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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - The Physical Damage of Snoring. Snoring is sometimes seen as a bit of a joke problem, something that is irritating to our sleeping partners that we aren’t even aware of. But scientists from Umea University in Sweden have just concluded that snoring can do real physical damage too.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Snoring and Sleep Apnea Can Destroy Your Career

Snoring may be good at annoying your partner, but it could also be doing your career a favor too. That’s because snoring is also one of the strongest indicators that you might suffer from sleep apnea.

You might know that sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where your breathing pauses or becomes shallow for anything up to a few minutes at a time, and this pattern can repeat throughout the night, depriving your brain of oxygen and leaving you feeling tired the next day.

The effects can be so intense that some people are losing their jobs because of them.

A new study published in the journal Sleep now suggests that sleep apnea sufferers, who are typically also heavy snorers, are more likely than the rest of the population to lose their jobs again and again.

They came to this conclusion after looking at an ongoing study called Assessing Daily Activity Patterns through occupational Transitions (or ADAPT).

This gave them a slew of information on 261 participants, including things such as physical characteristics, employment history, and results from a home-based sleep apnea test.

These individuals averaged 41 years of age. 58 percent were women and 42 percent were men.

Of these 261 people, 42 percent had mild, moderate, or severe sleep apnea.

One interesting observation that came out was that 73 percent of them were hourly paid rather than salaried workers and 45 percent of them had a history of losing jobs, so maybe they found it hard to hold onto so-called white-collar jobs because of sleep apnea?

While that isn’t known, it was found that sleep apnea sufferers turned out to be almost three times as likely as non-sufferers to have lost multiple jobs.

Perhaps you’re thinking they should have said something to their employers about their condition, but the thing about sleep apnea is that most people don’t know they have it.

They end up being dismissed from their jobs and don’t understand why.
It seems terribly unfair to think that a condition they didn’t even know they had could be so destructive.

Sleep apnea leaves sufferers feeling fatigued during the day, which means their work performance suffers.

It’s good that this study shines a light on the effects of sleep apnea, but it does have one shortcoming: the researchers didn’t take body-mass index into account. This is something they should have done, because it’s already known that overweight people face greater obstacles in the workplace (due to discrimination).

The conclusions of this study would have been stronger if researchers had ruled out high body-mass index as a possible cause of the multiple job losses.

Right now, nobody knows exactly how common sleep apnea is, but it may be robbing hundreds of millions of people around the world of a productive, successful career.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine estimates that 26 percent of American adults have sleep breathing disorders, meaning that tens of millions are at risk of job losses.

If sleep apnea and snoring are making your life a misery or if they’re affecting your job performance, then here are some easy exercises to cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea (in 3 minutes)…

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Sleep Apnea Can Cause this Deadly Blood Condition

You may not have heard of multiple myeloma, but if you suffer from sleep apnea then you really need to know about it.

It’s an untreatable type of blood cancer that can be deadly, and a study in the latest edition of the American Journal of Physiology shows that people with sleep apnea are more likely to develop this condition than people who breathe normally in their sleep.

Multiple myeloma is so pernicious because it interferes with your body’s production of both red and white blood cells. Firstly, it forms in white blood cells called plasma cells (which our immune system uses these to make the antibodies which fight off viruses and bacteria) then it moves into bone marrow where it prevents the production of healthy red blood cells.

Once this happens, your body can no longer fight off infections, you suffer from anemia, your kidneys begin to fail, and your bones are destroyed.

It’s a pretty pitiless condition, but what’s the link to sleep apnea?

From previous studies, Iowa University researchers new that chronic intermittent hypoxia drives cancer tumor progression. Or in layman’s terms, low blood oxygen helps tumors grow. So, they wondered if sleep apnea might be playing a part in the development of multiple myeloma.

So, they bred mice that were genetically multiple myeloma-resistant. Then they injected them with malignant mouse multiple myeloma cells and stimulated sleep apnea in some of them.

There were intrigued to find a huge difference between the two groups. 67 percent of the sleep apnea group developed multiple myeloma, but only 12 percent of the normal breathers succumbed to the illness.

Now, of course, this is only a study of mice, but it points strongly towards a connection between the intermittent low blood oxygen levels caused by sleep apnea and multiple myeloma.

Interestingly, the researchers also found that mice whose blood oxygen was permanently low didn’t have problems with multiple myeloma. If that was a problem then presumably we would already know about it, because everyone living high up in the mountains would have this cancer!

