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Monday, March 30, 2020

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises – Is Erectile Dysfunction Curable?

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - Research from the University of Copenhagen published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has come as a shock to some. It originally set out to look at the effects of a very popular type of soda on the sperm health of 2,554 young Danish men.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - ED Caused By This Every Day Drink

Research from the University of Copenhagen published in the American Journal of Epidemiology has come as a shock to some.

It originally set out to look at the effects of a very popular type of soda on the sperm health of 2,554 young Danish men.

But it ended up revealing one of the most devastating cause of ED.

Researchers weren’t looking for ED, but they did choose to speculate about it. When they found that men who drank one liter of cola each day had a greatly reduced sperm count compared to non-drinkers, this led them to think that something else might be going on too.

They suggested that soft drinks might contain so much sugar that it could potentially damage the blood vessels responsible for an erection, causing erectile dysfunction.

British tabloids love to misunderstand science if it gets in the way of a good story, so they pointed to the study as proof that drinking cola caused erectile dysfunction. But the research didn’t even look at ED so they’re way off beam. It merely raised the question of whether there was a link between high sugar consumption and erectile dysfunction.

Since then, no one has chosen to take up the question in a research setting. But Polish scientists did look at previous research in 2011 and put together reasons why consuming sugary soft drinks could be a cause of erectile dysfunction.

So, even though it’s not conclusive, if you experience erectile dysfunction then avoiding these types of drinks might be a good idea for you. And even if there is no direct link, your body will thank you for not filling it with sugar anyway.

Stopping drinking sugary drinks won’t cure erectile dysfunction on its own, but our easy home erectile dysfunction exercises will, and you can find them here…

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - ED Cured with this Simple Activity

What if one simple activity could cure ED better than medications?

What if it was completely free, caused no side effects and was actually also quite fun?

And what if the results were permanent? You didn’t have to take a pill every time you wanted to be intimate.

The best thing is that you already know how to do it, so all you have to do is apply yourself a little and your little friend will regain his youth in a few days.

In October 2016, Portuguese researchers published a review of the existing scientific literature related to exercise and ED in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

They wanted to know whether exercise could improve the sexual function of men who complained of an inability to get or maintain an erection for long enough for satisfactory sexual activity.

They found seven studies published between January 1990 and July 2016 that matched their search criteria.

Altogether, they had 478 study participants.

Of these, the majority showed that exercise could improve ED by 3.85 points when measured on the International Index of Erectile Function.

Reuters quoted a doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota as saying that this is the same benefit men can expect from medication.

Even better, the effects of exercise are permanent, while the medication works only in the hours after you take it.

Men doing regular aerobic exercise with moderate-to-vigorous intensity showed the biggest improvement.

But some exercises are better than other and best of all for erectile dysfunction are the ones found here – specifically designed to cure erectile dysfunction permanently… 

Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises - Common Drink Causes ED in Men

There is a common drink that has often been blamed for ED. And according to a new study, rightfully so.

But you can actually consume quite a lot of this drink before it begins to affect your bedroom performance.

And I think the majority of men are going to be happy to learn just how much.

In a 2016 study on men, Japanese researchers found out exactly how much alcohol men can drink safely without compromising their sexual function.

They published their study in the journal Alcohol.

The study made use of 340 men between 19 and 70 years of age, all of them having undergone blood tests to exclude other medical conditions.

They tested men’s level of sexual function through a questionnaire called the Sexual Health Inventory. The lower your score, the worse your ED is.

Unsurprisingly, both the heavy drinkers and those who drank the most regularly received the lowest scores on this inventory, meaning that they suffered the worst ED.

But what counted as heavy drinking?

Those men who consumed 60 or more grams of daily alcohol were the most likely to suffer from ED; the more alcohol, the worse the ED.

A 12 oz (350 ml) beer, 5 oz (150 ml) of wine, and 1.5 oz (45 ml) of distilled spirits all contain 14 grams of pure alcohol. The Japanese study measured its permissible grams as pure alcohol.

