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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

What is the Best Way to Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Reading?

For decades, you’ve been bombarded with propaganda against consuming salt and fat if you want to maintain healthy blood pressure reading and improve heart health. But new research shows that another ingredient – found in almost all processed food – is a lot more dangerous for your blood pressure than salt and fat. Read on to find out more.

Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Reading - High Blood Pressure Not Caused by Salt or Fat (It’s a Third One)

For decades, you’ve been bombarded with propaganda against consuming salt and fat to improve heart health.

Cut salt, cut fat, cut salt…cut fat!!!

But new research shows that another ingredient – found in almost all processed food – is a lot more dangerous for your blood pressure than salt and fat.

Blood vessels regulate blood pressure by contracting and relaxing, and this is a natural process.

The more contracted the blood vessels are, the higher the blood pressure would be and vice versa.

Scientists at the University of Leicester have now shown how the intake of sugar disturbs this natural process.

A high level of sugar in the blood, which would already be accomplished after eating a rich, large meal, also has an effect on the heart and the cardiac muscles.

High levels of glucose in the blood at the time of a heart attack could lead to a higher risk of complication. People who don’t have diabetes could even become hyperglycemic during a heart attack because of the already elevated sugar levels in the blood.

And this is especially problematic because sugar is everywhere.

Sugar is one of the key ingredients in many processed foods. Even in products like ketchup or potato chips, which are not sweet-tasting, sugar is generally added.

In an analysis published on the online journal Open Heart, doctors noted that the added sugars in processed foods were likely to have a greater role in high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke than added salt.

So, it’s extremely difficult to cut out all sugar. However, there is something else you can do to lower your blood pressure.

To maintain healthy blood pressure reading, you can use these 3 easy exercises, found here, to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – with results beginning from today…

Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Reading - The Worst Food For High Blood Pressure

There is one ingredient we all use and need that can spike blood pressure if taken in doses that are too excessive.

In fact, it’s so dangerous that this one ingredient contributes more to high blood pressure than being obese and a majority of other risk factors.

The worst part is, most westerners consume more than twice the recommended amount.

Recently, Japanese researchers published an article in the Journal of the American Heart Association which proved that consuming a lot of salt raises blood pressure.

While medical scientists have understood for years that sodium do cause high blood pressure, this was the largest study that actually looked to comparing high sodium eaters with low sodium eaters.

The researchers followed 4,523 people with a healthy blood pressure over a period of three and a half years, during which they periodically measured their blood pressure and calculated their sodium intake via urine tests.

They also recorded details of their lifestyles, in order to ensure that some other habits did not interfere with the result.

During the study time, 22.7% of the participants developed high blood pressure (which is an alarming statistic in itself).

The blood pressure of those who consumed a lot of sodium was significantly more likely to increase than that of those who consumed less sodium.

Researchers also found that even those who were obese were not as likely to experience an increase in blood pressure as compared to who ate a large amount of sodium.

The American Heart Association recommends that we consume at most 1,500mg of sodium per day, and the average person in most developed countries consumes around 3,500mg per day.

Between 75 and 80% of our daily sodium consumption is from processed foods. This means you cannot really reduce your sodium consumption simply by reducing the amount of salt in your food at home. You must actually stop buying foods that contain it.

Unfortunately, these include almost all packaged foods, such as soup, crispy potato chips, crackers, cereal, processed deli meat, bacon, canned food, and pre-made instant meals.

The solution for minimum sodium intake is to buy primarily fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and whole unprocessed grains.

If you already have high blood pressure, cutting down on salt may not be enough in order to maintain healthy blood pressure reading. The simplest way to lower blood pressure naturally is a set of 3 easy exercises that is guaranteed to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today – even if you binge on salt…

For more ideas on how to maintain healthy blood pressure reading, watch this video - Foods rich in potassium to control Hypertension | High Blood Pressure Diet

Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Reading - Weird Electronic Device Lowers Blood Pressure

A new, interesting device is currently being tested in hospitals globally. It lowers blood pressure without the need for taking drugs or suffering the medicinal side effects of prescription.

What’s neat about this device is that it tackles the underlying cause of high blood pressure, unlike dangerous medications that force your blood pressure down and causes numerous complications.

This new blood pressure treatment is currently being tested on 100 subjects around the world.

