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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What is the Best Way to Get Healthy Blood Pressure Readings?

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Get Healthy Blood Pressure Readings - Good Smelling Oil Lowers Blood Pressure

A new study, published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, shows that a specific type of oil can be used to drastically lower blood pressure.

But you don’t eat the oil to lower your blood pressure. The effects come through a different way of using it.

The study followed 83 people for 24 hours.

Of those, 28 were treated with a blend of essential oils. The others were split into groups that were either treated with a placebo or not treated at all.

Those who received the essential oil treatment immediately started to show lower levels of cortisol and other stress hormones.

The scientists concluded that relaxation therapy that utilized essential oils for blood pressure control and prevention is highly recommended.

What are essential oils?

Not everything that is labelled ‘essential oil’ is the real stuff. And often products get labelled “aromatherapy” just because they contain fragrance.

In fact, it is not just the smell that makes the therapy work. It is the tiny molecules of the essential oils that enter the bloodstream that will do the work. So, make sure you find pure essential oils to work with.

The following essential oils were used in the study mentioned earlier:

– Ylang-ylang
– Marjoram
– Neroli

How to use the oils


You can use carrier oils, like almond oil or coconut oil, and add just a little essential oil (a drop or two per ounce). Massage any part of the body with the oil.


When you massage with oil, you will automatically inhale the oil as well. You can also add drops of essential oil to steaming water or use a dispenser to inhale oils during the night.

The real conclusion of this study would be that to lower blood pressure, you must lower your stress hormone level. And although essential oils are good, they’re not enough.

Our simple blood pressure exercises have been proven to lower stress hormone level and blood pressure in as little as 9 minutes. To get healthy blood pressure readings, learn more and try them out for yourself right here…

Get Healthy Blood Pressure Readings - Lower Blood Pressure 8 Points in 30 Minutes

Unbelievable but true, this simple natural therapy has been found to effortlessly lower blood pressure by 6-8 points in just a few minutes.

What’s more, it is 100% safe, natural, and causes absolutely no side effects. Moreover, it’s completely effortless on your part.

And the results are long lasting, even permanent!

What it would require, however, would be for you to find a specific doctor that is available in most cities and towns around the world. Also, for a weird reason, you may or may not want to participate.

Researchers at the University of California-Irvine wanted to establish whether electro-acupuncture could lower blood pressure.

For subjects, they used 65 hypertensive people with a systolic reading of between 140 and 180 and a diastolic reading of between 90 and 99. None of these subjects were taking blood pressure medication.

They randomly assigned their subjects to one of two groups. The first received electro-acupuncture treatment on their inner wrists and legs just below their knees, and the second group received it on their forearms and lower legs.

The researchers had hypothesized that the first group might experience a drop-in blood pressure, as previous studies had identified those acupoints as the ones that are most likely to decrease blood pressure when stimulated with needles.

This was indeed the case, and 70% of the subjects had systolic readings that dropped by six to eight points and diastolic readings that dropped by four points.

Even better, the effect lasted for six weeks following an eight-week treatment of one 30-minute session weekly.

The subjects who responded well received follow-up monthly treatments for a period of six months and their blood pressure dropped even further.

The research was published in the journal Medical Acupuncture.
Electro-acupuncture stimulates the same points on your body as traditional acupuncture, but the needles that the practitioner inserts through your skin would be attached to a device that produces low-intensity electrical pulses.

The frequency and intensity of the pulses are adjustable, depending on the condition for which you are receiving the treatment for and your own sensitivity to it.

For more ideas to get healthy blood pressure readings, watch these 2 videos below:

If you have a phobia of needles, like most of us, and want to get healthy blood pressure readings, then there is a better option to cure your high blood pressure. All it takes are these 3 easy exercises that are guaranteed to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today… 

Get Healthy Blood Pressure Readings - The Health Promoter that Causes High Blood Pressure

Researchers at Australia’s Monash University have discovered a major cause of blood pressure.

If they are right, it could lead to a brand new type of treatment.
The explanation is particularly surprising, as the system that causes it is precisely the one that is supposed to keep us healthy.

Researchers at the university discovered that high blood pressure might be just another autoimmune disease, which would be a case where your white blood cells (immune fighters) mistake your healthy cells for invaders.

They caused high blood pressure in mice by stimulating certain types of B cells in their immune systems, before bringing their blood pressure down by inhibiting those same B cells.

