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Thursday, March 15, 2018

7 Ways You Can Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication

Heart disease and stroke rank among the top five causes of death in the U.S. They’re also both commonly caused by one condition: hypertension. This makes it more essential that you should find ways to lower blood pressure as soon as you can.

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without Expensive Medication

Heart disease and stroke rank among the top five causes of death in the U.S. They’re also both commonly caused by one condition: hypertension. This makes it more essential that you should find ways to lower blood pressure as soon as you can.

One in three Americans suffer from this often symptom-less condition, also known as high blood pressure and the silent killer.
“You can have it for years without knowing it,” say the National Institutes of Health. “During this time, though, HBP can damage your heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and other parts of your body.”

The ideal blood pressure reading is generally 120/80, with higher readings considered pre-hypertension or, if over 140/90, hypertension.

If you don’t know what your blood pressure is, step one is finding out by checking with your doctor. In the long run, that visit will cost less than letting the problem remain undiagnosed – and uncontrolled. Even if you require medication, it’s cheaper than the long-term costs and complications of untreated high blood pressure.

In some cases, high BP can be managed or prevented by low-cost lifestyle changes alone. So in honor of Heart Month, we’ve rounded them up…

Lower Blood Pressure Tip #1 - Pass the salt.

Limiting sodium helps control high blood pressure in those who have it and helps prevent it in those who don’t. According to government dietary guidelines, adults should limit their daily sodium intake to 2,300 mg. But for people with hypertension, diabetes, or chronic liver disease; children; adults over age 50; and African-Americans – about half the U.S. – the limit is 1,500 mg. Beware especially of processed and packaged foods, fast foods, and canned foods – all common sources of excessive salt.

Lower Blood Pressure Tip #2 - Eat enough potassium.

This mineral helps lower blood pressure. The recommended daily intake for adults is 4,700 mg. Bananas average 451 mg – foods with even more include cantaloupe, avocados, dates, raisins, dried apricots, prune juice, baked potatoes (with the skins), yogurt, sardines, and flounder.

Lower Blood Pressure Tip #3 - Change your diet.

The DASH diet, or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, helps fight high blood pressure by emphasizing fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein. U.S. News & World Report also recently ranked it the No. 1 best diet overall, No. 1 best diet for healthy eating, and even the No. 1 best diabetes diet.

Check out the video below about the diet to learn more.

Lower Blood Pressure Tip #4 -  Watch your weight.

Blood pressure tends to increase as weight does. Last year, a University of Illinois study found that even among hearty college students, a weight gain of as little as 1.5 pounds was enough to raise BP. Fortunately, it’s also true that BP tends to drop as weight does.

Lower Blood Pressure Tip #5 - Relax.

The connection between stress and high blood pressure isn’t fully understood.

But researchers do know that

(1) stressful situations can cause temporary BP spikes and

(2) stress management and stress-lowering activities can help lower BP, according to the Mayo Clinic. Getting enough sleep, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and exercise can help reduce stress.

Click below to read for more ideas to Relieve Stress

Lower Blood Pressure Tip #6 - Avoid alcohol.

According to the Mayo Clinic, not only does too much alcohol raise blood pressure, repeated excess drinking can lead to long-term BP increases. Women should limit themselves to one drink, men to two.

Lower Blood Pressure Tip #7 -  Indulge in dark chocolate instead.

An Australian study published last year found that a daily dose of dark chocolate or other cocoa products rich in natural compounds called “flavanols” helped to lower blood pressure. Just don’t overdo it and gain weight.

Watch the 2 videos below

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on Control High Blood Pressure Naturally

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Health Warnings: Don’t Take These If You Have High Blood Pressure

Everyone talks a lot about high blood pressure, but do you really know what does it mean if you have high blood pressure, what can happen if you have high blood pressure, and what surprising everyday health habit may actually make it worse?

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without ExpensiveMedication

Everyone talks a lot about high blood pressure, but do you really know what does it mean if you have high blood pressure, what can happen if you have high blood pressure, and what surprising everyday health habit may actually make it worse?

What Does It Mean If You Have High Blood Pressure?

According to Mayo Clinic, high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition in which the force of the blood against your artery walls is high enough that it may eventually cause health problems, such as heart disease.

Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher your blood pressure.

What Can Happen If You Have High Blood Pressure?

