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Monday, January 29, 2018

3 Quick Relief Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

If you are looking for some quick relief remedies for hot flashes and night sweats, read on here to find out more. There is also a video clip about some remedies for hot flashes and night sweats.

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If you are looking for some quick relief remedies for hot flashes and night sweats, read on here to find out more. There is also a video clip about some remedies for hot flashes and night sweats.

Are you familiar with the feeling of dread you get when you’re body starts to feel warm and flush? Because you know what comes next- the discomfort of the unrelenting heat from another nasty hot flash.

Or maybe you’re not even aware that it’s happening, in which case maybe you dread waking up to find your clothes and sheets absolutely soaked in sweat, and then endure horrible chills while everything dries off?

Hot flashes and night sweats are some of the frustrating things to get relief from, since your body basically decided your fate when it mistakenly told your brain you were overheating (a very simplified way of putting it.)

While hormones contribute greatly to hot flashes-hence why they are so common during menopause-other things can cause them as well. I’ve experienced them as side effects from medications, but stress and even some food and drinks can bring them on.

While identifying the cause is important to ultimately remedying your hot flashes and/or night sweats, these quick relief recipes will help cool you down right away.

Tip: Keep a fan on you if you suffer night sweats. Also direct a fan at yourself or stand in front of the A.C. for an extra cool down when using the spray.

Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats #Tip 1 - Plain Ol’ Peppermint Spray

It seems so plain. Peppermint is refreshing for obvious reasons-it helps cool you almost instantly and the coolness lasts for a while. It’s one of the best, most immediate, forms of relief from a hot flash in my opinion.

How does it work? All thanks to menthol. Our body can tell when there is something hot or cold, but peppermint isn’t cold temperature wise at all. So why does it cool us down?

A protein in menthol activates the same receptor on nerve endings that also sense cold. So it triggers a message to the brain that says “you’re feeling cold.” And your nervous system responds accordingly.

So, really, this isn’t such a plain spray. It’s a very clever one, one that will help you cool down fast. It doesn’t actually change your temperature, but that makes no difference in the relief it will bring.

Some people who use this recipe opt not to use the neutral carrier oil for fear of it leaving a stain, and use only witch hazel. I have not had any issues, but it is an option (albeit not the one I’d recommend.)

The witch hazel speeds evaporation and many people find it adds its own touch of cool freshness so it’s added for that more than as a carrier.

Alcohol can dilute essential oils, but the alcohol in witch hazel is not of a high enough proof to do the job. If you opt to leave out the carrier oil, be sure to test a spritz on a small patch of skin before using.

You will need…

-6 tablespoons of witch hazel
-1-6 drops peppermint oil
-1 tablespoon of grapeseed (or another neutral oil)
-Aloe (optional)


First, always shake well before using! Also, start with only a drop or two of peppermint at a time and test your tolerance. It’s strong stuff, especially if you don’t add in a “true” carrier that dilutes it.

Put the oils and witch hazel in a mister bottle. Ideally one that is dark glass and has the spritzer top to it! Shake well and store in cool place out of direct sunlight. Apply as needed, and for maximum effect, have a fan going. Shake before every use.

If you find the spray drying to your skin, apply some high quality, natural aloe after using it.

Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats #Tip 2 - Eucalyptus Cold Compress

Eucalyptus provides similar benefits to peppermint, but on a lesser scale, and with much less intensity. This doesn’t mean it’s not effective, but if you’re sensitive to the strong smell of peppermint, eucalyptus is a great option (and can be used as a substitute in recipe above.)

Keep this cooling compress on hand so you don’t need to wait for relief by freezing them (but put them in a bag so your whole freezer doesn’t smell like eucalyptus!) or just whip it up on the spot.

You will need…

-A medium sized bowl
-2 tablespoons of grapeseed or any other neutral oil
-1-4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
-A clean towel about dishcloth sized


Mix your oils together well and pour them into your bowl. Toss in a generous amount of ice, and top it off with cold water. Let it chill for a good 3-5 minutes, then soak the towel in the water-make sure to really swirl it around to churn up the essential oils.

