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Sunday, May 1, 2016

5 Tips to a Tighter Butt for Women

Are you looking for some ideas to get a tighter butt?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to learn how to get a tighter butt

You know, everybody wants a tighter butt. There’s nothing more embarrassing than having a jiggly, wobbly, flabby butt.
Especially when your man comes up and grabs it, you want it to be tight. Well, follow these quick tips and you’ll get a tighter butt in no time.

Tip number 1. “Butt flexes.”
Now, whatever you’re doing whether you’re walking, standing, sitting, brushing your teeth, you can always be flexing your butt.
This is a great tip because you don’t have to do any extra effort.

You don’t have to go to the gym or take time out of your busy schedule.  Just keep flexing that butt with anything you do.

So when you’re walking around take a step and flex, step and flex, step and flex.  When you’re driving in your car, just keep flexing the right butt then the left.

You’ll get to where you do it automatically.
You’ll get a tighter butt in no time. And remember the best part of this is that nobody’s ever going to know that you’re flexing your butt.
Just do this a hundred times a day and you’ll notice a big difference in how tight and lifted your butt looks.

Here is tip number 2 for a tighter butt. “Do squats while going about your day.”
Squats are where you stand with your feet a little wider than hips distance apart, you take a deep inhale and then you squat back just like you’re sitting down in a chair.

Make sure your weight is in your heels so that you really engage those butt muscles.

Squat down and then come right up. You can use a chair if you want improved balance, or you can put your hands on a wall in order to get support that way.

Make sure your heart is lifted and your spine is straight, you never want to sink forward… you always want to lift and squat.

The great thing about this movement is that it works both of your butt muscles at the same time. Plus, it gets your legs nice and thin and your butt is going to get tighter and toner.
You can do this while you’re talking on the phone or while you’re brushing your teeth.  

Or if you build up your confidence and want to just start squatting at your office or wherever, who cares?

If someone asks, “What are you doing?” Just say, “I’m doing squats.”
And, make sure you don’t do it every day. Because squats can help to build up a lot of lactic acid in your muscles which can cause soreness and make it hard to move around.

So take a break in between each day.
Do fifty squats one day, take a day off, and then do another fifty the next day.
Eventually work up to a hundred squats a day and you’ll notice how your butt gets tighter and tighter.

Tip number 3 to a tighter butt, and this is one of my favorites, “any time you see an escalator or an elevator, skip it, and go for the stairs.”
There’s no better opportunity to work your butt muscles than whenever you take the stairs.

So, any time you can, take the stairs. And every time you step up, engage that glut muscle. That’s the butt muscle on the back.
This is going to maximize your butt, it’s going to give you a nice tight butt and you’re going to get more from your daily activity.

If you really want to go the distance and make it even more intense, take double stairs, two stairs at a time.
You’re going to get even more butt muscle engagement every time you step up… AND you’re going to work that butt and get it nice and tight in no time.

The reason why stairs are so effective is that not only do you become more active when you go up them, but you’re actually doing a lunge.
And the lunge is one of the best movements for your butt muscle.

When you go upstairs you go: lunge, lunge, lunge, so you don’t have to worry about going to the gym and scheduling time away from your kids.
You also don’t have to get out of work early just so you can “hit the gym.”
Just take the stairs.
Do this any opportunity you get and you’ll see how you get a nice, tight, firm butt!

The 4th tip to a tighter butt is to “use the full range of motion in every butt exercise you do.”

When you use the full range of motion, you use the entire butt muscle.
So instead of just overdeveloping one part of your butt, when you use the full range of motion, you’ll get that beautiful, round, tight, butt that looks so great.

And this is one of the reasons why taking those double stairs is so much more effective when you’re using that full range of motion.
You’re going all the way up and then extending all the way down.

So, in every butt exercise you do, whenever you can fully extend, go as deep as you can in a lunge. And then whenever you are extending, extend all the way out for every butt extension.

Now, it’s important to always be safe and listen to your body.
Whenever you’re doing a squat or a lunge, you want to go the full extension that you can while still protecting your knees and joints.

But the deeper you go, the more range of motion you get in your butt muscle AND the tighter and toner your butt is going to look.