To build an even stronger case, they bred mice that had very low levels of that type of B cell. Even when these mice were subjected to the kind of lifestyle that normally brings about high blood pressure, their blood pressure did not rise nearly as high as the normal mice with the same lifestyle.

What is going on here? Are active immune cells not supposed to ensure great health?

This is true in most cases. However, the stimuli that cause hypertension, like stress, make these B cells too active in a situation where there are no foreign organisms to attack. They then produce excessive numbers of antibodies that would attack your arteries.

The research team found great numbers of these antibodies inside the walls of the mice’s arteries, leading to an inflammatory response that hardened and stiffened those arteries. This increased their blood pressure because their arteries were no longer flexible enough to respond properly to blood flow.

This discovery is important, as it would suggest that potential treatments could focus on blocking the activity of the B cells that produce antibodies in a situation where threatening foreign organisms are absent. Drugs that do this are already prescribed for people with rheumatoid arthritis, which is caused by a similar B cell overreaction.

This does not free us from the responsibility of adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent high blood pressure, of course. The treatment that blocks the B cells would likely consist of a synthetic drug with its own side effects and toxicity. Some experts have already warned that the universal blocking of types of B cells would be too crude a solution for autoimmune diseases. They are essential immune cells, after all.

It’s also a fact that many lifestyle factors can trigger the aggression of these immune cells. Thus, by managing those factors, we can heal our autoimmune diseases naturally.

One of the biggest factors that trigger this would stress. Any kind of stress – be it physical, mental, emotional, or sensory – can trigger this type of response.

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and reduce diastolic blood pressure permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Get Healthy Blood Pressure Readings Naturally

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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

What is the Best Way to Maintain Normal Blood Glucose Levels?

By now you’re probably sick of being told to eat green vegetables and drink green juices to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Luckily, there is a genuinely pleasant, sweet, drink that both lowers cholesterol and manages blood sugar level for people with type-2 diabetes.

Click HERE to Discover the 3 Easy Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes in 28 Days or Less

Maintain Normal Blood Glucose Levels - A Delicious Drink Heals Diabetes (Surprising News)

By now you’re probably sick of being told to eat green vegetables and drink green juices to manage your diabetes.

Luckily, there is a genuinely pleasant, sweet, drink that both lowers cholesterol and manages blood sugar level for people with type-2 diabetes.

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine recruited volunteers who had previously almost completely abstained from alcohol, and who had their type-2 diabetes under control.

They were split into three groups.

– One group was told to drink a glass of water with supper.
– The second group was asked to drink a glass of white wine.
– The third group had to drink a glass of red wine.

After six months and again after two years, this group had their blood tested for cholesterol and blood sugar and were asked to complete a questionnaire about their diet, lifestyle, and other factors.

The result:

– The water drinkers reaped no benefit.
– The white wine drinkers, in particular only those who metabolized alcohol quickly, enjoyed a slight improvement in their blood sugar control.
– The red wine drinkers experienced a moderate increase in good cholesterol and in blood sugar control.

Now, the conditions or stipulations:

First: While they did not specify or limit the number of calories their subjects could consume per day, all of them were eating a Mediterranean diet with all its fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and unrefined vegetable oils. In other words, since all the subjects were on a healthy diet, the study cannot be generalized to people on the standard North American or any other unhealthy diet.

Second: Only one five-ounce glass of red wine per day is allowed.

Third: Those whose genetic tests showed that they metabolized alcohol quickly benefited substantially more than those who metabolized alcohol slowly. Only a genetic test can tell you this.

The researchers explained that both ethanol (alcohol) and the polyphenols in red grapes contributed to glucose control and that this was why both wines helped, but why red wine had a greater effect in helping to maintain normal blood glucose levels.

We know red wine is not a cure for type-2 diabetes. For that, you must follow a solid strategy to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Here is the precise 3-step strategy that has reversed type-2 diabetes for thousands of readers…

Maintain Normal Blood Glucose Levels - Type 2 Diabetes Reversed With These Two Exercises

When we discuss type 2 diabetes, we’re often very focused on diet changes. After all, certain bad ingredients in our diets is generally the cause of type 2 diabetes.

However, exercise is important and can make a huge impact in your journey to curing type 2 diabetes.

A new study published in the journal Diabetologia revealed that a combination of two types of exercises was the very best way to reverse type 2 diabetes.

