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Sunday, February 2, 2020

What is the Best Way to Conquer Snoring and Sleep Apnea Once and For All?

Conquer Snoring and Sleep Apnea Once and For All - The Effects of Snoring on Your Age. A study in the journal Sleep suggests that snoring and sleep-disordered breathing like sleep apnea can age our bodies faster. They reached this conclusion after studying 622 adults with an average age of 68.7, just over half of whom were female. Read on to find out more.

Conquer Snoring and Sleep Apnea Once and For All - Weird Snoring and Happiness Leven Connection

If you snore loudly, you probably have hidden (or diagnosed) sleep apnea.

People with sleep apnea tend to be more depressed and anxious than non-sufferers, especially if they also happen to have cardiovascular disease.

That connection made a team of researchers curious, so they decided to find out whether sleep apnea treatment in the form of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) could help reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

As explained in the Journal EClinicalMedicine, the researchers originally found this question interesting because of two facts:

Heart disease makes you more likely to be depressed. In fact, research shows that people who have had a stroke or heart attack are up to three times more likely to develop clinical depression which, in turn, increases their risk of future heart attacks and strokes.

Up to 50 percent of people with cardiovascular disease also have sleep apnea.

This made treating the sleep apnea look like a ‘quick fix’ for cardiovascular disease patients, because this would help their depressive symptoms, which in turn would improve their heart health.

They got medical information for 2,687 people who had enrolled in the Sleep Apnea Cardiovascular Endpoints (SAVE) trial. These were all sleep apnea patients who also had cardiovascular disease.

Of these, they selected 2,410 subjects for their study who had moderate or severe sleep apnea together with their cardiovascular disease. They were followed for 3.7 years.

Some of the subjects had undergone CPAP treatment but most had not.
The CPAP group had reduced depression symptoms, with the largest benefit seen in the group that started off with the most severe depression. Results were seen by the sixth month, and they were maintained until the end of the study.

CPAP didn’t help with anxiety scores, though.

After completing their own study, the researchers reviewed other literature, finding 20 trials on the same subject with 4,255 participants altogether.

These trials backed their conclusion that CPAP was an effective treatment for depression in people with sleep apnea.

Conquer Snoring and Sleep Apnea Once and For All - Can You Blame Your Parents for Your Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a destructive disorder that causes daytime sleepiness, dementia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and even early death.

Given its severity, it is important to know how much it’s preventable through behavior change and how much of it is already in our genes.
A new study in the journal Respiratory Research sheds some light on this with a detailed analysis.

Good news is, you can still easily cure it.

Lots of things point to genetically inherited reasons for sleep apnea. It’s more common in people whose upper airways are small, have weak muscles, accumulate fat, and so on. Like other physical characteristics, these might be inherited from our parents.

The authors of the new study recruited 71 twin pairs (142 people) who were on the Hungarian Twin registry. 48 of the pairs were identical (monozygotic) and 23 fraternal (dizygotic).

There is a good reason why researchers use twins for these types of studies.

Fraternal twins and other siblings tend to share only 50 percent of their genes. This makes it difficult to work out which of their characteristics are due to their shared family environment and which are due to their genes.

But identical twins share 100 percent of their genes, so any differences between them are more likely to be because of environmental influences.
This means that, if identical twins are similar in some way, it’s going to be because of their genes, rather than their environment.

The twins (average age 51) were asked to sleep in the laboratory to test for sleep apnea.

The scientists used this information to score them on the apnea hypopnea index, which measures periods of shallow breathing, breathing pauses, and blood oxygen levels.

They were also given a questionnaire to test their level of daytime sleepiness.

41 percent of their subjects had sleep apnea, and they found that it was highly genetically influenced.

Between 69 and 83 percent of their scores on the apnea hypopnea index, the respiratory disturbance index, and the oxygen desaturation index were genetically determined.

Their unique, unshared environments contributed the other 17 to 31 percent.

When they experienced more than five apnea or hypopnea events per hour, this was 73 percent determined by their genes.

Daytime sleepiness was a lot less common than most people think and those with and without sleep apnea did not differ much.

The scientists concluded that daytime sleepiness was mostly caused by environmental factors, with genes contributing only 34 percent to it.

The authors speculated that the environmental factors causing daytime sleepiness were probably things like poor sleep hygiene, irregular work shifts, diets, and medications.

