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Showing posts with label get rid of stretch marks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label get rid of stretch marks. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

How Can I Really Remove Stretch Marks?

This post will talk about everything you need to know in trying to look for ways to remove stretch marks. The most expensive ways to remove stretch marks is not necessarily the most effective. Some methods to remove stretch marks will work better than others, depending on individuals.

CLICK HERE to Find Out How You Can Erase Your Stretch Marks for Good

This post will talk about everything you need to know in trying to look for ways to remove stretch marks. The most expensive ways to remove stretch marks is not necessarily the most effective. Some methods to remove stretch marks will work better than others, depending on individuals.

Stretch marks — they’re just not only related to pregnancies. In case you or a someone has gained weight, then you definitely have likely seen them develop first-hand.

Stretch marks can come as a result of packing on extra fats, or even losing it quick. As a result, your skin simply breaks down and stretches, leaving streaky scars that can be red, purple or white in color.

They’re unsightly, annoying, and alas, hard to cope with.

One thing about stretch marks is that they sneak up on you. You don’t clearly see them happening — within the equal manner that you don’t see yourself turning into obese.

But after a period of time and due to not paying attention, you can see stretch marks appearing on your skin. This can be due to you can’t kick your sugar habit, or simply don’t exercise enough. Due to the lack of care for your body, stretch marks appear.

And stretch marks are just one of these visible results from the lack of care for your body. Most likely, if you’re seeing stretch marks, you’re experiencing a host of other problems due to weight gain or loss.

So, you need to make an effort in controlling the bad habits first before you bother about the cosmetic issues related to stretch marks.

But if you’re ready to tackle those stretch marks and attempt to repair your body to its former glory, the question is that this: what precisely are you able to do to remove stretch marks?

Trying to remove stretch marks isn’t as easy as you might have hoped. In truth, there’s no assure which you’ll ever be able to completely remove stretch marks. As just mentioned, the marks themselves are basically scars, and scar tissue is notoriously hard to conceal or make disappear.

However, that doesn’t imply there isn’t any ways to remove stretch marks. There are options at the table, ranging from surgical, to a collection of topical remedies.

In truth, there’s studies that points to androgens, estrogen, and glucocorticoids being the essential substances that are needed for concealing scar tissue.

But the surgical method to remove stretch marks — going under the knife is one of the greater popular remedy options nowadays, and it’s becoming even easier to do now that we are able to use lasers.

Even Kim Kardashian has gone through laser treatments to remove stretch marks, as an example to show how ubiquitous this treatment has come to be.

But surgical treatments are expensive, and there are many issues that each you and surgical experts need to address first you could even get the go-ahead. Even then, there’s no guarantee that this will work to remove stretch marks absolutely.

There are various easily accessible alternatives to remove stretch marks. Those typically take the shape of topical creams, which can be apply directly on the skin, like creams or moisturizers.

For the thrifty amongst us, the costs of those merchandise can fast add up, and relying on how long or how many you plan to use to remove stretch marks, your charges can also even eclipse a surgical remedy.

So, in case you want to proceed and opt for topical treatments, the first thing is to make sure you drink enough of plain water. The more hydrated your body is, the greater is the elasticity of your skin. This make a great difference in preventing marks from getting worse. After that, you’ll need to moisturize your trouble regions with lotion, and always use sunscreen.

These are the first steps towards prevention of stretch marks. In addition, you could try bio oil multiuse skin care oil, which usually gets positive feedbacks for being effective in helping to remove stretch marks. There are comparable options you could try as well. Even coconut oil has been hailed as a powerful treatment.

You can even try your very own serums, using powerful ingredients like tretinoin.

Whichever methods you choose to remove stretch marks; you'll be better off with coming to accept the reality that those marks are possibly with you for life.

If you can accept that reality, and even wear them as a kind of badge of honor (perhaps a reminder of your former overweight self, and how you overcame obesity?) you’ll be a good deal happier in the long run. For most people, stretch marks are never going to go away, or be fully indistinguishable.

Some remedies to remove stretch marks will work better than others, depending on individuals.

Again, you need to realize that even if you spend a lot of money to look for ways to completely remove stretch marks — there’s still a possibility that you may not get the result you hope for.

By Justin E King, author of the Erase Your Stretch Marks program. This program will teach you the natural ways to treat your stretch marks, how to minimize them, how to get rid of them by using some homemade cream recipes and nutritional guidelines. For more information about this program, CLICK HERE to Find Out How to Remove Stretch Marks.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Only Real Way to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

To get rid of stretch marks may seem like a daunting, never-ending story. In some ways, it can be. As much as we hate to be the ones to break it to you, there’s no sure-fire way to erase them. But there’s no need to lose hope.

To get rid of stretch marks may seem like a daunting, never-ending story. In some ways, it can be. As much as we hate to be the ones to break it to you, there’s no sure-fire way to erase them. But there’s no need to lose hope.

