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Showing posts with label clogged arteries treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clogged arteries treatment. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2020

Clogged Arteries Treatment – Can You Reverse Blocked Arteries?

Clogged Arteries Treatment – High cholesterol is generally considered to be bad. It clogs up arteries and causes strokes and heart attacks. A study from the New York University in the journal Circulation has however revealed a scene where high cholesterol is actually beneficial.

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Clogged Arteries Treatment – When Breathing Causes Heart Attack and High Blood Pressure

Research out of Italy recently has given scientists pause for thought…a pause in breathing, that is.

Looking at hospitalization records related to high blood pressure, heart disease and heart attack, scientists discovered that the essential act of breathing could actually cause those serious conditions.

In the study released out of Italy and presented at the Acute Cardiac Care Congress, scientists pointed the heart disease finger directly at air pollution as a key factor in high blood pressure, heart disease and even heart attacks.

Looking at a standard of measurement called PM10 or particulate matter measuring 10 micrometers or less in diameter, the researchers compared rates of heart disease-related hospitalizations to the amount of pollution in the air, as evidenced by the air’s PM10 rating.

Various kinds of particulate matter constitute pollution in the air we breathe and the biggest generators of it are factories and other types of industry or vehicle pollution.

Scientists found that for every increase of 10 micrograms in the PM10 rating of air quality, there was a 3% increase in the number of casualties recorded in hospitals for heart disease and heart attacks.

In the European Union, the environmental standards for safety are to not exceed PM10 of 50 micrograms per cubic meter. In the US, though, it is 3 times higher at 150 micrograms per cubic meter.

The environmental link points to clear evidence that what and how we breathe has a direct effect on our blood pressure health and helps to explain why high blood pressure affects a full quarter of the earth’s population, being more concentrated in areas that are more polluted.

Clogged Arteries Treatment – When High Cholesterol Actually Prevents Clogged Arteries

High cholesterol is generally considered to be bad. It clogs up arteries and causes strokes and heart attacks.

A study from the New York University in the journal Circulation has however revealed a scene where high cholesterol is actually beneficial.

The consensus is that people with diabetes are more likely to have atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries because of a plaque buildup. This buildup is almost always caused by high LDL cholesterol, which is why it has been nicknamed the “bad cholesterol”.

This makes people with diabetes the hardest group in which to lower cholesterol, as they are already unusually prone to it.

Scientists believe HDL cholesterol (AKA the “good” stuff) removes LDL from our blood streams to the liver, from where it is broken down and then expelled from our bodies.

But in people with high blood sugar, like diabetics, the proteins and fats related to the high blood sugar reduces the type of HDL, called functional HDL, which actually removes LDL from our blood streams.

Mice with raised functional HDL were used in a new study to see whether their LDL could be reduced, and subsequently the risk of atherosclerosis risk.

Surprisingly, the LDL levels in the mice were much lower, but they also discovered more.

The increase in functional HDL reversed the atherosclerotic disease processes by 30 percent compared to the cholesterol-lowering drugs that the mice were already receiving.

This was not just because the HDL removed the LDL to the mice’s livers, but also because the HDL proved effective at reducing inflammation, which causes cholesterol-driven damage to our arteries.

So, by lowering inflammation inside the mice’s cholesterol plaque, the scientists reversed the main process that makes atherosclerosis so dangerous.

Increase HDL by adding plenty of fish, olive oil, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, coconut oil, and purple fruits and vegetables to your diet. Also, to be effective, it’s necessary to stop smoking, eliminate trans fats and refined carbohydrates from your diet, exercise daily, and avoiding ready-made packaged and canned foods.

Clogged Arteries Treatment – The ONE Oil That Heals Heart Disease

This oil has been described as a miracle medicine for heart disease (and more).

But the scientific world has been mixed in their opinions.

Finally, a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association proves without a doubt that this cheap oil drastically reduces the risk of heart attack.

To ensure that their results were accurate, only randomized trials were carried out.

