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Friday, May 22, 2020

What is the Best Way for Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms?

One way to begin dealing with suspected IBS is to begin changing the diet to see if the symptoms ease. Read on here to learn how you can improve your health by reducing or eliminating IBS symptoms.

Click HERE to Learn How to Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally Without Medications

Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms - Become Friends with Food Again…Despite IBS

It is easy to let IBS take control of your life because it makes eating any food an uncertain exercise. Sometimes a meal does not trigger IBS symptoms. On the other hand, eating the identical meal a week later may trigger IBS symptoms because you are experiencing stress or there is a temporary hormone imbalance.

It is difficult to predict when IBS will strike, but there are certain foods that have been identified as having a potential impact on the digestive system. Since IBS is a disorder of the digestive system, it is only natural that managing the diet is one approach to managing IBS.

Since the most common IBS symptoms are constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and gas, there is a two-pronged dietary approach to controlling IBS. On the one hand, you want to avoid those foods most likely to trigger the symptoms. On the other hand, it is necessary to add the foods to the diet that will supply essential nutrients, while also easing IBS symptoms.

Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms - Avoiding Foods that Harm and Adding Foods that Heal

The general categories of food to avoid include greasy or fatty foods, spicy foods, sugar and artificial sweeteners, wheat, dairy products, citrus fruit, and certain vegetables that cause gas and bloating. These foods are known to cause intestinal convulsions, produce gas, be difficult to digest, or are known to have substances that are difficult to digest.

In some instances, it may be a lactose intolerance or a reaction to the gluten protein in wheat that is causing symptoms like diarrhoea and gas. Within each of these food categories there are specific foods that will need to be avoided, depending on the specific symptoms experienced. People with IBS should avoid alcohol and coffee also.

Once you know which foods should be eliminated from the IBS diet, the second phase is to add foods that promote good health. Once again, your symptoms will dictate what you can eat and what needs to be avoided.

High fiber fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids are often recommended. However, if you have diarrhoea, it is wise to avoid eating too much fiber, but it is important to add foods that alleviate diarrhoea.

People with IBS should avoid eating large meals because they stress the digestive system by encouraging stronger intestinal contractions. You can eat small meals throughout the day, while staying alert to eating habits that seem to prompt Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms.

For example, you will learn how large a serving of any food containing wheat you can eat before IBS symptoms are triggered. It maybe you cannot eat any dairy products, or you might be able to eat low fat dairy products a couple of times a week.

Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms - Developing Personal Awareness

One of the most important aspects of the IBS diet is its variableness. People with IBS must become very aware of the relationship between their lifestyle and IBS symptoms. You may discover that it is best to eat the largest meal in the morning to encourage intestinal contractions.

You will learn what foods should be avoided at all costs on the days when you are experiencing bloating and gas. When you are experiencing a period of high anxiety or stress, even a little grease can affect digestion. What aggravates your system may not bother another person, so it is personal awareness that counts.

Learning the specific types of foods that can prompt IBS symptoms and those that are safe to eat is critical. The book IBS Miracle™ - How To Free Your Life From Irritable Bowel Syndrome devotes a large section to the discussion of foods, so that you can begin to develop a diet that keeps you healthy instead of making you sick.

It is distressing when the very substances meant to keep us alive are the same things disrupting the digestive process. It is possible to take control of your health one food item at a time when you have IBS.
Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms - Is This Normal or Do I Really Have Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Unfortunately, there are probably millions of people who have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and do not know it or will not admit it. It could go either way because there is no medical test that can lead to a diagnosis of IBS, like tests for diabetes or high cholesterol.

In addition, everyone experiences digestion problems at times or episodes of diarrhoea or constipation. It is the day you realize that these episodes are happening with regularity or that the quality of your life is declining because of digestive issues that it is time to ask: Is it possible I have IBS?

One of the symptoms differentiating IBS from average and random digestion problems is stomach pain. When your gut hurts or experiences noticeable discomfort, it may be IBS. Usually there are multiple symptoms and not just one, making it more likely you will notice the digestive problems are occurring too frequently to be "normal."

The delay in dealing with the condition can lead to anxiety because eventually you will wonder if there is something seriously wrong with your intestines. The anxiety can exacerbate the symptoms, producing more diarrhoea, constipation, gas and a host of other symptoms.

