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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What is the Best Way to Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries?

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - Everyone loves their phone, and most of us couldn’t live without them. But new research paints a grim health picture if you use them the wrong way. Especially for our heart.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - How Your Phone Causes Heart Attack

Everyone loves their phone, and most of us couldn’t live without them.
But new research paints a grim health picture if you use them the wrong way. Especially for our heart.

It’s time to look at the dos and don’ts of smartphone usage—before it’s too late.

The study, presented at the American College of Cardiology 2019 Latin America Conference was led by researchers at the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla, Colombia.

They analyzed the smartphone habits and health of 1,060 health sciences faculty students at the university. The 700 males in the study averaged 20 years of age, and the 360 females averaged 19 years of age.

For the girls, there was a 63.9 percent that they were overweight and a 57.4 percent chance that they were obese. For the boys, that likelihood was 36.1 percent for being overweight and 42.6 percent for obesity.

26 percent of the subjects that were overweight and 4.6 percent who were obese used their smartphones for more than five hours per day, and here’s the headline figure: their risk for being obese increased by 43 percent!

The connection here seems to be that students who spent more time on their devices were around twice as likely as their peers were to eat fast food, drink sugary sodas, and not do enough exercise.

This seems really surprising when you remember that the subjects were health sciences students, people who should have been more aware than most about maintaining good health.

And worst of all, being overweight has some dire consequences such as cholesterol plaque buildup in the arteries and high blood pressure.

So regardless of your phone habits, if you’re concerned about your cardiovascular health:

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - Best Exercise for Heart Health Revealed (new study)

Being obese is the biggest risk factor for heart disease, partly because obese people have more fat hugging their hearts. But even slim people can have fat around their heart.

Exercise helps in the war on fat, but what kind of exercise is best for reducing heart fat?

JAMA Cardiology has just published a study that answers this question.
The fat around your heart can appear in one of two places. Epicardial fat appears in the tissue closest to your heart, while pericardial fat shows up in the cavity around your heart.

Both types are bad for you, but more time has been spent studying epicardial fat, so we know it’s a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, high fasting glucose, and abdominal fat deposits, all of which are extremely unhealthy.

Pericardial fat is less well studied, but we know that it definitely contributes to atherosclerosis (which is when your arteries narrow, restricting and even cutting off blood flow).

The authors of the new study decided to find out whether endurance or resistance exercise was as good at reducing these harmful types of fat, as they were at reducing abdominal fat.

They split their 50 participants into three groups: a group that performed high-intensity interval endurance training three times a week for 45 minutes each, a group that performed resistance training three times a week for 45 minutes each, and a group that performed no exercise at all.

The endurance training consisted of exercise on a stationary bicycle, while the resistance group had to do weight training with medium-heavy weights.

Before the study, all the participants were inactive with a high body-mass index score and abdominal fat.

The scientists measured their cardiac fat via MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) during and after the study.

The endurance and resistance exercise groups reduced their epicardial fat by eight and nine grams respectively by the end of the study. The no-exercise group saw no changes.

The resistance exercise group reduced their pericardial fat by 34 grams, while the other two groups saw no change.

That’s an impressive result. It means that you should be doing some sort of exercise on a regular basis at the very least, but you shouldn’t just limit yourself to the usual ones like running and cycling.

Endurance work will improve your cardiorespiratory fitness, but it won’t make you stronger.

In comparison, resistance training will improve both, and now you know that it will reduce your dangerous heart fat too. We’d call that a pretty good return on your effort!

The best approach is to give both these types of exercise some room in your training routine to keep you fit and to keep your heart healthy.

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - The Tasty Treat that Cuts Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Bad food tastes good. That’s part of the reason why it can be so difficult to beat conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It’s unfortunate that your cardiovascular health is not best friends with many of the sweet things in this world.

But if you do have a sweet tooth then we have some good news for you, because there is one fabulous feelgood food that tastes great and can still help your health.

It can help make your heart healthier, reduce your blood pressure, cut your bad cholesterol, ramp up your brain activity and even pep up your love life.

