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Thursday, December 19, 2019

What is the Best Way to Reduce Your Bad LDL?

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Reduce Your Bad LDL - Why Your Heart Will Thank You for Eating More Fat

When you hear the word “diet”, you probably picture a plate that’s free from fatty foods, because for the last few decades, we’ve been told that eating fat makes us fat.

We’ve been told that low-fat diets are good for lowering our cholesterol and reducing blood fat content, making them healthier for our hearts.

But this thinking is now being challenged.

A team of Israeli, German, and American researchers has just published a study in the Journal of Hepatology that looks at the effects of a particular high-fat diet.

You might know it by its common name, the Mediterranean diet, and you might have expected us to be warning you away from it because of its high fat content, but we’re not. We are recommending it despite that, because science has shown that it’s much heart-healthier than a low-fat diet, and for quite a surprising reason.

The researchers recruited 278 overweight people, and specifically folks who carried a lot of fat around their midsections. The scientists chose this group because they thought that carrying a spare tire might be the biggest risk factor for both cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The subjects were put onto different diets for 18 months to see how each one measured up. They either followed a low-fat diet or a Mediterranean diet that featured low carbohydrates and 28 grams of walnuts per day. Both diets offered roughly the same number of calories.

The researchers used MRI scans to measure the different types of fat lurking inside the subject’s bodies, and they did this before, during, and after the 18-month dieting period. They also measured a wide variety of risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

At various points during these 18 months, they asked the subjects to either do some moderate physical exercise or do no exercise at all to see what difference this would make, if any.

After the 18 months, the researchers found that their subject’s visceral fat (the stuff around the abdomen) had dropped by 25 percent, and their hepatic fat (around their livers) was even better at 29 percent. They measured a healthy 11 percent loss of fat around their hearts, and a one to two percent loss of both pancreatic and muscle fat.

But it’s worth remembering that these were just averages that concealed the most important findings: that those who exercised lost more weight of all kinds than those who did not, especially abdominal fat. No surprises there then, but the most interesting result they found was that losing liver fat was more important to health than losing stomach fat.

They came to this conclusion because they found that the people who lost the most hepatic fat were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. They had lower cholesterol, lower glycated hemoglobin (a sign of insulin sensitivity), and healthier livers.

Which means that big bellies shouldn’t worry us as much as fat livers. Of course, it isn’t possible to know how much fat your liver is swathed in unless you happen to have an MRI scanner handy, but you can stay on the safe side by adopting the low-carb Mediterranean diet. Test subjects who did this were the ones who lost the most hepatic fat, which is why a Mediterranean diet is probably healthier than a standard low-fat diet.

Just to be clear, the folks on both diets lost almost the same amount of weight, but the Mediterranean dieters were clearly healthier when it came to their cardiovascular and metabolic risks.

This comes as a surprise when you consider that the Mediterranean diet already contained a fair amount of fat in the form of olive oil before the 28 grams of walnuts were added. They were eating quite a lot of fat, but this proves not only that it wasn’t doing them any harm, it was actually boosting their heart health.

Reduce Your Bad LDL - This Vegetarian Staple Lowers Bad Cholesterol 6%

It seems like madness, but the FDA wants to stop recommending this great source of complete protein that vegetarians have relied on for years.

So, we have to ask the question, what are they thinking?
Or are they even thinking?

We believe that the evidence in favor of this food source is so compelling that the FDA has to change its tune, and if it doesn’t, then clued-up people like you might be better off ignoring them!

Proteins are essential for growth and repair, and they’re built from amino acids. Our bodies can manufacture some amino acids for themselves, but there are nine of them that they can’t. These are the ones we must get from food sources, so science calls them essential amino acids. And if a protein source contains all of these essential aminos, then we call it a complete protein.

Soya is one such food, and that’s why vegans and vegetarians have come to rely on it. They’ve been experiencing the benefits of soya products like milk, cheese, tofu, miso, shoyu, tamari, edamame, for a very long time.

