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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What is the Best Way to Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea - How Snoring Ruins Your Skin - As irritating as snoring is, most of us wouldn’t think it had any serious consequences, and if it did, we would not connect it to the cause behind destroying part of your skin. But a new study from Loyola University and a publication in the Journal The Ocular Surface reveals that connection.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea - How Snoring Ruins Your Skin

As irritating as snoring is, most of us wouldn’t think it had any serious consequences, and if it did, we would not connect it to the cause behind destroying part of your skin.

But a new study from Loyola University and a publication in the Journal The Ocular Surface reveals that connection. Also, if you noticed your skin being damaged in this way, you need to seek medical help, as it can be a sign of a much more serious condition.

There is a condition called lax eyelid syndrome, which means that your eyelids are floppy and rubbery and easily flip over, even during simple movements such as turning over in bed and letting them come into contact with your pillow.

It is not common, unless you have sleep apnea, like many snoring-afflicted people do.

Since most people’s sleep apnea goes undetected, this eyelid condition maybe an indicator that your snoring is actually a sleep apnea in disguise.

Researchers invited 35 people suspected of having sleep apnea into a laboratory to monitor their sleep properly. Through this study, 32 of them were diagnosed with sleep apnea.

When they examined their subject’s eyelids, they found that 53% of those with sleep apnea had lax eyelid syndrome. That is a much higher percentage than the general population.

So how does sleep apnea cause lax eyelid syndrome?

1. Sleep apnea coincides with systemic inflammation throughout your body.

2. Inflammation attacks and destroys a protein called elastin, a protein whose job is to allow skin to stretch and contract.

3. Because your eyelids stretch and contract pretty much every time you blink, a lack of elastin can cause floppy eyelids.

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea - 3 Foods that Cause Severe Sleep Apnea (cut them out)

You’ve probably heard of several factors that contribute to sleep apnea, but food is very seldom discussed.

And we’re not talking obesity (big contributor to sleep apnea), these are not foods that necessarily cause weight gain.

Yet, one of them will make your sleep apnea twice as bad and the other two are little better.

In this study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, a team of scientists recruited 104 people newly diagnosed with sleep apnea.

They first gave them a dietary survey to examine their typical consumption of various foods.

They then measured their symptoms against the standard apnea–hypopnea index to measure the severity of their sleep apnea.

This test records the number of apnea and hypopnea events you suffer per hour of sleep. Apnea is when your breathing stops completely, and hypopnea is when your breathing is much too shallow.

Your score on the apnea–hypopnea index is determined by dividing the number of these events by the number of hours you sleep.

A score of less than five is normal, between five and 15 is mild, between 15 and 30 is moderate, and from 30 upward indicates a severe condition.
Dietary fat was the biggest contributor to sleep apnea.

People whose diets consisted of more than 35% of fat scored an average of 36 on the apnea–hypopnea index, compared with the 18 scored by their peers, elevating the condition from low–moderate to severe.

Another dietary influence on sleep apnea severity was processed meats, with those eating it often scoring an average of 42 on the index and those who ate it rarely or never scoring only 28.

People who consumed more than two servings of daily dairy also suffered more, scoring 39 on average compared with the 26 of those who consumed less.

So, if you suffer from sleep apnea, try to cut fat from your diet (especially animal fat), processed meat and dairy for a few days and see what happens.

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea with This Simple Lifestyle Change

If you suffer sleep apnea, do this one thing before anything else. That’s according to a new study from the Flinders University’s Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health.

This one thing battles one of the main causes of sleep apnea. But this study shows that it also provides a cure for the disease.

The researchers recruited 40 overweight adults with a body mass index of 30 or higher, all with moderate to severe sleep apnea and mild daytime sleepiness.

They were then placed on a six-month weight loss program with high protein meal replacement shakes, behavioural support techniques, advice from dieticians and exercise physiologists, and access to support groups.

