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Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction at Home?

Cure Erectile Dysfunction at Home - How can a simple brush found in all supermarkets fend off ED in men? Easily, says a new study. Because you’re brushing off something that can increase your risk of ED up to 590%.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Cure Erectile Dysfunction at Home - Brush This to Heal ED

How can a simple brush found in all supermarkets fend off ED in men?
Easily, says a new study.

Because you’re brushing off something that can increase your risk of ED up to 590%.

Periodontitis is a major bacterial infection of your gums that destroys the bone and soft tissue that anchor your teeth. A new study in the British Dental Journal shows that men with periodontitis have a raised likelihood of ED.

The authors consulted already published research on the subject and found 13 relevant studies, three of which were research reviews like their own.

These studies all concluded that people with periodontitis were more likely to have ED than the general population.

Some studies found a 53 percent increased risk, while others found that those with periodontitis were 5.9 times more likely to have ED.

The size of the risk varies widely between different studies, but they all agree that there is an increased risk.

Researchers found that the periodontitis bacteria leaks into the bloodstream and causes inflammation that blocks the blood flow to the genitals, similar to how Periodontitis can cause cardiovascular diseases.

The simplest way to fend this off is to use dental flush and then brush your teeth at least twice a day with a good antibacterial toothpaste to remove the bacterial plaque. Make sure to spit out all the debris.

 But to fend off erectile dysfunction permanently, all you need are the easy home Erectile Dysfunction exercises found here. They pump blood into the genitals and prevent leaking…

Cure Erectile Dysfunction at Home - This Common Drink Causes ED (men you’re drinking it)

A recent research from the University of Copenhagen and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology made lots of waves in the news.

This study was originally aimed at examining how a specific common drink affects the quality and quantity of men’s sperm. They asked 2,554 young Danish men to deliver a semen sample and to report their daily intake of this drink.

The results were shocking, not regarding the sperm count but for the men’s ED.

Researchers concluded that caffeine did not affect sperm, but that men who drank one liter of cola per day had a much lower sperm count than those who drank none of it.

In the course of their speculations, they mentioned that the high sugar content of soft drinks could possibly cause erectile dysfunction by damaging the blood vessels, through which blood flows into the penis during an erection.

Many websites and British tabloids took this to mean that the study proved that cola consumption caused erectile dysfunction. It actually didn’t prove anything of the kind; in fact, it did not measure erectile dysfunction in these Danish men at all. But it did introduce the question of whether a high sugary soft drink consumption can cause erectile dysfunction.

Unfortunately, no researchers have taken up the question since then by questioning a sample of men on their level of erectile dysfunction and their soft drink intake.

But, based on previous relevant research, Polish scientists compiled reasons in a 2011 paper to argue that sugary soft drink consumption could very likely cause erectile dysfunction.

So just to be on the save side, if you suffer erectile dysfunction, avoid sugary drinks. At least it will help you lose weight, witch definitely contributes to the quality of erection.

Cure Erectile Dysfunction at Home - Suffering ED? It Could be an Indicator of this Bone Disease

What does ED have to do with your bones (yes, we know the euphemism you’re thinking of)

This is actually a very serious matter because in a study published in the June 2016 edition of the journal Medicine, Taiwanese scientists show that men with erectile dysfunction are more likely to develop a very serious bone disease than men who are ED-free.

The good news is that if you tackle the underlying cause of ED, you’ll be able to tackle both diseases at the same time.

Researchers collected the data of 4,460 men with erectile dysfunction from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database. They were all 40 years or older.

They then randomly selected 17,480 men of the same age from the database to serve as their ED-free sample for comparison.

After controlling for other possible influencing factors that may have interfered with their result (diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, liver and kidney diseases, hyperthyroidism, and hyperparathyroidism), they concluded that the rate of osteoporosis in the ED group was 9.74 per 1,000 person-years while the no-ED group suffered only 2.47 cases per 1,000 person-years. Hence, men with ED were more than three times more likely to have osteoporosis than the ED-free ones.

ED-sufferers between ages 40 and 59 had a slightly bigger risk than those over the age of 60 relative to their non-ED suffering peers, probably because the rate of osteoporosis is generally slightly higher in the over-60s, making the erectile dysfunction issue less of a factor.

