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Showing posts with label prevent coronary artery disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prevent coronary artery disease. Show all posts

Monday, April 5, 2021

What is the Best Way to Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health?


Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health - Studies on coffee consumption and cardiovascular health are very contradictory. Some studies show extreme benefits of coffee while others show extreme dangers of heart attack and stroke. So, a team of Norwegian researchers decided to research whether the way we brew our coffee might be what makes a difference. Indeed, one type of coffee brewing was found to significantly decrease risk of heart attack while another type increased the risk.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – One Coffee Type Prevents Heart Attack—Another Causes It

Studies on coffee consumption and cardiovascular health are very contradictory.

Some studies show extreme benefits of coffee while others show extreme dangers of heart attack and stroke.

So, a team of Norwegian researchers decided to research whether the way we brew our coffee might be what makes a difference.

Indeed, one type of coffee brewing was found to significantly decrease risk of heart attack while another type increased the risk.

From 1985 onwards, the research team recruited a large sample of 508,747 healthy Norwegian adults that was roughly representative of the population regarding age, race, gender, and so on.

They observed these participants for an average of 20 years and were interested to see who would die of cardiovascular diseasestroke and heart attacks.

During this period, the team also asked the subjects about their coffee drinking habits and brewing methods and recorded changes, if any.

During the 20 years of follow-up, 46,341 participants died, including 12,621 from cardiovascular disease.

Of these cardiovascular disease deaths, 6,202 were caused by heart attacks, and 2,894 were caused by strokes.

Compared with those who drank no coffee at all, those who drank filtered coffee were 15 percent less likely to die prematurely of any cause. Men were 12 percent and women were 20 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease.

Unfiltered coffee was a different matter, though, and no healthier than abstaining from coffee altogether for younger adults and causing deaths of any cause, deaths of cardiovascular disease, and deaths of heart attacks for those over the age of 60.

So why is filtered coffee healthier for our hearts than unfiltered coffee?

From the available literature, the researchers concluded that the culprits were the chemical substances in the coffee grounds and oils that remained in the coffee if it was unfiltered. These chemicals cause high cholesterol and, thus, cardiovascular disease and early death.

Using the study as a guide for coffee brewing, it means that you should stay away from Turkish coffee, which is yummy but unfiltered. Any other finely ground coffees in which the grains remain unfiltered at the bottom of your cup while you drink the liquid from the top are equally unhealthy.

A French press or any other plunger device that uses a meshed metal screen at the bottom of the plunger is not good enough to qualify as a filtering device either, as it can’t thoroughly filter out the oils from the coffee beans.

The best filters were found to be percolators with paper or fabric filters.

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – But coffee habits don’t make or break your risk of heart attack. In fact, there’s another ingredient that you must cut out, one that you didn’t even know you were consuming. I’ll explain this here…

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – This Cholesterol Combats Alzheimer’s

An excess of cholesterol wreaks havoc in our blood vessels, and researchers have now discovered it causes Alzheimer’s disease as well.

Canadian researchers examined the brains of patients who had died of Alzheimer’s disease, finding that Alzheimer’s brains contained significantly more cholesterol than non-Alzheimer’s brains.

But that’s only half the story… They also discovered that Alzheimer’s brains and healthy brains do very different things with cholesterol.

And this may hold the key to finally cure Alzheimer’s.

The Canadian team found that Alzheimer’s brains retained cholesterol while healthy brains metabolized it. This study appeared in the journal Neurobiology of Disease.

A few years later, a different team published a study in Molecular Neurodegeneration in which they actually demonstrated what happened to neurons when they loaded cholesterol into their membranes.

These neurons immediately started resembling and behaving like neurons in Alzheimer’s brains.

Compared to non-Alzheimer’s neurons, Different genes were turned on and off, the transport of proteins in those neurons were blocked, and they secreted a lot more amyloid-beta42, a protein that appears in large amounts in Alzheimer’s brains.

But at present researchers still don’t understand the exact role that cholesterol plays in the development of the disease.

Until exact cause and effect relationships can be proven, it’s best to drop cholesterol to healthy levels.

Unfortunately, traditional cholesterol diets are almost useless to improve cholesterol and heart health. Here is the one ingredient I cut out to clear up my 93% clogged arteries…

The great news about this study for Alzheimer’s is that it proves your brain is lacking one ingredient to function properly. And it’s completely free and available everywhere. Learn how to capture it here…

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – The Best Diet to Lower Bad Cholesterol

Hundreds of diets all claim to be the best at weight losscardiovascular health, and other health benefits.

