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Monday, January 6, 2020

What is the Best Way to Cure Your Vertigo Right Away?

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes

Cure Your Vertigo Right Away - Five reasons why you feel dizzy and lightheaded

Everyone feels a bit dizzy or lightheaded every once in a while, but it’s usually something that passes quickly.

Maybe it’s just that you didn’t eat enough, drink enough or it’s too hot, so a little food, drink, and a moment in the shade and you’re back to normal in no time.

But sometimes that lightheaded feeling points to underlying problems that are far more unsettling.

Forewarned is forearmed as they say, and it pays to understand these five more dangerous causes of lightheadedness and dizziness.

Your experience of lightheadedness and dizziness can be anything from mild to severe. When you’re lightheaded it feels as if you might faint, and when you’re dizzy the room seems to spin.

Common causes include:

1. Dehydration: dehydration can lower your blood pressure, raise your body temperature and increase your breathing rate. The net result of this is that the blood vessels in your brain dilate, and there’s not enough blood to fill them up.

You might get feel lightheaded after intense exercise, because more of your blood gets sent to the muscles you’ve just worked and less of it goes to your brain. A lie down and a drink of water should help to get you back to normal quickly.

2. Low blood pressure: there are a whole host of things that can cause low blood pressure, and you’ll need to know which one applies to you before you can get rid of your dizziness.

Resting in bed for too long, pregnancy, dehydration, alcohol, diuretics, blood pressure medication, antipsychotic drugs, low heart rate, an underactive thyroid, and low blood sugar (among others) are all potential causes, so it’s best to talk to your doctor to get to the root of the problem.

3. Prescription Drugs: The US Food and Drug Administration is responsible for approving drugs. As a general principle it will only accept drugs if their benefits outweigh their side effects (and if they actually work!)

Dizziness is one of the non-life-threatening side effects that they think most people can live with, so you’ll see it listed among the effects of many commonly sold drugs.

A 2013 study published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics, pointed to anti-convulsants, blood pressure medication, antihistamines, antibiotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anti-inflammatories as causes.

If you have to take any of these drugs then you’re probably going to experience dizziness, so be extra vigilant to avoid injury, or look for better alternatives.

4. Low blood sugar: your body turns glucose into glycogen, which is the fuel that your brain runs on. If that fuel gets too low then your brain lets you know about it, which is why you can suddenly feel super hungry and almost painfully desperate for food.

This lack of blood sugar can also be the reason behind mood swings, low energy, shaking, sweating, confusion and blurred vision. Anytime you feel like this, reach for some fruit, a bowl of oats, or some wholegrain bread to give your mind and body the glucose they crave.

5. Stroke: American Family Physician says that this one is easy for a doctor to diagnose when you are at the hospital, because it’s also accompanied by other neurological symptoms.

The American Stroke Association advises you to look for facial drooping on one side by checking that your smile is even, and to check for arm weakness by raising both. If either of them drifts downwards then it could be a sign of stroke. Slurred speech is a giveaway, and you can check this by speaking out loud either from memory or by reading some tricky sentences.

Cure Your Vertigo Right Away - A New Way to Diagnose Vertigo at Home

30 percent of people suffer from vertigo at some point in their lives but getting it diagnosed can be a real hassle.

The problem is that it’s such a specialized field, so when you arrive at the ER they might not have a practitioner and the diagnostic instruments available to help you.

But they really should, because stroke is one of the potential causes of vertigo, and if stroke is the underlying problem then a quick diagnosis can be crucial to minimizing its impact.

Well, help may finally be at hand, because researchers from the University of Sydney have just designed video goggles that can help with the diagnosis of vertigo. Details of their tests appear in a new article in the journal Neurology.

They recruited 113 people who had already had the cause of their vertigo diagnosed using traditional in-clinic diagnostic procedures. They were then taught how to use the goggles to record their eye movements during vertigo episodes.

The scientists hoped to use the recordings to diagnose the cause of vertigo.