Strangely, the incidents of osteoporosis were similar for men with psychogenic erectile dysfunction (stress, depression, anxiety causing it) and physical erectile dysfunction (cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity causing it).

Some of the common cause of both erectile dysfunction and osteoporosis could be lack of vitamin D, low testosterone level, and high inflammation levels.

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Cure Erectile Dysfunction at Home

Monday, June 8, 2020

Eliminate Acid Reflux in 5 Minutes – How Do You Stop Acid Reflux Naturally?

Acid reflux is nothing to take lightly. A healthy mouth is critical to a long and healthy life. If you suffer from acid reflux disease (GERD), check out this simple home remedy (you probably have all the ingredients already) that eliminates acid reflux in 5 minutes…

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW,Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Eliminate Acid Reflux in 5 Minutes – Five Acid Reflux Factors (and cure today)

It’s easy to pop a pill for acid reflux. Sometimes they’re helpful, but now we know that these pills cause cancer and worsen acid reflux down the road.

So, what’s a person to do then?

Fortunately, a new study published in the journal Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology has identified five lifestyle factors that cause acid reflux.

Change these five things and your heartburn should be gone in a heartbeat.

The scientists noticed from previous studies that many factors that seemed to play a contributing role in acid reflux are not yet included in the lifestyle intervention guidance for the treatment of this disorder.

In response, they decided to compile a list of possible contributing factors to find out which ones with the largest risk factors for acid reflux.

They recruited 1,815 subjects from six hospitals, 832 with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and 686 without it.

They were all asked to complete symptoms and lifestyle questionnaires to assess the severity of their GERD and the lifestyle factors that may contribute to it.

They identified several factors that definitely contributed to the development of GERD and to the severity of the symptoms.

Men were more likely than women to suffer from GERD, but there’s nothing we can do about that.

But here are five factors you can change:

1. Smokers and people who drink a fair amount of alcohol are also at risk.
2. People who eat fast were more than four times more likely to have GERD than people that ate at a normal speed.
3. People who ate past a feeling of fullness had a 2.8 times greater likelihood of suffering from severe GERD symptoms.
4. Those who wore girdles or corsets had a 2.2 times greater chance of severe GERD.
5. People with a high body mass index carried an 80 percent greater risk of GERD.

The researchers also learned that you should not eat very hot foods if you have GERD (hot being defined in terms of both temperature and spiciness).

Lying down soon after eating is also a definite no-no.

Now, you probably already knew about many of the above factors, but the problem is some of them are not easy to fix quickly.

But there is one thing you can do today that will eliminate your heartburn immediately. It only takes five minutes and you can start right now.I’ll explain all this here…

Eliminate Acid Reflux in 5 Minutes – How Acid Reflux Ruins Your Teeth

As if suffering frequent heartburn wasn’t enough, new research reveals that this uncomfortable- but most often considered harmless- health issue may be ruining your teeth and causing all kinds of problems in your mouth.

So, if you often experience acid reflux, make sure you read today’s article to learn how it’s ruining your teeth and what to do to completely eliminate heartburn for good.

When you fill out patient paperwork at the dentist, questions may include specific health concerns, like whether or not you have a history of heart problems and high blood pressure. They also may ask you if you use more than one or two pillows to sleep at night.

Why would a dentist need to care if you sleep with 4 pillows or in a recliner instead of in a bed?

Actually, there is a very good reason- if you have heartburn and it is bad enough to cause you to have to sit up at night just to get some sleep, it means that the acid that’s causing you pain is washing up into the esophagus, throat, and even your mouth. When this happens, the acid bathes your teeth in a mixture of highly acidic liquid.

This strips away the enamel and protection from your teeth, which leaves them vulnerable to cavities and almost guarantees gum disease.

Gum disease and chronic oral infections can also lead to heart disease.

The recurring infections and disease in the mouth can spread throughout the body, causing biological stress that raises your blood pressure.

Over time, high blood pressure, chronic infection, and oral diseases can lead directly to heart failure.

Eliminate Acid Reflux in 5 Minutes – These Common Acid Reflux Pills Cause High Blood Pressure and Heart Attack

In a collaborative study involving 3 universities- Stanford, London’s Imperial College and Houston Methodist College- researchers looked at the systemic effects of common reflux drugs and found disturbing results.

Not only are these drugs completely useless in the long haul, they’re now proven to raise blood pressure and cause both stroke and heart attack.