This is called the Flinders Program, a program that enables people to self-manage their chronic diseases.

Their preliminary results show that this weight loss program could drastically reduce the worst drowsiness effects of sleep apnea.

Once the daytime sleepiness left, weight loss obviously becomes easier, because people began having the energy to exercise and reduce their weight even faster.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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Friday, March 8, 2019

What is the Best Way to Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Weird Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux Connection Uncovered - Past studies to have found direct connection between gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux), or GERD, and sleep apnea. But which disease is the cause of the other (chicken and the egg) or are they actually both caused by some mysterious third element?

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Weird Sleep Apnea and Acid Reflux Connection Uncovered

Past studies to have found direct connection between gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux), or GERD, and sleep apnea.

But which disease is the cause of the other (chicken and the egg) or are they actually both caused by some mysterious third element?

That’s the question two scientists from Huazhong University of Science and Technology set out to discover, publishing their interesting findings in the journal Sleep and Breathing.

They identified seven studies that included 2,699 subjects that met the sufficiently stringent scientific criteria.

All the studies surveyed were found to have a significant overlap between GERD and sleep apnea, and that people who suffered from one were more likely than the general population to also suffer from the other.

Having figured this out, the next obvious question was thus why this is the case, and to this question, there is still no definite answer.

Some researchers speculate that they are both caused by a third and possibly even a fourth factor, namely age and obesity.

In fact, both become more common as we move into our middle ages because the aging tissue in our airways are no longer as elastic as they used to be, a factor that can lead to a collapse and obstruct breathing during the night. Similarly, the valve at the top of our stomachs that keep stomach acids down may weaken with age.

Furthermore, both sleep apnea and GERD are separately caused by being overweight.

Obesity causes our airways to collapse because of the pressure of the fat around them, and fat around our waists can forcefully pull the valve that is meant to keep stomach acid down open, therefore causing GERD.

Some researchers believe that sleep apnea causes acid reflux.

When you have sleep apnea, you breathe harder, particularly after your breathing unexpectedly stops.

This hard breathing can induce the stomach acid to flow into your esophagus.

However, other researchers believe that acid reflux causes sleep apnea.

When you lie down, like you do at night when you go to sleep, it becomes more likely that stomach acid will flow into your esophagus, as gravity is no longer available to keep it down in your stomach.

When the acid flows into your esophagus and your throat, it causes spasms of your vocal cords that, in turn, block your airway for short periods.

No matter which of these theories are true, you’ll definitely want to get rid of both acid reflux and sleep apnea.

Finally, if you’re overweight and all the diets and workout programs you’ve tried have failed, learn how this easy approach boosts the effectiveness of all weight loss methods and puts your weight loss on autopilot…

Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Strange Sleep Apnea and Overweight Connection

People with sleep apnea are often overweight or obese.

It is, in fact, often due to the fat buildup around our necks, backs, and chests that press on the airways, making them collapse during the night while you sleep.

Scientists from the James Madison University wondered whether being overweight and having sleep apnea fed into each other.

Not just through obesity causing sleep apnea in the above-mentioned way, but also through sleep apnea causing cases of being overweight by making people physically less active during the day.

In the study published in the journal Sleep and Breathing, they identified 35 people with sleep apnea and used another 24 people without this condition for a comparison.

They gave all the subjects an accelerometer to wear for between four and seven days, including at least one day on the weekend.

It turned out that the sleep apnea sufferers did not get up and move around fewer times per day than those from the non-apnea group, but this was not all. All their other recorded physical activity statistics were worse.

1. They took fewer steps.
2. They engaged in fewer minutes of moderate intensity activity.
3. They engaged in fewer minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity.

In other words, they moved around too little and too slowly.

Their inability to engage in moderate and intense physical activity also suggested that they did not observe a proper exercise program, such as running, swimming, cycling, or going to the gym.

But this is precisely what they have to do to lose weight and improve their sleep apnea, or is it?

