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Showing posts with label cure haemorrhoids at home fast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cure haemorrhoids at home fast. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – How to Cure Hemorrhoids at Home Fast?

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – It’s usually things like old age and constipation that cause hemorrhoids, but there isn’t all that much research around on other possible causes. An article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology offers one new avenue though: it says that your children may have something to do with it. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Cure Hemorrhoids Permanently by Attacking Its Root Cause

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids - Hemorrhoids Eliminated The Easy Way (study)

If you have suffered from hemorrhoids for a while, you have probably been told to lose weight, exercise, and eat a bunch of fiber.

That may sound like a lot of work. And you have probably attempted to do this, without much success.

A study published in PLOS ONE explains why this hasn’t worked. It’s because one of those “risk factors” is 180 degrees off.

In fact, to eliminate hemorrhoids, you must get a little lazy.

The scientists examined the factors most commonly cited as risk factors for the development of hemorrhoids, namely, constipation, a low fiber diet, sedentary lifestyle, and gravidity (meaning the number of times a woman has been pregnant).

This study had 2,813 subjects, of whom 1,074 had a hemorrhoid diagnosis, made via a colonoscopy.

After crunching the numbers, they found the following:

1. People with constipation were 43 percent more likely to have hemorrhoids than those with normal waste expulsion.

2. Those with the highest whole-grain consumption were 78 percent less likely to have hemorrhoids than those with the lowest whole-grain consumption.

3. Pregnancy was not related to hemorrhoids at all.

4. The amount of physical activity in which subjects engaged neither increased nor decreased their chance of hemorrhoids.

5. Those who sat/lied down a lot were 80 percent less likely to have hemorrhoids than those who spent little time sitting or lying down.

Therefore, according to this study, a sedentary lifestyle is not only not a risk factor for developing hemorrhoids, but it actually decreases our hemorrhoid risk.

It is, however, important to point out that many other studies have proved that lack of exercise can lead to hemorrhoids.

The key here is to exercise moderately and in the right way. And then take a good rest in between.

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – Your Children May Have Given You Hemorrhoids

It’s usually things like old age and constipation that cause hemorrhoids, but there isn’t all that much research around on other possible causes.

An article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology offers one new avenue though: it says that your children may have something to do with it.

The research suggests that vaginal birth may have a lot to do with it.

It’s known that bowel habits change after pregnancy and that women who have given birth well often experience anorectal symptoms (which means those related to the anus and rectum), but little research has been done on the relationship between obstetrics and hemorrhoids.

The authors found this lack of research strange, given that women who give birth vaginally often have major changes in bowel movements and given the disruption to their anorectal anatomy.

To find out whether vaginal delivery made internal hemorrhoids more likely, they analyzed the information of 306 patients with an average age of 57.7 years.

They had all undergone both a colonoscopy and high-resolution anorectal manometry at a medical center between 2013 and 2017. The colonoscopy showed any internal hemorrhoids and the anorectal manometry revealed other anorectal characteristics such as defecation disorders.

The scientists also reviewed their subjects’ demographics, medication use, and obstetric history.

Patients with internal hemorrhoids were indeed older: 61.2 versus 54.8 years old.

Women with a record of prior vaginal delivery were more likely to have internal hemorrhoids than women with no such history: 50 percent vs 36.7 percent of them. This was especially true for those who reported constipation symptoms.

Once they excluded all possible factors that could have influenced their results, they found that women who had given birth vaginally were 2.2 times more likely than their peers were to have internal hemorrhoids.

In addition, older women were 3.3 times more likely than younger ones to struggle with these, while those with constipation had a 2.5 times greater risk of developing them.

One pregnancy-related condition that was not related to the hemorrhoids was dyssynergic defecation, which affects the muscles and nerves of the pelvic floor, making it hard to defecate.

The scientists concluded that the mechanism through which vaginal delivery leads to hemorrhoids is more complex than just a disruption of defecation.

This is no reason to avoid vaginal birth, of course, but it is something to keep in mind and plan for in case it occurs, especially when you’re older.

And if you have hemorrhoids already, why suffer? This method can get rid of of painful hemorrhoids in just weeks (sometimes days)…

Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids – Hemorrhoids Increase Your Risk of This Painful and Unsightly Condition

Hemorrhoids are no fun. They’re swollen veins near the anus, so you can bet they have the power to make bathroom visits miserable for sufferers.
You can think of them as being like varicose veins, because they share similar features.

In fact, researchers in Turkey noticed the two conditions were alike which made them wonder if they might tend to co-exist, and they published their findings in the journal Cureus.

Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted, colored blue or purple by the blood that pools inside them. They’re most commonly found in your legs because they’re working against gravity to return blood to your heart.

They can’t do this effectively if the valves that are meant to prevent backflow become too weak to close, so blood can pool inside them, creating either full varicose veins or slimmer spider veins.

Hemorrhoids have a wide variety of causes including constipation, diarrhea, and excessive straining when moving your bowels, all of which can overstrain your veins.

And another common cause is sitting on the toilet for too long, which interferes with blood flow to and from your rectum. This can also cause blood to pool in the veins around your anus, enlarging and swelling them. That’s when we call them hemorrhoids.

To compare the two conditions, the researchers recruited 100 patients who had undergone surgery for internal or external hemorrhoids. They also recruited 100 people with no history of hemorrhoids for comparison.

The researchers asked both groups to stand for two minutes, then they looked for varicose veins – veins that met the clinical description developed by the 1994 American Venous Forum.

To exclude any other conditions which might possibly interfere with their findings, they asked their subjects to complete questionnaires on their general health, demographic information, lifestyles, and varicose veins risk factors.

This revealed that varicose veins were more common in the hemorrhoid group than in the group with no history of hemorrhoids. C1 and C2 varicose veins were 35 and 19 percent more common in the hemorrhoid group respectively.

In addition, chronic constipation was much more common in the group with the hemorrhoids and varicose veins than it was in the group without them; 78 percent compared with 29 percent.

The other risk factors for both of these conditions, things like older age, obesity, height, standing habits, and pregnancies and births did not differ between the groups.

This told the authors that chronic constipation may be a common cause of both conditions and could be responsible for their co-occurrence.

For more ideas to get rid of painful haemorrhoids, watch this video - How to Get Rid of Piles Pain Immediately | Heals Hemorrhoids Fast

The good news is that you can get rid of painful hemorrhoids in a few days using this simple, natural approach…

This post is from the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol Guide. It is a 3-week plan to get rid of hemorrhoids permanently. As per the creator Scott Davis, the issue of hemorrhoids can be tackled by taking care of two habits. The first habit is food which is directly related to our digestion and bowel movement. The food we eat has its medical benefits and healing properties.

Hemorrhoid mechanism works around unhealthy bowel movement, weak blood vessels, and inflammation according to the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol review. Many foods are known to relieve and remove hemorrhoids permanently.

In the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol guide, a list of foods and the plan on how and when to consume is mentioned very clearly. The second habit is related to exercise. Exercises that will nurture the healthy bowel and relieve hemorrhoids are mentioned in this guide. It is nothing related to heavy exercises; it is something to be done with sitting and lying down.

To find out more about this program, click on Get Rid of Painful Hemorrhoids Permanently

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