It wasn’t the lack of oxygen, but the intermittent lack of oxygen that seemed to be driving the cancer. And the longer the duration of the intermittent breathing, the more aggressive the cancer became.

If the conclusions are true for humans too, it means that sleep apnea sufferers who try to catch up on their sleep during the day are actually making things worse, because longer periods of intermittent breathing pose the largest multiple myeloma risk.

Luckily there are tried and tested methods for eliminating snoring and sleep apnea in as little as three minutes. Take a look at the easy throat exercises to cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea here to find out more…

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - The Physical Damage of Snoring

Snoring is sometimes seen as a bit of a joke problem, something that is irritating to our sleeping partners that we aren’t even aware of.

But scientists from Umea University in Sweden have just concluded that snoring can do real physical damage too.

For their study (published in the journal, Respiratory Research) they recruited 22 snorers and sleep apnea patients whose conditions were so damaging that they needed surgery.

They also recruited 10 people who breathed normally during sleep for comparison.

The researchers noticed muscular damage in the upper respiratory tracts of heavy snorers, probably caused by the constant vibrations these soft tissues had to endure every night.

The snoring damage was so incessant that their bodies couldn’t repair it, so once the damage was done, it was there to stay.

Videoradiography also revealed that the snorers suffered from swallowing dysfunction, most likely also caused by this muscle damage.

Another problem they saw was that heavy snorers and people with sleep apnea had fewer nerves and less muscle tissue in their soft palates than the healthy breathers did. This probably made their condition worse because less muscle support allowed their upper airways to collapse, which is the reason why sleep apnea patient’s breathing stops during the night, starving them of oxygen and depriving them of proper sleep. A dangerous combination that can increase the chances of cardiovascular problems significantly.

When they drilled down to the nitty-gritty details, they found that much of this muscle dysfunction was related to proteins.

Two proteins, called desmin and dystrophin were known to be essential for proper muscle function, so the scientists looked for differences between how these two proteins behaved in the upper airways of the heavy snorers and the healthy breathers. Here’s what they found:

1. While only seven percent of muscle fibers of healthy breathers lacked desmin, 12 percent of muscle fibers of heavy snorers were short on it.

2. Desmin was disorganized in 13 percent of the snorer’s muscle fibers but was fine in the healthy breathers.

3. Overall, 18 percent of the muscle fibers of the heavy snorers displayed desmin abnormalities, while only seven percent of those of the normal breathers did.

4. 10 percent of the muscle fibers of those with swallowing dysfunction displayed desmin abnormalities, compared with six percent for the good swallowers.

5. Part of the dystrophin protein tended to be absent in the desmin-abnormal muscle fibers of the heavy snorers.

Researchers also found that the chief neurotransmitter responsible for healing was present in these muscle tissues. That’s how they knew that patient’s bodies were trying to repair these muscles, but the constant heavy snoring was interrupting the healing process.

This shows why you need to take your snoring problem seriously. It’s a slippery slope from snoring to upper airway muscle injuries, to nerve and muscle loss, and to sleep apnea, which can seriously hurt your heart.

For more ideas to cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea, watch this video - 5 Natural Treatments for Sleep Apnea | How to Stop Snoring

But in literally just a few minutes a day, you can cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea with these simple exercises…

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people treat sleep apnea symptoms. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea Immediately

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Monday, December 16, 2019

What is the Best Way to Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure?

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Three-Minute Test Could Save Your Life. Your home blood pressure monitor could be even more useful than you thought. You already know that keeping track of your blood pressure is important, but this recent discovery takes it one step further.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Three-Minute Test Could Save Your Life

Your home blood pressure monitor could be even more useful than you thought. You already know that keeping track of your blood pressure is important, but this recent discovery takes it one step further.

It can predict with startling accuracy your chances of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Even when doctors take your blood pressure, most haven’t heard about this recently discovered approach.

Researchers at the University of Exeter published a comprehensive study about how inaccurate single-arm blood pressure tests are. It appeared in the British Journal of General Practice.

From 1998 to 2008 they looked at 3,350 Scottish men and women aged from 50 to 75. Everyone in the study was judged to be at risk of developing high blood pressure, but none of them had a formal diagnosis yet.

Blood pressure tests using both arms were conducted only at the start of the study. The researchers then monitored them to see which of the participants went on to develop cardiovascular disease.

They were interested to find that when there was a difference in systolic readings between the two arms of five mmHg or more, those individuals were nearly twice as likely to die from a heart-related illness.