But which diet works the best?

A study just published in the journal BMJ has answered this question.

There were many candidates for this short-term gain, but only ONE winner for long-term weight loss and cardiovascular health benefit.

A large multinational team of researchers reviewed 121 studies with about 22,000 participants.

In these studies, the subjects were divided into a group that followed a diet and a group that continued to eat normally. They all compared these groups based on weight and cardiovascular health factors.

In general, the diets were divided into low-fat, low-carbohydrate, and moderate macronutrient diets.

The macronutrient diet contained more vegetablesfruits, and legumes than our current diet as well as less fat and carbohydrates.

The team also looked at various popular diets, like Atkins (keto type), Mediterranean, DASH, and Zone.

Within six months of commencing the diets, all participants showed slight weight reduction and improvement in cardiovascular health.

Regarding weight loss, low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets led to a loss of between four and five kilograms (or 8.8 and 11 pounds) over the six-month period.

Moderate macronutrient diets were less effective.

Low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets were also approximately equally effective at reducing both systolic (5 mmHg) and diastolic (3 mmHg) blood pressure by six months.

Moderate macronutrient diets were less effective here too.

Low-fat and moderate macronutrient diets were the best at reducing bad LDL cholesterol, and low-carbohydrate diets were the best at increasing good HDL cholesterol—but again, only at six months.

Atkins, DASH, and Zone were approximately equally effective at reducing weightblood pressure, and cholesterol by six months.

By 12 months, however, the picture looked quite different. By then, the cardiovascular effects and weight loss benefits of all these diets but one had disappeared.

Only the Mediterranean diet maintained its positive effects on cardiovascular health by 12 months. The largest of these effects was on cholesterol reduction.

There are three things to learn from this study.

First, our normal diet is so unhealthy that any other diet can have positive effects—in the short term, at least.

Second, if weight loss is your priority, then Atkins, DASH, and Zone are your best bets in the short term. However, if heart health is more important—which it should be—then the Mediterranean diet is the only one that maintains its positive health effects in the long term.

Third, dieting alone is not a terribly effective weight loss tool, which is why it is better to combine it with other positive lifestyle changes, like regular exercise, stress reduction, and adequate sleep.

For more ideas to improve cholesterol and heart health, watch this video –These Foods Clean Your Arteries & Can Prevent A Heart Attack

But if you want your cholesterol under control, you actually only have to cut out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming ….

And to drop your blood pressure below 120/80—starting today—do this simple exercise for 9 minutes ….

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

What is the Best Way to Cure High Cholesterol Problems Permanently?


This Common Vitamin Can Cure High Cholesterol Problems Permanently - Do you have high cholesterol? If so, the chances are your doctor has pushed you into taking a crazy amount of drugs to try and reduce the damage, right? Well, what your doctor probably didn’t tell you or go into detail about is that these medicines are dangerous and come with a whole host of side effects. A new study, from The Women’s Health Initiative, has proved doctors wrong – it is possible to treat and even cure high cholesterol naturally without those drugs; and all you have to do is start taking this one common vitamin.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries


This “Unhealthy” Food Can Cure High Cholesterol Problems Permanently

There’s an unprecedented amount of people taking statins and following dietary advice from the American Heart Association to cure their high cholesterol problems.

But, if they’re following such expert medical advice, why are high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease cases skyrocketing around the world?

A research group from Dublin put a revolutionary theory to a test in a study published in the journal Nutrition & Diabetes – if something isn’t working, do the exact opposite!

It was related to eating more of something that we’ve always been told was bad for us.

And, this so-called “bad” food does wonders for our cholesterol levels.

Most of us grew up with the advice that dairy is unhealthy and we should restrict our intake of milk, butter, cheese, cheese, and cream.

The good news is what you’ve been told isn’t entirely true.

Previously, we were told dairy products contain saturated fat, and saturated fat increases our levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.

However, a recent study proved otherwise.

Researchers asked 1500 adults to keep food diaries for four days. They also collected their subject’s fasting blood samples and conducted various other tests.

Those who ate more dairy products had the lowest body mass indices, the lowest percentage of body fat, the smallest waist circumference, the smallest waist-to-hip ratio, and the lowest systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which are all signs of good health.

