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Showing posts with label fibromyalgia alternative therapy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fibromyalgia alternative therapy. Show all posts

Friday, August 14, 2020

Treating Fibromyalgia Symptoms Naturally – What Helps Fibromyalgia Pain Naturally?


Treating fibromyalgia symptoms naturally has become popular. Many of the natural treatments for fibromyalgia, in fact, have been found to be very effective. Here are a few ways sufferers are treating fibromyalgia symptoms naturally.

Click Here to Find Out the Holistic Guide to Combat Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

Treating Fibromyalgia Symptoms Naturally


There is a large movement today to find alternative ways to treat ailments. Avoiding drugs has become a priority for many, and with the success that many are having with herbal treatments, acupuncture and other alternative medicines, it is understandable. Even with something as crippling and painful as fibromyalgia, many are looking to alternative methods of treatment.


In fact, treating fibromyalgia symptoms naturally has become popular. Many of the natural treatments for fibromyalgia, in fact, have been found to be very effective. Here are a few ways sufferers are treating fibromyalgia symptoms naturally.


One of the most effective natural treatments of fibromyalgia is actually exercise. There have been a number of studies done that show the for patience with fibromyalgia, exercise is one of the best natural treatments.


Exercise does a couple of things. First of all, it helps the body produce serotonin and adrenalin which are natural pain inhibitors. Secondly, exercise goes a long way in helping sleep patterns at night. Sleep disorders plague many who have fibromyalgia, so anything that can aid in helping sufferers to attain deeper sleep is a big help.


There are also a number of herbs and alternative medicines treating fibromyalgia symptoms naturally. One such alternative is to adjust the diet. It is suggested that eating more cold-water fish or taking fish oil capsules can be effective in treating the symptoms of fibromyalgia.


Another treatment involves using a combination of CoQ10 and Ginko. These two combined have been found to be effective by many and are great natural options for treatment. A study showed that in anecdotal interviews, patience described a better quality of life when taking the combination. This is good news for those who are treating fibromyalgia symptoms naturally, especially with the popularity of Ginko in health food stores and vitamin shops alike.


Some use Siberian ginseng as a way to help with the fatigue brought on by fibromyalgia. Since it is a naturally energizing herb, it helps to give sufferers that boost they need when dealing with fibromyalgia. Work your dosage up over the course of two or three weeks and remember to take a break from the Siberian Ginseng at least once every 6 weeks.


You can also talk to your doctor about the possibility of a vitamin D deficiency, which has been known to cause fibromyalgia. A supplement or change in diet may help the problem and thus alleviate your fibromyalgia over time.


Overall, treating fibromyalgia symptoms naturally is actually fairly common. Since doctors and researchers have found that sleep, diet, and other natural aids can be very effective, they are not as quick to prescribe. Do research so that you understand your options and be sure to talk to your doctor before trying any treatment.


With the right natural treatment, you can fight the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia without having the risk of drug side effects with a prescription. That means you can feel healthy in all ways and treat your body with respect at the same time. Look for treatments that help your sleep and alleviate pain as these are the two most crippling fibromyalgia symptoms. on the links.


Treatment of Fibromyalgia


Although there is no exact treatment for fibromyalgia, but some preventive measures can be taken to get rid of it. Presently doctors are concentrating on managing pain, relaxing muscles and reduced depression. Doctors prescribe patients, low-stress exercises such as walking, swimming, water aerobics, and biking rather than muscle-straining exercises such as weight training. Some other measures are heat applied to sore muscles, stretching exercises (Pilates is one form.) and massage.


As there is no specific medicine for fibromyalgia, doctors try to reduce the pain and increase the sleep. In order to achieve that following types of medicines are prescribed:




Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) may reduce the pain and stiffness caused by fibromyalgia. However, its effectiveness varies with individuals.


Tramadol (Ultram) is a pain reliever medicine that may be taken with or without acetaminophen.


Doctors often recommend nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) — such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) or naproxen sodium (Anaprox, Aleve) — in combination with other medications, but NSAIDs haven't proven to be useful in control the pain in fibromyalgia when taken by themselves.




Doctors advise antidepressant medications, such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline (Aventyl, Pamelor) or doxepin (Sinequan) to help deep and uninterrupted sleep.


