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Monday, December 16, 2019

What is the Best Way to Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure?

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Three-Minute Test Could Save Your Life. Your home blood pressure monitor could be even more useful than you thought. You already know that keeping track of your blood pressure is important, but this recent discovery takes it one step further.

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Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Three-Minute Test Could Save Your Life

Your home blood pressure monitor could be even more useful than you thought. You already know that keeping track of your blood pressure is important, but this recent discovery takes it one step further.

It can predict with startling accuracy your chances of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Even when doctors take your blood pressure, most haven’t heard about this recently discovered approach.

Researchers at the University of Exeter published a comprehensive study about how inaccurate single-arm blood pressure tests are. It appeared in the British Journal of General Practice.

From 1998 to 2008 they looked at 3,350 Scottish men and women aged from 50 to 75. Everyone in the study was judged to be at risk of developing high blood pressure, but none of them had a formal diagnosis yet.

Blood pressure tests using both arms were conducted only at the start of the study. The researchers then monitored them to see which of the participants went on to develop cardiovascular disease.

They were interested to find that when there was a difference in systolic readings between the two arms of five mmHg or more, those individuals were nearly twice as likely to die from a heart-related illness.

It gets worse though…

An eye-opening 60% of people in the study showed this five-mmHg difference between arms, and for 38% the difference was 10 mmHg.
But why are these readings different anyway?

It’s true that blood pressure readings can be different according to whether you’re at the doctor’s office or in your own home. The reason for that is simply anxiety. People naturally get a little bit more uptight when they’re sitting in front of the doctor. But that doesn’t explain why using different arms should make a difference. They’re both still attached to the same heart, right?

The answer lies in blocked blood vessels. In the arm with the higher reading it’s a common cause, and it’s one that points to a potentially serious risk.

It could be that plaque has built up in one arm, or it might have built up throughout the body, and the arm with a lower reading might have the least plaque. That’s obviously the worst-case scenario, but neither of them is exactly good news.

And this isn’t new thinking. In the March 2014 edition of the American Journal of Medicine, they ran a study produced by Harvard researchers. The team took blood pressure readings from 3,400 subjects and looked for problems over 14 years, in much the same way as the Exeter researchers.

10% showed an inter-arm difference of 10 or more mmHg, and these people were 38% more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those with lower differences.

So, the takeaway here is, ask your doctor for a double-arm test. You could casually quote both of the above studies when they ask you why, and maybe earn yourself an astonished look and new respect.

Or, as we suggested at the start, just do it yourself. Test the blood pressure on both of your arms. If you see an average difference of 5 points or more in your systolic blood pressure readings (the first number) then act now. It might save your life.

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Common Meds that Spike Your Blood Pressure

Pain is a known cause of high blood pressure. The body responds to long-term pain the same way that it responds to sudden injury: it raises your blood pressure.

So, it doesn’t help when the meds you’re taking for the pain cause your blood pressure to spike as well.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs like ibuprofen are known antagonists when it comes to blood pressure. And it doesn’t help that they’re so common that people think they are virtually harmless. It’s like, when you can pick something up in the grocery store, it has to be safe, right?

Sure, they’re great for reducing fevers and combating mild pain for most people, but recent research has highlighted the way that these widely used medications can lead to alarming spikes in blood pressure too. And prescription medications like Celebrex are no better. They can also potentially do the same thing.

Non-NSAID alternatives are available, but they come with their own difficulties when taken in large quantities.

Acetaminophen, can cause death at a dosage of just 4,000 mg, and liver damage even at lower do.

When you absolutely have to take something to cope with pain, it’s far better to look towards natural remedies.

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - 15 Points off your blood pressure score – easy!

High blood pressure needn’t be hard work. You may think you need to follow a restrictive diet that leaves you miserable and hungry, or work yourself on a treadmill until you collapse in a pool of sweat. But a new study shows that you can leave all of that stuff to the masochists and still get the benefits.

There’s a much simpler way to get your blood pressure under control without making yourself miserable. In fact, it’s blissfully simple.

It’s something that you’re already doing, so doing it a little more and doing it more mindfully should be as easy as rolling off a log. And no, it’s nothing that you’re eating, so get ready, take a deep breath… It’s breathing.

Really? Yes, really. Breathing is something that we take for granted because it’s so automatic, but maybe that’s why we tend to overlook its importance.

It’s great at lowering blood pressure, but maybe not in the way you might think.

Dr. David Anderson is a researcher who works for the National Institute of Aging. To him and his colleagues, the science of breathing is like a breath of fresh air.

During one investigation he used a specialized device to train his subjects to slow down their breathing rates. And when he did, he was surprised at what he discovered.

Not only did slow breathing result in lower stress hormone levels among the study participants, it also helped to reduce the excess salt in their bodies as well. It’s well known that salt raises blood pressure, so it actually helped them to reduce two causes of high blood pressure in one go.

Another study by a different organization found that just 15 minutes a day of slow breathing exercises lopped up to an impressive 15 points off blood pressure scores for some individuals.

You can recreate these kinds of results without investing in any specialized device. We’ve based our blood pressure exercises on many of the principles that underpin this study. And we’ve made sure that they’re even more effective.

For more ideas to take control of your high blood pressure, watch this video - How to lower blood pressure in MINUTES

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

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