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Showing posts with label management of asthma in children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label management of asthma in children. Show all posts

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Child Asthma Treatment – What Do I Do If My Child Is Having Asthma Attack?

Child Asthma Treatment – How Do I Know If My Child Has Asthma? Shortness of breathing, tiredness, lack of energy, as well as periods of weakness can also be part of the asthma symptomatology. Yet, before actually jumping to the conclusion that your child has asthma, make sure that you also take them to a doctor, which can confirm or infirm the diagnosis. But it is absolutely necessary that you visit a doctor when your child has one (sometimes even cough alone can be a sign of asthma) or more of these symptoms.

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Child Asthma Treatment - Which Are the Signs Telling You That Your Child Has Asthma

Sometimes, understanding what troubles your children can be quite a difficult task. This is mainly because children find it hard to explain the sensations they get when doing one or another thing and most of the times do not find the words to explain what exactly do they feel. Thus, discovering which the cause of your children's "pains" is, may not be a very pleasant or rewarding exercise.

Yet, when your child is not feeling good, you will have to observe them and ask them basic questions about the sensations they get when doing particular things, like running, playing or sleeping.

Asthma is one of the most common diseases which affects children. This is why it is highly important to know which its symptoms are. This will give you a clear idea about what you have to do next, plus it will function as a basis on which you can set your further observations.

The first thing you will have to know about asthma is that it affects your children's capacity of breathing. Thus, if your little one coughs frequently, has a rapid breathing or a whistling sound can be heard when breathing normally, then you should take your child to a doctor, who can confirm if what your child has is asthma. Most of the children usually have these symptoms when playing, sleeping or when laughing or crying, so you should pay attention to the way they act in each and every situation.

Also, asthma is associated with pains in the chest and tightened neck and chest muscles, so you should inquire your child if they feel some kind of pain or tightness when breathing or playing. These symptoms may vary from child to child, so that it is not necessary for all children to experience these pains in order to be asthmatics.

Child Asthma Treatment – How Do I Know If My Child Has Asthma?

Shortness of breathing, tiredness, lack of energy, as well as periods of weakness can also be part of the asthma symptomatology. Yet, before actually jumping to the conclusion that your child has asthma, make sure that you also take them to a doctor, which can confirm or infirm the diagnosis. But it is absolutely necessary that you visit a doctor when your child has one (sometimes even cough alone can be a sign of asthma) or more of these symptoms.

Child Asthma Treatment – How to Treat Children Suffering of Asthma

Asthma is a condition with which gets hard to live even for an adult. The younger the person suffering of asthma is, the more problematic will be to live with this ailment. Thus, children find it extremely hard to cope with this situation, especially because they do not fully understand their condition and are not able to control their emotions. This is why, asthmatic children need to be given special attention, both when they are at home or with their parents and when they are at school.

In order to prepare your child to cope with asthma as good as possible, it is necessary to explain them, as much as they can understand, what is asthma, what it will happen to them during and asthma attack and what are they supposed to do in severe cases or in the situations when their parents are no around. This will enable the child to regain some of their confidence and to start regarding asthma as something they will have to face without being afraid of it.

Once your child knows exactly what they have to do when they are left alone, it is absolutely necessary to start cleaning the toys, throw those that cannot be cleaned in hot water, clean the entire house and eliminate all the dust mites and bacteria which may be stored inside the house. It may take a little time to get used with all these routines, but always keep in mind that the less your child will come in contact with allergens, bacteria and dust mites, the rarer the asthma attacks will be.

In addition to cleaning your house it is also important to see where your child learns and if the classrooms are clean enough to offer your child a proper breathing. Ask the teachers to show you the classroom and if you spot any dust mites or other similar allergens which may threaten your child's health, ask for permission to clean the room yourself.

Also, let the teachers, nurses and even school bus drive know that your child has asthma and share with them their asthma action plan. Thus, you will be sure that they know exactly how to act in case your child has an asthma attack while they are away from home.

Children asthmatic children can have a relatively normal life if minimal hygiene measures are taken and if the people around them are informed about the way in which these children should be treated.

For more ideas on child asthma treatment, watch this video - Child Asthma | Diagnosis and Treatment

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website – Asthma Relief Forever

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