Well, it shouldn’t be too surprising that chocolate is healthy given that it starts life as cocoa beans, which are loaded with flavanol. Flavanol is an antioxidant, one of those Swiss army knives of health that stops blood clots, boosts blood flow to the heart and brain, reduces high blood pressure, and lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.

But it’s not the only antioxidant that cocoa beans are choc full of. There are even more of these helpful substances which are so beneficial to vascular health, and which also take the fight to free radicals—the harmful molecules which contribute to oxidation in the body.

Increased oxidation opens the way for LDL cholesterol—the bad sort—to start forming plaque on the arterial walls. As a result, they become narrower and more rigid, which is a perfect recipe for heart attack and stroke.

There are many things in the environment that can cause damage to the body, like pollution, cigarette smoke, and even too much sunlight, and antioxidants help to mop up the effects of all of them, before they can do their damage.

But it isn’t just the free radicals that help put chocolate on a par with health foods. There’s also the fat content. The majority of fat in chocolate comes from cocoa butter, which contains oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids (and you’ll find Oleic acid in olive oil too). It’s monounsaturated, which means it is heart-healthy and a proven blood pressure reducer.

The palmitic and stearic fatty acids are saturated fats, but still, research has found that they don’t hurt your cholesterol levels, which is odd but welcome news!

It’s now well established that chocolate can lower stress levels and improve a person’s sense of well-being and happiness. This is probably down to the fact that it’s great at boosting the production of endorphins, the brain’s natural happiness chemicals. And you also get serotonin in the mix, the body’s own antidepressant, too.

It’s worth mentioning that the brain releases these happiness chemicals when we’re in love, so when people say that they love chocolate, they really do mean it.

The only fly in the ointment with chocolate is the high sugar content. That’s why we’d recommend dark chocolate over milk chocolate every time. Choose the dark stuff with at least 65% cocoa content. Current research leads us to believe that 3 ounces (85 grams) of chocolate a day will give you all of the health benefits without the sugar rush.

To get more ideas to clear out your 93% clogged arteries, watch these 2 videos below:

As good as chocolate is for you, it can’t handle the job of lowering your blood pressure all on its own. For that you’re going to need something else, and these 3 simple exercises are the answer to lowering your blood pressure down to 120/80 right away…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries Quickly and Easily .

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What is the Best Way to Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80?

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place. Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but if you suffer from high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes then one new piece of information needs to prompt you to take action soon.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - How High Blood Pressure Causes Cancer

It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place.

Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but if you suffer from high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes then one new piece of information needs to prompt you to take action soon.

Researchers studied data from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program and from Medicare. They looked at 36,079 patients aged 66 or over with colon cancer. 7,024 of them also suffered with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

The important finding here is that people with these conditions were more likely to die sooner than those without them. Five years after diagnosis, six percent fewer of them had survived compared to people without the conditions.

Also, eight percent more high blood pressure and diabetes sufferers had more episodes of colon cancer five years after diagnosis, than people without the conditions.

Race, gender, marital status, income, and education were all taken into account.
Everyone in the study was undergoing cancer treatments like chemotherapy, so it could be inferred that cancer treatment is more effective for people without diabetes and high blood pressure than for those with them.

Colon cancer is number three on the list of the most common cancers in the US, and number two on the list of causes of cancer-related deaths.
Around 100,000 new cases appear each year resulting in 50,000 deaths.

What the research shows is that the numbers would be a lot lower if blood pressure and blood glucose levels were brought under control.

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - Heal High Blood Pressure – Just with a Sound

It seems like the kind of claim a snake-oil salesman would make: “This sound can lower your blood pressure!” But according to an article in the International Journal of Cardiology, it’s perfectly true.

Not only that, it’s effective even for people who couldn’t quite bring themselves to ditch all their old bad diet and lifestyle habits or whose medications didn’t help their hypertension.

