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Monday, February 5, 2018

What Works Best to Remove Stretch Marks Fast and Naturally?

Rapid weight gains or growth of any kind stretches the skin and challenges its elasticity... Whenever this takes place, stretch marks usually result. Read on here to learn about the 5 ways you can remove stretch marks fast and naturally.

CLICK HERE to Find How You Can Erase Your Stretch Marks for Good

What can work to remove stretch marks fast? Read on to find out more plus a video clip to help you on how to remove stretch marks fast and naturally.

Rapid weight gains or growth of any kind stretches the skin and challenges its elasticity... Whenever this takes place, stretch marks usually result. They’re lines on the skin’s surface that most often appear near the abdomen. Although they can also occur in other areas such as the buttocks, chest, upper arms, and legs.

When many people think of stretch marks they immediate associate them with pregnancy, but other factors could be involved: genetics, sudden weight loss, rapid growth, and even stress.

While in and of themselves, they’re not harmful, they can cause people to become self-conscious and produce low self-esteem. These small scars on the epidermis appear when the collagen is compromised, from the stress created from stretching the skin. In this process the production of collagen is interrupted, and the result is an annoying mark.

At first it could look red, but after some time a light colored line forms and creates the stretch mark. So, is there anything you can do to get rid of them if you suffer from stretch marks?

How to Remove Stretch Marks Fast and Naturally?

Yes, there is!

Take a look at some of these natural remedies to remove stretch marks:

Remove Stretch Marks Fast Tip #1 – White Sugar

White sugar is a great way to rid yourself of stretch marks. Used as an exfoliant, it helps remove these unpleasant lines. Just mix a tablespoon of sugar with a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil. Whisk it well and apply it directly to the affected areas. Massage the mixture every day for a few minutes before bathing. You’ll notice a significant improvement after about a month.

Remove Stretch Marks Fast Tip #2 – Aloe Vera

Widely used for several skin issues, aloe vera is very effective. By soothing and moisturizing the skin, it helps remove stretch marks. Simply rub aloe vera on your stretch marks, and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water.

Remove Stretch Marks Fast Tip #3 – Castor Oil

Castor oil also works on other skin issues like pimples, wrinkles, and age spots. Try it on stretch marks. Rub some castor oil on the stretch marks—massaging in a circular motion for a few minutes.

Then take a thin, cotton cloth and heating pad. Wrap the area with the cloth and apply heat for thirty minutes. Do this every day for a month as you watch your stretch marks disappear.

Remove Stretch Marks Fast Tip #4 – Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Rich in antioxidants and other important nutrients like omega-3 fats, it can also help repair damaged skin. Warm up a little extra-virgin olive oil and massage into your stretch marks.

Not only will it help remove the stretch mark, but it will also improve circulation to the affected area. Allow it to stay on the skin for thirty minutes so all of the vitamins can be soaked into your skin.

Remove Stretch Marks Fast Tip #5 – Lemon Juice

A powerful cleaning agent with its high acid content, lemon juice is also good for stretch marks. It can work wonders on acne and other scars too. Massage some lemon juice onto the scarred skin using circular motions. After about ten minutes, wash it off with warm water.

By Justin E King, author of the Erase Your Stretch Marks program. This program will teach you the natural ways to treat your stretch marks, how to minimize them, how to get rid of them by using some homemade cream recipes and nutritional guidelines. For more information about this program, CLICK HERE to Learn How to Remove Stretch Marks.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Only Real Way to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

To get rid of stretch marks may seem like a daunting, never-ending story. In some ways, it can be. As much as we hate to be the ones to break it to you, there’s no sure-fire way to erase them. But there’s no need to lose hope.

To get rid of stretch marks may seem like a daunting, never-ending story. In some ways, it can be. As much as we hate to be the ones to break it to you, there’s no sure-fire way to erase them. But there’s no need to lose hope.

The good news is there are a number of real ways that you can potentially improve those unsightly marks so they become nearly invisible over time. Similarly, certain steps can be taken to help prevent stretch marks from occurring in the future. Let’s take a closer look.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks have nothing to do with stretching at the gym. They’re indented streaks in the skin caused by superficial scars that may develop any time the dermis layer of the skin is torn, dermatologist Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas said in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar.

Many people equate stretch marks with pregnancy, and it turns out sporting a baby bump is one of the most common causes. The same story said approximately 90% of women will experience them during the last trimester when the skin is most prone to a high degree of stretching to accommodate the growing baby.

But stretch marks in the skin can occur in men and non-pregnant women. They can also crop up on breasts, hips, buttocks and thighs, according to the Mayo Clinic.

While genetics plays a huge role in who will get stretch marks, other factors include rapid weight gain or loss as well as high hormonal levels during puberty.