So less than four drinks of the examples above shouldn’t hurt your erection too much.

However, when calculating weekly alcohol consumption, researchers found that the best results came from staying away from alcohol altogether.

Now regardless of alcohol consumption, erectile function can be completely cured using the simple, home technique found here. . .

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Easy Home Erectile Dysfunction Exercises

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cure Asthma – Can Asthma Be Cured Completely?

Cure Asthma - If for a normal person mites are just annoying, for asthma sufferers they are quite dangerous, as they are one of the most powerful allergens which trigger asthma attacks. Thus, if you are an asthmatic or have inside your house someone who is, it is absolutely necessary to get rid of all the dust mites as soon as possible and keep them away from your home for ever.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Asthma Naturally,Without Drugs & In a Few Days

Cure Asthma - Asthma Sufferers Should Breathe Through their Nose

It is well known that asthma sufferers encounter great problems when wanting to breathe normally. The amount of air they inhale and exhale is significantly lower than that inhaled and exhaled by a normal person.

Also, there is an increasing tendency of asthma sufferers to start breathing through their mouth. This practice is mainly due to the fact that during asthma attacks people usually use an inhaler and breathe through their mouths.

However, breathing through your mouth should be a routine which must be stopped immediately, first of all because only a small quantity of air that you breathe through your mouth reaches your lungs. Most of it goes directly in your stomach and it is not useful in any way to your organs.

Also, many asthmatic associate breathing through their mouth with an emergency situation (like the imminence of an asthma attack) and when they get used with breathing through their mouth regularly, the fear of an attack is increased and the brain is always in a state of alarm.

Thus, in order to breathe normally and lead a stress-free life, you will have to get used to breathing only through your nose. It may be a little more difficult at the beginning, but nothing is impossible when you really want it.

Start by auto-imposing yourself to keep your mouth closed and whenever you realize that you are using your mouth for breathing, close it and try to resume your normal activities and breathe through your nose.

If this does not provide satisfactory results, then buy a mouth tape and use it when you are at home and when you are sleeping to keep your mouth closed. This will prevent you from opening your mouth and will only leave you the alternative of breathing through your nose.

Once you will get used to using only your nose for breathing, you will notice that you will not be thinking so much about the imminence of an asthma attack, you will be more tranquil and relaxed, while the panic feelings will completely go away.

So, no matter how hard you will have to try in order to succeed, it is worth all work as once you have started breathing through your nose, your asthma will become less threatening to you. 

Cure Asthma - How to Completely Remove Dust Mites

Nobody wants to have mites in their homes just like nobody wants to have dust inside their houses. Yet, sometimes it just happens that the small mites get inside and you cannot make them leave.

If for a normal person mites are just annoying, for asthma sufferers they are quite dangerous, as they are one of the most powerful allergens which trigger asthma attacks. Thus, if you are an asthmatic or have inside your house someone who is, it is absolutely necessary to get rid of all the dust mites as soon as possible and keep them away from your home for ever. In order to achieve this task, you will have to follow some simple routines, which you will find listed below.

The first thing on the "must do" list in order to get rid of dust mites is to reduce the humidity from inside the house. You can do that by using a dehumidifier. Also, make sure that you keep all the rooms ventilated, so that you avoid the accumulation of excessive humidity.

After that, you should purchase a vacuum cleaner with extra filtration and start vacuuming all your furniture and carpets. The items which cannot be washed or which is recommended that you wash only once or twice a year are the once which retain most of the dust mites and their eggs, so make sure that you vacuum them at least once a week.

Then, wash the beddings, the curtains, the blankets and duvet covers at a high temperature. It is recommended that you do not wash them below 60 degrees Celsius, otherwise the dust mites and their eggs may survive the washing process and this is something that you do not want to happen.

If you have children, sterilize all their toys by washing them in hot water. If the toys are not washable, you can put them in the refrigerator and leave them there at least one night. Dust mites cannot make it in low temperatures.