Researchers at Japan’s Tohoku University studied 212 people with type 2 diabetes and hypertension who weren’t responding to treatment. They were taking the drugs, but they hadn’t cleaned up their diets and started exercising (which is very common).

The team gave one group 20 minutes of 800 kHz (low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, another got 20 minutes of 500 kHz (very low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, and two received fake treatments.

Ultrasound is what bats and dolphins use to navigate, and we humans use it to take radar-style pictures of the insides of living bodies without causing harm like x-rays do.

The machine sends out high-frequency sound waves that can’t be heard; they bounce back and are interpreted by the hardware to show moving images of what’s going on.


The 500 and 800khz groups both experienced lower blood pressure and pulse rates, but the placebo group did not. And for some reason, the 500khz ultrasound was the most effective.

Forearm nerves— like all nerves—originate in the spinal column, and researchers think that the high-frequency sound works by suppressing the sympathetic nerve activity that triggers the fight or flight response.

This is what the body uses to prepare us to deal with danger—increasing blood pressure so that there’s enough oxygen getting to the muscles to run away or fight and increasing blood sugar so there’s enough energy for that imminent exertion. There’s more it does besides, as it gets us ready to run away or tangle with our attacker.

Stress is ever-present in the modern world, even though we don’t have to face hungry wild animals anymore. For example, stress at work and at home can affect our emotions in a negative way and sitting around too much stresses the body too.

The constant diet of bad news we see around us leaves us feeling powerless and is another cause of stress. These are almost worse than being stalked by sabertooth tiger, because they are constant sources of stress, and the fight or flight response wasn’t meant to be activate all of the time.

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - Why High Blood Pressure Isn’t Always Bad

There’s no doubt that high blood pressure is dangerous, but a study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine suggests that you don’t always need to panic at the first sign of a high reading. 

The Canadian team behind the study set out to look at how often high blood pressure patients were going to emergency rooms (ER) and how often they were being hospitalized. 

Their main interest was to see if the ER visitors were going on to be hospitalized for their high blood pressure and to learn how serious the outcome was. 

They did this by examining 206,147 ER visits across 180 locations in Canada from 200 to 2012, and they found that hospitalizations due to high blood pressure went down by 28%. 

Sounds like good news doesn’t it? Well, it would have been if there hadn’t also been a 64% increase in ER visits for high blood pressure at the same time. 

What it means is that while fewer people were hospitalized for hypertension every year, more people were rushing to ERs with it to get it checked.

The researchers were keen to learn what might have been causing this, so they looked at the long-term health outcomes, to see if they should have been treated in hospital but weren’t.

The key finding here is that virtually nobody died within the first 90 days after their ER visit, which shows that the reason for going was not as serious as they’d first thought. It looks like patients were panicking and going to the hospital when their personal doctor could probably have helped them just as well.

That said, the people who did end up staying in hospital showed definite signs that they’d suffered heart attack and stroke.

If you think either of those things are happening to you then don’t delay. Red flags include chest pain, intense headache, nausea, and shortness of breath.

It looks like people using home blood pressure monitors were reacting to high readings and rushing to the hospital, but one reading is not going to give the full picture.

It’s best to record readings at set times, three times a day, and use them to find an average. Once you have 7 days’ worth of data that’s enough to give you a better overview of what’s going on.

So, high blood pressure isn’t always an emergency, but it is serious, and needs your active attention.

For more ideas to lower high blood pressure down below 120/80, watch this video - Why You Now Have High Blood Pressure. The New Guidelines and 3 Tips to Lower it! /Healthy Hacks

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80

Monday, March 23, 2020

What are the Best Ways for Preventing Asthma Attacks?

Are Air Filters Good in Preventing Asthma Attacks? Asthma sufferers know better how hard it is to cope with the imminence of an asthma attack each and every day. They know better how many things they have to sacrifice in order to be at least a little bit safe, the pleasure they are deprived of in order to avoid an attack and the precaution measures they have to take each and every time they want to go out. Yet, their home should be the place in which all people should feel good and comfortable.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Asthma Naturally,Without Drugs & In a Few Days

Preventing Asthma Attacks - Daily Supplements Which Prevent or Even Treat Asthma

Asthmatics need proper treatment in order to cope with their ailment. They need their medication as well as an inhaler to help them make it through the day. However, their body also needs much more vitamins and minerals which shall strengthen it and give it energy to stay active all day long. This is why, taking supplements is advisable if you suffer from asthma.

