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Monday, April 25, 2016

Secrets to Get a Nice, Balanced Butt like Jennifer Lopez

Here’s my tip on to getting a nice, balanced butt like Jennifer Lopez, we’re going to do an exercise called “wood chops.” It’s great to use a weight, I’m using a 5 pound weight in this exercise, but you can also use a small medicine ball or even a jug of water. Read on to find out more.

Here’s my tip on to getting a nice, balanced butt like Jennifer Lopez, we’re going to do an exercise called “wood chops.”

It’s great to use a weight, I’m using a 5 pound weight in this exercise, but you can also use a small medicine ball or even a jug of water.

So just use whatever you have around the house, you don’t need special equipment.

Just grab something that you can use for resistance. Resistance-training is what’s going to get you that nice, balanced butt that Jennifer Lopez has.

So these are called “wood chops.”
You are just going to step out to the left, lunge down and then come back. We are going to do 10 on each side. Whenever you push back really fire off that leg because that’s what really fires that glute.

You’ll feel it in both your right and your left glute, because we’re working both butt muscles at the same time. That’s going to give us that nice, balanced butt that Jennifer Lopez has.

It’s important to keep the tension on one side at a time, because this is what is going to really sculpt your butt muscles in way less time.
Instead of going back and forth and alternating right to left, we are isolating the tension on one side. One glute muscle is holding most of the tension. 

Just think about Jennifer Lopez whenever you want to give up. Just focus on her. Use her for inspiration.

It’s amazing that she has a booty like that. She has had a kid, she’s got every excuse in the world but she keeps going.

All right, for a final exercise for you to get a Jennifer Lopez booty in record time we are going to do “standing lunge.”

We are going to use our shoulders as well because Jennifer Lopez doesn’t just have a great booty, she’s got beautiful shoulders.

When you have nice shoulders it complements the booty and it makes it look even more feminine and healthy.

So we are going to hold our arms our as we lunge forward with the right leg.

We are going to go down and then step back. So we are using that same isolation principle to work one glute at a time.

But you can see that even though I am using one muscle in my right leg, I am still working that back muscle on my left butt as well. These exercises are designed to get the maximum results in the least amount of time.

This is going to LIFT the saggy butt up.
This is going to get rid of cellulite.
This is going to make you look super sexy in your bikini, AND in those skinny jeans.  

Notice how my spine is straight the whole time. All right, shake those shoulders and arms out. You feel it, can’t you? We are working those shoulders while we work the butt.

Let’s go to the other side. We are going to lunge down and then push back. When you push off that front foot, really explode. That’s working that butt even more. You are tightening and toning your butt while we are chiseling away at the butt fat.

So using the same leg is really targeting into those muscles and we are burning fat in even more time.

We are burning fat in less time while getting more muscle tone, more muscle definition and we are working both butt muscles the same time.
You’ll feel how your booty gets rounder and rounder. You’ll feel great. You deserve it.

My final tip for getting a Jennifer Lopez booty is confidence.
Remember, how you feel about your body is what is going to be reflected to the outside world.

Jennifer Lopez has this dialed. She is confident. She is sexy. She is rocking her curves and she loves the body that she was born in.
We can learn a lot from Jennifer Lopez…

Use these moves to get your Jennifer Lopez booty in record time.

You can also watch this Video HERE to get access to secrets to get a nice, beautiful butt.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Friday, April 22, 2016

Secrets to Get a Nice, Beautiful Butt like Shakira

Shakira is known for her beautiful booty and here are a few secrets that you can follow to get that same round, nice, beautiful butt. The main thing is to make sure that you are working both of your glutes. Your glutes are your butt muscles.  Read on to find out more.

Shakira is known for her beautiful booty and here are a few secrets that you can follow to get that same round, nice, beautiful butt.

The main thing is to make sure that you are working both of your glutes. Your glutes are your butt muscles.  