The researchers from University of Vienna, Austria, pooled data from 14 other studies, including the data of 915 people who suffered from type 2 diabetes, and compared the different types of exercises used.

They found that both aerobic exercises (swimming, running, jumping, etc.) and weight resistance exercises (lifting weights, gym machines) were individually very good for type 2 diabetes.

But the best results came from combining these two types of exercises. If you work out four times a week, then you should go running or swimming twice and hit the gym twice.

This combination was most effective in lowering blood sugar levels, overall inflammation, producing healthy cholesterol levels, and could lead to a general improvement in body weight.

What I take from this study is also that it is often the case that a combination of self-improvement strategies is crucial in treatment. There is no magical pill, ingredient or type of exercise that cures everything.

Therefore, to reverse your type 2 diabetes completely, you must follow a sound game plan. Here is the 3-step strategy for helping you to maintain normal blood glucose levels that thousands of readers have used to reverse theirs completely…

Maintain Normal Blood Glucose Levels - High Blood Pressure and Type 2 Diabetes Cause By Storing Food

Keeping food fresh in the refrigerator or making it portable when you are on the go is a necessary part of our life.

But this could also lead to type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

The recent evidence of these container-caused cases of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes has been published in two journals, Hypertension and Endocrinology.

The evidence points to a chemical in plastic containers called phthalates, which is a key component in the production of most plastics, including everything from zipper bags to shower curtains.

It is also used in many cosmetic products, like makeup, soaps, and lotions.

Studies, cited by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), have shown convincing but alarming evidence that the presence of phthalates in the blood spikes blood pressure. There is also new evidence now that shows they also reduce insulin sensitivity, causing insulin resistance.

And it’s not easy to avoid products that contain phthalates. Even plastic pipes that are part of plumbing contain these chemicals.

It is important to make sure that when you use the microwave, you only heat food in or on glass or microwave-safe porcelain. This helps by being a little more environmentally-friendly as well.

It is impossible to completely eliminate exposure to phthalates, as simply isn’t realistic. However, there are other ways to not only reduce blood pressure but also completely reverse type 2 diabetes. And these methods are not difficult, nor should they be.

For more ideas on how to maintain normal blood glucose levels, watch this video - Tips to Avoid BloodSugar Spikes | #Prediabetes | Control blood sugar levels

When you are ready to drop your high blood pressure below 120/80 using just 3 simple steps that take only a few minutes a day, you can click through to find this particularly good and effective method…

Type 2 diabetes doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Thousands of readers have used this simple strategy to completely reverse their diabetes in less than 28 days…

This post is from the 3 Steps Diabetes Strategy Program. It was created by Jodi Knapp from Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

In this program, Jodi Knapp shares practical tips and advice on how you can prevent and cure diabetes naturally. She also dispels myths commonly associated with diabetes, like for example, diabetes being a lifelong condition. There are also lots of information going around that is simply not true and she’s here to correct it.

Diabetes is a disease, and it can be cured. This is just one of the important tips Jodi reveals in her program. Also she included several ways in preventing the onset of disease, choosing the right food to eat, recommended vitamin supplements, the right time of the day to take the blood sugar and many more.

But the most amazing thing would have to be her program which only takes 3 simple steps to help you to control & treat type 2 diabetes. What it does is cure diabetes without having to rely on expensive drugs, diets that make sufferers crave for even more food they are not supposed to eat, and exercise programs that make people feel tired and depressed.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Maintain Normal Blood Glucose Levels Naturally

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Monday, September 16, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Dizziness Naturally?

Cure Dizziness Naturally - This Acid Causes Vertigo (Eliminate It NOW) - Scientists have been searching aggressively for a direct cause and cure for different types of vertigos – unfortunately, they have had little results. However, a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology reveals that an innocent-looking acid may be the cause they have looking for.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes

Cure Dizziness Naturally - This Acid Causes Vertigo (Eliminate It NOW)

Scientists have been searching aggressively for a direct cause and cure for different types of vertigos – unfortunately, they have had little results.

However, a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology reveals that an innocent-looking acid may be the cause they have looking for.

We must consume this acid to survive, but your body also has to get rid of the excess or face dire consequences (one of them being vertigo.)

Chinese researchers searched the five largest scientific journal databases and collected studies that compared people with high and low uric acid levels in their blood to see which were more likely to struggle with vertigo.

They found that people with vertigo were much more likely to have high uric acid than people without vertigo.