Not all the supplements are suitable for asthma patients and not all of them have any effect in treating or alleviating this condition. The proper supplements must necessary contain antioxidants, such as Vitamin E and selenium. Vitamin C, which is a very effective antihistaminic, must also be included in the daily recipe of supplements. These vitamins will decrease the occurrence of the asthma attacks and alleviate their symptoms when they do occur.

Fish oil, if taken daily is great as anti-inflammatory, so include 2 or 4 mg of fish oil into your diet, too. Also, magnesium, glutamine and pantothenic acid are also substances which should be supplemented if you suffer from asthma. They will not only protect your body from the outer factors, but they will also prevent the occurrence of asthma attack.

A complex of vitamins and minerals is also necessary to support the body. This complex should include folic acid, the Vitamin B complex and zinc. These substances are more likely to miss from an asthmatic's body or their quantity is relatively low, so they will need to be supplemented in order for the body to function properly.

In order to find out which is the perfect recipe for your body and which of these supplements you will have to take, it is advisable that you first take some blood tests and see what your body lacks the most.

According to the results given by those tests, a doctor will be able to prescribe you the necessary amount of substances that you will have to take each day so that your body can work normally day after day. Do not let asthma rule your life when you can take some daily supplements and feel great all day long.

To get more ideas for preventing asthma attacks, watch this video - Asthma Treatment: Try these Vitamins for natural relief from asthma

Are Air Filters Good in Preventing Asthma Attacks?

Asthma sufferers know better how hard it is to cope with the imminence of an asthma attack each and every day. They know better how many things they have to sacrifice in order to be at least a little bit safe, the pleasure they are deprived of in order to avoid an attack and the precaution measures they have to take each and every time they want to go out. Yet, their home should be the place in which all people should feel good and comfortable.

In order to make the house a proper environment for an asthmatic, it is absolutely necessary that you offer them a clear air to breathe, safe from any kind of allergens (such as dirt, pollen, mould or animal hair).

You can do that by cleaning the house regularly, throwing away the wall to wall carpets, washing the fabric items every week and cleaning all the other surfaces as often as possible with cleaning projects which are specifically designed for sensitive people.

Even though the above-mentioned methods are quite effective in keeping allergens away, there are still particles of dust, mould or animal hair which can be left unnoticed or which remain in the air. These allergens can easily trigger an adverse reaction from an asthmatic. Thus, filtering the air periodically will be one of the necessary steps which have to be taken in order to make the house a safe environment for an asthmatic.

There are two ways in which you can keep the air from a room clean. The first one is to buy an air cleaner. Depending on how large the air cleaner is, it will filter the air from a room or from the entire house. Also, the filters can be replaced or cleaned when they get dirty, so that the breathable air is as clean as possible.

The other method through which you can obtain a clean air inside the house is to install an air filter inside the air conditioning or inside the source of heating. Choose a permanent electrostatic filter for a better filtration and run the air conditioning even when is not very hot outside or even use it for warming the room. This way it will be able to filter more air and reserve all the allergens inside the filters.

So, if you have an asthmatic living in your house or you are suffering from asthma, make sure that the air you breathe inside the house is fresh, clean and safe all the time, by filtering it continuously.

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website – Treating and Preventing Asthma Attacks

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Child Asthma Treatment – What Do I Do If My Child Is Having Asthma Attack?