Fluoxetine (Prozac) in mixture with amitriptyline has also been found efficient.


Sertraline (Zoloft) and paroxetine (Paxil) are also effective for the patients suffering from depression.


These medications may be beneficial by affecting serotonin levels in the brain.


Muscle relaxants


Taking the medication cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) at bedtime may help to take care of muscle pain and spasms.


Some Ways for Treating Fibromyalgia Symptoms Naturally


Doctors strictly oppose consumption of sleeping pills and pain killers. Patients sometimes take them for quick relief, but the effect is very short term while the side-effect lasts for a long term. These medicines are type of narcotic, so these are very harmful for the patients.


Some self-made measures for treating Fibromyalgia symptoms naturally can also be effective to prevent fibromyalgia. These procedures can be exercised in home. The measures are:


    * Proper workout includes walking, swimming, biking and water aerobics. A physical therapist may help you develop a home exercise program.


    * Stretching, Free-hands, Good posture and relaxation workouts are also helpful.


    * Develop a plan to avoid or limit over-exertion and poignant stress. Give yourself time each day to rest.


    * Exercise stress lessening techniques, such as deep-breathing exercises, meditation and Yoga.


    * Leading a very healthy and simple lifestyle can also help to prevent fibromyalgia.

To get more ideas for treating Fibromyalgia symptoms naturally, watch this video - Detecting and treating fibromyalgia


This article is from the Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom. It consists of a strategy filled with guides on sleep, pain, depression, anxiety, diet, exercise and fitness plans, diet plans and packed with 369 healthy and delicious recipes


To find out more about this program, visit the website - Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom

The Truth About Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease


Many people consider Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease to be psychosomatic in origin because people suffering from these conditions can look healthy and normal from the outside, and yet complain of so many different symptoms. Listed here are many promising therapies that people with these conditions are likely to find helpful.

Click Here to Find Out the Holistic Guide to Combat Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that is composed of many different symptoms. The primary symptom is pain and tenderness in multiple areas of the body. This is often linked to fatigue, sleep disorders, digestive problems, and depression.


Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) are considered to be overlapping disorders which many consider to actually be the same illness. Dr. Khan has developed an aromatherapy formula called Fibromyalgesic and an herbal formula called FibroTea for these conditions.


Symptoms and Causes of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Many people consider these conditions to be psychosomatic in origin because people suffering from these conditions can look healthy and normal from the outside, and yet complain of so many different symptoms.


These symptoms can include mental symptoms such as brain fog, forgetfulness, spaciness, depression, mood swings, anger, and extremes in behaviour. Unfortunately, as a result many people with this disease are viewed with scepticism by medical practitioners and lay people alike and are often branded as hypochondriacs.


Another view of CFS and fibromyalgia is that the conditions are auto-immune diseases which are triggered by an infection. Most doctors take the view that Epstein-Barr virus, which is the virus that causes mononucleosis, is the primary culprit. This is rather doubtful, in my opinion, since most of the population is exposed to this virus early on in life without this virus triggering any serious long-term complications.


To get more understanding about Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease, watch this video – Unexplained Health Issues, Chronic Fatigue, Pain, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety, MS, Lyme Disease


Antibiotic Therapy for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Then there is a new theory emerging among doctors who have used long-term antibiotic therapy to treat these conditions that fibromyalgia and CFS are not simply auto-immune diseases that are triggered by infections, but that the symptoms are signs of a chronic ongoing infectious disease process in the body.


These doctors claim to have had excellent results in the treatment of these syndromes using long-term antibiotics, often in very high dosages. They have also had very good results with treating other so called “auto-immune diseases” with long term antibiotic therapy. Often, patients suffering from fibromyalgia, CFS, and other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis experience complete remissions after a long course of antibiotics.


The positive results that these patients are experiencing implies that many auto-immune diseases may actually be chronic undiagnosed bacterial infections. There are a number of pathogens that are not easily detected in the body through standard diagnostic procedures and that are not easily killed off through a short course of treatment. These pathogens may be involved in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. There is a new theory that chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia may be related to chronic mycobacterial infections.


Symptoms and Causes of Lyme Disease


It is also possible that many of these people actually suffer from Lyme Disease which has never been diagnosed due to the lack of proper testing. Lyme Disease is the fastest growing infectious disease in this country next to AIDS. Cases have been found in all of the lower forty-eight states.