43 of the volunteers suffered from Meniere’s disease, an inner ear disorder that causes dizziness, tinnitus, a feeling of fullness, pain, and sometimes hearing loss.

The goggles did help the researchers to diagnose this disease accurately, which is great news because this normally requires things like scans that can only be done in a clinical setting.

40 of the 43 subjects with Meniere’s disease showed specific eye movements that helped them make the right diagnosis in up to 95 percent of cases, and people without it could be correctly ruled out in 95 percent of cases.

67 of the subjects suffered from vestibular migraine, a condition that causes vertigo but doesn’t always include headaches. Their eye movements varied more than the people with Meniere’s disease, so it was harder to diagnose using the goggles. Still, some movements were clearly related to vestibular migraine, so diagnosis was possible.

Seven of the subjects suffered from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a condition where your head movements trigger your vertigo attacks.

Scientists identified one eye movement that told them with 100 percent accuracy which people had BPPV and with 77 percent accuracy which ones did not.

This is great news, because it could mean that even when neurologists and otolaryngologists aren’t available in an emergency room, video footage from the goggles could be sent to remote specialists so they can make a diagnosis.

Another great thing about these goggles is they’re portable. Vertigo sufferers don’t often have attacks in clinics. They’re more likely to have them when they’re just going about their day, so having the goggles means they can record their attacks when they do occur.

Cure Your Vertigo Right Away - Effective Home Remedies for Vertigo

The most common cause of vertigo is a type called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (or BPPv).

That’s quite an intimidating sounding name, but a new study in the journal Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management says that it’s actually quite easy to treat.

The authors found out how easy by looking back over the cases of 359 patients who had sought treatment at the dizziness clinic of Fujian Provincial Hospital in Fuzhou, China between 2011 and 2017.

You may not be aware of this, but your inner ear has semi-circular canals in it. Unfortunately, their shape means that calcium crystals can accidentally fall into them, and when they touch the nerve hairs that line them the balance information they send to your brain gets scrambled, causing the vertigo sensations.

It usually comes on when you move your head, especially when you roll over in bed during the night.

The usual treatment for this condition is also head movements, but ones designed to guide the crystals out of the semicircular canals.

The Chinese scientists used two movements, one called the Epley maneuver and another called the (wonderfully named!) barbecue roll to dislodge these crystals.

It sounds like one of those tricky plastic toys where you guide a tiny ball through a maze by tilting it, but in this case with a human! Still, tricky or not, both methods worked well.

There’s a canal at the back of the inner ear where crystals most often get stuck. Doctors call it the posterior semicircular canal. 95.8 percent of these cases were completely cleared up a month after the treatment.

The horizontal semicircular canal is the second most common crystal trap. One month after treatment 100 percent of these cases were fixed.
It was more difficult to treat cases where the crystals were trapped in more than one canal. In fact, these cases were the hardest to treat of all.

The head had to be moved in different directions to dislodge them from each canal, but hard though this was, an impressive 75 percent of cases were resolved a month after treatment.

So, the good news is that the Epley maneuver and the barbecue roll are both really great at clearing up the most common type of vertigo and the even better news is that you can do them both at home.

Of course, you won’t know which ear canals the crystals are trapped in, so you can’t know which movements will work for you. This means that your success rate might be lower than you’d get in a clinical setting, but that shouldn’t put you off trying.

Here’s how to do the barbecue roll if the crystals are trapped in a canal in your right ear:

·         Lie on your right side for 30 seconds.
·         Roll onto your back and stay there for 30 seconds.
·         Roll onto your left side and stay there for 30 seconds.
·         Drop your chin slightly and roll over onto your stomach while propping yourself up on your elbows. Stay in that position for 30 seconds.
·         Roll back onto your right side and stay there for 30 seconds with your chin still down.
·         Sit up slowly and keep your chin down for 15 minutes.