A lot of people isolate one glute and then the other, but you want to make sure every exercise you are doing you are working both of those gluts.

That’s what gets you a nice, balanced, round, nice, beautiful butt like Shakira. So follow these moves if you want a nice, beautiful butt like Shakira.

The first move is called a “Crescent Lunge.”
We are going to be focusing on sculpting that butt while we tone and lift. You can use a chair if you are working on your balance.

Just lean into the chair, take your right foot back, leave your left foot forward, your right heel comes off the ground, take a deep inhale and you are going to lunge down.

Now instead of pulsing, we are going to hold it here for 5 slow counts. You can feel that butt starting to work, both your right glute and your left glute, you are feeling that. Just hold it for one more count.

Okay, now instead of just coming up, we are going to come up and lift and we are going to hold this for 5 slow counts. Again, you can feel that we are working both of the glutes; the right and the left butt are firing.
This is going to get you twice the results in half the time. One more deep breath in and then exhale, come right back down.

So we are going to do this 5 times. I am going to show you without the chair this time. We are holding for 5 counts. I can already feel my legs are shaking, that means that we are burning fat from inside of the butt muscle.

That’s what gives you a nice, beautiful butt like Shakira.

One more breath in and then we are going to lunge up really slow and hold it. So you are contracting that butt muscle at the top AND the left butt is squeezing together. Hold for 5 slow counts.

Now remember, you can always use the chair because you are working on building up your balance.

The key is to keep breathing and you make sure your core is engaged. One more deep breath in, lift your heart, and exhale. Okay, now let’s push it back up. Lift that back leg and hold it.

This is going to really sculpt and tighten your butt; you are going to get beautiful curves. You are going to really start to see your butt lift up as it gets nice and firm.

Let’s go back down for another deep lunge. Go a little deeper this time. Hold it for 5 breathes.

You can always take a break and come back, but if you really want to get maximum results in the least amount of time you want to stick with it.

A lot of people pulse and bounce around, but that’s not isolating your butt muscles the way we are isolating them now. One more deep breath in and then exhale, push on up.

If you start to feel the shaking, that means it’s working.
One more deep breath in and then slowly come back down. Okay, here is the last one.

Now this is where most people would give up, but not Shakira. She keeps it rocking. She keeps going. You can do it too. Come on, you know you want that Shakira booty, don’t you?

This is the “real key.” Don’t give up, you’ve just got to push it a little bit further. Take another deep breath in, and then exhale.

Sink a little deeper into that lunge. Now push off and lift up while you are sculpting that round, nice tush.

Take a few more deep breathes and squeeze the butt at the top. Take one more deep breath and then slowly come back down.
So that was a “Crescent Lunge” with a back-lift.

You want to do 5 lunges and holds on the left side as well and that would be 1 round.

To make an entire workout you will want to do this 3 times.

You can also watch this Video HERE to get access to secrets to get a nice, beautiful butt.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Lift Your Saggy Butt?

Are you looking for ways to lift your saggy butt? Want to know my secret to lift your saggy butt? Read on to find out more.

Are you looking for ways to lift your saggy butt?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to lift your saggy butt

This is my secret to lift your saggy butt which is to stretch and massage.
This feels really good and it actually elongates the muscle and stimulates circulation inside each of the muscle fibers.

You are going to lift your saggy butt as well as to get rid of cellulite.
So here is a great stretch, lie down on your back.
Take a deep inhale, exhale. Bend your right leg then put your left leg on top of it.

This is called “Thread the Needle.”
You are going to move your hands between your thighs, take a deep inhale and then exhale, stretch.
Bring that thigh towards your chest, that’s more intense.

If you would like to have less intensity, just back off. You can feel the stretch into the glute muscles and into the side of your thighs. Let’s do the other side.

You are going to bend the right leg over the left, thread the needle.
Hands go between the thighs, cross your hands and then you decide how intense you want it by pulling the thigh in towards the chest. Take a deep breath and then exhale. Then release.