Again, if the force of blood against your artery walls is high enough, it can eventually lead to health problems. Mayo Clinic experts say that just some of the conditions connected to high blood pressure include:

• Aneurysm
• Stroke
• Heart Failure
• Dementia,
• Kidney Failure
• Nerve Damage

According to Mayo Clinic, you can have high blood pressure (hypertension) for years without any symptoms. However, hypertension can damage various parts of your body, including blood vessels and your heart – all without symptoms.

The Surprising Thing That Can Make Hypertension Worse

According to Mayo Clinic, if you have high blood pressure, you need to re-think the supplements you’re taking.


While supplements may be labelled “natural” and don’t generally need a prescription, they can affect the body in many ways. Supplements can interact with medications, change the body ‘s metabolism and cause side effects.

If you have high blood pressure, supplements on your caution list should include:

·         St. John ‘s wort: Used to treat depression, St. John ‘s wort speeds up the metabolism of a number of medications. The blood pressure medication you take could be metabolized so quickly that it loses its effectiveness. The result could be an increase in blood pressure.

·         Echinacea: Although echinacea is considered helpful for reducing cold and flu symptoms, some evidence indicates that it also changes how medications are metabolized and should be avoided.

·         Ginseng: Preliminary evidence suggests that ginseng may lower blood sugar, decrease fatigue or boost the immune system. It also may raise or lower blood pressure. Ginseng is best avoided by patients with high or low blood pressure concerns.

·         Ephedra: This herb contains certain chemical compounds called ephedrine, which is a type of alkaloid. This herb is known to stimulate both the nervous system and the endocrine system causing blood pressure to rise.

·         Licorice: In high doses, licorice has been shown to cause both an increase in blood pressure as well as a decrease in the level of the vital mineral, potassium.

Other spices known to spike high blood pressure include: Aniseed, Capsicum, Parsley, Bayberry and Coltsfoot.

Note that many of these herbs are only a problem if you’re taking blood pressure medications. So, your goal should be to lower your blood pressure naturally, and get off these medications.

Before taking any supplement, it’s always advisable to talk with your doctor about how the supplement may affect you if you have high blood pressure.

Watch these 2 videos below

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on Control High Blood Pressure Naturally

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

These 2 Common Ingredients Cut Blood Pressure by Half

Now this may go against everything you’ve ever heard about how to cut blood pressure. In fact, this may prove that you are right all along and the doctors and other “health experts” were leading you the wrong way, telling you to cut down on these 2 common ingredients.

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without ExpensiveMedication

Now this may go against everything you’ve ever heard about how to cut blood pressure.

In fact, this may prove that you are right all along and the doctors and other “health experts” were leading you the wrong way, telling you to cut down on this one ingredient.

Because according to a new study published in the American Journal of Hypertension, doubling up on this one ingredient actually help to cut blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart attack in half.

You’ve probably heard of the Paleo diet (sometimes called the caveman diet) as super effective for losing weight.

Many people have achieved amazing results from following it.

But there is a bonus; according to research conducted by a team from Boston University, this diet is also a great way to bring your blood pressure down.

Now the secret lies in the main component of the diet – proteins.

The researchers tracked the blood pressure readings of 1361 participants over a period of 11.3 years.

In this period, they found that those who consumed the largest amount of proteins (about 102 grams every day) had consistently low blood pressure readings compared to those who consumed the least amount of proteins (about 58 grams per day).

There could be many reasons for this. It is possible that those who include high proteins in their diet generally choose a healthy diet which is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Also, when you consume more proteins, it can make you feel fuller and less likely to snack on high calorie foods – resulting in ideal weight, which in turn benefits the blood pressure.

But that’s not all – proteins also have some direct effects. Certain amino acids like arginine help in dilating blood vessels and cut blood pressure as a result.

To make the high-protein approach even more effective, you should also consume a lot of fiber.

According to the study, those who consumed a diet rich in both protein and fiber had a 51% lower risk of developing heart disease.

This Common Vitamin Can Also Help to Cut Blood Pressure

Natural health experts have known for decades how powerful this particular vitamin is to battle high blood pressure.

The big pharmaceutical companies have, however, used endless resources and influence to trash any study that showed positive effects from this essential vitamin.

Research recently published in the online science journal PLOS One, however, revealed conclusive proof that high blood pressure is caused (and cured) by this one vitamin.

Research on mice recently looked at the connection between high blood pressure and vitamin D. In the two-part study, four groups of mice were given specific diets.

In one part of the study, the mice were given vitamin D-deficient and vitamin D-sufficient diets. In the second part of the study, they were further divided between a high-fat or low-fat diet.