In 2011, scientists tested the effects of exercise on sleep apnea and published their results in the journal Sleep.

They recruited 43 sedentary and overweight or obese adults that had recorded cases of moderate to severe sleep apnea, dividing them into an exercise group and a stretch-only group.

The scientists tested their sleep apnea in a laboratory prior to the treatment and after 12 weeks, when the treatment ended.

The exercise group did not lose more weight than the stretching group, but their sleep apnea symptoms were seen to improve significantly.

As a result, their blood oxygen levels were higher, and they functioned better.

Therefore, it would seem that exercise can drastically improve sleep apnea and that people with this sleep breathing disorder are at a major disadvantage because they are incapable of exercising as easily as others.

Fortunately, we’ve developed an almost effortless way to stop snoring and sleep apnea exercises that open up and strengthen your breathing passages, keeping it open day and night.

Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Why Snoring and Sleep Apnea Is Not Your Worst Nightmare

You probably know many of the complications and irritations snoring and sleep apnea can cause.

But nightmares, sleep walking and even violence, have not been associated with snoring and sleep apnea before.

Norwegian scientists decided to put these things to the test and published their shocking findings in the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

The scientists suspected that people with sleep apnea (and people who snore and have undiagnosed sleep apnea) could suffer from other parasomnias as well.

Parasomnias include nightmares, sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, the acting out of dreams, noises, and hallucinations while falling asleep.

Like sleep apnea itself, parasomnias lead to daytime sleepiness and fatigue, and many of them are actually scary to experience.

The scientists recruited 4,372 patients, referred from a Norwegian university hospital, with suspicion of sleep apnea.

When diagnosed, 34.7% of their subjects did not have sleep apnea, 32.5% had mild apnea, 17.4% had moderate apnea, and 15.3% suffered from severe apnea.

43.8% of those with sleep apnea suffered from extreme nightmares.

Furthermore, 3.3% of them sleepwalked, 2.5% exhibited sleep-related violence, 3.1% performed sexual acts during sleep, and 1.7% struggled with sleep-related eating.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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Thursday, March 7, 2019

What is the Best Way for Curing Insomnia?

Curing Insomnia - Sleepless Nights with Arthritis, Neck or Back Pain - I can really relate to readers who have trouble sleeping due to severe pain. I couldn’t count all the sleepless nights I had when my neck was out (after literally being hit by a truck). Read on to learn about this Curing Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program that can help you get better sleep every night.

Click Here to Find Out How to Sleep Better Every Night

Curing Insomnia - Lyme disease Won’t Let Me Sleep!

Some time ago, an avid reader wrote in reporting sleep issues. Unlike many people who suffer from insomnia, he knew when and very likely why the problem started.

He had acquired Lyme disease. Sleep disturbances as well as chronic fatigue complaints are not uncommon in people who have this disease.

This nasty disease is typically known to start with a rash which then leads to fevers, aches, and chills. Arthritis and other disorders can also occur as a result of acquiring Lyme disease. Deer ticks can carry the bacteria, and this is about the time of year we see an ‘up-tick’ in tick bites. Yes…pun intended.

Given the symptoms of the disease itself, it seems little wonder that his sleep would be negatively affected. People complain of not being able to fall asleep as well as awakening frequently throughout

Such poor sleep (or lack of sleep altogether) at night then leads to the being excessively tired and sleepy during the day. A fair percentage of Lyme disease sufferers also complain of restless leg syndrome at night.

Such fatigue, of course, can then create an environment for even more ancillary harm to the body. When we are worn out physically and mentally, we are primed for other illnesses and injuries.

Such a serious disease requires consistent medical attention. However, there are many natural ways to significantly help alleviate many of the symptoms, including sleep disturbances.

Creating a comfortable sleep routine and sleeping environment is especially important for anyone who suffers from sleep problems.

Relaxation is a necessity in aiding sleep, so establishing a soothing nocturnal ritual can help with this aspect.