Lyme Disease is caused by a spirochetal bacteria called borellia burgdorferi. Borellia burgdorferi is a very resilient and adaptable organism. Doctors with clinical experience in the treatment of this disease have noted that certain antibiotics work for certain forms that the bacteria can take, but not for others. The spirochete can take a cyst form where most antibiotics cannot reach it. It also hides in the joints of the body, in areas of poor circulation, and it may hide within the cells of the immune system.


The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that only one in ten Lyme Disease patients are ever properly diagnosed. The CDC also estimates that it takes an average of thirteen doctors and an average of two years for these people to be properly diagnosed. By the time the diagnosis is made, the disease can be quite entrenched in the body.


There are also often many co-infections in Lyme Disease patients that may cause a host of other complications. Nevertheless, since the disease and its associated co-infections are caused by bacterial organisms, and these organisms can be killed, there is hope for recovery.


Lyme Disease can cause all of the many symptoms that people with fibromyalgia and CFS suffer from. It can cause achy muscles and joints, depression, fatigue, migraine headaches, tingling nerve sensations, insomnia, sleepiness, digestive problems, poor circulation, blurry vision, hearing irregularities, mental problems, weak limbs, pain in the rib cage, liver enzyme irregularities, hypothyroidism, an increased tendency for red blood cells to clump together, swollen lymph nodes, and much more. The irregularities in liver function may be responsible for the chemical sensitivities that many people with fibromyalgia and CFS experience.


Because the organism that causes the disease is often not in the bloodstream, it is difficult to diagnose the disease through testing. Doctors who are familiar with the disease tend to base their diagnosis mainly on the clinical symptoms the patient presents and the risk factors that the patient has had exposure to, using testing as only a secondary measure for making a diagnosis.


Side Effects of Antibiotic Therapy


According to the doctors who use it, long-term antibiotic therapy may help people who suffer from fibromyalgia, CFS, Lyme Disease, and many other “auto-immune diseases”. Nevertheless, there can be serious side effects from this type of therapy. Antibiotics used for a long period of time can cause kidney and liver damage. They can cause gallbladder problems. Many people also cannot tolerate oral antibiotics well because of the strain on their digestive system.


There are many alternative health options that can complement treatment with antibiotics, and which may reduce side effects, and there are many natural remedies that have antibiotic and immune-enhancing properties of their own.


Acupuncture Treatment for Fibromyalgia


Acupuncture may help to improve blood circulation and oxygenation to various areas of the body, enhancing the immune system’s ability to fight off infections. The increase in oxygenation can also create an inhospitable situation for bacteria that prefer a low oxygen environment. It also can stimulate the body to release natural pain-relieving opiates into the body.


The improvement in blood circulation as a result of acupuncture may also help to increase body temperature in hands and feet and other areas of the body that tend to get cold easily. These are often areas of the body where bacteria, such as borellia burgdorferi, which prefer a low body temperature, may tend to congregate. Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with antibiotic therapy. It may help to improve the efficacy of antibiotic therapy by improving circulation.


Herbs for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Symptom


According to Chinese research, there are many Chinese herbs that have immune enhancing and antibacterial properties. There are also many Chinese herbs that can help the various symptomatic aspects of fibromyalgia and CFS. Some herbs such as astragalus and schizandra can improve the body’s ability to handle stress and can boost immunity. Other herbs such as coptis and scutellaria have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


Zyzyphus seed may help with sleep problems and anxiety.


Bupleurum root may help relieve the mood swings and emotional aspects of fibromyalgia.


There are various types of ginseng that can help to improve one’s energy level. Pseudoginseng, frankincense, and myrrh can help stimulate blood circulation and may help with symptoms of muscle weakness due to poor circulation.


Walnuts, gingko biloba, frankincense, gotu kola, and fo-ti may all help with the brain fog and cognitive difficulties that many people with fibromyalgia and CFS experience.


Codonopsis, atractylodes, mint, and citrus peel may all help with digestive problems.


Chinese herbs are used together in herbal formulas that are individualized to address the pattern of disharmony that the person presents. They are generally not used separately on a symptom by symptom basis.


