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Friday, September 4, 2020

What is the Best Way to Get Hard and Stay Hard – Tonight


A recent study published in December 2015, the Journal of Impotence Research, proved that men were blissfully unaware of the chief cause of ED. This is especially sad: if you know the leading cause of your ED, it’s actually quite easy to heal without drugs. Do you want to get hard and stay hard – tonight? Read on to find out more.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Get Hard and Stay Hard – Tonight: ED’s Deadly Consequences


We already know that people with cardiovascular disease (such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure) are more likely to have ED and vice versa.


But according to research that has just been published in the journal Circulation, there is another condition that ED is a warning sign of.


And this one might just be the most serious of them all.


Atrial fibrillation is a condition characterized by an irregular or fluttering heartbeat. It is serious because it can result in blood clots, heart failure, and strokes.


Researchers analyzed information of 1,760 males between the ages of 59 and 77.


During the follow-up periods 3-5 years later, 94 of the men had been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Among the men with ED, 9.6 percent had developed atrial fibrillation compared to 2.9 percent that didn’t have ED.


Overweight smokers with diabetes and high blood pressure were excluded from the study, but still it was found that men with ED were 66 percent more likely to be diagnosed with this irregular heart rhythm than men without ED were.


This seems to suggest that ED can be used as a diagnostic tool for atrial fibrillation.


ED may be great at detecting serious heart conditions, BUT in order to get hard and stay hard – tonight in order to avoid both and get rid of your ED (since it’s a symptom of atrial fibrillation), you need to do these simple home exercises that take as little as 5 minutes per day…


Get Hard and Stay Hard – Tonight: The Leading Cause of ED and How to Cure It


A recent study published in December 2015, the Journal of Impotence Research, proved that men were blissfully unaware of the chief cause of ED.


This is especially sad: if you know the leading cause of your ED, it’s actually quite easy to heal without drugs.


The Polish researchers started from the well-proven fact that approximately 40% of ED cases were brought about by atherosclerotic disease, or hardening of the arteries.


When your arteries harden, they are no longer flexible enough to contract and expand to let enough blood through. This reduces the blood to your organs, including your penis, which needs blood to flow into it during an erection.


If you did not know this, you are not alone. The Polish scientists recruited 502 people who were undergoing treatment for ischemic heart disease, which always includes atherosclerosis. They wanted to know whether these men understood that their condition caused ED, and that there were certain things they could do to improve the heart disease and, consequently, the ED.


Of their 502 subjects, only 31 could name all six of the main ED risk factors of smoking, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and a sedentary lifestyle. In other words, only 31 of them knew that they could improve their ED by quitting smoking, losing weight, controlling their blood sugar, lowering their cholesterol, lowering their blood pressure, and getting some exercise.


A full 189 participants could name none of these modifiable risk factors.

I think the big pharmaceutical companies are partly to blame for this.


We’re bombarded with erectile dysfunction ads day in and day out claiming that the only cure for erectile dysfunction is in a pill. Whereas lifestyle changes are much more effective.


So now that you know, what should you do about it?


First of all, if your cholesterol is too high, you should follow this step-by-step strategy to get yours under control…


If your blood pressure is too high, it’s essential to lower it. Here is the best natural way I know to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…


But if you’re already suffering Erectile Dysfunction, use this simple technique to get hard and stay hard – tonight…


Get Hard and Stay Hard – Tonight:9 Common Things That Cause ED (sorry about #1)


Despite what the big medical companies want you to believe, healing ED is very easy.


That is if you know what caused yours in the first place.


That’s why today, I’m listing nine common things that cause ED, which is completely reversible if you take the right action.


Being too wild in bed can cause a penile “fracture,” which is when the tissue that maintains your erection tears. A study presented at the 110th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association in 2015 found that those who delayed treatment, even just for 13 hours, were at greater risk of long-term ED than those who sought immediate help.


According to an article in Advances in Urology, most men who visited hospitals with penile fractures were engaging in “woman on top” positions when they suffered the injury, probably because they weren’t in control and could not stop immediately when they first experienced the pain. Ouch!