To get more ideas for reducing or eliminating IBS symptoms, watch this video - Yoga for Bloating, Digestion, Ulcerative Colitis, IBD & IBS

Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms - Recognizing Symptoms

Unfortunately, many people do not tell a health professional about the symptoms due to embarrassment. No one really likes talking about their bowels. However, it is important to first rule out other, more serious, diseases or illnesses before starting an IBS diet.

A physician will want to know if you have been running a fever or have blood in your stool because these are not IBS symptoms, but they are symptoms of serious diseases like colon cancer.

For IBS to be medically diagnosed, you should have experienced gut pain for at least 12 weeks out of 24 weeks. Any pain experienced should be associated with frequency of the bowel movement, changes in stool appearance or experiencing relief from pain after a bowel movement.

Other symptoms include bloating, mucus that accompanies the stool, urgent need to go to the bathroom, difficulty passing stool, bouts of diarrhoea and/or too frequent bowel movements, or long periods with no bowel movement.

In a lot of cases, people never get an official medical diagnosis. They are either too embarrassed to talk about their disorder with a doctor, or the symptoms are mild enough to be tolerated. In these cases, many begin to realize that the amount of abdominal pain felt is associated with bowel movements.

Once stool is passed, the pain or discomfort eases. They may also begin to notice a pattern that includes a bloated stomach, occasional constipation or diarrhoea or both, and a connection between eating and symptoms.

If you have been experiencing ongoing digestive problems that particularly include constipation or diarrhoea, and excessive gas and bloating, you may have IBS. There are other symptoms also that include vomiting and nausea, sensations of abdominal fullness (without abdominal enlargement), and an uncontrollable urge to defecate.

Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms - Easing Symptoms

One way to begin dealing with suspected IBS is to begin changing the diet to see if the symptoms ease. The IBS Miracle™ - How To Free Your Life From Irritable Bowel Syndrome provides a clear roadmap for dietary and other lifestyle changes that can improve your health by reducing or eliminating IBS symptoms.

The message is clear: You do not have to endure IBS because Irritable Bowel Syndrome is treatable. That is good news for anyone suffering the day-to-day embarrassments and discomfort of IBS.

The article is from the IBS Miracle Program created by James Walden, a health consultant and nutritionist who has over 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry. The IBS Miracle is a new solution for those people who want to get relief from their irritable bowel syndrome naturally without any medication. The program also provides natural and safe remedies for relieving irritable bowel syndrome symptoms such as pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.

The program also reveals the food items people have to include in their diet if they want to get rid of their IBS fast, and the food items they should avoid if they want to prevent the recurrence of irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, by following this program, people will find out effective anti-diarrheal remedies that they can find at any health and food shop. Furthermore, people also discover the horrible truth about conventional IBS treatments, and the link between lifestyle and irritable bowel syndrome.

To find out more about this program, visit the website – Reducing or Eliminating IBS Symptoms Without Medications

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

What is the Best Way for Treating IBS Without Medications?

Treating IBS Without Medications - Drugs are seldom the answer to IBS for one simple reason – health professionals do not know the specific source of IBS, so drugs could not be developed to target a specific issue. As a result, the drugs currently used are ineffective. A much better solution is treating IBS with a natural holistic approach because everything in the body is related.

Click HERE to Learn How to Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally Without Medications

Love Your Body by Treating IBS Without Medications

Too many people suffer day-in and day-out with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for one very poor reason: They do not want to discuss topics like the colon, constipation, diarrhoea, or gas. There is a cultural taboo about discussing such private matters, and so people are reluctant to bring the subject up, sometimes even with their health professionals.

They suffer through bouts of IBS, wondering if they will ever be able to enjoy a meal or a social event without worrying about or experiencing digestive problems. Unfortunately, many IBS sufferers have used antibiotics for a long time, in the belief that it would cure whatever was causing the problem, but instead were making the condition worse by killing intestinal bacteria.

Drugs are seldom the answer to IBS for one simple reason – health professionals do not know the specific source of IBS, so drugs could not be developed to target a specific issue. As a result, the drugs currently used are ineffective. A much better solution is treating IBS with a natural holistic approach because everything in the body is related.

In fact, there are a number of natural treatments that extend to dietary changes, supplementation, psychological treatments, muscle relaxation techniques, exercise, herbal treatments, and homeopathic dosages.