And the 5th tip to a tighter butt…now, this is going to SURPRISE you.
“Never wear Spanx or any of those undergarments that are supposed to tighten your butt.”

I know this may sound depressing because a lot of women are absolutely addicted to these undergarments, but they ACTUALLY prevent you from having a tight butt and here’s why:

Those undergarments are so tight that they block off the oxygen you need.
So when they squeeze your skin and muscles together, there’s no room for circulation…this can lead to varicose veins, cellulite, and a saggy butt.
You want to be able to move freely.

Trust me, when you follow all these tips… you’ll NATURALLY get a tighter butt.

You’re going to throw those Spanx away because you’ll never need them again. Instead, go for natural garments made from natural fiber cotton blends.

You can even use spandex in some of your workout outfits.
Just make sure they’re not too tight and constricting to the point where they cut off all the circulation and blood flow.
You want to be able to still move and breathe.
That will get your butt muscle the oxygen and nutrients it needs to give you that nice, tight, and round booty.

These are some of my favorite tips for getting a tighter butt.
By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Friday, April 29, 2016

How to Get a Perfect Rounded Butt?

Do you want the number 1 trick to a perfect rounded butt? It’s been over 10 years that I’ve been studying how to get a perfect rounded butt. Read on to find out more.

Do you want the number 1 trick to a perfect rounded butt? It’s been over 10 years that I’ve been studying how to get a perfect rounded butt.

And, trust me I was not born with a nice butt. I used to be overweight and I struggled for years to lose fat on my butt. Finally, I figured out the formula to get a perfect rounded butt. Are you ready for it? 

It’s the combination of “weight training and yoga.” Now, here’s why hardly anybody knows about this:

Most people who are into weight training say they don’t want to do yoga because they don’t want to stretch. 

They always want to build muscle so they focus on hitting the weights and getting bulky.

Now, that’s great, BUT you’re missing the very important element of yoga.  

That’s because yoga gets between the muscle fibers and gets rid of all that intramuscular fat.

Let me say that again, it’s “intramuscular fat”, meaning that there is fat between EACH of your muscle fibers.

Just because you’re building muscles, that doesn’t mean you’re going to be reduce the fat that’s in between it.

Yoga’s perfect for getting in between the muscle, and getting rid of that fat. That’s because yoga stretches and elongates each one of your muscle fibers.

Have you ever been in a yoga position and you’ve started to shake? That means you’re burning off a lot of that fat.

Another HUGE benefit is that when you practice yoga, you will prevent injury.

A lot of people who lift weights do so by lifting weights that are TOO heavy and their muscle breaks down because it’s not flexible.

So the combination of yoga and weight training is perfect for building that nice round booty.

So, yes… you want to build muscle on the back of your butt because that’s going to give you the definition and that’s going to give you the perfect, rounded butt that you’re looking for.

But, you don’t want to just keep getting a bigger and bigger and bigger butt, right? This isn’t a rap video.

You want a nice, round, sculpted butt.

Imagine a clay sculptor.
Weight training is like taking clay and putting it on the butt, that’s going to build the mass, that’s going to build the butt muscle.

Then yoga is going to sculpt and chisel it so that you get a beautiful, round, butt that looks GREAT from every angle.

On the other hand, a lot of people who practice yoga don’t want to lift weights.

They think that “if I lift weights I’m going to look like I’m so bulky and huge”, but they’re missing out on the most IMPORTANT formula for building muscle.

When you have the lifting weights and yoga combination, you get the BEST trick I’ve discovered to getting a nice, round booty that gives you strength, and make you feel super confident.

Plus, you prevent injury and you have lots of great energy to do all those amazing exercises in the weight room and on the yoga mat.

So start practicing this and you too can get a perfect rounded butt even if you weren’t born with one. 

You can also watch this Video HERE to find out how you can get a perfect rounded butt.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Thursday, April 28, 2016

3 At Home Sexy Round Butt Workouts for Women

Are you looking for some sexy round butt workouts to lift your saggy butt? We’re going to do 3 sexy round butt workouts where we will focus on the buttocks and work on the core. Read on to find out more.

Are you looking for some sexy round butt workouts to lift your saggy butt?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to learn some sexy round butt workouts

We’re going to do 3 sexy round butt workouts where we will focus on the buttocks and work on the core.

