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Showing posts with label reverse type 2 diabetes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reverse type 2 diabetes. Show all posts

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Which Spice Can Normalize High Blood Pressure and Cure Everything?

What common spice has the power to relieve pain (arthritis and other), reverse diabetes, normalize high blood pressure, end heart disease, and do just about everything else a body needs? It’s hard to believe that a common food seasoning can do so much but it can- and has been doing it for thousands of years. Even researchers in the scientific community agree that including this one single spice can cure a litany of health problems.

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without Expensive Medication

What common spice has the power to relieve pain (arthritis and other), reverse diabetes, normalize high blood pressure, end heart disease, and do just about everything else a body needs?

It’s hard to believe that a common food seasoning can do so much but it can- and has been doing it for thousands of years.

Even researchers in the scientific community agree that including this one single spice can cure a litany of health problems.

For millennia, cayenne pepper has been the go-to cure for almost every health problem there is. It is even used as the main ingredient in the spray that repels combatants or attackers. It is powerful, but completely natural.

The active ingredient, capsaicin, has been used for many hundreds of years across thousands of cultures to cure everything from pain to heart problems.

But what makes it work to normalize high blood pressure?

Capsaicin works to normalize high blood pressure, by affecting the receptors that govern neural-hormonal systems. By making the receptors more sensitive, the body doesn’t have to work as hard to produce the hormones needed to soften the arterial walls.

However, because of its effectiveness in helping to normalize high blood pressure, you should talk to your doctor before you start on a capsaicin regimen.

It is available at most health food stores but people can get into complications with traditional drugs by supplementing without their doctor’s oversight. So just make sure you have his or her blessing to try it.

Because of its influence on veins and arteries, it has actually been attributed to being able to stop a heart attack in mere seconds.

But it also can stop pain, which is critical for people who have conditions that make it impossible to take pills.

The oily structure of cayenne pepper makes it highly permeable through the skin, and the pepper’s compounds have been proven too dull angry nerve endings.

This is why people who suffer from arthritis love it as an alternative to NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These drugs can cause a host of side effects, including ulcers or other bleeding disorders.

Cayenne pepper doesn’t affect the body in this way, and can be used as a topical treatment. This makes it a safer choice for many with chronic pain disorders like arthritis.

The pepper even has positive effects in the digestive tract, helping to rid the body of dangerous, cholesterol-filled fats that would find their way into arteries. It has also been shown to aid in peristalsis, which is the concentric squeezing of muscles that moves food through the digestive tract.

Improving metabolism and circulation helps keep the diabetes gremlin out of the picture as well.

While there isn’t a generally recognized serving size, most charts will reference the nutritive benefits based upon a 2-teaspoon serving.

However, if you are like many people who are not accustomed to eating or ingesting this pepper, 2 teaspoons can pack a real wallop.

Work your way into using it slowly to normalize high blood pressure, by using no more than a tiny pinch in your soups, stews, egg dishes, etc. Gradually increase the amounts as your body (and taste buds) acclimate to the increasing serving size. Cayenne pepper can be really hot!

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was created by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Normalize High Blood Pressure?

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Monday, April 30, 2018

What Can Really Prevent High Blood Pressure and Diabetes?

Here are what researchers discover that can really prevent high blood pressure and diabetes and a video clip to help you to prevent high blood pressure and diabetes.

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without Expensive Medication

Which Drink Can Prevent High Blood Pressure and Diabetes?

Doctors and nutritionists have been telling us for decades to drink less of this drink, as it contains saturated fat that clogs our arteries and raises our blood pressure.

This was however completely debunked in a new study published in the Journal of Nutrition written by Singaporean, Chinese, and American researchers.

In fact, this drink protects you against type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Can Drinking Milk Really Prevent High Blood Pressure and Diabetes?

They analyzed information collected by the Singapore Chinese Health Study between 1993 and 2017, with each of the 37,124 Chinese men and women having been observed for at least 10 years.

They were all asked to complete food questionnaires and were all subsequently interviewed to identify physician-diagnosed health conditions.

By the end of the period for which they were observed, they were all between 45 and 74 years old.

Those who drank 240 milliliters of milk had a 12 percent lower risk of diabetes and a six percent lower risk of hypertension than those who drank no milk.

When milk was excluded from the analysis and only other dairy products were considered, people who ate 252 grams of dairy products per day had a seven percent lower risk of hypertension and a 10 percent lower risk of diabetes than those who consumed no dairy products.

Watch the following Video to Learn How to Prevent High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

Click on to the following 2 Links to Learn How to Prevent High Blood Pressure and Diabetes

But milk is only one piece in the puzzle to completely reverse Type 2 Diabetes.  Here are the exact 3-steps thousands  of readers have used to cure themselves…

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Drop High Blood Pressure Naturally

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Revealing Here the 5 Amazing Blueberry Health Benefits

In terms of fruits with impossibly powerful health benefits, this tiny fruit takes the cake (metaphorically speaking, of course). They’re the kind of fruit you’d love to gobble right up if you ran across them. And chances are you will run across them since you’ll find them in just about any supermarket. But here’s the real kicker: they are potent weapons against cholesterol, blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Revealing Here are the 5 Amazing Blueberry Health Benefits

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without Expensive Medication

In terms of fruits with impossibly powerful health benefits, this tiny fruit takes the cake (metaphorically speaking, of course).

They’re the kind of fruit you’d love to gobble right up if you ran across them.

And chances are you will run across them since you’ll find them in just about any supermarket.

But here’s the real kicker: they are potent weapons against cholesterol, blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. Need I say more?

Rich in color, sweet and juicy blueberries have long been attributed to longevity and great health of subarctic indigenous natives.

Nowadays, blueberries rate among the highest known anti-oxidant value fruits.