It literally is that simple, but if it doesn’t work for you, then try starting on your left side and reversing the steps or try the Epley maneuver instead. A quick search online will turn up the instructions for that one.

The only downside to treatment is that these movements will trigger your vertigo and make it difficult for you to move correctly, so it might help to have a friend or a relative on hand to support you through the steps.

For more ideas to cure your vertigo right away, watch this video - Vertigo: causes,symptoms, and treatments

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is natural vertigo treatment program created for people who are looking for the most effective vertigo home remedies, that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently eliminate vertigo symptoms.

This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance. From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on Cure Your Vertigo Right Away at Home

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Sunday, January 5, 2020

What is the Best Way to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally?

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - The Thorn That Sticks it to High Blood Pressure. Thorns are usually associated with hurting rather than healing, but a near neighbour to the common Tea Rose looks set to have its hidden health properties gain wider attention. It’s a potent herbal remedy that you might have growing in your own garden, and it’s great at lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - Cheap Supplement Ditches 8 Points off Blood Pressure and Clears 5 Pounds of Fat

One of the reasons why Type-2 diabetes is so bad is because of the company it keeps.

High blood pressure goes hand-in-hand with it, so if your doctor discovers that you have Type-2 diabetes you can expect to get an ear-full about controlling your blood pressure too.

That’s always going to require a lifestyle change, but you’ll be pleased to know that there is a supplement which can help because it really punches above its weight in this regard as well.

Research by Loyola University in Chicago has shone light for the first time on the benefits of this super-cheap supplement for Type-2 diabetes sufferers.

In their study, it didn’t just lower participant’s blood pressure, it also helped them shed pounds of body fat, and they didn’t even have to reach for the running shoes.

The researchers selected people with low levels of vitamin D and studied their response to supplements over the course of 6 months.

The results were very welcome. They experienced better moods and relief from depressive symptoms, along with systolic blood pressure that was nearly 8 points better on average.

The extra Vitamin D also helped them to shed about 3 to 5 pounds, despite no other changes to their diets or activity levels.

Supplement levels were high, 7,000 IUs every day for six months.

Doctors say that taking large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins like this can be hard work for the liver, but there’s a growing chorus of vitamin D apologists who say that the current recommendations by the USRDA for vitamin D are too low (600-800 IUs a day right now).

They also point out that in direct sunlight during summer your body can produce up to 25,000 IU of vitamin D in slightly less time than it takes for your skin to start burning! That’s a lot of vitamin D that doesn’t seem to be harming the livers of people in sunny countries.

If you live in the West and you eat a typical Western diet, then there is a good chance that you will be deficient in many common nutrients, but before you start popping fistfuls of these sunshine pills, it’s probably best to have your vitamin D levels tested first.

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - The Thorn That Sticks it to High Blood Pressure

Thorns are usually associated with hurting rather than healing, but a near neighbour to the common Tea Rose looks set to have its hidden health properties gain wider attention.

It’s a potent herbal remedy that you might have growing in your own garden, and it’s great at lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

It’s almost embarrassing that science is only just catching up with what herbalists have known for such a long time: the hawthorn bush is like a hospital growing in your back yard. Its leaves, berries, and bark have been used to help a whole host of health conditions for generations.

Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center have recently taken notice and decided to explore these claims.

The hawthorn is a shrub that likes the sun, and it is found right across the world.

Just like the rose it has blooms, but it also has berries that show up after the blooms drop off at the start of June.

Research has shown that the berries are very potent antioxidants which is why they often find their way into health supplements.

It’s also been confirmed that the hawthorn contains vasodilators, substances which widen blood vessels. We know that high blood pressure hardens arteries and high cholesterol deposits plaque that narrows them, so vasodilators are great at improving blood flow for people with these problems.

Hawthorn extracts were also found to naturally clean up the dangerous LDL cholesterol that can stick to arterial walls, too, so all in all it packs a potent punch for health.