Are you ready to chisel away that butt fat?

The first one is the “Plank Jumping Jacks Mix.”
So you step down into plank position, then you jump forward, then backward.  Then you put your legs out like you are doing a jumping jack.  That’s one. You want to do ten of these.

Use your breath, use your core. Keep going. This is where it really starts to work and chisel away that butt fat.

Then you come back up to plank, we’re going to do “plank leg lifts”. We’re going to do ten on each side.

Lift that leg up, squeeze the butt so you focus on that glut muscle and really feel that tension as you contract the butt.  This way, you work both of your glut muscles at the same time.

Now, this is where you really burn into that fat and build muscle. Think about that GREAT butt you’re going to have.

Keep in mind we don’t want to alternate the legs, we want to keep them under tension because this is how you get the most from the workout in no time.

And remember, you can always take a break if it gets too hard.

The last exercise in the series is the “Hop Switch.”
Come up back to plank once again.
We’re going to do ten of them on each side. Put your right leg forward and then the left. Keep going.

We’re really focusing on the butt, working the core, and stabilizing the upper body as well. It’s going to get you that round, sexy butt that you want in no time.

You deserve a good butt slap for that one.

These are the BEST sexy round butt workouts for you to build up your core to get a round, sexy butt.
By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

3 At Home Sexy Butt Exercises for Women

Are you looking for some sexy butt exercises to lift your saggy butt? We’re going to go through 3 sexy butt exercises. Read on to find out more.

Are you looking for some sexy butt exercises to lift your saggy butt?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to learn some sexy butt exercises

We’re going to go through 3 sexy butt exercises.

The first exercise is the “half squat.”
So, step with your feet a little more than hips distance apart and take a deep breath in.

You’re going to squat back just like you’re sitting in a chair, but this time, you’re going to go all the way down, stay there and then come up for a pulse. We’re going to pulse 20 times.
This is what is going to get you that sexy butt.

The next exercise is called “rainbows.”
Come down on a mat or you can put a towel underneath your knees.
You’re going to place your hands underneath your elbows, place your knees underneath your hips, take a deep breath in, lift that right leg up, cross it back over the left and then you’re going to take your foot all the way up.

So make sure your knees are locked on every movement and the wider the rainbow is, the rounder the butt.
So we’re going to do this twenty times on each side and you’re going to notice how GOOD your butt feels.
The rounder the rainbow is, the rounder the butt. Remember, this is what separates the tight butt from the saggy butt. 

The third exercise is called “butt pulses.”
So staying down on our hands and on our knees, we’re going to lift the leg up, lift it as far as you can and then put those footprints on the ceiling and we’re going to pulse for twenty.

You know this is what’s going to get you that nice, round booty that looks so good in your bikini. Keep going. This is what’s going to get you that chiseled, sexy butt.

Now, we’re going to sculpt that upper tush, butt pulses on the ceiling for twenty…
Don’t quit on yourself.

Imagine how great you’re going to feel when you slip on that bikini and you know your butt looks so perky, and tight.

People are going to come up to you and say, “how did you get that butt?”
We’re making it happen right now.

A lot of people talk about having a great, sculpted butt, but you are going to do these sexy butt exercises to make it happen.
You’ve got this.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian’s Post-Pregnancy Home Butt Workouts

Are you looking for ways to do some home butt workouts to lift your saggy butt? The home butt workouts I’m going to show you today are going to be very low impact and you can do them at home with me right now. Read on to find out more.

Are you looking for ways to do some home butt workouts to lift your saggy butt?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to learn some home butt workouts

The home butt workouts I’m going to show you today are going to focus on the butt. They’re going to be very low impact and you can do them at home with me right now.

For the first exercise, we’re going to use a chair. It’s going to be a “supported squat.”
By balancing with a chair, make your legs wider than hips distance apart and your toes can point out. Take a deep breath in and when you exhale you’re just going to sit back just like you’re sitting down into a chair and then, come right back up.

So, we’re going to do this twenty times and every time you do it, squeeze the butt at the top to get that firm, lifted butt. Make sure that your spine is straight, your heart is lifted, and you’re really targeting in to those butt muscles.