Child Asthma Treatment – How Do I Know If My Child Has Asthma? Shortness of breathing, tiredness, lack of energy, as well as periods of weakness can also be part of the asthma symptomatology. Yet, before actually jumping to the conclusion that your child has asthma, make sure that you also take them to a doctor, which can confirm or infirm the diagnosis. But it is absolutely necessary that you visit a doctor when your child has one (sometimes even cough alone can be a sign of asthma) or more of these symptoms.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Asthma Naturally, Without Drugs & In a Few Days

Child Asthma Treatment - Which Are the Signs Telling You That Your Child Has Asthma

Sometimes, understanding what troubles your children can be quite a difficult task. This is mainly because children find it hard to explain the sensations they get when doing one or another thing and most of the times do not find the words to explain what exactly do they feel. Thus, discovering which the cause of your children's "pains" is, may not be a very pleasant or rewarding exercise.

Yet, when your child is not feeling good, you will have to observe them and ask them basic questions about the sensations they get when doing particular things, like running, playing or sleeping.

Asthma is one of the most common diseases which affects children. This is why it is highly important to know which its symptoms are. This will give you a clear idea about what you have to do next, plus it will function as a basis on which you can set your further observations.

The first thing you will have to know about asthma is that it affects your children's capacity of breathing. Thus, if your little one coughs frequently, has a rapid breathing or a whistling sound can be heard when breathing normally, then you should take your child to a doctor, who can confirm if what your child has is asthma. Most of the children usually have these symptoms when playing, sleeping or when laughing or crying, so you should pay attention to the way they act in each and every situation.

Also, asthma is associated with pains in the chest and tightened neck and chest muscles, so you should inquire your child if they feel some kind of pain or tightness when breathing or playing. These symptoms may vary from child to child, so that it is not necessary for all children to experience these pains in order to be asthmatics.

Child Asthma Treatment – How Do I Know If My Child Has Asthma?

Shortness of breathing, tiredness, lack of energy, as well as periods of weakness can also be part of the asthma symptomatology. Yet, before actually jumping to the conclusion that your child has asthma, make sure that you also take them to a doctor, which can confirm or infirm the diagnosis. But it is absolutely necessary that you visit a doctor when your child has one (sometimes even cough alone can be a sign of asthma) or more of these symptoms.

Child Asthma Treatment – How to Treat Children Suffering of Asthma

Asthma is a condition with which gets hard to live even for an adult. The younger the person suffering of asthma is, the more problematic will be to live with this ailment. Thus, children find it extremely hard to cope with this situation, especially because they do not fully understand their condition and are not able to control their emotions. This is why, asthmatic children need to be given special attention, both when they are at home or with their parents and when they are at school.

In order to prepare your child to cope with asthma as good as possible, it is necessary to explain them, as much as they can understand, what is asthma, what it will happen to them during and asthma attack and what are they supposed to do in severe cases or in the situations when their parents are no around. This will enable the child to regain some of their confidence and to start regarding asthma as something they will have to face without being afraid of it.

Once your child knows exactly what they have to do when they are left alone, it is absolutely necessary to start cleaning the toys, throw those that cannot be cleaned in hot water, clean the entire house and eliminate all the dust mites and bacteria which may be stored inside the house. It may take a little time to get used with all these routines, but always keep in mind that the less your child will come in contact with allergens, bacteria and dust mites, the rarer the asthma attacks will be.

In addition to cleaning your house it is also important to see where your child learns and if the classrooms are clean enough to offer your child a proper breathing. Ask the teachers to show you the classroom and if you spot any dust mites or other similar allergens which may threaten your child's health, ask for permission to clean the room yourself.

Also, let the teachers, nurses and even school bus drive know that your child has asthma and share with them their asthma action plan. Thus, you will be sure that they know exactly how to act in case your child has an asthma attack while they are away from home.

Children asthmatic children can have a relatively normal life if minimal hygiene measures are taken and if the people around them are informed about the way in which these children should be treated.

For more ideas on child asthma treatment, watch this video - Child Asthma | Diagnosis and Treatment

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website – Asthma Relief Forever

Thursday, March 19, 2020

What is the Best Way to Eliminate Psoriasis for Good?