The complexity of IBS is such that there is no single natural treatment recommended. The ideal treatment program is a blend of alternative foods and dietary exclusions, activities and choices that promote a healthy colon. The ideal treatment program is unique to each person because each person experiences a different set of symptoms. The specific symptoms must be addressed in order to achieve the maximum benefits.

Dietary Changes – Food can trigger IBS symptoms, so it is necessary to determine which foods or ingredients are causing the problems. One way to narrow the list of potential offenders is to keep a food journal to detect a pattern of items you consume followed by an occurrence of symptoms. You can then begin to eliminate those foods and replace them with foods high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Lifestyle Changes – Food management is not the only effective IBS management. Perhaps surprisingly to many people is the fact that there appears to be a link between depression and stress and IBS. Stress impacts the entire body, so you want to address the entire body, which means potentially including various psychological treatments.

Other lifestyle changes include learning and practicing relaxation techniques for the mind and the body. Exercise will also play an important role in IBS treatment programs. Learning to manage stress and ease the tension in the body will promote healthy digestion.

Supplementation and Homeopathy – It is a well-known fact that many herbs and homeopathic doses can treat many human diseases. IBS is no different. There are herbs that soothe the stomach and intestines, promote the production of gastric juices, and relax muscles. Homeopathic remedies can also promote a healthy digestive system but are particularly useful for easing pain and digestive upset when IBS rages.

The specific treatment program depends on your specific symptoms. In the e-book The IBS Miracle™ - How To Free Your Life From Irritable Bowel Syndrome by James Walden, a nutritionist, biomedical researcher and health consultant, you can find detailed explanations of the known natural treatments that can ease IBS symptoms.

Even more importantly, it is possible to develop a treatment program that will greatly reduce the chances of experiencing IBS flare-ups in the first place. That is the ultimate prize – good health and the freedom it gives you to live life the way you choose, unrestricted by IBS.

Treating IBS Without Medications - Love and Live Life Your Way with The IBS Miracle™

When a miracle is performed, it means extremely impressive results are achieved. If you suffer with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, referred to as IBS, it may seem like it will take a miracle before you will ever be able to approach food once again with anticipation, rather than fear of the physical effects it might trigger.

IBS can have a direct impact on the quality of your life because it brings pain and fatigue, produces unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea or constipation, and brings fear of getting caught in public or social settings when symptoms develop.

If someone could offer a way to control the symptoms and reduce the odds of IBS expression, it certainly would seem like a miracle.

Unfortunately, we live in a society in which drugs are the first line of defence against physical ailments. However, drugs only work if they are able to target specific causes of illnesses. If the cause is not well understood, taking drugs is like taking a stab in the dark. There may or may not be results.

Since the most common drugs taken for a host of illnesses are antibiotics, the law of unintended consequences takes effect. Taking antibiotics for a long period of time can lead to bacterial antibiotic resistance, and they do little, if anything, for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Though the specific causes of IBS are not yet known, it is not due to bacterial infection.

Treating IBS Without Medications - Common Sense Approaches May Seem Like a Miracle

When medications do not work on a common disorder like IBS, what will? The answer is the IBS Miracle treatment plan, which is comprised of common-sense approaches to managing suspected IBS triggers. Anytime simpler natural solutions improve health, it certainly seems like a miracle.

However, it is well known that nutrition, exercise and mental relaxation are important to maintaining a healthy life. If they also relieve IBS symptoms, then you can call it a common sense approach or call it a miracle. It does not matter because addressing your unique symptoms is the way to relieve or prevent those symptoms.

However, it is important to understand that though the end result may seem like a miracle, it takes a concerted effort on your part to reach the ultimate goal. Alternative treatments require a true desire to improve your health and greatly reduce the risk of IBS attacks by making wise choices. You need to learn which foods to avoid, which foods can be safely eaten, and which foods contain the essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

To get more ideas for treating IBS without medications, watch this video - Natural Remedies for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Treating IBS Without Medications - Relax…IBS is Treatable

It is also necessary to identify how stress is affecting your body and learn how to relieve that stress using a variety of techniques from deep breathing to exercise. One of the set of therapies that have proven successful for treating IBS promotes muscle relaxation so that the digestive system works more naturally and normally.

Ultimately, the goal is to free your life of the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, which is the same as saying the end goal is to help you enjoy life to its fullest. It is difficult to find joy in even the smallest activities, like visiting with friends, when food has become an enemy.