Wring it out and place it across your forehead, the back of your neck, on your chest-or really any place that you feel needs it most.

Below is a tip for finding the best cooling spots (aka pulse points.) If the towel feels like it’s no longer cooling you down, simply dunk it again and repeat!

What’s up with the pulse?

The places where you can feel your pulse most strongly, pulse points, are areas where your blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin. Because the blood is so close, it can also be cooled quickly. This cooler blood then gets pumped back through your body, lowering your overall body temperature.

These points can be palpitated anywhere there is an artery that can be compressed near the surface of the body. Get familiar with your pulse, and you’ll know the quickest ways to cooling off.

Some common ones to keep in mind are-

Brachial artery-on the inside of your elbow
Femoral artery-at the groin
Radial artery-at the wrist
Carotid artery-at the neck

Play around and see what works best for you. What works for one person may not work for you, and vice versa. Get to know your body, get familiar with what may trigger your hot flashes (e.g. spicy foods or stress), and add in prevention as much as possible. And I’ll re-iterate once again that a fan when combined with the peppermint spray truly is wonderful.

Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats #Tip 3 -  Chill Your Feet (and check your pulse)

This is something that I generally avoid-my hands and feet tend to be chilly enough as it is. But in the midst of a hot flash, a quick cool down is what matters most to me.

There are pulse points on the tops of your feet (this is the dorsalis pedis artery), and on the sides of your ankles, just below the ankle bone (your posterior tibial artery).

Because the blood is so close to the surface of the skin, it cools down quicker. This cooler blood then gets pumped throughout the body, eventually lowering you overall core temperature.

When you start to feel the flush coming on, plunging your feet into a bowl of icy cold up the ankles can help you fend off the heat.

You will need…

-A bowl or shallow tub for your feet
-Cold water, preferably with ice
-A clean soft towel


Fill your tub with cold water and ice, and soak your feet. You can use the cool compress (above) simultaneously on any of your other pulse points as well. This makes for a super effective combo!

Why No Clary Sage as One of the Remedies for Hot Flashes and Night Sweats?

It’s the essential oil most often touted as helping to “balance hormones.” It is said to be estrogenic, that is, it acts like estrogen or possibly induces the body to make more, thus balancing out your estrogen levels and lessening the hot flashes.

Clary sage has a component called sclareol, which is structured in a similar way to estrogen. The thinking goes that because it has a similar structure, sclareol has estrogenic action. But action simply means that it has the ability to bind to an estrogen receptor.

What it does there is a whole other story. It could possibly even block and decrease estrogen, which wouldn’t be helpful at all. There just aren’t enough specific studies that document how it actually acts for me to say it’s truly balancing your hormones.

However! That being said, that doesn’t mean clary sage isn’t helpful for dealing with PMS/cramps/hot flashes. Many people find it extremely helpful and get great relief from it-so if you want to use it, go for it!

Just know that whatever mechanism brings about the relief probably isn’t from “balancing hormones” that you’ll see blaring everywhere. There have been studies that show it reduces cortisol levels when inhaled, which would lower stress, which can contribute to things like hot flashes. It’s a lovely oil and effective for many people, so again, don’t hold back!

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It’s a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Alkaline Diet - How Can Alkaline Diet Transform Your Health

Are you looking for ways and ideas to improve your health by way of healthy eating? Have you heard about alkaline diet? Read on to know all about alkaline diet and how it can improve your health.

Are you looking for ways and ideas to improve your health by way of healthy eating? Have you heard about alkaline diet? Read on to know all about alkaline diet and how it can improve your health.

The diet of our ancestors is completely different from what we are so accustomed to these days. With the advancement of technology, the types of foods we consume are dragged along.

A trip to the grocery store will shock you with aisles and aisles of processed food items and animal products. You will not have a hard time finding fast food when eating out as practically every corner of the street has one.

Even fad diets are partly to blame, for introducing a whole new eating habit, such as high-protein diets. In the recent years, consumption of animal products and refined food items has increased, as more and more people leave out the daily supply of fruits and vegetables in their diet.