This resulted in the four groups: Vitamin D-deficient, high-fat; vitamin D deficient, low-fat; vitamin D-sufficient, high-fat; and vitamin D sufficient, low-fat.

What the researchers found was that for mice that were in the vitamin D-deficient groups, both high- and low-fat diet, mice developed high blood pressure. It didn’t matter if the diet was high- or low-fat they all became hypertensive.

The mice who were on high- and low-fat diets but were vitamin D-sufficient did not become hypertensive.

What’s more, when the hypertensive mice from the deficient group then received sufficient levels of vitamin D, their blood pressure stabilized and they no longer showed signs of high blood pressure.

Before the study, all researchers had to go on was correlative studies that were criticized by pharmaceutical groups as not having irrefutable proof; this study ends the debate.

But humans are a little bit more complicated than mice. And although taking vitamin D will help manage high blood pressure, it may not be enough.

But if you’re tired of different diets and endless nutritional rules or if you just want to go straight to the most powerful method to lower blood pressure naturally, check out these three easy exercises guaranteed to cut blood pressure down to a healthy level –

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cut Blood Pressure Naturally

Monday, March 12, 2018

6 Most Powerful Herbal Remedies to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Trying to lower blood pressure naturally by, let’s say, 71%, is never easy, but this is not impossible. Read on to find out how.

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without ExpensiveMedication

Not easy: trying to lower blood pressure naturally by, let’s say, 71%.

…Unless you try out the easy, natural remedy for high blood pressure that you can read about in this article.

Actually, we are going to discuss the 6 different herbs and spices can help to lower blood pressure naturally.

Spoiler: one of them is a particular kind of pepper.

1. Coconut water

A small study recently published in the West Indian Medical Journal revealed that drinking coconut water helped 71% of the study participants lower their systolic blood pressure significantly and 29% dropped their diastolic blood pressure numbers significantly.

Coconut water is loaded with potassium, electrolytes and other key nutrients that play an important role in helping to lower blood pressure naturally.

2. Garlic

Apparently, garlic is not just to keep the vampires away…

According to a study conducted by Australian researchers, garlic is an effective way to reduce blood pressure and naturally lower unhealthy cholesterol levels.

This powerful food remedy can be taken fresh or in the form of a supplement. Garlic is a powerful and easy tool to battle high blood pressure.

3. Cacao

Loaded with flavonoids, cacao is an excellent way to lower blood pressure naturally.

As we know, the most common cause of blood pressure is stress.

Raw cacao contains flavanoids and other nutrients that function as adaptogens that help body manage stress, by regulating stress hormones.
This amazing quality of cacao plays a crucial role in helping to lower blood pressure levels.

If you choose a chocolate as your source of flavanoids, choose the one that is at least 75-80% cacao.

4. Raw Almonds

A handful of almonds a day keeps blood pressure levels at bay!

Raw almonds are one of the key foods in the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), and for good reason. These delicious nuts are loaded with monounsaturated fats, which are powerful tools to lower cholesterol levels, decrease inflammation and fight high blood pressure.

5. Cayenne pepper

This spice does miracles when it comes to its blood pressure lowering abilities!

The scientific evidence shows that cayenne pepper is a powerful vasodilator, meaning that it helps improve blood flow by expanding the blood vessels.

This quality helps to reduce or lower blood pressure naturally as the rate of blood flow passing through the circulatory system is increased, taking pressure off arterial walls.

You can mix two teaspoons of cayenne pepper powder (found in most supermarkets) with warm water, tea, or juice, and drink it daily. If the taste is too spicy for you, try it in the form of a supplement (look for it in your nearest health food store).

6. Turmeric

Talking about super-foods (or super-spices in this case), turmeric (or curcumin) definitely fits the description!

This amazing herb has drawn the attention of scientists with its powerful ability to decrease inflammation throughout the body.

By decreasing inflammation, turmeric helps improve healthy blood flow, loosen up blood vessels and remove plaque build-up, all leading to reduced blood pressure levels.

This herb also works as a powerful blood thinner, another quality that helps to lower blood pressure naturally.

Add this powerful and delicious spice to sauces, soups or veggie dishes you make, or choose it in the form of a supplement.

