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Sunday, November 3, 2019

What is the Best way to Prevent Cholesterol Buildup in Arteries?

Most nutritional experts advise that in order to prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries, you should cut down the amount of cholesterol and fat in your food. The theory behind this assertion is that cholesterol will go from the food into your bloodstream, where it adds to the blood cholesterol and packs up in your heart arteries. But this is not what happens at all. In fact, there is a little process that is occurring in your guts that may be the main reason for your high cholesterol level.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Prevent Cholesterol Buildup in Arteries - How Your Gut Causes High Cholesterol

Most nutritional experts advise that in order to lower cholesterol level, you should cut down the amount of cholesterol and fat in your food.

The theory behind this assertion is that cholesterol will go from the food into your bloodstream, where it adds to the blood cholesterol and packs up in your heart arteries.

But this is not what happens at all. In fact, there is a little process that is occurring in your guts that may be the main reason for your high cholesterol level.

Countries where people have traditionally eaten whole grains and consumed relatively little oil are increasingly moving towards a Westernized diet that contains a large amount of processed grains and vegetable oils.

Scientists have just published a study in the journal Gut that investigated the effects of this dietary change on our intestinal bacteria.

We have billions of bacteria in our intestines, and some of these have been found to be healthy, while others have been associated with obesity and illnesses.

The scientists divided 217 Chinese adults between the ages of 18 and 35 into three groups by gradually increasing the amount of fat in their diets through the primary use of soybean oil, white rice, and flour. As such, they were split into a low, medium, and high Westernized diet.

They observed these diets for six months and had blood and fecal samples taken at the beginning and the end of the study to test for gut bacteria and signs of inflammation.

The first change they noticed was in the healthy gut bacteria, called Fecali bacteria, the bacteria responsible for producing short-chain fatty acids, like butyrate. These increased in the low-fat group while decreasing in the high-fat group. It is to be noted that previous studies found that this bacteria had anti-inflammatory effects.

The Blautia family of bacteria, previously associated with healthy cholesterol levels, were abundant in the low-fat dieters while scarce in the high-fat dieters.

The Bacteroide family, previously found to be linked with high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes, were abundant in the high-fat consumers and scarce in the low-fat consumers.

The low-fat dieters had lower levels of the metabolites p-cresol and indole, formally linked with metabolic disorders like diabetes.

The high-fat dieters also had more inflammatory chemicals in their blood than the low-fat dieters had.

It is important to remember that the scientists increased refined grains along with fats in the diets of the high-fat group, which unsurprisingly suggests that they were too unhealthy.

Furthermore, soybean oil was used to increase the fat content of the high-fat diet. Soybean oil is one of the most harmful omega-6 polyunsaturated oils available, and some researchers think it is single-handedly responsible for our high cholesterol levels.

This is as it appears in almost all premade, prepackaged foods, it is abundant in our diets, and is almost impossible to avoid, unless you shun premade food in favor of fresh food.

But there is another ingredient (connected to soybeans but not quite) which is the #1 cause of cholesterol buildup in your arteries – and you have probably never even heard of it. Fortunately, it’s easy to avoid this if you follow the three easy steps to prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries, found here

Prevent Cholesterol Buildup in Arteries - The Most Harmful Cholesterol Discovered (not LDL or HDL)

You have heard of LDL – the so-called “bad cholesterol”. And HDL – often called “good cholesterol”.

And then we, of course, have Triglycerides.

But there is a third type of cholesterol, one that you probably have never even heard of. And this type was found to be the most dangerous type by far.

Ironically, this third type of cholesterol is also the one easiest to eliminate.

This new discovery by the University of Illinois was presented at the 63rd Biophysical Society Annual Meeting.

The researchers divided their mice into two groups: one group that received a well-balanced diet and the other that received a diet based on the number of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins that can be found in a typical fast-food meal.

Unsurprisingly, researchers quickly observed a thickening of the arteries of the unhealthy eaters.

This damage did not occur only to the arterial walls, but all the way down to the individual cells that made up the arterial walls.

They then measured the amount of LDL cholesterol and oxidized cholesterol in the arteries of these mice so that they could inject the same amounts into human arterial cells in a laboratorial setting to see what would happen.