It is no longer a secret that diabetic men are more likely to struggle with ED, but pre-diabetic men must also watch out. Several studies have shown that unhealthy dieting, obesity, and metabolic syndrome all cause ED because they cause a large decrease in testosterone.


If you are overweight and your blood glucose is poorly controlled, which is usually the case if you have a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, your sex life could soon start suffering.


Learn the best way to reverse type 2 diabetes here…


Several synthetic drugs can cause ED, especially antidepressants, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, diuretics, and other blood pressure medication.


Soy may be healthy, but it does contain isoflavones that have estrogen-like properties. So, if you are vegan and are struggling with ED, cut down on that tamari, tofu, and edamame for a few weeks to see whether it makes a difference. Luckily, research in the journal Nutrition shows that it is easily reversible if this is the cause.


The relationship between depression and ED is a tragic one, because it works both ways. Depressed people are more likely to have ED, and people with ED are more likely to be depressed. It’s a difficult cycle to break.


According to a large study in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine in 1998, depressed people are substantially more likely to battle ED, even if they are otherwise physically healthy.


Cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure kill more than aortic tissue. According to a large German survey published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, people with high blood pressure are around twice as likely to have ED as those in the general population. In a report in the Journal of Urology, American scientists showed that this number was even higher for people treated for heart disease.


Learn the best way to lower blood pressure naturally here…


Researchers in Massachusetts have published a large study demonstrating cigarette smokers are at twice the risk of experiencing ED, and cigar smoking and passive smoking were not far behind.


Those sportsmen and adventurous types may not like this one, but insofar as their favorite activities place them at risk of traumatic brain injury, they are setting themselves up for ED. The occurrence of ED after head injuries could be as high as 70%, according to research in the journal, Brain Injury.


To boost your brain with energy and vigor, click here…


People with Parkinson’s disease, stroke, or other neurological conditions are more likely than the general population to have ED. this fact has given rise to a whole medical field called neurosexology.


For more ideas to get hard and stay hard – tonight, watch this video - How To Get Harder Erections Naturally | 5Effective Ways To Stronger Erections



Get Hard and Stay Hard – Tonight: The good news is that I’ve yet to meet a man who couldn’t completely heal his erectile dysfunction using the simple technique found here


This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 


Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 


These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 


To find out more about this program, click on Get Hard and Stay Hard - Tonight

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

What is the Best Way to Treat Dry and Itchy Scalp?


Are you looking for ways to treat dry and itchy scalp? If you do, read on to find out how Mia Wadsworth can help you by providing powerful home remedies and dry itchy scalp treatments so that you can regain confidence and have beautiful shiny hair.

Click HERE to Get Access to the Secrets of Beautiful Hair and Healthy Scalp

Your dandruff may be a bummer, but it's harmless to your health.


Dandruff is a "cosmetic" problem, says New York dermatologist Michele Green, MD. "It will not cause anything bad."


No one knows precisely what causes dandruff, though a fungus called malassezia may play a role. It's normal to have malassezia on your skin. Too much of it, though, is linked to dandruff.


These are some of the common reasons your scalp can get dry and itchy:


Seborrheic dermatitis (or seborrhea): This common skin condition causes redness, itching, and flaking. It can occur on many parts of the body. When it affects the scalp, it's called dandruff. It's treatable. Most often, over-the-counter medicated shampoos will stop the flakes from falling. More stubborn cases will likely benefit from prescription-strength shampoos and steroid creams.


Scalp psoriasis can cause dandruff-like itching and flaking. Psoriasis happens when the immune system triggers too many skin cells to grow on various parts of the body. That can include your scalp. People with psoriasis may be more likely to get dandruff, but psoriasis is not dandruff.


Eczema. This skin condition can make your scalp itchy and flaky. It's most common in babies and children, but anyone can get it. The cause is unknown. Moisturizers and prescription steroid creams can help relieve the symptoms, as can avoiding harsh soaps and scratching. It also helps to avoid stress whenever possible.


