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Showing posts with label prevent snoring and sleep apnea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prevent snoring and sleep apnea. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2019

What is the Best Way to Prevent Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Prevent Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Surprising Snoring and Sleep Apnea Results - Sleep apnea is a serious condition that has major adverse consequences for your psychological, cognitive, and behavioural functioning. The most common treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure masks (CPAP), which almost everyone hates using and over 65% ditch at some point. So, a new study just published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine aimed at finding how much difference CPAP masks had on their client’s well-being. And the surprising results were quite different than the researchers expected.

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Prevent Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Surprising Snoring and Sleep Apnea Results

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that has major adverse consequences for your psychological, cognitive, and behavioural functioning.

The most common treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure masks (CPAP), which almost everyone hates using and over 65% ditch at some point.

So, a new study just published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine aimed at finding how much difference CPAP masks had on their client’s well-being.

And the surprising results were quite different than the researchers expected.

In this study, 110 sleep apnea sufferers and 31 people without this condition underwent a polysomnographic sleep assessment for several nights as well as psychological, cognitive, and behavioural testing.

Predictably, unlike good sleep breathers, sleep apnea sufferers were fatigued, battled with low mood, had a relatively poor quality of life, and struggled with psychomotor function, working memory, and alertness.

They then treated 88 sleep apnea sufferers with continuous positive airway pressure for three months to check whether this common treatment solved the psychological and cognitive impairments.

Surprisingly, while the treatment did relieve some of the problems, they still performed far below the good sleepers on the above-mentioned tests.
This held even for people who used the airway devices regularly and properly.

The researchers speculated that, since their subjects all suffered from mild to moderate sleep apnea, the relative ineffectiveness of continuous positive airway pressure on neurological functioning at this level of apnea may be responsible for the low adherence to the treatment that medical professionals so often observe in their patients.

That is, people don’t ditch just their mask because it is uncomfortable to sleep with, but because it does not make enough of a difference.

That’s the reason it’s so important to CURE snoring and sleep apnea permanently. Not just treat it with a face mask.

Prevent Snoring and Sleep Apnea - The Deadly Effect of Snoring (and it’s not sleep apnea)

People who snore but pass the sleep apnea test are most often just written off as suffering an annoyance.

This is however far from true according to a new study published in the Journal of International Medical Research.

In fact, snoring alone may even be more life-threatening than sleep apnea.

Researchers had 181 people undergo a polysomnographic sleep assessment for one night, which included an analysis of their levels of sleep apnea and snoring.

They measured their blood pressure when they woke up and again 15 minutes after waking.

Those on blood pressure medication or with a blood pressure score of 140/90 mmHg and upwards were classified as hypertensive.

Unsurprisingly, they found that people with sleep apnea were likely to have high blood pressure.

But they discovered that snoring alone was an even stronger predictor of hypertension than sleep apnea was.

In other words, snorers without sleep apnea are even more likely than sleep apnea sufferers to have high blood pressure.

The reason why snoring is a blood pressure risk is the same as for sleep apnea.

As common as snoring is, it is not a normal breathing pattern. It is a warning that there is an obstruction in your air passages that are meant to allow enough oxygen into your body.

It may not involve pauses in breathing, like sleep apnea does, but it still means that too little air is getting into your body.

Fortunately there is a simple way to cure snoring permanently.

Prevent Snoring and Sleep Apnea - When Snoring and Sleep Apnea Is Out Of Your Control

Sleep apnea and snoring are very often blamed on being overweight and the main advice doctors give is to try to lose weight.

But according to a new study published study in the journal Clinical Imaging, this may not always be the case.

In fact it may have more to do with something that happened when you were born, which is of course completely out of your control.

The good news is that you can still cure your snoring and sleep apnea without having to lose weight.

The researchers used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans to compare the airways of 49 preterm and 47 term infants.

While they found no difference in the sizes of the hypopharynx (the entrance into the esophagus), the adenoids, or the tonsils, they did discover that the two groups differed in nasopharynx and oropharynx size.

Your nasopharynx and oropharynx lie in your upper airway, between the back of your mouth and the area just above your esophagus.

On average, preterm babies had a nasopharynx size of 221 mm compared to the 495.6 mm of term babies, which means they were less than half of the size.

The oropharynx of preterm babies were 179.3 mm while those of term babies measured 313.6 mm, again a huge difference.