To reduce your uric acid level, try some of the following remedies:

1. Since your kidneys are meant to filter uric acid out of your body through the urine, do everything in your power to promote good kidney health. Drink a lot of water, manage your blood pressure and blood sugar level and avoid unnecessary over-the-counter drugs.
2. Eat nuts, seeds, oats, and other foods that contain fiber, as it can help your body remove uric acid as well as balance your sugar levels.
3. Reduce your intake of a substance called purines, which is found in organ meats (liver, kidneys), mutton, pork, veal, fish, mushrooms, green peas, and cauliflower.
4. Reduce your alcohol intake, because your kidneys put it in the front of the queue of substances to be excreted. Beer also contains purines.
If your uric acid remains under control, you might avoid vertigo.

But managing uric acid may not be enough to eliminate all types of vertigo. For that, you will need to increase the blood that flows up to your head and synchronize the different aspects of your balance system… and you can do that using the easy vertigo techniques found here…

Cure Dizziness Naturally - These Vertigo Drugs Worsen Vertigo (study)

If you suffer from vertigo, be very careful when accepting any drugs. This is as many of them cause or worsen vertigo as a side effect.

Ironically, a new German study published in the journal Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety revealed that one of the leading drug prescribed for vertigo and dizziness actually worsens vertigo in the long run and causes vertigo for those who didn’t have it in the first place.

The point of an anticholinergic is to block parasympathetic nerve impulses in order to stop involuntary movements.

It is prescribed for many conditions, like dizziness, motion sickness, gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting, spasms, and ulcers), muscle spasms, respiratory disorders like asthma, insomnia, overactive bladder, and multiple others.

Sedatives are also often prescribed for vertigo sufferers as it allows them to sleep and turn over in bed without being woken up by the intense vertigo.

The researchers consulted the Continuous Morbidity Registration Epidemiologic Network in order to identify 6,971 Germans who were suspected to suffer from vertigo and 6,971 matches from the general population with whom to compare them.

Altogether, there were 10,552 consultation days with vertigo diagnoses and 1,072 days in which doctors prescribed either anticholinergic or sedative medication.

This enabled them to check whether the patient’s vertigo improved or worsened after the prescription days.

People on these prescriptions were 37% more likely to suffer from vertigo than people who were not prescribed with any of them.

In other words, the drugs worsened the vertigo, with people complaining of having worse symptoms after the prescriptions.

In another study, the same scientists found that people who didn’t suffer from vertigo began to develop vertigo and dizziness when they started taking these drugs.

Yet, the traditional medical system doesn’t have many solutions for vertigo. So, what should you do if you can’t take their drugs?

Fortunately, there are easy vertigo exercises that help increase blood flow to your head and synchronize your balance system. You can find these very effective vertigo and dizziness exercises here…

Cure Dizziness Naturally - Why Vertigo Treatments Are Failing (and what to do about it)

Vertigo is one of the most common, if not the most common, complaint patients report to emergency rooms and clinics.

A 2008 study in the Journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that 4% of emergency room and 5% of clinic visitors complain of dizziness.

Why has the medical system failed to cure this disease? How can you actually get rid of it completely and naturally?

The diagnosis of vertigo can be made easily through observing a patient’s eye movements in response to his or her head movements. And the treatment can be just as simple.

Surprisingly, however, a new study just published in the Journal of Neurology shows that medical practitioners are really bad at diagnosing and treating this common condition.

The team of scientists who conducted this study collected the medical data of 2,374 people who were referred to a tertiary care balance clinic, a clinic that specialized in balance disorders.

The collected information included all the diagnostic procedures and treatments the participants had undergone before ending up at the balance clinic.

Of the 2,374 patients, 19.7% had benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, 12% had Menière’s disease, 5.8% had vestibular paroxysmia, 7.2% had bilateral vestibulopathy, 14.1% had vestibular migraine, and 40.6% had psychogenic vertigo, all very common conditions.

For diagnosis, 76.2% had undergone magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 53.5% had received an electrocardiography. Both of these are expensive diagnostic tests with a high likelihood of having been unnecessary.

Incredibly, for a medical problem that is so easy to diagnose and treat, 61.3% of the patients had at least two consultations before being referred to the balance clinic.

61% of patients had been given drugs to treat the problem, which is completely unnecessary, almost always ineffective at treating the symptoms of vertigo, and absolutely always unsuccessful at addressing the causes of the dizziness.