Noise control makes sense to help ensure sleep continues uninterrupted. Abolishing the many brain stimulants such as the television shortly before bed time will also help. A better option would be to practice relaxation exercises combined with peaceful music.

A number of people tout the benefits of certain natural herbs to help with both symptom control and even Lyme disease treatment. As always, I caution you to research this and consult with a trusted herbalist or other alternative treatment practitioner before attempting to cure the disease.

As with all ailments, this is also an especially important time to ensure proper nutrition. It seems obvious, but often we crave the less nutritious “comfort foods” when we are in pain, are extra tired and are suffering.

Those comfort foods, though, do not offer long term benefits; whereas a healthy diet will help create strength and energy which is needed to combat any health ailment.

Given the many issues (many of them debilitating) that accompany Lyme disease, I offer complete sympathy to sufferers and appreciate the opportunity to share some information.

I encourage you to check out my programs including the Insomnia Program and Arthritis Programs. Both are all natural, and have received great acclaim.

Curing Insomnia - Pain in the Morning-Is it the Way I Sleep?

Today I would like to take another question from the files of reader polls: What in the world can cause waves of pain upon waking?

This comes up from time to time as people write in about the Stop Snoring and Insomnia programs. However, this question is a bit more generalized than what people usually ask me.

To find out what is causing waking pain, we first need to find out when the waking pain is happening, and also where the pain is occurring.

Pain that wakes you up at night or that you notice in the morning even if you sleep all night, and is generally limited to the legs is thought to be either a symptom of restless leg syndrome, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or circulation problems from another disease process.

Pain limited to the ribcage and diaphragm area and causes problems with wakefulness at night can indicate issues in the muscles of the thorax or even a pleural (lung) disease process. Frequently, though, this type of pain (especially if there is chest discomfort) can indicate serious sleep apnea issues, which should be taken very seriously.

What if it is low back pain in the mornings? This is usually because either your mattress needs to be replaced or you are showing the first signs of spinal subluxation. This can be a misalignment or even a chemical imbalance causing degeneration of the vertebrae.

Now back pain that is limited to one side, however, can indicate a problem with how your kidneys are functioning, but simple blood tests can rule that in or out.

The general tone of the rest of the reader’s email from when we started, though, talked about general waves of pain that wash over the whole body, as if it were being compressed. This was occurring regardless of whether he would wake during the night, which was frequently, or upon waking in the morning.

This raises a whole different category of possibilities because of the generalized nature of the pain locations.

What research tends to point out is this type of pain upon waking is due to two components:

– Dehydration
– A disruption of normal sleep cycles.

Dehydration is a tricky issue. Most people know by now (or should) that if you wait until you are thirsty to drink, you’ve waited too long. Another problem is the beverages chosen.

We have discussed in the past that anything but water is generally not going to do a good job to give your body the proper amounts of hydration it needs.

Balancing electrolytes is important, but generally people who have this problem are athletes or people with metabolic disorders. Anyone outside of these two categories should avoid sports drinks.

We have also talked about sleep as it refers specifically to fibromyalgia, but even people who don’t suffer from fibromyalgia can be victim to this debilitating problem.

The muscles in your body depend greatly upon your brain being able to sleep. Critical neurotransmitters released during stage 4 sleep are what help the nerves in the muscles to maintain good health. Other chemicals released during restful sleep help the muscle tissue itself to repair and grow.

When we are limited on the amount of proper sleep, we are limited on the chemicals we need to recover from the daily damage we cause to ourselves just by living life.

A friend of mine mentioned that she frequently woke during the night with the same types of crushing pain. It only lasted a second or two but it washed over her literally from head to toe.

She had spoken with her doctor to rule out the scary diseases and underwent a lot of testing. She discovered that she was dehydrated and she set to work at changing her water intake. I gave her some information on what people need as a minimum intake (at least 2.5 liters per day).

