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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Are Food Labels that Claim No Sugar Added Safe for Diabetes?

Making decisions at the grocery store can be challenging when it comes to understanding food labels that read fat-free, no sugar added or sugar-free and hormone-free. There are dozens of misleading claims hiding on our grocery store shelves.

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Restore Health by Matt Traverso 

Making decisions at the grocery store can be challenging when it comes to understanding food labels that read fat-free, no sugar added or sugar-free and hormone-free.

There are dozens of misleading claims hiding on our grocery store shelves. Take fat-free creamer. Yes, it’s fat-free, but to compensate for lack of flavour, sugar or sugar substitutes are added.

The same for sugar-free items. Fat is added to compensate for lack of sugar like sugar-free Oreos. A regular Oreo has 2 grams of fat, but a sugar-free Oreo has 5 grams of fat.

"No sugar added" food labels doesn't necessarily mean there's no sugar present, University of Toronto researchers say.

Do claims of “no sugar added” and “reduced in sugar” on labels on packaged food and beverage products really mean you’re getting a healthier alternative?

Not so much, researchers at the University of Toronto say. In fact, they may not actually have “notable reductions” in calories, and some may even contain sugar amounts that are considered “excess” by the World Health Organization (WHO).

 “Overall, we found that products with sugar claims were healthier and lower in free sugars, but we also saw examples of products with sugar claims that may conflict with what we know of consumer expectations,” Jodi Bernstein, lead author and PhD student in the department of nutritional sciences, says.

“For example, products with a reduced in sugar claim may not have similar reductions in calories and ‘no added sugar’ claims may be found on products that are high in sugars – contrary to what consumer may expect.”

"Free sugars are the sugars, syrups and fruit juices that have been removed from their naturally occurring sources of whole fruits, vegetables, dairy products and some grains," Bernstein explained.

"And once removed, these sugars are 'free' to be consumed in large quantities and added into foods."

That can lead people to eat more of them, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes.

Upon looking closer, the research team found that almost half of the products examined (48 per cent) had excess free sugar levels.

This, Bernstein says, means they had free sugar levels higher than those recommended by WHO – which is a maximum of 10 per cent of calories consumed.

“A ‘no sugar added’ claim means that no sugar has been ‘added,’ but that doesn’t mean the product wasn’t high in sugars in the first place,” Bernstein clarifies. “Although fruit juice is considered a free sugar, it doesn’t fall under the Canadian definition of an ‘added sugar.’”

According to the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, labels on food products must “be accurate, truthful and not misleading.” Yet, under these same regulations, fruit juices are commonly considered a fruit ingredient and not a sweetener, researchers say.

So in this case, fruit drinks or fruit juice products may still come with a “no sugar added” claim even if they contain excess free sugar.

The researchers found excess free sugar in 15 of the 16 fruit preserves and all of the 234 fruit juices and juice drinks they looked at that came with “no sugar added claims.”

In total, Bernstein and her team looked at over 3,000 products including puddings, yogurts, cereals, fruit drinks, salad dressings and sweet condiments; 635 of those products had at least one sugar claim.

“Canadians are increasingly trying to limit the amount of sugars they eat and only a couple years ago the WHO emerged with guidelines recommending intakes of sugars be limited to reduce the risk of chronic diseases associated with eating too much sugars,” Bernstein says.

“It is particularly important that the tools consumers have available to them on the food label, like sugar claims, help guide them to healthier choices that are lower in sugars.”

Bernstein hopes that consumers recognize the limitations of these claims when choosing pre-packaged foods and beverages.

“Just because a product has a sugar claim doesn’t automatically mean it’s a healthier choice,” she warns.

An earlier study published in March by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill came to similar conclusions with no sugar, low-sodium, non-fat and low-fat claims.

According to researchers, these claims rarely match the actual nutritional quality of the food and would often have a worse nutritional profile than those without such claims.

Whole foods a better approach

Vancouver-based registered dietitian Lindsay Pleskot, who is not affiliated with the research, agreed that claims about "added sugar" and "reduced sugar" can be confusing or misleading for consumers. 

'Just because a product has a sugar claim or fat claim or sodium claim, doesn't mean it's automatically a healthier choice,' says the study's lead author, registered dietitian and PhD candidate Jodi Bernstein. (Jodi Bernstein)

For people struggling to navigate labelling on packaged foods, Pleskot suggested opting for more whole foods — single-ingredient foods like vegetables and fruit — and eating at home more often.