This means that you can blame your parents for having sleep apnea, but you’ve only got yourself to blame if you do nothing about it.

Conquer Snoring and Sleep Apnea Once and For All - The Effects of Snoring on Your Age

It sounds odd, but your body might be quite a lot older or younger than your birthday is telling you.

That’s because your biological age is not the same as your chronological age. Your biological age is the measurement of how healthy your cells are.

You probably know this already because you’ve met people who look 10 years younger than their age says they should and others who look much older, and this is one reason why.

It’s clear that if someone eats a healthy diet, avoids stress, stays happy and exercises regularly, their body is likely to be younger where it counts, down at the cellular level. They look younger because their cells have aged more slowly.

Now it seems that when you say you need your beauty sleep you could be onto something. A study in the journal Sleep suggests that snoring and sleep-disordered breathing like sleep apnea can age our bodies faster.

They reached this conclusion after studying 622 adults with an average age of 68.7, just over half of whom were female.

The two best DNA tests available were used to check their subject’s biological age, and a home-based polysomnography, or sleep test, measured how many times an hour they stopped breathing or woke up (called the arousal index).

The results were startling. The bodies of people with the sleep-disordered breathing were at least 215 days older than their chronological age.
Those with severe sleep apnea were biologically more than 1,000 days older!

Those who woke up many times were biologically at least 321 days older than their chronological age, and those who woke up the most were about 1,500 days older.

It seems unfair, but women seemed to have it worse. They aged faster than men who also have sleep apnea.

This is interesting, as most previous studies (apart from just one) have put it the other way around.

In a 2017 edition of the journal Trends in Molecular Medicine, scientists weren’t counting in terms of days lost so much as damage done to our cells.

In sleep apnea sufferers, they found exactly those same changes in cells and molecules that previous studies had linked with the aging process.
Both these studies build on several previous ones that showed how sleep deprivation leads to accelerated biological aging, and if the new study is correct, the lack of breathing together with the constant half-waking during the night can shorten your life expectancy by between one and a half and seven years.

For more ideas to conquer snoring and sleep apnea once and for all, watch this video - A Simple Fix For Snoring And Sleep Apnea

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people treat sleep apnea symptoms. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Conquer Snoring and Sleep Apnea Once and For All

Thursday, January 30, 2020

What is the Best Way for Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level?

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - Go Green and Avoid High Blood Pressure. Do you get bored by the usual blood pressure advice? It’s often about doing more exercise and watching what you eat, and after a while it can get pretty monotonous. Thankfully there’s a new Australian study that doesn’t involve either of those things. It just suggests that you should try doing something which is fun, free and easy (depending on where you live).

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - The Best Music for Your Heart

Swedish pop group Abba is still amazingly popular after nearly 50 years, thanks in part to the success of 2008’s movie Mamma Mia!

But do the Swedish supergroup’s songs have the best beat for a healthy heart?

The answer will surprise you.

A study from Germany has the answer. It was published in the journal Deutsches Arzteblatt International. Now, admittedly it was only a small study, but it’s worth taking seriously because it stands on the shoulders of giants. It’s just the latest in a long line of research that proves how good music is for your physical health.

For this study, the researchers split 120 people into two groups (all of them with good hearts and no blood pressure problems, half under 50 and half over 50 years of age). One group listened to music for 25 minutes per session and half got to lie down in silence.

The music group was split into three smaller groups. One got to enjoy Mozart’s Symphony No 40 in g minor, one got to wave an imaginary bat on to Johann Strauss, and one got to mime along (presumably) to a selection of Abba hits.

The results were interesting:

Mozart lowered systolic blood pressure by 4.7 mmHg, Strauss by 3.7 mmHg, and Abba by virtually nothing. (Sorry Abba fans.)

Mozart lowered diastolic blood pressure by 2.1 mmHg, Strauss by 2.9 mmHg, and Abba had little effect again. (Mamma Mia! Another surprise.)
The group that rested in silence got some benefit, but not as much as the music group.

The Mozart and Strauss listeners had lower heart rates than the others, and they dropped them by 5.6 beats per minute (BPM) (Mozart), and 4.7 BPM (Strauss).

Mozart and Strauss were also good at lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol (especially in men). As cortisol raises blood pressure, this is also good news.