The mattress can also be a good place for mites, so take it out at least once in a month and let it air. Do not avoid that in the cold days of winter. Moreover, it is highly recommended to take it out in the cool air, as dust mites and their eggs will die at low temperatures, as mentioned previously.

These measures will make your house a safer environment, both for you and for the asthma sufferers as they will keep the dust mites away for good. 

For more ideas to cure asthma, watch these 2 videos below:

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website –  Asthma Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Asthma Causes – How Can I Control Asthma Cough?

Asthma Causes - Asthma attacks can be triggered a lot of different factors. In order to be able to avoid such attacks as much as possible, it is necessary to know which the most frequent allergens which trigger these attacks are and which are the ways in which you can avoid getting in contact with such allergens if you suffer from asthma.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Asthma Naturally,Without Drugs & In a Few Days

Asthma Causes and Symptoms - How Can You Know You Have Asthma

Most of the times, a disease which is spotted right from the beginning of its evolutions has more chances of being treated much more rapidly and effectively than one which was discovered only when it got worse. This is why, it is highly important to visit a doctor whenever you feel that there is something wrong going on inside your body.

Also, it is very useful to know what the symptoms characteristic for certain illnesses or conditions are. If you have had persons in your family who suffered from asthma, then you should prepare to recognize any of this condition's symptoms, so that you discover its presence in the incipient form.

Also, because asthma is one of the most spread ailments from all over the world, even if your family does not have a history with this disease, knowing exactly what it is about can help you prevent it or discover it from its beginning.

Even though not all persons have the same asthma symptoms, the most common symptoms for this ailment are excessive coughing, which becomes more acute during the night, wheezing, pain in the chest or a kind of pressure inside the chest and difficulties in breathing.

These symptoms are usually more acute during the asthma attacks. After the attacks are over there may be periods in which the symptoms are no longer felt. Yet, even in these relatively calm periods you may experience trouble in breathing or uneven function of your lungs, so you will always have to keep your medicine at hand.

Feelings of tiredness, trouble in sleeping, feeling grouchy or moody, serious coughing especially at night and after doing physical exercises and symptoms which can be easily associated with allergies are also highly frequent in the manifestation of asthma. These symptoms usually appear in the first stages of the ailment, so if you have two or more of these symptoms, it is advisable that you go to a doctor.

Even though these symptoms may point out to an allergy or to another disease, it is always good to have some tests done and see if asthma is what you are suffering of or there is another ailment which is troubling your health.

Asthma Causes - The Main Factors That Trigger Asthma

Asthma attacks can be triggered a lot of different factors. In order to be able to avoid such attacks as much as possible, it is necessary to know which the most frequent allergens which trigger these attacks are and which are the ways in which you can avoid getting in contact with such allergens if you suffer from asthma.

The most dangerous allergen for asthmatics is dust. This is mainly because dust is everywhere and there are little things to be done in order to avoid it or at least diminish the quantities of dust present in the air.

The only places where dust can be controlled and its effects can be prevented are the house and the office. The places where one lives and works can become safe environments for the asthmatics if they are cleaned regularly and vacuumed at least twice a week or even more, while the furniture must be dusted every day.

Another allergens which can trigger asthma are dust mites. There are just as hard to get rid of as dust, yet with a proper filtration system and with constant cleaning of the objects from the house they can be kept away from the house for a long period of time.

Mould is also a very dangerous allergen. It usually appears when there is too much humidity inside the house. Thus, a dehumidifier and constant cleaning of the house can destroy it and maintain the environment safe even for an asthmatic.

During spring and summer, if you suffer from asthma, it is advisable that you stay as much as possible indoors, with the windows closed. This is mainly because the pollen is very dangerous for asthmatics, being the cause of many asthma attacks.

If it absolutely necessary to leave the house, then make sure that you do it at noon, and not in the morning or evening, when the concentration of pollen is high. Also wear a pollen or dust mask that will protect you against the harmful effects pollen can have on you.

