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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What is the Best Way to Prevent Congestive Heart Failure?

Prevent Congestive Heart Failure - This Increases Heart Attack Risk 65% (And it’s not food related). A Harvard study of over 70,000 participants found a link between heart disease and this common practice. And it has nothing to do with the food you eat, drinks you drink, smoking habits or other things that are most often linked to heart attack and stroke.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Prevent Congestive Heart Failure - One Spice to Cure Them All

If you’re a Lord of the Rings fan, please let me apologize for riffing on the, “One ring to rule them all,” quotation. And if that leaves you scratching your head, then let me apologize for sounding weird, but the comparison seemed too good to resist! In the famous fantasy novel, the one ring is all-powerful, and in the world of health, this single spice is just as incredible.

It’s a painkiller, even for arthritis, and it can turn back the clock on diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease too. It doesn’t slow you down with side-effects, it’s cheap, well-known, and has been tried and tested for thousands of years.

Cayenne pepper is what we’re talking about, and it’s been through the mother of all clinical trials. Nature is a laboratory that perfects its ‘drugs’ over millions of years, and Capsaicin is just one of the many miracle-compounds it’s come up with.

Scientific researchers stand by it, and they are convinced that this humble spice is the answer to a wide range of nagging health problems. It’s like a suit of armor you wear on the inside!

For everything from heart problems to arthritis pain, capsaicin has you covered.

So, what’s its secret?

For high blood pressure, capsaicin makes the receptors that control your neural hormonal systems more, well…receptive. This means that your body can produce the hormones which soften the walls of your arteries without even breaking a sweat, and softer arterial walls means lower blood pressure.

Of course, you can have too much of a good thing with anything, and capsaicin is so effective that it’s essential to ask for your doctor’s advice before you start taking it. That’s because you need to know that there won’t be any unfortunate interactions with your existing medications first.

If you do get the green light, then get ready for a cascade of health benefits from a substance that is strong enough to stop a heart attack in its tracks. Yes, you read that correctly.

Research from the University of Cincinnati established that capsaicin reduced cardiac cell death by 85%(!) by activating cellular “pro-survival” pathways. And because it can be readily absorbed through the skin, there’s no need to worry about swallowing pills.

If you have ever read the warnings on painkillers like NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) you’ll know that they come with a laundry list of potential side-effects, including stomach ulcers. That’s why arthritis sufferers love capsaicin-based topical medications. They are great at calming down the long-term pain of raging joints without inflicting any long-term side-effects.

Promising research into the gut is showing how important a healthy digestive tract is to overall human wellness, and that’s another box that cayenne pepper can tick. It can strip out cholesterol-loaded fats that would otherwise end up in the bloodstream, and it even aid peristalsis, the rhythmic muscular contractions that push food through the digestive system.

On top of that, it’s a metabolism booster and an aid to circulation that helps keep diabetes at bay.

If you want to start taking cayenne, you’ll read that 2 teaspoons are the often recommended serving size, but that may be too much to start with if you’re not used to it. You’ll find it’s much easier to introduce it slowly, sprinkling a little into hotpots and soups the increasing the dose as your system adapts.

So, to reap the benefits, treat it with respect. It’s hot stuff in more ways than one!

Want a few more ways to lower your blood pressure, clobber your cholesterol and soothe your arthritis? Check these out:

Prevent Congestive Heart Failure - This Increases Heart Attack Risk 65% (And it’s not food related)

A Harvard study of over 70,000 participants found a link between heart disease and this common practice.

And it has nothing to do with the food you eat, drinks you drink, smoking habits or other things that are most often linked to heart attack and stroke.

Are you highly productive at work?

If you are in an office environment, that could be bad news for your heart.

Many of us who work hard in front of a computer or desk job also lead a sedentary lifestyle, rarely getting up and moving.

Given that most people spend between 8-10 hours at work each day, this sedentary lifestyle adds up to potential risk factors for heart disease.

A Harvard study involving over 70,000 women found that those who sat for more than 10 hours a day had almost a 65 percent greater chance of heart attack or stroke than those who sat less than 5 hours per day.

The main reason for this was that those sitting longer also tended to develop high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

So, would the solution be to quit your job? Obviously, that solution could bring about its own stress and health issues.

Prevent Congestive Heart Failure - How Your Fingers Indicate Heart Attack Risks in the Years Ahead

One of the problems with heart health is that once the problem begins, it takes a great deal of effort to reverse it. Sometimes, undergoing surgery or taking dangerous medications for a while are the only options at that point.

But how about if you could detect heart attack risk 10 – 20 years prior to any obvious symptoms appearing? This would give you plenty of time to make minor, positive changes to prevent the big bang.

A new, completely un-invasive test does just that. You don’t even have to have your blood or urine taken.

All it takes is to have a look at your fingers.

According to Dr. Chris Renna, a physician at Lifespan Medicine based in Santa Monica, the new and innovative test that can predict heart attack risk lies in endothelial functioning.

The EndoPAT test determines the health of blood vessels, an aspect which plays a big role in healthy cardio functioning.

Renna states that it is possible to determine the level of functioning of the endothelial cells in people from as young as 30, and if the dysfunction is present, correcting it as soon as possible is one way to improve their health later in life.

In fact, some people are now choosing to use this test as an indicator of their cardio health levels, and whether they are doing enough to remain healthy in the future, especially when they reach 50 and above.

In order to undergo the EndoPAT test, you’re hooked to sensors that are placed on each of your fingers. After the sensors are in place, blood pressure cuffs are used to stop the blood flow in one of your hands.

When the cuff is deflated, the manner in which the blood flow recovers is measured by the sensors.

In patients that are healthy, the blood flow will be prevented by the inflation of the cuff, but when it is deflated, the blood flow spikes for a while, to make up for the lack of blood, before returning to normal.

Those that display signs of abnormal heart functions will only recover to the point that the blood flow was at before the cuff was inflated, and the blood flow was stopped. There will be no spike.

If a patient’s test is abnormal, it’s likely they will end up experiencing problems with their heart later in life. The good news is that this test allows them a chance to take preventative action so that their worst fears won’t be realized.

For more ideas to prevent congestive heart failure, watch this video - 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk According to Doctors

High blood pressure is a major cause of heart attack and stroke.

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Prevent Congestive Heart Failure ?.

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