She improved a bit but it wound up being the sleep study that saved her.
It turns out that she has mild sleep apnea and just a mild case of snoring. But, her anxiety issues were causing her to wake up no less than 20 to 30 times during the night.

Once she got that straightened out, her sleep naturally improved and the combination of proper hydration and better rest solved the pain problems.

Naturally solving the sleep issue is usually a better resolution than resorting to pills, and is almost always much cheaper than prescription drugs as well.

If your sleep is disrupted because of snoring or anxiety that leads to insomnia, I recommend you check into my programs for naturally resolving these problems today.

Curing Insomnia - Sleepless Nights with Arthritis, Neck or Back Pain

I can really relate to readers who have trouble sleeping due to severe pain. I couldn’t count all the sleepless nights I had when my neck was out (after literally being hit by a truck).

Of course, I assumed that my neck pain was keeping me up. This is exactly what many people suffering from Arthritis, neck, back, TMJ or other pain complain about.

You understand how it’s not possible to sleep when your joints are squeaking.

But there is a twist to this. It’s something I didn’t realize until my neck began to get better.

You see, as I began doing the exercises I teach in my neck pain program, I began to feel a lot better on a daily basis. Most of the time, I didn’t even notice pain in my neck at all.

But then came nights that I didn’t sleep very well. Sometimes I was flying overnight, other times it was anxiety or excitement that kept me up.

No matter what the reason for my sleeplessness was, the next day my neck always hurt like … you know, not heaven.

I’ve heard the same comments from many readers suffering from any type of pain.

If you don’t sleep well, all other health issues get worse.

So why is that? What does good sleep have to do with pain relief?

During the day, we’re so busy taking care of everything out there in the world that our bodies can’t restore themselves. Sure, we take a few pit stops here and there but that’s just so we can make it through the day.

It’s when we sleep that the natural doctors and nurses of our bodies get to work. They are able to breathe with the relief that our conscious mind is gone away and our much smarter subconscious has taken over.

As we dream about the green, green, grass of home, our growth hormones and white blood cells spread around the body, restoring harmed joints and sore muscles.

The tricky part is that it takes 90 minutes of sleep to get the maximum amount of healing hormone and cell production going. After that, more moderate amounts are produced and delivered throughout the night.

So if you don’t get a constant 2-3 hours of good, deep, uninterrupted sleep, your body never manages to bring itself up to its maximum production power. And anything that’s not essential suffers.

So if you’re suffering from pain, regardless of what it is, I’m sure you’ve checked out our neck pain program or our new arthritis program. They are both very helpful and thousands of people have benefited from them.

But also, make sure you get a good night’s sleep every night. Our natural insomnia program has been very helpful for this. Although easy fixes like relaxing before going to sleep and not staying up too long may be all you need.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on Curing Insomnia Fast Naturally

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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What is the Best Way for Relieving Insomnia?

Relieving Insomnia - Insomnia Caused by Lack of These Minerals - Tossing and turning at night may have less to do with stress and more to do with a deficiency of the essential minerals magnesium and calcium, according to a study conducted by the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Relieving Insomnia - Is Guilt Interrupting Your Sleep?

I was looking over a news story (really it was more of an editorial blog posting) that was blasting a drug and technique for treating Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. While the focus of my post today isn’t on PTSS, it does touch on this controversial treatment.

The issue at hand was a technique that combines a pharmaceutical that is considered an amnesiac, similar to what is administered during some surgical procedures such as colonoscopy with psychotherapy, whereby the recipient relives a severely traumatic event.

In the surgical setting, the drug renders the recipient unable to remember the procedure or the unpleasantness of it, which can be rather useful in the appropriate surgical setting.

The controversy arises because of the effect of the drug plus the talk therapy. The result is said to be that the sufferer ends up “forgetting” the traumatic event and thus eliminating all the negative physical and emotional stress that comes with the bad memories. Instead of healthy ways of working through the memories, the sufferer is aided in blocking them out.

