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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Terrible Vertigo and High Blood Pressure Link Revealed Here

Even if you suffer from both vertigo and high blood pressure, you may not be aware there is a connection between the two. You might write each one off as separate conditions that need to be treated separately.

But as with so many other conditions, a high percentage of people experiencing vertigo regularly also have high blood pressure. And the fact is, long lasting hypertension very often causes chronic vertigo, dizziness and lightshades.

How? That’s the subject of today’s feature post. To learn more read on here to find out about the connection between vertigo and high blood pressure.

You see, vertigo is not a subject that should be taken lightly. It’s the third most common symptom in primary care and even more common among elderly. It’s also a condition with apparently many different causes but no cure (at least from the traditional medical system – more on natural solutions in a bit).

Vertigo is most often blamed on some kind of dysfunction in the balance system. Either the the inner ear, eyes or nerves are typical suspects. However, I have found that more often it’s caused by lack of blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain. This causes lightshades, vertigo and dizzy feelings.

Our vertigo and dizziness exercises have worked wonders to permanently cure vertigo by loosening up the muscles associated with balance, which both fixes misalignment between the eyes and the inner ear as well as increasing blood flow up to the brain.

High blood pressure, however, also causes lack of blood delivery up to the brain. When the arteries leading up to the head are constantly hit with high blood pressure, they harden and narrow and less blood can be delivered through them. This is the reason why high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

So in essence, vertigo can be regarded as a big warning sign for stroke and heart attack as it’s an indication that the arteries running up to the head have begun to harden and blood flow is reduced.

You may think that a small reduction of blood flow is not such a big deal but think again. Although the brain only counts for about 2% of our body weight, it uses 20-40% of all oxygen we inhale. Even if we can live five minutes without breathing, our brain continues to receive oxygen we still have in our lungs and blood stream.

However, within 10 seconds of cutting off oxygen delivery to the brain, we lose consciousness. And brain damage begins to develop within seconds more. It’s the most important “nutrition” our brain gets.

So you can imagine there are serious consequences even if your brain is only slightly deprived of oxygen. Studies have shown that mice that received 85% of normal oxygen began to develop dementia symptoms within days. That’s how Alzheimer’s (again condition mostly associated with aging) has been linked to long-term lack of blood flow into the brain.

Another warning sign is if you experience tension in the neck. Hardening of the arteries and lack of blood flow leads to tension in the neck, jaw and other muscles surrounding that area. People compensate by physically tilting their heads, which leads to a misalignment between the eyes and the inner ear. This worsens vertigo and dizziness.

What You Can Do If You Have Vertigo and High Blood Pressure

The good news is that new studies have shown that if you manage to lower your blood pressure using natural methods, diet changes, lifestyle changes or our high blood pressure program, your arteries will begin to soften up again, delivering more blood flow throughout the body.

Interestingly, the same benefits do not seem to appear when using drugs.
Whether or not you’ve high blood pressure in association with your vertigo, you should definitely check out our vertigo and dizziness program.

And if you do have high blood pressure, our high blood pressure program has helped thousands of people to drop their blood pressure down to normal- usually within a week. Learn more about this programhere…

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.

From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on Vertigo and Dizziness Cure 

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

What is the Best Way to Cure Vertigo Attacks?

Vertigo/Dizziness are conditions that have long baffled the traditional medical system. There are surgeries and there are medications but these invasive methods just don’t seem to provide any permanent results other than side effects. Recently, however, more naturally focused researchers have discovered the underlying cause for at least 20% of vertigo cases – especially for elderly patients. The best part is, the way to cure vertigo attacks requires no drugs or surgery.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes

How to Cure Vertigo Attacks Caused by Inner Ear Rocking-Rocks

Vertigo/Dizziness are conditions that have long baffled the traditional medical system.

There are surgeries and there are medications but these invasive methods just don’t seem to provide any permanent results other than side effects.

Recently, however, more naturally focused researchers have discovered the underlying cause for at least 20% of vertigo cases – especially for elderly patients.