It comes as no surprise why, these days, many are suffering from different types of allergies, bone diseases, heart problems and many others. Some health experts link these diseases to the type of foods we eat.

There are certain types of food that disrupts a certain balance in our body that, during such instance, health problems arise. If only we could modify our eating habits, it’s not unlikely that prevention of diseases and restoration of health is achieved.

The Importance of Alkaline

Our bodies need to maintain a healthy and steady alkaline to acid ratio, which is signified by the pH level of our body. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, and anything lower than 7 is considered acidic.

Processed food items, meat and meat products, sweets, and some beverages and condiments generally produce excessive amounts of acidity in the body.

Acidosis, abnormally high acidity level in the blood and other tissues of the body, is the one thing that several different diseases have one thing in common. And many health experts believe that acidosis is responsible for a lot of fatal diseases that many people are afflicted with these days.

Alkaline, on the other hand, naturally occurs in the body to neutralize excess acidity in the body, which is its main role. However, alkaline also becomes depleted at times – especially when there’s too much acid it needs to get rid of, and we do not consume foods that replenish our body’s alkalinity.

Maintaining a Healthy pH Level

As mentioned earlier, acidosis leads to many health-related problems. Dangerous levels of acid get to circulate in our body and break into tissues and organs when not properly neutralized.

To prevent this, one must see to it that a healthy pH balance in the body is maintained. And to offset the excessive amounts of acid is to increase your body’s alkalinity.

Determining whether or not your pH levels are prevalently alkaline may be done with easy-to-use pH level strips which you can purchase in drug stores or medical supplies stores. There are pH level strips meant for testing using your saliva, and there are those for using your urine.

Basically, a saliva pH level strip will determine how much acid your body is producing; normally it’s between 6.5 and 7.5 throughout the day. While a urine pH level strip will tell how well you excrete excess amounts of acid; you should get between 6.0 and 6.5 in the morning and between 6.5 and 7.0 at night.

The Dangers of Excessive Acid

If you constantly experience exhaustion, headaches and having frequent colds and flu, then that could be it – you have high acid levels in your body.

But the ill effects of acidosis in the body don’t stop there; you might be surprised at the wide-ranging types of diseases you could get with dangerous levels of acid in your body.

Depression, hyperacidity, ulcer, skin dryness, acne and obesity are some of those linked to excessive acid levels in the body. Then there are those that are more serious such as joint diseases, osteoporosis, bronchitis, frequent infections and heart diseases.

Even if you begin to take medications for these illnesses, the symptoms may be masked, but they will still continue to affect your health as you are not attacking them from their roots. No matter what medications you take – pills, anti-inflammatory and the like – your body will only become more acidic because of these medications.

Alkaline Diet Approach

To get to the roots of these health problems, the body’s pH level must be brought back to normal. There are alkaline foods that can help replenish the depleted alkaline levels in the body while neutralizing excess amounts of acid. Through an alkaline diet, sufficient amounts of alkaline are re-introduced into the body, thus bringing back the pH level to predominantly alkaline.

So how do you incorporate an alkaline diet into your eating habits?

First, you can start by cutting down your intake of processed foods. These type of foods contain chemicals that only increase the acidity of your body ones they’re digested.

Second, steer clear of meat and meat products, dairies and alcohol. Third, load up on fresh fruits and vegetables, as they naturally are high in alkalinity.

Even acidic fruits like oranges and lemons become alkaline after they have been digested and absorbed by the body.

As a general rule, 75% of your daily food consumption should consist of alkalizing foods. The more alkaline foods we provide our bodies with, the more efficient the neutralization of excess acids will be.

To Discover how you can kick start alkaline diet at Emma Deangela's site CLICK HERE to Kick Start Your Alkaline Diet

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Here Is Everything You Need to Know about Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are narrow streaks or lines that develop on the surface of the skin. Read on here to learn about everything you need to know about stretch marks and a video clip on how to get rid of stretch marks naturally.

CLICK HERE to Find How You Can Erase Your Stretch Marks for Good

Stretch marks are narrow streaks or lines that develop on the surface of the skin.