It gets worse though…

An eye-opening 60% of people in the study showed this five-mmHg difference between arms, and for 38% the difference was 10 mmHg.
But why are these readings different anyway?

It’s true that blood pressure readings can be different according to whether you’re at the doctor’s office or in your own home. The reason for that is simply anxiety. People naturally get a little bit more uptight when they’re sitting in front of the doctor. But that doesn’t explain why using different arms should make a difference. They’re both still attached to the same heart, right?

The answer lies in blocked blood vessels. In the arm with the higher reading it’s a common cause, and it’s one that points to a potentially serious risk.

It could be that plaque has built up in one arm, or it might have built up throughout the body, and the arm with a lower reading might have the least plaque. That’s obviously the worst-case scenario, but neither of them is exactly good news.

And this isn’t new thinking. In the March 2014 edition of the American Journal of Medicine, they ran a study produced by Harvard researchers. The team took blood pressure readings from 3,400 subjects and looked for problems over 14 years, in much the same way as the Exeter researchers.

10% showed an inter-arm difference of 10 or more mmHg, and these people were 38% more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those with lower differences.

So, the takeaway here is, ask your doctor for a double-arm test. You could casually quote both of the above studies when they ask you why, and maybe earn yourself an astonished look and new respect.

Or, as we suggested at the start, just do it yourself. Test the blood pressure on both of your arms. If you see an average difference of 5 points or more in your systolic blood pressure readings (the first number) then act now. It might save your life.

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Common Meds that Spike Your Blood Pressure

Pain is a known cause of high blood pressure. The body responds to long-term pain the same way that it responds to sudden injury: it raises your blood pressure.

So, it doesn’t help when the meds you’re taking for the pain cause your blood pressure to spike as well.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs like ibuprofen are known antagonists when it comes to blood pressure. And it doesn’t help that they’re so common that people think they are virtually harmless. It’s like, when you can pick something up in the grocery store, it has to be safe, right?

Sure, they’re great for reducing fevers and combating mild pain for most people, but recent research has highlighted the way that these widely used medications can lead to alarming spikes in blood pressure too. And prescription medications like Celebrex are no better. They can also potentially do the same thing.

Non-NSAID alternatives are available, but they come with their own difficulties when taken in large quantities.

Acetaminophen, can cause death at a dosage of just 4,000 mg, and liver damage even at lower do.

When you absolutely have to take something to cope with pain, it’s far better to look towards natural remedies.

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - 15 Points off your blood pressure score – easy!

High blood pressure needn’t be hard work. You may think you need to follow a restrictive diet that leaves you miserable and hungry, or work yourself on a treadmill until you collapse in a pool of sweat. But a new study shows that you can leave all of that stuff to the masochists and still get the benefits.

There’s a much simpler way to get your blood pressure under control without making yourself miserable. In fact, it’s blissfully simple.

It’s something that you’re already doing, so doing it a little more and doing it more mindfully should be as easy as rolling off a log. And no, it’s nothing that you’re eating, so get ready, take a deep breath… It’s breathing.

Really? Yes, really. Breathing is something that we take for granted because it’s so automatic, but maybe that’s why we tend to overlook its importance.

It’s great at lowering blood pressure, but maybe not in the way you might think.

Dr. David Anderson is a researcher who works for the National Institute of Aging. To him and his colleagues, the science of breathing is like a breath of fresh air.

During one investigation he used a specialized device to train his subjects to slow down their breathing rates. And when he did, he was surprised at what he discovered.

Not only did slow breathing result in lower stress hormone levels among the study participants, it also helped to reduce the excess salt in their bodies as well. It’s well known that salt raises blood pressure, so it actually helped them to reduce two causes of high blood pressure in one go.

Another study by a different organization found that just 15 minutes a day of slow breathing exercises lopped up to an impressive 15 points off blood pressure scores for some individuals.

You can recreate these kinds of results without investing in any specialized device. We’ve based our blood pressure exercises on many of the principles that underpin this study. And we’ve made sure that they’re even more effective.

For more ideas to take control of your high blood pressure, watch this video - How to lower blood pressure in MINUTES

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

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Sunday, December 15, 2019

What is the Best Way to Keep Your Bad Cholesterol Level Low?

Keep Your Bad Cholesterol Level Low - Turn Back the Clock on Your Ageing Heart. Want to live forever? Scientists have taken one step closer to achieving this dream after finding a secret protein that keeps cardiac muscle youthful. And it may be the key to keeping heart attacks and stroke at bay for good.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Keep Your Bad Cholesterol Level Low - Turn Back the Clock on Your Ageing Heart

Want to live forever?