Just like oil that is placed on the shelf for too long and starts to smell, oxidized cholesterol is basically cholesterol that has become rancid.

After applying these to human cells, they observed the same as in the mice: a thickening and hardening of arterial membranes.

Like in the mice, the damage occurred all the way down to the individual cells from which the arteries were constituted.

The oxidized cholesterol did a lot more damage than the LDL cholesterol. Even scarier, it only took a tiny amount of oxidized cholesterol to do substantial damage.

The value of this study lies in the three following findings:

1. Oxidized cholesterol is more harmful than LDL cholesterol.
2. The arterial damage that causes the thickening and hardening of arteries goes down to the cellular level.
3. When LDL and oxidized cholesterol appear together, the damage is the greatest.

Interestingly, for years I have been teaching how to completely clear out the cholesterol plaque buildup in people’s arteries through the elimination of oxidized cholesterol. You can learn the simple steps needed to prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries here…

Prevent Cholesterol Buildup in Arteries - Is Your High Cholesterol Putting Your Kids At Hidden Risk?

If you have high cholesterol, chances are that it’s indirectly putting your children at immediate extreme risk.

This is true even if they’re in their 20s, 30, or 40s and have no sign of cardiovascular diseases.

It’s because your high cholesterol could be a sign of a family disease, one that you’ve already beaten yourself.

Hereditary high cholesterol is a condition called familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). It is caused by a fault on chromosome 19 that compromises your body’s ability to remove LDL cholesterol from your blood vessels.

Unfortunately, it has no symptoms that are obviously noticeable, so many families do not realize that they have it.

Norwegian researchers wondered about the risk that this condition poses for heart attack and coronary heart disease and decided to find out by analyzing information from thousands of people with FH.

They identified 3,071 people with FH who had not had a prior heart attack and 2,795 people with the condition who did not have coronary heart disease.

They matched these people with a sample from the general population that approximately match them in age, so they could compare people with and without hereditary cholesterol.

They then examined Norwegian hospitalization records between 2000 and 2009 to compare how many people in each group were hospitalized with heart attack or coronary heart disease.

Interestingly, by age 70, people with FH were no more likely than those without it to suffer heart attack or coronary heart disease events, but from age 55 downward, they were at a much greater risk than the general population.

In fact, those with FH who had the greatest risk compared with the general population were people between ages 25 and 39, the youngest group studied here.

Across the board, for all ages, the risk for women was worse than for men, which is consistent with the findings of previous studies.

This means that it is incredibly important to diagnose familial hypercholesterolemia as early as possible so that it can be treated immediately.

This is because, for these people, it is simply not good enough to wait until they are in their 30s before they start controlling their cholesterol, as it is then already too late.

If this condition runs in the family, the cholesterol levels of children must be controlled from the moment they start walking.

So, if you know of several people in your family who experienced cardiovascular events before age 55, you might want a doctor to test you and your children for FH.

For more ideas to prevent cholesterol buildup in arteries, watch this video - Just 3 Ingredients Will Unclog Your Arteries Without Medication and Reduce Cholesterol Fast

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Prevent Cholesterol Buildup in Arteries.

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Thursday, October 31, 2019

What is the Best Way to Treat Degenerative Arthritis?

Treat Degenerative Arthritis - Why Arthritis Cells Attack Themselves (And what to do about it). Autoimmune diseases (like arthritis), is a case where your immune system targets your body’s own tissue and destroys it with inflammation, and is understandably extremely interesting to medical scientists. To put it simply, why would such an otherwise sophisticated and well-constructed body do such a stupid thing?

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Completely Heal Any Type of Arthritis In 21 Days or Less

Treat Degenerative Arthritis - Why Arthritis Cells Attack Themselves (And what to do about it)

Autoimmune diseases (like arthritis), is a case where your immune system targets your body’s own tissue and destroys it with inflammation, and is understandably extremely interesting to medical scientists.

To put it simply, why would such an otherwise sophisticated and well-constructed body do such a stupid thing?

Scientists from the Technical University of Munich have now explained the process whereby this occurs in detail in a new study in the journal Cell Report.

And this may lead to a clearer path towards a cure for arthritis.

Your immune system must attack and remove everything it considers to be an abnormal biological material. To do this, it uses T-cells to attack invaders, and also to remove cells that have been damaged and that are identified as abnormal.

