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Showing posts with label high blood pressure program. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high blood pressure program. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What is the Best Way to Treat Snoring Naturally?

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Treat Snoring Naturally - Alzheimer’s, Snoring and Sleep Apnea Connection

Alzheimer’s is most often considered an incurable and unavoidable disease. Many of us have helplessly watched loved ones experience this painful condition, steadily degenerating the person’s functionality and personality.

Recent studies have, however, connected Alzheimer’s to a couple of very unexpected co-conspirators, snoring and sleep apnea. And by drawing some common sense conclusions, researchers have come up with a method that may help EVERY Alzheimer’s patient to not only stop this horrible disease but maybe also reverse it to some level.

What’s even more important, this gives hope that Alzheimer’s may be totally prevented from developing in the first place.

This full-featured article is especially important if you or someone close to you snores. Please read on.

Finding the Cause of Alzheimer’s

Our story begins in British Colombia University a few years back. Researchers came up with this crazy idea to test how oxygen deprivation on mice affected their memory. For 6 months, the mice only received about 40% of the oxygen they normally did for 16 hours per day. The rest of the day they could breathe normally.

They didn’t have to wait long to see for sure that the mice suffering oxygen deprivation had very diminished brain and memory function. They couldn’t find their way through a simple maze or complete other tasks normal mice could.

This was maybe no big surprise, but there was another thing researchers didn’t expect to find. After six months, these middle-aged mice (mice usually live for around 12 – 24 months) had developed twice as many beta-amyloid plaques as normal mice their age. These plaques are similar to the plaques that cause Alzheimer’s in humans.

A study conducted a couple of years later by Chicago’s Feinberg School of Medicine supported the view that long lasting lack of blood delivery to the brain may be the main underlying cause of Alzheimer’s.

Several other studies have linked various conditions that reduce the blood flow up to the brain to increased risk of Alzheimer’s. This includes, among others, migraine, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and neck injuries. For improved brain health, it’s essential to address these issues.

Connection Between Alzheimer’s and Sleep Apnea

There is, however, one condition that has a higher connection to Alzheimer’s than any other, and that is sleep apnea. According to a study published in the November, 2008 edition of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 70-80% of those who had Alzheimer’s, also suffered sleep apnea. WOW… almost 4 out of 5 people!

Notably, the researchers did not conclude if it was the Alzheimer’s that caused the sleep apnea or the other way around.

Sleep apnea is a condition where person stops breathing for a few seconds, sometimes up to a minute, several times per night. This deprives the brain of 80% of normal oxygen throughout the night. There are examples of people going into a coma and even dying from sleep apnea. That’s how serious it is.
And since the brain takes 20-40% of all oxygen you inhale, you see that any lack will directly affect your brain function.

Most common treatment of sleep apnea is the use of the CPAP breathing machine that helps deliver oxygen to the lungs. So in 2011, researchers at the University of California, San Diego built on the previous research and applied CPAP machines to 52 Alzheimer’s patients who also suffered sleep apnea. In a matter of weeks, the patient’s nerve, brain and behavior function improved drastically during the day.

Note that CPAP is not a cure for Alzheimer’s but it has been shown to help pretty much everyone to improve this condition.
I’m very much afraid that we’re far away from curing Alzheimer’s in later stages. My concern is to help people improve the early stages of the condition and hold it back to some level. But even more importantly, I think it’s possible to totally avoid developing Alzheimer’s and reverse it at the earliest stages.

Where Snoring Comes in

This brings us to the issue of Sleep Apnea and its connection to snoring.

One of the most obvious symptoms of sleep apnea is snoring. Most people who suffer sleep apnea also snore pretty loudly.

Normal snoring is not as serious as sleep apnea. I believe, however, that all snoring should be taken seriously. You see, snoring is always caused by some kind of blockage in the breathing passages. This creates pressure that vibrates the soft tissues in these passages, creating the irritating snoring sound.

Whereas sleep apnea creates a complete blockage of the breathing passages several times per night, normal snoring creates a partial block. This is, however, enough to drastically reduce the amount of oxygen you receive throughout the night. This is also an indicator that you’re not breathing effectively throughout the day, either. The blockage doesn’t disappear during the day, you just manage it better.