They are often referred to by doctors as Stria or Striae and Striae Gravidarum during pregnancy. The areas of the body most often affected by stretch marks are the abdomen (tummy), buttocks, and thighs.

They develop when the the skin is stretched suddenly and the middle layer of your skin (the dermis) breaks in places, allowing the deeper layers to show through. The dermis can be stretched:

·         during pregnancy
·         as a result of weight gain
·         due to growth spurts during puberty

Stretch marks are often red or purple to start with and will gradually fade to a silvery-white color. They are usually long and thin. Read more about the characteristics of stretch marks.

Can I get rid of stretch marks?

Most stretch marks are not particularly noticeable and will fade over time. If you have stretch marks that are unsightly or which affect a large area of your body, there are treatments available. Creams, gels or lotions, laser surgery and cosmetic surgery are all used to treat stretch marks.

However, there is little in the way of medical evidence to show that these treatments are effective, so it's important to be realistic about what they can achieve. Also, laser treatment and cosmetic surgery are not available on the NHS, so treatment can be expensive.

You should see your GP if your stretch marks do not seem to be linked to weight gain or growth because they might be a sign of another condition. In rare cases, stretch marks can be a caused by conditions such as Cushing’s syndrome or Marfan syndrome.

Preventing stretch marks

In some situations, such as during pregnancy, it isn't possible to prevent stretch marks. However, controlling your weight and looking after your skin can reduce your risk of developing them.

Stretch marks are very common and cannot be prevented altogether. However, the following advice may help reduce your risk of developing stretch marks.

Healthy weight

Gaining weight rapidly over a short period of time is one of the most common causes of stretch marks. Diets that cause your weight to quickly go up and down can cause stretch marks to develop because your skin is stretched by the sudden increases and decreases in your size.

Therefore, avoiding rapid weight gain and weight loss can help prevent stretch marks from occurring.

If you need to lose weight, you should do it slowly by eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting plenty of regular exercise. You should not lose more than 0.5kg (1lb) a week.


Massaging your skin every day with moisturizer or a massage glove can help improve your circulation and encourage new tissue growth. It is also important to eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin E, vitamin C, and the minerals zinc and silicon. These vitamins and minerals will help keep your skin healthy.

During pregnancy

Stretch marks that develop during pregnancy are usually due to hormonal changes that affect your skin. However, gaining pregnancy weight steadily may help minimize the effect of stretch marks.

During pregnancy, it is normal for a woman to put on weight over a relatively short period of time. However, it is a myth that you need to 'eat for two', even if you are expecting twins or triplets.

You do not need to go on a special diet if you are pregnant, but you should eat a variety of different foods every day to get the right balance of nutrients for you and your baby. Your diet should be rich in whole wheat carbohydrates, such as bread and pasta, as well as fruit and vegetables.

During pregnancy, your weight gain should be slow and gradual. The amount of weight you put on will depend on the weight you were before you became pregnant. It is normal to gain 1-2kg (2.2-4.4lb) over the first 12 weeks of your pregnancy.

As a rough guide, during pregnancy, women who are:

·         underweight (have a BMI of less than 18.5) should gain 12.7-18.1kg (28-40lb)

·         a normal weight (have a BMI of 18.5-24.9) should gain 11.3-15.9kg (25-35lb)

·         overweight (have a BMI of more than 25) should gain 6.8-11.3kg (15-25lb)

·         Obese (have a BMI of more than 30) should gain 5-9.1kg (11-20lb).

Speak to your GP, midwife, or health visitor if you are worried you are not gaining weight at a healthy rate, or if you are concerned about your stretch marks.

By Justin E King, author of the Erase Your Stretch Marks program. This program will teach you the natural ways to treat your stretch marks, how to minimize them, how to get rid of them by using some homemade cream recipes and nutritional guidelines. For more information about this program, CLICK HERE to Find Out How to Remove Stretch Marks.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Sagging skin? Turkey neck? These treatments may help tighten your loose skin.

Along with lines and wrinkles, sagging skin is one of the most common age-related cosmetic concerns among both men and women. Revealing here are some treatments that may help to tighten your loose skin.

