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Showing posts with label tone and lifted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tone and lifted. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2016

Secrets to Get a Nice, Beautiful Butt like Shakira

Shakira is known for her beautiful booty and here are a few secrets that you can follow to get that same round, nice, beautiful butt. The main thing is to make sure that you are working both of your glutes. Your glutes are your butt muscles.  Read on to find out more.

Shakira is known for her beautiful booty and here are a few secrets that you can follow to get that same round, nice, beautiful butt.

The main thing is to make sure that you are working both of your glutes. Your glutes are your butt muscles.  

A lot of people isolate one glute and then the other, but you want to make sure every exercise you are doing you are working both of those gluts.

That’s what gets you a nice, balanced, round, nice, beautiful butt like Shakira. So follow these moves if you want a nice, beautiful butt like Shakira.

The first move is called a “Crescent Lunge.”
We are going to be focusing on sculpting that butt while we tone and lift. You can use a chair if you are working on your balance.

Just lean into the chair, take your right foot back, leave your left foot forward, your right heel comes off the ground, take a deep inhale and you are going to lunge down.

Now instead of pulsing, we are going to hold it here for 5 slow counts. You can feel that butt starting to work, both your right glute and your left glute, you are feeling that. Just hold it for one more count.

Okay, now instead of just coming up, we are going to come up and lift and we are going to hold this for 5 slow counts. Again, you can feel that we are working both of the glutes; the right and the left butt are firing.
This is going to get you twice the results in half the time. One more deep breath in and then exhale, come right back down.

So we are going to do this 5 times. I am going to show you without the chair this time. We are holding for 5 counts. I can already feel my legs are shaking, that means that we are burning fat from inside of the butt muscle.

That’s what gives you a nice, beautiful butt like Shakira.

One more breath in and then we are going to lunge up really slow and hold it. So you are contracting that butt muscle at the top AND the left butt is squeezing together. Hold for 5 slow counts.

Now remember, you can always use the chair because you are working on building up your balance.

The key is to keep breathing and you make sure your core is engaged. One more deep breath in, lift your heart, and exhale. Okay, now let’s push it back up. Lift that back leg and hold it.

This is going to really sculpt and tighten your butt; you are going to get beautiful curves. You are going to really start to see your butt lift up as it gets nice and firm.

Let’s go back down for another deep lunge. Go a little deeper this time. Hold it for 5 breathes.

You can always take a break and come back, but if you really want to get maximum results in the least amount of time you want to stick with it.

A lot of people pulse and bounce around, but that’s not isolating your butt muscles the way we are isolating them now. One more deep breath in and then exhale, push on up.

If you start to feel the shaking, that means it’s working.
One more deep breath in and then slowly come back down. Okay, here is the last one.

Now this is where most people would give up, but not Shakira. She keeps it rocking. She keeps going. You can do it too. Come on, you know you want that Shakira booty, don’t you?

This is the “real key.” Don’t give up, you’ve just got to push it a little bit further. Take another deep breath in, and then exhale.

Sink a little deeper into that lunge. Now push off and lift up while you are sculpting that round, nice tush.

Take a few more deep breathes and squeeze the butt at the top. Take one more deep breath and then slowly come back down.
So that was a “Crescent Lunge” with a back-lift.

You want to do 5 lunges and holds on the left side as well and that would be 1 round.

To make an entire workout you will want to do this 3 times.

You can also watch this Video HERE to get access to secrets to get a nice, beautiful butt.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4 Easy Workouts to Lift Up Your Butt

Today, we’re going to do an exercise that you can use to lift up your butt. Here are 4 workouts and each one is specifically designed to lift up your butt. Read on to find out more.

Today, we’re going to do an exercise that you can use to lift up your butt. We’re going to do 4 workouts and each one is specifically designed to lift up your butt.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn how to lift up your butt

The first exercise is the “burpees.”
Now, burpees are great for lifting your butt because when you jump up and then squat, you’re really going to contract the butt and that’s going to lift up that butt muscle.

Make sure you don’t arch your back, keep your spine tall and engage your core.

When you come down, jump your feet back. Make sure you don’t drop your butt.

A lot of people make this mistake so you really want to use your core to make sure you’re in a plank position.

And then when you jump forward, you squeeze that butt again.
So, that’s going to help lift your butt as you explosive jump up and that’s one burpee.

The next exercise is called a “Twisted Lunge.”
In the lunge position, we’re going to once again contract that butt muscle because that’s what going to lift up your butt.

When you lunge down, you’re going to keep those butt muscles contracted and then we’re going to twist to the side and that’s one.
You come back up and then you go down, so that’s two. 

The third exercise is called “mountain climbers.”
With mountain climbers, you come down to a plank position…
Start with your core engaged, then switch your right foot forward and then your left.

Now, it’s really important that you squeeze that butt muscle every time you move your right foot forward and your left foot forward because that’s going to lift up your butt even faster.

And the fourth exercise in this butt-lift series is called the “Standing Split.”

From here, you’re going to squat down with your right knee almost to the ground and then when you straighten your front leg, you’re going to reach that top leg up to a standing split.
Now, you can feel that the standing leg is really going to tighten as you lower and as you straighten.

It’s really important to listen to your body, this is a very deep lunge right here.

Even if you don’t go all the way, you’re still getting that butt nice, tone and lifted.

So, we’re going to do each side for 30 seconds and then we’re going to alternate to the other leg and do that same movement on the other side.
Then we’re going to rest for 30 seconds. I’ve got a timer right here.
Are you ready to go?

Take a deep breath in. Here we go.

Let’s go to burpees. Jump up and down. Use your core. Breathe.
Make sure you’re engaging the butt muscle so we can lift that butt up.
All right, lunging twist. 

Lunge and twist. Come back and up. So, now we’re really isolating into that butt muscle.

You can feel how it’s contracting and lifting. Make sure you keep your breath flowing and you keep your spine tall, engage your core.
It’s going to lift up your butt from all angles.

Next is mountain climbers, let’s assume plank position.
Keep your breath going, keep it moving. Squeeze that butt so you get a really nice, lifted butt.

After that is the standing splits, so kneel down and squeeze that leg up.
You can slow this one down because you really want to isolate the movement and you really want to feel that glute muscle contracting.
This is what’s going to lift up your butt and give you that nice, round, perky butt. 

So, the standing leg is the one that’s taking the most of the tension but I also feel it in the butt muscle that’s lifting the split up.

This is how you get maximum results with the least amount of effort, AND in the least amount of time.

All right, we’re going to rest for 30 seconds. Keep breathing, it’s so important to oxygenate your body.

For the full workout you want to do this for a total of 3 rounds.

You’re going to feel so good. You’re going to have a nice, tight, tone and lifted butt. 

You know, a lot of people are going to come up and say, “How did you get that butt?”

And you’re going to say, “Well, I was doing AndrĂ©a’s butt workout. And she’s the one who showed me how you can get a nice, tone, lifted butt in just a few minutes a day.”

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a personal trainer or go to a gym.

When you feel great wearing your bikini at the beach or at the pool, it’s all worth it.

This workout is what’s going to burn that butt fat for you.

You deserve a great butt. You deserve to feel great.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

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