How to treat or get rid of stretch marks?

While no magic potion currently exists to get rid of stretch marks, you can minimize the appearance with time, patience, and a few helpful products.

“Many stretch marks improve a lot over many months without treatment,” Dr. Oscar Hevia, a cosmetic dermatologist, told StyleCaster. “But, since stretch marks are essentially a scar from the inside out, there is no treatment that makes them disappear completely.”

Retinoid cream may be one of the most promising DIY treatments. Derived from vitamin A, retinoids such as tretinoin (Retin-A, Renova, Avita) that you apply to your skin may improve the appearance of stretch marks that are less than a few months old, according to Mayo Clinic.

Tretinoin can help to rebuild collagen, making the stretch marks look more like your normal skin. However, it’s important to note that tretinoin can irritate your skin.

And if you’re pregnant or nursing, make sure to check with your doctor about other treatment options because possible side effects of retinoid cream may affect the baby.

If you’d rather avoid retinoids, The Organic Beauty Expert says castor oil can be a good substitute to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Apply the oil to the affected area and massage gently in a circular motion, then use a clean cloth to wrap the affected skin. Next, use a heating pad on the spot for at least 30 minutes for the best results.

Light and laser therapies are a more intense option. In the Harper’s Bazaar story, Alexiades-Armenakas said that the best bet for treating red or active stretch marks is with in-office treatments using a pulsed dye laser.

“It won’t work if the marks are old and no longer red,” she told the publication, “But if you catch stretch marks early, you can help reverse them and prevent scarring or permanence in one to three monthly treatments usually.”

The Mayo Clinic also highlighted microdermabrasion as a solid solution. A hand-held device blows crystals onto the skin, gently removing its topmost layers, which promotes the growth of new, more elastic skin. This makes stretch marks less noticeable.

The Derma Roller System is an at-home option you can try as well. According to the product, it can be used to improve the appearance of stretch marks, such as those developed during pregnancy, adolescent growth spurts, rapid muscle growth, and weight fluctuations. Again, this is according to the product, so it’s best to remain a bit sceptical!

How to help prevent stretch marks
While total prevention is never a guarantee when it comes to stretch marks, you can take matters into your own hands through a few at-home treatments, some of which can duly help lessen the appearance of existing stretch marks.

First of all, it’s imperative to keep the skin as healthy and hydrated as possible, according to Dr. Kishan Raichura, a skin health expert. He told The Huffington Post UK, “While it’s impossible to entirely prevent them, pregnant women can improve skin condition to hopefully reduce the chances by keeping the area well moisturized and nourished.”

Coconut oil or olive oil are both great, all-natural products to use in combination with vitamin E oil or cream to help keep collagen fibers strong. And keep in mind, drinking enough water is the best way to stay hydrated from the inside out.

In the same story, Dr. Erich Schulte, founder of QMSMediCosmetics, also mentioned skin exfoliation as an important part of your daily regimen. “It is a key benefit as it continues to stimulate the cell turnover and works well in conjunction with body-firming creams,” he said in the story.

You can exfoliate the skin through dry brushing or by using an exfoliating wash. Sugar is also an all-natural exfoliator; mix it with a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil to make a paste, then gently rub it over your skin.

Nutrition also plays a role. Top 10 Home Remedies suggests eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, silica, and other nutrients to help nourish the skin.

The antioxidant vitamin E is especially crucial as it protects the collagen fibers in your skin from damage, which promotes skin elasticity. Almonds, olives, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocados, and pumpkins are all high in vitamin E.

The most important thing to remember is to be flexible in treating stretch marks. Find what best works for your body and your lifestyle.

By Justin E King, author of the Erase Your Stretch Marks program. This program will teach you the natural ways to treat your stretch marks, how to minimize them, how to get rid of them by using some homemade cream recipes and nutritional guidelines. For more information about this program, CLICK HERE to Learn How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

11 Natural Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure-also known as hypertension or “the silent killer”-affects 1 in 3 adult Americans, or roughly 67 million people, and that number only continues to grow. Read on here to learn about the 11 remedies to lower high blood pressure and 2 video clips on how to lower high blood pressure naturally.

Read on here to learn about the 11 remedies to lower high blood pressure and 2 video clips on how to lower high blood pressure naturally.

High blood pressure-also known as hypertension or “the silent killer”-affects 1 in 3 adult Americans, or roughly 67 million people, and that number only continues to grow.

90-95% of cases are known as primary hypertension, which is hypertension with no underlying medical cause. The small left-over percentage is caused by conditions such as kidney disease. But what is this mysterious silent killer?