It is highly recommended that if you have an asthmatic in the house, you should avoid keeping pets inside because the animal hair is an allergen which can trigger very severe asthma attacks.

If you are still going to keep a pet indoor, make sure that there is as little hair as possible inside. Vacuuming all the house, soft furniture and washing the bedding regularly can maintain a clean environment, thus diminishing the occurrence of asthma attacks.

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website –  Asthma Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What is the Best Way to Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries?

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - Everyone loves their phone, and most of us couldn’t live without them. But new research paints a grim health picture if you use them the wrong way. Especially for our heart.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - How Your Phone Causes Heart Attack

Everyone loves their phone, and most of us couldn’t live without them.
But new research paints a grim health picture if you use them the wrong way. Especially for our heart.

It’s time to look at the dos and don’ts of smartphone usage—before it’s too late.

The study, presented at the American College of Cardiology 2019 Latin America Conference was led by researchers at the Simón Bolívar University in Barranquilla, Colombia.

They analyzed the smartphone habits and health of 1,060 health sciences faculty students at the university. The 700 males in the study averaged 20 years of age, and the 360 females averaged 19 years of age.

For the girls, there was a 63.9 percent that they were overweight and a 57.4 percent chance that they were obese. For the boys, that likelihood was 36.1 percent for being overweight and 42.6 percent for obesity.

26 percent of the subjects that were overweight and 4.6 percent who were obese used their smartphones for more than five hours per day, and here’s the headline figure: their risk for being obese increased by 43 percent!

The connection here seems to be that students who spent more time on their devices were around twice as likely as their peers were to eat fast food, drink sugary sodas, and not do enough exercise.

This seems really surprising when you remember that the subjects were health sciences students, people who should have been more aware than most about maintaining good health.

And worst of all, being overweight has some dire consequences such as cholesterol plaque buildup in the arteries and high blood pressure.

So regardless of your phone habits, if you’re concerned about your cardiovascular health:

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - Best Exercise for Heart Health Revealed (new study)

Being obese is the biggest risk factor for heart disease, partly because obese people have more fat hugging their hearts. But even slim people can have fat around their heart.

Exercise helps in the war on fat, but what kind of exercise is best for reducing heart fat?

JAMA Cardiology has just published a study that answers this question.
The fat around your heart can appear in one of two places. Epicardial fat appears in the tissue closest to your heart, while pericardial fat shows up in the cavity around your heart.

Both types are bad for you, but more time has been spent studying epicardial fat, so we know it’s a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, insulin resistance, high fasting glucose, and abdominal fat deposits, all of which are extremely unhealthy.

Pericardial fat is less well studied, but we know that it definitely contributes to atherosclerosis (which is when your arteries narrow, restricting and even cutting off blood flow).

The authors of the new study decided to find out whether endurance or resistance exercise was as good at reducing these harmful types of fat, as they were at reducing abdominal fat.

They split their 50 participants into three groups: a group that performed high-intensity interval endurance training three times a week for 45 minutes each, a group that performed resistance training three times a week for 45 minutes each, and a group that performed no exercise at all.

The endurance training consisted of exercise on a stationary bicycle, while the resistance group had to do weight training with medium-heavy weights.

Before the study, all the participants were inactive with a high body-mass index score and abdominal fat.

The scientists measured their cardiac fat via MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) during and after the study.

The endurance and resistance exercise groups reduced their epicardial fat by eight and nine grams respectively by the end of the study. The no-exercise group saw no changes.

The resistance exercise group reduced their pericardial fat by 34 grams, while the other two groups saw no change.

That’s an impressive result. It means that you should be doing some sort of exercise on a regular basis at the very least, but you shouldn’t just limit yourself to the usual ones like running and cycling.

Endurance work will improve your cardiorespiratory fitness, but it won’t make you stronger.

In comparison, resistance training will improve both, and now you know that it will reduce your dangerous heart fat too. We’d call that a pretty good return on your effort!

The best approach is to give both these types of exercise some room in your training routine to keep you fit and to keep your heart healthy.

Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries - The Tasty Treat that Cuts Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

Bad food tastes good. That’s part of the reason why it can be so difficult to beat conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It’s unfortunate that your cardiovascular health is not best friends with many of the sweet things in this world.

But if you do have a sweet tooth then we have some good news for you, because there is one fabulous feelgood food that tastes great and can still help your health.

It can help make your heart healthier, reduce your blood pressure, cut your bad cholesterol, ramp up your brain activity and even pep up your love life.

Well, it shouldn’t be too surprising that chocolate is healthy given that it starts life as cocoa beans, which are loaded with flavanol. Flavanol is an antioxidant, one of those Swiss army knives of health that stops blood clots, boosts blood flow to the heart and brain, reduces high blood pressure, and lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.

But it’s not the only antioxidant that cocoa beans are choc full of. There are even more of these helpful substances which are so beneficial to vascular health, and which also take the fight to free radicals—the harmful molecules which contribute to oxidation in the body.

Increased oxidation opens the way for LDL cholesterol—the bad sort—to start forming plaque on the arterial walls. As a result, they become narrower and more rigid, which is a perfect recipe for heart attack and stroke.

There are many things in the environment that can cause damage to the body, like pollution, cigarette smoke, and even too much sunlight, and antioxidants help to mop up the effects of all of them, before they can do their damage.

But it isn’t just the free radicals that help put chocolate on a par with health foods. There’s also the fat content. The majority of fat in chocolate comes from cocoa butter, which contains oleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids (and you’ll find Oleic acid in olive oil too). It’s monounsaturated, which means it is heart-healthy and a proven blood pressure reducer.

The palmitic and stearic fatty acids are saturated fats, but still, research has found that they don’t hurt your cholesterol levels, which is odd but welcome news!

It’s now well established that chocolate can lower stress levels and improve a person’s sense of well-being and happiness. This is probably down to the fact that it’s great at boosting the production of endorphins, the brain’s natural happiness chemicals. And you also get serotonin in the mix, the body’s own antidepressant, too.

It’s worth mentioning that the brain releases these happiness chemicals when we’re in love, so when people say that they love chocolate, they really do mean it.

The only fly in the ointment with chocolate is the high sugar content. That’s why we’d recommend dark chocolate over milk chocolate every time. Choose the dark stuff with at least 65% cocoa content. Current research leads us to believe that 3 ounces (85 grams) of chocolate a day will give you all of the health benefits without the sugar rush.

To get more ideas to clear out your 93% clogged arteries, watch these 2 videos below:

As good as chocolate is for you, it can’t handle the job of lowering your blood pressure all on its own. For that you’re going to need something else, and these 3 simple exercises are the answer to lowering your blood pressure down to 120/80 right away…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Clear Out Your 93% Clogged Arteries Quickly and Easily .

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What is the Best Way to Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80?

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place. Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but if you suffer from high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes then one new piece of information needs to prompt you to take action soon.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - How High Blood Pressure Causes Cancer

It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place.

Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but if you suffer from high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes then one new piece of information needs to prompt you to take action soon.

Researchers studied data from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program and from Medicare. They looked at 36,079 patients aged 66 or over with colon cancer. 7,024 of them also suffered with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

The important finding here is that people with these conditions were more likely to die sooner than those without them. Five years after diagnosis, six percent fewer of them had survived compared to people without the conditions.

Also, eight percent more high blood pressure and diabetes sufferers had more episodes of colon cancer five years after diagnosis, than people without the conditions.

Race, gender, marital status, income, and education were all taken into account.
Everyone in the study was undergoing cancer treatments like chemotherapy, so it could be inferred that cancer treatment is more effective for people without diabetes and high blood pressure than for those with them.

Colon cancer is number three on the list of the most common cancers in the US, and number two on the list of causes of cancer-related deaths.
Around 100,000 new cases appear each year resulting in 50,000 deaths.

What the research shows is that the numbers would be a lot lower if blood pressure and blood glucose levels were brought under control.

