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Showing posts with label get your cholesterol under control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get your cholesterol under control. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2020

Clogged Arteries Treatment – Can You Reverse Blocked Arteries?

Clogged Arteries Treatment – High cholesterol is generally considered to be bad. It clogs up arteries and causes strokes and heart attacks. A study from the New York University in the journal Circulation has however revealed a scene where high cholesterol is actually beneficial.

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Clogged Arteries Treatment – When Breathing Causes Heart Attack and High Blood Pressure

Research out of Italy recently has given scientists pause for thought…a pause in breathing, that is.

Looking at hospitalization records related to high blood pressure, heart disease and heart attack, scientists discovered that the essential act of breathing could actually cause those serious conditions.

In the study released out of Italy and presented at the Acute Cardiac Care Congress, scientists pointed the heart disease finger directly at air pollution as a key factor in high blood pressure, heart disease and even heart attacks.

Looking at a standard of measurement called PM10 or particulate matter measuring 10 micrometers or less in diameter, the researchers compared rates of heart disease-related hospitalizations to the amount of pollution in the air, as evidenced by the air’s PM10 rating.

Various kinds of particulate matter constitute pollution in the air we breathe and the biggest generators of it are factories and other types of industry or vehicle pollution.

Scientists found that for every increase of 10 micrograms in the PM10 rating of air quality, there was a 3% increase in the number of casualties recorded in hospitals for heart disease and heart attacks.

In the European Union, the environmental standards for safety are to not exceed PM10 of 50 micrograms per cubic meter. In the US, though, it is 3 times higher at 150 micrograms per cubic meter.

The environmental link points to clear evidence that what and how we breathe has a direct effect on our blood pressure health and helps to explain why high blood pressure affects a full quarter of the earth’s population, being more concentrated in areas that are more polluted.

Clogged Arteries Treatment – When High Cholesterol Actually Prevents Clogged Arteries

High cholesterol is generally considered to be bad. It clogs up arteries and causes strokes and heart attacks.

A study from the New York University in the journal Circulation has however revealed a scene where high cholesterol is actually beneficial.

The consensus is that people with diabetes are more likely to have atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries because of a plaque buildup. This buildup is almost always caused by high LDL cholesterol, which is why it has been nicknamed the “bad cholesterol”.

This makes people with diabetes the hardest group in which to lower cholesterol, as they are already unusually prone to it.

Scientists believe HDL cholesterol (AKA the “good” stuff) removes LDL from our blood streams to the liver, from where it is broken down and then expelled from our bodies.

But in people with high blood sugar, like diabetics, the proteins and fats related to the high blood sugar reduces the type of HDL, called functional HDL, which actually removes LDL from our blood streams.

Mice with raised functional HDL were used in a new study to see whether their LDL could be reduced, and subsequently the risk of atherosclerosis risk.

Surprisingly, the LDL levels in the mice were much lower, but they also discovered more.

The increase in functional HDL reversed the atherosclerotic disease processes by 30 percent compared to the cholesterol-lowering drugs that the mice were already receiving.

This was not just because the HDL removed the LDL to the mice’s livers, but also because the HDL proved effective at reducing inflammation, which causes cholesterol-driven damage to our arteries.

So, by lowering inflammation inside the mice’s cholesterol plaque, the scientists reversed the main process that makes atherosclerosis so dangerous.

Increase HDL by adding plenty of fish, olive oil, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, coconut oil, and purple fruits and vegetables to your diet. Also, to be effective, it’s necessary to stop smoking, eliminate trans fats and refined carbohydrates from your diet, exercise daily, and avoiding ready-made packaged and canned foods.

Clogged Arteries Treatment – The ONE Oil That Heals Heart Disease

This oil has been described as a miracle medicine for heart disease (and more).

But the scientific world has been mixed in their opinions.

Finally, a new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association proves without a doubt that this cheap oil drastically reduces the risk of heart attack.

To ensure that their results were accurate, only randomized trials were carried out.

Researchers gave one group omega-3 supplements whilst the other group was given a fake supplement (placebo).

The results were interesting and quite contrary to previous studies.

It was found that people that took omega-3 supplements on a daily basis were 8 percent less likely to have a heart attack and coronary heart disease death, 5 percent less likely to have coronary heart disease, 7 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease, and 3 percent less likely to have cardiovascular disease. What’s more, the higher the dose of omega-3s, the lower the risk of any of the above events happening.