These T-cells are incredibly strong and often use inflammation to kill invaders.

The only problem? If the cells in your joints, for example, have been slightly damaged by a relatively normal biological process, such as oxidation or by harmless bacteria, these T-cells will destroy your joints until nothing remains of it.

This is where regulatory T-cells, or Tregs, step in. The job of Tregs is to inhibit unnecessarily strong responses by these T-cells and to block unnecessarily strong inflammation.

In other words, when your T cells begin to destroy your joints because your immune system incorrectly labels them as harmful, these Tregs stop the immune overreaction, curb the inflammation, send the T-cells away, thereby saving your joints.

If you have a condition like arthritis, however, then these Tregs are clearly not doing their job, and this is the puzzle that scientists are still trying to solve.

For some reason, particularly in the case of severely inflamed tissue, Tregs lose their identity and stop operating as the brake system that the immune system often needs, particularly in the misinterpreted cases. As such, the authors of the new study used mice to investigate why this happens.

When they observed severely inflamed tissue in mice, they noticed that a protein called Blimp1 was sometimes present and sometimes absent.
When it was present and active, the Tregs worked. When it was absent, the Tregs lost their identity and remained inactive.

When they deliberately removed Blimp1 from the mice’s inflamed tissue, the mice developed something akin to an autoimmune disease.

Not only did the Tregs lose their abilities to inhibit the immune response, but they also seemed to develop properties that made them prone to inflammation promotion.

This is partly why many autoimmune diseases are genetic, as it is a genetic process that activates Blimp1.

This is groundbreaking research, as it is the first time that scientists have managed to get a glimpse of why the immune system is so dysfunctional in autoimmune diseases like arthritis.

Unfortunately, it will still be years before this discovery translates into any form of functional medication for arthritis. Till then, we will have to rely on diet and other lifestyle changes to tackle inflammation.

Treat Degenerative Arthritis - Stress And Arthritis – Strange Pain Connection

Around 30% of those who suffer from arthritis pain also report a high level of stress. This is almost three times the stress level of the general public.

That’s because stress triggers your immune system, which causes inflammation, which of course worsens arthritis.

A new study published in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy reveals that people with arthritis can almost eliminate their pain and stress level at the same time.

The researchers recruited 241 people with joint pain, some of whom went on to develop rheumatoid arthritis and some of whom did not.

They measured the levels of psychological stress of these participants with the Mental Health Inventory and the Perceived Stress Scale at the beginning of the study and during follow-up visits.

They measured their systemic inflammation with a blood test for a pro-inflammatory chemical called C-reactive protein.

They also measured their joint inflammation using a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan of their wrist, finger, and toe joints.

At the beginning of the study, 12% of people with joint pain suffered from high levels of psychological stress.

This was no higher at that point for those who ended up developing arthritis than those who didn’t. This indicates that stress doesn’t actually cause full blown arthritis.

The moment arthritis was diagnosed, their stress levels increased until 31% of them experienced high stress.

So being diagnosed with such a serious disease increased stress and therefore joint pain.

Luckily, during the first year of treatment, stress levels dropped again, until only 8% of arthritis patients experienced extreme stress.

So, interestingly, by beginning to do something about their arthritis, the participants experienced lower stress levels than before they were diagnosed. This was true even if the traditional medical system had no cure.

Treat Degenerative Arthritis - The Weird Arthritis and Weight Loss Connection (different from what many might think)

One of the problems with arthritis is that because it limits people’s mobility, they move less and are therefore at increased risk of weight gain.

This often leads to severe disability.

So, the obvious solution is to lose weight. Right?

Not so fast, says a new study recently published in the journal Arthritis Care & Research. This study investigated the link between weight and disability due to arthritis.

At the beginning of the study, researchers expected to find that the most obese people were the most likely to suffer from arthritis that was related disability. They assumed that weight loss would be an effective treatment to halt the development of this disease.

They analyzed the medical data of 23,323 people with rheumatoid arthritis in the National Data Bank of Rheumatic Diseases, and of 1,697 arthritis sufferers in the Veterans Affairs RA registry.

Disability was measured according to the participant’s responses on the health assessment questionnaire.