Researchers gave one group omega-3 supplements whilst the other group was given a fake supplement (placebo).

The results were interesting and quite contrary to previous studies.

It was found that people that took omega-3 supplements on a daily basis were 8 percent less likely to have a heart attack and coronary heart disease death, 5 percent less likely to have coronary heart disease, 7 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease, and 3 percent less likely to have cardiovascular disease. What’s more, the higher the dose of omega-3s, the lower the risk of any of the above events happening.

Strokes were the only thing they could not find an omega-3 benefit for.
While the researchers agreed that omega-3 supplements were great, they stated that eating fish and taking daily exercise were better.

In short, omega-3 supplements are beneficial when it comes to living a heart healthy lifestyle thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties; they are even more effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

For more ideas on clogged arteries treatment, watch these 2 videos:

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Clogged Arteries Treatment - Lower LDL Cholesterol Fast Naturally.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

What is the Best Way to Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack?

Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack - Diets seem to come and go all the time, but the paleo diet has been going from strength to strength. Have you felt tempted to try it? If you’ve adopted “the caveman diet” for heart health reasons, then a new study in the European Journal of Nutrition might come as a shock to you.

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Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack - How Paleo Cause Stroke and Heart Attack

Diets seem to come and go all the time, but the paleo diet has been going from strength to strength.

Have you felt tempted to try it?

If you’ve adopted “the caveman diet” for heart health reasons, then a new study in the European Journal of Nutrition might come as a shock to you.

For those who don’t know, the paleo diet promotes foods that hunter-gatherers would have eaten more than 10,000 years ago (in the Paleolithic era—hence the name) things like fish, lean meats, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and seeds. It forbids foods like dairy products, grains, legumes, potatoes, added sugar, salt, and processed foods.

The new study—carried out by researchers from Edith Cowan University in Western Australia—investigated the effect of the paleo diet on gut health, since previous studies contradicted each other on this issue.

They recruited 47 people who had eaten a relatively healthy diet for the previous 12 months, together with 44 people who had eaten a paleo diet for at least the previous 12 months.

The paleo group was divided into a strict paleolithic group that consumed less than one serving of grains and dairy per day and a pseudo-paleolithic group that consumed more than one serving of these food groups per day.

Unsurprisingly, they found that the paleo groups were eating more fat than the other groups and that the strict paleo group consumed the most protein. They also discovered that the paleo dieters were not short of fiber, as one may have expected, given the lack of grains and legumes on their plate.

Still, that wasn’t enough to save the paleo crowd, as their blood, urine, and stool samples revealed a few unsavory truths.

Firstly, they had much more trimethylamine-n-oxide (TMAO) in their blood than the other subjects. TMAO is a compound that’s produced in our intestines, and too much of it spells bad news.

Almost all the research up to now says that it’s a major heart disease risk.

The TMAO levels were highest in the strict paleo group, the people that consumed almost no grains at all, so their heart disease risk goes way up.

Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack - The Tasty Treat that Cuts Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Bad food tastes good. That’s part of the reason why it can be so difficult to beat conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It’s unfortunate that your cardiovascular health is not best friends with many of the sweet things in this world.

But if you do have a sweet tooth then we have some good news for you, because there is one fabulous feel good food that tastes great and can still help your health.

It can help make your heart healthier, reduce your blood pressure, cut your bad cholesterol, ramp up your brain activity and even pep up your love life.

Well, it shouldn’t be too surprising that chocolate is healthy given that it starts life as cocoa beans, which are loaded with flavanol. Flavanol is an antioxidant, one of those Swiss army knives of health that stops blood clots, boosts blood flow to the heart and brain, reduces high blood pressure, and lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.

But it’s not the only antioxidant that cocoa beans are choc full of. There are even more of these helpful substances which are so beneficial to vascular health, and which also take the fight to free radicals—the harmful molecules which contribute to oxidation in the body.

Increased oxidation opens the way for LDL cholesterol—the bad sort—to start forming plaque on the arterial walls. As a result, they become narrower and more rigid, which is a perfect recipe for heart attack and stroke.

