistent with other studies, so it’s probably safe to assume that tomato juice really is that good for you!

For more ideas in cutting down your cholesterol level, watch this video - What is the BEST DRINK to LOWER CHOLESTEROL? LOWER Your CHOLESTEROL NATURALLY By Drink this DRINK!

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Cutting Down Your Cholesterol Quickly and Easily ?.

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Thursday, January 9, 2020

What is the Best Way to Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now?

Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now - High Blood Pressure Cured by This Vampire. Wouldn’t it be great if a vampire could cure your high blood pressure? Dracula would probably tell you that he could do it in the blink of an eye, and we believe him. One bite and your blood pressure would be history! Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now - High Blood Pressure Cured by This Vampire

Wouldn’t it be great if a vampire could cure your high blood pressure? Dracula would probably tell you that he could do it in the blink of an eye, and we believe him. One bite and your blood pressure would be history! (Although, to be honest, so would you…)

But seriously, scientists have been studying vampires recently, because in the quest to find effective treatments for people who suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease, they will leave no (tomb)stone unturned.

Scientists from the University of Queensland in Australia believe that a breed of modern-day vampires may actually hold the key to curing high blood pressure.

Their research was recently published in the Journal of Proteomics and it shows that the venom secreted by vampire bats may hold the key to lowering blood pressure and dissolving blood clots in humans.

Their piece outlines how the bats have adapted to beat their prey’s adaptations to them. Which sounds surprising but shouldn’t, because all life adapts to survive over time, and some of the creatures that vampire bats feed on have developed antibodies which neutralise their venom.

But this is an arms race conducted in the laboratory of life, and in time, the bats have upped their own game and developed venom which wins against the antibodies.

In a typical vampire bat attack, when venom enters the body of a victim, the creature’s immune system kicks in and destroys the invader. Blood then clots at the site of the wound and inflammation from white blood cell activity cleans everything up.

This is bad news for the vampire bats, who rely on their dinner not fighting back, so they’ve come up with a novel approach to cope with this problem.

Their venom has now evolved to sneak past the prey’s immune system and prevent its blood from clotting, as well as dilating blood vessels near the skin to keep its blood flowing. Even when a bat drinks from the same prey night after night, its defences are powerless against the venom.

It’s this ability of the venom to act as a clot-buster and vasodilator that has scientists excited, because it means that they don’t have to work on new treatments from scratch. Much of the hard work in creating a natural blood pressure medicine has already been done for them by mother nature.

Now all they have to do is isolate the chemicals and understand the precise mechanisms that vampire bats use to bust blood clots and they’ll be knocking on the door of a breakthrough!

Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now - Want to Lower Blood Pressure by 40%? Try kindness!

We’ve all heard the usual advice about lowering blood pressure. Get plenty of sleep, try not to stress, eat right and get some exercise.
But now there’s another way to combat high blood pressure that doesn’t involve any of those things.

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University discovered this simple answer when they looked at more than 1000 healthy adults over the course of four years. They found that one subset of this large group was getting a great deal of benefit out of something enjoyable that they were doing.

The researchers noticed that the people who spent more than 200 hours during those four years as volunteers in their community were much less likely to suffer from high blood pressure than those who didn’t. In fact, they were over 40% less likely.

Researchers put this reduction in blood pressure down to the well-documented benefits of social interaction. It’s long been known that when we do things that are ‘bigger’ than ourselves, things which benefit others, we feel a tremendous sense of belonging and accomplishment.

In today’s world, more people than ever feel connected digitally but not necessarily physically. Loneliness is on the increase, but volunteering brings people back in touch with each other, makes them feel worthwhile and rewards them with mood enhancing hormones too.

Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now - High Blood Pressure and the ‘S’ Word

When it comes to high blood pressure, researchers from England and Finland think they can now point to the main culprit.

They cast their nets wide, with their study looking at 7000 people for clues about the main drivers of this damaging condition.

Thanks to information gleaned from studying so many subjects, they were able to pin the main cause on one familiar suspect, and not only that, they could confidently recommend an easy way to deal with it too.

The ‘S’ word behind high blood pressure here is stress, which is almost unsurprising because of the way that it exacerbates or encourages so many other conditions.