A tiny catheter-like device that is placed within the renal artery, where it emits radio frequencies that block the secretion of norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine and epinephrine are two of your body’s fight or flight hormones. They are produced by your adrenal glands and released when you’re under stress.

When our early human ancestors experienced acute stress, it was usually because violent predators attacked them. In response, they needed to choose whether to run away or fight back.

Norepinephrine and epinephrine were particularly useful then, as they increased heart rate, blood flow, energy, strength, respiratory rate, mental alertness, and pupil size.

Unfortunately, things that stress us in the 21st century normally require us calm down and find a rational solution, rather than fight or flee.

Sadly, your body’s stress mechanisms have yet to catch up with the new environment and social norms. It secretes these hormones in bucket loads every time you are a bit stressed which, let’s face it, happens daily.

This means that most of us have way too much norepinephrine and epinephrine circulating around our bodies for our sedentary lifestyles. Due to the high level of these hormones, we are physically primed for maximum action, not for sitting around.

The new device stops our adrenal glands from secreting an excess of these fight or flight hormones, and does this by decreasing the activity of the sympathetic nerves in the renal arteries that stimulate them to secrete a high amount of hormones. This theoretically ensures that our heart rate and blood pressure drop from sky-high levels to more normalized ones.

Traditional blood pressure drugs also try to control norepinephrine and epinephrine, but not the adrenal glands. They allow the adrenal glands to secrete freely, and then try to stop the nervous system’s beta-receptors around the body from accepting them. In other words, they block its effects, rather than its production.

Interestingly, our simple blood pressure exercises target exactly the same issue as this device. They lower overall stress hormone production, and therefore lower blood pressure.

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and reduce diastolic blood pressure permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Maintain Healthy Blood Pressure Reading Naturally

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Monday, September 30, 2019

What is the Best Way to Reverse High Blood Sugar Levels?

Click HERE to Discover the 3 Easy Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes in 28 Days or Less

Reverse High Blood Sugar Levels - Type-2 Diabetes Is Worst For These People

Type-2 diabetes is bad for everyone who suffers it.

But according to a study that has just appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine, there is a particular group of people that are especially hard hit.

In fact, if you belong to this group of people, you’re 80 percent more likely to be hospitalized than other diabetics.

The authors were interested in the general health burden of people with young-onset diabetes (YOD), diabetes that is diagnosed before age 40.

They expected to find hospitalizations for cardiovascular disease and infections, which would be similar to the outcomes for people whose diabetes kick in only later in life.

They obtained the medical records of almost 445,000 type-2 diabetes patients in Hong Kong who were observed between 2000 and 2014.

They found that, by specific ages, people with YOD experienced more days of hospitalization than people with usual-onset diabetes (UOD) did, showing that it posed a larger health risk.

Compared with those that had UOD, those with YOD were 80 percent more likely to be hospitalized with any cause, 6.7 times more like to have renal problems, 3.7 times more likely to have diabetes itself, 2.1 times more likely to have cardiovascular problems, and 70 percent more likely to have infections.

Reverse High Blood Sugar Levels - Diabetes Caused By This Oil (worse than Fructose)

Fructose in both its natural form (fruit) and its excessively concentrated form (high fructose corn syrup) have recently received the reputation of being fattening.

In fact, high fructose corn syrup is often blamed for much of the world’s diabetes epidemic.

However, during a study in which they were trying to prove this, researchers reached a surprising conclusion.

They found a food type that posed an even larger diabetes risk.

In fact, the surprising culprit is often found in numerous kitchens belonging to health-conscious people’s and is sold as a healthy food option by many restaurants.

Of fructose, soybean oil, and coconut oil, most people believe that fructose is the most fattening, followed by coconut oil, followed by soybean oil.

A logical assumption, since fructose is sugar, coconut oil is a saturated fat (the vegan equivalent of a cup of cream), and soybean oil is a healthy polyunsaturated fat.

If asked this question, a large section of the academic community would have answered that both the oils were more fattening than the fructose, as it has long been understood that fat contains almost twice as many calories per gram, when compared to carbohydrates.

Thus, from most to least fattening, they would have predicted coconut oil, then soybean oil, then fructose.

But what no one could have predicted the discovery a new study just made.

Academics at the University of California Riverside wanted to prove that coconut oil caused more weight gain than soybean oil. They fed some mice a diet that contained 40% fat, which is approximately the amount of fat the average American diet contains.