Herbs for Lyme Disease


For Lyme Disease, a few different Chinese herbs stand out for their potential usefulness. Smilax (tu fu ling), coptis (huang lian), garlic (da suan), houttuynia (yu xing cao), and teasel root (xu duan) are all herbs that appear to help to treat Lyme disease in different ways. Some of them have antibacterial properties, some strengthen the body generally, and some improve circulation.


Chinese herbal formulas such as Huang Lian Jie Du Tang, Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang, and Xiao Fu Zhu Yu Tang can be helpful. Formulas designed to clear heat, move qi and blood, tonify yang qi, and transform dampness can all be helpful for different patients depending on the pattern of disharmony they present.


After a long period of illness or for patients with emaciation and insomnia it may be necessary to nourish yin as well. People with a babesial co-infection, an infection with symptoms similar to malaria, generally need heat to be cleared from the shaoyang channel and need nourishing of yin.


Artemisia can be a useful herb for babesia. Babesia is a tiny parasite that infects your red blood cells. Infection with Babesia is called babesiosis. The parasitic infection is usually transmitted by a tick bite. Babesiosis often occurs at the same time as Lyme disease. The tick that carries the Lyme bacteria can also be infected with the Babesia parasite.


Artemisia has been shown to have anti-malarial properties in China and Vietnam. For people with Lyme Disease who have nerve problems, it may also be necessary to clear liver wind.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Lyme Disease


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been used to treat people with Lyme Disease. Many have experienced good results and there is ongoing scientific research at the moment concerning its efficacy.


The bacteria that causes Lyme Disease prefers an oxygen deprived environment. Its presence in the body appears to increase coagulation of blood and decrease circulation. It may thereby create the oxygen deprived environment that it prefers. This is great for the bacteria but can be the source of much of the difficulty that a person with this disease experiences.


Many of the symptoms that people with Lyme disease, CFS, or fibromyalgia complain of are similar to symptoms that people experience from altitude sickness, which is caused by oxygen deprivation at high altitudes. The fatigue, the mental difficulties, the sleepiness, the feeling of having a ton of bricks attached to one’s limbs are all similar to symptoms that people with altitude sickness experience.


It makes sense to me that creating an oxygen-rich environment could potentially be very helpful. It is important for testing for co-infections before beginning this process, because there are other bacteria that could be present that prefer a high oxygen environment, complicating the picture. There are potential side effects as well such as near-sightedness.


Supplements for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Symptom and Lyme Disease


Colloidal silver is supplement that may have broad-spectrum antibiotic properties. Its proponents claim that it can aid all sorts of conditions from asthma to rheumatoid arthritis. It did appear to help my fatigue quite a bit at the early stages of my Lyme disease.


There is the possibility that excessive use can cause a condition called argyria, which is a permanent bluish discoloration of the skin, although many people have huge quantities of colloidal silver with no problems at all.


It is also helpful to take an acidophilus supplement while using this supplement in order to replace the good bacteria in your intestines and prevent problems with candida. Large amounts may be required to have an impact on Lyme Disease.


It is possible to buy a colloidal silver generator and make your own colloidal silver at home. This is much cheaper than buying it on a regular basis at the health food store, but care must be taken to make it properly.


Magnesium appears to be a useful supplement for people with these conditions. Many people report an improvement in their muscle pain when taking a magnesium supplement on a regular basis. It is important to reduce intake of sugar, dairy products and bread while increasing intake of green vegetables.


Spirulina can be a useful addition to your health regimen as it is both nourishing and detoxifying. Spirulina is a type of blue-green micro-algae that's grown and harvested from very alkaline water sources. It was long used by the Aztecs as a food source because of its potent nutrient content. Spirulina is commonly found in several forms: tablets — which are chewable, fine powder, flakes, and pills or capsules.


It may also be helpful to reduce consumption of tomatoes as they seem to encourage acidity in the body.


Flax seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect that can be very helpful.


Alpha-lipoic acid is a helpful antioxidant. It may help nerve function and improve liver function.


Aromatherapy for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease


Aromatherapy is one of the most promising holistic therapies for conditions such as fibromyalgia, CFS, and Lyme Disease, in my opinion. The essential oils are concentrated versions of the volatile components found in herbs.