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - Your Phone Is Like a TV Remote for High Blood Pressure

When we say “Your phone is like a TV remote for high blood pressure
we don’t mean there’s an app for that.

And we don’t mean you can point your phone at people and make their blood pressure soar either, but we do mean it does do something nearly as bad to you.

Italian researchers at Guglielmo da Saliceto hospital in Piacenza already knew that cell phone ownership comes with a few potential health warnings, but their recent study confirmed something new.

In the study, they sat the subjects in a comfortable doctor’s office, so they were nice and relaxed and took blood pressure readings from them with an automatic device. In all, they tested 49 women whose average age was 53. All of them suffered from high blood pressure and were taking blood pressure lowering medications.

Each subject had their blood pressure measured a few times, and while this was happening, one of the researchers would anonymously call their phone a few times. Every call caused a spike in the subject’s systolic blood pressure, and it stayed elevated for a while after. Diastolic blood pressure was not affected.

Some people think that the radio frequencies generated by cell phones can cause this kind of thing, but the researchers believe it has got more to do with just the noise. When a phone goes off, we feel the urgent need to answer it. It interrupts our train of thought and demands our attention, almost like a crying child.

The researchers noticed that it was the older participants who showed the biggest spikes in blood pressure, and these were the ones who usually received fewer than 30 notifications day.

Maybe this is because younger people rely on their phones so much. So, they felt more relaxed about receiving notifications than the older people in the study.

There are a couple of takeaways from this study. The first one is to put your phone on silent when you go for a blood pressure test with your doctor, as it may skew the results. The second is to think about living without your phone from time to time, switching it off, particularly if it’s something that causes you anxiety.

We’ve come to rely on phones in the last few years, but we’re only just beginning to understand the health implications of that.

For more ideas to control your high blood pressure naturally, watch this video - How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally (7 Principles + 3 Myths)

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home in Minutes

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

What is the Best Way to Stop Acid Reflux Safely?

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - How Heartburn Causes Heart Attack (be warned). A new mega-study involving over 3 million people has uncovered a strong and convincing link between heart attack and people who suffer heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion. But it might not be linked in the way you think.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - Most Common Acid Reflux Treatment is Lethal

The most common treatment for acid reflux is a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs. The latest estimates suggest that 15 million Americans are taking one of these drugs on prescription, and that’s without counting users who get them over the counter, so the actual figure could be even higher.

This is disturbing because a new study in the journal BMJ now shows that this abundantly used drug type increases your risk of death from a whole range of serious chronic conditions.

American researchers looked at data collected by the American Department of Veterans Affairs between 2002 and 2004. They found that doctors had prescribed PPIs for 157,625 people and H2 blockers (another type of acid reflux drug) for 56,842 others.

They noticed an extra 45.2 (per 1000) more deaths in the PPI group compared to the H2 blocker group, which shows pretty clearly that PPIs pose a greater risk of death.

They further break that down into 17.47 circulatory system deaths, 12.94 cancer deaths, 4.2 infectious and parasitic disease deaths, 6.25 reproductive and urinary systems deaths, 15.48 cardiovascular disease deaths, and a small number from chronic kidney disease.

For some people it wasn’t clear from the medical documents why PPI had been prescribed, but for that group we know that an extra 22.91/1000 of them died from cardiovascular disease, 4.74 from chronic kidney disease, and 3.12 from stomach and esophageal cancers.

These statistics held true for people who had a history of these diseases as well as those that didn’t.

It seems that the longer people took PPIs, the higher their risk of death from cancer, and from diseases of the circulatory and reproductive and urinary systems too. And this was true even for those people who took very low doses, so they’re bad news no matter how little you take.

The most common PPIs are Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, Aciphex, Zegerid, Dexilant, and Protonix.

These drugs are used to suppress stomach acid production when too much washes up into your esophagus and throat. Unfortunately, it seems that they do a lot more besides, and researchers have pointed out these dangers several times before.