So, it seems strange that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should want to change its tune about soya. Up to now, it’s always included soya on its list of heart-healthy foods, but now it thinks it should be pulled.

Canadian scientists were intrigued about this change of heart. Could the FDA be right? They wondered…

They wanted to find out once and for all if soya still deserved its “heart-healthy” badge, so they set about finding out.

They decided to look at the 46 most robust studies they could find exploring soya’s effects on cholesterol, and these turned out to be the same 46 studies that the FDA had looked at to make their original recommendation.

Of these, the Canadian researchers left out three, which they said didn’t contain complete data.

Then they whittled the rest down to the 41 studies which specifically looked at how Soya affected LDL cholesterol, which is usually called bad cholesterol because it forms plaques that can build up on the walls of your arteries and block them.

The study subject’s LDL cholesterol scores ranged from 110 to 201 mg/dL (where 110 is considered high-normal and 201 is very high) so everyone was on the high side.

It turned out that meat eaters who added 25 grams per day of soya to their diet over six weeks lowered their LDL cholesterol by 4.76 mg/dL and their total cholesterol dropped by 6.41 mg/dL more.

So, it looks like soya can lower your bad cholesterol by somewhere between three and four percent, even if you still eat meat. Not a bad result!

But the researchers say the benefits could be even greater if you totally cut the fatty red meats and deli meats from your diet and replace them with soya. When people in the study made the switch from meat to soya, the drop was a startling 3.6 – 6.0 percent!

So, the good news is, if you want to keep on eating meat, you can add in soya and still hit your bad cholesterol levels, or you can go the whole hog (so to speak!) for the best results.

So, if the FDA says soya no longer deserves a place on its list of heart-healthy foods, you’ll know better.

Reduce Your Bad LDL - Cardiovascular Disease – The Night Light Link

Obesity is as bad for your heart as smoking according to the American Heart Association, which had singled out excess weight as one of the biggest causes of coronary heart disease as long ago as 1998.

CHD is the type where your arteries clog up with fat and cholesterol, making your heart work harder, sometimes to the point where it stops completely!

So bad was the risk of obesity to heart health (they said) that they put it on a par with smoking. They also said that losing just 5 to 10 percent of their excess body weight can help obese people to avoid this deadly form of heart disease.

So, you might be thinking, what the heck has the amount of light in my bedroom got to do with any of this?

A new study in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine has drawn a link between the amount of light that finds its way into your bedroom while you’re sleeping, your heart health and the pounds piling on.

If you live somewhere rural, then the chances are that falling asleep won’t be too hard for you compared to a city-dweller, because there won’t be as much light pollution bothering you. Or maybe not. Maybe you’re one of those people who has a TV in your bedroom, or you keep a light on.

The authors of this study were interested to find out how lighting conditions in the room where they slept might affect people, so they issued a questionnaire to 43,722 female volunteers to ask them about it. The form gave them a choice of no light, a small nightlight, light outside the bedroom, or light/television inside the bedroom.

The researchers also took a whole host of measurements, including weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, and body mass index at both the start and end of the five-year study. This would tell them whether the lighting conditions in the subject’s bedrooms had an effect on weight gain or obesity.

And surprisingly, at the end of the study they did notice an effect. The women who gained the least weight slept in dark rooms, while those who gained the most slept with a source of light.

How big was the difference?

Compared with women who slept in the dark, those who slept with a light or television on in their rooms were 17 percent more likely to gain 5 kilograms or more in bodyweight, 13 percent more likely to gain 10 percent or more on the body-mass index scale, 22 percent more likely to be overweight, and 33 percent more likely to be obese.

Naturally, the more extra weight you’re carrying around, the more likely you are to suffer from health problems like cardiovascular disease, so suddenly, this study showed that sleeping with no lights in the room makes a lot of sense for your overall health.