"This way they don't need to worry about being a detective and having to scrutinize packaging," she said.

Pleskot praised the research, saying the findings could be helpful in influencing policy.

That's Bernstein's hope as well. She said regulations could be improved to ensure the claims are meeting consumers' perceptions, and to make sure they're found on foods that are low in sugars and lower in calories and meet overall health criteria.

But in the end, it comes down to what happens in the grocery store.
"Consumers can try to think critically when they see a sugar claim and consider, 'What is the claim really saying?'" Bernstein said.

By Matt Traverso - author of Reverse Diabetes Today. The techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today are simple to implement. It does not require you to buy and use any expensive medicines and treatments. You don’t need to worry about needles any more.

You will find the techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today highly effective and they will change your life style. In simple words, your whole body will get cleansed from the harmful toxins and acids.

Reverse Diabetes Today carries useful info about the diet, which must be used to cure your pancreas. These methods will significantly affect your pancreas in a positive way and it will start producing insulin again like it used to before you got diabetes.   

So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:

Monday, March 5, 2018

You Can Control Blood Sugar Level with Paleo Diet

Want to control blood sugar level? Go Paleo! Paleo Diet is based on the principle that eating non-packaged and fresh produce, like humans did in the paleolithic age, can help ward off all 21st century health issues such as obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, heart problems, etc.

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Restore Health by Matt Traverso 

Want to control blood sugar level? Go Paleo! Paleo diet, also called the Caveman diet or Stone Age diet, is a very popular diet plan that has an almost 100% success rate.

The concept of Paleo diet was first introduced in 1975, but it was after Loren Cordain published The Paleo Diet (2002) that this diet became popular.

Paleo Diet is based on the principle that eating non-packaged and fresh produce, like humans did in the paleolithic age, can help ward off all 21st century health issues such as obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, heart problems, etc.

Moreover, unlike other diets, the Paleo diet emphasizes the importance of following a healthy lifestyle in order to lose weight.

Control blood sugar level with the Paleo diet can be really simple if you understand it properly. So, let’s start with that.

What Is the Paleo Diet All About?

Paleo diet’s concept is simple – eat natural and healthy produce and eliminate processed and unhealthy foods.

This diet will take you to days when there were no GM foods, no hormone-fed meat, and no junk food. You will eat grass-fed meat, fresh vegetables, local fruits, and healthy fats.

The Paleo diet is designed in such a way that it will become a habit to eat only natural foods and you will automatically let go of all your unhealthy eating habits.

Of course, it’s easier said than done because we are so dependent on frozen, processed, and junk food.

Paleo Diet Food to Eat List to Control Blood Sugar Level

Vegetables – Broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, tomato, turnip, parsnips, scallions, onion, carrot, cabbage, sweet potato, okra, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, snake gourd, squash, etc.

Fruits – Berries, watermelon, muskmelon, honeydew melon, grapes, peach, avocado, plum, orange, lime, lemon, grapefruit, apricot etc.

Protein – Chicken, fish, grass-fed meat, eggs, mushroom, tofu, mussels, and shrimps.

Fats & Oils – Olive oil, sunflower butter, flaxseed butter, and coconut oil.

Nuts & Seeds – Flax seeds, chia seeds, almonds, macadamia, pistachios, walnuts, pine nuts etc.

Herbs & Spices – Cumin, coriander, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric, chili powder, paprika powder, oregano, dill, thyme, rosemary, basil, star anise, allspice, mace, nutmeg, saffron, clove, cilantro etc.

Beverages – Coconut water, freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juice, and vegetables and fruit smoothies.

Paleo Diet Foods to Avoid List to Control Blood Sugar Level

Vegetable – Potato

Grains – Eliminate all kinds of grains, as in the Paleolithic age there was no provision for cooking grains.

Protein – Avoid all legumes and grain-fed meat.

Dairy – Avoid all dairy and milk products.

Fats & Oils – Butter, margarine, ghee, and animal fat.

Beverages – Packaged fruit and vegetable juices, soda, diet soda, alcohol in unlimited amounts, buttermilk, and energy drinks.

Why would someone eat a Paleo diet?

Many people who eat paleolithic diets are looking to return to their roots and eat more healthily.

Advocates argue that humans were able to live and thrive on the diet for 40,000 years and that modern lifestyle diseases could be prevented by returning to paleo foods.

People with diabetes can attain several benefits from the paleo diet, improving their health and reducing the risk of developing health complications in later life.