Blood and its circulation are vital to sustain life. They supply crucial nutrients and oxygen to all the cells and organs in our body. They also remove waste and carbon dioxide. When the heart beats it creates pressure that pushes blood through your arteries and veins. This pressure, if you haven’t guessed, is our blood pressure.

Two forces pump the blood through our bodies, the first being created by the heart pumping blood out into the arteries, and the second occurs when the heart rests between beats and blood is drawn back into the muscle. When your blood pressure rises, damage can occur that upsets this system.

If you have hypertension, your heart has to work extra hard to pump blood through the body. And while healthy arteries are made of semi-flexible muscle, the force of high blood pressure will lead to overstretching their walls.

This overstretching can lead to tiny tears in blood vessels (known as vascular scarring) that leaves tissue that catch things such as cholesterol/plaque, and other blood cells. Building off of the latter, this leads to an increased risk of blood clots. The walls will also become weakened over time.

Tissue damage from being oxygen depleted occurs in parts of the arteries on the other side of a blockage or build-up of plaque, depriving it of fresh oxygenated blood, and heart attacks and strokes are the result if the pressure becomes too high.

Before starting drug therapy, try lifestyle changes and some home remedies for high blood pressure. Not surprisingly, things such as diet and exercise play a big role in lowering blood pressure, so always keep those two things at the forefront of your mind. Medications can be harsh, and while best avoided if possible, if you are on them, know that natural remedies can interfere with their functioning.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 1 -  Cut the Salt

Salt is not the problem when it comes to high blood pressure, per say, but rather its chemical component sodium. A little bit is fine, but too much sodium disrupts the balance of fluid in the body.

To “flush” the excess salt from your system, water is drawn from surrounding tissues. The higher volume of liquid results in the heart working harder to pump the blood-hence, high blood pressure.

Sure we use a lot of table salt on our foods, but still, that amount isn’t enough to account for the rise in blood pressure. Actually, only 6% of our salt consumption comes from the table shaker. The vast amounts of salt we consume daily (on average 1-2 generous teaspoons) couldn’t possibly be caused by the salt we sprinkle on our food alone.

No you have to dig a little bit more to get to the source-processed foods. Such an extraordinary quantity of excess salt is added into processed foods it’s easy to stray over the healthy limit of sodium intake.

A specific example-a single microwave “roast turkey” meal can have salt in the meat, the flavoring, the gravy, the stuffing, and the potatoes, to equal a whopping 5,400 milligrams of sodium. The utmost maximum daily limited is listed at 2,300 milligrams-even less for African Americans, men, and anyone over the age of 51.

If you fall into one of those categories, you should only consume less than ½ teaspoon a day. Even foods that are labelled low-fat or low in sugar can still contain a boatload of sodium. Food companies do this to, logically, increase the value of their products. We get hooked on the flavor. Of all the flavors (sweet, sour, etc.,) it is the hardest to live without. How do you fight it to lower your blood pressure?

You will need…

-the power of will


In short, slowly add less and less to your cooking. And of course, read the labels on the food you buy carefully. Remember the number 2,300 for daily intake of sodium-any higher than that, and it’s a no-go.

You’ll find yourself turning to home cooked meals, where you can control the amount of salt added, instead of processed foods. Stick with it, and you will find if you go back to an excess amount of salt after adjusting your taste buds to less, you will be close to repulsed at the flavor.

Intensive research has shown that the more salt you eat, the more you need. If you eat less salt, you only need to add less to your food or have less in your food, to be satisfied with a smaller amount.

We are not born liking salt. A baby will get joy from a droplet of sugar water, but there is no taste, no craving, for salt until 6 months of age. When studied children were fed salty foods, versus children who ate more fruits and vegetables, a craving was created in the former group where none existed before.

These cravings can shape you’re eating habits for years. Soups, chips, crackers, pizza, sauces, fries, etc. etc., it’s easy for even the young generations to get hooked on salt at an early age. Keep your wits about you!

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 2 - Sip Some Hibiscus

Cultures across the world have used hibiscus to naturally manage blood pressure, but it wasn’t until the past decade that studies were actually conducted that showed there was more to the remedy than just folklore.

First, hibiscus acts as a diuretic, which draws sodium from the bloodstream, thus decreasing the pressure on the arterial walls. Even more interesting is how it can mimic angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors.

ACE inhibitors are a common group of pharmaceutical drugs used to treat high blood pressure. They work by hampering the angiotensin-converting enzyme, which plays a crucial role in the renin-angiotensin system- a hormone system that regulates blood pressure and fluid balance.

As a result of this inhibition, blood vessels relax and blood volume is lowered, decreasing blood pressure. While certainly not as potent as those ACE drugs prescribed, it can still be surprisingly effective.