41.3% had been given a variety of physical therapies that failed.
On average, these participants had been subjected to 3.2 diagnostic tests; some of them received as many as six tests.

On average, they had received 1.8 different therapies, with some people having received as many as eight.

Again, on average, the participants had been given 1.8 drugs, with some people having received an unbelievable 17.

There is only one conclusion to draw from this, and the authors of this study duly drew it.

The professional medical sector needs some serious training in the diagnosis and treatment of vertigo, especially because it is so common and so easy to treat.

Alternatively, health care professionals need to look into the influx of pharmaceutical money promoting the wrong treatment to fuel their profits.

For more ideas on how to cure dizziness naturally, watch this video - Yoga Techniques : How to Cure Dizziness With Yoga

Either way, the good news is that you can rid yourself of vertigo simply in a few minutes, using the simple techniques I teach here…

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is natural vertigo treatment program created for people who are looking for the most effective vertigo home remedies, that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure your vertigo and dizziness.

This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance. From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on Cure Dizziness Naturally at Home

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

What is the Best Way to Treat Joint Pain Naturally?

Treat Joint Pain Naturally - Most Comfy Way to Cure Arthritis - Suffering arthritis? Forget dangerous medications. Forget diet changes and exercises. A new study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows you the one effortless, pleasant thing you need to do in order to feel your stiffness and pain melt away in 60 minutes.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Completely Heal Any Type of Arthritis In 21 Days or Less

Treat Joint Pain Naturally - Most Comfy Way to Cure Arthritis

Suffering arthritis?

Forget dangerous medications.

Forget diet changes and exercises.

A new study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows you the one effortless, pleasant thing you need to do in order to feel your stiffness and pain melt away in 60 minutes.

The researchers recruited 222 adults with knee osteoarthritis. 200 of them stuck around to be assessed after eight weeks, and 175 hung around for the full duration of the study of 52 weeks.

They split their participants into three groups:

– one that received a weekly 60-minute Swedish massage,
– one that received a weekly 60-minute session of light touching,
– one that received no extra treatment.

This continued for eight weeks and then they were re-divided into two groups:

– one that received the 60-minute massage every two weeks,
– one that received a 60-minute light touching session every two weeks.

Participants were assessed every eight weeks and at the end of the study using the most common measurement of arthritis, which is called the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC).

The WOMAC measures pain, stiffness, and joint function, such as walking and climbing of stairs.

They also gave them a pain questionnaire, the PROMIS Pain Interference scale, a knee range of motion test, and a timed 50-ft walk.

After eight weeks, they found that there was significant improvement in all the measurements in the massage group, while the other two groups did not improve.

By the end of 52 weeks, the massage group maintained the improvements they experienced at eight weeks, but there was no further benefit that to be found beyond that.

As such, massages will definitely help improve arthritis but it needs to be continually administered every week or every other week to be beneficial.

However, if you want to heal your arthritis, you need to take these further 3-steps that are explained here…

Treat Joint Pain Naturally - This Spice Improves Arthritis Better than Drugs

The traditional medical system will tell you there is no cure for arthritis. But that doesn’t stop them from pushing pain relievers and steroid drugs onto you.

However, one specific type of spice has been found in repeated studies to be as, or more effective, than the leading drugs for arthritis – without any of the known side effects.

Turmeric, a bright golden-yellow spice that forms the basis of many curry blends, may be as healthy as it is tasty.

Curcumin, one of turmeric’s main compounds and the one that lends the spice its color, also provides many of the spice’s beneficial properties.

Curcumin has been found to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

In addition to curcumin, turmeric contains other compounds of interest. Turmeric and its active compounds have been widely studied as a potential treatment and for application as a preventive agent for a wide range of diseases and health conditions, including some forms of arthritis.

Long used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat inflammatory conditions of all kinds, science has attributed some of turmeric’s anecdotal benefits to the ability of curcumin to inhibit proliferation of inflammatory cells and its ability keep them from invading other tissues.

Curcumin also inhibits pro-inflammatory signalling molecules. According to one particular study, curcumin might be more effective than low doses of steroid drug prednisone in controlling inflammation in its early stages.

In the animal-tested laboratory experiment, curcumin surpassed prednisone in the first 6 hours after a flare-up.

A clinical trial of patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA) found turmeric to as effective as ibuprofen. Turmeric markedly decreased pain and stiffness, with 96% of participants reporting satisfaction with the herbal treatment.