Remember that the mice in the Alzheimer’s study didn’t develop plaque overnight. It built up in their brain after months of relatively mild oxygen deprivation. The same thing may be happening with you or someone you love if you don’t breathe effectively enough day and night.

This is on top of the fact that the oxygen level in most cities today is much lower than it used to be only 50 years ago.

The most effective way to treat snoring naturally and cure sleep apnea without drugs is our Stop Snoring Exercise Program. It includes easy exercises that have helped thousands of people to stop snoring in as little as 3 minutes per day. Learn more about the Stop Snoring Exercise Program here

Several of our other programs address the issue of lack of oxygen in the body.

Our migraine and headache program helps directly deliver oxygen up to the brain (there is close connection between migraine and Alzheimer’s).

Our Weight Loss Breeze program increases oxygen delivery throughout the body.

And our High Blood Pressure Program and Cholesterol Guide obviously help with arteries and oxygen-rich blood delivery throughout the body.

Treat Snoring Naturally - Does Snoring Cause Divorce?

I have often been guilty of letting this thought run through my mind when I read some of the commentary related to people asking for help with their snoring issues.

The latest comes from a reader in Alabama who asked me to share her story as not only a caution to others, but also as a reassurance of hope.

Our reader, whom we will call Thea, wrote in to describe the effect that snoring had on her family. She and her husband started out happy enough, with a great marriage, common interests, desire for family, etc.

They had a little house in a suburb outside of Mobile and he had a great job that offered her the chance to live her dream, which was to be a mom in the home for their two children.

After the usual sleep issues that happen to all parents when the kids are small resolved themselves, they sort of got into a good, healthy groove with their sleeping as Thea and her husband were great about keeping a schedule, eating right, getting enough water and all that.

But as time wore on, and as Thea and her husband started to approach 40, they started to gain a little bit of weight, started to show some signs of anxiety (especially as the economy worsened), and started to wander away from their healthy lifestyle.

She blamed the trend on going back to work part time, coupled with the myriad of activities the kids were in along with the travel and time consumption of other daily activities and they started relying heavily on convenience foods and takeout.

She explains that it was about this time that she started snoring and he started the tossing, kicking, and twitching of restless leg syndrome.

Every time she would start snoring, he’d wake and nudge her. Every time he would roll over in bed, she’d wake because he’d elbowed her or scratched her on the leg with a toenail.

They were both beginning to suffer the ravages of sleep deprivation, dosing off during the day and getting really snippy with each other and the kids.
So they decided that in order to at least try and get them both some better sleep that they would take turns sleeping in the spare bedroom. Up to this point they hadn’t spent a night apart in 16 years of marriage.

Sleep seemed to be easier to come by with this arrangement, but it was kind of sad for them, she explains. They still loved one another, and still had a good time on vacations, going on dates together or on outings with the kids and still went to church every Saturday evening like clockwork.

She was kind of vague explaining what happened next. “Christian,” she said, “I just don’t know what happened next. It was like someone had been coming in at night and had been stealing parts of our marriage a little bit at a time.”

Before I could even wonder what that meant, she went on to explain it. “We used to be so close, but even after we started sleeping better it seemed like we were a thousand miles away from each other.”

She described that even though on the outside it looked like everything was okay, they both had been harboring some grouchy sentiment toward one another because they could no longer share a bed.

This took the predictable toll on their sex life, which added even more anxiety. She said, “Two kids, 4 sports, school, church, volunteer activities, work…we never had any opportunities to be alone in a bed together.”

And so the distance progressed, worsened, and stole away more and more of what they had spent 16 years building.

So after about 3 years of this, she discovered he had been having an email relationship with a colleague at work…that wasn’t of a working nature.

To this other woman, he had apparently been lamenting the demise of his physical relationship and seeking solace in this woman’s online companionship.
Once discovered, Thea immediately threatened to file for divorce, but instead got them both into counselling. This turned out to be the changing point of the whole toxic dynamic that had been playing itself out over the past couple of years.