The best part is, the way to cure vertigo attacks requires no drugs or surgery.

Our balance system is an extremely complicated and delicate function. It’s based on interactions between the inner ear, the eyes, the position of the body and more. Then the brain takes all this information and coordinates all our senses and movements from this.

If one small thing goes wrong you’ll feel dizzy and experience vertigo in a second.

One of the things that can go wrong is one of 1000 small rocks (made of calcium) in the inner ear moving from the utricle houses (small are in the inner ear) into a much bigger inner ear canal.

You see, these rocks are supposed to move in just a small, isolated area and fire neural signals as we move. When they move to the much bigger area, the signals also become much bigger and we feel like our heads are being spun in circles – VERTIGO!

The trick is to move those calcium stones from the inner ear canal to areas where they don’t create neural signals and the immune system can clear them out. The best way to do this is using a simple head moving technique.

In the following video, physical therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck demonstrate how to do this technique. For best results, get a physical therapist to do it for you but as you can see, it’s so simple that anyone can help you after watching this video a couple of times.

The downside of this technique is that it requires you to sit up for 48 hours. It also only works for about 20% of vertigo cases (see test in the beginning of the video).

You should feel a little bit better immediately after doing the technique (before holding your head for 48 hours) so if that’s not the case, the moving stones are probably not your problem.

The good news is there are different kinds of exercises that help almost everyone cure their vertigo. They open up the inner ear, increase blood flow to the head and help with balance between what the eyes and ears sense. And you can do these exercises without anyone helping.

To cure vertigo attacks, learn more about these simple vertigo exercises here…

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.

From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cure Vertigo Attacks

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Friday, December 7, 2018

What is the Best Way to Reduce Vertigo Falls?

This Training Can Reduce Vertigo Falls - Exercise is nearly always touted as one of the most effective ways to increase endurance and improve overall health. But the type of exercises performed can make an even bigger difference for the elderly and their risk of falling. In other words, it can help to reduce vertigo falls. This is especially true for those suffering vertigo and dizziness.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes

Exercise is nearly always touted as one of the most effective ways to increase endurance and improve overall health.

But the type of exercises performed can make an even bigger difference for the elderly and their risk of falling. In other words, it can help to reduce vertigo falls

This is especially true for those suffering vertigo and dizziness.

Australian researchers recently launched a yearlong study which involved individuals at or over the age of 69 with a history of falling down in the previous year.

The researchers taught the elderly exercises they call “Lifestyle-integrated
Functional Exercise”, which helped people work on their balance while doing daily tasks such as standing up, stepping over objects and walking.

Then, two comparison groups were included. One was given a structured exercise program including ankle weights and instructed to complete the exercises three times per week. The other group was given gentle “sham” exercises.

The result? Falls were reduced by more than 30% for the “Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise” compared to the two other groups.

Not only that, but they also reported improved quality of life with improved participation in activities of daily living.

Watch these 3 Videos below Here to Get Some Ideas on How to Reduce Vertigo Falls:

If you experience vertigo and want to reduce vertigo falls, regardless of age, you can benefit from our vertigo program…

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.

From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Reduce Vertigo Falls

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Vertigo and Dizziness Attacks - 5 Things You Need to Know

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes

Recently, a client of mine from many years ago emailed me because a friend of hers had started complaining about dizzy spells and a feeling of vertigo that had cropped up.

The friend was consulting with her family doctor about it but was frustrated by the results (or lack thereof). She had been tested for seemingly everything under the sun- a CT scan, an MRI, countless blood tests, a million questions…but no real answers.

What could be causing the dizziness? Is it literally all in her head, as the doctors had started implying?

My client’s friend had been complaining about random dizzy spells for about 3 months. They started out only cropping up about once every couple weeks, and only for a couple of seconds.

She dismissed it as dehydration (it started in warm weather and she is outside a lot), but as the weather cooled and she spent more time indoors, the problem worsened.