But just this spice – while highly effective – isn’t going to lower your blood pressure down to normal. But lowering your blood pressure down to where it should be doesn’t have to be hard…

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Friday, March 9, 2018

Cut Stroke Risk 40% By Eating This Delicious Snack

If you could take a magic pill, that caused absolutely no side effects, that can cut stroke risk and heart attack in half, wouldn’t you take it? Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without Expensive Medication

If you could take a magic pill, that caused absolutely no side effects, that can cut stroke risk and heart attack in half, wouldn’t you take it?

How about if there is one small, delicious snack that has the same effects?

You can find this snack in every supermarket and you probably already have it in your kitchen. Isn’t that easily worth to help you cut stroke risk and save your life?

And just to set the record straight, this snack was proven more effective than any cholesterol or blood pressure drug in a recent study recently conducted by Oxford University.

Mom was right all along! Fruits and fresh, leafy vegetables are good for you.

And it took a study spanning seven years conducted on half a million people to prove mom right. It involved 451,681 people with no previous history of cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study.

The participants were divided into five groups based on their fruit-eating habits – Daily, 4-6 days a week, 1-3 days per week, monthly and never.

About 18 percent of the participants ate fruits every day, while at the other end of the spectrum about 6.3 percent of participants never ate fruits at all.

Over the course of 7 years, 19,300 heart attack cases and 19,689 cases of stroke were recorded.

Those who ate fruits daily, compared to those who never ate fruits, had a 15% lesser risk of developing overall cardiovascular diseases.

But when it came to how this can cut stroke risk, the numbers were stunning. Those who ate fruits daily cut stroke risk by 40% than those who never or seldom ate fruits.

Better still, people who ate fruits regularly also had 3 points lower blood pressure readings than those who avoided them.

Citrus fruits were discovered to be the best options as they offered the maximum benefits. So make sure you snack on some delicious oranges, mandarins, grape fruits or other citrus if you want to cut stroke risk.

Another study conducted by University College, London revealed that eating about 7 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables daily can cut stroke risk and reduce death by up to 42 percent.

If you aren’t convinced already, this is the time to make fruits and vegetables an essential part of your diet. Next time, push away that bag of chips and take a piece of fruit instead.

But if you already have high blood pressure, changing your diet habits may not be enough to bring it down to a healthy level. Instead, try these 3 easy exercises proven to lower blood pressure – starting today…

Written by Scott Davis. This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on Cut Stroke Risk & Control Blood Pressure Naturally

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The #1 Organ That Causes Chronic High Blood Pressure (and nobody talks about it)

Anybody diagnosed with chronic high blood pressure will find a volley of ideas and thoughts on what factors and organs are responsible for the spike. But there is one organ that nobody ever talks about, not even mentions, when discussing chronic high blood pressure. This organ secretly narrows your arteries and raises your blood pressure. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn How to Control Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without ExpensiveMedication

Anybody diagnosed with chronic high blood pressure will find a volley of ideas and thoughts on what factors and organs are responsible for the spike.

But there is one organ that nobody ever talks about, not even mentions, when discussing chronic high blood pressure. This organ secretly narrows your arteries and raises your blood pressure.

The good news is, when you shed light on this organ, it’s very easy to tackle it and permanently cure high blood pressure – without medication.

A study conducted by researchers from The School of Medicine at University of Maryland, and Ottawa Heart Institute, found an interesting link between our brains and high blood pressure.

In this study, the researchers identified a steroid compound called ouabain, which the brain releases to constrict or dilate the diameter of the arteries throughout the body.

The researchers performed certain experiments on animal models to find this definite link between the release of ouabain in the bloodstream and constriction of arteries.

Obviously, if the brain releases more ouabain, which narrows the arteries, blood pressure rises. Just like there is more pressure when drinking milkshake through a narrow straw than a wide straw.

The most interesting part of this finding is that now we can see our brain has almost complete control over our blood pressure. If we have chronic high blood pressure, it’s because our brain has consciously decided to release ouabain to raise our blood pressure.

So why does the brain make that decision?

The answer is any kind of stress. It can be sensory (traffic noise), emotional (divorce), mental (work task), or physical (workout, disease).

Most of the time this is a temporary stress and your brain raises your blood pressure to deal with an immediate threat or condition (this is healthy).

But at some point, it becomes chronic. It’s like some neural path gets stuck in this stress circle and can’t get out of it.

Obviously, then, the solution for chronic high blood pressure must be to get us out of this circle. Tell the brain to chill out and stop overdosing on ouabain.

This is what I call a Focused Break.

Long before this study came out, I developed 3 easy exercises designed to give your brain and neural system a Focused Break, and therefore permanently lower blood pressure.