Plenty of people will tell you that they don’t feel stressed, but this research digs into decades of findings to show that everybody suffers some degree of stress of one sort or another.

Even the things that you happily take in your stride everyday count as stress. Whether it’s work worries, relationship difficulties, physical illness, environmental noise or poor dietary choices, they all add up to pressures which the body can’t resolve, and which quietly build up.

The result of this constant overload is disease in mind and body. When the body can’t cope with the load it eventually breaks down.

This landmark study appears in the European Heart Journal, and it underlines the need for greater stress awareness. As modern lives become more complicated we face a mountain of stressful challenges that pile up on a daily basis.

People with the highest stress levels are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack as those with the lowest.

If you’re wondering whether this study might have missed other contributing factors, don’t worry. They studied their subjects for several years and took into account things that also have a health impact like alcohol or smoking.

The researchers were surprised to find that people with high stress levels were not oblivious, but they often didn’t help themselves. They knew what was happening to them and they knew it was affecting their health, but they didn’t use the proven therapies that have been shown to help.

Which is a huge shame, because they could easily be cutting stress out of their lives using nothing more than some simple relaxation and mind-body awareness techniques. They could get their blood pressure down to 120/80 in 24 hours.

For more ideas to reduce your high blood pressure naturally, right now, watch this video - How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally (7 Principles + 3 Myths)

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Reduce Your High Blood Pressure Naturally, Right Now

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What is the Best Way for Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently?

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - This Acid Reflux Drugs Fracture Bones. It is common for infants to spit up their food after a meal, but if they also vomit, cough, and choke frequently, struggle to eat, and fail to gain weight, then a well-meaning doctor may decide to prescribe a drug for acid reflux. But a study just published in the journal Pediatrics shows that these drugs also put your child at risk of bone fractures early in their lives.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW,Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - This Acid Reflux Drugs Fracture Bones

It is common for infants to spit up their food after a meal, but if they also vomit, cough, and choke frequently, struggle to eat, and fail to gain weight, then a well-meaning doctor may decide to prescribe a drug for acid reflux.

But a study just published in the journal Pediatrics shows that these drugs also put your child at risk of bone fractures early in their lives.

There are two common drugs for acid reflux: proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs), and they’re sometimes prescribed together.

The authors of the new study looked at 851,631 children born between 2001 and 2013 who were tracked for at least two years.

Kids with cholestasis (a bile disease), osteogenesis imperfecta (a brittle bone disease), and those who were maltreated were left out of the study.
11% of these kids were prescribed one or both of these drugs before their first birthday (which seems kind of ludicrous, but there you go…)
0.9 percent received PPIs, eight percent received H2RAs, and two percent received both.

Those youngsters who took an anti-acid drug before birthday number one also broke their first bone eight months earlier than those who received no such drugs.

The children who received PPIs were 21 percent more likely than their peers were to fracture a bone during childhood and those who received both drugs increased their childhood fracture risk by 31 percent.

H2RAs alone had no effect, but they clearly amplified the harm of the PPIs for the kids who took both drugs before their first birthday.

Those who took the medication the earliest and the longest had the greatest risk of early bone fractures. That’s some disturbing reading.

The researchers made sure that sex, preterm birth, obesity, and other such characteristics did not affect their findings.

Drugs should always be the last resort for your children (and maybe for yourself, too) so try lifestyle remedies before you reach for the acid suppressants. Here’s what to trial:

1. Feed them small meals more frequently rather than large meals infrequently. A full stomach puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (the ring of muscles that keeps food down where it belongs).

2. Avoid feeding from bottles with large-sized nipples, as this may allow the milk to flow too fast.

3. Add some oats or other cereal to the milk or start the baby on solid food early (with your pediatrician’s permission, of course).

4. Make sure your baby does not sleep with its head downwards. A small elevation of the head might help, especially in the first two hours after a meal.

Luckily, most infants grow out of acid reflux at around one year of age when their lower esophageal sphincters become strong enough to keep food down and their digestive systems mature.

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - How Over-the-Counter Acid Reflux Meds Break Your Bones and Cause Arthritis

Waking up with that horrible, sour taste in your mouth and your chest burning with acid reflux, your first impulse is probably to jump for the medicine cabinet.