You will need…

-1-2 teaspoon of dried hibiscus
-1 cup of fresh, piping hot water
-Honey, lemon, or 1-2 cinnamon sticks (optional)


Bring water to a boil and add the hibiscus and cinnamon sticks (if using them) and allow it to steep for 5 minutes. Add honey or lemon to taste, and drink 2-3 times daily. This also makes a lovely iced tea for those sticky hot summer days.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 3 - Drink Coconut Water

Coconut water is found inside the shell of green, unripe coconuts that retains its natural benefits in organic and raw form. It contains potassium and magnesium, both of which relate to regular muscle function, and of course, the heart is a big giant muscle.

While there have been some limited studies on the effect of coconut water on hypertension, many people report anecdotally that it has helped lower blood pressure.

In studies, it seemed to particularly affect systolic blood pressure, or the force that takes place when the heart pumps blood away from it. If you don’t have a problem with coconut water, it may prove to be a solid remedy for you.

You will need…

-8 ounces of fresh, organic coconut water


Drink 8 ounces 1-2 times daily. Morning is ideal if you drink it once a day, while morning and night works well if you opt to drink it twice a day.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 4 - Fabulous Fish Oil

Of course this is on here! You may roll your eyes because you’ve seen it everywhere, but fish oil and its bountiful omega-3 fatty acids are a beautiful thing when it comes to your heart.

While studies have been wishy-washy on whether or not it actually reduces the risk of heart attacks or strokes, it has been viewed as successful when it comes to lowering blood pressure, while also reducing triglycerides and increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Heart transplant patients have been given fish oil to reduce the risk of hypertension following a transplant.

You will need…

-High quality fish oil


I prefer liquid fish oil taken in orange juice to the pills which can have some…unpleasant side effects. Take the amount appropriate for you as indicated on the back of the bottle.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 5 - Heart Healthy Hawthorn

Hawthorn is a staple herb when it comes to heart health as it is rich in flavonoids, namely, oligomeric procyandins (OPC’s) and quercetin.

Flavonoids are touted as having many benefits, but one of the most intensely studied conditions that it affects is various forms of heart disease. This includes arrhythmia, palpitations, improve the function of capillaries, regulate glucose metabolism and, of course, reduce arterial blood pressure and the risk of hypertension.

There are several different mechanical actions that flavonoids can take on the blood, but pertaining to hypertension the most important may be the widening of the blood vessels, which ultimately reduces the pressure of the blood.

You can enjoy hawthorn in the form of a tea or in the form of “balls”, which is what is given below. The recipe also calls for cinnamon and ginger, which are great for helping circulation flow smoothly.

It was the herbalist Rosemary Gladstar who taught me how to make these wonderful herbal balls, and while I’ve tweaked the recipe some, I’ll forever be grateful to her for tuning me into this wonderful way of enjoying herbal medicine!

You will need…

-4 tablespoons of powdered hawthorn berry
-1/2-1 tablespoons of cinnamon powder
-Raw honey
-Cocoa or carob powder


Place the cinnamon and hawthorn powder in a bowl and mix the two together. Add just enough honey and water to make a paste. Thicken the mixture with cocoa powder or carob powder until it has formed a dough that you can cleanly roll into small balls no bigger than your index fingernail.

Place them on a cookie sheet and dry in an oven at a very low temperature (not more than 150 degrees Fahrenheit) until dry. Store indefinitely in a glass jar out of direct sunlight and in a cool place.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 6 – Exercise

Along with diet, exercise should really be number one on this list. Nothing can replace what exercise does for the body, and in a society where we are becoming increasingly sedentary, it can take a bit more effort to get out and get moving-but it’s worth it, especially if you have high blood pressure.

The heart is a muscle, and it will grow stronger with exercise. It becomes easier to pump blood and takes less effort, keeping your heart in better condition and lowering how much force it exerts on your arteries, thus lowering blood pressure.

Exercise is, in many cases, all that you need to get your blood pressure back on track. The top number in a blood pressure reading indicates systolic blood pressure, which is created by the heart pumping blood away from it.

Exercise can lower this reading by an average of 4 to 9 millimeters of mercury (a unit of pressure), which is easily as much as some prescription blood pressure medications. A pleasant side effect of exercise is weight loss, which also does your heart and arteries a great favor.

You will need…



Try and get in at 30 minutes of exercise a day. You don’t have to run marathon-even simple chores like scrubbing the floors are good. Anything that gets your heart rate up and increases your rate of respiration. Make this a habit. You only get the benefits of exercise as long as you exercise.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 7 - Go For Garlic

Garlic is one of those home remedy staples. It is rich in beneficial constituents that address a wide range of ailments, once of which happens to be hypertension. There is just one little catch though.