The first group of mice received their 40% of fat in the form of soybean oil, and the second received theirs via coconut oil.

Since the researchers also wanted to compare the weight gain of the high soybean oil and high coconut oil eaters against the weight gain of high fructose eaters, they stuffed some of the mice with an equivalent amount of fructose that would be consumed by the average American.

This is what they found:

• The soybean oil eaters gained the most weight. They gained approximately 25% more weight than the coconut oil-eating mice and 9% more than the fructose-eating mice.

• The fructose eaters gained the second highest amount of weight. They gained 12% more than the coconut oil-eating mice.

• The coconut oil-eating mice put on the least weight.

However, these weren’t the worst findings. Here are more findings:

• Compared to the coconut oil eaters, soybean oil eaters suffered higher levels of insulin resistance and had a fatty liver with signs of liver injury. These are all characteristics of type 2 diabetes.

• Compared to the oil eaters, the fructose eaters suffered higher levels of kidney damage and had prolapsed rectums, a symptom of inflammatory bowel disease.

In other words, if you want to avoid inflammatory bowel disease, cut all fructose that is not from a fruit out of your diet, and if you want diabetes to pass you by, exclude soybean oil.

Unfortunately, this is not as easy as it sounds.

When researchers in the 1960s concluded that animal fats were unhealthy, food manufacturers switched to vegetable oils when making everything from margarine, to potato chips, and salad dressings.

Unsurprisingly, they picked one of the cheapest vegetable oils available for this purpose, which happened to be soybean oil.

As a result, almost all pre-made and packaged foods contain soybean oil, a factor that obviously explains why type 2 diabetes is such a massive and increasingly widespread problem today.

In fact, our food selection is further complicated by the fact that scientists are still unsure as to which oil they should recommend.

The authors of the above study specifically warned that they were not recommending saturated fat (like coconut oil) above polyunsaturated fat (like soybean oil), as they had not studied the cardiovascular effects of either.

So, for now, the best approach would be to reduce your intake of soybean oil, since you know it is a diabetes risk. I personally would also recommend replacing it with olive oil and coconut oil.

Reverse High Blood Sugar Levels - How The Rich Avoid Diabetes (and how to do the same cheaply)

A new study published in the Journal PLOS ONE revealed that poorer Canadians were more likely to develop diabetes than their wealthier counterparts were.

This leads to the question of what does wealth has to do with type 2 diabetes, and how can you avoid or reverse your diabetes even if you’re not swimming in cash?

They examined the responses of 4,739 Ontarians given to the Canadian Community Health Survey that was administered in 2004.

Among the questions in the survey, participants were asked whether they felt uneasy about buying food, whether they had to miss meals sometimes due to their inability to afford food, and whether they struggled to buy nutritious food, like fruits and vegetables.

From this information, the scientists divided them into those who were food secure and those who were food insecure.

It was found that those who were food insecure were more than twice as likely as their food secure peers to develop diabetes, and the subsequent 12-year follow-up period.

Even if you do not suffer from food insecurity, you can learn how to tackle type 2 diabetes by using the results from this study.

This was because food insecure families tend to buy cheap, high-calorie foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates rather than proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates may temporarily fill you up, but they also spike your blood sugar and leave you hungry an hour or two later.

However, it is not simply food insecure people who eat like that. We’re all guilty of this from time to time and this is exactly why type 2 diabetes is on the rise.

And this study proves beyond a doubt that type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle choices and can therefore be reversed through the use of the right lifestyle choices.

For more ideas to reverse high blood sugar levels, watch this video - 17 Effective Ways to Naturally Reverse Diabetes and Lower Blood Sugar Levels

This post is from the 3 Steps Diabetes Strategy Program. It was created by Jodi Knapp from Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

In this program, Jodi Knapp shares practical tips and advice on how you can prevent and cure diabetes naturally. She also dispels myths commonly associated with diabetes, like for example, diabetes being a lifelong condition. There are also lots of information going around that is simply not true and she’s here to correct it.

Diabetes is a disease, and it can be cured. This is just one of the important tips Jodi reveals in her program. Also she included several ways in preventing the onset of disease, choosing the right food to eat, recommended vitamin supplements, the right time of the day to take the blood sugar and many more.

