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Sunday, January 5, 2020

What is the Best Way to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally?

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - The Thorn That Sticks it to High Blood Pressure. Thorns are usually associated with hurting rather than healing, but a near neighbour to the common Tea Rose looks set to have its hidden health properties gain wider attention. It’s a potent herbal remedy that you might have growing in your own garden, and it’s great at lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

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Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - Cheap Supplement Ditches 8 Points off Blood Pressure and Clears 5 Pounds of Fat

One of the reasons why Type-2 diabetes is so bad is because of the company it keeps.

High blood pressure goes hand-in-hand with it, so if your doctor discovers that you have Type-2 diabetes you can expect to get an ear-full about controlling your blood pressure too.

That’s always going to require a lifestyle change, but you’ll be pleased to know that there is a supplement which can help because it really punches above its weight in this regard as well.

Research by Loyola University in Chicago has shone light for the first time on the benefits of this super-cheap supplement for Type-2 diabetes sufferers.

In their study, it didn’t just lower participant’s blood pressure, it also helped them shed pounds of body fat, and they didn’t even have to reach for the running shoes.

The researchers selected people with low levels of vitamin D and studied their response to supplements over the course of 6 months.

The results were very welcome. They experienced better moods and relief from depressive symptoms, along with systolic blood pressure that was nearly 8 points better on average.

The extra Vitamin D also helped them to shed about 3 to 5 pounds, despite no other changes to their diets or activity levels.

Supplement levels were high, 7,000 IUs every day for six months.

Doctors say that taking large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins like this can be hard work for the liver, but there’s a growing chorus of vitamin D apologists who say that the current recommendations by the USRDA for vitamin D are too low (600-800 IUs a day right now).

They also point out that in direct sunlight during summer your body can produce up to 25,000 IU of vitamin D in slightly less time than it takes for your skin to start burning! That’s a lot of vitamin D that doesn’t seem to be harming the livers of people in sunny countries.

If you live in the West and you eat a typical Western diet, then there is a good chance that you will be deficient in many common nutrients, but before you start popping fistfuls of these sunshine pills, it’s probably best to have your vitamin D levels tested first.

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - The Thorn That Sticks it to High Blood Pressure

Thorns are usually associated with hurting rather than healing, but a near neighbour to the common Tea Rose looks set to have its hidden health properties gain wider attention.

It’s a potent herbal remedy that you might have growing in your own garden, and it’s great at lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

It’s almost embarrassing that science is only just catching up with what herbalists have known for such a long time: the hawthorn bush is like a hospital growing in your back yard. Its leaves, berries, and bark have been used to help a whole host of health conditions for generations.

Researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center have recently taken notice and decided to explore these claims.

The hawthorn is a shrub that likes the sun, and it is found right across the world.

Just like the rose it has blooms, but it also has berries that show up after the blooms drop off at the start of June.

Research has shown that the berries are very potent antioxidants which is why they often find their way into health supplements.

It’s also been confirmed that the hawthorn contains vasodilators, substances which widen blood vessels. We know that high blood pressure hardens arteries and high cholesterol deposits plaque that narrows them, so vasodilators are great at improving blood flow for people with these problems.

Hawthorn extracts were also found to naturally clean up the dangerous LDL cholesterol that can stick to arterial walls, too, so all in all it packs a potent punch for health.

Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally - Your Phone Is Like a TV Remote for High Blood Pressure

When we say “Your phone is like a TV remote for high blood pressure
we don’t mean there’s an app for that.

And we don’t mean you can point your phone at people and make their blood pressure soar either, but we do mean it does do something nearly as bad to you.

Italian researchers at Guglielmo da Saliceto hospital in Piacenza already knew that cell phone ownership comes with a few potential health warnings, but their recent study confirmed something new.

In the study, they sat the subjects in a comfortable doctor’s office, so they were nice and relaxed and took blood pressure readings from them with an automatic device. In all, they tested 49 women whose average age was 53. All of them suffered from high blood pressure and were taking blood pressure lowering medications.

Each subject had their blood pressure measured a few times, and while this was happening, one of the researchers would anonymously call their phone a few times. Every call caused a spike in the subject’s systolic blood pressure, and it stayed elevated for a while after. Diastolic blood pressure was not affected.

Some people think that the radio frequencies generated by cell phones can cause this kind of thing, but the researchers believe it has got more to do with just the noise. When a phone goes off, we feel the urgent need to answer it. It interrupts our train of thought and demands our attention, almost like a crying child.

The researchers noticed that it was the older participants who showed the biggest spikes in blood pressure, and these were the ones who usually received fewer than 30 notifications day.

Maybe this is because younger people rely on their phones so much. So, they felt more relaxed about receiving notifications than the older people in the study.

There are a couple of takeaways from this study. The first one is to put your phone on silent when you go for a blood pressure test with your doctor, as it may skew the results. The second is to think about living without your phone from time to time, switching it off, particularly if it’s something that causes you anxiety.

We’ve come to rely on phones in the last few years, but we’re only just beginning to understand the health implications of that.

For more ideas to control your high blood pressure naturally, watch this video - How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally (7 Principles + 3 Myths)

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home in Minutes

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