You might think this doesn’t apply to you because you always get your eight hours of sleep in, but it seems not. The negative health effects were linked to the amount of light that sleepers were exposed to, regardless of how many hours they slept, the perceived quality of that sleep, how well they ate, or how physically active they were. The amount of weight they gained or lost seemed to be strongly tied to the amount of light in the room where they slept.

Surprisingly, this suggests that even if you are doing everything else that health professionals recommend, like eating well and exercising, but you sleep with artificial light close by or there’s light creeping in from outside, you could still be putting the brakes on your weight-loss efforts and storing up trouble for your heart.

Even small night-lights had an effect on weight, although the worst effects came when there was a light on inside the bedroom. The brighter the light at night, the worse the health effects.

So why might this be happening?

Scientists think that the reason might be chemical in nature. It’s well known that melatonin is released in our bodies when the sun goes down. It’s the hormone that tells our brains to sleep, so, it could be that even though your eyes are closed, any light at all could be shutting off the melatonin effect and knocking our 24-hour sleep cycle off track. Once this happens there’s a cascade of other hormonal effects that follows, with some of them increasing appetite and fat storage.

If you’re thinking that our brains shouldn’t be so easily influenced by a little bit of light, then remember that all the extra light we have now is only there because of fairly recent innovations in human history. Our ancestors slept and awoke when the sun told them to, and our bodies haven’t had enough time to cope with our new-fangled, brightly lit environments.

So, the takeaway message is that you should turn off the TV and any lights in the room where you sleep, get yourself some thick blinds or curtains, and if all else fails try wearing a sleep mask. The less light there is where you sleep, the better for your head, your heart and your beach body.

For more ideas to reduce your bad LDL, watch this video - 21 Ways To LOWER CHOLESTEROL Naturally |Lower Cholesterol Fast & Quickly

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Reduce Your Bad LDL ?.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What is the Best Way to Drop Your Blood Pressure Naturally?

Drop Your Blood Pressure Naturally (This Study Proves You Can). All doctors will tell you that this one aspect of your lifestyle is the key to reducing your high blood pressure, but most people still neglect it because they find it hard to stay disciplined.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Drop Your Blood Pressure Naturally - 7 Deadly Sins of Food for High Blood Pressure

You don’t need us to tell you that high blood pressure is bad news. It’s common knowledge, but do you know what you should be doing about it?

There’s a ton of research out there which tells us what to eat and what to avoid to keep our blood pressure healthy, but it can often be hard to find among all the ‘noise’ that exists.

Ads and articles for diet fads and superfoods are often ‘here today and gone tomorrow’. There’s a constant churn of information in the advice industry that’s often there just to get attention.

If you can manage to keep these things out of your mouth (especially if you have high blood pressure) you’ll be well on your way to getting a healthier cardiovascular system.

1- Alcohol – Ever had a friend tell you that one glass of wine is good for you, then look on in disbelief as they fill a glass for you that almost holds the entire bottle? Friends like that are great, but a large global study published in UK medical journal, The Lancet has confirmed that actually, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.

Sure, we’ve all heard stories of people who drank booze every day of their lives and still lived to be a hundred years old, but most people aren’t that lucky. They’re more likely to wind up with serious diseases, and high blood pressure is just one of the ones on the list.

Alcohol is the most popular drug on Earth, but for the sake of your health, avoid it if you possibly can. We know it can be lovely stuff—in the moment—but sooner or later you’ll always pay a price for the good times that it brings.

2- Frozen foods- Freezing freshly-picked vegetables is perfectly okay, and if that’s all supermarkets were packing in their freezer aisles then you’d be fine. A bag full of rock-solid veg is a great buy for your body, but you’ll want to avoid the less innocent packages that also lurk in the cabinets—if you know what’s good for you.

There are plenty of pre-prepared meals laced with salt, sugar and a laundry list of chemicals which masquerade as food, so with some of them you might be better off eating the package they came in instead of food!
You’d like to think that they’re simply good food that’s been frozen at the perfect moment, but they’re often sullied with preservatives and flavorings straight out of the laboratory. So, check the label before you put anything in your shopping cart.