Strokes were the only thing they could not find an omega-3 benefit for.
While the researchers agreed that omega-3 supplements were great, they stated that eating fish and taking daily exercise were better.

In short, omega-3 supplements are beneficial when it comes to living a heart healthy lifestyle thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties; they are even more effective when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

For more ideas on clogged arteries treatment, watch these 2 videos:

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Clogged Arteries Treatment - Lower LDL Cholesterol Fast Naturally.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Cholesterol and Heal Heart?

Common Spice Can Cure Cholesterol and Heal Heart -This powerful spice has been proven to lower cholesterol, improve blood pressure and inflammation, and even cure the common flu. But you need to use it in a specific way or it’s basically useless.

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Cure Cholesterol and Heal Heart - Lowering Cholesterol INCREASES Stroke Risk 220%

According to a new study published in the journal Neurology, the myth about high cholesterol has probably murdered millions of people.

In fact, lowering your cholesterol to the recommended level of 100 mg/dL can increase your risk of having the most dangerous type of stroke by a frightening 220%.

The researchers mined data from the Women’s Health Study that included the records of 27,937 women aged 45 and up.

At the beginning of the study, these women had their total cholesterol, their LDL cholesterol, their HDL cholesterol, and their triglycerides (blood fats) measured.

The scientists observed them over an average of 19 years to see which of them suffered from a haemorrhagic stroke.

Strokes come in two forms: ischemic, which occurs when blood flow to the brain is blocked by, for example, clogged blood vessels, and haemorrhagic, which happens when there is bleeding in the brain because of, for example, blood vessels that have burst or are weakened and leak.
A haemorrhagic stroke is much harder to treat than an ischemic one.

According to the National Stroke Association, while haemorrhagic strokes only constitute 13 percent of all strokes, they are responsible for 40 percent of stroke-related deaths.

When the researchers compared women with LDL cholesterol of 70 mg/dL or lower with those with an LDL level between 100 and 130 mg/dL, they found that members of the former group were 2.2 times more likely to have a haemorrhagic stroke than members of the latter group.

This was still true after they excluded people with other stroke risks, such as high blood pressure, old age, smoking, and so forth.

But it wasn’t only LDL cholesterol that was a risk, and it was found that low triglycerides were equally bad.

Those with the lowest fasting triglyceride levels (74 mg/dL or lower) were twice as likely to have a haemorrhagic stroke as those with the highest fasting levels (156 mg/dL or higher).

Total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol, often called good cholesterol, had no effect on stroke incidents.

This study is alarming because it shows that official cholesterol recommendations are just too low. It also shows the dangers of lowering cholesterol artificially through the use of statins and other cholesterol-lowering medications.

Common Spice Can Cure Cholesterol and Heal Heart

This powerful spice has been proven to lower cholesterol, improve blood pressure and inflammation, and even cure the common flu.

But you need to use it in a specific way or it’s basically useless.

A study published by PubMed showed that rats who get treated for 30 days with ginger extract had lower cholesterol levels as compared to the control groups.

Another study that utilized 85 patients of the Cardiac Disease Clinic, Babol, showed that those who received ginger lowered their cholesterol significantly more than a placebo group.

Ginger has also been proven to lower blood pressure, along with improve inflammation and almost all other markers of health.

What is the best way to use ginger?

Make your own tea from fresh ginger by slicing it thinly and let it steep in hot water. Optionally, add lemon and honey for taste and power.

Otherwise, you can also add fresh ginger to many meals. The root needs heat to release its healthy substances, so add it to your meal at the beginning of your cooking.

Unpeeled ginger can also be stored in your refrigerator for a long time, so it is easy to always have some of this delicious herb at hand at all times.

Furthermore, you can also use organic powdered ginger as an alternative or buy a ginger extract supplement in your local health food store.

But ginger is not the only thing that improves your cholesterol level.

Cure Cholesterol and Heal Heart - This Healthy Fat Causes Heart Attacks in the Elderly

For decades, we have been told to load up on this “healthy” fat (and avoid trans-fat and saturated fat).

And while this may be okay advice for people under the ages of 50, a new study published in the FASEB Journal has shown that if you’re older than that, you need to be very careful.

This is as this fat destroys your immune system and leads directly to stroke and heart attack.