It can take many pounds of plant matter to make an ounce of essential oil. For the most precious oil, made from the Bulgarian rose, it can take a ton of rose petals to make a pound of oil. Most of the oils have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Many of them stimulate the immune system and trigger increased production of white blood cells. The oils also improve oxygenation of the body’s tissues and promote detoxification.


The essential oils may have a chelating effect, which means that they may assist in carrying toxins such as heavy metals out of the body. Some oils such as lavender can be sedative and aid with sleep and reduce anxiety.


Oil of oregano, which is a popular supplement found in health food stores is essential oil of oregano diluted in vegetable oil. It is almost always necessary to dilute the oils before using them because they are so concentrated.


Interestingly, many people with CFS, Lyme Disease, and fibromyalgia are likely to find that some of their symptoms worsen when inhaling the fragrance of the oils. This is often a detoxification reaction.


People with Lyme Disease generally seem to derive greatest benefits from stronger dilutions of essential oil than most aromatherapists typically use.


It is important to use with care when the oils are utilized in this manner. The oils are processed by the liver and kidneys and may cause liver and kidney problems in extremely high amounts. One should reduce the amount used if there is nausea or discontinue use if there is any allergic reaction.


People with these diseases may discover that much of their fatigue, muscle weakness, mental fogginess, and pain can be significantly reduced with regular application of the oils. The oils can be used diluted in vegetable oil for massage of affected areas of the body, and they can be used by the drop in one’s bath water.


The oils can also be absorbed into the bloodstream via the lungs simply by inhaling their fragrance. The oils also penetrate the blood-brain barrier and may be helpful for neurological issues due to infections or other reasons.


Some of the oils can trigger seizures in people prone to them. Some other oils, such as jasmine and ylang-ylang may help people to control seizures. Oil of oregano taken internally as directed can also be helpful in the treatment of Lyme Disease.


Massage Treatment for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Massage can improve oxygenation of body tissues and improve blood circulation as well as reduce pain. If a person has fibromyalgia or CFS due to an infectious disease process, or a person has Lyme Disease, massage should only be used in combination with a therapy that is antibacterial in nature. Otherwise, it is likely to stir up dormant bacteria and stir up symptoms instead of providing symptom relief.


When massage is used in combination with a therapy that is antibiotic in nature, it may improve the efficacy of that therapy by bringing bacteria out of hiding in order to be killed. Deep tissue massage may improve the efficacy of treatment with antibiotics, with herbs, with aromatherapy, or with heat. Used on its own, though, it may stir up latent problems in people with these conditions.


Heat Treatment for Lyme Disease


Heat can be helpful for treating Lyme Disease because the bacteria appears to prefer a low body temperature and is vulnerable to high heat. There are many different sources of heat that can be used to treat this condition. Heat can also be helpful for people with fibromyalgia and CFS who may actually have undiagnosed cases of Lyme Disease.


People usually feel a worsening of symptoms before they feel an improvement with the use of heat. My personal theory is that this is because the heat stirs up the bacteria before it kills it off or triggers the immune system to kill the bacteria off. This is speculative on my part.


The use of saunas can be very useful. A far infrared heat lamp can be used on problem areas. Hot baths taken for forty minutes at 102-104 degrees Fahrenheit have been shown to enhance immune system response in people with infectious diseases and auto-immune disorders in a research study done at Bastyr University. A Chinese therapy called moxibustion can also be useful in warming problem areas.


I do not recommend the use of cold packs or ice for pain in people with Lyme Disease, fibromyalgia, or CFS as these therapies reduce circulation to areas where circulation is likely to already be compromised. Also, the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease appears to prefer a cool environment, so cold therapy may cause real problems in people with this condition.


Exercises for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Lyme Disease


In spite of the fatigue that people with fibromyalgia, CFS, and Lyme Disease may feel, a certain amount of exercise can be very beneficial if they are up to the challenge. It is important not to overexert oneself, but a brisk walk or other exercise that gets one’s heart pumping can be helpful.


Again, exercise can be helpful because it can improve circulation in the body and improve oxygenation of the body’s tissues. Exercises such as stretching and yoga that help to improve flexibility and loosen muscles can also be helpful.


Hot yoga, where yoga is done in a room where the heat is cranked up can be particularly helpful because it combines exercise with heat therapy. It is important not to push too hard when doing exercise. The point is to improve your health, and not to wipe yourself out more.