How does a paleo diet work to control blood sugar level?

How does a paleo diet work? Because most foods and ingredients on the diet are low in carbohydrate, the need for insulin is reduced within the body.

This can help to prevent insulin resistance and reduce the risk of developing health problems such as high blood glucose levels and heart disease.

There are no fixed macronutrient ratios on a paleo diet, but paleo diet sources tend to agree that macros should be are around 20% carbs, 30% protein and 50% fat.

There is less need for strict portion control with paleo foods than there is for low-fat diets. However, be mindful not to over-indulge on foods such as fruit, nuts or excessive meat.

Paleo Diet Benefits 

·         You will eat clean by not consuming foods that are loaded with hormones, additives, artificial color, and flavor, etc.
·         Red meat will provide your body with iron.
·         Veggies, fruits, nuts, and oils are anti-inflammatory in nature.
·         You will be more active.
·         You will lose weight slowly but will be able to maintain it for a longer term.

Additional benefits include greater energy levels and improved heart health

However, this diet can have certain disadvantages.

Paleo Diet Disadvantages 

·         This diet is very difficult for vegetarians and vegans as legumes are excluded from this diet.
·         Dairy products are excluded in this diet, which is a good source of calcium.
·         Buying grass-fed meat and organic food can be expensive.
·         Completely avoiding grains can deprive you of certain vitamins and minerals.

By Matt Traverso - author of Reverse Diabetes Today. The techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today are simple to implement. It does not require you to buy and use any expensive medicines and treatments. You don’t need to worry about needles any more.

You will find the techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today highly effective and they will change your life style. In simple words, your whole body will get cleansed from the harmful toxins and acids.

Reverse Diabetes Today carries useful info about the diet, which must be used to cure your pancreas. These methods will significantly affect your pancreas in a positive way and it will start producing insulin again like it used to before you got diabetes.  

So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:

Friday, March 2, 2018

Whole Fruit Vs. Fruit Juice – Which is Good for Diabetes?

This post discusses about why fruit juice is not good for diabetes, the type of whole fruits that are good for diabetes. There is also a video clip on the related topic. Read on to find out more how to eat well if you have diabetes.

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Restore Health by Matt Traverso 

Juicing as a trend has changed the way the world viewed nutrition. Inveterate juicers argued that far from being unhealthy, juicing is a perfectly scientific way to get more out of the fruit. It’s certainly easier to drink a glassful of juice squeezed out of ten oranges than to actually eat ten oranges. You get all the goodness of ten oranges in a single glass.

It is also easier to make your own combinations out of fruit and vegetables to increase the nutritional value of the juice. Juicers also believe that with the fibre already broken down during the juicing process, your body gets to absorb more of vitamins and minerals in the produce.

But this is precisely the reason why juicing is not good for diabetics, because along with the nutrients, the body also ends up absorbing a whole lot of sugar. A study published in the British Medical Journal found out that diabetics can benefit more from the whole fruit rather than from its juice. Juicing can, in fact, be harmful.

The study conducted on 66 105 women found that eating whole fruits like blueberries, grapes and apples is associated with lowered risk of diabetes. Fruit is rich in fibre, antioxidants and phytochemicals, which are extremely good for diabetes.

What's in fruit juice? Why is fruit juice not Good for Diabetes?

Aside from vitamin C and calcium, fruit juice contains:

·         Calories - 250ml glass of unsweetened orange juice typically contains around 100 calories, compared to the 60 calories in an actual orange

·         Fructose (a form of sugar) - half a pint of fruit juice contains more sugar than the World Health Organisation recommends ideally having in a day (30g of sugar for men, 24g for women)

A lack of fibre - juice always contains less fibre than whole fruit and highly processed juices may not contain any fibre

As can be seen here, even if you haven’t sweetened the juice with extra sugar, fruit juices contain a lot of natural sugars. And without the fibre content to slow down the digestion, fruit sugars are absorbed more readily into your system when you have juice. Diabetics who are trying to manage their weight may also suffer from juicing. The excess sugar and the dearth of fibre can cause weight gain instead of weight loss.

So ditch juicing and grab a whole fruit instead. Try eating nutritious whole fruits like apples, pears, grapes and citruses which can not only help you manage your blood sugar levels but also supply you with essential micronutrients.