Allicin, the organosulphur-sulfur containing- compound responsible for several of garlic’s health benefits, doesn’t fare as well in the human body when garlic is eaten raw. Allicin is relatively unstable, and is typically deactivated when it comes in contact with a substance with a pH lower than 3, such as our stomach acid.

However, when taken in tablet form, there is a guaranteed allicin yield that ensures you get the proper amount to have solid results when it comes to lowering blood pressure.

Be sure when getting the tablets that there is a release of allicin in a significant, standardized amount-in several studies involved with blood pressure, 1.8 milligrams per dose lowered blood pressure by 10% within 12 weeks.

You will need…

-Good quality garlic tablets


Take as directed on the back of the bottle.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 8 - Melon in the Morning

Every morning, be faithful to watermelon. Often times watermelon as viewed as a strictly summer fruit, one for seed spitting contests and barbecues, but it can also help lower blood pressure.

An organic compound called citrulline, an a-amino acid, was first isolated in 1914 from watermelon. Once ingested, the body can convert citrulline to the amino acid L-arginine, which is a precursor to nitric oxide.

To translate, citrulline-found in watermelon- is converted into arginine-essentially a chemical building block-which leads to the production of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide talks to various cells and systems in your body that regulates, among other things, how hard your blood gets pumped through your entire body-also known as vascular systematic resistance.

It will widen blood vessels, which lowers vascular resistance, which ultimately lowers blood pressure. Imagine trying to pump a certain volume of liquid through a small opening versus a wider opening. The wider opening will allow it to flow smoothly and easily-it’s the same with blood cells!

You will need…

-1-2 cups of fresh water melon


Every morning eat your melon on an empty stomach. If you have a home blood pressure device, monitor yourself and observe the changes.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 9 - Ginger-Cardamom Tea

A study done in December of 2009 published in the Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics gave a group of participants 1 teaspoon of cardamom powder daily for several weeks. The results showed a significant reduction in blood pressure.

While further research is needed to pinpoint exactly why it seems to help, it has still proven itself a useful home remedy for high blood pressure. Combined with ginger and cinnamon, both warming spices that improve circulation, you can make a lovely tea to help your heart get healthy.

Interestingly enough, black tea seems to improve blood pressure in some instances. This is most likely due to the heavy concentration of flavonoid, however if you have blood pressure that leans towards the more severe side of the scale; the caffeine may do more harm than good.

This is particularly delightful warm, spicy, tea to have on chilly winter days (and when we’re tempted from eating healthier thanks to the holidays!)

You will need…

-1/2 cup of water
-2-3 teaspoons of honey (or to taste)
-1 teaspoon of cardamom pods
-1/2 teaspoon ginger powder OR 2 teaspoons minced fresh ginger
-1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder
-1 ½ tablespoons black tea or 1 teabag
-1/2 cup milk
-Mortar and pestle


Crush the cardamom pods to release the oil-there’s no need to grind them finely. In a saucepan combine all the ingredients except for the honey. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 6-9 minutes until you get a rich caramel brown color. Stir in honey and then strain into a mug and enjoy! Drink 1-2 times daily.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 10 -  Cat’s Claw Decoction

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) is a woody climbing vine found in South and Central America, with its most notable use being in the Amazon rainforest. It is named after the thorns on the plant which are hooked, much like cats claws.

It has been used as a traditional remedy in its native habitat for a long time, but test tube studies finally revealed evidence for promising benefits, one amongst them being lowering blood pressure.

It does so by dilating the blood vessels (known as vasodilation) and therefore lowering the pressure by allowing blood to flow through more readily.

It can also act as a mild diuretic, getting rid of unneeded salt and water in the body, which can again reduce hypertension. The tannins and flavonoid are most likely the main constituents that account for the herbs healing actions.

Here it is made into a flavorful decoction that will give you all of its benefits. A decoction is essentially a tea, but is simmered for much longer as it is made from the woody, tough, fibrous parts of the plant such as roots or (in this case) bark.

There are two things to keep in mind when searching for your herb-first, make sure its scientific name matches the one above (there are several other plants known as cats claw) and secondly, make sure it is from an ecologically sustainable Cats Claw should be avoided by women who are pregnant.

You will need…

-1-2 tablespoons of dried herb
-1 ½-2 cups of cold water
-Honey or lemon to taste


Place the herb and water in a small saucepan over low heat and bring to a slow simmer. Cover, and let it simmer for 40-45 minutes. Add more water (or less) depending on how concentrated you want the tea to be. Strain, add honey or lemon if desired, and drink once daily.

Remedies to Lower High Blood Pressure #Tip 11 - Beautiful Blueberry Syrup

Syrups are, hands down, one of my most favorite ways of incorporating the benefits of herbs and spices into daily life. While the word “syrup” may make you think of something sickly sweet and heavy-the opposite of what you want for heart health-that isn’t the case here.