Eliminate Psoriasis for Good - Most people think of psoriasis as annoying skin disease, nothing worse than that, and certainly not something that could be fatal. But a new study reveals psoriasis can lay the groundwork for something that might kill you.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Beat Psoriasis by Addressing Its Underlying Triggers

Eliminate Psoriasis for Good -Deadly Psoriasis Consequences Revealed (study)

Most people think of psoriasis as annoying skin disease, nothing worse than that, and certainly not something that could be fatal.
But a new study reveals psoriasis can lay the groundwork for something that might kill you.
In July 2019, British scientists presented an eye-opening study at the British Association of Dermatologist’s 99th Annual Meeting in Liverpool. It shows that people who suffer from psoriasis are more likely than the general population is to develop certain types of cancer.

The study is not yet available for us to analyze properly, but we expect to be able to do that soon when it appears in the American Journal of Managed Care.

The new study was a literature review. It looked at 50 previous studies on the relationship between psoriasis and cancer. Altogether, the surveyed studies had 919,883 subjects in nine different countries.

People with severe psoriasis had a 22 percent higher risk of developing all cancer types. When those with all different severities of psoriasis were included, the increased risk dropped to 18 percent.

People with severe psoriasis were 7.7 times more likely than the general population to have squamous cell carcinoma, which can occur almost anywhere in the body. They were also 3.4 times more likely to have lymphoma, and 3.17 times more likely to have basal cell carcinoma.
When subjects with all severities of psoriasis were included, they found a 2.8 times higher risk for oral cavity cancer, a 2.15 times higher risk of squamous cell carcinoma, and a twofold risk in esophageal cancer.
There were also smaller increased risks for liver, laryngeal, keratinocyte, pancreatic, colorectal, and colon cancers, plus lymphoma, regardless of how severe the psoriasis was.
So why is this happening? Well, it’s not well understood at this stage, but at least two obvious reasons are known.

Psoriasis causes chronic and systemic inflammation, which means that it’s everywhere in your body. Inflammation can cause small benign tumors to get bigger and become cancerous.
Those tiny tumors often die of starvation, but if your immune system feeds them with inflammatory cells then they thrive.

Once inside a tumor, they call more immune cells which causes more inflammation and, even worse, they call molecules called cytokines. These build new blood vessels to nourish the tumor, and so it balloons.

Secondly, many people with psoriasis take drugs to suppress their immune systems and turn down the inflammatory response. But if you suppress your immune system, it can’t do all its jobs properly, and one of those jobs is fighting tumours.

That’s why it’s so important to get the inflammation of this skin condition under control. You need to drop alcohol, smoking, and foods that can all contribute to the development of inflammation and cancer.

Eliminate Psoriasis for Good - The Body Composition Type Associated with Psoriasis

If you’re unlucky enough to have psoriasis, then you may know only too well what triggers it for you.
Maybe it’s alcohol, smoking, stress, skin damage, sunburn, or something else.
But a new study in the latest edition of the Journal of Dermatology suggests that there could be a new trigger to add to the list.

And it’s not one you’d think of.

Researchers have known for some time that people who are in the obese category (i.e. with a BMI of 30+) are more likely to develop psoriasis than people with a lower body weight. In fact, the red scaly patches that come with the condition often appear in the skin folds that are common with obese people.

The scientists decided to look at people who had received health screenings between 2009 and 2012 for clues, and on average, they were followed for 5.32 years.

That meant there were more than two million subjects in the group, and 399,461 of them were newly diagnosed with psoriasis during the follow-up period.

They found that compared with people who had a body mass index between 18 and 23, people with a body mass index over 30 were 11 percent more likely to develop psoriasis.

But waist circumference turned out to be even more important than body mass index.

Those who measured more than 41.3 inches around the belly had a 35 percent greater risk of getting psoriasis than those with more modest measurements between 29.5 and 31.5 inches.

The most interesting thing they found was that the risk was highest for men with a normal body mass index but a large waist circumference. Their risk increased by 75 percent.