There are many things in the environment that can cause damage to the body, like pollution, cigarette smoke, and even too much sunlight, and antioxidants help to mop up the effects of all of them, before they can do their damage.

But it isn’t just the free radicals that help put chocolate on a par with health foods. There’s also the fat content. The majority of fat in chocolate comes from cocoa butter, which contains oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids (and you’ll find Oleic acid in olive oil too). It’s monounsaturated, which means it is heart-healthy and a proven blood pressure reducer.

The palmitic and stearic fatty acids are saturated fats, but still, research has found that they don’t hurt your cholesterol levels, which is odd but welcome news!

It’s now well established that chocolate can lower stress levels and improve a person’s sense of well-being and happiness. This is probably down to the fact that it’s great at boosting the production of endorphins, the brain’s natural happiness chemicals. And you also get serotonin in the mix, the body’s own antidepressant, too.

It’s worth mentioning that the brain releases these happiness chemicals when we’re in love, so when people say that they love chocolate, they really do mean it.

The only fly in the ointment with chocolate is the high sugar content. That’s why we’d recommend dark chocolate over milk chocolate every time. Choose the dark stuff with at least 65% cocoa content. Current research leads us to believe that 3 ounces (85 grams) of chocolate a day will give you all of the health benefits without the sugar rush.

Watch this video, to avoid stroke and heart attack - Strategies to Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke in the Workplace

As good as chocolate is for you, it can’t handle the job of lowering your blood pressure all on its own. For that you’re going to need something else, and these 3 simple exercises are the answer to lowering your blood pressure down to 120/80 right away…

Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack - Shingles Increases Your Risk of These Two Deadly Conditions

A recently published study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that people at risk of shingles are also at risk of heart attacks and strokes because of the virus that causes shingles.

Shingles comes from the Herpes Zoster virus. It first causes chickenpox, usually in childhood, then it bides its time, lying dormant in your body until it shows up as shingles when you’re older.

But how does it cause stroke and heart attack?

The authors of the new study used medical data relating to South Koreans. This gave researchers extensive demographic and medical information for 570,000 people.

519,880 of them were observed between 2003 and 2013 and in that time 23,233 were diagnosed with the Herpes Zoster virus, primarily because they developed shingles.

The scientists created a comparison group with selections based on demographic and medical information.

The shingles group suffered 1.34 more strokes per 1,000 person-years than the non-shingles group did. They also suffered 0.8 heart attacks more per 1,000 person-years than the non-shingles group did.

The risk was highest for people under 40 and for those who had had shingles in the past year.

The fact that the youngest people with few cardiovascular disease risk factors experienced the highest risk was surprising, as we would usually expect older people with clogged arteries and higher blood pressure to experience strokes and heart attacks.

The authors looked at previously published studies to help them suggest why shingles might increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

When active, the Herpes Zoster virus can replicate right next to arteries. This causes inflammation in those arteries which, in turn, can cause them to block or burst.

Even when dormant, the virus is constantly reactivated at a level that causes no symptoms. When this occurs next to arteries, the same thing happens.

The virus tends to move through your nervous system to the center of your body, where you have the largest arteries.

The virus increases both your blood pressure and negative emotions.

The virus compromises your immune system, which then puts you at risk of medical problems, including cardiovascular ones.

This all points to why we should live healthy lifestyles. Being healthy is the best way to be ensure that your immune system is strong enough to resist the shingles virus. It tends to attack people who are older with weaker immune systems, so the healthier and stronger we can keep ourselves, the better we can resist it.

Watch this video, to avoid stroke and heart attack - Does aspirin help prevent stroke and heart attacks? - Mayo Clinic Radio

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Clogged Arteries Symptoms?

Get Rid of Clogged Arteries Symptoms - Omega 3s and Heart Health —What We Missed. We’ve been told for years to eat more polyunsaturated fatty acids, like the omega-3s and omega-6s to lower cholesterol and improve heart health. But now a new study in the journal Communications Biology has found two huge flaws in all the previous research, so what should you be eating now?