The Fruits which are Good for Diabetes

Mehar Rajput, Nutritionist at FITPASS and Sonia Narang, Nutritionist and Wellness Expert at Oriflame India, list down the fruits and their hidden benefits which a person suffering from diabetes should eat.

* Pomegranates contain the richest combination of antioxidants thereby, protecting you from free-radicals and chronic diseases. They play an important role in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and resistance, which the body has against insulin.

* Apple is a hypoglycaemic fruit which contains plenty of fibre that is an impeccable ingredient for a diabetic. It also contains the chemical Pectin, that has the capability of reducing blood sugar levels and the requirement of insulin in the body by almost 50%.

* Berries have the capability to break glucose into energy, which reduces the increased glucose levels by a considerable amount. Further, they increase the release of insulin. Thus, regulating glucose levels in the body

* Guava with a low glycaemic index, guava is very rich in dietary fibre that helps ease constipation (a common diabetic complaint) and can lower the chance of developing type-2 diabetes. Guavas are also high in vitamin A and vitamin C.

* Papaya Natural antioxidants in papaya make it a great choice for diabetics. As diabetics are prone to many ailments, like heart or nerve damage caused by irregular blood sugar levels , the diet having papaya can obstruct future cell damage for a better and longer life span.

* Jamun – Its leaves are good for diabetic patients. As it has anti-diabetic features. This helps to convert starch into energy and keep the blood sugar levels in check, it has low glycemic index. It reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thrusting.

* Orange -The glycemic load of an orange is about 5, a low number that indicates that only small rise in blood glucose.Be cautious don’t consume orange juice.

* Amla has a good source of chromium which shows positive effects on the pancreas, where insulin is produced and therefore helps to manage blood sugar levels.

By Matt Traverso - author of Reverse Diabetes Today. The techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today are simple to implement. It does not require you to buy and use any expensive medicines and treatments. You don’t need to worry about needles any more.

You will find the techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today highly effective and they will change your life style. In simple words, your whole body will get cleansed from the harmful toxins and acids.

Reverse Diabetes Today carries useful info about the diet, which must be used to cure your pancreas. These methods will significantly affect your pancreas in a positive way and it will start producing insulin again like it used to before you got diabetes.  

So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Low Carb Diet for Diabetes: What to Eat, Advantages, And Disadvantages

Do you want to lose weight and stay away from killer diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer? Then, you must start being on a low-carb diet.

How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Restore Health by Matt Traverso 

Do you want to lose weight and stay away from killer diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or cancer? Then, you must start being on a low-carb diet.

Many people with diabetes are following a low-carb diet because of its benefits in terms of improving diabetes control, weight loss and being a diet that is satisfying and easy to stick to.

Low carb diets are flexible and can be followed by people with different types of diabetes.

The diet has allowed many people with type 2 diabetes to resolve their diabetes, that is to get their blood sugar levels into a non-diabetic range without the help of medication.

People with type 1 diabetes have also reported much more stable blood sugar levels, making the condition easier to predict and manage.

A low carb diet specifically means a diet

LOW in
·         refined sugar,
·         processed foods,
·         high Glycemic Index foods (foods that can quickly increase blood sugar level),

and HIGH in

·         protein,
·         healthy fats,
·         complex carbs, such as whole grains, veggies, and fruits.

Two of the most popular low-carb diets are the Ketogenic diet and Atkins diet, and many fitness experts swear by them. In this article, you will find a 7-day low-carb diet plan, low-carb recipes, foods to eat and avoid, and much more. But first, let’s see why you should avoid carbs and if all carbs are bad.

Does a Low Carb Diet Work to Reverse Diabetes?

Carbohydrate is the nutrient which has the greatest effect in terms of raising blood sugar levels and requires the most insulin to be taken or be produced by the body. It will also get stored as fat if not use an energy source. Simple carbs (such as refined sugar, cakes, pastry, milk chocolate, etc.) are digested and absorbed quickly, which leads to blood sugar and insulin spikes.

Lowering sugar levels is clearly a benefit for people with diabetes. Lower need for insulin is also particularly useful as lowering insulin in the body can reduce insulin resistance which can help towards reversing type 2 diabetes.

Insulin is also the fat storage hormone in the body, so reducing insulin in the body with a low-carb diet can help with losing weight.

This entire process can be reversed by following a low carb diet. When you consume less simple carbs, your blood glucose levels are in check, and your body starts to become insulin sensitive. This helps keep the metabolism running, prevents fat storage, and protects from obesity-related diseases.