CLICK HERE to Learn about The Best Facial Yoga Toning System to Look Younger

Along with lines and wrinkles, sagging skin is one of the most common age-related cosmetic concerns among both men and women.

There are many reasons that skin ages and sags, but sun exposure contributes the most. Sagging skin can be particularly challenging to treat using topical products alone.

Fortunately, there are now a variety of different professional skin-tightening treatment options that don’t require a surgical procedure to help you achieve a smoother, tighter and more youthful look.

Ultrasound Technology

Ultrasound technology has long been used in the medical field, but is now widely used in nonsurgical skin tightening. Ultherapy is an FDA-cleared device that utilizes ultrasound energy to heat the skin to stimulate your own production of collagen, a key protein involved in maintaining firm, youthful skin.

Ultherapy has been shown to lift and tighten loose neck and chin skin, sometimes referred to as a “turkey neck,” as well as smooth away the lines and wrinkles in other areas of the face and upper chest.

Radiofrequency Technology

Radiofrequency waves also heat and tighten loose or sagging skin. This method works similarly to ultrasound technology, in that it uses heat to stimulate the production of important proteins within the skin.

There are many radiofrequency devices used to tighten the skin such as venus legacy, Velashape and Thermage. The device that is chosen depends on the area of the body and if there are areas of unwanted fat. For example, Velashape tightens the skin and smooths the appearance of cellulite, while Thermage only tightens the skin.

Both ultrasound and radiofrequency skin tightening may take several months to produce their full results, but you should be able to enjoy noticeably tighter skin for up to three years.

Which Is Right for You?

The best way to decide which nonsurgical skin-tightening option is best for you is to talk to an experienced doctor. Your schedule and pain tolerance are important factors to take into account.

Ultherapy, for example, requires one to two treatments spaced three months apart. Ultherapy uses intense heat, which many find uncomfortable, so most patients choose to take a medication to relax them during the procedure. Patients who like hot showers tend to tolerate Ultherapy better than those who hate the feeling of heat.

Venus Legacy uses less heat but requires one treatment every week for six to eight weeks. Although there are many similarities among these treatments, your unique skin type, condition and goals will factor into your dermatologist’s recommendation for the most effective approach for sagging skin. In some cases, two or more different treatment options can be combined to help you get the desired outcome.

No matter which option(s) you and your doctor choose, it can be helpful to pair the right topical ingredients with your skin-tightening treatments to enhance your results. Topical retinol and a properly formulated vitamin C serum boost collagen production and help these machines work even better.

Watch these videos –

For more ideas to look younger, look no further than Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program. From this program, you will learn

·         How to eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.
·         Easy facial yoga routines for tightening and lifting sagging face and neck skin
·         Methods to treat unsightly eye bags, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.
·         How to use yoga to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better looking

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

5 Myths and Facts About Your Sagging Face

For most of us, our jangly jowls and hanging cheeks are a source of chagrin as we age. Here, five myths and facts about sagging face, plus ways to stop the droop

CLICK HERE to Learn about The Best Facial Yoga Toning System to Look Younger

Let’s face it: Sagging’s only cute if you’re a Shar-Pei dog.

For most of us, our jangly jowls and hanging cheeks are a source of chagrin as we age. Here, five myths and facts about sagging face, plus ways to stop the droop:

Sagging Face Myth #1 - Running causes your face to sag

FALSE. Sagging skin is due to two age-related reasons: loss of collagen, which gives skin its elasticity, and loss of facial fat, the absence of which causes skin to droop.

While your whole body bounces up and down while you’re jogging, it is highly unlikely that you’re jostling around enough to damage collagen, points out Las Vegas-based plastic surgeon Michael Edwards, MD, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

A more likely cause? Long hours exercising outdoors equals more UV exposure, which over time breaks collagen down. Make sure you slather up with plenty of sunscreen before venturing outside, even in colder weather.

Sagging Face Myth #2 - Sleeping on your stomach causes sagging

FALSE. Your sleep position won’t actually cause sagging, but it can lead to sleep wrinkles: those creases and fine lines you see each AM in your bathroom mirror. They’re caused by your pillow tugging at delicate facial skin as you sleep.