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Get Rid of Clogged Arteries Symptoms - Omega 3s and Heart Health —What We Missed

We’ve been told for years to eat more polyunsaturated fatty acids, like the omega-3s and omega-6s to lower cholesterol and improve heart health.

But now a new study in the journal Communications Biology has found two huge flaws in all the previous research, so what should you be eating now?

You’ll find omega-3 fats in all fish, especially mackerel, salmon, sardines, lake trout, herring, anchovy, and tuna; and in plant sources like flaxseed, chia seed, hemp oil, walnut, fresh basil, and dried oregano.

Most of the omega-6 fats we eat can be found in soybean oil, corn oil, grape seed oil, poppy seed oil, safflower oil, and sunflower oil. We fry in them and they’re added to almost all the packaged, canned, and partially pre-prepared products we buy too.

Our bodies can’t make enough to keep us healthy, so we need to get our supplies from food.

Lots of studies have claimed that the ratio between them is important: higher omega-6 and lower omega-3 is bad for us, they say.

But the authors of the new study spotted two huge flaws in these studies:

The first is people. We’re usually quite bad at remembering what we eat and drink.

The second is that we don’t always know how much of these oils is really in the foods we eat because it can vary a lot.

Actually, there is also a third, smaller flaw, which is that some health conditions can affect how much of these two fats the body absorbs.

The researchers wanted to study how Omega 3s and 6s affected health without having to worry about these questions, so they manipulated the genes of mice in different ways. They bred some that produced different amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 regardless of what they ate, and they also used a sample of normal mice for comparison.

The results? The mice that overproduced omega-6 compared with omega-3 had higher rates of cancer and metabolic disease. Metabolic disease includes not only diabetes, but also high blood pressure and cholesterol.

Their livers were unhealthier, and they had a lot more of the gut bacteria that cause chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is a huge contributor to cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease.

The mice who could convert omega-6 to omega-3 did not suffer from these health problems.

The unhealthy mice had the same omega-6 to omega-3 ratio found in the typical 21st century Western diet, which means it’s probably too blame for much of the heart disease epidemic.

So, the researchers actually confirmed that despite the flaws in their studies, the advice from previous research was correct. 

Which means:
  1. Avoid vegetable oils and foods made with them.
  2. Eat the omega-3 sources listed above.
  3. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, as most of them contain more omega-3 than omega-6.
This approach will bring down your omega-6-omega-3 ratio and you’ll have a much healthier heart. 

But if you really want to get rid of clogged arteries symptoms and bring down your cholesterol level, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming… 

Get Rid of Clogged Arteries Symptoms - Cholesterol and Eggs (myth buster)

Eggs are a fantastic source of protein and a great alternative to the usual selection of meats, but for the longest time they’ve picked up lots of bad press for their high cholesterol content.
Nutritionists and others have often warned against consuming more than 2 eggs per week, but are they really that bad for us?

It’s still not uncommon for someone to argue that eggs are unhealthy, but recent research done by the University of Grenada may have finally unscrambled all the misinformation about eggs. 

The researchers found that serum cholesterol (meaning cholesterol found in the bloodstream) is not increased by consuming eggs—even for people who weren’t very active—and a far greater risk for raising your cholesterol levels is eating too many trans and saturated fats over the long-term.

In fact, if you sit eggs side-by-side with fried and processed foods, say the researchers, there’s just no competition. Eggs are miles better for you. 

If you want to avoid anything then avoid red meat, because those with a meat tooth had the worst cholesterol numbers.

Eggs are nutritional powerhouses, which is hardly surprising when you consider what they were designed for. Nature packed in a lot to give chicks the best start in life, so as well as all that protein, they contain Magnesium, Vitamin A, potassium, and calcium, too. 

They also feature choline, which is essential for optimal brain function, and two powerful antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are also beneficial for keeping your vision healthy. 