That feels so good and it’s really great for lifting that saggy butt. If you would like a more intense stretch, you can do a “pigeon stretch.”
With pigeon, you are using that same angle to stretch the glute muscle. But this time we are going to be using a body weight, so there is more intensity.

You want to make sure you don’t have any knee injuries.
You can even walk down deeper. Slowly walk your hands back, curl your toes up, and stretch that leg out.
This is called Pigeon.
So that is one of my favorite butt stretches, and it’s really good to lift your saggy butt.

The next tip is about massaging your butt.
So you can do some self-massage that feels really good. Just lay down and you can beat on the butt. This is going to stimulate circulation and release toxins.

It’s going to make sure that you smooth out cellulite.
Just a few little pats!

You can double fist it or even do circular massages. Let’s do the other side. I am going to really target into those butt muscles. You can feel them relaxing and releasing.

This is going to get rid of all those toxins that are being stored in between your muscle cells and in your fat cells.

It’s so important to stretch and to massage so that you keep your muscles nice and flexible while you are working them.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Secrets to a Nice, Firm Butt

Are you looking for ways to have a nice, firm butt? Have you ever seen people that have lost weight but still don’t have a nice, firm butt? That’s because they are focusing on all the wrong things. Read on to find out more about the 3 secrets to a nice, firm butt.

Are you looking for ways to have a nice, firm butt?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to have a nice, firm butt

Have you ever seen people that have lost weight but still don’t have a nice, firm butt?

That’s because they are focusing on all the wrong things.
I know from experience…

I used to be overweight. Even when I lost the weight I still had a saggy butt. 

But after trying a million things, I finally figured out the secrets to lift a saggy butt. Now, I have a nice, firm butt that I love to show off in a bikini.

So here’s my first secret:

Do resistance butt training!
Now by resistance, I mean actually using weight to put resistance on that muscle.

A lot of women think that if they lift weights, they are going to get all bulky and look like a man.

But when you target the muscle with resistance weight training, it gets tighter and toner because muscle takes up much less space than fat.
You’ll see your clothes get looser and looser, as your butt gets tighter and tighter.

Don’t worry if you are born with those “fat storing” genetics… so was I and I thought I would never be able to lift my saggy butt. You’ll be AMAZED at how your butt gets lifted and firm in no time.

This next exercise I’m going to share with you is called a “rainbow”.
You can find a nice comfortable mat or you can also do this on a carpet. Just make sure that you’ve got some kind of protection for your knees, even by putting a towel underneath.

What we are going to do is grab a weight. I have a 15 pound weight here. You can start with the five pound or a 10 pound weight, whatever feels comfortable.

The most important thing is to put your muscle under resistance because that’s going to get you more results even faster.

That’s going to build that lean, tone muscle that gives you a really great shape to your butt.

It’s going to lift that saggy butt fast.

While you are setting up for the “rainbows”, place your hands underneath your shoulders.

Take a moment to line up your wrists to your elbows and your shoulders and then place your hands shoulder width apart. It’s really important that you have a good foundation.

You can feel all four corners of your hands and your knees, it’s all really nice and balanced.

This is going to prevent injury as well as isolate the butt muscle.
So I am going to show you the movement without the weight. It’s called a “rainbow”.

You are just going to lift your knee up to the side and then lower it down. 
Now I am going to add that weight resistance so that we really target the top of the butt muscle.
It’s called the gluteus muscle.
It’s going to give you that nice, round, upward lift. You take the weight and place it right behind your knee.

You can see that this is going to give a nice, firm anchor so that I can lock my knee tight. I am going to setup back in my form and take a moment to get balanced.

Now keeping that muscle engaged the entire time, I am going to lift the knee and then lower.
Do you feel the difference?

Let’s do this five times. Make sure you are breathing, really isolating that butt muscle. You can feel the top of the butt muscle rounding.