As you can see, fibromyalgia, CFS, and Lyme Disease are complex ailments, but there are many promising therapies that people with these conditions are likely to find helpful.


This article is from the Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom. It consists of a strategy filled with guides on sleep, pain, depression, anxiety, diet, exercise and fitness plans, diet plans and packed with 369 healthy and delicious recipes


To find out more about this program, visit the website - Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Fibromyalgia Pain Treatments – What Can I Do to Relieve Fibromyalgia Pain?


If you hurt all over your body, and frequently feel exhausted, gone through numerous tests to find out what is wrong with you and even then, your doctor can't find anything specifically wrong with you; your pain may very well be a result of Fibromyalgia. Read on to find out more about the fibromyalgia pain treatments mentioned in this article.

Click Here to Find Out the Holistic Guide to Combat Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

New Insight-Transformation of Migraines Causes Fibromyalgia


Migraines are thought of as normal neurological functions interspersed with episodes of headaches.  At least 20% of migraineurs meeting the International Headache Society criteria have changed the pattern from episodes of migraine into patterns of chronic headache.


Chronic headache often does not return to normal neurological function.  This evolving process from episodic headache to chronic headache is called transformation.  In the population segment of chronic daily headache, migraine appears to be a progressive neurological disease.  The decline of normal neurological function between episodes of migraine greatly exacerbates the migraine syndrome.


Transformation is a process that occurs usually over years.  Usually the migraineur starts off having acute episodic migraines.  As someone continues to have migraines over time, the pain can occur more often and start merging together with a mixed headache pattern of lower severity migraines intermingled with more severe episodes.


The mixed headache pattern can further transform into chronic daily headache.  These transformed headaches can be caused by rebound phenomenon or can happen by reasons that are not fully understood at the present time.


A threshold can refer to a horizontal piece of building material beneath a doorway or window, but the meaning is different in medical jargon.  Threshold refers to the point at which stimulus or stimuli are of sufficient intensity to produce an effect.  The threshold for migraines can be lowered (migraines may happen more easily) by having repeated migraines.  Facilitation or kindling describe this phenomenon.


Migraines make the sensitive body more sensitive.  In other words, migraines breed migraines.  The lower threshold for migraines is made easier as though kindling were put on a fire.  Uncontrolled migraines not only cause more migraines but eventually cause transformed migraines.  A severe stimulus, injury, illness, or stress can provoke the nervous system to generate uncontrolled migraines.  The migraine pain changes over time.  This change is called transformation.


You can imagine one of your kid’s transformers changing from a robot to a plane or car, but can you imagine your migraines changing from a more classic presentation to chronic neck pain, sinus pain, or constant headache.  Well believe it or not, over time migraines do transform.  Usually a decade or more is necessary for transformation of episodic to chronic migraine.


One of the sincere goals of my new book, Doctor, “Why Do I Feel This Way?”, is to prevent transformation in migraineurs who have not reached this stage.


An example of severe stimulus is smoking.  The trigeminal nerve (sensation of the face) and the cervical (neck) nerves are adjacent to each other in the brain stem (the base of the brain).  What affects one affects the other.  Migraineurs who smoke usually will develop neck problems.  It is absolutely essential for the migraineur who smokes to abstain!  Smoke is a smell.  The sensitivity to the smell is the problem!


Also, second-hand smoke, perfumes, and severe allergies are major problems.  Neck pain can be debilitating and frustrating.  The migraineur with neckaches can develop extreme sensitivity to stress and after years will frequently develop fibromyalgia.  To find out more, go to


Pain Relief - Fibromyalgia Pain Treatments for Pain


If you hurt all over your body, and frequently feel exhausted, gone through numerous tests to find out what is wrong with you and even then, your doctor can't find anything specifically wrong with you; your pain may very well be a result of Fibromyalgia.


If you experience tender points on places on places like your neck, shoulders, back, hips, arms or legs that hurt when touched you may have Fibromyalgia. If you have other symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, morning stiffness, headaches, and problems with thinking and memory, sometimes called "fibro fog," you may have Fibromyalgia.


Well, not that this is a comforting thought, but you are not alone. Over ten million Americans suffer from the symptoms of Fibromyalgia pain.