Blocking out traumatic events is something the brain does as a defence mechanism in many cases. Sometimes, the block is permanent.

Sometimes, it isn’t. When it isn’t, and the horrible events come rushing back in, it can be quite problematic for the victim.

That is why psychiatrists and other doctors have been looking into techniques to simulate the process of eliminating bad memories.

But at what cost?

On the one hand, eliminating bad memories that serve no purpose other than to torment the victim, and offer no possibility of valuable life lessons to be learned may be worthwhile. On the other, this process adds the possibility of negative side effects from not only the drug, but also the problem of the sufferer remembering everything eventually.

But the really interesting controversy is where the limits of this treatment are pushed. Some contend it may be abused, as in the case where someone with a guilty conscience wants the treatment done so they can sleep at night.

Not being able to sleep when your conscience is heave with guilt is actually a good thing…it shows that you are not a sociopath. It is a normal, healthy reaction to understanding consequences and being able to empathize with whomever it was you may have slighted.

However, punishing oneself by suffering endless sleepless nights does no one any good. You have to be able to move on from the bad memories of whatever it was you did in effective, healthy, and natural ways so you can sleep and so your body can function optimally, without drugs and without controversial psychotherapeutic therapies.

Depending upon what the infraction is that is causing the crisis of conscience, you have a variety of means to overcoming the guilt reaction in a responsible and healthy way. Using drugs to forget about the act that is causing your guilt is not one of them. This is the problem at the heart of the controversy.

Proper treatment should not only reflect the severity of the moral gaffe, but also your own reaction to it.

Sometimes, it is simply a matter of writing yourself a letter, whereby you actually state to yourself, “I forgive you.” Be able to forgive yourself first, and then move on with reparation elsewhere. This is really effective when your problem is a simple flub, such as “why did I say that? That was so mean,” or, “I can’t believe I danced like a crazy person after drinking too much.”

For bigger moral dilemmas, you may want to join a support group or seek counselling in being able to find the best course of reparation that is healthy for everyone involved.

This also may involve making the tough choices about coming clean to someone who doesn’t know you have caused them harm in some way. This would be between you and your minister, counsellor, or lawyer.

Seeking to free yourself from guilt isn’t selfish. It is normal and healthy. It shows that you feel remorse. Being able to take the next step in making amends for it is the best way to naturally lift the weight that keeps you awake at night.

Don’t let something you did in the recent or even distant past stand in the way of good sleep. Chances are that whatever you did may be keeping someone else up at night as well and a simple “I’m sorry” would do you both good.

For more natural methods on relieving Insomnia naturally, try my guide today.

Relieving Insomnia - Insomnia Caused by Lack of These Minerals

Tossing and turning at night may have less to do with stress and more to do with a deficiency of the essential minerals magnesium and calcium, according to a study conducted by the Human Nutrition Research Center in North Dakota.

These researchers tied low magnesium and calcium levels with inability to fall asleep and poor sleep quality. In particular, low levels of these minerals tended to cause the research subjects to wake during the night.

The idea that a single mineral can cure insomnia may be appealing to the millions of Americans that struggle with insomnia. However, the study authors note that studies investigating the effects of these two minerals as a treatment of insomnia are still on the way.

That doesn’t mean supplementing won’t work –the North Dakota based scientists report that people suffering from insomnia can benefit from taking magnesium and calcium together.

Learn other simple ways to treat insomnia here…

Watch this Video - 3 HOURS of Gentle Night Rain, Rain, Rain Sounds - Sleep,Insomnia, Meditation, Relaxing, Yoga, Study

Relieving Insomnia - Insomnia’s Tunnel and the Bright Light at the End of It

With the weather finally starting to make a change for the warmer and longer days of spring, many readers write in this time of year because they notice that with the longer days they have better sleep habits.