Drugs like Prilosec, Nexium and other Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) work by constricting the valves in the stomach that produce acid. For people with acid reflux disease, the over-production of acid, frequently paired with a faulty hiatal sphincter, causes pain and erosive esophagitis.

The drugs are prescribed to stop the acid from causing so much pain and to keep it at a minimum, so it doesn’t wash up into the esophagus. Over time, stomach acid eroding the lining of the esophagus causes the lining there to resemble more like what the stomach has, but the abnormal cell development can turn into cancer.

The problem with the PPIs, the researchers found, is that they don’t just constrict the acid pumps. Because the drugs wind up all over the body, they affect all manner of vessels, including those of the circulatory system.

The constriction of these vessels over time, say the researchers, is leading to severe problems with high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as a thickening of the lining of the arteries, which can tear. This leads to a much-increased risk of stroke.

The study authors note that the findings help to explain why people taking PPIs are at a much greater risk of having a second heart attack when taking the medications, and that the results of the study should warrant further research.

The ironic thing is that even if drug companies are pushing millions of dollars’ worth of medications to ease the acid reflux pain, there is a simple home remedy that will completely eliminate acid reflux in 5 minutes… without side effects.

For more ideas to eliminate acid reflux in 5 minutes, watch this video - How To Treat Acid Reflux Naturally in 1 Min - Heartburn Relief Instantly

What’s more, you probably already have the ingredients in your kitchen (or can find them in any supermarket). Learn exactly how to eliminate acid reflux in 5 minutes here…

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Eliminate Acid Reflux in 5 Minutes

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Gout Treatment at Home – What is the Fastest Way to Cure Gout?

Gout can be cured using diet and lifestyle changes. Read on here to learn about this gout treatment at home program that can eliminate the pain and discomfort of gout naturally.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Eliminate the Pain and Discomfort of Gout Naturally

Gout Treatment at Home – Gout Cure – Age Old Spice

Thousands of years ago, ancient societies already identified this spice as a treatment for gout.

But unlike some other age-old treatments for gout, there is a surprising amount of research that shows that this spice actually works.

The latest in the long list is a 2019 study in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy.

The most active substance in turmeric is called curcumin, and this is the ingredient through which scientists believe turmeric exercises its beneficial effects.

The researchers took mouse cells most involved in their version of gout and applied curcumin directly to them.

It suppressed a protein called nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappa B) inside these cells. This protein plays a massive role in all inflammatory conditions, including gout.

When scientists injected it straight into the mice affected by gout or the mice that had elevated uric acid, which is the prime cause of gout, the curcumin blocked the inflammation that would usually be called gout.

In 2013, the Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases published a study in which scientists examined the records of 116 gout sufferers who had been given a curcumin extract.

They found that the extract had improved their subjects’ pain within 24-48 hours and that the gout attacks were completely halted in most cases, probably because of the extract’s ability to reduce inflammation, according to the researchers.

Another study in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2018 found that a curcumin supplement could alleviate joint pain.

After three months, the subjects suffered less joint pain and stiffness and could use their joints more effectively. This study was strong, since it gave a second group of subjects a fake treatment to make sure that the real treatment worked and the fake treatment did nothing.

These are just three examples of the amazing effectiveness of curcumin on top of thousands of years of experience in the natural field.

Gout Treatment at Home - Gout and High Blood Pressure Cured in One Swat

Gout results from the crystallization of high uric acid levels in your blood. These crystals are then deposited in your kidneys and joints, causing extreme pain.

The only traditional method to manage it is using strong medications with serious side effects.

But now researchers at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have discovered that an effective, natural blood pressure approach works as well as these drugs to keep uric acid levels under control and thereby reverse gout.

They analyzed information previously collected by the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) clinical trials, in which 412 participants ate either a DASH or a typical American diet for three months.

In each consecutive month, their sodium intake was increased, from low (1.2g daily), to medium (2.3g), to high (3.4g).

After examining the results of the participant’s blood tests, the researchers noticed that the DASH diet could reduce uric acid levels, especially for those suffering from high levels of it. In fact, the researchers concluded that it worked about as well as commonly prescribed medications.

Interestingly enough, salt intake had only a very small effect on uric acid.

The team originally expected that high salt intake would elevate uric acid levels. Oddly, however, those with the highest salt intake actually had the lowest uric acid, although the effect was too small to be of much use.