When their details were first entered into these databases, it was found that those people who were obese would be substantially more likely than those who were overweight to suffer from arthritis-related disability.

In subsequent years, it was found that those who were obese were also much more likely than those who were overweight to develop such disabilities.

Where the study became surprising, however, was with the role of weight loss.

If obesity is the problem, then weight loss is the solution. Right?

Oddly enough, those who shed their weight did not benefit at all, and still experienced an increased risk of disability compared with people who were never obese or overweight to start off with.

The reason is that if you don’t reverse your arthritis (and the traditional medical system has no idea how), you can’t get your mobility back even if you lose weight.

Watch these 2 videos for more ideas to treat degenerative arthritis –

The study also shows that it is important to lose weight before you experience too much disability.

The problem is that most diets and workouts don’t work because they ignore the “third element of weight loss.” I’ll explain this third element here and show you how to use it to put your weight loss on autopilot…

This post is from the Arthritis Strategy Program. It was created by Shelly Manning, a former arthritis sufferer and a health consultant.

A Brief Background on the Author

Like you, Shelly Manning also suffered from arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This was due to her weight and desk job. Her condition eventually took a toll on her relationship with her (former) husband.

It was when she went to Hong Kong that she met Janerdquo, an old woman who owned the restaurant where she ate. Janerdquo supposedly offered her a bowl of a weird-smelling soup, which helped ease her joint pain. She ate there each day for 10 days until she was completely healed from arthritis.

Shelly Manning decided to research this natural remedy and to create a step-by-step treatment plan to others who are suffering from different types of arthritis, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and psoriatic arthritis.

That’s why she created “The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy.” According to her claims, this unique strategy will get rid of joint pain and stiffness, repair your damaged joints, and treat the underlying cause of your arthritis.

Shelly teamed up with Christian Goodman, the owner of Blue Heron Health News, a publishing company that aims to help people to take responsibility for their own health by using natural health alternatives to reverse arthritis in fingers and knees naturally.

To find out more about this program, go to Treat Degenerative Arthritis Symptoms Naturally at Home

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Which is the Best High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home?

High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - The Most Fun Way to Lower Blood Pressure 10 Points. A brand-new study presented at the meeting of the American Heart Association in Atlanta, however, has revealed that there is one simple method that immediately lowers blood pressure by up to 10 points.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - The Most Fun Way to Lower Blood Pressure 10 Points

Tackling high blood pressure is usually no fun. You have to cut out the food you love, and then soak yourself in sweat at the gym.

A brand-new study presented at the meeting of the American Heart Association in Atlanta, however, has revealed that there is one simple method that immediately lowers blood pressure by up to 10 points.

What’s more, it doesn’t cost a dime and EVERYONE enjoys it. And if that’s not enough, you can use this method anytime, anywhere.

The study conducted by Osaka University in Japan looked at the results of two common, everyday activities:

1) Laughter
2) Listening to or playing music.

These two activities have been shown to drop systolic blood pressure by as much as 10 points, and this can be seen to occur even just a few minutes into the activity.

Listening to relaxing music, or songs which you can sing along to, is something you can do on your commute in the car or on the train.
This is by far the easiest way to lower blood pressure naturally.

And spending time with positive friends who make you laugh, listening to the comedy station, or even looking over funny photos can have the same effect.

The study found not only it wasn’t just blood pressure that improved for participants who attended regular music and laughter therapy sessions, but the health of the linings in their blood vessels also improved by an average of 7%.

This is just another report to add to the mounting proof that not only can high blood pressure be cured by relieving emotional, mental or physical stress, the harm done to the arteries can also be reduced.

However, while laughing and listening to music may not be enough to completely cure high blood pressure, this is the exact principle that our extremely effective blood pressure exercises are based on.

For years I’ve witnessed repeatedly how my clients drop their blood pressure to below 120/80 within a week. Sometimes, even on the very first day!

And now we know that in addition to that, this high blood pressure treatment at home can help to reverse artery damage.

Learn more about and test-drive the simple blood pressure exercises that can normalize your blood pressure in as little as 9 minutes…

High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - One Ingredient Is Responsible for High Blood Pressure

According to a recent Journal of Nature Medicine study, one basic ingredient that’s the basis for the most common Western diets is the main cause of the rise in high blood pressure, strokes,and heart attacks.