3- Canned foods- In 1974, canned foods were recovered from the wreck of the Bertrand, a steamboat which went down in the Missouri river in 1895. When cans were opened the contents may not have smelled or tasted great, but after 109 years, analysts couldn’t find a single microbe growing inside them. Even after all that time, the food was still edible!

Canned food is convenient, cheap, and it lasts a long time, but the foods themselves are often processed before they’re sealed into their airtight containers, which means many of them come with a heavy dose of salt and sugar.

If you do have to eat from a can then you can make it a healthier experience by washing the contents thoroughly, as most of the sodium content is dissolved in the water.

4- Prepared “Mediterranean” foods- When you hear the word ‘Mediterranean diet’ you probably think of sun-kissed vineyards, lush salads, fresh fish and fine cheeses. And that’s what manufacturers want you to think.

It’s a label that helps them sell frozen, canned, boxed and freeze-dried foods that come loaded with extra chemicals, sodium, and sugar and which have also had the vitamins and other nutrients cooked out of them.

‘Always check the label’ if you can, but if you can’t then just avoid the stuff altogether, just to be on the safe side.

5- Instant foods and food additives- Oatmeal wasn’t born ‘instant’. It gets that way because it’s rolled and flattened between cylinders, pre-cooked, sweetened and flavored. In other words, it’s processed to within an inch of its nutritional life and then packaged to look as if it’s natural and good for you.

Many other foods suffer a similar fate, so any time you see the word “quick” in the title, be on your guard. Be suspicious of food additives like stock cubes and sauces that can sit in your fridge or cupboard ‘forever’ without going off. They usually come with extra sodium that should be avoided if you have hypertension.

6- Carbonated soft drinks- Many people consume canned and bottled sodas without a second thought. They’re almost everywhere you look, in vending machines, offered as part of ‘meal’ deals at fast-food outlets and they take up entire aisles in the grocery store. They’re also cheap, so it’s no wonder they’re popular, but they’re also drinkable junk food that can harm your health.

A can of something like Sprite or Coke contains eight teaspoons, or 33g of sugar, which is ludicrous! Far better to drink water, which is what your body was designed for. But drink these all day and the sodium content (14.7mg) will help to dehydrate you as well as play havoc with your blood pressure.

Switching to diet soft drinks may seem like the healthy alternative, but they often contain aspartame, sucralose and other artificial sweeteners too, substances that have been shown to cause weight gain (how ironic!), diabetes and more. Your high blood pressure will not thank you for indulging in fizzy pop.

7- “Energy” Drinks- You can think of these as the ‘evil twins’ of regular carbonated drinks (which are pretty evil to begin with). Manufacturers throw everything they can think of into energy drinks; caffeine, sugar, taurine, aspartame, and more.

Some people have suffered from heart failure drinking these chemical cocktails in a can, while others experience symptoms of addiction and suffer from anxiety, agitation and sleep disturbances from drinking them.

Energy drinks can’t really give you energy. They can only give you the illusion of energy, a false sensation that comes from sugar and adrenaline spikes that always end in a slump and the desire for more.

The big lie is that these denatured substances are food. They’re pseudo-foods that taste nice and last a long time, but beyond this they have little to offer the body and are often harmful.

If you want to experience how much of a hold they can have on you then try doing without them for a few days and see if you don’t feel like an addict suffering from withdrawal!

Real food shouldn’t do this to you. It should leave you feeling level, calm, and satisfied. Stick to foods that really are foods, that haven’t been altered, added to, or taken away from, and see how much better you feel.

Drop Your Blood Pressure Naturally (This Study Proves You Can)

All doctors will tell you that this one aspect of your lifestyle is the key to reducing your high blood pressure, but most people still neglect it because they find it hard to stay disciplined.

But it’s so important that a study in the journal Hypertension has shown how practicing it is the key to not just keeping blood pressure down but avoiding strokes and heart attacks too.

In the study, researchers looked at information gleaned from 4000 women with experience of gestational diabetes. They were particularly interested in what the women ate, and the data spanned 18.5 years.