But the most amazing thing would have to be her program which only takes 3 simple steps to help you to control & treat type 2 diabetes. What it does is cure diabetes without having to rely on expensive drugs, diets that make sufferers crave for even more food they are not supposed to eat, and exercise programs that make people feel tired and depressed.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Reverse High Blood Sugar Levels Naturally

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Sunday, September 29, 2019

What is the Best Way to Avoid Both Heart Attacks and Strokes?

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Avoid Both Heart Attacks and Strokes - Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Myth Busted

For decades, we’ve been told to steer free of Saturated fat (meat, eggs, and dairy) as it’s supposed to skyrocket your cholesterol level.

This gave rise to the horrendous “low fat” propaganda that’s still going strong to this day.

A new study published in the International Journal of Cardiology reveals quite an interesting twist to this argument.

Looks like it’s not about saturated fat itself but what kind of saturated fat you are talking about.

The researchers collected the health information of 22,050 British people and 53,375 Danes that were previously collected by the EPIC study.

They also used country-specific food frequency questionnaires to estimate the approximate amount of saturated fats these people usually consumed.

After following the participants for a period of 18.8 years (the British) and 13.6 years (the Danes), they found 1,204 heart attacks in the British sample and 2,260 in the Danish one.

When they compared the number of heart attacks with the food intake data, they discovered that saturated fats with different carbon chain lengths had different heart health effects.

To clarify, each fatty acid has a chain of carbon atoms. Fatty acids are normally divided into short-chain, medium-chain, long-chain, and very long-chain fatty acids, with their chains ranging from one to mid-20s carbon atoms.

The authors discovered that people who consumed large amounts of saturated fats with chains of 16 carbon atoms or more had the highest heart attack risk. These fats are called palmitic acid (16 atoms) and stearic acid (18 atoms), and they are mostly found in meat.

People who ate plant proteins like legumes and nuts instead of meat also had a considerably lower heart attack risk.

Those who consumed a lot of medium-chain saturated fats had no heart attack risk. These are found in dairy products, which is why many recent studies have suggested that full-cream milk and cheese are actually healthy.

Therefore, it’s not saturated versus non-saturated that is important, as many doctors still believe. Rather, among the types of saturated fats, their chain lengths are more important than the fact that they are saturated.

Avoid Both Heart Attacks and Strokes - To Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases, Drink This In Excess

We’re usually guided to do things in moderation, and that’s especially true when it comes to this controversial drink.

But a new study recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine revealed that drinking it excessively will reduce your risk of dying from strokes, heart attacks and pretty much anything else.

Scientists consulted the UK Biobank, a population-based study that had the demographic, genetic, lifestyle, and dietary information of 9.2 million British volunteers.

In their analysis, they only included the data of only those that had a full set of data available, along with those who were not pregnant at the beginning of the study, which totaled to 498,134 people.

They followed these volunteers between 2006 and 2016 and noted the deaths that occurred, regardless of the attributing factor, especially the common ones like cardiovascular events and cancer.

The participants ranged from ages 38 to 73, with an average age of 57. Of the participants, 54% of them were female and 71% of them were coffee drinkers.

Compared with non-coffee drinkers, all the groups of coffee drinkers were less likely to die, regarding of whether they were drinking less than one cup per day or drinking more than eight cups per day.

This held for deaths from all causes, including the most common causes such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Ground, instant, and decaffeinated coffee had the same effects, suggesting that caffeine was not the important healthy ingredient in this beverage.

Even people with genetic variations that led to a slowdown of their metabolism of caffeine experienced the same benefits as those who processed caffeine properly.

All this seems to suggest that coffee can protect against cardiovascular diseases, no matter the amount and the type you drink, and this was true even for those whose bodies did not process caffeine properly.

This is no wonder, as coffee is loaded with antioxidants.

Previous studies have found that, coffee contributed to more than 5.5 times the amount of antioxidants present in a person’s blood stream when compared to fruit, and was almost 30 times the amount antioxidants present when compared to those contributed by vegetables. Ouch!

Avoid Both Heart Attacks and Strokes - How Neighbors Raise Cholesterol And Can Cause Heart Attack And Stroke

A new study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has shown that a specific type of neighbors can drastically increase your cholesterol level and the risk of having a heart attack and stroke.

And no, it’s not the irritating neighbor. It’s actually the one that most people want to have close by.