The “syrup” that you see on grocery store shelves may not be the best, but made at home it is a wonderful (delicious) way to give yourself a natural boost. And if we’re honest with ourselves, sometimes choking down bitter tea makes it hard to stay on track with a remedy.

Blueberries are rich in the flavonoid quercetin, the benefits of which are explained in remedy number 5, as it is also found in hawthorn. You can mix in elderberries for an extra heart healthy kick as well-surprise, surprise they’re good for more than just warding off the cold and flu!

You will need….

-8 tablespoons of dried blueberries OR 4 tablespoons each of dried blueberries and elderberries.
-4 cups of water
-1 cup of honey
-A pot, strainer, and glass jar with an airtight lid


Add the dried berries to the water and bring to a simmer over low heat. Continue to simmer until the liquid is reduced by half. Strain the solids out, pressing on them to extract any extra juices, and pour the liquid back into the pot. Stir in the honey, warming the mixture just to ensure the two blend together thoroughly.

Here there are two different paths you can take. For thicker syrup, heat the honey and berry juice over medium-high heat for 20 minutes. If you’d rather not cook the syrup, and are ok with one that is slightly thinner, skip this step. Once mixed, bottle and label and store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 weeks. Take 1 tablespoon twice daily.

Understanding Blood Pressure Reading

When the nurse wraps the cuff around your upper arm and then announces two seemingly random numbers, what’s going on?
Two forces pump the blood through our bodies, the first being created by the heart contracts and pumps blood out into the arteries, and the second occurs when the heart rests between beats and the heart muscle is refilling with blood.

These two forces are known as systole and diastole respectively, and are the numbers you see on a blood pressure reading. The systolic pressure is the top number (or the first one read) and is the higher number, and the second number is diastolic, and is the lower number.

So the next time you get your blood pressure read, remember the first number is referring the force of blood being pumped away, and the second number is the heart at rest refilling with blood. The systolic number should be less than 120, while the diastolic number should be less than 80. Anything higher and you enter pre-hypertension and hypertension.

Watch these 2 Videos-

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It’s a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Monday, January 29, 2018

3 Quick Relief Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

If you are looking for some quick relief remedies for hot flashes and night sweats, read on here to find out more. There is also a video clip about some remedies for hot flashes and night sweats.

Click HERE to Discover the 215+ Home Remedies, Natural Beauty Recipes & DIY HouseholdProducts

If you are looking for some quick relief remedies for hot flashes and night sweats, read on here to find out more. There is also a video clip about some remedies for hot flashes and night sweats.

Are you familiar with the feeling of dread you get when you’re body starts to feel warm and flush? Because you know what comes next- the discomfort of the unrelenting heat from another nasty hot flash.

Or maybe you’re not even aware that it’s happening, in which case maybe you dread waking up to find your clothes and sheets absolutely soaked in sweat, and then endure horrible chills while everything dries off?

Hot flashes and night sweats are some of the frustrating things to get relief from, since your body basically decided your fate when it mistakenly told your brain you were overheating (a very simplified way of putting it.)

While hormones contribute greatly to hot flashes-hence why they are so common during menopause-other things can cause them as well. I’ve experienced them as side effects from medications, but stress and even some food and drinks can bring them on.

While identifying the cause is important to ultimately remedying your hot flashes and/or night sweats, these quick relief recipes will help cool you down right away.

Tip: Keep a fan on you if you suffer night sweats. Also direct a fan at yourself or stand in front of the A.C. for an extra cool down when using the spray.

Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats #Tip 1 - Plain Ol’ Peppermint Spray

It seems so plain. Peppermint is refreshing for obvious reasons-it helps cool you almost instantly and the coolness lasts for a while. It’s one of the best, most immediate, forms of relief from a hot flash in my opinion.

How does it work? All thanks to menthol. Our body can tell when there is something hot or cold, but peppermint isn’t cold temperature wise at all. So why does it cool us down?

A protein in menthol activates the same receptor on nerve endings that also sense cold. So it triggers a message to the brain that says “you’re feeling cold.” And your nervous system responds accordingly.

So, really, this isn’t such a plain spray. It’s a very clever one, one that will help you cool down fast. It doesn’t actually change your temperature, but that makes no difference in the relief it will bring.

Some people who use this recipe opt not to use the neutral carrier oil for fear of it leaving a stain, and use only witch hazel. I have not had any issues, but it is an option (albeit not the one I’d recommend.)

The witch hazel speeds evaporation and many people find it adds its own touch of cool freshness so it’s added for that more than as a carrier.