This small but powerful berry is able to combat numerous health conditions:

Blueberry Health Benefits #1 - Heart disease

A recently conducted study by researchers at Harvard school of public health revealed that regularly eating anthocyanin- abundant blueberries reduced the risk of heart attack by 33%.

Another animal study at the Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center, revealed that atherosclerosis plaque build-up in arteries was significantly reduced in animals that were regularly fed with blueberries.

In addition, some studies have demonstrated that consuming more than one ½ cup (or 125 ml) serving of blueberries a week reduces their risk of developing high blood pressure by an impressive 20%.

Blueberry Health Benefits #2 - Fights Obesity

According to an animal study by researchers from the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, rats that were fed powdered blueberries as their regular diet had way less abdominal fat, total blood fat (triglycerides) and lower cholesterol levels, compared to the rats that were not fed with blueberries.

Study investigators explain that blueberry consumption triggers genes related to fat-burning and storage.

Blueberry Health Benefits #3 - Type 2 Diabetes

Myriad scientific studies have proven an impressive anti-diabetic effect of a blueberry-rich diet.

A recent study, however, conducted by scientists of Pennington Biomedical Research center at Louisiana State University, brought into light that daily consumption of blueberries drastically reduced the risks for type 2 diabetes.

Blueberries contain important bioactive substances that help improve insulin sensitivity, an essential factor for type 2 Diabetes prevention.

Blueberry Health Benefits #4 - Brain decline

An impressive amount of evidence has been mounting in the last decade supporting the amazingly beneficial effects of blueberries in the diet on brain aging.

Tufts University researchers report that a regular consumption of this magical berry reverses short-term memory loss and improves motor skills.

Anthocyanins found in blueberries are shown to improve neural signaling in brain centers.

According to the researchers, this tiny berry shows promising results when fighting degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Blueberry Health Benefits #5 - Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is characterized as a combination of health disorders including high cholesterol, blood pressure, impaired glucose tolerance and obesity.

Metabolic syndrome is responsible for increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases like stroke, heart attack and type 2 diabetes.

Researchers from North Carolina State University discovered that phytochemicals found in blueberries improved hyperglycemia, a condition related to metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

Believe it or not, the list of blueberry’s magical health powers goes on.

• The berry does wonders to improve vision health and tired eyes.
• Blueberries contain powerful compounds that prevent urinary tract infections.
• Regular consumption of blueberries drastically improves gut health by promoting good bacteria.
• A great amount of research showed that chemicals found in wild blueberries are able to inhibit and prevent the growth of cancer cells, even the particularly aggressive Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC).
• Due to an impressive amount of antioxidants, there is no better way to fight the disease and improve the immune system than a handful of blueberries every day.

The great news is that these berries are not just impressively healthy, but also incredibly delicious!

It is great if you can enjoy fresh blueberries from a market or even a handful of freshly picked ones from a forest next to you.

However, there are many other forms of blueberries you can reap the benefits from.

You could get them frozen, dried or even in supplement form at your local health food or drug store.

Remember, when buying a supplement, always look for a trusted brand and read the ingredient list carefully.

Watch this Video – Top 10 Blueberry Health Benefits

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Drop High Blood Pressure Naturally

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Revealed: The Shocking Truth About Diabetes!

Here's important news for anyone with diabetes. A remarkable E-Book is now available that reveals scientifically proven principles that can help trigger your body to produce more insulin naturally, reversing diabetes symptoms without the need for medication.

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Restore Health by Matt Traverso

Here's important news for anyone with diabetes. A remarkable E-Book is now available that reveals scientifically proven principles that can help trigger your body to produce more insulin naturally, reversing diabetes symptoms without the need for medication.

Diabetes is a condition in which sugar is not properly absorbed by the body. Globally the incidence of diabetes is expected to exceed 250 million people by 2025 – resulting in 35 million heart attacks, 13 million strokes, 6 million episodes of renal failure, 8 million instances of blindness or eye surgery, 2 million amputations and 62 million deaths – that is a measure of the scale of the problem. While diabetes belongs at the top of the healthcare agenda, it has yet to be given that position.

According to the American Diabetes Association, there are 21 million diabetics in America; with another 54 million people having pre-diabetes (placing them at high risk for developing Type II diabetes). This equates to 75 million Americans having diabetes, or being at high risk.

With attention focused on blood sugar and insulin levels, however, the underlying cause of all the devastation has been overlooked. According to health advocate and best-selling author Matt Traverso, many doctors are failing to treat the real underlying cause of diabetes.

Instead, they are treating the symptoms with chemicals and pharmaceutical medications that often leave the sufferers with side effects and a long term dependency on these drugs.

What some doctors may be failing to understand is that diabetes is not a disease, it is an outward reaction coming directly from the pancreas that results in the body no longer being able to produce normal amounts of insulin due to the pancreas being run down.

Matt Traverso's E-Book states, if the damage that is being done to the pancreas can be turned around, the organ will be given the chance to heal itself and then, gradually, it is possible for those who are dependent on insulin shots to be able to stop them all together.

This means diabetes sufferers may no longer have to be dependant on the drugs and medications that are usually taken to treat the condition.

Top scientists such as Dr Robert O. Young, Dr Gabriel Cousens, Dr Fuhrman and many others (whose ground-breaking research forms the basis of this E-book) state that “diabetes is completely reversible”. This information sheds new light on how diabetes sufferers get the condition and how they can turn their illness around for good.

The new finding on diabetes is being called "The Diabetes-Reversing Breakthrough" all through the western world.

I would like to extend the opportunity to anyone who either suffers from type 1 or type 2 diabetes, or is at high risk of getting the disease, to learn more about “The Diabetes-Reversing Breakthrough!”

So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:

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