The real trick to get rid of clogged arteries symptoms and drop cholesterol to a healthy level is to cut out this ONE ingredient, you didn’t even know you were consuming… 

Get Rid of Clogged Arteries Symptoms - The New Technology for Heart Attack Detection

Smart speakers that run Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, or Cortana are becoming increasingly common in our homes. Some people love their ease and convenience, while others think that George Orwell’s 1984 has come true, and that these are tools designed to spy on us.

Emotions run high about the pros and cons of this new technology, but what if your smart speaker could save you from a heart attack, while it’s happening? 
As a new study in the journal Npj Digital Medicine suggests, your smart speaker will one day be able to hear you having a heart attack and save your life by calling for help.

According to the American Heart Association, almost 300,000 people die in the United States every year after having heart attacks outside of hospital. At least two thirds of these happen at home, and the most common place they happen is in the bedroom.

The new technology hinges on the fact that the smart speaker is such a good listening device. A heart attack causes low oxygen levels that leave you gasping for air. You make a guttural sound that’s called “agonal breathing” and it tells the smart speaker very clearly that you’re in trouble.

University of Washington scientists got hold of 162,911 calls during which bystanders had held a phone up to an unconscious heart attack sufferer’s mouth. From these calls, they made 236 different audio clips. 

They programmed these clips into a range of smart devices and used further machine learning techniques to expand the data set to 7,316 clips.

They then played these agonal breathing clips to smart devices to see whether they could recognize a heart attack when they heard it.

To make it even more challenging and realistic, the researchers played these clips at various distances from the smart devices, and with other frequently heard home sounds cluttering up the background like air-conditioning, cats, dogs, and car horns. 

It sounds tough, but the system was well trained. Researchers collected 7,305 sound clips from sleep studies that included snoring, sleep apnea, and the like to add to what it could recognize.

After giving the smart devices time to learn from all those sounds, they were able to correctly identify a whopping 97 percent of heart attack cases. A phenomenal result!

They only made mistakes in 0.14 percent of cases, confusing sleep noises with agonal breathing.

But even that great result improved when the researchers changed the rules of identification slightly. As soon as it was decided that agonal breathing could only be diagnosed when the speakers heard two of the suspected breathing noises, 10 seconds apart, the results jumped to an amazing 100 percent accuracy. 

So, how would this system work practically?

In the future, the service would run as an app on a smart device. It would listen to you round the clock and when triggered it would sound the alarm for someone else in the house to come and help you, or it could even dial emergency services if you were alone.

This service is still a long way from becoming widely available, but the researchers are serious about bringing it to the market someday.

Before that can happen though, they need to work on expanding their database of heart attack sounds so that they can train the system to become more accurate.

For more ideas on how to get rid of clogged arteries symptoms, watch this video - HOW TO CLEAR YOUR ARTERIES WITH A HEART HEALTHY JUICE

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Get Rid of Clogged Arteries Symptoms Quickly and Easily .

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

What is the Best Way to Lower Your Cholesterol Quickly and Easily?

Lower Your Cholesterol Quickly and Easily - Do Eggs Raise Cholesterol Levels? Eggs of one sort or another are a firm favorite that show up in a lot of people’s breakfasts, but how many times have you heard people tell you that eating eggs will raise your cholesterol? Science hasn’t completely settled the debate yet, but a new contribution to the topic has just been published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Lower Your Cholesterol Quickly and Easily - Do Eggs Raise Cholesterol Levels?

Eggs of one sort or another are a firm favorite that show up in a lot of people’s breakfasts, but how many times have you heard people tell you that eating eggs will raise your cholesterol?

Science hasn’t completely settled the debate yet, but a new contribution to the topic has just been published in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association.

For this piece, researchers from the University of Massachusetts at Lowell and Northwestern University looked back over large studies that recorded the diets, lifestyles, and cardiovascular diseases of 29,615 people. These people had an average age of 51.6 years and they were followed for an average of 17.5 Years.