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on Control High Blood Pressure Naturally

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Sex warning: Having diabetes could trigger THESE Sexual Problems

Sex warning: Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes sufferers could experience sexual dysfunction from uncontrolled symptoms. Diabetes is one of the fastest growing health conditions in many parts of the world, and affects one in every 16 people. If left untreated or poorly managed it could lead to a number of complications.

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Restore Health by Matt Traverso 

Sex warning: Both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes sufferers could experience sexual dysfunction from uncontrolled symptoms

Diabetes is one of the fastest growing health conditions in many parts of the world, and affects one in every 16 people.

If left untreated or poorly managed it could lead to a number of complications.

These commonly include heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, foot problems and diabetic retinopathy, according to the NHS.

However, there is a lesser-known side-effect of diabetes - sexual dysfunction. This may include a reduced sex drive - or loss of libido - and less pleasure from sex compared to normal.

Sex warning: Over half on men with diabetes may experience issues such as erectile dysfunction

Men with diabetes may have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection during sex - also known as erectile dysfunction

This is where you are prevented from wanting or enjoying sexual activity, and it commonly affects diabetes sufferers.

According to Diabetes UK, it’s because the conditions causes reduced blood flow and loss of sensation in the sexual organs.

Male sufferers may experience problems getting and maintaining an erection, also known as erectile dysfunction.

This is particularly in those who smoke and have nerve or blood vessel damage.

People should be aware signs and symptoms of diabetes are not always obvious and the condition is often diagnosed during GP check-ups.

Sex warning: Up to 25% of women with diabetes may experience vaginal dryness or loss of libido

For some women with diabetes, vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) can be recurrent.

Vaginitis can be brought on by a number of different ways including bacterial imbalance of the vagina (bacterial vaginitis) yeast infections (thrush) or from chemical irritation, such as from soaps or fabric conditioners.

This can make sex painful, and is heralded by itching or burning sensations.

Cystitis can also be a recurrent problem for women with diabetes. Cystitis happens when bacteria outside the body enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to multiply in the bladder.

High levels of sugar in your urine can provide a good environment for bacteria to multiply, so any bacteria that get into the bladder are more likely to cause cystitis.

Cystitis is much more common in women than men, probably because the anus (back passage) is closer to the urethra in women and the urethra is much shorter.

How to Overcome Sexual Problems?

Sexual problems can be disheartening but they needn’t take all the pleasure out of your sex life.

How to work around sexual difficulties if treatment is either not possible or not desired?

Direct treatments are covered within our posts on erectile dysfunction, female sexual dysfunction and low libido.

Loss of sensation

Diabetes can affect our nerves, in the form of neuropathy, and loss of sensation in the penis, clitoris and vagina is possible as well.

Trying out different positions may help to find positions which enhance sensation and therefore make reaching orgasm easier.

Oral sex

Oral sex can be pleasurable to give or receive whether climax is involved or not. Oral sex can be a good option if you’re having unexpected difficulties and can also keep your sex life alive and kicking when sexual dysfunction is a longer term issue.

When climax is unobtainable

Climax may not always be possible for one reason or another. Reasons for having difficulty reaching climax include having loss of sensitivity, psychological issues and having low blood sugar. As we age, we may find it harder to reach climax.

If an orgasm seems unobtainable, switch the focus of your love making either onto pleasuring your partner or in building an intimate sensual bond.

If you can have penetrative sex but cannot orgasm, positions which maximise body to body contact, eye contact and kissing can be sensual and fulfilling without necessarily requiring climax.

Visit the below sites to get more ideas to overcome your sexual problems:

Communicate with your partner

If you are having difficulties, it’s important to let your partner know. If you’re not having as much sex as you used to, chances are that your partner will have recognised even if it hasn’t been mentioned.

If you address the issue, it’ll save your partner from being anxious and having to guess to why you’re not having sex so often.

The communication can help to ease any tension that may be present and may allow you and your partner to re-ignite your sex life in alternative ways.

By Matt Traverso - author of Reverse Diabetes Today. The techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today are simple to implement. It does not require you to buy and use any expensive medicines and treatments. You don’t need to worry about needles any more.

You will find the techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today highly effective and they will change your life style. In simple words, your whole body will get cleansed from the harmful toxins and acids.

Reverse Diabetes Today carries useful info about the diet, which must be used to cure your pancreas. These methods will significantly affect your pancreas in a positive way and it will start producing insulin again like it used to before you got diabetes.  

So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:

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