The problem is that we have too many of them, which could lead to these dire consequences.

Scientists from Utrecht University and the University Medical Centre Utrecht collected information of the number of fast-food restaurants within 500 meters, 1,000 meters, and 3,000 meters of the homes of 2,472,004 Dutch study participants.

All the participants were at least 35 years of age and were required to have lived at the same residential addresses for at least the last 15 years.

They were required to have been free of cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study, and were then followed up with for 12 months to see who was the most likely to develop cardiovascular problems, including coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure.

Unsurprisingly, those who lived in rural areas with no fast-food restaurants within the vicinity were the least likely of all the participants to suffer from these horrors, as the obvious inconvenience of the long drive to such a restaurant outweighed the convenience of buying ready-made food.

Cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease risks were the highest for those who lived a mere 500 meters from fast-food restaurants, and the statistics were not much better for those who lived 1,000 meters away. However, the risk was much smaller for those within 3,000 meters of one.

The risk also increased with the increased number of nearby fast-food outlets within the neighborhood, along with the risk of stroke and heart attack.

But moving to the country may not be the solution you need for the healing of your heart arteries.

For more ideas on how to avoid both heart attacks and strokes, watch this video - Foods that Prevent Heart Attack and Stroke

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Avoid Both Heart Attacks and Strokes.

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

What is the Best Way to Prevent High Blood Pressure Spikes?

It has been well documented that certain ethnic groups are more prone to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. The question is why; and if so, is there something you can do to lower your blood pressure naturally despite your ethnicity? How to prevent high blood pressure spikes - is the subject of today’s article, which can be found here…

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Prevent High Blood Pressure Spikes - Why Blood Pressure Guidelines Vary Depending on Ethnicity (serious issue)

It has been well documented that certain ethnic groups are more prone to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

The question is why; and if so, is there something you can do to lower your blood pressure naturally despite your ethnicity?

How to prevent high blood pressure spikes - is the subject of today’s article, which can be found here…

Asians, African Americans, and Hispanics have been historically seen to have higher blood pressure compared to their Caucasian counterparts who eat the same diet.

While there is a clear body of scientific evidence that supports the idea that members of certain ethnicities are more susceptible to develop high blood pressure than people from other ethnic backgrounds, the reason still remains unknown.

A group of researchers recently attempted to examine the increase in high blood pressure risk exhibited by African-American populations. To do so, they compared certain biological factors known to influence blood pressure in populations of African-Americans and native populations from the African continent.

Although they found many genetic similarities, they also discovered a hard-to-pin genetic variant that actually provided protection from high blood pressure, leading to very inconclusive results.

Some scientists believe that high blood pressure in African-Americans is the result of the unique experience of the black population in the U.S. – this is as people of color globally have rates of high blood pressure that are similar to white people on average.

In the U.S., however, the difference is dramatic, and is at 41% as compared to 27% amongst white people. In addition, black people in the U.S are more likely to be overweight when compared to black people from other countries. This again raises the issue of social and economic factors, including discrimination and economic inequality.

Similar studies carried out on various Asian populations found that blood pressure tends to decrease when cultural circumstances change, supporting the theory that people who occupy a lower place on the socioeconomic ladder have poorer health care routines and unhealthier lifestyles.

Even though the data shows that certain ethnic groups are at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, it is not totally clear whether this increased risk is a function of genetic influences, or whether some social aspects and socioeconomic factors contribute in greater strength than genetics.

This inconclusive data has led some to question the narrow guidelines that may be unrealistic for some populations.

Dr.Paolo Verdecchia from the Department of Internal Medicine in Italy raises the question that European and North American blood pressure guidelines are putting Asians at risk and suggests that a threshold below the new recommendation of 140/90 mmHg might be more appropriate, particularly for the elderly population.

A textbook definition of normal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg; however, the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests that lowering blood pressure below 120/80 can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease even more.

Prevent High Blood Pressure Spikes - How Fat Lowers Blood Pressure and Boosts Heart Health

For the last 30 years, official dietary guidelines for high blood pressure and heart health have been off by almost 180 degrees.

This is according to a new study from Benioff’s Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI).

The study carried out a randomized trial of 36 healthy individuals who tried 3 different diets, each separated by a two-week period:

1) A standard DASH diet
2) A higher fat DASH diet
3) A controlled diet, which contained less fiber, fruit, and vegetables and more red meat than either of the DASH diets.