It took a therapist to tell them what they already knew…that they still loved each other and had a lot of wonderful years left in their marriage. They just needed to regularly spend time alone in an intimate setting, which, for most people means a bed.

Even if there wasn’t to be any sex, they knew they had to find a way to sleep together again and start giving each other the critical marital elements of affection, closeness, touch and trust.

But to do this, two very critical issues needed to be corrected- her snoring and his RLS.

They have just started the work required to overcome these sleep problems, but are apparently at least sleeping in the same room again.
So the answer to the question at the beginning is no…snoring doesn’t cause divorce. People cause it. But it can be a catalyst to the unraveling of a relationship if left untreated.

If you or someone you know has a problem with snoring or insomnia related issues, see my guides to treating these conditions the natural way.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Treat Snoring Naturally and Cure Sleep Apnea Without Drugs

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Terrible Vertigo and High Blood Pressure Link Revealed Here

Even if you suffer from both vertigo and high blood pressure, you may not be aware there is a connection between the two. You might write each one off as separate conditions that need to be treated separately.

But as with so many other conditions, a high percentage of people experiencing vertigo regularly also have high blood pressure. And the fact is, long lasting hypertension very often causes chronic vertigo, dizziness and lightshades.

How? That’s the subject of today’s feature post. To learn more read on here to find out about the connection between vertigo and high blood pressure.

You see, vertigo is not a subject that should be taken lightly. It’s the third most common symptom in primary care and even more common among elderly. It’s also a condition with apparently many different causes but no cure (at least from the traditional medical system – more on natural solutions in a bit).

Vertigo is most often blamed on some kind of dysfunction in the balance system. Either the the inner ear, eyes or nerves are typical suspects. However, I have found that more often it’s caused by lack of blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain. This causes lightshades, vertigo and dizzy feelings.

Our vertigo and dizziness exercises have worked wonders to permanently cure vertigo by loosening up the muscles associated with balance, which both fixes misalignment between the eyes and the inner ear as well as increasing blood flow up to the brain.

High blood pressure, however, also causes lack of blood delivery up to the brain. When the arteries leading up to the head are constantly hit with high blood pressure, they harden and narrow and less blood can be delivered through them. This is the reason why high blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

So in essence, vertigo can be regarded as a big warning sign for stroke and heart attack as it’s an indication that the arteries running up to the head have begun to harden and blood flow is reduced.

You may think that a small reduction of blood flow is not such a big deal but think again. Although the brain only counts for about 2% of our body weight, it uses 20-40% of all oxygen we inhale. Even if we can live five minutes without breathing, our brain continues to receive oxygen we still have in our lungs and blood stream.

However, within 10 seconds of cutting off oxygen delivery to the brain, we lose consciousness. And brain damage begins to develop within seconds more. It’s the most important “nutrition” our brain gets.

So you can imagine there are serious consequences even if your brain is only slightly deprived of oxygen. Studies have shown that mice that received 85% of normal oxygen began to develop dementia symptoms within days. That’s how Alzheimer’s (again condition mostly associated with aging) has been linked to long-term lack of blood flow into the brain.

Another warning sign is if you experience tension in the neck. Hardening of the arteries and lack of blood flow leads to tension in the neck, jaw and other muscles surrounding that area. People compensate by physically tilting their heads, which leads to a misalignment between the eyes and the inner ear. This worsens vertigo and dizziness.

What You Can Do If You Have Vertigo and High Blood Pressure

The good news is that new studies have shown that if you manage to lower your blood pressure using natural methods, diet changes, lifestyle changes or our high blood pressure program, your arteries will begin to soften up again, delivering more blood flow throughout the body.

Interestingly, the same benefits do not seem to appear when using drugs.
Whether or not you’ve high blood pressure in association with your vertigo, you should definitely check out our vertigo and dizziness program.

And if you do have high blood pressure, our high blood pressure program has helped thousands of people to drop their blood pressure down to normal- usually within a week. Learn more about this programhere…

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness. This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance.

From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on Vertigo and Dizziness Cure 

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