This condition overall is characterized by chronic pain felt throughout your entire body, mainly in the muscles and ligaments. Pain is typically felt in your neck, back, shoulders, hands, and pelvic area; but anywhere in the body can be affected with pain.


Fibromyalgia sufferers also endure general fatigue and sleep disturbances. So, it is easy to understand why most sufferers seek Fibromyalgia pain treatments that work for them. Thankfully, various Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief exist.


If you are one of five to seven percent of the population who suffer from Fibromyalgia, the following Fibromyalgia pain treatment information may help you find and get pain relief.


Medications Used for Fibromyalgia Pain Treatments for Pain Relief.


Pain treatment is generally in the form of a pill. Many people agree that the best Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief come in pill form. There are many medications that are used as Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief, but it is necessary for you to visit your doctor to determine the extent of and devise a treatment plan for your specific condition with your doctor and receive a prescription, as over-the-counter drugs are not usually strong enough to alleviate the pain associated with Fibromyalgia.


Antidepressant's (Paxil, Prozac), sleep medications (Lunesta, Ambien), anti-epileptics (Neurontin), and muscle relaxants (Flexeril) can all be used as Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief. Many of these medications relieve sufferer pain so you can sleep at night, therefore allowing for the deep-level sleep needed for tissue repair and other body functions specific to your condition and level of pain.


Additional Methods of Fibromyalgia Pain Treatments for Pain Relief.


There are also other methods of Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief. Sufferers may use these alternative methods along with medication, or by themselves. Alternative methods of Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief include:


  Physical therapy

  Acupressure and acupuncture

  Massage   Exercise

  Chiropractic care

  Osteopathic manipulation

  Occupational therapy



It is completely up to you the patient as to type of Fibromyalgia pain treatment you want to pursue. However, talking to your doctor is highly recommended so your doctor can steer you in the right direction.


Although, the symptoms of Fibromyalgia may never completely disappear, it is comforting to know that Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief exist and are only a doctor's visit away.


For more information about Fibromyalgia pain treatments for pain relief, visit the website for The National Fibromyalgia Association. There is no need to live in pain a minute longer.


For more ideas on fibromyalgia pain treatments, watch these 2 videos:


Fibromyalgia Pain Relief Stretching Program: Gentle but Effective


What Foods Trigger Fibromyalgia Pain?


This article is from the Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom. It consists of a strategy filled with guides on sleep, pain, depression, anxiety, diet, exercise and fitness plans, diet plans and packed with 369 healthy and delicious recipes


To find out more about this program, visit the website - Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Understanding Fibromyalgia Syndrome – How Does a Person Get Fibromyalgia?

Understanding Fibromyalgia Syndrome – How Does a Person Get Fibromyalgia?

Understanding Fibromyalgia Syndrome - Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Treatment and Symptoms




Fibromyalgia is a complex chronic condition which predominantly affects women.  The latest statistics show us that 9 out of every 10 sufferers are women.  Fibromyalgia used to be known as fibrositis, however, as more is learnt about this condition, it was re-named to Fibromyalgia.


While this condition does not affect the sufferer’s life span, full recovery from Fibromyalgia is very uncommon and where this happens, the likelihood of a recurrence is very high.


What are the Symptoms of Fibromyalgia?


The main symptom of Fibromyalgia is that of pain, tender areas of the body and tiredness.  However, the symptoms which each patient suffers from vary in both number and degree.  The severity of the symptoms can vary due to the level of stress or sometimes the weather.  None of the most common symptoms are visible outwardly.  All this can make diagnosis of Fibromyalgia very difficult.


There is a big list of the most common symptoms which includes


- Fatigue, severe tiredness and a significant lack of stamina

- Headaches and facial pain, often as a result of neck, shoulder and jaw muscle stiffness

- General pain and stiffness especially in the trunk and abdomen.

- Specific soreness and tenderness

- An itching or burning pain accompanied occasionally with a muscle spasm

- Irritable bowels or bladed, also a need or urgency to pass urine.

- Anxiety and depression

- Poor concentration

- Restlessness in legs.


What is the cause of Fibromyalgia?


We don’t know what the cause of Fibromyalgia is yet.  There appear to be a number of factors which are common in a significant number of the sufferers of Fibromyalgia though.