We’re using the chair to make sure that we’re not putting too much pressure on our legs, on our pelvic muscles or the pelvic bones. We’re slowly just squatting down and coming up.

If you’re really focusing in on those butt muscles, it doesn’t take a lot to really get good results.

Squats are GREAT for getting a nice, round, FIRM butt just like that butt Kim Kardashian is famous for.

You don’t have to leave your home to get a good workout. You don’t even need a chair, you can use the wall. Or if you feel safe enough to let go of the chair, you can also put your hands on your hips.

But, if you’re recovering from a pregnancy, you want to take it really slow and you don’t want to go too fast.

Squeeze the butt together every time you come up. This is what’s going to give you a sculpted, round butt.

For the next exercise we’re also going to use the chair to do “kick backs.”
We’re going to do 1 leg at a time for ten kicks to the back.
Engage your core and use your butt muscle to lift that back leg. Keep your leg as straight as possible.

Now, we’re going to use that same leg and kick out to the side for ten. So, instead of alternating the legs, we’re isolating the same leg and on that same butt muscle.

This is going to get you more results in HALF the time.
You just want to get your workout over with when you have a new baby at home. You definitely don’t want to spend a lot of time working on your butt, that’s why you want to do these effective moves really fast.

All right. Now, let’s do it on the left side. Ten kick backs.
Make sure you’re keeping your spine lifted and your heart is lifted up. Make sure you’re breathing.
Keep that butt muscle engaged the whole time. You’re really sculpting while you’re chiseling away at that butt fat.

Now, on the left leg we’re going to do sidekicks. Kicking up and down.
Never go too far because you don’t want to put too much pressure on those pelvic muscles especially after a pregnancy. Your body has been through a lot and you want to be really gentle with yourself.

And what’s great about these home butt workouts is that they’re gentle, but also very effective.

For the next exercise, have a towel around you or anything that’s going to be comfortable for your knees. We’re going to come down onto the floor.
These are going to be “butt pulses” where you place your palms on the ground, making sure your knees are evenly distributed all the way.

Then you’re just going to lift that right leg up like you’re putting footprints on the ceiling.
We’re going to do ten of these. Again, we’re not putting any pressure on the abdominal area because the walls of the abdominal area are pretty weak right now. We’re really targeting the butt.
You can feel it starting to burn fat. That’s a good thing.

Do the left side. Put those footprints on the ceiling. You can feel that left glut muscle really starting to work right now.
It’s burning. But the good news is that you don’t have to do it for very long in order to get really great results.

You can place the towel down in order to support your back. Setting up for bridge pose, your feet are hips distance apart and your hands are palm flat on the floor. You’re going to lift your hips up and down.

We’re going to pulse for ten and every time you squeeze your butt cheeks together. This is going to really give you a nice, firm butt.
You want to get rid of the cellulite and all that extra fat that women hold while they’re in pregnancy.

We’re training our butt muscles to be tight and lean while we’re burning off that butt fat. The higher you lift your hips, the more you are engaging those butt muscles.

Think about how you want to sculpt your butt. This is where you envision your best butt you can imagine. Just when you think you want to give up, keep going.

Kim Kardashian works hard for that butt and I know she’s going to be getting her butt back in no time because she knows what it takes. Just a little bit of attention.

Now, we’re going to lift one leg and up and down for ten. This is where we’re isolating into that butt muscle. Feel the burn, that’s a good thing. Keep it going. Now, let’s go for the other side with the left leg. Squeeze the butt.

This is what separates you from every other woman who says they want a great butt.

Well, you are actually creating it right now. Chisel that butt, drop that butt fat. Go ahead and squeeze your knees up to your chest.
That was a home exercise.

You can do what Kim Kardashian can do to get the best butt of her life even before she had a baby.
Do these home butt workouts and you too will see the best butt of your life!
By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Monday, April 25, 2016

Secrets to Get a Nice, Balanced Butt like Jennifer Lopez

Here’s my tip on to getting a nice, balanced butt like Jennifer Lopez, we’re going to do an exercise called “wood chops.” It’s great to use a weight, I’m using a 5 pound weight in this exercise, but you can also use a small medicine ball or even a jug of water. Read on to find out more.