The researchers split their mice into young and old categories, with the range being approximately two months versus 18 months old.

They gave all of them a high omega-6 vegetable oil diet and then triggered heart attacks or other heart-injuring events to see how their bodies would respond.

Examples of high omega-6 oils include sunflower and safflower oils, both oils that are frequently used for cooking.

As expected, the young mice had a tendency to survive these adverse heart events while the older ones often died.

And they investigated the mice, they found that the bacterial profiles in their intestines had changed completely.

Both the old and young mice had some factors in common:

Specifically, they developed a lot more bacteria from the phylum Firmicutes group, a type of bacteria that has previously been associated with obesity, diabetes, and system-wide inflammation.

On top of that, both groups experienced a huge increase in neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that is natively a part of the immune system.

That was the end of the similarities, however.

There is another type of white blood cell used by the immune system is called leukocytes, and the spleen is normally a rich reservoir of these leukocytes.

When our hearts are injured by heart attacks or other terrible heart events, our spleens release these leukocytes that then rush to our hearts to repair the tissue and manage the inflammation at the injury site.

While this is what happened to the young mice in this study, this mechanism did not work with the old mice.

The two types of white immune blood cells, neutrophils and leukocytes, thus need to be carefully balanced for our immune systems to work properly.

But in the case of the old mice, the increase in neutrophils caused by the high-fat diet completely overwhelmed the leukocytes, leaving the latter incapable of doing their job in repairing the heart.

They also found that the old mice had structural deformities in their spleens.

In other words, during the point in which the inflammation was increased by high fat intake, intestinal phylum Firmicutes, and heart injury, the spleens of the old mice were impaired and could not release enough leukocytes to resolve the inflammation.

Medical scientists call this a non-resolving inflammation and it is ultimately the cause of heart failure.

If this study applies to humans too, then it shows why old people should pay even more attention to eating less omega-6 vegetable oils than young people, as their bodies might simply not repair heart damage if it occurs.

For more ideas to cure cholesterol and heal heart, watch this video - Only a Glass of This Juice will Remove Clogged Arteries And Control Blood Pressure

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Cure Cholesterol and Heal Heart.

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Sunday, October 13, 2019

What is the Best Way to Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke?

A new research by Harvard University has proven that eating a handful or two of certain specific nuts can prevent heart attack and stroke and significantly lower the total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the bad one) and Triglyceride (blood fat) present in your body. Read on to find out more.

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Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke - Why You Don’t Exercise Enough (it’s not your fault)

Most of us should be more active. In fact, 3-5 hours of intense activity per week is minimal, and every hour awake should include a little moving around.

But sometimes you just don’t feel like you have the energy, do you?
And according to a new study published in the journal Circulation, it’s all because of a hidden additive that food companies add to almost all the food you consume.

It robs you of physical energy, prevents you from exercising and therefore causes high cholesterol, blood pressure, overweight, type 2 diabetes and a row of other health issues.

Lots of dairy, meat, and vegetables contain phosphate, and that is healthy because it helps your body build bones, helps with muscle contraction, and facilitates nerve function.

But one of the most common food additives in our modern diet is inorganic phosphate, and that sends our daily phosphate intake into the stratosphere.

When scientists fed mice a high-phosphate diet, they observed that they could no longer produce enough fatty acids to feed their muscles. They spent less time on their treadmills and had lower cardiovascular fitness levels.

They also found genetic changes in these mice when they were fed high-phosphate diets over a long period of time. After 12 weeks, levels for the genes responsible for muscle metabolism had changed in their bloodstreams.

Since studies on mice are not always translatable to human beings, they tried to address this question by analyzing data from participants in the Dallas Heart Study, where their food consumption was recorded and who were asked to wear physical activity monitors for seven days.

It turned out that those with the highest blood phosphate levels exercised the least, while those with the lowest phosphate levels exercised the most, suggesting that it has the same effect on people as the mice.

Most food manufacturers add phosphate to food to prevent it from spoiling and to enhance flavor. Cola and other soft drinks, sausages and other processed meats, baked products, and canned products are the most likely to contain it.

Any “phos” on labels is suspect, such as dicalcium phosphate, monopotassium phosphate, sodium hexameta-phosphate, phosphoric acid, sodium tripolyphosphate, and so forth.

The easiest way to avoid inorganic phosphate, however, is to bypass processed food as much as possible.