Reduced blood pressure was observed in both versions of the DASH diet when compared to the controlled diet.

However, the high-fat diet version of DASH reduced LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides (very bad cholesterol) significantly more than the regular DASH diet.

This shows that dietary guidance of “low fat” products has been completely wrong for the last 30 years.

For more ideas on how to prevent high blood pressure spikes, watch this video - Lower Your Blood Pressure Instantly in Minutes by more than 20 points - Healthy Me

Prevent High Blood Pressure Spikes - How To Drop Blood Pressure In 2-Minutes

Did you know that the lowering of one’s high blood pressure can be as easy as changing one’s habit in as quickly as 2 minutes a day?

Seems too easy to be true, but there is science behind this claim that changing one’s habit can help to prevent high blood pressure spikes.

Scientists in South Korea looked at the impact of poor dental hygiene on other health indicators aside from how the gums look.

What they found was that people with the worst tooth-brushing habits also had an alarmingly higher rate of hypertension, or high blood pressure.

But how can this be?

The most plausible hypothesis currently available would be that inflammation in the gums of chronically dirty mouths is the cause of this spike in blood pressure. Other theories include claims that the abundance of mouth bacteria can cause harmful effects all over the body.

People need to either brush their teeth twice per day (morning and before bed), or soak and scrub their dentures.

One in three adults over the age of 25 suffers from hypertension. As adults reach the age of 65 and above, that incidence rate of having unmanaged high blood pressure jumps to 3 out of 4.

Doesn’t it seem easier (and cleaner, and better smelling) to just brush teeth properly twice a day than to run up both medical and pharmacy bills on dangerous drugs?

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and reduce diastolic blood pressure permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Prevent High Blood Pressure Spikes Naturally

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What is the Best Way to Reverse Arthritis in Fingers and Knees?

An Old Method that Reverses Arthritis in Fingers and Knees in 8 Weeks - According to a new study published in IOS Press, there is one thing that defines the treatment of arthritis. Without it, all drugs in the world wouldn’t help. Interestingly, through testing an old, natural healing method, the subject not only improved this factor but they also drastically improved all markers of arthritis.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Completely Heal Any Type of Arthritis In 21 Days or Less

Reverse Arthritis in Fingers and Knees - An Old Method that Reverses Arthritis in 8 Weeks

According to a new study published in IOS Press, there is one thing that defines the treatment of arthritis. Without it, all drugs in the world wouldn’t help.

Interestingly, through testing an old, natural healing method, the subject not only improved this factor but they also drastically improved all markers of arthritis.

Sufferers of arthritis are more prone to depression than the general public. And without addressing the depression of the sufferers, their arthritis won’t improve no matter what.

Now, while you might not experience clinical depression, this article will also apply to you if you endure arthritis.

Given these findings, these scientists decided to test the effects of yoga on both depression and arthritis by comparing a group who had received yoga with one that did not.

They placed half of their 72 subjects on an intensive eight-week yoga program.

Both before the yoga program and after its completion, the researchers collected blood samples from all 72 subjects to test for inflammatory markers.

They also used a scientific measure called a Disease activity score 28 erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28ESR) to assess the disease activity at the beginning and the end of the eight weeks, along with a health assessment questionnaire disability index at those same times to check how functional the subjects were.

They gave their subjects something called the Beck Depression Inventory II scale every two weeks throughout the study to monitor their depression levels.

What they discovered was remarkable:

1. Unlike the non-yoga group, the yoga group’s depression levels improved throughout the study at every stage that it was tested.
2. The yoga group had substantially lower inflammatory chemicals in their blood than the non-yoga group.
3. The yoga group’s arthritis was a lot less active when compared to that of the non-yoga group was.
4. The yoga group was more functional and less disabled when compared to the non-yoga group was.
5. Those whose depression lifted the most also experienced the greatest arthritis relief.

As that wasn’t enough:

The cells of yoga participants were healthier and aged slower. Their immune systems were better regulated to fight off infections without needlessly attacking the harmless joint tissue. Their nerve cells showed an increased ability to adjust and form neural connections to compensate for the disease (an ability scientist call Neuroplasticity).

It must be noted that the yoga regiment was intense, lasting 120 minutes for five days a week, a schedule that most people would be likely to complain about. But the benefits are worth it.