This shows (and not for the first time) why body mass index is not a good indicator of either obesity or of health risk. It can’t measure where the fat sits on your body, so it misses abdominal fat, which is one of the unhealthiest types, and it doesn’t take account of extra muscle mass either.

Up to now, researchers haven’t been entirely sure whether obesity causes psoriasis, whether psoriasis causes obesity, or whether the relationship works in both directions.

In this study, the abdominal obesity probably caused most of the psoriasis, as the fat was there before the skin complaint appeared, but it’s also likely that each of them reinforces the other, too.
In the one “direction”, fat cells tend to turn on inflammation and compromise immune system function, which can then cause psoriasis.
And going the other way, psoriasis can contribute to obesity by putting people off taking exercise. Also, getting hot and sweaty can make clothing feel uncomfortable against the skin, so sufferers are less likely to exert themselves and may end up comfort eating too.
If you suffer from obesity and psoriasis, then this information is probably enough to get you down! But on the positive side, another study (in the journal JAMA Dermatology) found that following a Mediterranean diet can help. People who did so were much less likely to have the serious form of psoriasis.

The Mediterranean diet also helps you to maintain a healthy weight and it contains foods that fight inflammation.

For more ideas to eliminate psoriasis for good, watch this video - Diet in Psoriasis - What Foods To Eat and What Foods To Avoid?

Eliminate Psoriasis for Good - The Risk Factor Behind Psoriasis

Obesity is well known for being on the increase in the 21st century, but psoriasis not so much. It certainly is though.

Researchers are aware that they’re both rising, and this made them wonder whether there is some sort of link between them.

A new study published in the Journal PLOS Medicine by University of Bristol, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Norway’s K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology reveals that scientists have just answered this question in a unique and creative way.

The problem for scientists when they ask this kind of question is how to separate a pair of conditions from all the other ones that are related to them.

Think about it this way: obesity increases inflammation, which then increases your risk of psoriasis. Therefore, obesity may increase the likelihood of psoriasis, but not because obesity causes psoriasis directly.

It’s just that obesity causes inflammation and psoriasis is sometimes the result of that.

Or you can look at it from a different angle. Psoriasis is unsightly, uncomfortable and sometimes painful. This might put people off exercise, which in turn could lead to obesity. In this case, too, the obesity and psoriasis are not directly related, but there’s a kind of ‘stepping stone’ connection there, with one leading to the other. The lack of exercise causes the obesity, and the psoriasis causes the lack of exercise.

In cases like these, the only way to be sure of whether two conditions are causally related is by examining genes. This approach is called Mendelian randomization.

In other words, researchers check whether people with genes related to condition X are more likely to have genes related to condition Y.

Focusing on the genes cuts out the external factors, so things like physical exercise and inflammation don’t skew the results, because they were there all along, before any external factors entered the mix.

The researchers got hold of genetic information for 753,421 people from the U.K. Biobank and the Health Survey in Nord-Trøndelag.

They did find that people who were overweight or obese had an increased risk of psoriasis. It seems that the higher your body mass index score, the higher the likelihood that you will have psoriasis.

To be precise, for every single extra number on the body mass index scale, you have a nine percent higher risk of developing psoriasis.

This removes all doubt and clearly settles the question: there is a direct causal link between the two conditions.

It also tells us which one is the guilty party here: obesity is the one that causes psoriasis, rather than the other way around.

This doesn’t tell us anything about why this relationship exists or what mechanisms lie behind it, but it’s still good to know.

It’s worth mentioning that some studies show that the risk of psoriasis decreases with weight loss, so inflammation almost certainly plays some role in enforcing the relationship. This still doesn’t tell us why the genetic relationship is present before the inflammation occurs though.

Given the fact that psoriasis in Norway, for example, has increased by almost seven percent in the last 40 years alongside the well-documented increase in obesity, it is time that scientists improve their understanding of this relationship.