But if you want to prevent heart attack and stroke, you need to get your cholesterol under control, there is another ingredient that is even more serious than inorganic phosphate – and one that you have no idea you’re consuming

And here are 3 blood pressure exercises – you can do these even if you feel wasted – and it will bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today

Finally, to reverse type-2 diabetes, just follow these three steps for 28 days

Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke - This Nut Normalizes Cholesterol Levels

A new research by Harvard University has proven that eating a handful or two of certain specific nuts significantly lowers the total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (the bad one) and Triglyceride (blood fat) present in your body.

What’s more, this same nut has been proven to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke by 37%.

A team led by Harvard University researchers has now reviewed studies that included 26 trials and 1,059 subjects on walnuts.

The subjects included healthy volunteers, as well as people with high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Some of the participants were overweight or obese, while others were at their ideal weight.

In all the studies, the subjects were on a wide variety of diets, including Mediterranean, low-fat, conventional American, or traditional Japanese diet.

Across the various studies, walnuts represented between five to 24% of the subject’s daily calorie intake.

Compared to all these other diets, people on walnut-enriched diets experienced:

1. A 3.25% reduction in total cholesterol,
2. A 3.73% reduction in LDL cholesterol (normally called bad cholesterol), and
3. A 5.52% reduction in Triglyceride (blood fat) concentrations.

Even better, when compared solely against the typical American/European diet, the participants on the walnut-enriched diets lost around 6% of their total cholesterol and about 5.5% of LDL cholesterol.

Despite walnuts being found to be high in fats and calories, the study found that eating them did not lead to weight gain.

What’s more, a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2006 found that those who ate walnuts at least four times per week had a 37% lower risk of developing clogged arteries, and therefore reduced their chances of a stroke and heart attack.

Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke - Can Your Birth Month Cause Death and Heart Attack? (Surprising study)

This is no mumbo jumbo study.

It’s based off reliable research from Columbia University Medical Center and published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, and it covers data taken from over 1.7 million people.

The bottom line is that your birth month is a huge indicator on whether you’ll suffer from a heart attack or not.

It’s been long known that birth months play a vital role is several diseases. Asthma is one of the most researched and most easily explained. In the summer months, there are more dust mites, a major cause of asthma.

But for heart health, how does your birth month affect your heart later in life?

Those born in late winter or early spring were at the highest risk of heart diseases, normally peaking in March. This can partly be explained by lack of sunshine during these months, which may lead to a lack of vitamin D (a core vitamin for heart health).

People born in the first half of the year had a tendency to die earlier than those born in the second half of the year, with May having the shortest life expectancy and October shows the longest lifespan.

Now this does not mean that you’re doomed if you’re born in a specific month or have a homerun just because you were born in October.

Only a small percentage of people (researchers estimate one in forty) are significantly affected by this as lifestyle choices later in life have a much greater influence. There is nothing you can’t do something about.

For more ideas to prevent heart attack and stroke, watch this video, Cholesterol and Heart Disease: Should You Worry About High LDL Levels? - Thomas DeLauer

If you’re concerned about your heart, your number one goal should be to lower your blood pressure. The most effective way to do this is through this set of three easy exercises, guaranteed to bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today

If you want to prevent heart and stroke and high cholesterol is your concern, the way to normalize it and clear out clogged heart arteries is by cutting out one hidden ingredient…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke.

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Thursday, August 15, 2019

What is the Best Way to Avoid Heart Attack?

What You Need to Avoid Heart Attack? Binging On This Reduces Heart Attack Risk by 30%. It is often the case that when seeking optimal health, we are told that we need to cut down on the food we love. But a new study from New Zealand that was published in Lancet found one ingredient that you can’t have too much of when eating for optimal health.

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What You Need to Avoid Heart Attack?

Binging On This Reduces Heart Attack Risk by 30%

It is often the case that when seeking optimal health, we are told that we need to cut down on the food we love.

But a new study from New Zealand that was published in Lancet found one ingredient that you can’t have too much of when eating for optimal health.

In fact, those who ate most of it were up to 30% less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases and 24% less likely to suffer heart diseases, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

Best of all, this ingredient is dirt cheap and available in every supermarket.

Scientists consulted previously published studies and selected 243 with the strongest scientific standards.