Once she noticed she was having spells about once every other day, alarm bells went off and over to the doctor’s office she went. However, nailing down the problem proved to be irritating at best. A better description would be “expensive and frustrating.”

After working with her for a short while, we were able to get her spells eliminated, but it involved looking at 5 critical areas that doctors frequently either dismiss, or completely miss altogether.

Once the doctor rules out the scary stuff, like tumors, or obvious items, like thyroid function or anemia, a harder look at what you are doing and not doing is needed:

1) Look at your diet- are you consuming a lot of soda, genetically modified foods, processed foods or high fructose corn syrup? Foods we tolerated without obvious consequences as kids tend to betray us a lot more as we age.

At 51, my new client needed to consider that the same old food habits needed some work. Nutrient deficiencies are proven to cause various conditions and symptoms, and dizziness is usually listed at the top.

2) Look at your medications and supplements– have you changed anything recently, including dosage? Have you been on a medication for a long period of time, such as that for high blood pressure?

Over time, chemicals in these medicines that the body can’t process or expel build up and cause a lot of damage. Dizziness is chief among them.
Even if you’ve taken the same maintenance medication for years doesn’t mean that you won’t find yourself reacting to it at some point. Go over your meds with your doctor and see what you can reduce or eliminate altogether.

3) Look at your health in relationship to your age– As we get older, different stimuli affect us in different ways than it did when we were 25. Thirty years ago we might have been able to recover from too many glasses of wine by the next afternoon, but in middle age it takes a lot longer for the toxic effects of a sugar binge, too much alcohol, or lack of sleep to dissipate.

If you have a collection of “nuisance” problems like pre-hypertension, mild insomnia, and a few extra pounds in the midsection, you are going to have problems with dizziness. By themselves, these trends that doctors aren’t worried about treating (because they don’t meet their criteria for actually being problems) can go completely unnoticed.

Together, they are a mound of small potatoes that actually fill a big truck. Keep preventable, chronic conditions under control and new symptoms like dizziness might stay away.

4) Look at your environment- When was the last time you had your appliances inspected? Do you have mold growing in your basement? Has your fireplace been thoroughly cleaned recently? Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?

Environmental conditions that change slowly over time are hard to get a handle on because they creep up subtly and slowly. Even something as simple as a new environmental allergy can have frustrating effects. Pay attention to when the dizzy spells happen and what’s going on in your space at the time.

5) Look at how you might be limiting oxygen from getting to your brain– All of the above items can actually point in one specific direction, and that’s lack of optimum oxygen reaching the brain. Having high blood pressure or a low heart rate are health issues that keep O2 from getting to the critical areas of the brain.

Carbon monoxide kills by stopping the flow of O2 to the brain. Lack of nutrients that keep blood vessels and other tissues healthy will inhibit oxygen saturation in the brain, and being dehydrated (which is an epidemic in the super-sized soda generation as sodas dehydrate more than hydrate) will easily tank any chances of getting oxygen into the areas of the brain that need it desperately.

High blood pressure is actually a very common underlying cause for vertigo and dizziness attacks. Check out these easy exercises that drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…

Once you correct these 5 issues, and barring any clinical diagnoses like crystals in the inner ear or a mass growing (which your doctor can rule out), you will be on your way to being completely free of the trappings of dizziness and vertigo attacks.

There is, however, one thing that I’ve found to benefit pretty much anyone who suffers from vertigo and dizziness attacks. It’s a group of easy exercises that loosen up the muscles around the balance system in the ears and eyes as well as pumping more oxygen up to the brain.

These exercises are extremely easy to do – doesn’t matter in what kind of shape you may be. And they only take a few minutes per day.

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness attacks. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.

From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on Cure for Vertigo and Dizziness Attacks

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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What is the Best Way to Reverse Vertigo Attacks?