If you suffer psoriasis and want to eliminate psoriasis for good, fortunately here is an easy approach that permanently eliminates it in three weeks or less…

This post is from the Psoriasis Program created by Julissa Clay. She provides you with tips and techniques which she used while struggling with psoriasis. Julissa is a natural health researcher and has written many health program e-books and digital guides. She spent all her life to the service of all the people and helped them to recover from various health issues naturally. You can easily avoid the side effects of the medications by following her.

To find out more about this program, click on Eliminate Psoriasis for Good

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Which Are the Most Common Types of Asthma

Most people suffering of asthma have similar symptoms like coughing, wheezing, a feeling of pain or pressure in the chest and shortness of breath. Even though generally these symptoms are characteristic for almost all asthmatics, there are more types of asthma which can be encountered.

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Most people suffering of asthma have similar symptoms like coughing, wheezing, a feeling of pain or pressure in the chest and shortness of breath.

These symptoms become more acute when the imminence of an asthma attack is higher and other symptoms, such as difficulty in talking, pale lips, feelings of fear and panic are added to these.

Yet, even though generally these symptoms are characteristic for almost all asthmatics, there are more types of asthma which can be encountered.

Depending on the moment of the day when asthma is triggered or the factors which provoke it, there can be individuated about five types of asthma. One of the most common types of asthma is the allergic asthma.

In this case the allergies and asthma go hand in hand, causing asthma attacks whenever the individual comes in contact with the allergens to which they are sensitive to. In this case, to the common symptoms of asthma are also added those of allergy rhinitis, such as runny and swollen nose, continuous sneezing, weepy eyes and excessive mucus.

Another very frequent type of asthma is the exercise-induced asthma. This type of ailment is mainly triggered by physical exercises. If you have noticed that the asthma attacks are only happening when you run or do physical exercises, then you are probably suffering of exercise-induced asthma. In order to be able to breath normally when exercising you may need to get an inhaler and use it before actually starting your daily exercise routine.

The cough-variant asthma is triggered by extremely powerful coughing, which will simply not stop. There are many factors which can stay behind the extreme cough, such as rhinitis, sinusitis or heartburn. Thus, if you cough a lot and feel like you are choking during the periods with excessive cough, make sure you visit a doctor.

The occupational asthma and the night time asthma are the last two types of asthma. They occur only in particular times of the day (the working hours in case of the occupational asthma and the night time during the night time asthma). If your asthma attacks are getting more acute in these periods, then you are suffering of one of these two types of ailments.

No matter which type of asthma you (think) you have, it is highly important to go to the doctor for an accurate diagnostic, which will enable you to start the right treatment for your type of asthma. 

Watch this video - Types of Asthma

Learning How to Live with Asthma

For many people asthma is a condition with which they will have to live with all their lives. They will have to get used to being caught by surprise by an asthma attack. Yet, learning how to live with asthma is not an easy thing to do and even for asthmatics who have long dealt with disease coping with it is difficult.

The first thing that you will have to do after you discover your asthma is to make sure you take your medicine whenever you have to. Not taking them may have serious consequences and sometimes results in even more serious symptoms and an aggravation of this condition, as the inflammation starts developing immunity to medicine, of these are not taken regularly.

Then, you will have to tell all those living and working besides you that you are an asthmatic and that you may need help in case of an attack. Suffering from this ailment is not a shame, so keeping it to yourself will not help you in any way.

Instead of trying to hide your state of health from the others, explain them what they should do in case of emergency and how should they react if you are not feeling well.

It is also highly important that you do not stop doing all your current activities. You will be encouraged to get out of the house and do physical movement.

Even though it may be a little more difficult at the beginning, especially for those suffering from exercise-induced asthmatics, things will get easier and more fun with time. Time will also make the medicine routine easier and will make you understand better your condition.

What is highly important is to never give it up. Asthma is an ailment which with you can live. There have not been reported any people who have died because of asthma, so you will not have to panic about this either.

Moreover, if you have a healthy nutrition, make regular exercises and take your medicine in due time, you condition may improve and you will be able to live your life as an active, normal person for a long period of time. 

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website – Asthma Relief Forever

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