Scientists don’t know exactly why PPIs are so dangerous, but the new study proposes some possibilities:

PPIs alter our gut bacteria by killing some and allowing others to flourish.
They damage the endothelial cells that line our blood vessels and lymph nodes, and they cause those cells to die faster.

They increase oxidative stress.

They disrupt normal cell growth, which might lead to cells becoming cancerous.

They destroy the immune cells in the mucous of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Whatever the cause may be, it is clear that you are probably going to be safer if you don’t take these drugs at all.

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - Why You’re NOT Sick Despite Your Doctor’s Diagnosis

You are probably much healthier than your doctor thinks. And most certainly a lot healthier than your collection of prescription medicines suggests.

In fact, you are probably much healthier than you have been led yourself to believe.

Dr. Teppo Jarvinen, of the Department of Orthopedics and Trauma at the University of Helsinki, wrote an article in a recent British Medical Journal that argued that it has become the norm for doctors to prescribe medicine, not because you are sick, but because you might get sick.

In other words, drugs are prescribed not for existing conditions, but to prevent ones that have not yet happened. Prevention of something that may or may not happen has now become a disease in itself.

For this reason, where a British hospital chart used to have room for five medications, it now has room for 30, and the British medical system is responsible for 18 drug prescriptions per person per year. The rest of the Western world is probably in a similar situation.

Osteoporosis is a good example, with many women being prescribed drugs to prevent the loss of bone mineral density in their postmenopausal years when they are supposedly at increased risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis. But as a thorough literature review in the May 2015 edition of the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals:

– 85 percent of fractures in elderly women are not due to osteoporosis but to falls because of muscle weakness
– Bone mineral density does not predict fractures in the elderly
– Osteoporosis drugs do not prevent fractures anyway.

Given that the drugs are expensive and far from side effect-free, the massive overprescription of these drugs seems unjustified.

According to a 2008 article in the British Medical Journal, up to 70 percent of people with prescriptions for proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have neither stomach ulcers, nor a chronic inflammatory condition that justifies the PPI prescriptions. It is not supposed to be given to people to prevent occasional heartburn after fatty meals.

Health authorities in the U.S., Britain, Australia, and many other countries around the world recommend that statins (cholesterol drugs) be prescribed for healthy people to prevent cardiovascular disease, even if they have only a 10 percent chance of developing it (7.5 percent in the U.S).

Meanwhile, after conducting a thorough literature review, medical specialists argued in a 2013 edition of the British Medical Journal that healthy people with a smaller than 20 percent risk of cardiovascular disease do not benefit from statins and that these drugs do not change the age at which they die or even the severity of the cardiovascular complaints from which they suffer later.

All these are cases where drugs are prescribed to prevent, rather than to cure. Even worse, in some of these cases research shows that they do not have a preventative effect, anyway.

There are many reasons for thinking that overprescription is a bad idea.

Most importantly, if people are put on drugs, they may not be as motivated to change their lifestyles to prevent diseases. If you know you can take a proton pump inhibitor afterwards, you won’t even think of preventing heartburn by skipping the fatty meal. This holds even more strongly for regular exercise to increase muscle strength and decrease fracture-causing falls, and for healthy dieting to reduce cholesterol. Drugs replace behavior modification and healthy lifestyles.

Furthermore, virtually all drugs have side effects. They clash with each other. They overwork your liver and kidneys that must break them down and excrete them.

Finally, they drive up the revenue that governments and private health insurers spend on healthcare. This leads to higher taxation and higher insurance premiums.

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - How Heartburn Causes Heart Attack (be warned)

A new mega-study involving over 3 million people has uncovered a strong and convincing link between heart attack and people who suffer heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion.

But it might not be linked in the way you think.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects more than 20 million Americans. Likely, there are many millions more suffering, but the 20 million estimate is the number who are currently prescribed a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

What is alarming, and what the study found, is that people taking these drugs are at a 20% increased risk of suffering a heart attack as compared to those who don’t take the drugs.