Certain diseases, such as Parkinson's and HIV, have also been linked to dandruff. People with these diseases have higher rates of dandruff, says Heather Onoday, RN. She's a nurse practitioner who specializes in dermatology at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, Ore. Having dandruff doesn't make either of those diseases more likely, though.


A poor diet also has been suggested as a culprit, although Green says there's no proven link. Jeffrey Benabio, MD, agrees.


"We may see associations but we can't say that, for example, vitamin D deficiency from lack of sunlight in winter causes dandruff," says Benabio, a dermatologist with Kaiser Permanente in San Diego.


Eat a well-rounded diet for your overall health. A dry scalp doesn't mean you're lacking any particular nutrient, though.


3 Things That Can Make Dandruff Worse


These things don't cause dandruff, but they worsen it if you already have it:


1.      Not washing your hair often enough. "That's the simplest reason," Green says. "It should be washed every day or every other day."


2.      "Stress makes everything worse," Green says. Stress happens, so what really matters is how you respond to it.


3.      The season. "It's always worse during the winter, when it's really cold out and overheated indoors," Green says.




·         Make sure to wash the oil out of your hair thoroughly. Leaving it in can cause it to smell. Plus, it makes your hair look greasy


·         Baking soda is also great for treating a dry scalp, dandruff, fungus on the scalp and makes a great clarifying shampoo. Just mix 1 tablespoon with enough water to make a paste and then use for your normal shampoo.


·         Always visit a dermatologist or your doctor if you are experiencing scalp problems.




If the white specks in your hair don't go away, it may be a sign of lice. You should seek more advanced treatment in this case.


To find out more ideas on how to treat dry and itchy scalp, watch this video - HOW TO TREAT AN ITCHY SCALP | RisasRizos


This article is written by Mia Wadsworth. Mia Wadsworth who founded to help hundreds of sufferers of Itchy Scalp, Dry Scalp, dandruff & other scalp conditions relieve & eliminate their condition fast & permanently. After curing her own painful condition using her own remedy for dry itchy scalp, Mia now helps sufferers learn what causes itchy scalp, other scalp infections & how to use powerful home remedies & dry itchy scalp treatments to regain confidence & beautiful shiny hair.


To find out how you can treat dry and itchy scalp, visit her website


What is the Best Way to Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis?


Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis - How can you put your arthritis in remission without suffering the side effects of medications? Here are the exact 3 steps, I and thousands of readers have used to completely rid ourselves of arthritis – usually within 21 days. Read on to find out more.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Completely Heal Any Type of Arthritis In 21 Days or Less

Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis - The Real Cause (and Cure) of Osteoarthritis Discovered


Osteoarthritis is often called “wear and tear arthritis”, because it’s traditionally considered to be caused by strain on joints. This can be caused by either overworking them with repeated movement (carpenter hammering) or by being overweight.


But this is far from the truth, according to a new study published in the Journal Nature Communications.


Which makes sense, because why then would the wrists of an overweight person hurt so much? Osteoarthritis should only affect the knees, right?


The researchers collected data from previous studies, including the results of stool samples from 1,427 people, which included information about the bacteria in their intestines.


The subjects ranged from slightly overweight to obese. 124 of them had knee arthritis and a further 285 reported knee pain.


Researchers wanted to find out whether osteoarthritis pain was partly caused by obesity-related gut bacteria. This would explain why joints that don’t carry weight are such common victims of osteoarthritis.


Four types of bacteria from the streptococcus family were more prevalent in the people with arthritis pain compared to those without it.


Scientists concluded that toxins released by streptococcus gut bacteria increased the amount of pain from which arthritic patients suffer.


After examining the magnetic resonance images of knees from the previous studies they also found those with the most arthritis pain exhibited the most inflammation, suggesting the streptococcus family of gut bacteria could quite possibly cause arthritis pain by promoting inflammation.