Here’s my tip on to getting a nice, balanced butt like Jennifer Lopez, we’re going to do an exercise called “wood chops.”

It’s great to use a weight, I’m using a 5 pound weight in this exercise, but you can also use a small medicine ball or even a jug of water.

So just use whatever you have around the house, you don’t need special equipment.

Just grab something that you can use for resistance. Resistance-training is what’s going to get you that nice, balanced butt that Jennifer Lopez has.

So these are called “wood chops.”
You are just going to step out to the left, lunge down and then come back. We are going to do 10 on each side. Whenever you push back really fire off that leg because that’s what really fires that glute.

You’ll feel it in both your right and your left glute, because we’re working both butt muscles at the same time. That’s going to give us that nice, balanced butt that Jennifer Lopez has.

It’s important to keep the tension on one side at a time, because this is what is going to really sculpt your butt muscles in way less time.
Instead of going back and forth and alternating right to left, we are isolating the tension on one side. One glute muscle is holding most of the tension. 

Just think about Jennifer Lopez whenever you want to give up. Just focus on her. Use her for inspiration.

It’s amazing that she has a booty like that. She has had a kid, she’s got every excuse in the world but she keeps going.

All right, for a final exercise for you to get a Jennifer Lopez booty in record time we are going to do “standing lunge.”

We are going to use our shoulders as well because Jennifer Lopez doesn’t just have a great booty, she’s got beautiful shoulders.

When you have nice shoulders it complements the booty and it makes it look even more feminine and healthy.

So we are going to hold our arms our as we lunge forward with the right leg.

We are going to go down and then step back. So we are using that same isolation principle to work one glute at a time.

But you can see that even though I am using one muscle in my right leg, I am still working that back muscle on my left butt as well. These exercises are designed to get the maximum results in the least amount of time.

This is going to LIFT the saggy butt up.
This is going to get rid of cellulite.
This is going to make you look super sexy in your bikini, AND in those skinny jeans.  

Notice how my spine is straight the whole time. All right, shake those shoulders and arms out. You feel it, can’t you? We are working those shoulders while we work the butt.

Let’s go to the other side. We are going to lunge down and then push back. When you push off that front foot, really explode. That’s working that butt even more. You are tightening and toning your butt while we are chiseling away at the butt fat.

So using the same leg is really targeting into those muscles and we are burning fat in even more time.

We are burning fat in less time while getting more muscle tone, more muscle definition and we are working both butt muscles the same time.
You’ll feel how your booty gets rounder and rounder. You’ll feel great. You deserve it.

My final tip for getting a Jennifer Lopez booty is confidence.
Remember, how you feel about your body is what is going to be reflected to the outside world.

Jennifer Lopez has this dialed. She is confident. She is sexy. She is rocking her curves and she loves the body that she was born in.
We can learn a lot from Jennifer Lopez…

Use these moves to get your Jennifer Lopez booty in record time.

You can also watch this Video HERE to get access to secrets to get a nice, beautiful butt.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Friday, April 22, 2016

Secrets to Get a Nice, Beautiful Butt like Shakira

Shakira is known for her beautiful booty and here are a few secrets that you can follow to get that same round, nice, beautiful butt. The main thing is to make sure that you are working both of your glutes. Your glutes are your butt muscles.  Read on to find out more.

Shakira is known for her beautiful booty and here are a few secrets that you can follow to get that same round, nice, beautiful butt.

The main thing is to make sure that you are working both of your glutes. Your glutes are your butt muscles.  

A lot of people isolate one glute and then the other, but you want to make sure every exercise you are doing you are working both of those gluts.

That’s what gets you a nice, balanced, round, nice, beautiful butt like Shakira. So follow these moves if you want a nice, beautiful butt like Shakira.

The first move is called a “Crescent Lunge.”
We are going to be focusing on sculpting that butt while we tone and lift. You can use a chair if you are working on your balance.

Just lean into the chair, take your right foot back, leave your left foot forward, your right heel comes off the ground, take a deep inhale and you are going to lunge down.

Now instead of pulsing, we are going to hold it here for 5 slow counts. You can feel that butt starting to work, both your right glute and your left glute, you are feeling that. Just hold it for one more count.