The subjects were split into three groups. They consumed:

1. Butter and cream;
2. Whole milk;
3. Reduced fat milks and yogurt.

If the traditional advice is correct, you would expect the last group to have yielded the healthiest results – however, they had higher total cholesterol and triglyceride (blood fat) levels than the other groups.

Those who drank the most milk, whole or low-fat, had lower circulating levels of some inflammatory markers than their peers, and also had higher insulin sensitivity.

Cure High Cholesterol Problems Permanently - But eating too much of anything isn’t that healthy. To cure your high cholesterol today, you need to cut out this one ingredient that you didn’t even know you were consuming (and it’s not dairy)…

Cure High Cholesterol Problems Permanently - Heart Attack NOT Caused by Cholesterol or Blood Pressure

If you think that high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and obesity are all dangerous when it comes to cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes, you’re right!

But a new study in the journal Atherosclerosis has published a terrifying discovery, which is far deadlier than the above mentioned.

In fact, it’s almost as dangerous as high blood pressure and smoking combined.

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders depression means experiencing any of the following symptoms on an almost daily basis:

• Depressed mood
• Diminished interest or pleasure
• Significant weight loss or weight gain
Insomnia or hypersomnia
• Physical restlessness or incapacity
• Feelings of worthlessness
• Inappropriate guilt
• Difficulty concentrating
• Suicidal thoughts

Scientists found depression was responsible for 15% of cardiac-related deaths, which was followed by cholesterol and obesity at 8-21%, and diabetes at 5-8%.

In other words, cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity do less damage to your heart than depression!

But reducing stress is easy with these 3 exercises – and they’ll also drop your blood pressure back to normal in 9 minutes…

And to cut the risk of heart attacks and strokes, you need to take control of your high blood pressure, which you can do by cutting out this ONE single ingredient. Learn how here…

Feeling anxious? Here is how you can eliminate all anxiety in days…

This Common Vitamin Can Cure High Cholesterol Problems Permanently

Do you have high cholesterol?

If so, the chances are your doctor has pushed you into taking a crazy amount of drugs to try and reduce the damage, right?

Well, what your doctor probably didn’t tell you or go into detail about is that these medicines are dangerous and come with a whole host of side effects.

A new study, from The Women’s Health Initiative, has proved doctors wrong – it is possible to treat and even cure high cholesterol naturally without those drugs; and all you have to do is start taking this one common vitamin.

Vitamin D is well known for treating weak bones, but now it has been identified as a way of controlling cholesterol as well.

In the study published in the journal Menopause, researchers focused on a group of 576 women, all of whom were postmenopausal. They were divided into two groups.

One group was administered a daily dose of 400 units of Vitamin D along with 1000 milligrams of calcium while the other group was given a placebo.

At the end of the study, researchers found there was a significant rise in the level of vitamin D in blood serum. This included a corresponding small but significant drop in the ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol and a rise in ‘good’ HDL.

The best way to get your daily requirement of Vitamin D is to go and get some sunlight! 15-30 minutes of daily sunlight is all you need.

To find out how you can cure high cholesterol problems permanently, watch this video - How to Lower High Cholesterol Naturally – Diet and Supplements to Lower Cholesterol Levels

Getting enough vitamin D is only the first step to cure high cholesterol problems permanently. To completely cure it, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient, you didn’t even know you were consuming…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Cure High Cholesterol Problems Permanently, Completely, Quickly and Easily .

Sunday, January 17, 2021

What is the Best Way to Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely?


Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely - We have known that these drinks are bad for our health for a while. During the last decade medical professionals have hammered home how they increase the risk of diabetes, but that is where the research ends. Now, The Journal of the American Heart Association has published an even more worrying link related to these popular beverages – they cause unhealthy cholesterol profiles as well.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely - Eggs and High Cholesterol – Myth Buster

Eggs have certainly had their moment in the spotlight.

Decades ago, health experts claimed eggs constituted a healthy breakfast.

Come the noughties, eggs were turned into the villain. The same health experts who’d once recommended consuming more eggs for breakfast started an egg witch hunt claiming eggs were full of unhealthy cholesterol.

Now eggs seem to be back in fashion. So, what’s the truth?

Recent studies, including one from Harvard Medical School, show that one egg per day has no effect on the risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke.

They examined dietary and health information of 37,851 healthy male and 80,082 female adults.

They found no increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, or coronary heart disease in the participants that ate 1-6 eggs per week and those that had one a day; however diabetics were found to be at a slightly higher risk.

So why do eggs have such a bad reputation?