The e-book The IBS Miracle™ -How To Free Your Life From Irritable Bowel Syndrome describes a no-nonsense approach to treating IBS. It identifies the many levels of treatment that bring relief step-by-step. You learn how to balance your life…your whole life. That only makes sense since IBS affects your whole life, including your mental and emotional well-being, in addition to your physical health.

The article is from the IBS Miracle Program created by James Walden, a health consultant and nutritionist who has over 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry. The IBS Miracle is a new solution for those people who want to get relief from their irritable bowel syndrome naturally without any medication. The program also provides natural and safe remedies for relieving irritable bowel syndrome symptoms such as pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.

The program also reveals the food items people have to include in their diet if they want to get rid of their IBS fast, and the food items they should avoid if they want to prevent the recurrence of irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, by following this program, people will find out effective anti-diarrheal remedies that they can find at any health and food shop. Furthermore, people also discover the horrible truth about conventional IBS treatments, and the link between lifestyle and irritable bowel syndrome.

To find out more about this program, visit the website – Treating IBS Without Medications

Sunday, May 17, 2020

What is the Best Way to Minimize or Control IBS Symptoms?

IBS is complicated because the causes and symptoms can vary so widely. To minimize or control IBS symptoms, you have to know the specific dietary, behavioral and mental changes to make in your life.  Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn How to Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally Without Medications

Minimize or Control IBS Symptoms - IBS Stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Not I've-Been-Sick

Most people enjoy a variety of foods and look forward to the next meal…unless they have IBS. It is tempting to think of IBS as the I've-Been-Sick syndrome rather than by its true name of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

IBS is a bit like an "open secret" because it is not a condition you generally talk about with others like you would if it were high cholesterol or migraine headaches. Yet millions of people suffer with IBS, and that is no exaggeration.

Based on surveys and data extrapolation, the World Gastroenterology Organisation estimates that as many as 1 out of every 10 people in the world have IBS, and 1 out of every 5 people in developed countries. So you are not alone in keeping the "open secret."

One of the interesting aspects of IBS is that people who have it know they have something wrong with their digestive systems but are not sure what. IBS is mostly defined by its symptoms because it is a diagnosis of exclusion. That merely means that it is not a disease that can be proven through medical tests.

Yet a host of symptoms characterizing Irritable Bowel Syndrome are very real. IBS is a chronic illness that presents itself through gastrointestinal symptoms that include gas, diarrhea, bloating, constipation, abdominal cramping, sudden urges to pass stool, and mucous discharge from the rectum. There is typically inefficient or uncoordinated intestinal action, and that can cause stomach or gut pain.

No two people have identical symptoms. One person may alternate constipation and diarrhea and constipation, and experience painful gas and bloating. Another person may develop mostly severe constipation and difficulty controlling urges to go to the bathroom.

There may also be a number of symptoms that are connected to poor digestive processes that affect other parts of the body. For example, you may experience bad breath despite good dental care, joint or muscle pain, headaches and persistent fatigue.

Minimize or Control IBS Symptoms - Keeping Food Moving at the Right Pace

IBS represents the end result of digestive difficulties that cannot be pinned down to a particular medical condition. When you eat, food moves through the esophagus, into the stomach and eventually enters the intestines. Along the way, the food is broken down through enzyme action and mixed with various digestive juices to keep it pliable.

The proteins, carbohydrates and fats are processed in a way they can enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Food material not absorbed by the body is moved to the large intestine, which is composed of the cecum, colon, appendix and rectum.

The food waste is processed further by the colon as it extracts fluid, leaving a mass of undigested food. Muscle contractions in the colon push the mass into the rectum to be expelled through the anus.

It is easy to see how so many things could go wrong. If food empties too quickly from the stomach, the rest of the digestive system will attempt to compensate by slowing down the digestive process.

There might be an undiagnosed food sensitivity impacting the efficiency of the digestive system. The gastrointestinal tract may not breakdown the food correctly due to disease or physical defects, making it difficult to move through the digestive system.

Perhaps your body does not produce enough digestive juices containing the enzymes that play such an important role. Health professionals believe many people have digestive muscles that are not contracting as they should, leading to slow transport of food waste.

It is also believed that IBS is frequently related to an overgrowth of bacteria in the intestines, causing severe gas as they do their job of helping to breakdown undigested food. Finally, IBS could be connected to faulty functioning of the gastrointestinal tract's nervous system.