They compared their eating habits to three healthy diets: The Alternative Eating Index, the Mediterranean-style diet, and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH.)

The results were not too surprising. Subjects who ate in line with these diets were 20 to 30 percent less likely to develop high blood pressure, compared to those who were less careful about what they ate.

They benefited as much from these diets as people who did not have gestational diabetes, which is a great takeaway from the study, because it proves that even people who already have a certain illness can benefit from healthier eating.

Those who ate what they liked had higher blood pressure because they carried more body fat.

So, what was so good about these diets? The major features that made them healthy are the kinds of things that anyone giving you good advice will tell you to eat: whole grains, legumes (pulses), fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish. Little or no added sugar and salt, no red meat, processed meat, and processed grains. You basically avoid anything that is processed.

Although this kind of advice will certainly help you if you already have high blood pressure, you still may need to do more.

Drop Your Blood Pressure Naturally - It’s Bad, but it Lowers Your Blood Pressure

It’s not often that something can be good and bad for you at the same time, but researchers at the University of Edinburgh have found something that’s just that. Something that can lower your blood pressure but will have doctors jumping up and down.

Scientists were looking for a way to treat some of the nutritional deficiencies that can boost blood pressure to unsafe levels, when they stumbled upon some fantastic benefits of what every health professional will warn you away from.

Tanning beds increase your risk of developing melanoma by 75%, but amazingly, the UV light in this “fake sunshine” was found to be great at reducing high blood pressure too.

The study saw volunteers receive the light therapy on two occasions. One time they got bright, warm lights, the next they were exposed to UVA.

Researchers discovered that diastolic (second number) blood pressure dropped by an average of 2 to 5 mm/Hg after they’d been bathed in UVA light.

And the effects lasted too. After one-hour, diastolic pressure still hadn’t increased, so something was definitely happening, but what was the cause?

One theory was that UVA light might have done what sunshine does, and increased their vitamin D levels, but this wasn’t the case.

So, why was diastolic blood pressure dropping so significantly then?

It turned out to be down to lower nitrate levels in the skin. These are some of the most harmful free radicals, and they’re present in certain foods and can be breathed in from smog.

The fact that tanning beds cut down on these horribly destructive substances is great news, but the fact that they’re tanning beds is not.

So, while it’s really interesting what this research has thrown up, please don’t reach for the tanning goggles just yet if you want to save the skin, you’re in. There are much safer and healthier ways to reduce your blood pressure.

For more ideas to drop your blood pressure naturally, watch this video - How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally (7 Principles + 3 Myths)

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Drop Your Blood Pressure Naturally at Home in Minutes

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - The Physical Damage of Snoring. Snoring is sometimes seen as a bit of a joke problem, something that is irritating to our sleeping partners that we aren’t even aware of. But scientists from Umea University in Sweden have just concluded that snoring can do real physical damage too.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Snoring and Sleep Apnea Can Destroy Your Career

Snoring may be good at annoying your partner, but it could also be doing your career a favor too. That’s because snoring is also one of the strongest indicators that you might suffer from sleep apnea.

You might know that sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where your breathing pauses or becomes shallow for anything up to a few minutes at a time, and this pattern can repeat throughout the night, depriving your brain of oxygen and leaving you feeling tired the next day.

The effects can be so intense that some people are losing their jobs because of them.

A new study published in the journal Sleep now suggests that sleep apnea sufferers, who are typically also heavy snorers, are more likely than the rest of the population to lose their jobs again and again.

They came to this conclusion after looking at an ongoing study called Assessing Daily Activity Patterns through occupational Transitions (or ADAPT).

This gave them a slew of information on 261 participants, including things such as physical characteristics, employment history, and results from a home-based sleep apnea test.

These individuals averaged 41 years of age. 58 percent were women and 42 percent were men.

Of these 261 people, 42 percent had mild, moderate, or severe sleep apnea.