It’s interesting to note that what the people in the study normally chose to listen to didn’t affect their results. That’s important because it means that even if you don’t enjoy classical music it can still help your heart.

So why was the classical music better for blood pressure?

As different as you might think classical and pop songs are, the scientists noted that all three still had aspects to them that were repetitive and catchy, so they think that lyrics might make all the difference.

Previous research has shown that having any lyrics in a song gives our brains more work to do, so even nice, happy lyrics take some cognitive effort to process. For maximum peace of mind (and lower blood pressure) you’re better off listening to happy music with no words at all.

So, if you suffer from high blood pressure, maybe you should buy Abba’s entire back catalogue for karaoke and just listen to the instrumental tracks without singing along?

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - This Healthy Vegetable Causes High Blood Pressure

Most advice about avoiding high blood pressure involves eating more fruits and vegetables, but now there’s some confusion about one vegetable that a lot of people eat.

A new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School points the finger at this vegetable and accuses it of potentially doing more harm than good.

And to muddy the waters even more, they also found that one of the least healthy ways of preparing this vegetable DIDN’T seem to raise blood pressure.

The authors already knew that people who took potassium supplements had lower blood pressure than their peers did. They also knew that high glycemic carbohydrates (like potatoes) can increase blood pressure.

As potatoes are full of potassium (which can lower blood pressure) and high glycemic carbohydrates (which can raise blood pressure), they were curious about which one would win this tug of war.

So, they looked back over 3 previous studies that tracked 187,453 people. They knew their potato intakes, and which of them had hypertension.

They found that people who ate less than one portion of potatoes per month had the lowest risk, while those who ate four or more portions per week had the highest risk.

It didn’t matter if they smoked or not, were obese or not, or did exercise or not. The results were still the same. And what they ate and drank didn’t seem to make any difference either. They could have been drinkers or abstainers, vegetarians or meat eaters. In all cases, more potatoes meant higher blood pressure.

But here’s a couple of odd things…

1. Four or more weekly servings of baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes increased the blood pressure risk for women, but not for men.
2. French fries increased everyone’s risk, but potato chips didn’t. Which seems weird considering that they’re virtually the same thing. Both are deep-fried and both are salty.

It would be nice to think that we can all eat potato chips every day without suffering any health problems, but let’s hold back until the scientists can get to the bottom of what’s going on with this strange result.

There’s obviously more work to be done in figuring out exactly what’s going on, because something clearly is.

Until that happens, try and stay at three or fewer portions of potatoes per week (including potato chips) just to be on the safe side.

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - Go Green and Avoid High Blood Pressure

Do you get bored by the usual blood pressure advice?

It’s often about doing more exercise and watching what you eat, and after a while it can get pretty monotonous.

Thankfully there’s a new Australian study that doesn’t involve either of those things. It just suggests that you should try doing something which is fun, free and easy (depending on where you live).

In June 2016, Australian researchers surveyed 1,538 Brisbane residents to find out whether the amount of time which humans spend in green spaces could be good for their overall health.

They found that people who spent at least half an hour in an urban forest or park once a week were less likely to suffer from high blood pressure than people who didn’t. They also noticed that the more time they spent outdoors, the greater the health benefits.

For every hundred park visitors there were nine fewer cases of high blood pressure compared to their peers who stayed away.

These benefits were the same for everyone, regardless of their body mass index, age, gender, income, and education.

The people who spent the longest time in green spaces had the lowest blood pressure risks, and it didn’t even matter whether they lived near simple urban parks or dense forests, they still got the benefits. It seems that as far as your heart is concerned, even a little bit of green is good for you.

A walk in your local park is just as healthy as a hike in a rainforest.
And there were other benefits too. Park-goers had fewer instances of depression, more community spirit and more positive behaviors in general. It looks like they were right when they called it “the great outdoors”.

But, a word of warning. You won’t get all of the good effects if you walk about wearing earphones and staring at your phone with your head down. You have to experience green spaces with all your senses to get the most out of them. Otherwise, you might as well stay at home.

For more ideas about dropping blood pressure to a healthy level, watch this video - Lower Your Blood Pressure Instantly in Minutes by more than 20 points - Healthy Me

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Dropping Blood Pressure to a Healthy Level as soon as today, Naturally

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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Revealing Here the 5 Powerful Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts

Anti-aging is more than a myth. Through scientific studies and the new cutting edge science in genomics, women are discovering that, by taking just a few steps, skin beauty and bodily cell health can indeed be encouraged. Here are 5 powerful natural anti-aging shortcuts for women. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Look Younger, Feel Better and Be Healthier

Years ago, the word "anti-aging" seemed to come only from science fiction movies. People joked about the Fountain of Youth and miracle medicines that were supposed to reverse the aging process to make one look 10 or 20 years younger.