Scientists have taken one step closer to achieving this dream after finding a secret protein that keeps cardiac muscle youthful.

Cell magazine published a Harvard study which involved joining the circulatory systems of 2 animals. When they connected old mice with young mice, the older heart tissue got a surprising boost from the young.

The question was how did it work? Researchers isolated a molecule in the blood of the young mice that wasn’t there in the blood of the older ones. It’s called growth differentiating factor-11 (GDF-11) and it’s full of promise.

And it gets better…

Not content with just finding it, the researchers managed to replicate it too. Which is great news, because as we age, there’s less of this molecule present in the blood. Cardiac muscle tissue starts to grow stiff and becomes thicker without it, which is the cause of heart disease.

Because scientists can reproduce this molecule, there’s now hope that we might one day be able to effectively treat heart disease, and with something natural too, not some pharmaceutical substance that might cause side effects.

Until that day comes, though, the best thing to do is preserve what you’ve got! And the two best ways to do this are by controlling high blood pressure and reducing excess cholesterol.

Keep Your Bad Cholesterol Level Low - Common Drug Raises Cardiovascular Disease Risk 32%

Antibiotics have saved countless lives since Alexander Fleming first discovered penicillin in 1928.

But overuse has led to worries about bacteria becoming resistant to these commonly prescribed drugs.

That’s common knowledge of course, but what isn’t is the other potentially devastating health effects of their overuse. A new American study published in the European Heart Journal now suggests that too many courses of antibiotics are a red flag for greater heart attack risks.

Researchers analyzed the information of 36,429 women collected by the Nurse’s Health Study between 2004 and 2012. The participants were at least 60 years old in 2004 and they completed a health questionnaire every two years until 2012.

They were asked about their antibiotic use throughout their adult lives, between the ages of 20 and 39, between 40 and 59, and over 60 years of age.

They were divided into four groups based on their antibiotic use: those who had never taken any, those who had taken courses of 15 days or less, those who had taken courses of 15 to 60 days, and those who had taken courses longer than two months.

The scientists discovered that those who had taken antibiotics for two months or more when they were 60 and older had a 32 percent greater chance of developing cardiovascular disease compared to if they’d never taken any.

The women aged 40 to 59 who had taken at least one two-month course increased their risk of cardiovascular disease by 28 percent. Women below the age of 40 suffered no cardiovascular effects from these drugs.

It’s common when you hear about studies like this to wonder about other factors that might have affected the results, but the scientists were careful to account for smoking, diet, obesity, co-occurring health conditions, other medications, and so forth. In the end, they were sure that they were witnessing the effects of the antibiotics.

This is alarming if you’re older because you’re more likely to take antibiotics than younger people, but why should that be?

The authors offered two reasons to explain why antibiotics can have this effect.

Firstly, antibiotics destroy all bacteria, good and bad, which is bad news for the good bacteria in our intestines, the ones that help our bodies to fight off precisely those bacterial infections that then require us to take more antibiotics.

Secondly, good intestinal bacteria seem to have the ability to prevent inflammation, which is inextricably linked with cardiovascular disease. So, antibiotics deliver a double blow to older people.

The same authors presented a related study at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Lifestyle conference in New Orleans in 2018.

From the same data, they found that women who had taken antibiotics from age 40 or over were 19 percent more likely to die of any disease later, and 57 percent were more likely to die of cardiovascular disease later when compared with their peers who had not taken any.

Keep Your Bad Cholesterol Level Low - How Cholesterol Causes Strokes and Heart Attacks

Our immune systems are supposed to keep us healthy, but occasionally they do their jobs a little too well…well enough to kill us, in fact.

You can read about one example of this in a new study by German scientists, in the journal, Nature. They’ve been looking at the process that forms cholesterol plaques in arteries, and how they break up to cause heart attacks and strokes.

For those who don’t know: when cholesterol sticks to your arterial walls, it poses a danger to your health.

Your arteries are flexible hosepipes that transport oxygen-rich blood around your body, and when cholesterol plaques form inside them those hosepipes get narrower—so your heart has to pump harder to get the blood through—and they also damage your arterial walls by hardening them.

And worse still, when those cholesterol plaques break off from your arterial walls the pieces can end up anywhere. They can get swept into the heart and block its blood supply, so you have a heart attack, or travel to your brain, giving you a stroke. And if the blood supply to your legs gets blocked by plaque debris then you might end up with gangrene and need to have them amputated.