One gentleman asked a while back why it is that he feels so much better and can sleep better at night if he starts his day spending just 15 minutes outside on his porch swing just sitting in the bright morning sun.

What he noticed is something that scientists and sleep doctors have known for a long time…that pronounced periods of time spent exposed to bright light (real or artificial) contributes to better, more restorative sleep.
As the reader mentioned above asked, why is this do you suppose?

The main reason is that in order to experience the proper sleep cycles and for the optimum amount of time, several things must fall into place such as opportunity, environment, and body chemistry.

We have a good deal of control over much of these elements, such as minimizing stress, having a peaceful environment in which to sleep, and regulating our pre-sleep behaviour to optimize the success of getting to sleep and staying asleep.

However, other than eating right and eliminating the anti-sleep toxins such as caffeine and alcohol, it can be tricky trying to control the inner-workings of the glands in the brain that are the gatekeepers to restful sleep.

Melatonin is a hormone that is critical in regulating the body’s sleep and wake cycles.  The production of this hormone by the pineal gland is affected by light, which is why its levels peak during the night.

It’s kind of a collection of chain links in the production of melatonin, and it starts in the eyes. Light reaching the retina is passed along the nerves to the hypothalamus, then on to the pineal gland.  This impulse is what causes the production of serotonin.

This is why the sunlight on our reader’s face seemed to have so many benefits.  It naturally stimulates the production of a very critical chemical that the body needs for peaceful function.

Serotonin, as many people familiar with depression disorders are acutely familiar with now, is responsible for mood, muscle recovery, sleep patterns, and other processes.   This hormone is then converted to melatonin in the body.

The dance between these two chemicals is seen as a day/night partnership.

As serotonin is used during the day, melatonin is created slowly until evening time, and the melatonin starts its work.  Melatonin works by making you feel drowsy and it gently sooths your body into a natural sleep cycle.

When there is an imbalance or a problem with one or both hormones, you see the problems with sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Problems can be as a result of something we do or don’t do, which is a controllable environmental issue. Examples of this would be like I mentioned above…consuming too much caffeine, drinking alcohol before bed, and even smoking.  All these behaviours introduce chemicals into the body that compete with melatonin.

Problems can be also attributed to what we can’t control, such as the aging process.  Even the healthiest living people will see a reduction in the amount of melatonin their bodies will produce. This is a natural deficiency that occurs with many seniors.

Likewise, not getting proper sleep can affect how well glands in the body function, such as with the pineal gland not producing enough serotonin.  Thus the cycle begins to turn in a different direction and the dance of hormones becomes more of a mosh pit.

Phototherapy, as it is also called, has been used for many years to treat a variety of conditions, and has a tremendous body of evidence to support its use in treating the insomnia and depression that occurs as a result of these deficiencies.

It is administered first thing in the natural waking cycle, which, for most is first thing in the morning. However, as with those who do shift work or are stuck on a submarine for months at a time, it can be administered at any time as long as it’s the same time each 24-hour cycle to simulate the normal wake/sleep patterns of most people.

This stimulates the natural production of serotonin, which leads to a natural use and conversion to melatonin.  Once the body has been treated in this way for even just a few days, it has shown to be very effective at improving the restful nature of a disrupted sleep pattern.

Therapy can range from a few minutes in a tanning bed (not recommended due to UV dangers) to portable lights that sit on the desktop to just a simple break in the morning on a porch swing.

Desk top lights range in the $150-$300 range but are widely available on the Internet and are safer than UV-A and UV-B-packed tanning beds and sunshine.  They can also be used any time of year and the weather doesn’t matter…just plug it in and sit for a few minutes.

However, sunlight is a little more on the “free” side and while it depends largely upon the season and also whether or not you are having clouds and rain, it can be tremendously beneficial in stimulating the serotonin and also valuable vitamin D.

For more info on overcoming Insomnia naturally, see my program today.

This post is from The Cure Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on Relieving Insomnia Naturally Without Drugs

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