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - Heal High Blood Pressure – Just with a Sound

It seems like the kind of claim a snake-oil salesman would make: “This sound can lower your blood pressure!” But according to an article in the International Journal of Cardiology, it’s perfectly true.

Not only that, it’s effective even for people who couldn’t quite bring themselves to ditch all their old bad diet and lifestyle habits or whose medications didn’t help their hypertension.

Researchers at Japan’s Tohoku University studied 212 people with type 2 diabetes and hypertension who weren’t responding to treatment. They were taking the drugs, but they hadn’t cleaned up their diets and started exercising (which is very common).

The team gave one group 20 minutes of 800 kHz (low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, another got 20 minutes of 500 kHz (very low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, and two received fake treatments.

Ultrasound is what bats and dolphins use to navigate, and we humans use it to take radar-style pictures of the insides of living bodies without causing harm like x-rays do.

The machine sends out high-frequency sound waves that can’t be heard; they bounce back and are interpreted by the hardware to show moving images of what’s going on.


The 500 and 800khz groups both experienced lower blood pressure and pulse rates, but the placebo group did not. And for some reason, the 500khz ultrasound was the most effective.

Forearm nerves— like all nerves—originate in the spinal column, and researchers think that the high-frequency sound works by suppressing the sympathetic nerve activity that triggers the fight or flight response.

This is what the body uses to prepare us to deal with danger—increasing blood pressure so that there’s enough oxygen getting to the muscles to run away or fight and increasing blood sugar so there’s enough energy for that imminent exertion. There’s more it does besides, as it gets us ready to run away or tangle with our attacker.

Stress is ever-present in the modern world, even though we don’t have to face hungry wild animals anymore. For example, stress at work and at home can affect our emotions in a negative way and sitting around too much stresses the body too.

The constant diet of bad news we see around us leaves us feeling powerless and is another cause of stress. These are almost worse than being stalked by sabertooth tiger, because they are constant sources of stress, and the fight or flight response wasn’t meant to be activate all of the time.

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - Why High Blood Pressure Isn’t Always Bad

There’s no doubt that high blood pressure is dangerous, but a study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine suggests that you don’t always need to panic at the first sign of a high reading. 

The Canadian team behind the study set out to look at how often high blood pressure patients were going to emergency rooms (ER) and how often they were being hospitalized. 

Their main interest was to see if the ER visitors were going on to be hospitalized for their high blood pressure and to learn how serious the outcome was. 

They did this by examining 206,147 ER visits across 180 locations in Canada from 200 to 2012, and they found that hospitalizations due to high blood pressure went down by 28%. 

Sounds like good news doesn’t it? Well, it would have been if there hadn’t also been a 64% increase in ER visits for high blood pressure at the same time. 

What it means is that while fewer people were hospitalized for hypertension every year, more people were rushing to ERs with it to get it checked.

The researchers were keen to learn what might have been causing this, so they looked at the long-term health outcomes, to see if they should have been treated in hospital but weren’t.

The key finding here is that virtually nobody died within the first 90 days after their ER visit, which shows that the reason for going was not as serious as they’d first thought. It looks like patients were panicking and going to the hospital when their personal doctor could probably have helped them just as well.

That said, the people who did end up staying in hospital showed definite signs that they’d suffered heart attack and stroke.

If you think either of those things are happening to you then don’t delay. Red flags include chest pain, intense headache, nausea, and shortness of breath.

It looks like people using home blood pressure monitors were reacting to high readings and rushing to the hospital, but one reading is not going to give the full picture.

It’s best to record readings at set times, three times a day, and use them to find an average. Once you have 7 days’ worth of data that’s enough to give you a better overview of what’s going on.

So, high blood pressure isn’t always an emergency, but it is serious, and needs your active attention.

For more ideas to lower high blood pressure down below 120/80, watch this video - Why You Now Have High Blood Pressure. The New Guidelines and 3 Tips to Lower it! /Healthy Hacks

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80

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