With all those horrible consequences in mind, the German scientists behind this study were keen to understand why the plaques break up so they could find a way to stop it.

They discovered that when a cholesterol plaque starts to form somewhere, the immune system realizes something is wrong and sends in the cavalry, which in this case is white blood cells called neutrophils.

Neutrophils use inflammation to kill foreign invaders like viruses and bacteria, and they do the same for cholesterol plaques, too.

But cholesterol plaques are tenacious beasts. They embed themselves in your arterial walls, so, unfortunately, when the neutrophils attack them with inflammation, the smooth muscle cells inside these walls are also damaged.

And actually, the smooth muscle cells are damaged anyway by the toxic proteins released by the cholesterol plaques. These smooth muscle cells do their best to keep the plaques in place, preventing them from breaking off and causing things like heart attacks, but they end up being attacked from both sides, by the plaques and by the neutrophils that are trying to help.

So, as you can see, the body just isn’t capable of combating cholesterol plaques. When they attach to the walls of your arteries they damage them, and when your immune system tries to help, it causes even more damage.

So, the only sure way to help avoid all of this destruction is to make sure your liver can do its job of removing cholesterol in the first place before plaques can form.

For more ideas to keep your bad cholesterol level low, watch this video - How to Raise Your HDL & Lower Your Triglycerides (NOT what you Think)

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Keep Your Bad Cholesterol Level Low ?.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What is the Best Way to Completely Reverse Your Arthritis?

Completely Reverse Your Arthritis - Arthritis Caused By Bacteria in These Popular Foods. A new study from the University of Central Florida published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology reveals amazing news for arthritis patients. It can lead to a complete cure for your disease by cutting out just a couple of food items – maybe even temporarily.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Completely Heal Any Type of Arthritis In 21 Days or Less

Completely Reverse Your Arthritis - Arthritis Caused by this Destructive Emotion

There are plenty of studies that show how depression contributes to poor health in elderly people. Emotions can have powerful effects on the physical body, as seen in cases where spouses die within days of each other.

Depression can be destructive, and it seems like the sadder you are, the more likely you are to have physical ailments too. So, it should come as no surprise that arthritis is made worse by strong emotions.

A new study in the journal, Psychology and Aging shows that anger is actually a more destructive emotion than sadness during old age because it increases our risk of inflammation.

The study’s authors collected health information from 226 people living in Montréal, Canada. They had them do a questionnaire to record their age-related chronic illnesses, and blood samples to record the most common inflammatory markers, interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein.

Crucially, they also spent a week recording how angry or sad they felt, to see if there was a link between stronger emotions and those inflammatory markers, as this might show a link to chronic health conditions like arthritis, heart disease, cancer, etc.

They divided their participants into two age groups: those in early old-age between 59 and 79 years, and those in advanced old age—80 and older.

Not surprisingly, they found that those participants who were angrier than their peers had higher levels of the pro-inflammatory chemical interleukin-6 in their blood. And if they were over 80, they were also more likely to suffer from chronic conditions like arthritis, too.

It’s interesting that the 59 to 79-year-olds didn’t suffer the same effects from daily anger, and that daily sadness didn’t affect either group in the same way either.

It’s also interesting that the sad people had lower levels of inflammation and fewer chronic conditions. Sadness just didn’t seem to be treating them as badly.

Psychologists call this effect the discrete emotion theory of affective aging. This says that the angrier you are as you get older, the more destructive the effects on your body. Sadness does less damage, and they think that it might even be helpful.

So, why does this happen?

The idea behind this theory is that our physical and mental abilities decline as we get older. We can’t do the same things that we once enjoyed, so we stop playing the piano, running marathons, hitchhiking, or whatever else we thought was fun, because our joints hurt, our memories go, and doing them becomes too difficult.

As a result, we either become angry or sad. The sad people grieve for the things they used to enjoy, while the angry people carry on trying to do them and get increasingly irate when they can’t.

Anger isn’t all bad, and it does have its uses. It can motivate and energize people in early old age to continue with their activities, but when their bodies let them down in advanced old age, this anger becomes toxic.

When that happens it’s much healthier to disengage from favorite activities and replace them with others. Sad is better than angry for your health.

Completely Reverse Your Arthritis - Arthritis Caused By Bacteria in These Popular Foods

A new study from the University of Central Florida published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology reveals amazing news for arthritis patients.