To get more ideas to minimize or control IBS symptoms, watch this video - HOW I DEAL WITH IBS - TIPS & TREATMENTS FOR MANAGING SYMPTOMS

Minimize or Control IBS Symptoms - Responding the Right Way to Prevent Further Harm

Though medical professionals have yet to discover the specific medical reason IBS develops, the symptoms can be minimized. Fortunately, IBS does not cause permanent damage, but how people respond to the symptoms can cause great harm.

For example, if you eliminate certain foods from your diet, a vitamin or mineral deficiency can develop. Eating provokes the symptoms, but to manage the syndrome it is necessary to know which specific foods to avoid, and how to supplement the vitamins and minerals lost. However, there must be other lifestyle changes and additions that help you manage stress and relax the muscles.

IBS is complicated because the causes and symptoms can vary so widely. To minimize or control IBS symptoms, you have to know the specific dietary, behavioral and mental changes to make in your life.

What you need to know to treat IBS naturally is found in The IBS Miracle™ -How To Free Your Life From Irritable Bowel Syndrome by James Walden. This ebook contains the information you need to understand IBS, its symptoms, and most importantly, the dietary, supplementation and lifestyle changes needed to treat IBS naturally so you can get back to enjoying life once again.

The article is from The IBS Miracle Program created by James Walden, a health consultant and nutritionist who has over 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry. The IBS Miracle is a new solution for those people who want to get relief from their irritable bowel syndrome naturally without any medication. The program also provides natural and safe remedies for relieving irritable bowel syndrome symptoms such as pain, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea.

The program also reveals the food items people have to include in their diet if they want to get rid of their IBS fast, and the food items they should avoid if they want to prevent the recurrence of irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, by following this program, people will find out effective anti-diarrheal remedies that they can find at any health and food shop. Furthermore, people also discover the horrible truth about conventional IBS treatments, and the link between lifestyle and irritable bowel syndrome.

To find out more about this program, visit the website – Minimize or Control IBS Symptoms

Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home?

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - One of the most prescribed high blood pressure medications has been proven to more than double your risk of a specific type of cancer. This is according to a new study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Fortunately, not everyone is at risk.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - A Drink Skews Blood Pressure Readings

A recent study published in the American Journal of Hypertension introduces a new twist to the blood pressure dilemma.

You may actually not have high blood pressure.

Even if your doctor says so.

It may actually be that you just happened to drink this drink a few hours before your doctor’s office visit.

So, you may be suffering the side effects of blood pressure medications, or worrying about your blood pressure, for nothing.

The Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute researchers asked 13 people with normal blood pressure to abstain from caffeine-containing products for a week.

In the following three weeks, they gave them two 300 ml cups of black coffee (week 1), the maximum recommended dose of a common calcium channel blocker blood pressure treatment (felodipine) (week 2), and the coffee together with the felodipine (week 3).

From this, they drew the following conclusions:

1. After two days of no caffeine consumption, caffeine clears from your bloodstream, resulting in a higher blood pressure spike when next you consume it. Blood pressure then remains raised for hours.

2. In the presence of caffeine, calcium channel blockers cannot decrease blood pressure as well as in its absence, probably because caffeine interferes with the ability of the drug to relax and widen blood vessels.

The first conclusion increases the likelihood that your doctor will diagnose you as suffering from hypertension when your blood pressure is actually normal. So, if you only occasionally drink caffeine drinks, avoid them hours before your doctor’s visit.

Second, if you want to treat your blood pressure with drugs, you’ll need sky-high doses if you occasionally consume caffeine.

For those who control their blood pressure via natural dietary and lifestyle methods (which we, of course, recommend), it arguably means that natural methods will fail to keep your blood pressure normal for a few hours after caffeine intake.

The good news is that this study applies only to occasional consumers.

Researchers have long understood that caffeine spikes blood pressure, but they have also repeatedly concluded that regular consumption increases your tolerance of its effects, meaning that caffeine does not increase blood pressure in regular caffeine consumers.

This leaves you with two options: either drink one or two caffeinated drinks daily or leave it alone completely.

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - These Blood Pressure Drugs Double Cancer Risk

One of the most prescribed high blood pressure medications has been proven to more than double your risk of a specific type of cancer.

This is according to a new study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Fortunately, not everyone is at risk.

Those who take the calcium channel blockers are developing invasive ductal and invasive lobular cancers at a rate of 2.5 times their peers.