A low-carb diet doesn’t mean you should be completely off carbs. You still need to consume a lot of complex carbs that are found in fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

Complex carbs are digested and absorbed much slowly and hence do not cause sudden blood sugar or insulin spikes. Also, they aid in proper bowel movement, thereby preventing constipation and slow metabolism.

Reducing carbohydrates drastically causes the body to go into a different metabolic state called ketosis, where it burns fat for providing fuel.

Reduction in carbs results in lower insulin levels as the person is getting energy from ketones, little carbon fragments that are created by the breakdown of fat stores. This causes you to feel less hungry and shed excess weight since the body burns fat instead of burning carbohydrates.

Finally, a low-carb diet allows you to eat a lot of proteins and healthy fats that help build lean muscle mass, increase the transition time of the digested food, and help reduce inflammation.

So, below are some low-carb diet tips you need to take note:

·         Consume 5 types of veggies per day.
·         Have 2-3 servings of fruits per day.
·         Consume healthy fats, such as nuts, olive oil, ghee, cheese, etc.
·         Consume lean protein-rich foods, such as tofu, mushroom, legumes, chicken, fish, etc.
·         Do not add sugar to your fruit or vegetable juice.
·         Drink warm milk before going to bed to help you sleep better.
·         Eat your meals at proper intervals (3-4 hours).
·         Consume whole wheat or multigrain bread, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, etc. as they are rich in dietary fiber.
·         Have a cheat day every week to prevent your metabolism from plateauing.
·         Use less salt to prevent water retention in your body.

Now, let me tell you what you can eat and which foods you must avoid while you are on a low-carb diet.

Low Carb Diet Foods to Eat

Vegetables – Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, red cabbage, bell pepper, okra, eggplant, peas, French beans, bottle gourd, ridge gourd, bitter gourd, squash, onion, tomato, cucumber, celery, banana flower, green chili, carrot, beetroot, baby corn, sweet potato, potato with peel, etc.

Fruits – Figs, watermelon, muskmelon, honeydew melon, apple, pear, plum, pluot, pineapple, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, papaya, grapes, orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, tangerine, etc.

Protein – Fish, chicken breast, eggs, lean cuts of pork and beef, mushroom, legumes, tofu, soy chunks, etc.

Dairy – Milk, yogurt, and cheese.

Grains – Brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats, etc.Fats And Oils – Olive oil, rice bran oil, ghee, sunflower butter, peanut butter, and almond butter.

Nuts And Seeds – Almond, walnut, pistachios, macadamia, pine nuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Beverages – Freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juice, coconut water, buttermilk, milk, soy milk, and almond milk.

Herbs and Spices – Ginger, garlic, turmeric, clove, nutmeg, rosemary, cilantro, dill, fennel, fenugreek seeds, asafoetida, cumin seeds, coriander seeds, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, mace, bay leaf, oregano, basil, etc.

Low Carb Diet Foods to Avoid

Vegetables – Potato without the peel.

Fruits – Jackfruit and mango (eat them in minimum amounts).

Protein – Chicken with skin, red meat, sausage, salami, and pepperoni.

Dairy – Low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, flavored yogurt, and flavored milk-based drinks.

Grains – White rice (you may eat white rice provided you eat at least 5 veggies with it).

Fats & Oils – Animal fat, vegetable oil, butter, and margarine.

Beverages – Alcohol, packaged fruit and vegetable juices, soda, and energy drinks.

Others – Candy, sweets, milk chocolate, junk food, salty food, wafers, etc.

So, it’s clear that you should steer clear of foods rich in sugar, salt, and starch. But, merely following a good diet will not help you lose weight.

You also need to be active and keep your mind and body fit to reap the best benefits of a low-calorie diet. Here’s a workout plan for you.

Workout Plan

·         Head tilt – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Neck rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Shoulder rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Arm circles – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Wrist rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Waist rotations – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Ankle rotation – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Spot jogging – 5-7 minutes
·         Jumping jacks – 1 set of 20 reps
·         Sit-ups – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Crunches – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Floater kicks – 2 sets of 10 reps
·         Scissor kicks – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Leg raise – 2 sets of 10 reps
·         Side crunches – 2 sets of 10 reps
·         Russian twist – 2 sets of 20 reps
·         Lunges – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Squat – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Jumping squat – 1 set of 10 reps
·         Burpees – 2 sets of 10 reps
·         Stretch

Remember, you must workout at least three hours per week. You can start by working out every alternate day and then three consecutive days, with two rest days in between. When you are comfortable enough, you must work-out five to six days a week, with one or two rest days.