But today, anti-aging is more than a myth. Through scientific studies and the new cutting edge science in genomics, women are discovering that, by taking just a few steps, skin beauty and bodily cell health can indeed be encouraged. Here are 5 powerful anti-aging tips for women:

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #1 - Check Your Lifestyle

A lifestyle filled with health-threatening habits can be detrimental to your skin's health and beauty. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages in excess, eating poorly or overeating, sunbathing, etc. all can speed up the aging process.

Even taking anti-aging supplements may not help if you continue to do these things regularly. Remember, just as your bodily organs are affected by everything you eat or drink, so are your skin cells.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #2 - Eat for Good Skin Health

Good women's health starts with eating healthy foods. Be sure to eat balanced meals with an abundance of leafy green vegetables and fruits. Eat protein-rich foods such as nuts or eggs to maintain good bone and joint health.

Healthy eating and weight loss are both major contributors to good women's health as well as beauty for the skin. The anti-aging process is much easier when you provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to repair cell damage and build healthy new cells on a daily basis.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #3 - Drink Water

The diet programs always cry aloud, "Drink water!" That's because there are so many benefits to drinking water. Water is needed to help the body function properly, inside and out.

Water brings life to all your body parts - and your skin as well. It brightens your complexion, helps rejuvenate skin cells to promote anti-aging, and adds moisture to your body. You'll be a well-oiled machine if you can commit to drinking plenty of water daily.

Water is probably the most readily available anti-aging product you can get your hands on! So, replace those sodas (and diet sodas) with a healthy dose of water.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #4 - Stay in Shape

Staying in shape with exercise will also help with the anti-aging battle. Exercise encourages good bone and joint health and helps with the flow of blood through your body. That's why many people say that exercise "gets your blood pumping!" The blood carries oxygen with it through your body, which is necessary for good overall health.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #5 - Use Anti-Aging Supplements and Creams

Through the cutting edge science of genomics, anti-aging products are now being developed to aid in cell rejuvenation, which is needed for slowing down the aging process.

Genomics is the study of the complete DNA makeup of organisms. The recent discovery that is crucial to those interested in anti-aging products is that the repair of cells and the creation of healthy, strong cells is a major key to slowing the aging process.

The new anti-aging products are all-natural and come in pills, creams or patches. Anti-aging products based on genomics help to provide the right amount of ingredients (vitamins and nutrients) needed by the body to repair cells and build new, healthy cells.

These five tips combined can help maximize the results for your anti-aging efforts. You'll feel and look better than ever as you pass through the stages of life. For even more anti-aging tips, check out the Natural Anti-Aging shortcuts guide which features simple 'life tweaks' that will help your body to slow down the aging process!

Can You Stop the Aging Process?

If you’re still alive, you’re growing older every day.

You may not notice it, but you are.

When we make that great shift out of our teenage years into our twenties, most of the changes we encounter about growing older are good.

When we are in our twenties, growing older means a lot more freedom and a lot of adventure. Physically, we are at our peak of perfection.

In our thirties, we are starting to enjoy many of the benefits of growing older as we accumulate more wisdom and in most cases, continue to have a body and a brain that’s still in great shape.

But there comes a time, perhaps in our fifth decade, or in our sixth, when growing older starts to have some negative effects we don’t really like.

We may not be as physically fit as we used to be. We start to get sags and bags. We get aches and pains. We may be showing some forgetfulness.

Our beautiful perfection of youth is gone.

Why do we age?

Over the centuries, people have often wondered how it is that our bodies grow and develop from a tiny fertilized egg, to a new-born baby, to a young child, then a teenager and, finally, a young adult. A huge number of very complex changes within our bodies must happen perfectly in order to achieve this.

Once we grow into our adult perfection, why can’t we just stay there?
Why do we have to age?

And can we stop it?

Doctors and scientists used to take aging for granted. Scientists used to think that because aging was a natural process, there was no need to investigate it.