Do you sometimes feel dizzy all of a sudden and not sure what’s causing it? You are not alone and there is a name for this condition – vertigo. Vertigo can occur for different reasons and sometimes you’ll never be able to guess what causes it. And your physician might not warn you about it either. But now we’ve a solution to reverse vertigo attacks.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes

The Main Cause of Vertigo and How to Reverse Vertigo Attacks

Do you sometimes feel dizzy all of a sudden and not sure what’s causing it? You are not alone and there is a name for this conditionvertigo.

Vertigo can occur for different reasons and sometimes you’ll never be able to guess what causes it. And your physician might not warn you about it either.

But now we’ve a solution to reverse vertigo attacks.

The most common type of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) which is characterized by brief episodes of dizziness. There are many conditions that can result in vertigo including inner ear problems, anxiety disorders, brain disorders and low blood pressure being the common reasons.

However, people with high blood pressure who take medications can also get vertigo! The culprit is the medication used for lowering the blood pressure. Sometimes, the sudden fall in blood pressure in people with hypertension, results in vertigo.

Physicians do not always inform their patients about all the side effects of the prescribed medications. Dizziness is one side effect that is commonly ignored even though it can be a major source of inconvenience for people, especially when they are traveling outside.

Imagine how dangerous it could be if you got a dizzy spell while driving in the highway or crossing the road! Vertigo is a condition you need to definitely identify and treat in a timely manner.

Sometimes vertigo can be eliminated by taking different prescription drugs for controlling blood pressure, but that result in other kinds of side effects, more serious and problematic.

Vertigo is also treated with medications as well as cognitive therapy sessions, all of which can again take a toll on the health or result in more money and time spent at the clinic.

But there are simpler and easier ways to go about with treating these conditions. Actually, treating high blood pressure and vertigo doesn’t have to use any drugs, therapies or devices.

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.

From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Reverse Vertigo Attacks

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Friday, November 30, 2018

What is the Best Way to Cure Vertigo Attacks?

We often assume that vertigo is caused by tiredness or fatigue and dismiss it as a mild, painless inconvenience. But getting dizzy spells is no joke, especially whether you are alone or in public. But there’s more to vertigo than meets the eye, and by knowing the underlying causes of vertigo and dizziness, it’s actually quite easy to permanently cure vertigo attacks.

What Causes Vertigo and Dizziness and How to Cure Vertigo Attacks?

We often assume that vertigo is caused by tiredness or fatigue and dismiss it as a mild, painless inconvenience.

But getting dizzy spells is no joke, especially whether you are alone or in public.

But there’s more to vertigo than meets the eye, and by knowing the underlying causes of vertigo and dizziness, it’s actually quite easy to permanently cure vertigo attacks.

The most common feature of vertigo is the feeling that the world is spinning all around you. This dizzy spell can last for a few seconds to several minutes.

Here are some of the things traditionally considered to be causes of vertigo:

1. Inner ear problems – Not everyone knows that the inner ear is related to maintaining equilibrium. In other words, the inner ear sends signals to the brain about head and body movements as well as balance relative to gravity. When fluid builds up in the ear, it can change the pressure inside and result in dizziness, ringing in the ears and even hearing loss.

2. Head or neck injury

3. Brain problems, even tumors

4. Stroke

5. Migraine headache

6. Medications that can cause damage to the ears

7. Temporary ear infection due to common cold

As you can see, the causes range from mild to serious conditions. It is important to consult a physician if you experience vertigo often.
In most cases vertigo goes way without any medication or treatment. The usual treatment methods for vertigo include:

1. Vestibular rehab therapy: This is a physical therapy method for those who get frequent bouts of vertigo.

2. Antibiotics, in the case of infections

3. Water pills (Diuretics) to reduce pressure caused by fluid build-up

4. Surgery

These are, as I said, traditional diagnoses and treatments of vertigo and dizziness. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t.

What I’ve found, however, is that the underlying cause of vertigo is most often tension in the muscles around the organs of the balance system. That is, the eyes and the inner ear.

Using simple exercises that strengthen and loosen up these muscles, almost everyone who works these exercises manages to eliminate their vertigo and dizziness.

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.

From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cure Vertigo Attacks

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