Reverse Arthritis in Fingers and Knees - Arthritis Caused By This Huge Food Group

Osteoarthritis is sometimes called wear-and-tear arthritis.

It occurs when the cartilage in your joints wears away and causes the surrounding bones to rub against each other.

The medical system claims that this is caused by a strain on the joints, like working in jobs that require carrying heavy loads, or being under the strain of too much body weight.

However, a new study revealed that a specific food group – one almost all of us consume too much of – may be the biggest contributor to Osteoarthritis.

And cutting down on this specific type of food could reverse joint pain.
Initially, scientists wanted to study the effects between a high and low fat diet and its effect on the development of osteoarthritis in mice.

Thus, they put the mice on diets containing various amounts of fat and tested the mice’s knee joints over time.

Predictably, they found that higher dietary fat increased fatty acid metabolic enzymes inside the mice’s joint cartilage, a change that can gave rise to arthritis.

But the more interesting finding was that the mice on low-fat diets were no safer from osteoarthritis, due to the high amounts of carbohydrates in their diets.

In fact, when they put the mice on high carbohydrate diets, those with a normal body weight and those who were obese had the same risk for arthritis, showing that weight alone was not the culprit.

When the scientists increased the amount of sucrose (table sugar) in their diets, the mice showed an increase in joint inflammation – a clear sign of arthritis.

Reverse Arthritis in Fingers and Knees - Arthritis Worsened 67% Due To This Childhood Trauma

Children are extremely vulnerable. And this sets them up for trauma that can harm them for the rest of their lives.

A study has just appeared in the journal Rheumatology that reveals that if you suffer from arthritis, it’s very likely caused being exposed in a specifically harmful situation as a child.

In fact, this trauma increases your risk of arthritis by up to 67%.
This study started out innocently enough.

A team of French scientists wanted to know how much smoking could increase our risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis by.

To find out, they followed 98,995 women between 1990 and now, collecting questionnaires from them every two to three years.

These questionnaires included information regarding their health, any medical events they might have experienced, their environments, and their lifestyle details. They also had to report their arthritis diagnoses and medication.

Complete information was available for 71,248 of the women, with 371 of them reporting rheumatoid arthritis.

Unsurprisingly, active smokers were 38% more likely to develop arthritis than non-smokers, but this was where the predictability ended.

When they separated the active smokers, who were exposed to secondhand smoke as children, from active smokers who had not been so exposed, they found a difference.

Active smokers who received second hand smoke while they were children were also found to be 67% more likely to develop arthritis than active smokers whose parents had not smoked.

Most surprisingly, people who had never smoked but whose parents exposed them to second hand smoke as children were 43% more likely to have arthritis than people who had never smoked and who had not been exposed to second hand smoke as children.

In other words, passive smoking around a child during their adolescence and active smoking were estimated to be equally harmful when it comes to getting arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis also kicked in earlier in people who had taken in passive smoke as children.

Now, regardless of whether second hand smoking contributed to your arthritis, the main question would be how can you heal it today?

For more ideas to reverse arthritis in fingers and knees, watch this video- Arthritis and Joint Pain Reversing Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe Passed Down for Generations

This post is from the Arthritis Strategy Program. It was created by Shelly Manning, a former arthritis sufferer and a health consultant.

A Brief Background on the Author

Like you, Shelly Manning also suffered from arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This was due to her weight and desk job. Her condition eventually took a toll on her relationship with her (former) husband.

It was when she went to Hong Kong that she met Janerdquo, an old woman who owned the restaurant where she ate. Janerdquo supposedly offered her a bowl of a weird-smelling soup, which helped ease her joint pain. She ate there each day for 10 days until she was completely healed from arthritis.

Shelly Manning decided to research this natural remedy and to create a step-by-step treatment plan to others who are suffering from different types of arthritis, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and psoriatic arthritis.

That’s why she created “The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy.” According to her claims, this unique strategy will get rid of joint pain and stiffness, repair your damaged joints, and treat the underlying cause of your arthritis.

Shelly teamed up with Christian Goodman, the owner of Blue Heron Health News, a publishing company that aims to help people to take responsibility for their own health by using natural health alternatives to reverse arthritis in fingers and knees naturally.

To find out more about this program, go to Reverse Arthritis in Fingers and Knees Naturally at Home

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