The good news is there are a number of real ways that you can potentially improve those unsightly marks so they become nearly invisible over time. Similarly, certain steps can be taken to help prevent stretch marks from occurring in the future. Let’s take a closer look.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks have nothing to do with stretching at the gym. They’re indented streaks in the skin caused by superficial scars that may develop any time the dermis layer of the skin is torn, dermatologist Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas said in an interview with Harper’s Bazaar.

Many people equate stretch marks with pregnancy, and it turns out sporting a baby bump is one of the most common causes. The same story said approximately 90% of women will experience them during the last trimester when the skin is most prone to a high degree of stretching to accommodate the growing baby.

But stretch marks in the skin can occur in men and non-pregnant women. They can also crop up on breasts, hips, buttocks and thighs, according to the Mayo Clinic.

While genetics plays a huge role in who will get stretch marks, other factors include rapid weight gain or loss as well as high hormonal levels during puberty.

How to treat or get rid of stretch marks?

While no magic potion currently exists to get rid of stretch marks, you can minimize the appearance with time, patience, and a few helpful products.

“Many stretch marks improve a lot over many months without treatment,” Dr. Oscar Hevia, a cosmetic dermatologist, told StyleCaster. “But, since stretch marks are essentially a scar from the inside out, there is no treatment that makes them disappear completely.”

Retinoid cream may be one of the most promising DIY treatments. Derived from vitamin A, retinoids such as tretinoin (Retin-A, Renova, Avita) that you apply to your skin may improve the appearance of stretch marks that are less than a few months old, according to Mayo Clinic.

Tretinoin can help to rebuild collagen, making the stretch marks look more like your normal skin. However, it’s important to note that tretinoin can irritate your skin.

And if you’re pregnant or nursing, make sure to check with your doctor about other treatment options because possible side effects of retinoid cream may affect the baby.

If you’d rather avoid retinoids, The Organic Beauty Expert says castor oil can be a good substitute to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Apply the oil to the affected area and massage gently in a circular motion, then use a clean cloth to wrap the affected skin. Next, use a heating pad on the spot for at least 30 minutes for the best results.

Light and laser therapies are a more intense option. In the Harper’s Bazaar story, Alexiades-Armenakas said that the best bet for treating red or active stretch marks is with in-office treatments using a pulsed dye laser.

“It won’t work if the marks are old and no longer red,” she told the publication, “But if you catch stretch marks early, you can help reverse them and prevent scarring or permanence in one to three monthly treatments usually.”

The Mayo Clinic also highlighted microdermabrasion as a solid solution. A hand-held device blows crystals onto the skin, gently removing its topmost layers, which promotes the growth of new, more elastic skin. This makes stretch marks less noticeable.

The Derma Roller System is an at-home option you can try as well. According to the product, it can be used to improve the appearance of stretch marks, such as those developed during pregnancy, adolescent growth spurts, rapid muscle growth, and weight fluctuations. Again, this is according to the product, so it’s best to remain a bit sceptical!

How to help prevent stretch marks
While total prevention is never a guarantee when it comes to stretch marks, you can take matters into your own hands through a few at-home treatments, some of which can duly help lessen the appearance of existing stretch marks.

First of all, it’s imperative to keep the skin as healthy and hydrated as possible, according to Dr. Kishan Raichura, a skin health expert. He told The Huffington Post UK, “While it’s impossible to entirely prevent them, pregnant women can improve skin condition to hopefully reduce the chances by keeping the area well moisturized and nourished.”

Coconut oil or olive oil are both great, all-natural products to use in combination with vitamin E oil or cream to help keep collagen fibers strong. And keep in mind, drinking enough water is the best way to stay hydrated from the inside out.

In the same story, Dr. Erich Schulte, founder of QMSMediCosmetics, also mentioned skin exfoliation as an important part of your daily regimen. “It is a key benefit as it continues to stimulate the cell turnover and works well in conjunction with body-firming creams,” he said in the story.

You can exfoliate the skin through dry brushing or by using an exfoliating wash. Sugar is also an all-natural exfoliator; mix it with a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil to make a paste, then gently rub it over your skin.

Nutrition also plays a role. Top 10 Home Remedies suggests eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, silica, and other nutrients to help nourish the skin.

The antioxidant vitamin E is especially crucial as it protects the collagen fibers in your skin from damage, which promotes skin elasticity. Almonds, olives, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocados, and pumpkins are all high in vitamin E.

The most important thing to remember is to be flexible in treating stretch marks. Find what best works for your body and your lifestyle.