Okay, now instead of just coming up, we are going to come up and lift and we are going to hold this for 5 slow counts. Again, you can feel that we are working both of the glutes; the right and the left butt are firing.
This is going to get you twice the results in half the time. One more deep breath in and then exhale, come right back down.

So we are going to do this 5 times. I am going to show you without the chair this time. We are holding for 5 counts. I can already feel my legs are shaking, that means that we are burning fat from inside of the butt muscle.

That’s what gives you a nice, beautiful butt like Shakira.

One more breath in and then we are going to lunge up really slow and hold it. So you are contracting that butt muscle at the top AND the left butt is squeezing together. Hold for 5 slow counts.

Now remember, you can always use the chair because you are working on building up your balance.

The key is to keep breathing and you make sure your core is engaged. One more deep breath in, lift your heart, and exhale. Okay, now let’s push it back up. Lift that back leg and hold it.

This is going to really sculpt and tighten your butt; you are going to get beautiful curves. You are going to really start to see your butt lift up as it gets nice and firm.

Let’s go back down for another deep lunge. Go a little deeper this time. Hold it for 5 breathes.

You can always take a break and come back, but if you really want to get maximum results in the least amount of time you want to stick with it.

A lot of people pulse and bounce around, but that’s not isolating your butt muscles the way we are isolating them now. One more deep breath in and then exhale, push on up.

If you start to feel the shaking, that means it’s working.
One more deep breath in and then slowly come back down. Okay, here is the last one.

Now this is where most people would give up, but not Shakira. She keeps it rocking. She keeps going. You can do it too. Come on, you know you want that Shakira booty, don’t you?

This is the “real key.” Don’t give up, you’ve just got to push it a little bit further. Take another deep breath in, and then exhale.

Sink a little deeper into that lunge. Now push off and lift up while you are sculpting that round, nice tush.

Take a few more deep breathes and squeeze the butt at the top. Take one more deep breath and then slowly come back down.
So that was a “Crescent Lunge” with a back-lift.

You want to do 5 lunges and holds on the left side as well and that would be 1 round.

To make an entire workout you will want to do this 3 times.

You can also watch this Video HERE to get access to secrets to get a nice, beautiful butt.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Lift Your Saggy Butt?

Are you looking for ways to lift your saggy butt? Want to know my secret to lift your saggy butt? Read on to find out more.

Are you looking for ways to lift your saggy butt?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to lift your saggy butt

This is my secret to lift your saggy butt which is to stretch and massage.
This feels really good and it actually elongates the muscle and stimulates circulation inside each of the muscle fibers.

You are going to lift your saggy butt as well as to get rid of cellulite.
So here is a great stretch, lie down on your back.
Take a deep inhale, exhale. Bend your right leg then put your left leg on top of it.

This is called “Thread the Needle.”
You are going to move your hands between your thighs, take a deep inhale and then exhale, stretch.
Bring that thigh towards your chest, that’s more intense.

If you would like to have less intensity, just back off. You can feel the stretch into the glute muscles and into the side of your thighs. Let’s do the other side.

You are going to bend the right leg over the left, thread the needle.
Hands go between the thighs, cross your hands and then you decide how intense you want it by pulling the thigh in towards the chest. Take a deep breath and then exhale. Then release.

That feels so good and it’s really great for lifting that saggy butt. If you would like a more intense stretch, you can do a “pigeon stretch.”
With pigeon, you are using that same angle to stretch the glute muscle. But this time we are going to be using a body weight, so there is more intensity.

You want to make sure you don’t have any knee injuries.
You can even walk down deeper. Slowly walk your hands back, curl your toes up, and stretch that leg out.
This is called Pigeon.
So that is one of my favorite butt stretches, and it’s really good to lift your saggy butt.

The next tip is about massaging your butt.
So you can do some self-massage that feels really good. Just lay down and you can beat on the butt. This is going to stimulate circulation and release toxins.

It’s going to make sure that you smooth out cellulite.
Just a few little pats!

You can double fist it or even do circular massages. Let’s do the other side. I am going to really target into those butt muscles. You can feel them relaxing and releasing.

This is going to get rid of all those toxins that are being stored in between your muscle cells and in your fat cells.

It’s so important to stretch and to massage so that you keep your muscles nice and flexible while you are working them.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

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