One interesting observation that came out was that 73 percent of them were hourly paid rather than salaried workers and 45 percent of them had a history of losing jobs, so maybe they found it hard to hold onto so-called white-collar jobs because of sleep apnea?

While that isn’t known, it was found that sleep apnea sufferers turned out to be almost three times as likely as non-sufferers to have lost multiple jobs.

Perhaps you’re thinking they should have said something to their employers about their condition, but the thing about sleep apnea is that most people don’t know they have it.

They end up being dismissed from their jobs and don’t understand why.
It seems terribly unfair to think that a condition they didn’t even know they had could be so destructive.

Sleep apnea leaves sufferers feeling fatigued during the day, which means their work performance suffers.

It’s good that this study shines a light on the effects of sleep apnea, but it does have one shortcoming: the researchers didn’t take body-mass index into account. This is something they should have done, because it’s already known that overweight people face greater obstacles in the workplace (due to discrimination).

The conclusions of this study would have been stronger if researchers had ruled out high body-mass index as a possible cause of the multiple job losses.

Right now, nobody knows exactly how common sleep apnea is, but it may be robbing hundreds of millions of people around the world of a productive, successful career.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine estimates that 26 percent of American adults have sleep breathing disorders, meaning that tens of millions are at risk of job losses.

If sleep apnea and snoring are making your life a misery or if they’re affecting your job performance, then here are some easy exercises to cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea (in 3 minutes)…

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Sleep Apnea Can Cause this Deadly Blood Condition

You may not have heard of multiple myeloma, but if you suffer from sleep apnea then you really need to know about it.

It’s an untreatable type of blood cancer that can be deadly, and a study in the latest edition of the American Journal of Physiology shows that people with sleep apnea are more likely to develop this condition than people who breathe normally in their sleep.

Multiple myeloma is so pernicious because it interferes with your body’s production of both red and white blood cells. Firstly, it forms in white blood cells called plasma cells (which our immune system uses these to make the antibodies which fight off viruses and bacteria) then it moves into bone marrow where it prevents the production of healthy red blood cells.

Once this happens, your body can no longer fight off infections, you suffer from anemia, your kidneys begin to fail, and your bones are destroyed.

It’s a pretty pitiless condition, but what’s the link to sleep apnea?

From previous studies, Iowa University researchers new that chronic intermittent hypoxia drives cancer tumor progression. Or in layman’s terms, low blood oxygen helps tumors grow. So, they wondered if sleep apnea might be playing a part in the development of multiple myeloma.

So, they bred mice that were genetically multiple myeloma-resistant. Then they injected them with malignant mouse multiple myeloma cells and stimulated sleep apnea in some of them.

There were intrigued to find a huge difference between the two groups. 67 percent of the sleep apnea group developed multiple myeloma, but only 12 percent of the normal breathers succumbed to the illness.

Now, of course, this is only a study of mice, but it points strongly towards a connection between the intermittent low blood oxygen levels caused by sleep apnea and multiple myeloma.

Interestingly, the researchers also found that mice whose blood oxygen was permanently low didn’t have problems with multiple myeloma. If that was a problem then presumably we would already know about it, because everyone living high up in the mountains would have this cancer!

It wasn’t the lack of oxygen, but the intermittent lack of oxygen that seemed to be driving the cancer. And the longer the duration of the intermittent breathing, the more aggressive the cancer became.

If the conclusions are true for humans too, it means that sleep apnea sufferers who try to catch up on their sleep during the day are actually making things worse, because longer periods of intermittent breathing pose the largest multiple myeloma risk.

Luckily there are tried and tested methods for eliminating snoring and sleep apnea in as little as three minutes. Take a look at the easy throat exercises to cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea here to find out more…

Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea - The Physical Damage of Snoring

Snoring is sometimes seen as a bit of a joke problem, something that is irritating to our sleeping partners that we aren’t even aware of.

But scientists from Umea University in Sweden have just concluded that snoring can do real physical damage too.