When the researchers separated out daily cholesterol consumption, daily egg consumption, cardiovascular events, and deaths from the rest of the data, they found some interesting points:

The first 300 mg (milligrams) of cholesterol consumed per day has no measurable harmful effects on health.

Beyond the first 300 mg of daily cholesterol, every additional 300 mg increases our risk of a cardiovascular event like stroke or heart attack by 17 percent and our chance of death by 18 percent.

Beyond the first 300 mg of daily cholesterol, each half an egg increases our risk of a cardiovascular event by six percent and our risk of death by eight percent.

To unpick all of that, it doesn’t mean that you have to avoid eggs. In fact, it shows that eggs are fine in moderation, but how much is that exactly?

One egg, or one egg yolk to be more precise, contains 200 mg of cholesterol, which is about the same amount as you’ll find in a large steak.

This means that if you eat a large steak and an egg every day, together with the milk in your tea or coffee, you will be over the 300 mg safe limit.

But if you eat three eggs and three large steaks per week, and spread them out, your cholesterol intake will be below it.

Past research has actually shown that daily cholesterol intake doesn’t raise our cholesterol to harmful levels, which is why the American and British governments don’t recommend a daily cholesterol limit.

The reason why eggs (and meats for that matter) become unhealthy is probably because they have to be cooked to improve flavor and reduce the risk of Salmonella.

But when you heat cholesterol, its chemical composition changes in a process called oxidation. It is this oxidized cholesterol that clogs your arteries, not uncooked cholesterol.

So, don’t stop eating eggs just yet. They contain calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, zinc, selenium, B vitamins, vitamin A and other healthy nutrients, so if you keep your consumption under control, your favorite breakfast food can still be a heart-healthy addition to your day.

Lower Your Cholesterol Quickly and Easily - Which is Better, Red or White?

Anyone will tell you that if you are going to eat meat, then it’s better to choose white over red, because red meat is well-known for polluting your body with bad cholesterol.

The likes of chicken and turkey are much better for you, it’s common knowledge, right?

Well, maybe not.

The problem with common knowledge is that we don’t always question it. Received wisdom is not always so wise, so it’s a good thing there are scientists who like to test commonly held beliefs and see if they stack up.

Research scientists at the University of California at San Francisco and the Children’s Hospital Oakland wondered whether red meat was worse for your health than white meat and set about testing that hypothesis.

The fruits of their labors were recently published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

To test the common assumption, they found 113 healthy volunteers aged from 21 to 65 who had a body-mass index between 20 and 35 kg/m2 (which puts some in the normal range, some at overweight and some at obese).

They split them into two groups: a high saturated fat group and a low saturated fat group.

Within each of these groups, the volunteers first consumed their proteins in the form of red meat (but none of it processed, like bacon or sausage) for four weeks, and then white meat (but no fish) for four weeks. For the final four weeks they ate no meats, but had vegetables and dairy instead.

The study doesn’t mention whether the cuts included skins, but we’re assuming they did.

Before, during, and after the study, the scientists measured their subject’s total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol (usually called bad cholesterol) to see which diet was the worst.

It should come as no surprise that the high saturated fat dieters had a higher LDL cholesterol level than the low saturated fat dieters.

And the ones who got their proteins from plants and a bit of dairy had lower LDL levels than those who ate meat.

Now, you might have been expecting a higher LDL cholesterol score for the red meat eaters and a lower score for the poultry fans, but that didn’t happen.

Cholesterol-wise, there was nothing to choose between them.

This means that if you want to lower your bad cholesterol, you could try getting your proteins from vegetables and dairy instead of meat. If you really want to eat meat, then it doesn’t seem to matter whether it came from something winged or something hoofed. One’s no worse for than the other, so long as it’s ‘real’ meat and hasn’t been processed.

If you’ve read our cholesterol program, these findings should not surprise you too much. Both red and white meat (especially the skins) contain cholesterol, and they both need to be cooked before consumption. That means the cholesterol in both will undergo some oxidation during the heating process.