They include


- change in sleep pattern

- serotonin deficiency (the mood and sleep regulating hormone)

- some kind of viral infection

- a psychological disturbance

- a lack of exercise


How to treat Fibromyalgia?


Due to the fact that we don’t know what causes Fibromyalgia, the treatment generally consists of relieving the symptoms of Fibromyalgia.  As with most conditions, there are two sides to treatment which are not necessarily exclusive but should be done in tandem.  They are via a variety of medical methods, plus there are a number of things which you can do to help relieve the symptoms.


The self-help methods include


- Increase your level of exercise. It has been shown that those patients with high levels of aerobic fitness generally suffer less from Fibromyalgia

- Regular stretching or yoga

- Avoid using nasal decongestants and also reduce your consumption of coffee and alcohol

- Sometimes more easily said than done, but by controlling your emotions and behaviour, hopefully this will reduce your stress levels.


On top of these self-help methods, your doctor will probably be able to reduce your symptoms by


- prescribing low dose tricyclic anti-depressants to deal with the serotonin deficiency.  This will help to promote better sleep and hopefully reduce the pain

- Local anaesthetic mixed with corticosteroids for local pain relief

- Pain killers e.g. paracetamol or ibuprofen

- In some cases, stronger narcotic painkillers may be used.


Understanding Fibromyalgia Syndrome - Fibromyalgia Syndrome Explained


Fibromyalgia syndrome is a disorder of the musculoskeletal system. The cause is unknown, but the name actually means pain in muscles, tendons, ligaments, and soft fibrous in the human body.


Those with fibromyalgia often say that they literally hurt all over their body. They feel like all of their muscles have been strained, their bones ache, and tendons feel stretched and achy. The disorder can be found in people of most any age but is more common in women than it is in men. Overall, someone with fibromyalgia will feel like they have a bad flue with the achy muscles and body. The only problem is that this doesn’t go away in 24 hours.


Symptoms of fibromyalgia Syndrome Explained


Basically, there are three main symptoms to fibromyalgia (and a host of other symptoms from digestive to reproductive issues): pain, fatigue and sleep issues. Each individually is terrible, but combined they make fibromyalgia a crippling disorder.


The main symptom of fibromyalgia is the pain. It is a pain that really has no limits. Sufferers describe deep aching in the muscles, throbbing and stabbing pains in them as well. There is sometimes burning in the muscles as well. In most cases the pain is worse in the morning and often more intense with muscles that get more use.


Fatigue is another big symptom of fibromyalgia. It is usually a mental fatigue that leaves sufferers feeling lethargic and void of any energy or motivation. Concentration becomes difficult and the body may actually feel heavier and sluggish. Sufferers of fibromyalgia sometimes say they just feel like they are in a constant fog.


When sufferers of fibromyalgia syndrome explained symptoms, they rarely mentioned specific sleep problems. However, it has been found that most who have fibromyalgia do suffer a problem called the alpha-EEG anomaly. Basically, it means that while the person has no trouble going to sleep, their brain continually works from sleep to active mode through the night. Sleep is then disrupted and the person with fibromyalgia ends up more fatigued than before. It is a vicious cycle.




Having fibromyalgia syndrome explained must include the treatments of the ailment. Though the cause is unknown, treatments are continually being developed to help overcome the problem, which can be crippling.


For the most part, treatments of fibromyalgia are set to help improve sleep quality and reduce pain. A sleep study may be performed since a sleep disorder is often the first thing treated. Getting better deep sleep does as much as anything to help quell the symptoms of fibromyalgia.


Next, the pain is generally treated. This is done with drugs that both fight pain and increase serotonin in the body. This added serotonin can also help with sleep sometimes as well.


Hopefully having fibromyalgia syndrome explained makes it a little easier to relate to those who have the problem. This disorder, with no known cause, can lead to other problems like depression and other psychological problems.


Though the treatments are limited at this time, new drugs and new ideas are continually hitting the market so that those who do suffer from fibromyalgia have a better chance of leading a more normal life.


Watch this video - Understanding Fibromyalgia Syndrome - What is fibromyalgia and how is it treated?


This article is from the Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom. It consists of a strategy filled with guides on sleep, pain, depression, anxiety, diet, exercise and fitness plans, diet plans and packed with 369 healthy and delicious recipes


To find out more about this program, visit the website - Get Your Health Back – Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Freedom

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