And what’s the damage? After all, these pills are sold over the counter, nothing but simple calcium or other ingredients that cause no side effects. Right?

Think again, because new research has shown that the side effects of these “innocent” acid reflux pills can be lethal.

Acid reflux is a frustrating condition; and, if left untreated, can ultimately lead to several serious diseases such as esophageal cancer.

Americans spend tens of millions of dollars treating the symptoms with prescription medications called proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, to quell the discomfort.

Most experts agree that for the vast majority of sufferers, diet is the key culprit. They go on to also agree that changing the way one eats, as well as how much during each meal, can go a long way to naturally end it without having to resort to medication.

However, many people figure that diet changes might be too hard and that a pill is easier- so what’s the harm?

As it turns out, PPI drugs, which work by shutting down some of the pumps in the stomach that produce acid needed for digestion, also interfere with a host of other systems in the body.

For one, doctors are noticing a dramatic uptick in bone fractures and osteoarthritis among regular users of PPI medicines.

The problem is that PPIs are known to interfere with more than acid production. They also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb protein and calcium, both of which are needed for healthy bones and joints.

This is of particular importance to people who are already at risk, such as those going through menopause or taking medicines that also interfere with calcium absorption like calcium channel blockers, used for high blood pressure.

It has also been seen that PPIs interfere with magnesium absorption, which can cause bleeding problems and increase a person’s risk of developing other bowel-related issues.

Further, PPIs have been shown to affect blood vessel health by narrowing the arteries, spiking blood pressure.

For the little amount of temporary relief, many natural health practitioners caution that it just isn’t worth the extra problems the side effects of these drugs bring to the party.

Their advice, instead, is to have an honest look at diet and lifestyle and see if making even just a few, simple changes can turn around the reflux naturally.

Not sure where to start with eliminating your acid reflux, and don’t want to head to the medicine cabinet every day?

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - Acid Reflux – 7 Foods You Didn’t Know Cause It

If you frequently suffer acid reflux/heartburn, you probably know of many foods that trigger it.

Spicy foods are on the top of the list for many people. Tomato sauce and pizza late at night might be in there, too.

But there are some foods that most of us think are completely safe that sneakily cause acid reflux without being noticed.

The next time you get acid reflux, just check if you’ve had any of these foods that day. It’s not spicy food that’s always the culprit.

1. Fried foods: You might love your French Fries, but your stomach doesn’t. They are high in fat content and are the foods most often associated with heartburn and acid reflux.

2. Soda: This doesn’t come as a surprise, considering that soda is packed full of carbonated bubbles that expand inside the stomach and increase pressure inside the stomach walls inducing acid reflux. The worst kind of sodas are the ones that are caffeinated or acidic, which most of them are anyway. So, try to avoid them completely.

3. Chocolate: Chocolate is often seen as a calorie bomb or a tooth decay expert. Believe it or not, it’s also on this list of foods that can induce acid reflux. In fact, it packs a triple whammy – there are stimulants (caffeine and theobromine), cocoa, and fat and all these ingredients can cause reflux.If you still insist on having your dose of chocolate, at least go for the dark chocolate. It is a slightly better than milk chocolate.

4. Alcohol: Even though alcohol is not as acidic as soda, it can cause the muscle flap connecting the stomach and esophagus causing acid reflux. Minimize or avoid alcohol and don’t mix in orange juice or soda in it when you drink it at all.

5. Dairy products with high fat content: Use high fat dairy products like butter and cheese with caution. Too much of it can cause reflux, especially if you eat them regularly.

6. Fatty meat: Certain meats like lamb and pork are rich in fats and tend to remain in the stomach for a longer time as it gets digested causing acid reflux. You can choose lean meat over fatty meat and keep it to once a week to avoid chances of getting acid reflux.

7. Coffee and caffeinated drinks: you don’t have to worry too much if you’re happy with a cup of coffee a day. But if you drink coffee every couple of hours, you’re definitely inviting trouble. Herbal tea or green tea are good options in place of coffee. Try them out instead!

For more ideas for getting rid of acid reflux permanently, watch this video - What Triggers Your Acid Reflux, and What Solutions Will Work

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently

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