You can feel how just a few exercises really get in there. That’s because we are using the weight.

So work up to doing 50 reps on each side. That’s going to really give you a tone, tight tush and lift your saggy butt.

Now remember, there are lots of weight resistant butt exercises that you can do.

Keep practicing and you will see results fast in the form of a nice, firm butt.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4 Easy Workouts to Lift Up Your Butt

Today, we’re going to do an exercise that you can use to lift up your butt. Here are 4 workouts and each one is specifically designed to lift up your butt. Read on to find out more.

Today, we’re going to do an exercise that you can use to lift up your butt. We’re going to do 4 workouts and each one is specifically designed to lift up your butt.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn how to lift up your butt

The first exercise is the “burpees.”
Now, burpees are great for lifting your butt because when you jump up and then squat, you’re really going to contract the butt and that’s going to lift up that butt muscle.

Make sure you don’t arch your back, keep your spine tall and engage your core.

When you come down, jump your feet back. Make sure you don’t drop your butt.

A lot of people make this mistake so you really want to use your core to make sure you’re in a plank position.

And then when you jump forward, you squeeze that butt again.
So, that’s going to help lift your butt as you explosive jump up and that’s one burpee.

The next exercise is called a “Twisted Lunge.”
In the lunge position, we’re going to once again contract that butt muscle because that’s what going to lift up your butt.

When you lunge down, you’re going to keep those butt muscles contracted and then we’re going to twist to the side and that’s one.
You come back up and then you go down, so that’s two. 

The third exercise is called “mountain climbers.”
With mountain climbers, you come down to a plank position…
Start with your core engaged, then switch your right foot forward and then your left.

Now, it’s really important that you squeeze that butt muscle every time you move your right foot forward and your left foot forward because that’s going to lift up your butt even faster.

And the fourth exercise in this butt-lift series is called the “Standing Split.”

From here, you’re going to squat down with your right knee almost to the ground and then when you straighten your front leg, you’re going to reach that top leg up to a standing split.
Now, you can feel that the standing leg is really going to tighten as you lower and as you straighten.

It’s really important to listen to your body, this is a very deep lunge right here.

Even if you don’t go all the way, you’re still getting that butt nice, tone and lifted.

So, we’re going to do each side for 30 seconds and then we’re going to alternate to the other leg and do that same movement on the other side.
Then we’re going to rest for 30 seconds. I’ve got a timer right here.
Are you ready to go?

Take a deep breath in. Here we go.

Let’s go to burpees. Jump up and down. Use your core. Breathe.
Make sure you’re engaging the butt muscle so we can lift that butt up.
All right, lunging twist. 

Lunge and twist. Come back and up. So, now we’re really isolating into that butt muscle.

You can feel how it’s contracting and lifting. Make sure you keep your breath flowing and you keep your spine tall, engage your core.
It’s going to lift up your butt from all angles.

Next is mountain climbers, let’s assume plank position.
Keep your breath going, keep it moving. Squeeze that butt so you get a really nice, lifted butt.

After that is the standing splits, so kneel down and squeeze that leg up.
You can slow this one down because you really want to isolate the movement and you really want to feel that glute muscle contracting.
This is what’s going to lift up your butt and give you that nice, round, perky butt. 

So, the standing leg is the one that’s taking the most of the tension but I also feel it in the butt muscle that’s lifting the split up.

This is how you get maximum results with the least amount of effort, AND in the least amount of time.

All right, we’re going to rest for 30 seconds. Keep breathing, it’s so important to oxygenate your body.

For the full workout you want to do this for a total of 3 rounds.

You’re going to feel so good. You’re going to have a nice, tight, tone and lifted butt. 

You know, a lot of people are going to come up and say, “How did you get that butt?”

And you’re going to say, “Well, I was doing Andréa’s butt workout. And she’s the one who showed me how you can get a nice, tone, lifted butt in just a few minutes a day.”