Alcohol can dilute essential oils, but the alcohol in witch hazel is not of a high enough proof to do the job. If you opt to leave out the carrier oil, be sure to test a spritz on a small patch of skin before using.

You will need…

-6 tablespoons of witch hazel
-1-6 drops peppermint oil
-1 tablespoon of grapeseed (or another neutral oil)
-Aloe (optional)


First, always shake well before using! Also, start with only a drop or two of peppermint at a time and test your tolerance. It’s strong stuff, especially if you don’t add in a “true” carrier that dilutes it.

Put the oils and witch hazel in a mister bottle. Ideally one that is dark glass and has the spritzer top to it! Shake well and store in cool place out of direct sunlight. Apply as needed, and for maximum effect, have a fan going. Shake before every use.

If you find the spray drying to your skin, apply some high quality, natural aloe after using it.

Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats #Tip 2 - Eucalyptus Cold Compress

Eucalyptus provides similar benefits to peppermint, but on a lesser scale, and with much less intensity. This doesn’t mean it’s not effective, but if you’re sensitive to the strong smell of peppermint, eucalyptus is a great option (and can be used as a substitute in recipe above.)

Keep this cooling compress on hand so you don’t need to wait for relief by freezing them (but put them in a bag so your whole freezer doesn’t smell like eucalyptus!) or just whip it up on the spot.

You will need…

-A medium sized bowl
-2 tablespoons of grapeseed or any other neutral oil
-1-4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
-A clean towel about dishcloth sized


Mix your oils together well and pour them into your bowl. Toss in a generous amount of ice, and top it off with cold water. Let it chill for a good 3-5 minutes, then soak the towel in the water-make sure to really swirl it around to churn up the essential oils.

Wring it out and place it across your forehead, the back of your neck, on your chest-or really any place that you feel needs it most.

Below is a tip for finding the best cooling spots (aka pulse points.) If the towel feels like it’s no longer cooling you down, simply dunk it again and repeat!

What’s up with the pulse?

The places where you can feel your pulse most strongly, pulse points, are areas where your blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin. Because the blood is so close, it can also be cooled quickly. This cooler blood then gets pumped back through your body, lowering your overall body temperature.

These points can be palpitated anywhere there is an artery that can be compressed near the surface of the body. Get familiar with your pulse, and you’ll know the quickest ways to cooling off.

Some common ones to keep in mind are-

Brachial artery-on the inside of your elbow
Femoral artery-at the groin
Radial artery-at the wrist
Carotid artery-at the neck

Play around and see what works best for you. What works for one person may not work for you, and vice versa. Get to know your body, get familiar with what may trigger your hot flashes (e.g. spicy foods or stress), and add in prevention as much as possible. And I’ll re-iterate once again that a fan when combined with the peppermint spray truly is wonderful.

Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats #Tip 3 -  Chill Your Feet (and check your pulse)

This is something that I generally avoid-my hands and feet tend to be chilly enough as it is. But in the midst of a hot flash, a quick cool down is what matters most to me.

There are pulse points on the tops of your feet (this is the dorsalis pedis artery), and on the sides of your ankles, just below the ankle bone (your posterior tibial artery).

Because the blood is so close to the surface of the skin, it cools down quicker. This cooler blood then gets pumped throughout the body, eventually lowering you overall core temperature.

When you start to feel the flush coming on, plunging your feet into a bowl of icy cold up the ankles can help you fend off the heat.

You will need…

-A bowl or shallow tub for your feet
-Cold water, preferably with ice
-A clean soft towel


Fill your tub with cold water and ice, and soak your feet. You can use the cool compress (above) simultaneously on any of your other pulse points as well. This makes for a super effective combo!

Why No Clary Sage as One of the Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats?

It’s the essential oil most often touted as helping to “balance hormones.” It is said to be estrogenic, that is, it acts like estrogen or possibly induces the body to make more, thus balancing out your estrogen levels and lessening the hot flashes.

Clary sage has a component called sclareol, which is structured in a similar way to estrogen. The thinking goes that because it has a similar structure, sclareol has estrogenic action. But action simply means that it has the ability to bind to an estrogen receptor.

What it does there is a whole other story. It could possibly even block and decrease estrogen, which wouldn’t be helpful at all. There just aren’t enough specific studies that document how it actually acts for me to say it’s truly balancing your hormones.

However! That being said, that doesn’t mean clary sage isn’t helpful for dealing with PMS/cramps/hot flashes. Many people find it extremely helpful and get great relief from it-so if you want to use it, go for it!

Just know that whatever mechanism brings about the relief probably isn’t from “balancing hormones” that you’ll see blaring everywhere. There have been studies that show it reduces cortisol levels when inhaled, which would lower stress, which can contribute to things like hot flashes. It’s a lovely oil and effective for many people, so again, don’t hold back!