Calcium channel blockers reduce hypertension by dilating the blood vessels because they inhibit the flow of calcium into muscle cells.

Some scientists believe that their tendency to change the way cells function is the reason why they are more likely to cause cells to malfunction and become cancerous.

So, if you’re taking calcium channel blockers, talk to your doctor about ways to get off them.

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - A Healthy Habit Indicates High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is usually blamed on unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as bad diet and lack of exercise.

But a new study, from Dr. Nobuo Sasaki and colleagues at Hiroshima University, reveals a healthy habit that people with high blood pressure tend to have.

The researchers examined 2,400 adults to find out whether high blood pressure influenced bedtime and sleep quality.

Peculiarly, they found that men, but not women, with high blood pressure tend to fall asleep earlier than those with normal blood pressure.

In their study, hypertensive men went to bed, on average, 18 minutes earlier than their healthy peers: 11:10 PM versus 11:28 PM.

In addition, they discovered that hypertensive men slept worse than those with normal blood pressure, to the extent that they scored with insomniacs as poor sleepers.

So, does going to sleep early cause high blood pressure?

Not at all.

The study merely suggests that the tendency to fall asleep early can indicate that you already have high blood pressure.

If this is the case, you may want to get yourself tested.

Most likely, this happens because those with high blood pressure never get the “low-blood-pressure rest” in the middle of the night that healthy people get. Therefore, their bodies are under stress 24/7.

Our blood pressure exercises are designed to break this stress-circle high blood pressure cause.

They give your body and mind something I call a “Focused Break”, which reboots your system to a healthy blood pressure level in as little as nine minutes.

For more ideas to reduce high blood pressure naturally at home, watch this video - Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – How to Cure Hemorrhoids at Home Fast?

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – It’s usually things like old age and constipation that cause hemorrhoids, but there isn’t all that much research around on other possible causes. An article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology offers one new avenue though: it says that your children may have something to do with it. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Cure Hemorrhoids Permanently by Attacking Its Root Cause

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids Eliminated The Easy Way (study)

If you have suffered from hemorrhoids for a while, you have probably been told to lose weight, exercise, and eat a bunch of fiber.

That may sound like a lot of work. And you have probably attempted to do this, without much success.

A study published in PLOS ONE explains why this hasn’t worked. It’s because one of those “risk factors” is 180 degrees off.

In fact, to eliminate hemorrhoids, you must get a little lazy.

The scientists examined the factors most commonly cited as risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids, namely, constipation, a low fiber diet, sedentary lifestyle, and gravidity (meaning the number of times a woman has been pregnant).

This study had 2,813 subjects, of whom 1,074 had a hemorrhoid diagnosis, made via a colonoscopy.

After crunching the numbers, they found the following:

1. People with constipation were 43 percent more likely to have hemorrhoids than those with normal waste expulsion.

2. Those with the highest whole-grain consumption were 78 percent less likely to have hemorrhoids than those with the lowest whole-grain consumption.

3. Pregnancy was not related to hemorrhoids at all.

4. The amount of physical activity in which subjects engaged neither increased nor decreased their chance of hemorrhoids.

5. Those who sat/lied down a lot were 80 percent less likely to have hemorrhoids than those who spent little time sitting or lying down.

Therefore, according to this study, a sedentary lifestyle is not only not a risk factor for developing hemorrhoids, but it actually decreases our hemorrhoid risk.

It is, however, important to point out that many other studies have proved that lack of exercise can lead to hemorrhoids.

The key here is to exercise moderately and in the right way. And then take a good rest in between.

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – Your Children May Have Given You Hemorrhoids

It’s usually things like old age and constipation that cause hemorrhoids, but there isn’t all that much research around on other possible causes.

An article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology offers one new avenue though: it says that your children may have something to do with it.

The research suggests that vaginal birth may have a lot to do with it.

It’s known that bowel habits change after pregnancy and that women who have given birth well often experience anorectal symptoms (which means those related to the anus and rectum), but little research has been done on the relationship between obstetrics and hemorrhoids.

The authors found this lack of research strange, given that women who give birth vaginally often have major changes in bowel movements and given the disruption to their anorectal anatomy.

To find out whether vaginal delivery made internal hemorrhoids more likely, they analyzed the information of 306 patients with an average age of 57.7 years.

They had all undergone both a colonoscopy and high-resolution anorectal manometry at a medical center between 2013 and 2017. The colonoscopy showed any internal hemorrhoids and the anorectal manometry revealed other anorectal characteristics such as defecation disorders.