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on a personal trainer or go to a gym.

When you feel great wearing your bikini at the beach or at the pool, it’s all worth it.

This workout is what’s going to burn that butt fat for you.

You deserve a great butt. You deserve to feel great.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Monday, April 18, 2016

How to Shrink the Fat in Your Thighs and Butt?

Do you want to know the best way to shrink the fat in your thighs and butt? Here are four different exercises to shrink the fat in your thighs and butt. Read on to find out more.

Do you want to know the best way to shrink the fat in your thighs and butt?

Then this Video HERE is for you.

We’re going to do a series of muscle building exercises that will shrink the fat in your thighs and butt. Then we’ll follow it up with some cardio in between.

The cardio is going to slim everything down, tighten everything up while we build that muscle.

This gives you that nice, sexy, round backside that makes you look great in your bikini and those tight jeans you like to wear.

We’ve got four different exercises to shrink the fat in your thighs and butt.

The first one is called a “Single Leg Raise on the Floor”.

We’re going to do 10 circles to the front, 10 circles to the back. Straight back, lift that first leg up, circle to the front and then circle to the back.
Now, here’s where it gets interesting.

In between, we’re going to do some cardio “Mountain Climbers”. 
So we’re going to speed up our heart rate and get our metabolism firing.
We’re going to do 30 “mountain climbers”, come to plank. Switch your right foot, then your left, right and left.

Then we’re going to drop back and do some more of that muscle building exercise “Clam Shells on the Floor”. 

We’re going to bring our feet together. Open and close, open and close. You can feel how that’s targeting the inner thigh where that flabby thigh fat can hang down.

Feel the burn. This is a good burn because it means you’re burning off fat. That’s what’s going to slim it down.

The third exercise is going to be the “Glute Burner”.
We call it the “Glute Burner” because you’re going to feel it burn.
Now, this is going to really target in to the whole front and back of the butt. It’s like you’re running in slow motion.

Our fourth and final exercise is called the “Lotus Cheek Chiseler”.
Lying down on your stomach, hands out, legs extend. Lifting up, hold for 5 breaths coming down.

Now, whenever you lift up, really squeeze the glute muscles together.
This is going to give you a nice, slim butt and give you that muscle. It’s going to lift your butt.

We’re going to do that 10 times and you guessed it, “mountain climbers” in between. “Mountain Climbers” speed up the heart rate but shrink down those fat cells around the thigh.
Okay, so that’s the sequence.

To get the most benefit, you would do four rounds of this exercise. 
Remember, this is the best way to shrink the fat in your thighs and butt.

A lot of women have a problem with that butt fat that hangs over the thigh. This really targets in to that and it’s going to slim it down.
As you breathe, imagine your butt getting slimmer and tighter

You can really start rocking those hot pants out of the club, for your man, at your house, wherever you just feel like being sexy.

Put them on for yourself and say, “Yeah, I feel like wearing my hot pants today.”

This is where I say okay, I’m going to imagine myself walking on a beach and not having to wear a sarong.

Just being able to be free and confident with my butt because I feel like my butt is slim and my thighs are tight and toned.
So, whatever it is for you, dig deep.

Imagine that there is somebody you want to inspire right now. Maybe it’s your kids, maybe it’s a family member or somebody you love, do it for them.

Be as healthy as you can be. You deserve it.

Give yourself a huge high five. I’m giving one to you right now.
Remember to do this exercise sequence for four rounds for a complete toning, slimming butt and thigh workout.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Friday, April 15, 2016

How to Tone Your Thighs and Butt?

Are you looking for easy and effective ways to tone your thighs and butt? Here, you are going to get 3 easy moves to tone your thighs and butt without doing any lunges.   Read on to find out more.

Are you looking for easy and effective ways to tone your thighs and butt?

In this Video HERE, you’re going to get 3 easy moves to tone your thighs and butt without doing any lunges. 