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It’s a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Alkaline Diet - How Can Alkaline Diet Transform Your Health

Are you looking for ways and ideas to improve your health by way of healthy eating? Have you heard about alkaline diet? Read on to know all about alkaline diet and how it can improve your health.

Are you looking for ways and ideas to improve your health by way of healthy eating? Have you heard about alkaline diet? Read on to know all about alkaline diet and how it can improve your health.

The diet of our ancestors is completely different from what we are so accustomed to these days. With the advancement of technology, the types of foods we consume are dragged along.

A trip to the grocery store will shock you with aisles and aisles of processed food items and animal products. You will not have a hard time finding fast food when eating out as practically every corner of the street has one.

Even fad diets are partly to blame, for introducing a whole new eating habit, such as high-protein diets. In the recent years, consumption of animal products and refined food items has increased, as more and more people leave out the daily supply of fruits and vegetables in their diet.

It comes as no surprise why, these days, many are suffering from different types of allergies, bone diseases, heart problems and many others. Some health experts link these diseases to the type of foods we eat.

There are certain types of food that disrupts a certain balance in our body that, during such instance, health problems arise. If only we could modify our eating habits, it’s not unlikely that prevention of diseases and restoration of health is achieved.

The Importance of Alkaline

Our bodies need to maintain a healthy and steady alkaline to acid ratio, which is signified by the pH level of our body. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, and anything lower than 7 is considered acidic.

Processed food items, meat and meat products, sweets, and some beverages and condiments generally produce excessive amounts of acidity in the body.

Acidosis, abnormally high acidity level in the blood and other tissues of the body, is the one thing that several different diseases have one thing in common. And many health experts believe that acidosis is responsible for a lot of fatal diseases that many people are afflicted with these days.

Alkaline, on the other hand, naturally occurs in the body to neutralize excess acidity in the body, which is its main role. However, alkaline also becomes depleted at times – especially when there’s too much acid it needs to get rid of, and we do not consume foods that replenish our body’s alkalinity.

Maintaining a Healthy pH Level

As mentioned earlier, acidosis leads to many health-related problems. Dangerous levels of acid get to circulate in our body and break into tissues and organs when not properly neutralized.

To prevent this, one must see to it that a healthy pH balance in the body is maintained. And to offset the excessive amounts of acid is to increase your body’s alkalinity.

Determining whether or not your pH levels are prevalently alkaline may be done with easy-to-use pH level strips which you can purchase in drug stores or medical supplies stores. There are pH level strips meant for testing using your saliva, and there are those for using your urine.

Basically, a saliva pH level strip will determine how much acid your body is producing; normally it’s between 6.5 and 7.5 throughout the day. While a urine pH level strip will tell how well you excrete excess amounts of acid; you should get between 6.0 and 6.5 in the morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 at night.

The Dangers of Excessive Acid

If you constantly experience exhaustion, headaches and having frequent colds and flu, then that could be it – you have high acid levels in your body.

But the ill effects of acidosis in the body don’t stop there; you might be surprised at the wide-ranging types of diseases you could get with dangerous levels of acid in your body.

Depression, hyperacidity, ulcer, skin dryness, acne and obesity are some of those linked to excessive acid levels in the body. Then there are those that are more serious such as joint diseases, osteoporosis, bronchitis, frequent infections and heart diseases.

Even if you begin to take medications for these illnesses, the symptoms may be masked, but they will still continue to affect your health as you are not attacking them from their roots. No matter what medications you take – pills, anti-inflammatory and the like – your body will only become more acidic because of these medications.

Alkaline Diet Approach

To get to the roots of these health problems, the body’s pH level must be brought back to normal. There are alkaline foods that can help replenish the depleted alkaline levels in the body while neutralizing excess amounts of acid. Through an alkaline diet, sufficient amounts of alkaline are re-introduced into the body, thus bringing back the pH level to predominantly alkaline.

So how do you incorporate an alkaline diet into your eating habits?

First, you can start by cutting down your intake of processed foods. These type of foods contain chemicals that only increase the acidity of your body ones they’re digested.

Second, steer clear of meat and meat products, dairies and alcohol. Third, load up on fresh fruits and vegetables, as they naturally are high in alkalinity.

Even acidic fruits like oranges and lemons become alkaline after they have been digested and absorbed by the body.

As a general rule, 75% of your daily food consumption should consist of alkalizing foods. The more alkaline foods we provide our bodies with, the more efficient the neutralization of excess acids will be.

To Discover how you can kick start alkaline diet at Emma Deangela's site CLICK HERE to Kick Start Your Alkaline Diet

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