While they did not test for the existence of sleep apnea, which infants of that size would probably not have had yet anyway, they concluded that these smaller airway measurements had the potential to cause sleep apnea later in life.

So if you were born preterm, this may very well contribute to your snoring and sleep apnea.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Prevent Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What is the Best Way to Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea - How Snoring Ruins Your Skin - As irritating as snoring is, most of us wouldn’t think it had any serious consequences, and if it did, we would not connect it to the cause behind destroying part of your skin. But a new study from Loyola University and a publication in the Journal The Ocular Surface reveals that connection.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea - How Snoring Ruins Your Skin

As irritating as snoring is, most of us wouldn’t think it had any serious consequences, and if it did, we would not connect it to the cause behind destroying part of your skin.

But a new study from Loyola University and a publication in the Journal The Ocular Surface reveals that connection. Also, if you noticed your skin being damaged in this way, you need to seek medical help, as it can be a sign of a much more serious condition.

There is a condition called lax eyelid syndrome, which means that your eyelids are floppy and rubbery and easily flip over, even during simple movements such as turning over in bed and letting them come into contact with your pillow.

It is not common, unless you have sleep apnea, like many snoring-afflicted people do.

Since most people’s sleep apnea goes undetected, this eyelid condition maybe an indicator that your snoring is actually a sleep apnea in disguise.

Researchers invited 35 people suspected of having sleep apnea into a laboratory to monitor their sleep properly. Through this study, 32 of them were diagnosed with sleep apnea.

When they examined their subject’s eyelids, they found that 53% of those with sleep apnea had lax eyelid syndrome. That is a much higher percentage than the general population.

So how does sleep apnea cause lax eyelid syndrome?

1. Sleep apnea coincides with systemic inflammation throughout your body.

2. Inflammation attacks and destroys a protein called elastin, a protein whose job is to allow skin to stretch and contract.

3. Because your eyelids stretch and contract pretty much every time you blink, a lack of elastin can cause floppy eyelids.

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea - 3 Foods that Cause Severe Sleep Apnea (cut them out)

You’ve probably heard of several factors that contribute to sleep apnea, but food is very seldom discussed.

And we’re not talking obesity (big contributor to sleep apnea), these are not foods that necessarily cause weight gain.

Yet, one of them will make your sleep apnea twice as bad and the other two are little better.

In this study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, a team of scientists recruited 104 people newly diagnosed with sleep apnea.

They first gave them a dietary survey to examine their typical consumption of various foods.

They then measured their symptoms against the standard apnea–hypopnea index to measure the severity of their sleep apnea.

This test records the number of apnea and hypopnea events you suffer per hour of sleep. Apnea is when your breathing stops completely, and hypopnea is when your breathing is much too shallow.

Your score on the apnea–hypopnea index is determined by dividing the number of these events by the number of hours you sleep.

A score of less than five is normal, between five and 15 is mild, between 15 and 30 is moderate, and from 30 upward indicates a severe condition.
Dietary fat was the biggest contributor to sleep apnea.

People whose diets consisted of more than 35% of fat scored an average of 36 on the apnea–hypopnea index, compared with the 18 scored by their peers, elevating the condition from low–moderate to severe.

Another dietary influence on sleep apnea severity was processed meats, with those eating it often scoring an average of 42 on the index and those who ate it rarely or never scoring only 28.

People who consumed more than two servings of daily dairy also suffered more, scoring 39 on average compared with the 26 of those who consumed less.

So, if you suffer from sleep apnea, try to cut fat from your diet (especially animal fat), processed meat and dairy for a few days and see what happens.

Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea with This Simple Lifestyle Change

If you suffer sleep apnea, do this one thing before anything else. That’s according to a new study from the Flinders University’s Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health.

This one thing battles one of the main causes of sleep apnea. But this study shows that it also provides a cure for the disease.

The researchers recruited 40 overweight adults with a body mass index of 30 or higher, all with moderate to severe sleep apnea and mild daytime sleepiness.

They were then placed on a six-month weight loss program with high protein meal replacement shakes, behavioural support techniques, advice from dieticians and exercise physiologists, and access to support groups.

This is called the Flinders Program, a program that enables people to self-manage their chronic diseases.

Their preliminary results show that this weight loss program could drastically reduce the worst drowsiness effects of sleep apnea.

Once the daytime sleepiness left, weight loss obviously becomes easier, because people began having the energy to exercise and reduce their weight even faster.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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