This explains why both meat protein groups had higher LDL cholesterol than the vegetable protein group. It also explains why the high saturated fat group had more LDL cholesterol than the low saturated fat group had, since saturated fat is consumed almost exclusively in the form of meat that needs to be cooked.

Still, when delving deep into the study, the conclusion is not seriously alarming. In previous studies, small LDL cholesterol particles have been found to be far more harmful than large LDL particles were. Large LDL particles pose a coronary heart disease risk, but it’s smaller than the risk you get with small LDL particles.

In this study, the cholesterol differences between the high and low saturated fat groups and between the meat and vegetable groups were mostly in large LDL particles.

This suggests that meat consumption increases a type of cholesterol that is harmful, but not the most harmful.

Lower Your Cholesterol Quickly and Easily - The Simplest Way to Avoid Millions of Deaths

If you believed everything you read in the news, then you might tend to worry that war, terrorism, natural disasters, murder or road traffic accidents were all trying their best to kill you.

Every day the headlines are full of dire warnings, but if newsmakers were really serious about telling you what to avoid, then the headlines would be totally different.

They’d focus on something else completely, because more people die of this one thing than all of that other stuff.

More people are dying of broken hearts, because cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the world today.

But it needn’t be this way. War might be difficult to avoid sometimes but for most people, cardiovascular disease certainly isn’t.

Tufts University scientists presented a new study at the American Society for Nutrition annual meeting in Baltimore claiming that the simplest way to cut millions of these deaths worldwide is to just eat more fruit and vegetables. Wait, what?

How did they come to this conclusion?

They looked at a lot of information for the year 2010 about diets and deaths in 13 countries, all in all representing 82 percent of the world’s population.

They found that inadequate fruit consumption caused 521,395 coronary heart disease deaths, which means deaths caused by arteries that got clogged up with fat, cholesterol, or blood clots. It also caused 1,255,978 deaths by stroke.

Low vegetable consumption (including legumes) resulted in 809,425 coronary heart disease deaths and 210,849 stroke deaths.

It’s no surprise that given their large populations and relative rates of poverty, China and India had the most cardiovascular deaths related to low fruit and vegetable intakes at 541,564 and 199,364 yearly deaths respectively.

Putting this together, worldwide, inadequate intake of fruit lead to almost 1.8 million annual cardiovascular deaths while low vegetable intake was responsible for around 1 million annual deaths.

A different research team did the same thing for the year 2015 with 195 countries. They used similar diet surveys, cause-of-death records, and studies on the relationship between fruit and vegetable intake and cardiovascular disease.

They calculated the number of healthy years that were lost to heart disease-related disability or death related to inadequate fruit and vegetable intake.

It transpired that low fruit consumption was the cause of a staggering 57.3 million lost years while low vegetable consumption accounted for 44.6 million lost years.

Despite the overall unhealthiness of the typical Western diet in the United States and Europe, both these studies showed that people there still ate more fruit and vegetables than those in the poorest countries and suffered from fewer heart disease-related deaths because of low fruit and vegetable consumption.

The simple conclusion you get from these studies is that if you eat more of what your grandma recommends then you live longer. The researchers put the level of adequate fruit intake at 300 grams per day (about two small apples) and adequate vegetable intake at 400 grams daily (about three cups of raw carrots).

It’s a lot cheaper and simpler than getting drugs and surgery later, and it might even make you feel better every day too!

This is the risk factor for heart disease and early death that is the easiest and cheapest to avoid, so just eat more fruit and vegetables if you’d like a long life.

For more ideas to lower your cholesterol quickly and easily, watch this video - 10 Foods That Lower Your Cholesterol - Best Foods to Lower Cholesterol Fast

And don’t forget that this is just one of many things that you do together to give yourself a longer, healthier life. To lower your cholesterol quickly and easily, here’s another approach to cholesterol control that you can use alongside it…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Lower Your Cholesterol Quickly and Easily ?.

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