From these, they found that people who ate the most fiber were 15 to 30 percent less likely to die prematurely of any cause, of cardiovascular disease, and of stroke as compared to those who ate the least fiber.

Compared with the lowest fiber consumers, the highest consumers were also 16 to 24 percent less likely to suffer from coronary heart diseases, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

They were also found to have lower body weight, blood pressures, and cholesterol than those who mostly avoided fiber.

The authors stipulated that anything below 25 grams per day was too little, and that between 25 and 29 grams was ideal.

But they did not find any level of consumption where the health benefits stopped accumulating, which meant that you would be doing no wrong if you ate more than 30 grams per day.

To Avoid Heart Attack, DO This ONE Thing

When it comes to heart health, we often hear more don’ts than do’s. Don’t eat fats, don’t eat sugar, don’t eat cholesterol, don’t, don’t, don’t.
So, it is somewhat nice when we have a DO, right?

There is the one thing that we need and should DO to save us from heart attacks.

Yet, the World Health Organization recently revealed in a new study published in the Lancet Global Health journal that one-third of the western world never do this.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that each adult get either five hours of moderate exercise weekly, like brisk walking or 2.5 hours of strenuous exercise, like running, in order to stay healthy.

So, do we do that?

The scientists reviewed 358 surveys from 168 countries, with a total of 1.9 million people. The countries on which the surveys were based contained 96% of the world’s population.

These are the trends they discovered:

1. 27.5% of the world’s adults do not exercise at all.
2. Women were less active than men, with 32% of women and 23% of men being completely inactive. This inequality was the highest in central and South Asia and in the Middle East and North Africa.
3. People in higher average income countries were less likely to exercise than people in lower average income countries. 37% of people in high-income countries, 26% of those in middle-income countries, and 16% of those in low-income countries are physically inactive, partly because people in higher income countries do sedentary work while people in lower-income countries are more likely to do manual physical work.
4. Regionally speaking, the highest level of inactivity was found in Latin America and the Caribbean (39%), high-income Western countries (37%), and high-income Asian countries (36%).
5. Within each country, the activity levels varied according to the characteristics of specific areas, and this included the availability of community sports programs, the availability of gyms and other exercise programs, the presence of nature walks close to the cities, and the structure of the road networks.
6. Economic development and urbanization, as clearly seen in China and Brazil, directly led to lower physical activity and poorer health.
Yet, exercising to save your heart doesn’t have to be so difficult.

How to Avoid Heart Attack in a Fun Way?

Making Heart Health Fun

One of the biggest problems with healthcare is the need to motivate people to stick to their health programs.

Watch this Video to get more ideas to avoid heart attack - 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk by 80%

We know that exercising is good for us and for most parts, also what to eat and what not. But when it comes to self-control, most of us cave.
But how can we make it fun to improve our health?

Texas scientists decided to check how using games for grown-ups could force you to exercise, improve your health and have fun while doing it.
They published their findings in the Games for Health Journal.

They consulted eight previous studies between 2008 and 2017.

The studies differed in many ways, such as the number of participants (11 to 144), the social support or supervision offered (trained support and supervision or none), the location of the games (subject’s homes, clinics, or other research sites), and the structure of the games.

In two studies, players played Nintendo Wii Sports games like tennis, bowling, baseball, golf, and boxing in their homes; the hope being that they will then start playing those sports in real life after getting a taste of them in the game.

Another study made them play Nintendo Wii boxing and canoeing games and added a real-life exercise session twice a week.

A further study used Nintendo Wii gym games, such as rhythm boxing, obstacle course runs, free runs, hula-hoop, and stepping games. This study combined the games with real supervised exercise session in a physical therapy clinic.

In addition to these, other studies involved interactive games with avatar doctors in virtual medical clinics, goal-setting tablet apps, a casino slot game with health content, and a game in which they received advice and were then monitored remotely through a sensor to note their compliance.

These studies showed that 70% of participants stuck with their programs right to the end, which was a much higher rate than those seen in traditional cardiac rehabilitation programs.

The studies that examined physical exercise found that there was an improvement in the amount of physical exercise their subjects engaged in and the amount of energy used, a finding that could be beneficial for heart disease prevention and management.

But the most important thing for your heart health is to clear out the cholesterol plaque from your heart. And to do that, you need to cut out this mysterious ingredient that you didn’t even know you were consuming…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How Best to Avoid Heart Attack.

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