The researchers studied the type of food most common in various countries worldwide and found that wherever the consumption of this one ingredient was high, so were the cases of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attacks.

The Ugandan study found that in populations where the average consumption of processed red meat per meal exceeded 70 grams, it was often in locations that had statistics stating that hypertension and deadly cardiovascular disease were the most prevalent.

The recommended serving size for red meat is generally accepted as the equivalent of just 2 strips of bacon. Many Western meals far exceed this, often boasting to have 1/3-pound burgers with extra bacon, dripping with cheese.

While it is good to get an optimum amount of protein in the diet, studies have highlighted that doing it through this method can lead to an early grave.

You don’t even have to suffer weight gain for the high blood pressure effects of red meat to plague you.

The researchers recommended substituting red meat with white meat, such as baked chicken. There are, of course, also many vegetables loaded with protein and healthy fats, such as nuts and beans.

If you already have high blood pressure, then there is a method proven to lower it no matter what diet you’re on.

High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - Unusual Tea Lowers Blood Pressure and Helps You Sleep

Imagine this. Your doctor has prescribed a diuretic for blood pressure and a sedative for anxiety.

You are frustrated that the answer is limited to drugs and doesn’t consider natural treatments.

But there is a solution, and this natural treatment has the exact same function as the drugs… without the side effects.

And it involves a nightly cup of a hot, delicious tea.

Linden is an herb that is gaining popularity online, both as a dried herb and in capsule form, and this can be found from a number of supplement manufacturers.

The tea is made by steeping the dried herb in hot water for a few minutes.

It contains a powerful chemical called farnesol, which is known to be a vasodilator. The tea works as a great natural diuretic as it promotes perspiration during sleep.

We lose about a cup of water every night through our sleep cycles, but farnesol helps to prevent edema and water retention.

The vasodilating effects of the farnesol help to relax blood vessels, thus lowering blood pressure. It also helps to naturally calm busy minds and actually relaxes the entire body.

Because it works systemically and can affect various parts of the body, it is important not to take this tea if you are already on a diuretic or vasodilator for high blood pressure without a prior visit to the doctor.

Too much of a good thing is just too much.

Find it online with a simple Internet search or in health food stores. This can either come as an herb for tea or as a supplement in capsules.

Watch this video to get some ideas on high blood pressure treatment at home - Natural High Blood Pressure Home Remedies

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and lower blood pressure in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Best High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What is the Best Way to Keep Blood Sugar Level Low?

If you have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, you have probably been told to avoid anything sugary. Doctors generally even warn against too much fruit consumption, as fruits contain a lot of fruit sugar. A new study by Illinois Institute of Technology researchers, however, revealed that one yummy fruit that will keep blood sugar level low.

Click HERE to Discover the 3 Easy Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes in 28 Days or Less

Keep Blood Sugar Level Low - This Sweet Stops Diabetes in Its Track

If you have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, you have probably been told to avoid anything sugary.

Doctors generally even warn against too much fruit consumption, as fruits contain a lot of fruit sugar.

A new study by Illinois Institute of Technology researchers, however, revealed that one yummy fruit that will keep your blood sugar at bay.
Apparently, the more you eat of it, the better!

The study published in the journal Obesity recruited 21 overweight/obese people with pre-diabetes and 11 people who were metabolically healthy with whom to compare the former group against.

The scientists tested three breakfasts:

• one without red raspberries,
• one with one cup of red raspberries,
• one with 2 cups of it.

Aside from these, the three breakfasts contained the same amount of calories and the same macronutrients, high carbohydrate and moderate fat.

The subjects were rotated so by the end of the study, each had eaten all three of the breakfasts.

Results: the more red raspberries were eaten with breakfast, the lower the insulin and blood glucose levels found in their subjects.

On one and two cups of red raspberries, it was found that their average insulin levels just two hours after breakfast were lower when compared with those who ate no raspberries at all.

On two cups of red raspberries, their peak insulin, peak glucose, and glucose average levels two hours after breakfast were lower than their peers who did not eat raspberries for breakfast.

Keep Blood Sugar Level Low - Common Drugs Cause Diabetes and Obesity (within 12 weeks)

Despite their serious side effects, the usage of these drugs is still on a steep rise.