Now, as increasing numbers of baby boomers are turning fifty, anxious to hang on to some semblance of youth, more and more research is being devoted to the topic of aging.

The good news is that the team at Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts has found the solution! They have performed extensive research on how and why we age, and they have been investigating for years on ways to slow down the aging process, or perhaps even stop it altogether. Introducing:

The Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts guide is a one-of-a-kind program, designed specifically for women age 35 and over. It contains the most powerful yet 100% NATURAL anti-aging “tweaks” that you can start implementing in your life TODAY.

And the great thing about it is that it allows you to take advantage of the latest cutting-edge anti-aging research without actually having to wade through any of the science yourself.

No other program on the market today is designed SPECIFICALLY for the unique needs of women.

And, finally, no other system available today comes even close to delivering the same degree of simple, natural, yet hugely effective age-defying secrets – and YOU can be putting them into action yourself in just a few minutes from now…

This is the exact same system I now share with my female clients, who want a powerful, yet simple, step-by-step system for dramatically slowing down the rate at which they age – through 100% NATURAL methods.
Remember, every day that you’re NOT using these secrets, you’re aging faster…so doing nothing is not an option!

Watch this video for natural anti-aging shortcuts - Women's Secrets to Looking Half Their Age

This article is based on the book,” Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts” by Alexandra Miller. Alexandra is a Natural Health Consultant, Author and self-confessed “Natural Beauty Geek”.

She is regularly complemented on her skin, her youthful looks, her hair, nails, everything. For many years, she has been teaching women all over the world how to age much, much slower, and in some cases, even reverse the tell-tale signs of aging. Learn more by visiting her website – Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What is the Natural Cure For TMJ?

Why is natural cure for TMJ better? Reasons are little or no side effects, natural remedies are non-invasive and do not interfere with the body's mechanism. If you too are looking for a credible and secure remedy for your TMJ disorder, read on to find out more.

Click Here to Discover How to Permanently Reverse the Root Cause of TMJ

The temporomandibular joint disorder or the TMJ is a common health condition that affects nearly three fourths of the American population. The condition causes an acute inflammation of the TM joint and interferes with the basic functions of the jaw such as talking, eating or swallowing. As more and more people seek an alternative to allopathic and other conventional forms of medication, natural cure for TMJ is fast emerging as a safe and reliable option.

Natural cures for TMJ disorder cause little or no side effects. This is because most natural remedies are non-invasive and do not interfere with the body's mechanism. If you too are looking for a credible and secure remedy for your TMJ disorder, these are some options available to you:

Cure for TMJ #1 - Acupuncture: The process of acupuncture involves sticking pins into predetermined points on the body that are known to relieve pain. According to traditional Chinese belief, acupuncture helps to balance the flow of energy in your body. Modern research shows that acupuncture releases and increases the flow of endorphins in the body. Thus, the perception of pain to the brain is greatly reduced.

With four to five sittings, the jaw can be moved back to its normal position, the clicking and grinding can be reduced and it is possible to open your mouth normally. Within ten sessions, long lasting relief from pain can be achieved.

Cure for TMJ #2 - Massage: Massages are good for releasing tension and relaxing the muscles. To get relief from TMJ disorder, one needs to gently massage in small circular motions in front of, below and eventually behind the ears. It is also important to massage around the scalp, neck and shoulders to calm the muscles. A skilled masseuse may even be able to locate the lateral pterygoid at the back of your mouth and massage the area thereby bringing relief.

Cure for TMJ #3 - Proper diet: Healthy eating is the way to a healthy lifestyle. Giving your body the proper nutrients will help in treating the TMJ disorder. Magnesium rich foods such as legumes and beans are essential for neurotransmission and muscle relaxation. Dairy products rich in calcium help in strengthening the jaw bones.

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B 12, C, D and folic acid found in foods like fish liver, dried peas, oysters, nuts, egg yolk, spinach, tuna and cauliflower help in the generation and growth of blood cells, especially red blood cells which are essential for proper bone growth and infection resistance.

Cure for TMJ #4 - Relaxation exercises: The importance of an exercise routine can never be emphasized enough. It is important to move your body parts from time to time in order to keep your body in sound shape. Certain soft movement exercises help to relax the muscles around your jaw, face and neck, thereby curing TMJ disorder by stretching and strengthening body muscles and relieving myofascial pain.