For their study (published in the journal, Respiratory Research) they recruited 22 snorers and sleep apnea patients whose conditions were so damaging that they needed surgery.

They also recruited 10 people who breathed normally during sleep for comparison.

The researchers noticed muscular damage in the upper respiratory tracts of heavy snorers, probably caused by the constant vibrations these soft tissues had to endure every night.

The snoring damage was so incessant that their bodies couldn’t repair it, so once the damage was done, it was there to stay.

Videoradiography also revealed that the snorers suffered from swallowing dysfunction, most likely also caused by this muscle damage.

Another problem they saw was that heavy snorers and people with sleep apnea had fewer nerves and less muscle tissue in their soft palates than the healthy breathers did. This probably made their condition worse because less muscle support allowed their upper airways to collapse, which is the reason why sleep apnea patient’s breathing stops during the night, starving them of oxygen and depriving them of proper sleep. A dangerous combination that can increase the chances of cardiovascular problems significantly.

When they drilled down to the nitty-gritty details, they found that much of this muscle dysfunction was related to proteins.

Two proteins, called desmin and dystrophin were known to be essential for proper muscle function, so the scientists looked for differences between how these two proteins behaved in the upper airways of the heavy snorers and the healthy breathers. Here’s what they found:

1. While only seven percent of muscle fibers of healthy breathers lacked desmin, 12 percent of muscle fibers of heavy snorers were short on it.

2. Desmin was disorganized in 13 percent of the snorer’s muscle fibers but was fine in the healthy breathers.

3. Overall, 18 percent of the muscle fibers of the heavy snorers displayed desmin abnormalities, while only seven percent of those of the normal breathers did.

4. 10 percent of the muscle fibers of those with swallowing dysfunction displayed desmin abnormalities, compared with six percent for the good swallowers.

5. Part of the dystrophin protein tended to be absent in the desmin-abnormal muscle fibers of the heavy snorers.

Researchers also found that the chief neurotransmitter responsible for healing was present in these muscle tissues. That’s how they knew that patient’s bodies were trying to repair these muscles, but the constant heavy snoring was interrupting the healing process.

This shows why you need to take your snoring problem seriously. It’s a slippery slope from snoring to upper airway muscle injuries, to nerve and muscle loss, and to sleep apnea, which can seriously hurt your heart.

For more ideas to cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea, watch this video - 5 Natural Treatments for Sleep Apnea | How to Stop Snoring

But in literally just a few minutes a day, you can cure stubborn snoring and sleep apnea with these simple exercises…

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people treat sleep apnea symptoms. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Cure Stubborn Snoring and Sleep Apnea Immediately

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Monday, December 16, 2019

What is the Best Way to Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure?

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Three-Minute Test Could Save Your Life. Your home blood pressure monitor could be even more useful than you thought. You already know that keeping track of your blood pressure is important, but this recent discovery takes it one step further.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Three-Minute Test Could Save Your Life

Your home blood pressure monitor could be even more useful than you thought. You already know that keeping track of your blood pressure is important, but this recent discovery takes it one step further.

It can predict with startling accuracy your chances of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Even when doctors take your blood pressure, most haven’t heard about this recently discovered approach.

Researchers at the University of Exeter published a comprehensive study about how inaccurate single-arm blood pressure tests are. It appeared in the British Journal of General Practice.

From 1998 to 2008 they looked at 3,350 Scottish men and women aged from 50 to 75. Everyone in the study was judged to be at risk of developing high blood pressure, but none of them had a formal diagnosis yet.

Blood pressure tests using both arms were conducted only at the start of the study. The researchers then monitored them to see which of the participants went on to develop cardiovascular disease.

They were interested to find that when there was a difference in systolic readings between the two arms of five mmHg or more, those individuals were nearly twice as likely to die from a heart-related illness.

It gets worse though…

An eye-opening 60% of people in the study showed this five-mmHg difference between arms, and for 38% the difference was 10 mmHg.
But why are these readings different anyway?