Yes, you are right! You don’t need to do any more lunges!

So we are going to do 3 moves that are going to shape, lift, and tone while you lose butt fat from your butt and thighs.
Are you ready to get started?

Come down with me onto your mat, the first move is called “Dolphin”.
You’re going to come down onto your forearms, make sure your hands and elbows are in alignment so you have a really stable base. Then line up your knees with your elbows.

Make sure your knees are hip distance apart and your elbows are shoulder distance apart.

When you find that really grounding stability, take a deep inhale and exhale.

You’re going to lift one leg up. Now you get to decide how far you lift it.
You can do it midway or if you’d like to go further, you can go into the full extension lifting that leg all the way up towards the ceiling. That’s one move, exhale and slowly bring it down.
So let’s do 5 of these.

Every time you lift your leg, you want to squeeze your butt so we’re shaping the butt while we’re toning. We’re really targeting into the top of the butt muscle.

On the last one, extend the leg up as high as you can and then slowly bring it down. 

Now let’s go to the other side. Remember to go at your own pace and breathe as you lift.
These are called “Dolphin Kicks”.

You can imagine that you’re a dolphin in the ocean while you’re chiselling away that butt fat, shaping, toning and lifting. You’re also playing, so have fun!

Remember, it’s always important to enjoy exercising.
Then…when you’re done with that side, push back and slowly walk your hands up.

So that was the 1st move and the next moves are called “Rainbows”.
So once again you’re going to come down onto your forearms, same position, make sure your elbows are shoulder width apart, your hands are in alignment with your elbows, and your knees are in alignment with your hips.

Take a deep inhale, and then you’re going to exhale.
“Level 1″ is just to lift that right leg up and just slowly come down. So this is going to chisel away that side butt fat and we’re even getting into the top of the thigh.

If you would like to go into “level 2″, you’re going to reach that leg back, place it down, and then bring it forward.

If you’d like to go into “level 3″, then extend out the leg. Bring it all the way forward, touch the foot down, and then bring it all the way back.
So whatever level you’re at, let’s do 5 of these.

You want to be connected to your core so you’re really balanced and stable. You’re targeting into those butt muscles: the gluteus maximus and the gluteus minimus.

We’re losing the butt fat while we are shaping the top of the thigh.
Keep breathing; imagine how great your butt is going to look as we’re chiselling away that butt fat. We’re shaping the butt while we’re also slimming down the thigh.
Feels good right?

And for our 3rd move, we’re going to come down onto our back, so really take your time, and connect to your sitting bones. Lift your arms up and use your core to slowly roll down onto your back.
And this move is called “Bridge Pose”.

Place your feet down on the ground, hips distance apart. Have your hands on the ground and then roll one shoulder under and then the next.

So your shoulder blades are moving down your back which really gives you a nice, wide open chest and your collar bones are spread apart.
So you’re going to squeeze your butt as you lift up, that’s one. 

If you would like more intensity, you can lift that right leg up. You’re going to squeeze with your knees bent. And if you would like to go even further, bring that foot all the way and lift and squeeze.

We’re going to do 5 of these. Make sure you’re breathing, especially at the top of that move.

We’re chiselling away the butt fat, we’re shaping the butt, and you’re going to feel so great.
Now wherever you are, if you’d like to stay with the basic…it’s just lift and squeeze.

And if you would like to go further you’re going to lift the left leg and that isolates the right butt cheek. So you’re really putting all the tension under one butt cheek at a time.

“Level 3″ is where you lift and squeeze and lift that leg fully extended.
It’s amazing how simple, easy, moves can get you such great results when you really concentrate.

So those are 3 easy moves to shape and tone your thighs and butt, without doing any lunges.

To do a complete workout, practice this exercise to tone your thighs and butt and do this routine 4 times.

So that way you will really get the most out of your time of chiselling the butt and slimming the thighs.

You’re going to be amazed at how great you feel in a very short period of time…

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

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