It can lead to a complete cure for your disease by cutting out just a couple of food items – maybe even temporarily.

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, or simply MAP is a common bacterium that appears in about half of the cows that provide our milk and beef.

One of the scientists in the team had previously found that people with Crohn’s disease were infected with MAP, and since rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease stem from the same genetic variants and are often treated with the same immunosuppressive drugs, they wondered whether MAP was involved in rheumatoid arthritis too.

They examined 100 arthritic patients and discovered that 78% of them have the same genetic mutation as people with Crohn’s disease. It is in a gene called PTPN2/22.

Of these, 40% were infected with MAP.

From these findings, they concluded that people with a PTPN2/22 mutation who are then exposed to MAP have a higher risk than the general population to develop rheumatoid arthritis.

Being medical scientists, they are obviously thinking in the direction of treating people with rheumatoid arthritis with antibiotics, as doctors have already started doing with Crohn’s disease patients.

But since there are already so many antibiotics around in the world that bacteria are increasingly becoming resistant to them, it is hardly a good idea to stuff more of them into our bodies.

Moreover, as with Crohn’s disease, antibiotics against MAP may not stop the arthritis, but simply control the symptoms.

In fact, Crohn’s disease patients must remain on the antibiotics permanently, and these antibiotics puts patients at risk of colitis, which must then be treated with another antibiotic.

For these reasons, the better approach may be to find out whether you have the PTPN2/22 gene mutation, and to then steer clear of milk and beef.

The problem with MAP is that, unlike other bacteria, it is heat resistant and not killed by cooking, pasteurization, and other common food processing methods.

Completely Reverse Your Arthritis - Eliminating Arthritis Exhaustion (New Study)

As all people with arthritis can testify, their condition is not only painful and disabling, but also exhausting.

Fatigue is an aspect of arthritis that is not commonly discussed or treated, but it is very real.

In a new edition of the journal Arthritis Care & Research, a research team put a simple method to the test and the results on arthritis fatigue were breathtaking.

Best of all, this method is so simple you can start today, and it doesn’t cost you a dime.

They recruited 96 arthritis patients and split them into three groups:

1. One that received standard educational material on arthritis fatigue.

2. A second that received a pedometer and a step-monitoring diary to complete.

3. A third that received a pedometer, a step-monitoring diary to complete, and step targets to meet.

They were monitored for 21 weeks so that the scientists could compare their activity and fatigue levels from before and from after the study.

The researchers were mostly interested in their self-reported fatigue levels, but also asked them to report their disease activity, physical function, pain, and depression.

This is what they found:

1. The education material group decreased their daily steps by 747 steps and their fatigue dropped by 1.6 points on the fatigue questionnaire.

2. The pedometer and step-monitoring group increased their daily steps by 1,441 steps and their fatigue dropped by 3.2 points on the fatigue questionnaire.

3. The pedometer, step-monitoring, and step target group increased their daily steps by 1,656 steps and their fatigue dropped by 4.8 points on the fatigue questionnaire.

Therefore, the group that set itself step targets and monitored their daily steps experienced the largest drop in arthritis-related fatigue.

The latter two groups also reported an improvement in physical functioning and disease activity.

Pedometers are widely available and inexpensive, and you can compile your own step monitoring diaries and set your own step targets.

For more ideas to completely reverse your arthritis, watch this video - Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally: 5 Primary Steps to Reversing RA

This post is from the Arthritis Strategy Program. It was created by Shelly Manning, a former arthritis sufferer and a health consultant.

A Brief Background on the Author

Like you, Shelly Manning also suffered from arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This was due to her weight and desk job. Her condition eventually took a toll on her relationship with her (former) husband.

It was when she went to Hong Kong that she met Janerdquo, an old woman who owned the restaurant where she ate. Janerdquo supposedly offered her a bowl of a weird-smelling soup, which helped ease her joint pain. She ate there each day for 10 days until she was completely healed from arthritis.

Shelly Manning decided to research this natural remedy and to create a step-by-step treatment plan to others who are suffering from different types of arthritis, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and psoriatic arthritis.

That’s why she created “The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy.” According to her claims, this unique strategy will get rid of joint pain and stiffness, repair your damaged joints, and treat the underlying cause of your arthritis.

Shelly teamed up with Christian Goodman, the owner of Blue Heron Health News, a publishing company that aims to help people to take responsibility for their own health by using natural health alternatives for preventing arthritis in fingers and knees naturally.

To find out more about this program, go to Completely Reverse Your Arthritis at Home

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