It’s true that blood pressure readings can be different according to whether you’re at the doctor’s office or in your own home. The reason for that is simply anxiety. People naturally get a little bit more uptight when they’re sitting in front of the doctor. But that doesn’t explain why using different arms should make a difference. They’re both still attached to the same heart, right?

The answer lies in blocked blood vessels. In the arm with the higher reading it’s a common cause, and it’s one that points to a potentially serious risk.

It could be that plaque has built up in one arm, or it might have built up throughout the body, and the arm with a lower reading might have the least plaque. That’s obviously the worst-case scenario, but neither of them is exactly good news.

And this isn’t new thinking. In the March 2014 edition of the American Journal of Medicine, they ran a study produced by Harvard researchers. The team took blood pressure readings from 3,400 subjects and looked for problems over 14 years, in much the same way as the Exeter researchers.

10% showed an inter-arm difference of 10 or more mmHg, and these people were 38% more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke than those with lower differences.

So, the takeaway here is, ask your doctor for a double-arm test. You could casually quote both of the above studies when they ask you why, and maybe earn yourself an astonished look and new respect.

Or, as we suggested at the start, just do it yourself. Test the blood pressure on both of your arms. If you see an average difference of 5 points or more in your systolic blood pressure readings (the first number) then act now. It might save your life.

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - Common Meds that Spike Your Blood Pressure

Pain is a known cause of high blood pressure. The body responds to long-term pain the same way that it responds to sudden injury: it raises your blood pressure.

So, it doesn’t help when the meds you’re taking for the pain cause your blood pressure to spike as well.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs like ibuprofen are known antagonists when it comes to blood pressure. And it doesn’t help that they’re so common that people think they are virtually harmless. It’s like, when you can pick something up in the grocery store, it has to be safe, right?

Sure, they’re great for reducing fevers and combating mild pain for most people, but recent research has highlighted the way that these widely used medications can lead to alarming spikes in blood pressure too. And prescription medications like Celebrex are no better. They can also potentially do the same thing.

Non-NSAID alternatives are available, but they come with their own difficulties when taken in large quantities.

Acetaminophen, can cause death at a dosage of just 4,000 mg, and liver damage even at lower do.

When you absolutely have to take something to cope with pain, it’s far better to look towards natural remedies.

Take Control of Your High Blood Pressure - 15 Points off your blood pressure score – easy!

High blood pressure needn’t be hard work. You may think you need to follow a restrictive diet that leaves you miserable and hungry, or work yourself on a treadmill until you collapse in a pool of sweat. But a new study shows that you can leave all of that stuff to the masochists and still get the benefits.

There’s a much simpler way to get your blood pressure under control without making yourself miserable. In fact, it’s blissfully simple.

It’s something that you’re already doing, so doing it a little more and doing it more mindfully should be as easy as rolling off a log. And no, it’s nothing that you’re eating, so get ready, take a deep breath… It’s breathing.

Really? Yes, really. Breathing is something that we take for granted because it’s so automatic, but maybe that’s why we tend to overlook its importance.

It’s great at lowering blood pressure, but maybe not in the way you might think.

Dr. David Anderson is a researcher who works for the National Institute of Aging. To him and his colleagues, the science of breathing is like a breath of fresh air.

During one investigation he used a specialized device to train his subjects to slow down their breathing rates. And when he did, he was surprised at what he discovered.

Not only did slow breathing result in lower stress hormone levels among the study participants, it also helped to reduce the excess salt in their bodies as well. It’s well known that salt raises blood pressure, so it actually helped them to reduce two causes of high blood pressure in one go.

Another study by a different organization found that just 15 minutes a day of slow breathing exercises lopped up to an impressive 15 points off blood pressure scores for some individuals.

You can recreate these kinds of results without investing in any specialized device. We’ve based our blood pressure exercises on many of the principles that underpin this study. And we’ve made sure that they’re even more effective.

For more ideas to take control of your high blood pressure, watch this video - How to lower blood pressure in MINUTES

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

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