Along with various head, neck and arm exercises, yoga can prove to be a powerful natural cure for TMJ disorder. It is essential to follow the advice of a trainer and/or medical practitioner before performing such exercises, as wrong methods may cause your situation to deteriorate.

Other natural cures for TMJ disorder would include meditation, hypnotherapy and reiki treatments. It is important to work on one's bad habits, such as wrong body postures, to ensure the prevention of TMJ disorder. However, for long lasting relief it is essential to try a holistic treatment for your condition.

A Holistic treatment aims to restore your body to a state of well-being by treating the root cause of the condition. Thus, combining conventional forms of medication along with alternative treatments would ensure not only a complete cure for TMJ disorder but also prevent its occurrence in the future.

Watch this video - TMJ tricks tips and secrets

This article is based on the book, "TMJ No More" by Sandra Carter. Sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate TMJ disorders solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website -
TMJ No More

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Monday, January 27, 2020

What is the Real Cause of TMJ Disorders?

For those who are affected with TMJ, it is important to understand what the real cause of TMJ disorders is in order to treat it. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Discover How to Permanently Reverse the Root Cause of TMJ

The temporomandibular joint disorder, called the TMJ in short, is a fairly common disorder of the jaw which affects nearly sixty million people in the American population. People who suffer from this condition are likely to experience pain that may be temporary but may also last for at least a few years.

For those who are affected with this problem, it is important to understand what causes TMJ disorder in order to treat it. It can't be stated for certain exactly what causes TMJ disorder, although there are some standard contributing factors. These factors can be categorized into the following groups:

Cause of TMJ Disorders #1 - Dental issues: TMJ disorder is most commonly caused as a result of derangement of the jaws. This is a condition known as "malocclusion" wherein your teeth are no longer able to fit together the way they are supposed to. This condition can be a result of situations such as ill-fitting dentures, tooth removal or any minor or major dental surgery, missing teeth, advent of pre molars and growth of wisdom teeth.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #2 - Trauma: About 99% of TMJ sufferers claim that their condition was a result of some sort of trauma or injury. Even minor blows on the head, face or jaw can result in trauma. Whiplash and traction appliances used in whiplash injuries or problems like ill-fitting braces can also prove to be contributing factors.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #3 - Habits: Some of the things we unwittingly do in our daily lives result in TMJ disorder. A common cause is bruxism, or the habit of continually clenching one's teeth. Bruxism puts undue pressure on the teeth and jaw resulting in the damage of cartilage and ligaments in the TMJ area. Other bad habits include chewing on pens/pencils, biting fingernails, chronic gum chewing and bad postures that put pressure on your face and jaw, such as, sleeping on your stomach and holding the phone on your shoulder.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #4 - Social situations: Stress has been known to cause tension in the muscles. Prolonged tightening of the muscles affects the TM Joint by putting enormous pressure on it. Eventually the tense muscles tend to shorten and result in misalignment. Social situations like family problems, financial issues, legal hassles and health concerns are stress inducers and must be dealt with.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #5 - Emotions: Emotional upheavals resulting from depression, anxiety, fear or anger have adverse affects that can negatively affect your whole body including the TM Joint.

Certain simple precautions should be kept in mind in order to prevent a TMJ disorder. For instance, although yawning is a reflex action, one must take care to not open one's mouth fully but partially while yawning. Similarly, excessive chewing of bubble gum, habits like biting nails or chewing on pencils must be avoided at all costs. As the TM joint facilitates essential activities like talking, chewing and swallowing, it is important to take care of it.

Since the causes of TMJ disorder are so varied, the approach to treating it should also be multi-dimensional. There is a wide variety of treatment available for the condition, ranging from simple exercises to complicated corrective surgeries. However, if you are looking for a permanent solution to your problem, it is best to adopt a holistic approach.

In treating the condition holistically, you strengthen your body and equip it to heal all by itself. Not only can your body recover from the ailment; it can also prevent future occurrences of it.
In the case of TMJ disorder therefore, combining relaxation therapies, which would help reduce stress, with jaw exercises, such as controlled TMJ rotation, and working on body postures that affect the head and neck, would provide a wholesome remedy for TMJ disorder. Only through holistic treatment can your body be restored to a state of well-being. 

This article is based on the book, "TMJ No More" by Sandra Carter. Sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate TMJ disorders solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website -
TMJ No More
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