PPIs are drugs better known as Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid, among others. The increased risk is caused by the drugs’ effect on the lining of blood vessel walls. This interferes with blood flow, leading to a dramatically increased risk of having a heart attack.

It doesn’t take dangerous medications to get rid of GERD, acid reflux / heartburn, indigestion and other similar diseases.

For more ideas to stop acid reflux safely, watch this video - How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to How to Stop Acid Reflux Safely

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Sunday, December 22, 2019

What is the Best Way to Boost Your Brain with Energy?

Boost Your Brain with Energy - This Strong Cheese Stops Alzheimer’s and Keeps You Young. It’s smelly and it’s strong, and you’ll either love it or hate it. If you love it, you’re in luck, because a new research that came out of Israel shows that this stinky cheese boosts your circadian clock, which could reverse age-related dementia and keep you young.

Click Here for Help with Alzheimer’s, Other Types of Dementia and General Memory Loss

Boost Your Brain with Energy - Common Heart Medication Causes Dementia

If you’ve got a serious heart condition, then the chances are good that you’ll be on the same heart medication as 18 million other Americans. (At least that was the figure in 2016 and it is even more by now.)

It’s the 41st most prescribed drug in America, despite the fact that it was first approved for use as a rodenticide in 1952. That’s right. A heart drug that started life as rat poison.

But that wasn’t even the worst of it. The Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Salt Lake City’s study turned up something even less pleasant.

It increases your risk of developing dementia-type disorders like Alzheimer’s, and the chances are higher if you’re under 70.

Warfarin has been used so much because it’s an effective anticoagulant, or blood thinner. This is why it was an effective rat poison. Too much of it thins the blood enough to kill you, but just enough is effective at stopping blood clots from forming.

The problem is that most people who take it are on the drug for life.

Researchers followed long-term users for up to 8 years to find out if there was any correlation with warfarin and dementia.

And that’s exactly what they found. It turns out that the longer you’re on Warfarin, the more likely you are to get dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

But they also found that there was another factor that increased the danger even more (even among long-term users): dosage. They discovered that if Warfarin dosages were too high, too low or just erratic, the risk to patients was greater than if they were on a steady and appropriate dose.

At this point you might be wondering why doctors don’t avoid trouble by just prescribing the right dosage, but unfortunately this is easier said than done.

The way that Warfarin works is by lowering the amount of active vitamin K1 in the bloodstream, but it’s not the only substance that does that.

There are lots of other drugs and types of foods that can raise or lower the amount of K1 flowing in your system, so getting the warfarin dose right is a bit like trying to hit a moving target, even for experienced doctors.

The best way to avoid ending up on warfarin in the first place is to make sure that your cardiovascular health is in top shape. To achieve this, you need to keep your cholesterol and blood pressure levels within safe limits.

And if you’re sometimes experience those “senior moments” and want to boost your brain with energy, do these simple movements to load your brain with the ONE nutrient it needs…

Boost Your Brain with Energy - This Strong Cheese Stops Alzheimer’s and Keeps You Young

It’s smelly and it’s strong, and you’ll either love it or hate it.

If you love it, you’re in luck, because a new research that came out of Israel shows that this stinky cheese boosts your circadian clock, which could reverse age-related dementia and keep you young.

If you hate it, however, there are fortunately some good alternatives.

Israeli researchers published an article in Cell Metabolism that demonstrated how bleu cheese could keep you young and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

This effect stems from an ingredient called spermidine, which is also present in corn, green peas, and soybeans.

This is how it works:

Polyamines are compounds found in all living cells. In the human body, they regulate the internal clock that determines when cells die, how fast they grow, and how fast they proliferate. Experts refer to this internal clock as your circadian rhythm.

To remain young and healthy, aging cells need to be replaced by new cells that grow and proliferate quickly, and for this to happen, your circadian rhythm needs to run fast.