Egg yolks are quite high in cholesterol, which led scientists to believe that they could not possibly be healthy.

But thanks to the other healthy characteristics of eggs, the higher levels of cholesterol in eggs don’t contribute to the cholesterol epidemic amongst healthy people.

Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely - Cutting out cholesterol actually does NOTHING to lower plaque build-up in your heart. It’s another sneaky ingredient that has been proven to be the real devil, one that usually goes unnoticed. Learn the details here…

Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely - This Popular Drink Causes High Cholesterol

We have known that these drinks are bad for our health for a while. During the last decade medical professionals have hammered home how they increase the risk of diabetes, but that is where the research ends.

Now, The Journal of the American Heart Association has published an even more worrying link related to these popular beverages – they cause unhealthy cholesterol profiles as well.

This is serious business. Especially since having high cholesterol drastically increases other health-related problems, namely strokes and cardiovascular disease.

Sugary drinks are the offenders. These, of course, include sodas, but also other drinks with added sugar like fruit punches and sweetened fruit juices.

Researchers examined the data of 3,146 participants who joined between 1991 and 2014, and 3,584 participants who joined between 2002 and 2011. The first cohort was in their 50s, 60s, and 70s, while the second cohort were in their 40s.

The data included information on cholesterol at enrollment and at subsequent examinations every four years over a 12-year period.

In the older cohort, they discovered that those who drank one or more sugary drinks per day were 98 percent more likely to have low HDL cholesterol and 53 percent more likely to have high triglycerides.

High triglycerides are unhealthy because they are fats in our blood that might become trapped in our blood vessel walls with LDL cholesterol.

Low HDL cholesterol is bad because this type of cholesterol is meant to remove unhealthy LDL-cholesterol to our livers where it is broken down and excreted.

If you have both high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol, you have a condition called dyslipidemia that causes heart and blood vessel damage over some years, suggesting our attachment to sugary drinks gradually worsens our cholesterol profiles the longer we drink them.

There was no conclusive evidence found with natural fruit juices and diet soda, but the authors suggest drinking water to remain hydrated instead.

Drinking water instead of soda is a good start, but to avoid high cholesterol problems completely, and reverse its effects, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming…

Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely - How Dentist and Heart Procedures Kill

You wouldn’t think that a seemingly simple dental procedure could result in an untimely death, but it can.

Previously, doctors strongly advised any patients needing this dental procedure before undergoing cardiac surgery to get it done without hesitation.

But now they’re backtracking, because new evidence published via a press release in Medical News Today states there’s a 10% chance of dying during surgery after visiting the dentist.

The American Heart Association has long stated the importance of removing infected and abscessed teeth before any cardiac surgery, as the risk of infection was high.

They estimated that the risk of dying from having teeth removed prior to surgery was less than 1%, and the risk of not having it done was much higher.

However, the latest research puts the death rate at 8% after the dental treatment but before the heart surgery has taken place.

The key to avoiding this problem altogether is to take care of your oral hygiene and keep heart disease at bay, especially since tooth decay has already been linked to cardiovascular problems.

For more ideas to avoid high cholesterol problems completely, watch this video - 15 Foods to Avoid If You Have High Cholesterol


Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely - High cholesterol doesn’t have to be a life or death sentence…you can avoid it completely, and even reverse its effects, by cutting out this one ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming


And if high blood pressure is causing you problems, you can easily cure it by following this simple 3-step plan that I explain here…


This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.


To find out more about this program, go to Avoid High Cholesterol Problems Completely, Quickly and Easily .


Friday, January 8, 2021

How to Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less?


Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less - Fruit is one of the healthiest types of foods we can consume – we know this already. Like vegetables, they are packed with flavonoids and a plethora of health properties. But not all fruits are created equal – some are much healthier than others. And now researchers have discovered one fruit teeming with flavonoids that fights obesity, unhealthy cholesterol, and insulin resistance.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less -This One Fruit Wards Off Cardiovascular Disease

Fruit is one of the healthiest types of foods we can consume – we know this already.

Like vegetables, they are packed with flavonoids and a plethora of health properties.

But not all fruits are created equal – some are much healthier than others.

And now researchers have discovered one fruit teeming with flavonoids that  fights obesity, unhealthy cholesterol, and insulin resistance.

Citrus fruit contains a flavonoid called nobiletin. It is especially abundant in sweet oranges and tangerines.