This is amazing proof that gout can be cured using diet and lifestyle changes. But this is nothing new to me.

And if you need to get your blood pressure under control, discover how three easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80– starting today…

Gout Treatment at Home - Gout and Gender Risk – Weird Connection

Gout typically affects more men than women; a lot more.

In fact, women make up only 5.1 percent of American gout sufferers, and any time a researcher stumbles across a difference of that magnitude, it makes them wonder what caused it.

In this case they wondered if there were different risk factors at play for men and women.

They conducted their research and published their results in the journal Advances in Rheumatology.

Digging through the largest medical journal databases turned up 33 articles, 20 of which compared the risk factors for men and women directly. A further 10 used only males as subjects and three used only women.

The most commonly identified risk factors found in the literature were things like age, ethnicity, the DASH diet (used to prevent high blood pressure), the metabolic syndrome and diabetes, body mass index, waist and chest circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, weight changes, cholesterol and blood fats, high blood pressure, renal disease, psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, the use of diuretics or antidiabetic drugs, and the consumption of various foods and beverages like alcohol, coffee, meat, seafood, dairy, fructose, asparagus, spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, and other purine-rich vegetables.

In general, the scientists found that the risk factors did not differ between men and women, with only two exceptions:

1. Men were more likely than women were to develop gout as a result of the metabolic syndrome.

2. Women were more likely than men were to develop gout after consuming fish and shellfish.

This may partly answer the question as to why more men than women have gout.

Thanks to all the unhealthy foods we have access to these days and a general lack of exercise, the metabolic syndrome is widespread and becoming more so all the time. So, preventing it will certainly help.

In general, the risk factors from the literature included:

1. Older age.
2. The fact that gout is more common in African than in Caucasian Americans.
3. High fructose and sugar consumption promote gout.
4. Heavy alcohol consumption.
5. The metabolic syndrome in men, and a weak risk associated with diabetes, but also mostly for men.
6. High body-mass index.
7. High waist-to-hip ratio.
8. Weight changes.
9. A weak risk associated with high cholesterol or blood fats, but mostly in postmenopausal women.
10. Renal insufficiency or failure.
11. High blood pressure.
12. Psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.
13. Diuretic use.

From this review, coffee seems to be a protective factor against gout.

The sources from which you acquire your proteins don’t seem to be a risk or protective factor, except for fish and shellfish in women. Neither, surprisingly, is high waist and chest circumference.

So, to avoid gout, adopt a lifestyle that protects you against the metabolic syndrome (especially if you’re male) and take the other risk factors seriously too.

For more ideas on gout treatment at home, watch this video - 10 Expert Tips on How to Fight Gout Attack

The post is from the End of Gout Program created by Shelly Manning. She is an accomplished natural health researcher and writer. She began her work on natural health remedies after suffering years of very painful arthritis.

The End of Gout  program offers natural ways to eliminate the pain and discomfort of gout. Unlike many conventional treatments, this program takes the main contributing factors, such as diet, stress, sleep and lifestyle, and teaches you natural ways to remove them from your life so you can begin to heal your gout from the inside out.

It’s 100% safe and natural and is highly based around science. It even comes with quick relief options for those days when you want to take the risk and cheat. So, if you’re ready to end your gout without having to restrict your diet and spend hours working out every day, here’s what you can expect from The End of Gout.

To find out more about this program, click on Gout Treatment at Home

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Get Type 2 Diabetes Under Control – Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed Permanently?

The number one advice anyone receives to get type 2 diabetes under control, is to lose a lot of weight. This has given birth to some insane weight loss plans such as the 800 calories per day for eight weeks diabetes diet. Fortunately, a new study from the University of Cambridge is putting an end to this insanity.

Click HERE to Discover the 3 Easy Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes in 28 Days or Less

Get Type 2 Diabetes Under Control – Fighting Off Diabetes is Much Easier Than You Think

The number one advice anyone gets to combat type 2 diabetes is to lose a lot of weight.

This has given birth to some insane weight loss plans such as the 800 calories per day for eight weeks diabetes diet.

Fortunately, a new study from the University of Cambridge is putting an end to this insanity.

It reveals a simple, easy way to end your type 2 diabetes in a short time.

The scientists analysed the information of 867 adults aged 40-69, who had previously enrolled in a study called the ADDITION-Cambridge trial.