The Israeli research team hypothesized that if polyamines were responsible for keeping your circadian rhythm going, they should be able to speed your circadian rhythm up by feeding you polyamines, and can also slow your circadian rhythm down by preventing your body from producing and using polyamines.

They put this to the test in mice. First, they treated young mice with a drug that inhibited their bodies production of polyamines. Consistent with their theory, the circadian clocks of these mice slowed down by approximately 11 minutes per day, as compared to the untreated mice.

To test the second half of their theory, they gave a group of adult mice polyamine, which was mixed into their drinking water. The edible form of polyamines, or in this case, the drinkable form, is called spermidine, the substance found in bleu cheese, green peas, soya beans, corn, and, yes, male sperm.

Also consistent with their predictions, the circadian clocks of these adult mice ran eight minutes faster as compared to the untreated mice.

As mice, human beings, and other living organisms age, their bodies produce fewer polyamines. As a result, their circadian clocks slow down, their cells die, and new cells grow and proliferate at such a slow rate that the dying cells are not replaced. This causes a wide range of age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and many more.

What these researchers have therefore proven is that a nutritional supplement can prevent the natural slowdown of the circadian clock and its accompanying age-related diseases by supplying your body with the crucial substance it needs but no longer produces when it ages.

The Israeli researchers were not sure whether this result could be replicated in human beings, something that scientists will want to do next. They did, however, warn that people should not rush out and stack their supermarket trolleys with only spermidine-laden foods.

Polyamines play numerous roles in your body, of which many are not yet understood. For example, rapid cell proliferation might be a good thing when you are trying to stay young, but it is also responsible for the growth of cancerous tumors. In fact, tumors are especially rich in polyamines. However, at this stage, scientists suspect that they exacerbate rather than cause the tumors.

Still, the Israeli scientists are probably right when warning you to avoid a diet that primarily contains spermidine. Just eat your regular bleu cheese. It may keep your circadian clock going and could possibly fend off Alzheimer’s disease.

Boost Your Brain with Energy - When Spouses Cause Dementia?

This article is not meant to cast blame. A loving spouse would never intentionally cause dementia in their partner.

But a new study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry revealed that some aspects within a person can lead to dementia in their partners.

And knowing about this possibility is the only way to deal with it. Something, which fortunately, can be very easy (at least in the early stages).

Previous studies had discovered that spouses share many emotional and intellectual activities across their lifespans, and other studies have concluded that they tend to share many behaviors and health conditions as they age.

This made a team of American scientists wonder how depressive symptoms of one aging spouse can affect their spouses.

Elderly people are at a slightly higher risk for depression than their younger counterparts, so the question is a good one.

They identified 1,028 married couples from the Cardiovascular Health Study, a study of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the elderly that ran over decades.

Next, they followed their subjects for seven years, a period in which they were visited three times.

During these visits, scientists collected information from them, including a Modified Mini-Mental State Exam to test cognitive function and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale to test depressive symptoms.

Concerning each individual person in the study, their cognitive decline tended to cause the development of depressive symptoms over time, but depression did not lead to cognitive decline.

In other words, for most individuals, depression did not lead to dementia.

When their partners were included, however, the picture changed.

One spouse’s increase in depressive symptoms could be predictive of the other spouse’s lower cognitive functioning over time, but one spouse’s cognitive decline did not predict the other spouse’s increase in depressive symptoms over time.

In other words, if your spouse becomes increasingly depressed as of the both of you age, you will not inherit their depression, but you may start suffering from dementia.

How this happens is still unclear. But we know that dementia is almost always caused by lack of blood flow up to and throughout the brain.

For more ideas to boost your brain with energy, watch this video - 9 Brain Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind

This post is from the Brain Booster Exercise Program created for the purpose of helping to reverse Alzheimer’s, boost memory. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to slow down, prevent, or even reverse memory loss and boost your brain with energy and power. These exercises work to deliver as much nutrition and oxygen to your starving brain as possible and begin the restoring of the damaged brain cells.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Boost Your Brain with Energy

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