The scientists also reviewed their subjects’ demographics, medication use, and obstetric history.

Patients with internal hemorrhoids were indeed older: 61.2 versus 54.8 years old.

Women with a record of prior vaginal delivery were more likely to have internal hemorrhoids than women with no such history: 50 percent vs 36.7 percent of them. This was especially true for those who reported constipation symptoms.

Once they excluded all possible factors that could have influenced their results, they found that women who had given birth vaginally were 2.2 times more likely than their peers were to have internal hemorrhoids.

In addition, older women were 3.3 times more likely than younger ones to struggle with these, while those with constipation had a 2.5 times greater risk of developing them.

One pregnancy-related condition that was not related to the hemorrhoids was dyssynergic defecation, which affects the muscles and nerves of the pelvic floor, making it hard to defecate.

The scientists concluded that the mechanism through which vaginal delivery leads to hemorrhoids is more complex than just a disruption of defecation.

This is no reason to avoid vaginal birth, of course, but it is something to keep in mind and plan for in case it occurs, especially when you’re older.

And if you have hemorrhoids already, why suffer? This method can get rid of of painful hemorrhoids in just weeks (sometimes days)…

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – Hemorrhoids Increase Your Risk of This Painful and Unsightly Condition

Hemorrhoids are no fun. They’re swollen veins near the anus, so you can bet they have the power to make bathroom visits miserable for sufferers.
You can think of them as being like varicose veins, because they share similar features.

In fact, researchers in Turkey noticed the two conditions were alike which made them wonder if they might tend to co-exist, and they published their findings in the journal Cureus.

Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted, colored blue or purple by the blood that pools inside them. They’re most commonly found in your legs because they’re working against gravity to return blood to your heart.

They can’t do this effectively if the valves that are meant to prevent backflow become too weak to close, so blood can pool inside them, creating either full varicose veins or slimmer spider veins.

Hemorrhoids have a wide variety of causes including constipation, diarrhea, and excessive straining when moving your bowels, all of which can overstrain your veins.

And another common cause is sitting on the toilet for too long, which interferes with blood flow to and from your rectum. This can also cause blood to pool in the veins around your anus, enlarging and swelling them. That’s when we call them hemorrhoids.

To compare the two conditions, the researchers recruited 100 patients who had undergone surgery for internal or external hemorrhoids. They also recruited 100 people with no history of hemorrhoids for comparison.

The researchers asked both groups to stand for two minutes, then they looked for varicose veins – veins that met the clinical description developed by the 1994 American Venous Forum.

To exclude any other conditions which might possibly interfere with their findings, they asked their subjects to complete questionnaires on their general health, demographic information, lifestyles, and varicose veins risk factors.

This revealed that varicose veins were more common in the hemorrhoid group than in the group with no history of hemorrhoids. C1 and C2 varicose veins were 35 and 19 percent more common in the hemorrhoid group respectively.

In addition, chronic constipation was much more common in the group with the hemorrhoids and varicose veins than it was in the group without them; 78 percent compared with 29 percent.

The other risk factors for both of these conditions, things like older age, obesity, height, standing habits, and pregnancies and births did not differ between the groups.

This told the authors that chronic constipation may be a common cause of both conditions and could be responsible for their co-occurrence.

For more ideas to get rid of painful haemorrhoids, watch this video - How to Get Rid of Piles Pain Immediately | Heals Hemorrhoids Fast

The good news is that you can get rid of painful hemorrhoids in a few days using this simple, natural approach…

This post is from the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol Guide. It is a 3-week plan to get rid of hemorrhoids permanently. As per the creator Scott Davis, the issue of hemorrhoids can be tackled by taking care of two habits. The first habit is food which is directly related to our digestion and bowel movement. The food we eat has its medical benefits and healing properties.

Hemorrhoid mechanism works around unhealthy bowel movement, weak blood vessels, and inflammation according to the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol review. Many foods are known to relieve and remove hemorrhoids permanently.

In the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol guide, a list of foods and the plan on how and when to consume is mentioned very clearly. The second habit is related to exercise. Exercises that will nurture the healthy bowel and relieve hemorrhoids are mentioned in this guide. It is nothing related to heavy exercises; it is something to be done with sitting and lying down.

To find out more about this program, click on Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids Permanently

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