When you’re younger, it is not an issue, as fresh, elastic skin bounces back easily, but as you age, skin becomes less resilient and can settle into these lines. Your best way to avoid this is to sleep on your back, says Dr. Edwards.

Some studies have found sleepers switch positions 11 times a night on average. But if you’re a die-hard tummy sleeper or flip flop through the night. you can try the Juverest, a so-called sleep wrinkle pillow.

This specially formulated pillow has a head cradle to encourage back sleep and graded steps to minimize contact between your face and the pillow if you do roll over onto your side.

Sagging Face Myth #3 - You can do facial exercises to reduce skin sagging

TRUE! But with a catch. They increase the size of facial muscles, which, while theoretically taking away some of the slacking skin, also causes expression lines, points out Dr. Edwards.

So while a few workout moves might help relieve basset hound-like eyes, they'll probably also worsen crow’s feet. If you're not opposed to getting some help from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, you may get better results from Botox.

Sagging Face Myth #4 - Weight loss causes skin sagging  

TRUE. When you gain weight, the skin on your face stretches to go along with your extra padding, just like it does everywhere else. But if you’ve finally lost it, you may notice that you’re sporting under eye bags and a slack jaw.

As you age and your skin loses elasticity, when you stretch it out it won’t bounce back the same way it did when you were younger, explains Dr. Edwards. But don’t despair: products like Retin-A can help, as can injectable fillers such as Voluma.

Sagging Face Myth #5 - There are products that may help fight sagging skin

TRUE. You can slow down the sag from the outside in: Try topical products like over-the-counter retinols or prescription retinoids, which boost collagen production, and vitamin C serums, which help restore elasticity, advises Dr. Edwards.

In one study, a daily supplement of pycnogenol, a French pine bark extract, increased skin elasticity and hydration and increased production of hyaluronic acid, a skin plumping ingredient, by 44%, according to a 2012 German study (which was funded by the maker of the raw material used in the supplements).

Watch these videos –

For more ideas to look younger, look no further than Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program. From this program, you will learn

·         How to eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.
·         Easy facial yoga routines for tightening and lifting sagging face and neck skin
·         Methods to treat unsightly eye bags, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.
·         How to use yoga to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better looking

Thursday, January 18, 2018

20 Clear Skin Tips to Get Rid of Acne

It can take years — and dozens of trips to the dermatologist — to discover how to get rid of acne effectively on your unique skin. But here, we've pretty much made it our life mission to figure out the best tips from the pros who have seen it all and won't recommend it unless it's backed up by experience and science.

CLICK HERE to Learn about The Best Facial Yoga Toning System to Look Younger

When it comes to skin care, we're not usually ones for hard and fast rules. Everyone has unique facial features, skin tones, lifestyles and genetic histories that make it impossible to have a single piece of advice be "one size fits all."

It can take years — and dozens of trips to the dermatologist — to discover how to get rid of acne effectively on your unique skin. But here, we've pretty much made it our life mission to figure out the best tips from the pros who have seen it all and won't recommend it unless it's backed up by experience and science.

Ahead, we rounded up the best advice on how to get clear skin from top dermatologists. Read on for our favorite ways to get your skin to look and feel its best.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 1 - Wash Your Face Daily

The first and most important rule isn't ground-breaking: remember to wash your face! Cleansing and treating your skin twice a day is the best way to keep breakouts away.

For those emergencies when you're just too tired to wash your face, keep a stash of face wipes in the drawer of your nightstand. This way if you get home super late and don’t feel like going all the way to the sink, you can still stick go to bed with clean skin!

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 2 - Use the Right Cleanser

Buying a generic acne wash won’t necessarily improve your complexion; for a cleanser to be most effective, you have to pay attention to your skin’s needs and pick the ingredients accordingly.

If your skin tends to be oily, choose products with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or glycolic acid. For sensitive skin, look for cleansers with lactic acid or hydrating ingredients like glycerin, which aren’t as drying as those made for oilier types.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 3 - Don't Over-Exfoliate

Scrubbing your face raw with grainy cleansers and exfoliating products can do more harm than good. When done too often, it can make redness, inflammation, and irritation worse.