Working out will keep your metabolism active, create a negative energy balance in your body, improve brain function, and build muscle power and strength.

Like working out, eating healthy yet tasty food is also important so that you don’t drift away from this diet plan. Here are a few low-carb diet recipes for you.

3 Low Carb Diet Recipes

1. Spinach and Mushroom Omelet with Cheese

Prep Time: 10 min  
Cook Time: 7 min  
Total Time: 17 min  
Serves: 2


·         4 eggs
·         ¼ cup chopped onion
·         1 cup baby spinach
·         ½ cup sliced button mushroom
·         ¼ cup chopped tomato
·         ¼ cup grated cheese
·         1 teaspoon chopped green chili
·         2 tablespoons olive oil
·         Salt to taste How To Prepare
·         Whisk together eggs, onion, tomato, spinach, mushroom, green chili, and salt.
·         Heat olive oil in a pan and pour the whisked egg. Spread it evenly and let it cook for about 3-4 minutes.
·         Flip the egg over and cook for 2 minutes.
·         Flip it over again and add the grated cheese and fold the egg. Cook for a minute, and it’s ready!

2. Soy Milk, Chia, And Strawberry Smoothie

Prep Time: 5 min  
Cook Time: 2 min  
Total Time: 7 min  
Serves: 2


·         2 cups soy milk
·         6 tablespoons chia seeds
·         1 cup washed and halved strawberries
·         ½ teaspoon organic honey
·         3-4 chopped dates How To Prepare
·         Toss the strawberries, dates, and soy milk into a blender and whizz it.
·         Pour it into a glass and add honey and chia seeds.
·         Stir well before drinking.

3. Mushroom Clear Soup

Prep Time: 15 min  
Cook Time: 15 min  
Total Time: 30 min  
Serves: 2


·         1 cup sliced button mushrooms
·         ¼ cup chopped onion
·         ½ teaspoon minced garlic
·         ¼ teaspoon grated ginger
·         ½ cup chopped carrot
·         ¼ cup sweet corn
·         1 cup blanched spinach
·         ½ cup chopped celery
·         ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
·         2 teaspoons olive oil
·         Salt to taste  How To Prepare
·         Heat oil in a soup pot and add the minced garlic. Cook until it turns brown.
·         Add the onions and cook for a minute.
·         Add the ginger and cook for about 30 seconds.
·         Add all the veggies, mushroom, salt, and pepper. Stir and cook for about a minute.
·         Add two cups of water and cover the lid. Cook for about 10-12 minutes.
·         Serve hot.

Let me tell you what benefits you can reap if you follow a diet that is low in carbs.

Low Carb Diet Benefits

·         A low-carb diet aids weight loss.
·         It helps fight cancer.
·         It reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome like diabetes.
·         It helps regulate the blood sugar levels.
·         It improves cognitive functions.
·         It helps boost metabolism.
·         It improves insulin sensitivity.
·         A low-carb diet reduces the risk of hypertension.

A low-carb diet can do a lot good, but it has temporary side effects. Let’s find out what they are.

What side effects exist on a low carb diet?

Side effects that can be commonly experienced on a low carb diet include:

·         Fatigue
·         Brain fog
·         Mood swings
·         Temporary insomnia
·         Headaches
·         Constipation
·         Possible nutrient deficiencies

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) may occur if you take insulin or tablets that can cause low blood sugar. If you take medications that can cause hypos, it’s particularly important to discuss precautions to prevent hypos before starting a low carb diet.

To conclude, a low-carb diet is good for you – provided you consume good carbs along with lean protein and healthy fats. The key is to strike the right balance of different food groups that are apt for your body.

So, consult your doctor or dietician today and start following a customized low-carb diet plan. You will see results in just a few days’ time. Good luck!

By Matt Traverso - author of Reverse Diabetes Today. The techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today are simple to implement. It does not require you to buy and use any expensive medicines and treatments. You don’t need to worry about needles any more.

You will find the techniques and methods explained in Reverse Diabetes Today highly effective and they will change your life style. In simple words, your whole body will get cleansed from the harmful toxins and acids.

Reverse Diabetes Today carries useful info about the diet, which must be used to cure your pancreas. These methods will significantly affect your pancreas in a positive way and it will start producing insulin again like it used to before you got diabetes.  

So if you want to find out more about this, then just visit this link now:

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