After five years, researchers checked who was in remission.

One third were in remission, and those who had lost 10 percent of their weight were 2.43 times more likely to be in remission than those whose weight had stayed constant.

So, this study proves three important points:

1. Type 2 Diabetes is the result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

2. It’s possible (even easy) to reverse type 2 diabetes with lifestyle changes.

3. You don’t have to go into extremes to cure type 2 diabetes. Losing 10% of body mass is not the most difficult thing in the world.

Get Type 2 Diabetes Under Control - This Power Food Cures Arthritis and Type 2 Diabetes

There is no plant like this one. It can be used to improve all diseases. You can make cream out of it to apply to skin or a tasty juice that works better than most medicine.

It has special healing properties for arthritis and type 2 diabetes.

It’s also extremely easy to grow. You hardly ever have to water it. Or if plants are not your thing, you can find its gel in every health food store.

Although aloe vera contains 99% water, the 1% left includes two extremely powerful healing substances. Glycoprotein stops inflammation and pain while polysaccharides speed up cell recovery and repair.

These anti-inflammatory properties make aloe vera an excellent plant for arthritis, both applied to the joints externally, and consumed orally.

Preparing aloe vera is easy. Cut off one leaf, slit it open sideways, and squeeze out the gel. That’s it.

For external use, apply the gel directly to the painful area. There is no risk of side effects when it is used like this.

As a drink, add a scoop of aloe vera gel into fruit juice and mix well in a blender. Start out with a tiny scoop to see how it affects you. Some people experience a drop-in blood sugar, diarrhoea, and other side effects when used internally.

Side effects for one person but heaven-sent results for another. A drop-in blood sugar is exactly why aloe vera is considered incredible for type 2 diabetes. Again, be careful to start slowly as this is a powerful plant.

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of growing your own aloe vera, you can find organic aloe vera gel in your local health food store.

Get Type 2 Diabetes Under Control - Type 2 Diabetes Caused by This “Good” Hygiene Habit

We should all be hygienic, right?

Wash our hands, brush our teeth, take a shower every day.

Not so fast, says a new study from Harvard University and published in the journal, Nitric Oxide. One daily hygienic habit, usually praised as very good, can increase your risk for diabetes by 30%.

Researchers analysed information on 1,206 overweight/obese adults collected by the San Juan Overweight Adults Longitudinal Study. The participants were between 40 and 65 years old and free of diabetes and heart problems.

– 43% used mouthwash at least once a day
– 22% used it at least twice a day
…and the rest didn’t use it at all.

Overall, 17% of the participants developed prediabetes or diabetes.

20% of those who used mouthwash at least once a day were struck by either of these two metabolic conditions. A 3% higher risk probably isn’t anything to worry about.

However, of those who gargled with mouthwash at least twice a day, a full 30% succumbed to prediabetes or diabetes, and that is certainly a huge increase in risk.

According to the study authors, over the counter mouthwash poorly discriminates between good and bad bacteria. It is strongly antibacterial and kills all bacteria, including the good ones.

This is problematic, as your body needs certain good bacteria to produce nitric oxide which is, in turn, responsible for regulating insulin levels.

Previous studies have shown that using dental floss and brushing your teeth is very beneficial for your health. But mouthwash seems to be overdoing it with hygiene.

For more ideas to get type 2 diabetes under control, watch this video - Diabetes exercises at home: Help cure Diabetes with this routine!

This post is from the 3 Steps Diabetes Strategy Program. It was created by Jodi Knapp from Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites. 

In this program, Jodi Knapp shares practical tips and advice on how you can prevent and cure diabetes naturally. She also dispels myths commonly associated with diabetes, like for example, diabetes being a lifelong condition. There are also lots of information going around that is simply not true and she’s here to correct it.

Diabetes is a disease, and it can be cured. This is just one of the important tips Jodi reveals in her program. Also, she included several ways in preventing the onset of disease, choosing the right food to eat, recommended vitamin supplements, the right time of the day to take the blood sugar and many more.

But the most amazing thing would have to be her program which only takes 3 simple steps to help you to control & treat type 2 diabetes. What it does is cure diabetes without having to rely on expensive drugs, diets that make sufferers crave for even more food they are not supposed to eat, and exercise programs that make people feel tired and depressed.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Get Type 2 Diabetes Under Control on Your Own

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