A new study from both the Washington University and Florida Atlantic University revealed that not only do these drugs lead to obesity within 12 weeks of usage, they also caused type 2 diabetes and numerous other conditions.

Antipsychotic drugs are prescribed for a wide variety of psychological problems. This includes schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), drug-resistant depression, severe anxiety, and even attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

While researchers have long known that this class of drugs can cause obesity, the fact that it is now increasingly prescribed for ADHD made researchers wonder whether it actually increased body fat and insulin resistance, two major risk factors that could lead to type 2 diabetes.

They decided to test it on children and adolescents, as this is the population that was increasingly targeted by these drugs to “correct” behavior disorders, like ADHD.

The study was published in JAMA Psychiatry.

They analyzed 144 youths from the St. Louis-area who had been prescribed antipsychotics.

At the beginning of the study, after six weeks of antipsychotic use, and after 12 weeks at the end of the study, they used dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scans to test the kids’ total body fat.

They also used MRI scans to test their subcutaneous and visceral fat, which is the fat below the skin and around the organs in the abdomen.

Lastly, they tested the kid’s sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that is used for the removal of sugar from the blood stream, and a low sensitivity to it causes high blood sugar levels and the possibility of having the risk of diabetes.

At the beginning of the study, 30% of the youths were overweight or obese, which is the same percentage as that of the general population.

After 12 only weeks of antipsychotic treatment, this percentage rose to 46.5%.

When they broke down the causes of the weight gain, they found that half of the new weight was fat, while the other half was water.

The children and teens also became less sensitive to insulin, putting them at risk of diabetes.

Stimulants, like Ritalin, made no difference to the amount of fat gained and the amount of insulin sensitivity lost.

Let’s be clear, antipsychotic drugs have their place. They save lives and help those who are really in need of them.

But, since it has become a trend to use our children as lab rats for behavior modification/emotion numbing drugs that we then use on adults that have attention deficits and hyperactivity disorders, we must pay attention to this study.

Keep Blood Sugar Level Low - Type 2 Diabetes and Poor Sleep Connection Discovered

In April 2018, a study in the journal Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews found that insomniacs were up to 50% more likely than non-insomniacs to have type 2 diabetes.

But the reason for this was a mystery.

A brand new study by scientists from the University of Arizona presented at Sleep 2018, the 32nd annual meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, however, came up with the answer.

And the solution is so super simple it left everyone in awe.

These scientists conducted a nationwide, phone survey of 3,105 Americans from 23 cities.

The participants were asked about their sleep quality, health problems, nighttime snacking, and junk food cravings.

They found that poor sleepers were substantially more likely than good sleepers to crave junk food, and that people who craved junk food were twice as likely as those who did not to snack late at night.

Moreover, people who reported junk food cravings and night time snacking were much more likely than the others were to report obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.

Older studies have also revealed that snacking late at night can seriously contribute to type 2 diabetes.

So, if you frequently stay up late at night or wake up in the middle of the night, simply try not to snack at that time. Or if you need to snack, grab some carrots or celery to hold you over.

For more ideas to keep blood sugar level low, watch this video - 7 Clinically Proven Foods Which Lower Blood Sugar & Help Prevent & Reverse Diabetes

And if you’ve already developed type 2 diabetes and want to keep blood sugar level low, follow the 3 simple steps,found here, to reverse it in 28 days or less…

This post is from the 3 Steps Diabetes Strategy Program. It was created by Jodi Knapp from Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

In this program, Jodi Knapp shares practical tips and advice on how you can prevent and cure diabetes naturally. She also dispels myths commonly associated with diabetes, like for example, diabetes being a lifelong condition. There are also lots of information going around that is simply not true and she’s here to correct it.

Diabetes is a disease, and it can be cured. This is just one of the important tips Jodi reveals in her program. Also she included several ways in preventing the onset of disease, choosing the right food to eat, recommended vitamin supplements, the right time of the day to take the blood sugar and many more.

But the most amazing thing would have to be her program which only takes 3 simple steps to help you to control & treat type 2 diabetes. What it does is cure diabetes without having to rely on expensive drugs, diets that make sufferers crave for even more food they are not supposed to eat, and exercise programs that make people feel tired and depressed.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Keep Blood Sugar Level Low Naturally

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