This shows what we have been preaching for years – that all types of arthritis, even osteoarthritis, are caused by chronic inflammation. And the way to cure arthritis is to eliminate inflammation from the inside.


Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis - Here are the 3 simple steps I used to completely eliminate my arthritis in 21 days…


Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis - This Sport Causes Arthritis


Sports are healthy, right?


For the most part, yes, but a new study from the University of Oxford and the University of Bath shows that one type of sport directly leads to arthritis.


And it’s one that is becoming very popular.


So please warn people who are at risk of arthritis against playing this sport.


The researchers identified 259 former male elite rugby players over the age of 50 and, through questionnaires, compared their health outcomes with those of 5,186 participants of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing and 2,981 participants from the Health Survey for England.


Compared to the general public, former players were:


1.   Four times more likely to suffer osteoarthritis.

2.   Six times more likely to have had a joint replacement.

3.   Three times more likely to have osteoporosis.

4.   Twice as likely to struggle with anxiety.


In addition, former players were more likely than the general population to report problems with mobility, pain and discomfort, self-care, and usual activities.


The reason for this is the huge number of injuries from which elite players suffer compared to non-contact sports and lower-level rugby participation.


This is therefore not just an insulated problem with rugby but something to be concerned about with all high-impact sports.


Despite this, 95% of the former players said they would do it all over again even if they knew the risk. And 78% would encourage their kids to do the same.


Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis - The good news is, even if you’ve full-blown arthritis, you can reverse your condition using the 3-simple-steps found here…


Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis - Why Arthritis Patients Suffer This Unrelated Infection


People with arthritis are more likely than the healthy population to suffer from infections, including potentially deadly ones that can put you in hospital on intravenous antibiotics.


Conditions like urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, and meningitis are all caused by bacteria or viruses and are all common in people with arthritis.


So why does this happen to people with arthritis?


To answer this, American researchers analyzed the data of arthritic patients registered on the Corrona registry between 2003 and 2015, comparing people with different levels of disease activity to see how important it is to keep arthritis under control.


They published the study in the journal Arthritis Care Research.


In this case, they used the commonly used clinical disease activity index to separate the patients into those…


– with sustained remission (3,355 people),
– those with sustained low disease activity (3,912 people),
– and those with sustained moderate to high disease activity (5,062 people).


Overall, there were 1.03 infections per 100 patient-years in the remission group, 1.92 in the low disease activity group, and 2.51 in the high disease activity group.


For this reason, it is incredibly important to keep your arthritis under control, especially to the point where you are in remission and the condition is mostly dormant.


Those who took drugs that suppress the immune system had twice the risk of infection of the others, and in their case remission did not help.


So how can you put your arthritis in remission without suffering the side effects of medications?


For more ideas to relieve inflammation and pain from arthritis, watch this video - ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS | what I eat every week


Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis - Here are the exact 3 steps, I and thousands of readers have used to completely rid ourselves of arthritis – usually within 21 days


This post is from the Arthritis Strategy Program. It was created by Shelly Manning, a former arthritis sufferer and a health consultant.


A Brief Background on the Author


Like you, Shelly Manning also suffered from arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This was due to her weight and desk job. Her condition eventually took a toll on her relationship with her (former) husband.


It was when she went to Hong Kong that she met Janerdquo, an old woman who owned the restaurant where she ate. Janerdquo supposedly offered her a bowl of a weird-smelling soup, which helped ease her joint pain. She ate there each day for 10 days until she was completely healed from arthritis.


Shelly Manning decided to research this natural remedy and to create a step-by-step treatment plan to others who are suffering from different types of arthritis, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and psoriatic arthritis.


That’s why she created “The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy.” According to her claims, this unique strategy will get rid of joint pain and stiffness, repair your damaged joints, and treat the underlying cause of your arthritis.


Shelly teamed up with Christian Goodman, the owner of Blue Heron Health News, a publishing company that aims to help people to take responsibility for their own health by using natural health alternatives for preventing arthritis in fingers and knees naturally.


To find out more about this program, go to Relieve Inflammation and Pain from Arthritis


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