Additionally, the turmeric group reported significantly fewer episodes of abdominal discomfort when compared to the ibuprofen group.

Because curcumin is poorly absorbed in the intestinal tract, large doses are required in order to achieve therapeutic effects. To mitigate this problem, efforts have been made to devise methods for making curcumin more absorbable.

In one such experiment, Nano emulsions – tiny particles of curcumin suspended in an oil base – were administered to laboratory animals. Researchers found that absorption of the nanoparticles was three times greater when compared to that of non-emulsified curcumin.

In another arm of the same experiment, researchers injected curcumin directly into RA-affected joints and found the herbal compound to be on par with methotrexate, a prescription drug commonly used for the treatment of RA. However, unlike the herb, the drug is fraught with a host of potentially dangerous adverse effects and hazardous drug interactions.

Curcumin may thus offer a safe, natural alternative to Cox-2 inhibiting drugs, many of which were removed from the market years ago due to their often-severe side effects.

In one clinical trial, patients with osteoarthritis were given 30 mg doses of curcumin 3 times per day or 25 mg of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac in three daily doses. Results showed the two therapies were similarly effective, with curcumin being marginally better.

Water-soluble, polysaccharide compounds in turmeric were found to be effective for both acute and chronic stages of inflammation in the laboratory experiments. One study found the compounds to be comparable to those of curcumin, while another found potent inhibitory effects against inflammation signalling molecules.

A turmeric essential oil called elemene might help in the management of ankylosing spondylitis, a form of degenerating arthritis in which the spinal, and other joints, progressively fuse, according to one study.

In the study, ankylosing spondylitis patients, who were undergoing hip replacement surgery, donated their affected hips for the experiment.

Scientists treated the affected joint tissues with elemene and found evidence of decreased ankylosing spondylitis-affected cells after 48 hours.

Treat Joint Pain Naturally - Mysterious Sleep Apnea and Gout Connection

Scientists from Keele University, Newcastle University, and Massachusetts General Hospital have just written an article that proposes that sleep apnea may cause gout.

Gout is a type of arthritis that involves inflammation, pain, swelling, and redness of the joints. It develops much faster than other types of arthritis and can hit its peak on the first day.

It can also involve the risk of kidney stones and reduced kidney function.

The authors of the new study, which was published in Arthritis & Rheumatology, already stated the known fact that sleep apnea had the tendency to cause inflammation and gout in the short term, but they wanted to know whether it leads to occurrences over the long term as well.

They identified 15,879 people with sleep apnea and 63,296 people that didn’t suffer from I, from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink database.

Sleep apnea sufferers that were diagnosed with sleep apnea between 1990 and 2010 were followed for an average of 5.8 years after diagnosis to check whether they developed gout as well.

They concluded that 4.9% of sleep apnea sufferers and 2.6% of non-sufferers developed gout.

This means that sleep apnea patients were 42% more likely to develop gout than good sleepers.

From previous studies, the authors speculated that the strongest mechanism behind this phenomenon was in the over- production of uric acid, which was caused by oxygen deficiency.

For more ideas on how to treat joint pain naturally, watch this video - This Drink Will Help You To Eliminate Knee And Joint Pain

And if you suffer from gout or any other types of arthritis, follow the 3 steps found here to reverse it in 21 days or less…

This post is from the Arthritis Strategy Program. It was created by Shelly Manning, a former arthritis sufferer and a health consultant.

A Brief Background on the Author

Like you, Shelly Manning also suffered from arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. This was due to her weight and desk job. Her condition eventually took a toll on her relationship with her (former) husband.

It was when she went to Hong Kong that she met Janerdquo, an old woman who owned the restaurant where she ate. Janerdquo supposedly offered her a bowl of a weird-smelling soup, which helped ease her joint pain. She ate there each day for 10 days until she was completely healed from arthritis.

Shelly Manning decided to research this natural remedy and to create a step-by-step treatment plan to others who are suffering from different types of arthritis, such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and psoriatic arthritis.

That’s why she created “The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy.” According to her claims, this unique strategy will get rid of joint pain and stiffness, repair your damaged joints, and treat the underlying cause of your arthritis.

Shelly teamed up with Christian Goodman, the owner of Blue Heron Health News, a publishing company that aims to help people to take responsibility for their own health by using natural health alternatives to treat joint pain naturally.

To find out more about this program, go to Treat Joint Pain Naturally at Home

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