By Justin E King, author of the Erase Your Stretch Marks program. This program will teach you the natural ways to treat your stretch marks, how to minimize them, how to get rid of them by using some homemade cream recipes and nutritional guidelines. For more information about this program, CLICK HERE to Learn How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Here Is Everything You Need to Know about Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are narrow streaks or lines that develop on the surface of the skin. Read on here to learn about everything you need to know about stretch marks and a video clip on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

CLICK HERE to Find How You Can Erase Your Stretch Marks for Good

Stretch marks are narrow streaks or lines that develop on the surface of the skin.

They are often referred to by doctors as Stria or Striae and Striae Gravidarum during pregnancy. The areas of the body most often affected by stretch marks are the abdomen (tummy), buttocks, and thighs.

They develop when the the skin is stretched suddenly and the middle layer of your skin (the dermis) breaks in places, allowing the deeper layers to show through. The dermis can be stretched:

·         during pregnancy
·         as a result of weight gain
·         due to growth spurts during puberty

Stretch marks are often red or purple to start with and will gradually fade to a silvery-white color. They are usually long and thin. Read more about the characteristics of stretch marks.

Can I get rid of stretch marks?

Most stretch marks are not particularly noticeable and will fade over time. If you have stretch marks that are unsightly or which affect a large area of your body, there are treatments available. Creams, gels or lotions, laser surgery and cosmetic surgery are all used to treat stretch marks.

However, there is little in the way of medical evidence to show that these treatments are effective, so it's important to be realistic about what they can achieve. Also, laser treatment and cosmetic surgery are not available on the NHS, so treatment can be expensive.

You should see your GP if your stretch marks do not seem to be linked to weight gain or growth because they might be a sign of another condition. In rare cases, stretch marks can be a caused by conditions such as Cushing’s syndrome or Marfan syndrome.

Preventing stretch marks

In some situations, such as during pregnancy, it isn't possible to prevent stretch marks. However, controlling your weight and looking after your skin can reduce your risk of developing them.

Stretch marks are very common and cannot be prevented altogether. However, the following advice may help reduce your risk of developing stretch marks.

Healthy weight

Gaining weight rapidly over a short period of time is one of the most common causes of stretch marks. Diets that cause your weight to quickly go up and down can cause stretch marks to develop because your skin is stretched by the sudden increases and decreases in your size.

Therefore, avoiding rapid weight gain and weight loss can help prevent stretch marks from occurring.

If you need to lose weight, you should do it slowly by eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting plenty of regular exercise. You should not lose more than 0.5kg (1lb) a week.


Massaging your skin every day with moisturizer or a massage glove can help improve your circulation and encourage new tissue growth. It is also important to eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin E, vitamin C, and the minerals zinc and silicon. These vitamins and minerals will help keep your skin healthy.

During pregnancy

Stretch marks that develop during pregnancy are usually due to hormonal changes that affect your skin. However, gaining pregnancy weight steadily may help minimize the effect of stretch marks.

During pregnancy, it is normal for a woman to put on weight over a relatively short period of time. However, it is a myth that you need to 'eat for two', even if you are expecting twins or triplets.

You do not need to go on a special diet if you are pregnant, but you should eat a variety of different foods every day to get the right balance of nutrients for you and your baby. Your diet should be rich in whole wheat carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta, as well as fruit and vegetables.

During pregnancy, your weight gain should be slow and gradual. The amount of weight you put on will depend on the weight you were before you became pregnant. It is normal to gain 1-2kg (2.2-4.4lb) over the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy.

As a rough guide, during pregnancy, women who are:

·         underweight (have a BMI of less than 18.5) should gain 12.7-18.1kg (28-40lb)

·         a normal weight (have a BMI of 18.5-24.9) should gain 11.3-15.9kg (25-35lb)

·         overweight (have a BMI of more than 25) should gain 6.8-11.3kg (15-25lb)

·         Obese (have a BMI of more than 30) should gain 5-9.1kg (11-20lb).

Speak to your GP, midwife, or health visitor if you are worried you are not gaining weight at a healthy rate, or if you are concerned about your stretch marks.

By Justin E King, author of the Erase Your Stretch Marks program. This program will teach you the natural ways to treat your stretch marks, how to minimize them, how to get rid of them by using some homemade cream recipes and nutritional guidelines. For more information about this program, CLICK HERE to Find Out How to Remove Stretch Marks.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Skinception Intensive Stretch Mark Therapy – The Best Way to Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

Adolescence, child birth and growth spurts are some of those defining events in human life that cause stretch marks. Not only do they contribute to who we are, we also wear them like a neon sign that ‘shine’ our life experiences in less-than-flattering ways.

How Do Stretch Marks Form and How to Reduce Stretch Marks Fast

It is those things that make you feel helpless, those changes occurring on your skin as you go through the journey of life. Wrinkles on your face? You are aging. Age spots on your skin? You have spent too much time under the sun. As if these are not enough, you also have those stretch marks appearing on those areas of your body that you make you feel embarrassed when you are in bikini or in front of your loved one. You want very much to reduce stretch marks. How?
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