 “Exfoliating a pimple can pull away healthy skin cells and create an open wound and higher risk for scarring,” says Jessica Weiser, MD, from New York Dermatology Group. “Exfoliation should be done with caution, and not more than 2-3 times a week maximum.”

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 4 - Regularly Change Your Face Towel

When you think about it, consistently reaching for your go-to face towel every day is like reusing a dinner napkin over and over again.

Using dirty towels can harbor bacteria, and they can even introduce new bacteria to your skin, which may lead to more pimples, explains Karen Hammerman, MD, from Schweiger Dermatology.

You should try and use a new face towel every time you wash your face.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 5 - Moisturize

Worried moisturizer will make your acne worse? Think again — it can actually help improve your skin.

 “If the skin surface is dry and dehydrated, the oil glands tend to overproduce oil and this can make acne worse,” Dr. Weiser says.

“Hydrating the skin surface can re-balance oil glands and help control acne and improve healing.”

When buying a moisturizer, she recommends looking for a lightweight, oil-based product that won’t clog your pores.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 6 - Use Sunscreen that Doesn't Clog Pores

While SPF is a must, some sunscreens can trigger breakouts. You want to look for oil-free and non-comedogenic formulas that won't clog pores,” Dr. Hammerman says.

Options like from Elta MD and Peter Thomas Roth, which are recommended by the pros, are specifically tested on acne-prone skin so you can get your dose of SPF without having to worry about clogged pores.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 7 - Skip Makeup When You're Working Out

Take an extra five minutes before hopping on the treadmill to completely wash your face and remove your makeup to minimize the risk of breakouts.

"Sweat is released through visible pores in the skin," says dermatologist Dr. Janell Vega. "When makeup covers those pores, that barrier doesn't allow the sweat to make it to the surface of the skin, which can lead to clogged pores. The trapped debris and bacteria are a perfect breeding ground for acne bumps and zits."

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 8 - Wash Your Face Post-Workout

“After sweating, immediately use an exfoliating cleanser to help keep your pores clear and remove excess oil,” says Dr. Zein Obagi of ZO Skin Health.

Try keeping Neutorogena Rapid Clear Pads in your gym bag or locker for those times you need an on-the-go cleanse. These will remove any leftover dirt while treating your skin with acne-fighting salicylic acid.

If you have body acne, taking a shower as soon as possible after working out is also key. It turns out that standing around in tight, sweaty workout clothes puts you at greatest risk for body acne and rashes.

“The whole idea is that the bacteria that live on the skin can get trapped in the hair follicles and cause inflammation,” says dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Hale.

“The more you work out in the heat the more likely this is.” So, make sure to shower (or, at the very least, change out of your sweaty clothes) right after working out.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 9 - Tailor Your Diet

Sad but true: Any foods that cause a spike in insulin can lead to inflammation and an acne flare, explains Dr. Kally Papantoniou with Advanced Dermatology PC.

"Leafy green vegetables and other brightly colored fruit and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants and nutrients dampen inflammation and improve skin quality (studies have shown acne patients have higher oil production and lower antioxidant levels)," says Dr. Weiser.

 "Limit intake of dairy products which can contain hormones and antibiotics that can worsen acne breakouts."

Other skin-boosting super foods include eggs, nuts, legumes, and quinoa.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 10 - Drink Plenty of Water

Seriously, don't forget to drink those eight glasses of water a day, if we haven't made the point clear by now. It makes a big impact on your entire body, including your skin.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 11 - Have a Cup of Tea

Try sipping spearmint tea. According to Dr. Carl Thornfeldt, dermatologist and founder of Epionce Skincare, having two cups a day could reduce acne by 25%!

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 12 - Change Your Pillowcases

Unwashed sheets and pillowcases lead to cross contamination which leads to pimples. Aim to wash your bedding once or twice a week to prevent bacteria from building up and affecting your complexion, suggests Dr. Papantoniou.