When they occur together, obesity, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance constitute a condition called the metabolic syndrome. It is a serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The dyslipidemia component is high LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol because it clogs our blood vessels), low HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol because it removes LDL-cholesterol), and/or high triglycerides that are fats that circulate in our blood streams.

Mice were fed a high-fat high-cholesterol diet to trigger obesity, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance.

The mice were then given nobiletin to see the effects compared to the group that did not receive it.

The nobiletin-fed mice weighed substantially less than the other group. They also had significantly lower levels of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance.

In those mice that already had a buildup of plaques in their arteries, they noticed that the plaques were getting smaller as a result of the nobiletin.

The scientists thought that it had an effect on AMP Kinase, which is the mechanism that regulates our bodies’ ability to burn fat for energy.

Other research suggests that nobiletin slows down the process of dementia, improves glucose and fat metabolism, reduces insulin resistance, and reduces inflammation and oxidation that damage blood vessels in cardiovascular disease.

Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less -Consuming more citrus fruit cannot harm you, but this alone is not going to cure cardiovascular disease completely – to do this, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient you probably didn’t even know you were consuming…

And to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today, do these 3 easy blood pressure exercises…

Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less - This Common Oil Stops Stroke and Heart Attack

Oil has had a bad rep. For years we were told to avoid it. But many studies now show that this generalization is misplaced, and some oils are indeed good.

In fact, according to research published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings this particular oil is full of antioxidants and dramatically cuts the risk of heart attacks and strokes by an astonishing 20%.

The hype about Omega-3 fatty acids is real. Oils, such as fish oil and olive oil, which contain omega-3 oil, are very heart healthy.

Researchers wanted to know what effect Omega-3 had on coronary heart disease (CHD), including heart attacks, sudden cardiac deaths, coronary deaths (including strokes), and angina.

They found that Omega-3 oils:

Cut CHD risk by 18% (something no drug can do!).

Lower CHD risk in people with high triglycerides (fats) in their blood by 16% and in people with high LDL (bad) cholesterol by 14%.

Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid, meaning that you have to consume it in your diet, as your body is not capable of manufacturing it from other substances.

Fish, such as salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel, trout, sturgeon, anchovies, and sardines, is a common and easy-to-find source of Omega-3 fatty acid. Three portions of fish a week will give you enough omega-3 to reap the rewards.

Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less -Omega-3 might be easy to consume, but there’s more to dropping cholesterol than eating fish. Here is how I got my cholesterol under control and cleared out my 93% clogged arteries – just by cutting out one ingredient.

Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less -Your Fingers Indicate Heart Attack Risk Years Before the Event

One of the problems with heart health is that once the problem appears, it takes a great deal of effort to reverse it. Sometimes undergoing surgery or taking dangerous drugs for a sustained period are the only options.

But how about if you could detect heart attack risk 10 – 20 years before any obvious symptoms appear? This would give you plenty of time to make minor, positive changes to prevent the big bang.

A new, completely non-invasive test does just that. You don’t even have to have your blood or urine taken – all you have to do is look at your fingers.

According to Dr. Chris Renna, a physician at Lifespan Medicine,the EndoPat test predicts the risk of having a heart attack and determines the health of blood vessels, which play a big role in healthy cardio functioning.

People use this test as an indicator of their cardio health levels, and whether they are doing enough to remain healthy in their later years.

Those undergoing the EndoPat test are hooked up to sensors that are placed on each of their fingers. After the sensors are in place, blood pressure cuffs are used to stop the blood flow in one hand.

When the cuff is deflated, the manner in which the blood flow recovers is measured by the sensors.

In healthy patients, the blood flow is prevented by the inflation of the cuff, but when it is deflated, the blood flow spikes, before returning to normal. Those that display signs of abnormal heart functioning will only recover to the point that the blood flow was at before the cuff was inflated and when it was stopped – there is no spike.

If a patient’s test is abnormal, it’s likely they will end up experiencing problems with their heart later. The good news is this test allows the chance to take preventative action.

For more ideas to get your cholesterol levels under control in 21 days or less, watch this video - 21 Ways To LOWER CHOLESTEROL Naturally | Lower Cholesterol Fast & Quickly

Find out how I dropped my blood pressure levels to under 120/80 injust under a week…


Is your cholesterol level too high? Check out this drug-free step-by-step strategy that will get your cholesterol levels under control in 21 days or less.


This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.


To find out more about this program, go to Get Your Cholesterol Levels Under Control in 21 Days or Less .


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