If that seems overboard, at least aim to wash your pillowcase once a week since that's where your face rests while you snooze (and dream of flawless skin).

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 13 - Keep Your Phone Screen Clean

Think of how many times a day you touch your phone! That thing gets pretty germy. To stay in the clear, clean your screen daily with an alcohol wipe. And when possible, Dr. Papantoniou recommends using the speaker option or headphones so your phone isn't resting on your face as often.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 14 - Wipe Down Your Headphones

Sneaky every day habits could secretly be doing a number on your skin. Even something as seemingly harmless as wearing over-the-ear headphones could be the culprit to breakouts around your temples and jawline.

"This is especially the case when you wear them during and after a workout, or if you keep them on for long periods of time. Sweat and moisture collect on and around the headphones, compressing the skin and therefore encouraging bacteria and yeast to multiply," says dermatologist and Simple advisory board member, Dr. Debra Luftman.

Gross, but true. Use an anti-bacterial wipe to quickly disinfect your headphones.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 15 - Stash a Heal + Conceal Stick in Your Locker

If a midday zit pops up, swipe it with concealer loaded with blemish-shrinking ingredients. This way you can cover it up and treat it in one step. ZO Skin Health Offects Correct & Conceal Acne Concealer Stick will do the trick.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 16 - Try to Keep Your Hands Off Your Face

Sorry to burst your bubble, but popping a zit is never a good idea. Your hands aren’t always clean, and dirt under your fingernails and improper squeezing can cause acne to spread or lead to further infection, Dr. Hammerman says.

Plus, popping can lead to pitted scars, which stick around much longer than that pimple would.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 17 - Ice, Ice Baby

If you really must do something about your pimple beyond washing your face and spot treating, ice or a cold compress can help reduce swelling. Wrap an ice cube or the compress in a soft tissue or cloth and apply it to your zit for 20-30 seconds at a time, a few times a day.

In case of an emergency (like, prom), you can also see a dermatologist for a cortisone injection, which can help shrink the cyst down quickly in a day or two.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 18 - Don't Irritate Your Acne with Toothpaste or Rubbing Alcohol

Sure, we’ve all heard that toothpaste or rubbing alcohol can help dry out a zit, but many DIY treatments aren't solutions for how to treat acne. In fact, applying toothpaste or rubbing alcohol are more likely to cause irritation and dryness than treat the actual pimple.

Instead, stick with topical over-the-counter and prescription spot treatments with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide that are specially made to target pimples, says Dr. Hammerman.

For an all-natural spot treatment, she suggests dabbing tea tree oil on the area a few times a day with a cotton ball.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 19 - Combat Hormonal Acne with Birth Control

It's not news that birth control can help stabilize hormones that prevent breakouts, but it's worth exploring different types of birth control pills even if you had adverse reactions to one in the past (i.e. weight gain or heavier acne flare-ups).

The FDA approves of Estrostep, Ortho Tri-Cyclen and Yaz to combat acne, but the trick is to be patient, as it can take up to four months to start seeing results.

"This plan of attack works best when paired with whatever topical treatments you’re already using to treat your acne, like Proactiv, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, etc," advises dermatologist Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi.

Get Rid of Acne #Tip 20 - Don't Overlook Amazing New Technology in the Drugstore Aisle

If saving babysitting money for a year still won't make a dent in the funds you need to get a fancy laser treatment that will blast away acne scars, don't be discouraged.

Thanks to the geniuses behind one of our favorite drugstore brands, La Roche-Posay, there's a new class of products that feature smart technology and better-than-ever ingredients to help treat dark marks and acne scars — at an affordable price.

“La-Roche Posay’s Pigmentclar line is unique in the way it combines exfoliating lipohydroxy acid (LHA), phe-resorcinol, and ferulic acid, which are both strong brightening ingredients, all together to form a topical product that’s seriously effective," says dermatologist Dr. Mona Gohara.

For more ideas to look younger, look no further than Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program. From this program, you will learn

·         How to eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.
·         Easy facial yoga routines for tightening and lifting sagging face and neck skin
·         Methods to treat unsightly eye bags, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.
·         How to use yoga to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better looking

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